LAKE CouNTY INDEPENIDENT -. WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN__ VOL. X-XII.-NO. 17. TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILL., YRII)AY, JANUARY 1h, 1914. $1,50o PER VEAR iN ADVÂNCE 'GLENCOE NAMES ITS li .nU*Cor in jIfh MAJOR HAMBLETON, A N BUSINSS MAAGER.MORAL! (ElIT WAR VETERAN, DEAD, CII Sturgis, Mch, Jan. 9- isàO ilH. Sherer. 30 years aid. super- 0 Mary Austin, local bookklparQ fhl Major ChrlsE.laubilotun.iet fl inlent of trente and alleys ln swlloed whteheaded nIw anIdli ajf Evanstan. was apponted manager of oo ls.Ie otrtodIe uu.~Il~a GeceTusa ih ytevillage to hiirry to the Uflîverity 0oa 11hnd one ofa 1h, fout, derv ,oft h I" bor o ha ubr a ta regular 0 Michigan hospital at Ann Ari U I 11111 ITPmeeting. lHe was picked tram atint i IIITICh'bu' Mis.Autn, tbefore tek-Trac !',un' de ofTai200 applcants who responded ta *I** _n. Q . hetrain, we Oto -urch FTI!II i fle eer Path ]IaI, ln an d n (hiag Chies.practiCe. A hig;, note Frt nIis7fier i wslpr liii! an . Osaoean re .1e u5u t p.10 ànT I M ig PE U R ulou b1, h anere Chicago, inui Ohio lIit iIJflIand enlST11 fil cit Ieetn ('icaoreth a lag bad c'0 00c *-DtD00 O C ,arylt he 11immu r h - w~~adee akie byeforehe illage b tr ____Dat________ 'tiSanitarium *Committep Alter (hnCvia h ubea fteOeigMe~u fteYa' ABOUT KALF THE FARMERS andte w amlnbyIshmeer .waseUn Ivar.esting Data Showufntheiust t ~j~ vtewastaenSheerwa ~ What Status of the Saloon IASKS WRIT TO KEEP Checking Inventories Macle_______ Institute WrViI Be HeId at *SPLING MILK TO TH lMr. Shey cbill Iv Hheer .Id hoeite a alar Question Is ln County. WATER SIJPPLY GOINO. Its Report to Dady. SOME STRAIGHT FLUSH TI r;i iw WAUKEGAN MARKET ARE "")-rme -lns orlmprovementa _ HS Pas iw TOLDTO 'LICK~jp 1UNln the suiurb. ai; he hal ot bat! time TID.!' Fié-v Barre'i aiLaiui-Forest today OE WSTREDOE. lliadclpliia. Jan. t 'riat '~GO PAESSCRD TORS ILIK P UN t lok Imb Its afairs. He said he ,VIUK EGAN HAS A THîi-Ianin tntiîu ganalbb DE TTEIStCO' lu e mon-- ot rernarkalule hand aI suctitin for the mnney hbu spends. îlt ea epeensO e b ig flipaty train iarr ng otig s Dr. Brown Who Is in Charge of bridge cicer held ln this City' -roîle(l!lnteresting PIogram for Eaoh ORDERS OR THEY TidofteToaNot bu-, t htil f t- îturvp1yClnyNw)Wl o h pai the Gernantnwn (Cricket Club Days Sess*oii Planned by Coon NwWil o hethe DOffcers. BE SHUT OFF FROM SELL SAT lBiIW YChicago, One-Fifth. 1 ii-.rîîer bila.,aTr e ai o! contro Same for the County. Robinsa nn a le ila IN AY IL TEItî,ria,; 'umade before .1 Il u- Viii 'i,-> Late--Sat. Jan. il on thetlu- bu ia n band!. 'i in tIhe odds for Farmert sc,-ýtute Datez.. STATE-GIVEN UNTIL lSt ASST. SUPT. WENT ['id viiî -er i k(P-tiia liî,v ti an - ,1 , 'Comdiputeinr a- bercuiar sanitarium comuitttt janldiuaiist uie hýIuding ofut ier Pi-a ne V t'w on Tuesday. Feb. TO mtin ii,-e *C ,îii ileiiti'g r ii. capan>' i lir hclid a meeting in the office of ibandsi .Mr. Robinson bl uj't one cay3d OF MAY TOCOMPLY WITH OVER LK VILLA RD. uiîy lîîl>iîii sa lons re ~States Atre ay hce ,ic ntu ilo fhlii h okfle n Wded FORMAL ORDER FROM DR. aniid hou itiati> lai Q[ltnt., lthRe FRRYnSv eoiend hra n u th iriiu-uiclubs. CRA FO D.Hee rc fats asgatîterCondah, tîuîs ____s__________- Febrary 4ii,. re HI R A M F E R R Y R i.saeit n T uraday, February CA FR.