SAT REI5 MUG TO PAY. On. Maq ls Anxlous Wa*dega.. iunary 14. sio . .Bdînger bas wrtten î tCo's e 10who object tu Paylng, 114'spagsulait ou the nev Genesee #VgeeÇVIMdit. pontUng eut ta theu igbM, ,.Ue otructuls Ilinanmd sut goti54 tbgt.tbey show their publie. hi *esssb'parlag their agus- galantUp te thé prsent lImelhe bus qeIt, *vispeald resultie. . vipIlowbu inla acePY of the letters ho ls sendlsf outC H. Walthsr, Hlighland Park, III. Dinan ir:-l au atlaching borate A draft of àa paition fer yeur signa- tors. thal would set forth a destre oa your part te psy ln hi the rit>' lrU,7 ef the it>' ot Waukegmn,te àiomb i$ S*ed agalanit yen (86.50). Ol ch1l1 -OOBittUoOf etthe Geose imtat visuct. 1 taestitis libenty', * b"au 1 fieal titat te structure nov nie oouiilotodpbeonts au Ippearance tiaI woffd warrant te payment ot the aiOosment laoviel againet yen, fiat eold flot possibl>' bave boom saisimi dtai the finît stops et the toodlg. and knevlng that tte "wur4ait te do yonn part te premott the, be otetresti et our city tulaue- *ML litL Mnt lie appaet tuWyen i" this tm»tOmO5t bua ehaugodthle satrer4$p00t550of ouir cown iovm diatWct. WiII yen M ttgvete foregoni y~0ieg.tcoiiiltOatioii andt oblige. Tours Mot truly, 'L.Ir. Didingor. Maor. liq ropu l tgbi çbIbu Lts h0Mayor !"Oivbd.tbe fllovîi ,roiponie: ~ Weid:-lroeioyedyur lot- 4W afflet date. relative te the ès- St fer itis Genou..titre«t *5tIl,1--have mt 'Lb-MW ~U.vM~vt el "Y an>' aiionm àqtls *0?ir sainle. and I certiinli nil pa;,ms san et 1the assesimeml +hc~ate l. 1 6.41. M i.i econpliatulate yen up- o% îqIn able ta put up ncb ian eh jpubdge. I bave soon Il porion- *11v qàd il certaihdy>inhiascredit te *Waukffland ontething hey vere bsdyl pd utof fer a long wvile, snd tié el*itesshoulit ne proend of il 'lifd te lifilion aseper roqut nx'lIf psy semae heu due. TYours very trul>', H. Walther, Thifi ropl> trou Mn. Walther vas psIeçIt< front a nulmber ot a »Imiter lest"r.. Sous litte Utime gote fS7ç5. aleatot seronal lttes tu tlir~ bo Bo~bIecte telathe1ebridgce fiOqL lie bheebon deePi> gratUli et the reat>' rosponses hoi basie od Ou Mn8ay oet tiis we~ ,oupetdlà. vrk et mail- Sag J~ te o oryofetthe oljeo. ton.. ti o lois mah . .eurged et *115 momentsos h an roeoveit up La rfo Iwont tduo antle ofte opte- -JL; ahat imoost viteut exceptIon the qijectosi, ylay 'be'r &"seno- moiemb listing satistieitthat 11e>'are ottqg- teir lmney's vortb In te Ina lùeo that has beon constructed. Lam Mmoii>'Volas. 1- adam's toie a gorMud oz.notter lacusu th"tsa ot ou "10 Md = eorMe nlnlsla a ýi" ddyla sortt uasoo bé Itwt ot. trusa the quvagluag for power. asd roouds M1e m-teor leu . uiL eu t mwsolnww iwune. it I00 .it insplresa. t anSmO . bâbUS.É uotherhocit broýOgover'tbe viole human raie. 14I~aW 000k ef color, lad broim off Oufflgesot, and wasa costol ,4,«andt is siortmlngi te mwatttimistresa: "And visât ,~e pko.