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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Jan 1914, p. 15

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.t~AZU~ flflhlWl'V 1MTl~TI~Wl' 1J~TflAX~ J ÂNTT AR.V 1!~ i oia D~.. a..... EIJILH .,. - - - - - .---~r------ ~' - -- - --'t ...-.. -. I - , *4~ botàeiforn Page ?"ru.) 4-. p. kS 3. V. Gslty, 2Hlblai Par..Fuel.Ce. . a.............. . ful ........... 10.00 14.3a 14.6u 1.78 _ÉwmUl Deud. a tert -of Bpslgls»De.4ber l'or., ~ of thé no-llm l *Ieorc»aA».fer .hav~ e ilsamspréefflu ad taithé te elà.-s»".l aldAmi-tomitt Po, a. AtCaimal@9 jobs T. AMWala .. . .. . . 9.94 Market ..... ..... 46.00 ...... .... 000 wpaRocil 4400Q Charese.,= 71 Cla......a.r..... Ahiesgo Vft Co., gieeifa ........ 30.00 '44 =1 transporta- JO@ De**. p-ceenés . . 40.131 Chas. 9té,ghérg. gSi-eries ....... 20 0 A. Ousatason. grocerles .... 119.79 Co. Herman, groooriés....... 26.00 . Kachadllosuan A. 8. Kennedy. coal . . . . . . . . 106-26 J. J. Kukar & do, coal .................4400 W. J. Lange. grocerles ........ 30.00 Affrol Johnson, milt .... ..... . 22.00 O. IL.Lyo & Bons. ýI mdu ...a.. 4.90 t rooilés ...... 94.60 A. 1. Mfitimor. #rcerien ...... 30.2 J. C.:Hercant. t grocérles ...... 143.43 W. lMansan, gro$wtle olsiméil $141.00 ....... 140.94 abocs ........ 3.18& ohm es............ ..2.5.0 Resiien & Wall. groceriea ........... 79.96 A. liymkal. . .asA ...... 5700 M., EImiitb & Co.. grocerten ... ... 6.00 W.azprsll....s.............0..00 fuuii GromyCc.. grocere ...... 107.27 Saakin& BSmaa egal........ 1360 .. .. . .. 20.00 . .. .... ... 3900 .9TWebb & C.. > ,, cool ........ 119.68 AIIIi .. ......4.. 4.00 Lake Co. Tuberculpis Insti- tuta. care cf patients 487.1W Ameunt claimei lp-*363.06$M1209 Shiofl&s Farci Cuaming,3.0 grocerles ...... 04 -9. A. Dunatin, Wm ris ....... 136.04 Germens, -' mlk ............... 14.64 -L.b. Ca IubruboseéiInsit tt@ aI.sre cf patients 103.60 . 1 shs-& -ilel4ég grocéries ....1 .... 16.13 3.81 Newport. C.A. -Héyileckér. -15.00 groçée ----------... Anuloch. 13.63 2.961 Frank J. Hunit cul--------------..$ 11.00 Chase Webb, -ailée------------...---1416 id ù 13 Iarhaqg LuidheiCO. cu ...i............$ 12.65 GA. . eU,......... H. W. Ibsel & C0.. mdsé. Hanry Kuebkér, nie ............ * 118.17 10.10. 71. 92 Libértyville. Trépiew & Taylor. A. urlai-------------- A.H(h urchill, sérvice--------------2.5.0u Home Lumbér <Co.. cmai------------------8,r Wm. Walrond, Corlétt à Frodericksq, mdse----------..... 1.7 91 W. F. Hafeman. milt----------------1h 14 C. R. Galloway, uerVices. ecimed $2r, allowed--------------10.00 -R. Gallavay, Services. claittiéd $25 allowed ...........---15.00n Total amouni ciaimèd $180.7F, Total alloved-.....165.75 Md t MM ou tApet te la thé ver the ig data Spover ta -thé ves#4w 4i flOu out thé etc.. la la mak- 3r the lnéi ai tb the My the asther te thé 4100 pdmpua t the te 0 a.q eso l ïpia luis: aâeues baspt ser- Lr Su.PetlM'-Mei moved chat OW-M P naniel Slgn Comnpany he ailowed for port be aOoégtéil andl adopted. $460.66. utoil "~é. i Motion oarrléd. 