--spection of Road toReceive lWuayS- P.C iAdeMae irtICiiear ad vti tpend anctoan the . Titlos 0f.te ïixtY fie dainies allhbh up-1 ion are peratngDjwajA9 Ai' À HOME IN eVItheItrnsaNtioh. State 1d frilht îty ltn r utethe institution pasaed avec tnto 545S5ANÀRIAN 111E F JLJUL i îip.- arndt'i. itaii foiaitea'nl noic fon ii- tae tar a ieIth ORDER tuw inhlpMatîdJus"drh.t ENTON TOW<NSHIP orde were filed in court laie thîsNL A thtuiesthycaulyWthcr-1Tht papiers show tht considera L I' LSL L aI l-c '-oitiiîl Frniers' Institute te tan , uNle ietI n îl-y ne.m of lth uei -Icjs t ae (on> V ak'tt e în e f C uty S c in hv eu ~ , a-h bHhed arthetari s ilaca nmed tary Changes, the state board wisit or-1th arnyiAo- r hdeslcheau- der them tlu reaoe nelinu tîmils ln :,, aitum, . itNorthi Chicago abouti deed beunanmade out ofom L. H. Dr William B. î,eain. une ofthtt uutuaeu ad hlRm z WauWii*kagan cmbstoallessofthtbulto saehae he arrnt Waiea.WiII Aca tReport. a Tfh ut tar-ilettal hee heeeral Weeks. das presi m det rtd L. H. best knawu inen l inci lia esteru 'celient tiueaXeu have been providd Mcep Tare arsalio o afor a hi-ce have TobahL.ake couuty, died ait bis home ln Rus- land front the oloiwng details oft he lit develotiua that Stat,- Inipc or 1are-un1 ainotis. tour ut alî C'ne hnliA insid nakn .e 'assistant idate îîîgîî cBouton, secretary, of the Lake elîurmn.lcean competsrouds f th dariswhih mý roinjssinerof llli(ji, cmp u v tir>'one oi tîte nuniler li O N OR1IIAL ZION SITE aunty T.berculonss însttut, ta îîcîkSaud a liut 75 ya.10 t8vro dy*igans gcean i tthatIssui;e,',I.,attend about n5titats suppiy milii ta the Wduiiegan markuet, L.akp oiunty- Mondas- aý. m.and met i ~j h SI o t heof noiSe. Lkead tîofçîlce oragra an eas, n a îii lu viaitendtheiaîd fr g W a u k e g a f'a m ilk i n s p ie t ur . i a re tc ui l.. t-u- i- ty o m vsi n t-lr 'h a r le s i e r- a r e th e fi g u re s l ui e ta il: ; D . L w n w s a v t r n r a h Hicks, bavlng aecomîanied luth on I(îi, Iund.' ii Supurvisiir A. T. White ail Nuînler uf: the Site on Which ZnNow The deed shows that there are lu Ihat.locaî¶ty and hoevias the one itg: lothe stpek.uraili afith \li r,:o isae roit h-isisîe iîaiusiryp ........ '- Stands to Dr. Dowie. tractwhuct 'S lorated ju&t eas of western Laike courtl had greatest speak on -Liailyilng andAial. is ette t laci tiKlo-IÀ lbu- rîuîsd lnîtLakae oad t f heiv letiiut. dry ..-... SauIding's Cornerý, on 'Grand confidence lu the mattetr uo!veterlnary iNirs. F. A.. ,,IKeene o! Sprlngw or Voley of Wankegan. C. E_ Craw- wî,,ii uit tut supeivisors prevails. :Autiiich. ea ..c.... 4 fian Frra pioner of lite javenue, west of Waukegan, beîng annt. li I.- On 'HotîsehOiîi elence.