~$ ta~8o np'a s't4 UpO swss gwie oulen vo-ails X . I 'ow one lhiag, inai; jB to Jot ta gimue bacb m&U or c.e gsgeenl prents wbat 1 Waloile fur Londo&s 'w..M~ o b ieln -W -" EXM!SIVE ROAD. Nlghwey ihcouam Mm ls et Ner. ~V UtS ..t mAbffl8"o Os.L la- smm*paru et thé. uitoltau me. oo#pumoil oma» m"ae b bulllgSU - Maenance 0f good l'oads algagt an u Ponbllit7. To cou- 8&SIL #Mgod hlghwsytbrengh certain @eeti... oftbth mountains la a et>. penéess ta*. Et la amay sci oa sort sotches or ro& adi be oo buât t Bn Onormouos outlsty ot oney. On.o Orth@ MOUl dIMeiul roadi to buil4-on that perhasout ai uucb &S OU thtr t Me world-wasi ma. ftfl thth ub IbodeepJuly snov élit lndervuad & Liaderoo&t bo»oie DTsrnsRt> tam ogwAit. tuift upon D)yrastrd paes, lu Nos-- va>'. This rosnd la 3.715 fait &ave lte loa etftihe sasuadith1e vorkmen vie eoâpelled ttu tlg tbmrb meow, sali and rock Oha ret amoteoJilpassable. ta' certain sections of te Unted IltikS.nats have item bilit trugb b. moantains. but tu Most Intances Ulo>' are pour aud impaimable. spe- eWlIl u severe neathar. 'lte ronds la lie meenitalas ef Nos-Lh Caroline, are perbpes te poonsst.but are belng Improveit. This section la iparsai>' poputeeitanduthl lhahltants ame ne longer vlllung te put np vlih te pour rends and lve @hut op la the. grceslmountaina. trequentl>' bavlng er>' sppreach tute aearet townuonl off b>' absaîntel>' impassble mata. INDIANA IN TH-E LEAD. bMoosbor tat. Mis More Mlles of lm- prevet Raa Tit'an An>' Ohetr. Rhtode Island me>' bave foyer ignare milestan an>'of ettr liter state; but. sccordIng te te 0004 Boa&a Tser Beobk,.$be la te oui>' mInsla ltse Un- ion witose Improved rmats amounl te hit et ber total rons. Delaware, iar loest ival ton amalliu. as ia uir' par cent o e bas mtamprovot. Mes- achnueta presses ber lin>' naigbbor lu tiis respect b>' Making as hovlng et 40 per caent on rmats Imprevet. Nalunal>' athar statua try te tisceunt tis prlmacy ot Rhode Isieut. An In- tiens journal accounts ferJil onte grenadt laI 1the *tete la lu realîl>' othing but Providence aut Newport andt lieu uburbo. It theu disposes et Massachusetts b>' Mi rouant that. ozcept for amrnebills titrougit vihlcboui>' lste rmata run, liaI commouvealli la practically oe bg tovu. Tisi proceuof e elîmination lests. Indiaat the p io hepan- coulage ef luprovot moata.But lie Boosier Stat. ineait>'bui eno n oiugl Ln lihe tact liatItI poasesses more miles etfIxurovoit rokitathan su>' oliar state. althoagh ie ls25.000miles excesit 01o' guppl>'ofet mproved blghways b>' oui> a ton bondset millma.hoen vo statua srt or an ead o e .lioramI.NoxIte lieu coins New York. vili 15,000 miles; Washington. nli 12.000:Wii cousin and Keucti, vili 10.000 oach. -Non Tork Eteung Poos. A New Rosit Materl. Wllh e vlev cf obtaing a rosit sur- ftce wbih lc ng ite s battes- eistajace te automoble &traille, experiments ia teins mata agfIla inPauce tb sà roaithet Mataniel comoilahng of an maIl. mate mixture et "frIm @$M." or tmon La tho shape et a wlry or firons man& smec esaJiscommoni>' nse4 for cealhiu mut acrapina urpeum la Ibis eunIr>. togèllior wlth cernont mqlar andt aBi. Sncb mateala h CBiOd tdro-ceunt." and, Il appeau sthat i u tu st» itI- nas for matsurfaces are 9g int gocit roalla. But tetrou la nette noaia kiat fomntlu commerce.. bulg prepa- SI ep.oidIy for tli <Àînpcee >.is- "»ÈM" Of * tmllop" lea is'4ima talt teiwâbg matestui OuII 'm e 1.ail-ef 1 e amo - LAKEC2= NDYE1E JA!NVARY 16,11 7 .M m lIl - M. ,"li' . 