61bervillèr Wéleh of Newport sub- Supervimer Eger naoved that. thé mnitteil the followlng Resollution. and sigo post-> Lé sent to the Supervisor nivedi s adoptionP: cf éach Town to hé placed] by hlm. WIIEREAS, Certain grievrancét Aye and Nay vote béing calléd for havé been *xPresfed regardilng tihe Superviser Egers motion wam earrled delay ln paYlsg ovê'r of certain spe- by thé following vote: clal a88ssuémnt fonds and dé0tn<uent Those voting AyF are Supérvîsors andl Rliroad and Teléphone tai by Berube, ChIttenden, Clark, Eger, the County Tréasurer to the Varions Ficise. Ferry, K.rschiner. King, Silmons- taxlng bodies Soreoisén. Speýlimani of Grant, Strat- BE TT RESOLVET), that thé tomn- ton of Lake Villa, Weich of Newport, mitee on Résolutions Le Instructed to Walsh, Whlte. 16. trame U for va a Resolution coctain- Thotie voting No are Supervisors 1 nga, erny tpirto.Brooks.,itroecker. Deaniore>4t, lEnmons, lng a remey theto.cees, Meyer of Waukegan. Maether. Superviger Clark moved thll.t tha Wélch of Waukegan. -x resolution hé amended 10, include Superviser Welch of Waukegan Supérripsor Welcit of Neaport on said mnoved that a l'ommnitte consisting of ('ommittee. thé Chairman of thé County Board, Motion caied. Shérif and (ounty Superîntendent of Vote recurring on original motion as H4ighway-> Le aPPOInted to uqccrtain If amended thé samie Wuu earrled. t vére possible to empioy tho prison- Supervisor Egerr moi-d that thé ers ln the CountY Jail to work on the Résolution Commîitte e réquenttod 10 roads of Laite dounty. have thé Résolution ready t te, p re- Motion carrléd. sentéd ai thé fIrat da) cf the Marrh Supervisor White moved that each meeting, 1914. Supervisor notîf y thée ('omnritteé Motion carrléd. visére to uhlp thé sign posts. Supdrvlsor King moyéd thLat thé Motion carried. ptition of William Hérman for a Supervisor Welch of Waukegan 4wamp Landl Deed heretoforé presént- moveil that thé County Clerit Lé au- ed hé laid on thé table thorluedin t draw warrants on thé Motion. carrled. dountY Tréanurér tote téséverai daim- MilPrvlr W1chof ewprt o sisanIst»paymént cf ailhbis allowed ai FLtervsorWelit f Nwpot mv- thtis meeting. éd that tise Communication of Knjx Mto are -Il t .11 éd that tb. report hé a djbdand Moi. enied. Supervleqr Brooks, Chairman of thé GlO»n>Uée.on OlatéAid Roads, sub- elfte tk thé flo*lng t»port: Waukegaa, III, Don. 11, 1913. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Séard: Your 8pédlalOomittee on Blate Aid Roeds beg beave te report that they liaxe éuémlaed the ceunty map showing the tate Aid Boads s,. cor- rected by the Staté Hlghway Commis- 1K4aU 1114cR eOQMuledthe chassée Made thereon, and flnding that mach chanigez are not satlsfactôry to thle Coipiltîee, we recommend that -à éSln h artansgéd with the 8tate HIihWay Comamission with the objeet 0f l'earraiglng and relnastatlng a col, taini rmail wleh vas eut off front the original plat. We furtbér ré<commend that the sal- arY Of a County Supérlntendent of lilghw*ye hé dctermined upon and that a County Superloténdent be ap- lt*d. ad that a préUimnary résolu- Asn asPrevidl for lu Section 14 of the ROMi Law b.esoleil upon. E. W. mo»a. James 0. Weich. Fred Krgcbnpr, A. T. White. James F. King, Bliprvisor Emmonn moyéd that the rrt hbéa accpted andl adopteil. Motion Carriail. S4Poyvloor Welch of Newport mnov. éd IbMt thé Commutte, on Siate Aid Raadzl arrange for a meeting wth the àtTtéHlghw&Y Comiusion and maire a readJustuet of thle Plate Aid Ronds aa4arY Of the County fl rnedn Of a s le fixeil at$10 per annum RIId p.O.BSay epensea. -Sup.rv!sor Wéich of Waukegan DiOed to amnn Supérvisor Maeth- or'% motion by substituting $160)ln- "Md « oU 8200. 