-" ford, chie! insîtector o! the tate iFronLakte NVilla tbcydrove east tIrant. act......... . . ...3ofîîyatd the mnst pruîîîîui a bout a mle west of the ctysv Dr. Lewin was a member of ('-ar- I Mr. E. A. 01 eotIllinois Ia ,b.e.d says: "The dairs- Insitecton for îaloug the- îrolxtaed state aid rand Lake '-filla,vsut ....e. uit and mueht respected resideits ir f limite. Pany C 96th Illinois Intantry. anti ho- Experirnentai station. en Npk* the board repiorts tlîe toilovînit dair - vichl1,ads ta Warrentaa'ship Ue.Aonivet . FI..... entait tomnmhip. #leLat is blhoun Ianged ta Waukegan Pat,'G. A. lit.iConv-eniances llate purm »"r le odrrro orct)adspl Ti stestéc ,ih the lncAWarrn. dy..the soutli iouîdary'o! Zion Monday Wukegan. .laTuary 10. 'liThe death oi Dr. Lewin was ratiier Mr. Radne .ýw ftb Ii miik ta Waukegan. ta t-e lu an iard iI--stguated as thieune i wislied Wauiiegan. ai-t '1 morning ai il lui o*oick, lis demise Providiug there waan uuforseett[ sudden. He had been lccted vener- ville on "Live ploc-k." unsanitary condition for tii- toliaw- tak-iacari- o!fuir. .Shields.w M'etuuitgi .iis.....aed.c elsIb aeCans:Bado!S he osl i(t Mdm Wode ...Smpo,111lonttue lng ressioRs: (Hene foloaS te namel Mr NM-rdle o it kover Ir a dozet i Lberîl ville. aet .,..i6M11 iu*ci - due. il an feut, voipervisors Ibis atternoati aere ttlke Of Russell aud a-as geting rcady ta go luteudent tuf S' boteagis op " o! the tIbrty Iwa daîrs- places. the 'put tirus alfg thue route which alîl be Fremont. nelhir ....auvanit-d t . iIaing heutu itîoni ven the Laue Breeze Sanitarlum. The lu the ihall for the Installation C.ere- 'scbOOals names belut wlîhttelt trotupublica- vuuîit' lo hi state commissionuIli %NWaucotîda. wet ....i nl iVfL 1.1r i -rmyv ls 1lutIli,th- sautarium cnmnittee cou4staiug o! mony ou Satunday nîglt when ho was iHou. . b'S. MîmunrO, tatlRepes lion farthIe t lit heing pîerîîdu tt li-cîuîu tct loti aihithle report he wi l (lu ha. dry . . ...... ..................' A railî Il. .iW. Ic tliRn tdJTEmNsto-y lu hî kn Ilaluuggy and wtitos- ctal]dfr aive t ra ien itic Wapk& pravements in th-Ir 1placesv i maela. ai-i.ý......................2 uii-Icïcdn i htKn nd..T MOBme 0" nýhi nabgyad hywr adiPareVe Dtrty miliiibouse-. i- it ninterview' Mtr. McAndle sai:'Veri on. aet . ..... 6 Mr.Ferryt dmuit, occdrrcd ou lhe îda, htohu !bvteaAlms-I 11 the hall together. Suddeniy Dr. r Prlze-iwill lt awarded at the gM% No mihit bouse at ait. 'icanuiu.t va), aliher the stalle huard Wesi I)eerfielul aet . .... . 2 ýafier he ant iluwlfe had attaintîil I['udt Tlîelr lurtise was ta check Leawin had a evers hemorbage tram uce meeting ta boys and girls nais Manure around lbarnu atut' !uaI loon altuctîlil-s srptch an !lie nie to1)"tcrfield, r .. . .tirtei 4t>vid.ig noaîss, tireadietoy ae ixmntsaip h neet o hihlouwd ew1 rar or,ûu etc.e fçw, In .