1 - e----____________________ ___________ ______________ CITY 0F 849000 IhousmaisetfPo*it AisBu- IdBOMMaULIVL MAlT BOMFLEEI FIRES Titres ispanese Village. Lou. 10,000 of 16»00inhabtafte-City et Kago- sle lani tlAiihlsfOd-M@Sl Distnvc- tive Osautr $ica Mt. Polte- Thouuinds More LosI. Toklo. Jan. 14.-A volcano aun1t1e l111e ilanit of Satana be111) wp ith RIl te 1mpnîsaeait try ut 150 yeensl quiet. Bread strealus or lava guaitei lbnough 1the opened anCIe ndut avpt dowu the mountain aides Into the sas. Tbousanits et men. vemen andi chu- dren vire-burued lu testh- Tbree vil- lagtes wera buriot beneatb molten roik. Toiltu t tha st of prasent in- formatiou auly 15,M of 1the islani'a I1,.010 luhabitsuts escaedo. 1 lutheLita LofutKagoshima on 1the main landt Io Blleis f ront Satura- abîmna vlcano, fe11 a glant hall storun ol Whi1te bot rocks aBu huasblocks hlit forth Ibrougit the crater. Tbey suimait tbrough 1the roofsoetbuildings aund descendadito bthe setneot ling11 bundreda of pansons. lu a teS minutes te City. ihi vms a oOf84,000 inhabitanLi, vas 1.111Z nl a itozen diffrant places. Paîuit-brokeouot, IL sas early ove- ina a neident. People surgadit nto Lbe streeta sund rau vildI>' for Ibeir lives. Kagoshimna la eported te hopractl- cal!>' annilihatit. le buildings are bornait, Is streets ana hurlid eneatit silx teet of acseutndvolcano mut and fiany thonsanits of iLs people are dead. Th ere bas not boom a more destruc- tIve solcano, disaster mnce Mt. Pel" ou the Islandt ot Matinîque hunst Imb eruptlon suit snuffed ont the ilvea 0I 30.004) pensons. ,very as ailabio ship in te ispanae net>' lm heatedtovant Kagoshima. blany iommercial steamahipi have bei-n eulstetmju ite samaratin er- v iae by tae goveruimaut. Tbie aru>' la itiditroopa b>' train. Theo Redt Croiss liq on ls va>' vith hospîtal supplia*. AIl of ibis ta>plte te tact that lheno s net cuppos@t te lhe a'living man oir voman eruan in te Isant of Salons or lu the turrtter>' vbere th. dga* befOro stoo thLe.bu>' Ciy Ot Kagoshima. one telegtapb operaton vho nt t bhe la'caillîngfor help toIt ot crovits rushitint uth1eses, or thcîîeands min nina andt saltinganmutmatina Ibaîr imy as hest 11e>'couli to te oast mway romn1the voiemno. ILtvsi ltae Raine openator vite sent eut the Test word trom Kagoshima: "I ani te lest penson living,- and thal sas thei.lest tbiug lha sait sauna Smail Island. Tht eIlaund of Sakura about iii mnlles brGait andi six mlles long, lies lu te 1,ey ,,Kagoshima,. a1long arnic te .;ea reac-ing imb Kloshul. te soutitermost Islandt of big area ln tbe japanei;e groor. TilaIs bnemiles trou itaeCiL>' et ageahima, capital Of te provinre ef Satsums. and once Lb. truaa strougitîli of th1e baron vite rotit aùven tt province. Kagoshima vas tae mt Important cjiy on Kiushul soaeouI>' the seaPorl IonuoftNagasaki, ninet>' mlles ava>'. Il vaate central maufacturîng point et the ramons