4ye and Nay vote beng calied for Superviser Wechsmotion was car- pied hy thé fOlowing vote: Thceé yoILLg Aye.sire Supervisors 11rooks, Broocker. Demoreai. Emmons, 0904 Iliachuer. Kng Meyer of 'Fre- Ipapit, Myer cf Waukegan. aimons, Wleh or Newport, Welch of Wauke- &an, Walsh, Whte.-14. Thos. voting No are Supervisors Be0rubé, Chittenilén. Clark, Eger, P11011. ftirry. Mathér. Pettis, Soren. sMD. 8pORMaD, Stratton of Grant, atraRonef amé Vllla-12. Bupýervlsr Eter moveil that thé p1I64s1lMotion as amendéil be car- pied uatauimoualy. Motion carrlild. -ftpervlsor Mathér moveil that thé Oêgn01tY 1Suplerlatendent of Hlghways bit sél.oted by ballnt. Motion carrléd. Ohairisan Conradl appoinicil as tail- enu 8evIrsWaish, Welch of Waukégan. andl Meyer of Waukegan. l'h resait of thé ballot as aunouine- ed b the tellers showed that Char- SUZRusell receiveil 21 vote andl James Aatidrson, Jr.. recelveil 6 votes. PUPervisor Walcb of Waukegan ssvgi thàt thé unanimous vote of thé Scélrd hé given to Mr. Russell for thé *loe c f County Superntendent of R«es. UR4tlon carriei. SupervIsor Goes moveil that thé matter of aelocUng the tirst State Aid ftoad t e hé ulit hé laid over un- tiI Saturday monlng at 10 o'clock. Supérvisor White moveil as an aaiéadméat that thé seléctlon hé made immdlat*ly. Aye »di Nay vote hélng called for Supervisor Whlt's motion was lost by thé followll.g vote: Tisos volai Ayé are Supeé's lcre lker. MaetWér, Sorensen. Stratton af Labo Villa, White. Tho»é votlag No are Soparvtsesa Brooks, Broecker. Berubé, Chitien- doit, Clapr., feéir, et, Unme. Rlire, Ferry, Gous. King, Meyer of Freont, Meyer of Wnukegan, FétUs. Laimons, 8péilman, Stratton of Grant. Wélob cf JféwPort. Wélch of Waukegan. Walsh. Vote recorrlng on thé original mo- tio thé mue att ficarrieéi. Supervisor Déinoret,Chalranan of Fées Coasltée lécePt 'WiLukégan. -Shîidu and Deérfield) submlttéd the toloing report: atate cf lilohis Lake County. as. moof a! upervisors, Decémbér Tétin Dé«. 11,.A: D. 1913. Mr. (Ihairma»n andl Gentlemen of the Bea of!-Supervisera: Your Commttée on Poor ciaims (excépt Waukégaa. Shiélde and Déer. field) would beg leave.to report that tbeY have *"AIned IIdaims pre- senteil heforé them and recomménd thé PAnnent ot thé folowlng ani that the Clerk hé directeil 10 lpsue,orders top thé several amounts to thé several ejlanants, to-wtt: Amt. Clalmed& Narnes. Vor What. AMt. Allowed. Santon. Ieader Dépt. Store. mdsè ............. $ 237.58 Rockatellar Cc., mndse ..............184.Q3 Gen. R. Kirk. taking man to houpi- li.................2.64 Anna Sîssort, care,0f bind Person 42.00 Johneon Smilth & Co.. fuel ..........2 .0 Ztcn Mercbautile C. aide...............48.20 ,H. W. Ferry, transportation .... 9.70 $ 75245.: .4.15 -.. 