î,'iist aid. but i amu certain iirmgogcurred Jh ,a an. 11. îu lîieîbus, a!t theonue matie just reicunti> moments latun. asbrdneiwk tc No miliiihoure. mui il rder the surves-ofut Ilmade si-ey Total nuttîler uof salootus.4..144 la-i privilu-gi i l% lu jtt asî tuati ITu-n tiys ago thb, uomuttteu hetti A tew days hefome Dr. Lewitnhati There will bu liscal entertawuu e% - i i 'm, ehbhawas viiiu-uî a meeting and gave the beatisof t iii laken an autamobile ride o! severaI on -aeh prognatu ns weli as the &b.1» Na miliiibonte. -'ri Thpitu as 10 a hether thes- As regards Grant township., Ihere h oît îti. No mut itouse iv il mciii-u Itl aork titithat viretu iiare 2:; saluonts operating luth stu, anon an[lii- mii No tioor lu milii bouse ;ornoît, î. n iitol be seeu As to) the it-r andt about 16 lu the ainter. Theei a here lieIîad n Nofaoor n lbuarn;. alininiii hIte- uîw-'-nal ti--> ure- lukels- tac. i t1 an sumnmer irade lun te lake regionu-TatMnIiti washng. Say noIiuiu For tley alli select tue nîaies lItiremratîifor liquor greaterItno auw MIFI bouse lulad ronullion. liiati-r i1 hi-t -uiid 1 tre so], ton. thai litflue ti itutr. hence mnati>' uifthue rliow.H ,i Barn and tif liuouse ni---d ahilieliavig uwiin taIn tt-e matioceutîreis Saloonliavce Ilccii-s for ou iv a lion Ille t rst loItuif I wasbing ant i iaîine iC ilu,-,iinis'sufr ivaulti, t0put lunttilein etfte iar. 'and ou Mw1 lutiu No mlleibotuse. i>- .u ,ailà !l i- luuube laidi thîe Vern ýiiituawnshulp Is thle ou s- ton uîoutru cctii ofi No mliiibouse. mI ir T !, -. Theu ii:i.Sutsettles, hi-nefilie cooty-bhard liesed sa- Dusai--ctîîe No milii bouse. tu, - tiit afler goilt over tire son- boni us here lucre. Is no villiage eorpnr- ,a, let N11k hau"senlu usan iarn uuili uni e.iiati ini \'lo la tflic îuî încîurporatu-ui hei !.lhkboseii uusailan tîîuiilitt .\u M \ilu eturnîîd luiSpritig-cotîitiinity ut lene the coutls-bhard gtuila i i! No mliiihotîve. fl uhST tr 1o il i,,afeiiîiiii glteil a icii îîsî anîd MS.rc i e-n Barn andi mi liiiii- uibious ta,- ii e i al belle! isn î a t rte saste Thsiitîratit llueett ginftdrutil- condition. boîuardi iv1-1lncci v e a faNtiuraiulerecoin-îftaie ci! theini'- îuîuilng local optiouni . Fetrn Condit cis o! mihit houai and sur-.,, îtuuuifrorn cN rtu uîti u uîcîîSl uîre 1 gorne tp n sari - ii tii 4 'undngs unsaullars- Laite\'ilau ruad aîîd liecipu Iiii i 111I.1;s tats uf itlie cou lIv next sprng. i-ct Baro needs wiîuaasluing I tatei tîî-itnitial nîtips tiii lruicpc ied iv i autî-umau bietg lunlune for Ils usuel Barn anti oilit hiutsu' ti-- ýi a liii i i rjiii iatuî t îeich i h i-t îtî I ti ntemient ite uîattlur o! pruliibition. supprnisri ui c" wasinig. Villa uttîtiWarrenUe.Mn l'tih' Baro oceds whItemnShîluîg ___Ili.___Il_..... Barn oueds a-b!Iewaschuîtîg and ma- 1iiro l11lz uit Wai tian 10 n A$5 « VERDICT hand, r.t) ln nure removed train ariitiihit. hda ite retord for narrsinc tîîî,s--c ildi No miliiibouse: mnunt iii i iooluig îe-, us irig ue Deee'-tbir. HFe laeiî1ît F R P U U D I milk la stock tank. F R P U U D I henarid i iliic eriiti-î ls Ne mihit bouge: utusi îîlt couu!ng ilîg flic atot of !the ci,] bouel el Wn mut llu stock tank. Tî er a u-niam'utîuî'r P IA E SUIT Mlkiibouse lu had conduition.u- islesaut hcl- as lmusnur Bamn needs wbtewashiu g. ti ailt hei inisters cotubitueti. Tr uy ýihbai h aeo a nlcr li1lk bouse lu vers- iad condîiionî. Pue LudofbHighan I h ka. te o. u 511k bouse neetis a'hlteaashlug aîmd loariuît t leîlui akvsf -hui îuîheii- barn needa repalrs. 