Satauma pollernd t&I Inhohtanti for te meet part vere connectadinluonesay>on anotbor viti ibat Iudustry. BouldinHulne:$12 Miles. so itremenitous vms te force oethé11 eruption that boulitens valghing sat- eaa tous cere hurleit net ouI>'tite Ihree uiles ecrosa te w>' luto Kagoskilima, bul ulue mites f irtbern.u lanuit ebre te>'droppedIto lte for- estas. Even et that ditance tuteir tient waqsomeIntense thaL lti-es vore stanleit andi batîîrolong te Ibeusaniaflaelns trom Kagoshima foîuit thernealves bemnuid lu b>'burninàg teretis FOR GUARANTEE 0F DEPOSITS indications Are ThtS8111iWiiUce Passait et Proisenh Session. Washington. Jan. 14.-lt besamb lvnb4,vn tiat te aaliah. comnîlîtee ont baul.lng sud cornent>' s.111 seau report a bill1 providlng a plai' for gusranloo- ing eposîta held lu Lnnks lu the nov faderai rasee ytam. Lke action vîlI in due season lhe taken b>'tae correspontlug commttea lun1the housq uni tLit Indications ure that a hsub iteposit guarnuLe aw ev uliehaacLai et thii session et congrees. Il bas beau iisclasait that am meorit>' Incluiing Seuatqr Nelson of ilinne. sole, a Republilosu taverr111e plan MULAN CONFESSES FRAIJO New Yonk Democratic Socnelîr>' Ad- mits Takine Contributions. « Nev Tork, Jan. 14.-Artbur A. Me. Lean. tneasurerore te Demecratîc statocoumIttoo. lîated guilt>'tLeasp. 'FIREMEN SAVE FIVE LIVES WITIl TUHlE LUNfiMOTOR Evanston Department Wins aj $25 Pnize Offered for Best Work Done in the Year. By entabling a record et etavlng the lives et Sive persoas itit a long mohir durin gtne summer sud fait, lte Evaneiton flire deperrnient basre- celveit e check for $25 b o eippleit te te peonr.fond tram tbe Lite lsaving Devee cempeuy, manu$- TERMINAÀTEDSW State Commission Is StarUi~ Crusade ho KI i sh Whîoh Spoil Fishing. DEPLETE THE GAME FISH. Extermination Is Carnied On' Here Yearly-Plan Il on -a Larger Soale Now. ,-T Wivmnw LOCALS Mis..' W.MUnir" lienIlii ltier hoc» on Conter Street. mii.Ulililan Wray liqIli ot ber home on North Genesee Street. xlis «lgote ef the Globe spoflt the day la Chicago On business. Mrs. C. Brenneehe of Chicago ipeut th1e day ln this Clty withlier par- ents. TomorroW evenlag I the Blum- berg-Wette! Hall 1the Kulghts Ot CO- lumbus will give en entprtelumout, catrd party and dace. This evoalng In the Naval Station drill hall then regular weekiy rouepr skatlug part>'willI be beld and a number trou bore Plan ta attend. The 31 ye&r old son of Mr. and Mis. Chas. Shaffar ot Prospect Drive, dled Tuesday at 1:45 P.rm. IOurlai at 2 li. ni. TbunidaY. A local papel telle of the iesînce of a mariage ilcense lu Waukeg"a Tuegda>' te a Party who was 900 years o(it. Thets norne age iu whlch t0 get married. MlJse qGoorglsand <Genevieve Ward will entortalu the Lael Clans of the Baptlet churcb tomorrow even- ing et their horne on North Geueaee Street. The entertajDnment given lait even- lng In the Parls BHouge bY members of ('hrist chUrob Bunds.y echool prov- ed a veyy entuutanng and enloyable on, wbicb vas weil attonteit. The Christiaa Endeavor of the Con- gregatlonal church belit a business meeting