17.30 $21.45 jm Iti to deba lia "5 i or th m* ti i oth mpel ta the wéi Sur- Mt or leatioti îate le ý 1 Vernon. Rose Westerfleld, wood .... . .... -. T. Foute' $ 9.19 Total oint. clalmed 11204.10;:l6A total aioreti -..... $116950 Al of which ls réapectfuhly subruit téd. J . Ténore%t, t'hairman, Autuin F. Soteéoen. J. T. Emnions. SuPervittor Mather movéd tiaat thé report bft accépted and adapted. Motion carriéd. Supervison Chitténde movéd that Dr. A. PE Brown hé u.ppointed Super- entendént o! thé Lake lireése Sana- torium as soion as thé sainielm tatéen over by thé dounîn. Motion carriéd. Superviaor Welch of Waukegan nioveil thal thé Ceunty Supérluténdent f Highvays assuméeIis dutiés et, Décembér 16, 1913. Motion cared. Thé follovlng communication s aa Illinois Piété Hlghvay Départanént- Springfield, Dècember 8, 1913. To thé Mémbels of thé County Boardffi of mlinesa. We désire 10o al your attention tu thé short couxse in hlghway enginéér Ing thatlal offèméil by the engineering departinent of thé University nf liii- notesprimarilinfor thée befit o! thé ceunIr superintendénts of bighwayé. Thé course opens January 19th and continue&ste January 31, 1914. and ne tuition charge la made hn thé Uni- vérulty. The purpoée of ttis sghort course In higbwan engineering la tu assist thé ceunty auperintendents o! highraYs. ind thé value of sncb a course teulte tevly appointi superinténdénts ean- .lot hée ovéréstimateil. We urge most 3trougly that evéry counly susperle- tendent attend that short course. and uriher that é«eh cousty board maite niovîsion to pan thé Riaitî actuel es- penses thal thé connty superintenilent yuIIle hundon in attendin the sainie. Outaideofo thé actual carefare. thé living expeaisés for thé Iwo veeks at- tendance ahould nol exceoil $20J00. We théretore respecttullY uuggésl taI ycur board lnstruct ycur ceuntn uprintmilent te attend tiIs short coreanld "t Il viii hé éntirely pmo>é elndliftingé t., détay hicncees- Varn reupetiully. Illinois glaita Hghvay Commission. A. N. Johnson. State Highway Enginééer. Supénvisor King movél tlaat Ht. Russl eilhéréqustel te attend this Motion cairiéd. fupervisor Clark move<i le adjourn entil temnorrov morning at 10:30 i dlock. Motion carriéd. POURTI-tDAY. Wautegan. III.. Dec. 12, 1913. Boarl met'pursuant tu adjoumméent wth Chai-mmnCnrail proidlsu -and thé folloving mémbére presént: Pup- .vios Briiks. Broeetr. Beruhé, contrail. Cittende. Clark. Démorept. Mier. Emmone, Fleke, Ferry, Ceas. King. Meyer cf Freinont.Megt Of Wautsgan. Mather. Binions. Poren- %en, Speliman. Sîgtton cf Grant, Stratton of Lake Villa. Weleh of Nev- port. Welch of Waukegan, Whieh, White. -25. Absent: Supervisers Kirschnér and Pett.-2. Minutes of precedlug meeting reald and aven motion oet Pprvli Plani- nions approved. Superviser Betuhé, Chaurma» Of thé Commttéee on Séttlemènt wlth thé Cotnt! Tréasurer. sub-tteti thé fel- owing report: 8Secte of Illinois, Lake Ceu»ty. aff. Board of Supervisera. Décémber Terin. 1913. ir-..Chairmanm MGentemen Of the »nard o! Pupervisors: Tour Caomltte on Péttleuueiit vitb thé Counir Tréasuret, to vhoni the yearly report of Carl P. WéStEurllet, County Tréaurer, vas rétitreti, beg lesvé te -report that vo have tx&BMn- éd said report anId thé saine COr- rect, and havé vérifiled alidreport nt lt he records of said Treanrene oiflce'and -*thé accoMut athe banlk, aMd -tow!en é romméad ti - a report hé approval. - We -aleo sabmilý ber«»vtth -troati- l,"te o! 11e Ca*lr,.e-yl te epcutp Win. J. Bûet#=.