1 ithe dtiales Is tiat the fanmers ha,,eC. & M. Eleccic ttiroiti reliruet il a I 5111k honte lu ball condiutilon. tjiltid tu ioide sîltable milk seamed svirdilcti ildaîs-ci eting. atîti-10- Barn anti miniibouge îuuuuwhl ie- liiuises ton Il dr miliiisuîîîiis-thuat is. îvb-n Ilt )ins îîîunu tSuîtîmuta tiociing ir. ýrvsi-i i i 1 a'asblng'and repairing. ltesut ourd retquires tieu, to iti î'oîrt tiI Cii-b inuciv i t ias -M -ci- Conidihtinut! mliiboase îî tuasni tac>r bi asu buldtinltg ln which lue10foîuu d thIe la.i -ititf ildli etu ouia rtieti"a Concliadnr litîs lelten. tir. Craw--- coul thîcîr milii anti taboos the oId $5,000duniagem-n uaînat l1h,- cotriaus- li bl lu-,-u" for d sas-s: Ail have been ortiemed la luactîce of coolirtg tuttilu tîe tanks for the- injuries bue ruecicu(l oser twi bi thosc- n niake Ibeir ireniiia5t Rauulars-or I -herein stocgks ontiluamils-are mater- \ears auto ai lHiglanduiiParkC. ru,l-tc,- ail! i, cesse sellIng niillu. '(He mci, n-t tas- un. I hi ws hliii' trial ouitherae loerts cru-r i, cesose alluttIn Waukegsn. Fila lu- tthiewastiug ai thet buildings Is Tie irst tInte le sucinet a verdict -lwvr ,l' terence ls that thes- ututt cease soi. agu îoticed tobtstîg alhitn$.00: apleal %aas aken sud the ga tvo fledlililU lng ans- wieme luIllinois tînleaslimes- maus- tarmers have falled ta regarti case sent bacit ton a uew tinal. The îed to give out:. matite Imîrov'eients ies- are or- wltim <lasequtttie but wicb. i secauti trhi broutit a $5,"0 verdict about bIs lîîîîuue -didta make et once.) sems, lthe state board considers tor Lund sud the appeal resuiteti ln day. ian. 2. tii, Have Until May lit. very Important. te thrd trial whlch was camplcted go ta bied anîd Stil It la turtiter unueraloati that te As a whalc te farmers have matie llriday evenlng. lu beti sud undli -dafries have bsen given until May lmprifl'Zecntebli te couaîy about Another appeai will be ta-'n it- lte is phylliciantfin lu ta maie te mprovemets whlcim Waukegan Inthlie matter a! nanita- etectria company. - - ncKIzcd isfat i -iCravwtard bas called attention to lion but It seemi te tate board la Lund vas hurt vitile cutting ama the ater part li X» â~at te order vitit references tothillit n nhaviixg detalie loaleul tihe ampany'u tracks. at Higs"d condItion and tIl uIl*igtJI, 'Wkusgali Wnlbecoine et. j Str Viicit 11Ufl7 fieis-have ovor- Park wvItle enralge toa Nos.ehwternw... close at han dg tlUttdate prôidng t lit l&j WtikScea&tl ru.thiug whn tai.The cameu ile t mgieen i lbit-* M i . otat bou'a i l otcslRatPXl »t bi' oWn cilauatn t he - ie1. ,~~qg pu sbittuiS aî' 0i&tIfilC.5t le a l0111, lucame. kt- ,à omnprehtend the Il--tuuerculosis naniiariitr teti dai s lu ailles aud the unaccustomed Jarrlug la meuîionted speakers. A gond ilumer tri bcd lu the Ilonue ahiŽb ta clear the titie la the lustîti- huulieved ta bave had a had effect up- 'will lie serveti by the ladies at el îîied so man>' >ears. lin. Failire 10 compîs- altb this tut!