lait *venlng iL lthe home of Mrs. William ' Iaylors o Second trent. Tite musical 4ePartinent 01 the Waukeg&n WouesClub vlth lte faculty of te 1Shrwiéod SchOItOl f Muniecwill give B Concert in the Par- lait House teniorrow evenlng. Commîssiloner Diver andt Attorney King vetobusiness visitors lu Chi- cago, todaY. A numiter of Wankegau people Plan attendlng te Jeirisb bal St Ko- noiba Titunsday evbnlag. Tite Knigitteand Ladllee of the Miocabees vilI boIt a joint Installa- tion in their hall titis evealng. Attorney Claire C. Edwardivals Ia businesa visiter in Chice<&> todaY. is, W. 8S Watrous of labo Bluff spent yesterda vwlh ML is. C. B*. George. .Mro. C. B. ilardiman of Slgln vis lted Mn. silo Mns. W. ]P. Waudal re- cgently Titi ev wStorm this attarnoon caina etahat as a surpise follovu lag a dslszllug rein that bad tallen for evoerai h<urs. Waukegam again pumPed vater for North Chicago today. 'Ne City' te the soutb. of. bore la itavint considerable trouble Vitb Its pumpa. lfiginlithaui sud Douas bave Mo OWv4 totr Bendes SpeCIsiM otar- cyçie wblc base.auaneloctrlc starter. etc. Tboy uow have thoir, new flue of '14 machines compslete. A verdict e! accidentai deatli vas returned by the coroner'î jury Tues- day ulght ln the case0 et b.Youag, man drowned at liangs flito near Wgucoanda. No new facts vere de- veloped it th--, lquent i bcit v Pre- sideit over by Cnroner Taylor. Tlh.ilire departrnent voeecalled out Tuesday atternoon te extinguish a suali grass ire on te voit site. circuit court bas a<iourbeed to.nexI Tuesia>'wheu it inbelievoit that judge Donnelly wiii be beie to pro- Bide. Tblwtoen tables were, p4qyed at euebjn et the, card party givan by s»emboeW tofte Eaaterw tar lait OeUug 4gt tits homeofetMrs. B. D. Talcatt on Shteridan Roa.. Mis. .Wltbam entertained a num- ber oft Inoda, Ibis afttrcoou et ber hoMe. *t a ovelty ibower ji bhonor ut MisssuecoGlioro. *boune mer- rlgetgHanry Lund tOalinPlace thfis meuti. Mr. uit Mns. Jon Towniend leave tomorrow fer St. l'eteràburg.Florlda,1 In &pend the remainderof te wln2> ter. Mi. Townsend. multrakebael thena la uaL e single ciL>'. Ameican or L aba count>'. Titane are et, prisse Canadian, usina waters frein1the lattes Ian differeut ften drainage districts on batîndan>' ris-avich cen 11e sait rate ri h rcs fo n te posssesas ater suppi>' vhic It ltto nni o Lte rocesa Te ren sale te use vitoot purifying frm ato inLb cet>.Tevont th1e teeL that pollon exteuits non- doua lunte nîalrity oethIeai dis- nial>' more titan ten miles Into thes ricts ilaetftesaime nature as con- Isas ansi aiseltatItilas Impracticubia templaleitlulte Hast Stotie, al- te placethue Intakes belov the atv- teo n twofveet iidistricts te ent- ant>' foot depth, mates tae problain et lot constatsetfsalarge drain tue lu- sacuring a pure watar suppl>' for these stead et ai open ditet. lu noue et villes mare iifficut.te districts are tlanetsgo valu- Tito pollution front vessais bas rea- able ase hotse in the East Stoble. lu dorai thLie vter\lu St. Marys river tact lunlte najorit>' ot cases te at-ý aboya Sault Ste Manie utiL