- t tttinty Bard oetf lui,értsors [W laid> ou thé tablé. Motion carriéd. Supérvisor Brooks> movéd thal thé (lé,-t hé autborizéd te Issue War- ranIs on thé Counny Tresurér te thé several claimajats for ail bis aiiow- ed at this meeting. Motion carried. Superviser Weich of Newport mev- -that the malter oft aid te blind persons lu Defiéid beleéti with Stup- crvialor Clark vith power le act. Motion catiéi. Supervisor Walsh. Chairman of tée Couttnlttée on Settiément witb fiLer- if., submitted thé feilowing report: StatA o! IliInois, Laite Coonty.s. Boaurd cf Stèpervisors. Decénihér Term. 1913. Mr. <'hairman and Gtleimen cf thé Loard of Supervisera: Ytr Committeé on Sttiémént with thé Shéniff voulil hég leavé to report that wé havéezaminéd thé zeport -f Elmer J. Gre»n. Shérif., and find the samte co#ret. aving verlfléd thé rz'- port vîtAi thé boots and sodounts cf the Sheriff. We fiel that thér-n was a balance due thé County ln his hands of $174.06 o! receipt.s ln exces retx- pénséstaccondigg to thé report. vOte amounthabaeen turneil over te thé dounty Tréasérér and his receipt thérefoné attacheil. Wé theréfore récommenil that said! report hé approreil. Ail cf whlehits restéctuillniumit- ted. A. J. Walsh. È. A. 'cte. James G. Wélch. Supenvi,or Maether moyed te ait cent and adopt the report. Motion carriel. Supervîcor Gons movéd te adjouro until 10:30 o&clock tomorrow mern- Ing. Motion caried. FIFTH DAY. Decemberle,.11913. Board met pursuant te adjeure- ment with I'halirman Conrad presid- lng and te tollovlng niémbers pres- ént: Snpervaaor> Brooks, Brceckét, Ber- ubé, (Conrad, 'itittendén. Clark, l)én- oréét. Eger, Entions. FiPté. ,Ferry. Goss. Kirticîtter, Kinli. Neyer of Wau- kegan, Ma.'ther, Situons, Soi-ènsén. Speliman, Stratton of! drsnt, Stratton of Laite Villa. Welch cof Newport, Wéich et Waukégan, Walsh,. Whité- 26. Absent. Stiî,.-rvloors Meyer o! Pré- mont and Péte-2. Minutes cf preoelung meeting réad and tapon moion e! Superviser Brooks apînov éd Supérvisor Eger moved that tée se- létion et thé firet S$ate Aid Road te bé bulît hé rtade h7 ballet. andl that thé road tecéiving the majority cf a&l votés hé dèclaréd thé rosi! sèiectéd. Motion carristd. Superviser King inovei that thé map showing state aid roaIs as sub- mlttéd by lte Staté Highvay Com- mission hé approvèl as cértifleil. pro- vidait, hoeéver. that tunthé évent that thé mlleagé as. shov» thereoit being tinsfflcient, tîtat Route No. 8 hé ré- instatéil. Motion carried. Superviser Wélch of Waukegan moveil to procéed hy lnfett.al Uallol t0 sélect thé rsI Piété Al i Red te Le Lilît. Motuon carried. ChsJ.man tottrai appointéd as tll- ère Ahprviscrs Héyer et Waukégaît. Broeéctr and G os. Superviser White piaceil in nomi- nation thé road knov» au Belvideré atréél, or tîte 011 Plaitk Road. Superviser Weich o! Waukegan placed. in nomnationi the roil known as Grand Aventitt or Lake Villa road. Supervtsor Eger placbêlIn nommna- ttc» the Road' known as Milwattke avenue. Thé recuit of thé ballot siaowéd Ihat Grand avenue recéivéil 17 votés. Mlvwaukée Aventue 3 votes and Bel- vIlère streét 2 votes, Chicago-Lake Geneva Read -1 votes. ene blani.- Total 25 voté-> Supervisor Whitet movél t!aat the in- formati ballot hé declareil fermai and that Grand Avenue hé délai-éd thé unanimous sélection of thé Board as thé Firat Si.ale Ail Road to e hbIulil. Motion carrit'd. Superviaor Wlch o! Waukégan moveil that tée rk -on #aid Plate Aid roal hé started at théeéaut limite SUICRVISORS-OGalhI Litoen 1..