î,il hlm for be was ual qulte lilînsel! place, %ino resident of Bleu- imîatuuin, tlîey deciareti. aould mu-an aflen that. PRIZES TO BE GIVEN. iina-nship was luet -,iluat ail negolialluns anutt i le de- j Atter rebarniug hume he bail a se-1 This formi a atoufOoement l& rmaie- ,the man wlîn anti cîaru-d off. The dîrectors otfiLake vere heuuorriîage wbich caîîsed hlm by tue proututeta ot the mnstituts: liety ta Dr. hua elFiren-ne Sanitarlutu ait once 2eot UsY to e htomne uncousclous. Two other Tlirougii the generosity snd W»du o)verseer begatu tl, and lîad the courts rennvu-tire - i îd imorrhages tollowet Inluclose sutc- per-iial ,,ffor-,s ut R. B. Swift ot IU>s aii us naw ZMon îCity. - nthie itue lunaddition tiîe% tilire î-ession. I)r. Young of Gurnee was erl>viIle the îinieers ut the L*ke C47a- let Mr. Ferry. ti liiisentia iira'iiee trom tIei hc Iu-simmuoned sud declanedti ta tieti tl ' anaii-rs n' îu'blte wii awazd er- -iiroîîs farmer w îo Tt-anthît îmuav le aged man that whlle ttc nulehi taini ;irfzesa ait'le nei annuai teh îýi-nuîd weîîlld,a I, if.tfer cuinz hiîîîueu ii theit i-t lhive atunher iî-morrhage ut a nImi-,ta be lii chu iy lu February, 19U4 1i ,,e kald big pri,- tortI. i liir 9\(iir i-ionr\iiitut 'arl' car nature In a tew hours be might iAt lu-at i-x iî-saiible awarde.dau iiugh landti 0- , ,fil], ia î l i id os îr tîi itiie nut lai e atother for sevp ral s-ears faitout - uîesireii of ttp lit , hue itîîee îluîîî ',l' lile înpressed uîîon timthe tacî.I1. A Corr Pi lac A prize o! $10 îuîîly areail w,-liluing lu in ii 4 relier coaulitiîîi.nmu i hiuweier. tîtat vheu lime heînorrhage lil1b, divciunuIothat boy 18 yeals et aiinls:are aldu-1 .to titui isti4, tulli îi iade to s-i diconte that Il unîluiestlouualilî aoult ilage or îuaider preseuting tlite bsttest - ch lîdru-ti:. -Ii ruuini. i Iort ne tl i ivho i in tir i iiia lrove fatal. ea r'. of guru i lrtionaliy ae»@ui tram [teuton tInîship; tii t)e Flî iCuonrad, il ilIruilii1 f Irn, Lewiin édsiarted ftonhé dtor. t-ou ta uiil)i i aku (aunt- iitu tb iî-r, wbo lias Ivl % uI 'tein m'1of iii iriîînui s. tii tirii lîîuttnîlg up lbis overcuîuî as lue did snaliir uf j5J '- id singe lier 11 is. m'r til,- ,-luiutîîjr--itelin- te h soon haturda> uighî îvheuî tic as 2. An Oat Pi lze-A prize aof5 --t. located th-ru-t.Ii futheliii-.iitiriii. 1!le sutill ti-strlciieti.He fell te, the fllîîr iîcou itili Le giceI",lîbaut boy 19 yeuse John o! U tah, aîuo, \ iiltI,. l ii te h lin 1 lan iuis andti'n1e iotis -lie a as lit-eil iint o auv ilut .nCeor 1u1i(1tr pregeutmug (ha bss when galicd I li, -deuil aisirai iiliY lireî otiiihroiui oi tîîît lwaas seci imat deai uiii Jaeen iquart o- oaue p rsunauly aceeted &M tie.amic-to tir.lýrniîit . î-îuutv lintsir, Iti ii ainiosî iitstaitiuau-uîs. For utilt _ont- nil l -iialle Counîy in Itii inrvige, a-ho I1,1t in--uîlu I u irge o! (lie iiiiuuniiiiii ifor, liree stuicessive tu-mrs lie hll i hilu i ltmiii,-r util 'iî . iî . The allier sn,î.the l.î t sî-iînuîrit] ai u ai)7«i rte positioîn ut scaeraiîleconusul nfý 3. A Milk Pt tue-A prize o!09 ' -I nteat t îi tiii îuritl-r tioujin muli, lie Rîmaseil îudgp andl souiti viluulill tii i îv-eii 'o ibat boy 18 s-sala 0 a year ago ,-uotiîifih i uua i .ii . iii' tie %a'-r. liet ' Iiii e iin Instai led fuir aiut luir s-cur a gi-,or o îiî it re-teulng the plat et turuck thie ouiti-,t i tie iolîl ii-r iof tht-sa ni tut ni uii i'i liaid tot dcaib overlahien b lim. uuull k l.