farneuse wîitout treelmant. The St. Clair erage price estosi for te lande lu- river la pollutei thIrougiteut andite clutoit vîitin te districts btone te D)etroit river la sufficientl>' poîluted t jImprovamont, vasnat ileoxceet $75 usaeIt ubI tonor sa ithout Ineat au acre. Titi engineers' figures show eut. ltaI in noueseofte alter drainai. __________________________districts was tharp met large s propor- of Chicago. Hie ver>' fis-t offert a~ i Son et arln sI ia Hs stage vnltlng vas "Thte WlnuiuaSato Miles.'"These Interetiltlun1the prosent ie Bertha Sanitîtroin clebratoit moeaContent that if a combinat baneevnthbinbt>' oda' et O- ystmof edtrin*ge sncb as le pro- berta si nuben eyt fri and aIbanpoeaitlunte.petilions prepered leaa hotaue onumAlstr aoune. Thait-ergoot thîng lu -a conmunit>' viara homeun cAlste aveue.Theaf-lande are valuot aL $75 per acre sud temnoon vas cuJoyahi>' , spent sut lameitshat iLs velue vevîlit hogreatl>' teint> ' ratresments vers servît. apeitd na"-y hr ad Thte Elte itelit a pecial Inittaor>' are ited at e figure narel>' lemstan servica t thier lotie hall on Tuas- $500 an acre and, lu somte instances My.> nigit .The cendMadeo as te- reacini as itlgiu $2.000 an acre. siruon etvug 111oýet> anrd WlsiteitWit preper *raiaas Ibis lar-ge ares. Wbe hobil.t Itti.,Thlb of avamp tendt s prose« tpnac"taIY aemcmiteit for a a tl meting be- vahuea ecau 1e rmade tha gardest lag callat for the pgunioe> spot ot -Lobe, oouMty. bISAPI3RNC OF BARBER STORY BRANDEDAS FAKE 'Another of the Gazette's Fake Stories,' Declares Weimers, Regarding Fisher Story. KNOWS HIS WHEREABOUTS. Offers to Bet His Barber Shop Against $100 That He Can Lead Anyone to Man. Buuk, pure bunk,. le the wav W. 0. 'keImene. proprietor ef the Ides! barber shop citerecterizes a sensa- tIoual îtory W iiitaîîpeared in true flamboyant 81t>le ln a local paper Weduesday niîlght. The îtory tbld of the allegeit utstanlous dlsappearance on November 17th, ot Willard Ffsh- er. s yoîug rmanwho hait beau arn. ployad et thaetIteal barber shop. The etor>' vas very plausily wrltten ta couva>' the Impression titlFisher bad committed suicide as te rosuit ot e love affair. -l'Il bel my barber sbop &gainust $100 that 1 cen lead yoo rigitt ta the place vbare Fisher le ataying,. Mr. Weimareseid. -l dont seasuity thay allov e newopaper ta pnînt such e colossal fate. Juat because a follow takas IL mtobishibeait he venta ta towu leacno reawon wvi l souli bo stated thtite 1e bas dirappeareit mystenloual>' andi probebly villib e foundIth 1e leke tesaime as Joe ('lapham. "Clapbam us>' bave cammited sui- cide beceoso he vas dlsaplioiuted lu e love affair luti you cen bot ycur lait dollar that ne girl conlit get sucb a iolit on leher. Why te vhnîae tnry le se utterly prepoiterous, vlthoui aveu se mucit ai a grain ot truthIn l It that h disllke ta say euytYng 4Obout iL et aIl andt voulit fot vare IL flot for te tact tat the itory publiheit reflets on bis god com mon sanie. The Gazette cErtain musL have been pretl>' bard up for a star>' vhen tey pintei t iie efol fabrication or else