-$ o! thé' VIllage eft lbeVilla on thé 'Glad Avenue ROM AMiBptacoél «SI; ça ltqute 6 as far #s.the éppropri- at-ion vili permit. ,Uoiibna sarrél U»t 008MO"WltisaI thé eul ô -G.W lqu;"àA. E. Sm*th %o * albovel for *1 aVnd -41.4q0:'e. otioùcarrIed. ~mvarW" a cfWatit~fi1 th4 1e bUIs l of lI Cudba. Ucaeschulte & Hagér. moal andl four i.W. Meyer, milse. .. . Superviser Weh ot Wautégan1 éuhmittéd thé, foliowIatg résolîttion andl movéd its adoptioni: Prelimlnary Résolution cf Counly Board itequesting Construction o! a PublicIlitghway a'. a filal Aid1 R.oad: Resolved, That thé public intéret démanils the Improveenedau a étalé aid rouI o! the sédtion et thé public highway déscrlbed as feliowe: Beginning ut a point on thé publiec highway deaignateil on théet'ouutly map of Laike tounly, showlng propos- éd staté aid roaIe, on file le thé of- fice o!Ilite Staté llighway Commis- sionér aI Springfield andtie t officea et thé County diérit for Laite dounty, as proposéil Piété Al Reai Roulé No. 6. salil point being éast Une o! Village cf Laite Villa. and ex- ténllug thénce aiong sal Route No. 6 ini Laite Couty lne astariy direct- ion for a dIatncé o! fourteén miles more or les->. And Il le requested taI thé atone- ssld déscnibéil section o! higitvay hé niproveil as a staté aid rosi, sel thé Cui ty dentla hérehy uirecteil ta traheanit a cepy of Ihis résolution ta thé Pité llHighway Commission vitb-1 Iu té» 110) dans of thé date hereof. said! date héing thé 111h day 0f Dé- cember. 1913, as Lrecruuin a» ection 16, article IV -ot an act ta revijsè the law in relation ta roads anti bridgés. approveil lune 27, 1913. Motion carriél and résolution vas adopted. Superviser Eninons moveil te ad- jotîre tntl ltée néxt tégular meeting. Motion carrled and Board %tout] ad- jeu rned. Lew A. Heodée. Plate o! Iliniîos, Late CeunIr. as. 1. Lew A. Hendee, County Ciérk in andl for snid County. tn thée ité aforésaid, and kéépér o! thé records andl seal Ihénéot, do heréby Lértlfy- thé foegotng te hé a trué. petfbt ad complété transcript o! thé lsnceêd»gs et thé Hourd cf Pupervisors of Lake Cotanty. Illinois, aI ltée Décembér Ses- sion, 1913. In testiînany whereof, 1 have bere- lutta set my hand and affixeil thé seéai of said Court. at my office. in Wau- kégan, In raIl Ccunty. Ibis 201h Ian cf Décéihé,r. A. D. 1913. LEW. A. HENDEE. (lent. OFFICIAL LIS?£]CAL .STATE TRANSFECRO Lake Go. Titi. & Truù -Co &tegmof etTiti.. Tlés Stnualt.d s anele Temple aide#, Plune 4- January 12, 1914. Ernst Bock te Many J. Guthrie. W. l oltS. block 4, 8hady Nook Pub. on Late Marié. W. D. $1. Elisa Burke te A. F. Bruts, lot 'A", Privit Park on Bluffit at. W, D. $1. F. A. Forhnich and wife ta G. D. Fockus, lots 9 andi 10, Forbrichsa Sub. on Late Maclé. 'W. D. $3,000. W. A. Jameete Isi iI Spéar, part lots 24 and 21 Ad, te North West Add. Waukégan, W. D. $576. Janusry 13, 1914. Day L. Nolt andl buabanil te C. E. Sayiér. lot 18 and N. 9 féet, lot 16. BIt. 4, Lenox Pub., Nortit Chicago. Q. C, $1. Harnlet S. Kelt et aI. ta T. W- Cioney. lot 6 and,pant lot 5, Lake Forest. Q. C. $10, A. F. 'théidon and vite to Oracé E.1 Shadli, lot 27., lttry Pnb. Rocke-E feller. W. D. $10.1 Sophia. E. Ifessenger le Fanny M.i Elvards. lots 37 anti 3$, Sioci 47,1 Washhurn ParkNontit Chicago. W.i D.