îiadieul 1i 'y its- imsel! whkh i aid il,' h- i-, i iiîutîu-te u-r, A taiti which Iaîuicaîî-d ltl lnr. n.uî-tîtbineuuetts.Ti nioei i 'sîitiiu'5huit i liii, T.î-i lu kuew lthaI ueall mus itt[ai, ini.e- fuira5lieuice o! dirt Sinuess.- 10iiuiîiii ,lt il uiiiiiitiiti'icut d-iu-lîitoinîîuSati unliyafte-1 4. Afothe, MiliiPrixo>- PTi"e ti tome mot,iuuiagi,1 Thlîuiii. tt ili- lu-uumlith:u liit h il- nis, b mAidoîn lii'un tunetu or uIn'iv m li- guvu- t t at boy 18 yoff i Aa fa]l1 w h i1,le ipo ll- i' -s ., i alio r f theî-Il! li i halnltll u- teaCuu-1 iti utettttorU.t ir'-tiing the Plut ai mil (l ilmken liii rit, . l "!ni ihi. u.î .as the,-1t- io get aven Ihlex i i ouînt, ;,; i mýAtreaulu t, liu-. ' -andt nom Ilt a felI jstitîui ,î -i nomri-burtii,.tht-ni' ant eltegla froni it. t P , w ,, ill umm tî ir l.îtu t ttt ii lsas-, Dec. 30. hie be- tu. ep managedti a eNI lt P.uowever util l-ri- b-n ttc ws orced 10 ire haul been coullueti -n lime close watcm o! and tamil>'. While ttc imill-part a!flte lime îce was ina acomatasut uat lu why the taanly and alibte tins.. tear- iht Cam At %#y =là- ?A "NOW»Ote - r~ 6ými -- 1$h .uîi-n-s luhe 'at. (ii Sitiriav t , lie lîet haet'-rlo i csl test. '1biS ti uîuuuî li- sent ls hto vu--mem l i - un ýr atîenre o! bactenia. ti w uuniin's hîuuîse atnd asiteul ler to1 5. An Art 'îVork 1rive-A prise Ot -i,11and su-e lîlui. tIi' tresetuei ber tii , mu tic givei t ta t girl 18 yeei,' lu it ti f'u r u n y .-I îe . c u i in n on e iv a s - -r P r 9 O U & t e C O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e--ofudrprsetlglie how Thto ilititiution hati ils îiu'u-ttittl îmore for hi choked sud sheud lears. a lii lin W il.WataterEon, 'luJuly 25, lui-b envelaltu mas foudti tcoutalu l9oS Ai tualI lime Il mas localeti on -a (ulllîu il1. Glen Ploaaavenue andotiis eîîuulmet rDm. Lewin wast horn riearRussell consisteti of mercis- a tent. There aumdliai liveti there al bis lite. In were but a couple o! patients. Theti191)il b receiveti a dîpioma In ChIcac Institution rcmalned bare unlîl Sep- go 10 iecome a veterinaran altitongi tomber 1, when il vas deciiedti h he itat itliowedti tts protesslon tfor maove because bthe owner a!tlthe litai- the lasI thlty s-ams erty otjectedto ta Ieir presenCe there. He leaves tva aIlidren. a Isan, Roy-. At titI me lgiteeulpa- WJto la an engblneau ont» Cbieaao. tiestu. Thê18ei.y taru on »euch Milwaukee and St. Paul raifroas!à"a wosi vas -lite»M5* 41041L . a daugitter, Mm . 8.B. lio*t>, vi I la 0OWtbes,,.Ueltl U-l Btregd lives near lEuuel. Faneri U medar (o sulpPgelS, xt il frein uuaellBalit" chMeh flth 1hs-ar preious tu, F'eiruUr :C 1914. 6. An Estes Prize-A Prise off 46 wyll be awardtd ta titat g1iUIlIqêr ai age ar undei »r'eseatlug. tkObe casas- on tetheMs, "110W tta a te Farm Homb 9Mo Atiachi. The"e prises arf se toLae ty baysand girls nov MlIg o0 ln titis conty or wýoî TI@ 11104 lThe ofleer tm eL~ Fumera' nmustlt's. *à -1 -i ONE TO EIGHT