te>' bit andi got most umercifoîl>' stuna. '*Tite itea ef eaying that we u'-e taking thea malter up vîit the police. What for? Wa knov vhere he14l locateit and vby should va vieb 1a mate IL appear 11e drovueit iimselt lu tbe fakite rs. The Gazette bi prinltemaonepretty big faites but this eue begts them ail. AIl I1el seay about IL le thel Fisher -il ne- toma vhen ne gels gocit andi reait>. POLLUTION RIFE IN 6 -REAT LAKES9 EXP~ERTS NOIW FIND Water Unsafe to Use Without Treatment, Says Interna- tional Commission. CANADIAN GOVT. ALARMED. Together, With the U. S. Govt. Canailians Wgnt Ioe Force Improvemetftat Once. Washington. Jeu. IÉ-An exhaustive Investigation unto the axtent ta whicit th1e waters ofth11e great ]sites sud con uectiug rivera are pallutoit bas beau conîpietei b>' the Internatioal comn- mission composait ef reproaatatives ot Canada andthLie IUnitdStaLas. lu the opinion of Ihe commission1 turene cfr1the machtine. White Fine Extermination of lte garfisi tul Marsiteh Carl Harrison tnev ltaIlthe Illnois streame sudlits a tshoe O- prise vas postaiyth' 1e concaru for ject ot a crusaite bagua lait we* the boit record made dornnate ses- b>' the etata fiait suitgaina comuls- son, ho dît flot expecî lite local de- sIen, more titan 500,000 etttaof b... patuant Lo vin IL. itsvîng boon removoit trou thoe III A total otfeunteen tripa have beau noie river atone. Theo com asi. made nince Jul>' it b>'lte irmen bas eugmged Charles Bartholouew of wIth te lite sav-tîg davice. Savon East St. boule la sutierluntd te-i parions bave beau reenscitalait andtvert. Thte ganflab feadi upea Ithe, ilve o fthat nunmber bave f011>' races- spavu ef othar 11gb sud vitare Sar20 anait tram Yvitlapparntly voulit abonitasme lIsh are seldom fotn4. bava beau deetit hait net ltaelua The commission plane te extandthLé, mater been ioesi. crusade le ail parts o et 11e as i _____________ rapidl>' ai Possible. Lake cont>' la much internstad la' 390WuACIRES TO titis crusmite as It la clalueit b>' oi. ermenltaItefllshlng lunLb.e, labo DE D ÀllerD NK R ragWla h iîg ruinet b>' te OprIai BE UKAI~EU UN J3R viicit are foundt haro b>' te %ou- INFW DfR 1 N E aut. rMllos roet Sae 1h11 baccq East Skokie Drainie improve. ment to Care forM uch Farm Land in the County. SH-IELDS AND DEERFIELD. Those Towns Are Mostly Af- f eoted by the Improvement- Now Under Way. Fer the past fan u'esrs aud aspec- lly> aînce tarni lande luntaevicinit>' of Hightland Park. Hlghveed. eut Laki Forest have beoeose valu- oia. toere bas thoon much active dîsicuirion %bout the proposition et draîulug viht la tuevn as the East Sbekie. Thls tle 1e aeal svalo mut vatacenrse exteutîna up trougb Deefilelit an'I Shieldts townsips,1>'- Ing. paralaIleltit suitfrzoinelete titrea miles vesterly frein Iste Micitigan, aud vldenimg outInlte a areal menas a tending ton miles Senttuthote ceunI>' lino. Il le proposei tate tart ai or noar ltae county linaevitt a largo open dilcit suitta axtanit nerltnarrovîng 1the dlîch ai conititioilt warrant, ta Deerpatit avenue veet et Laba t\r- est. Tis moemeut bas beau elart- at b>' Borneetftie ovuns of laid 1>'- Ina vest et Highland tPark. eudt 1e>' bava Interastait te county surtayer lu teproposition eut s prelluiner>' uap and survoys bava bain mate. front viici a pétitilon tonrte engau- nation et s tenu drainage district bas beau preased. Thea proposeit drainage district le Le ha a tenu drainage district nili pro- vide su outat tonrte surface vaten of titis teriter>'ant for t11e, and lis proposait ana ls EAST SKOICIE DRAINAGE DISTRICT, LAKE COUNTY, ILINOIS. I ambraces approximatol>' 2,000 acres et land,. represoutait b>'about 200 differeut1 evnens. tere beîng ne large landt ovuni itat ovu au>'extensive aea1 etan Inutlute district.1 Afttr te petleus ara signet alié 'funthen proceatings ara bat undar4 the direction efth11e county court et vic IIyt hymlîi-snut tat il Beoma aImait a bopoieu o l. Neanl>' aven>' year. acting unton 8MF itrucLiôn froin te itato BibhcomMWs sien, teput>' wartons in the çoiouui bave conituctet a campalgu-saulat the ganihih. Large çMeonota ho!,i boîn secured and buatreda of- thèe fleh are iecureit. Al .gamedh am csretully remevet trou lihe usel and une týosditackmIne la.he iL lms against te law le catch tlies lu titis mauner. The garftai- ff tesmet uponte laid ant ofton a* taben b>' faeros tu e 11e itar,. t1izso. Itlah saIdthley aa mot. effl& DespIti 1the tactthbat te» 700 WWIy caupalgiie are conducte t IL mess ta tero ara nov naarl>'au mas> ot tase Bahsituho lie ai *er. Tboy are foarodbtheiaolier . §»' andIt Ileiclaidtti;t Ssugov.*- lian tu gren poe-siievdthe- ân founu.Il JusI bon te aato vwi cosadpet lu van ef extermination lu lAio eouatg Is net kuovu but ili t l elIoved foa eil accouati tiatIt1yl1eio.U an effective mâanes-. 'BANKER' KMIY Growth Whloh Is BOdlMvdl Have Affeohed Dootoes Mind Becomes SerbMd PULSE ALMOST - EASESE Collapse of 'Financiée ' Ptio FalIoee of Hil noftttuic AboutaYurAI& Tite mlgnant growth nblcb vue bellevai totehava affeététe S l et Dr. William T. Ris-b>'.ose0 ilU* u hboit et a nov detuuct privaIs b»ul. bas fuinl>' brongit Klrhy - te hilà Wesley baspital, vitere lie 'la laa critîcal condition. At eue dte. m nosas>'.Jan. 14111. lmspulse batl ob oued dangerouil>'. but tevarniti ho rallet. Klnby's haut vont te pleceasiaMW déal>' oven a yeer ago. he otul shovlug scarcel>' 3lCents ou a d#À".o fer t11e depomîltoe. The lnoolsà l b>' racelirs sitovet $80.00 i4' wititravu a short due h.hein% &M " te metton vas matesaubject la'ni teoper Inquir> b>' otite mut totpnal*- authoritlos. Serles et Indictmtt* Neilewa. out o ilitis Inquir>'esme a 501*o eft ndlctinants. Ris-b>' va habde*W teitenal court.for porion>' sat 106,â." ment of sseLs. He vas bro811t lie " a state court ounaohes- e'- Fivo men vero ltnictat fer uwiadUs. hlm eut et $20.000, and et thies.dénil Stresuiten vas conviclt. . -11, It tavelopat iwindler à b"U tabo* ettautage etft es e ed but" of te "bankee-ibo ooaftomn "'ic sterling bis Institution on ý eap. - et $600-s.ut boit geM freo'u large amount of lie depoe»W'i ï -i b>' a faito "vire applsg' *, ;>- Ing hîm te bel on lSouaa. ,ý lte bast' eeapee1 f.