$200. Bernard KrsBtan asel re LA: ILée Erisitan. N. 40 test S. 50 leet. lot 9, block 8, McKsyes 2nd Add. Wauke& gan. W. D. $10, 1 Censuméts Company te C. B. Smith, lot 12, Villa Rica 5mub. In Sec. 31, E.1 Antioch Twp. DRéil $600. Coflc4olTtinta. i désire 1ta aâk the Odil Féllove c« thé Llhtvilte, andl W«kegan lodisée fcr their Kîndneus aldassiet- 45é ýduring thé ilpOas andIbath et ÎiY b"toanpi.-Mrb. Annie Adamis. VILL BE 'RUNNING AT FULL CAPACITY Admnitted That It Is Now Run- ning at Over 80 Per Cent of Its Total Capacity. MANY ORDERS ARRIVING., More Men Being Put on Almost Daîiy and Prospects Look ExceedinglyBright. Waukégan. Jauuary 14. According tb réliable Information the local planL o! thé American Steel & Wire Company le laking on men almeet every day and Inuldé cf a few vééts wyUl again hé unning et full capaclty. At the présent time il lu operating at fully eihin par cent cf Ils capacity and thé number of or- dérs that are pooring lu IndIcate thal that full capacity yl havé to hé reached shortly ln order b gét théni out en sohédulé tuée. These admis- sions were niadé by on@ of thé of- ficiais cf the hig plant a day or Ivo ago. There vas a lime whén thé big lo- cal plant .vas runttlng rathér stackt but t ras due t>, a déprsIon thal éffcteid thé steel lnduslry over the éntiréeoeuntry. This dépression sems te hé about ovér as reports froni ail parts of thé country are te thie effént that thé large steel mIlîs are taklng bock tIhéir force of men and are gettlng ready to ru» ai ca- Pacily vîthin Ivo montha at thé véry outside. Thé dmw» of hrighter days for thé steel iuslry vas Indicateil very learly Tuesday whén 1,000 me» eut. PloYed ln thé Illinois Steel companles Plant In South Chicago, returneil ta vork. Reports tram Plttahurg and other denIers also Indicate thal Ibère shortly wil hé a revival o! thé steel induutrY andi Ibat tbcusandu ! of n who have be»cout of vcrk 09e ailI hé bock at their Jobs. Thé 1,000 me»nvisa returneil 10 vark lu South Chicago havé béé» eut o! ver-k sincé Chiristmas. The rom. pany eloaed dovo séveral cf thé shops ln orilér te mate repairs. "It is poessiblé that aur full forcé yul b LeémPloYed in thé Southa Chi. cago Plants héfore thé Olr-st of FéL- ruarY,' raid William A. Viel, super. Intendent ef thé Plan lueuday. Reports fi-cm Gary, Ind., oday In- dicateil that thé clesed ille stbh are -éxpecteil 10 open soon. Two lhousand men havé héén taté» haçit cf thé G.000- who vêe laid off. Thé Putting hact to .work c! thé men in thé Iodai Plant and thé put- tU»g on ful l ime o! me»nvite have vcrbeil cly part lime lu expectéil to cause business to boom ln Waukégan an il has ualt ôion gaerai Moathu, TELLS COST PER ACRE. (Cosnd T rom page oms) ln thé tlillés vith thé third on the fanm to produite sumbelent for thé city familles te livé on. Hé urgeil the use or phosphates andi le agaluat Patent fertIlisera. In dboelng Mr. Greatns abqpéil 11*1 thé Wiii county croP assoeAa lmba a big ailvantage ln getting cheaper ratés on seéds and on phosphates, a tIng maIe Possible for Lake, county farMéru nov undér thé present plan Lélng éxecuted hère. Mr. fSalIs Adlne,. Bort Sali, répresenting the douncil of Américan Grain Kichangas, Cilaa go, gave a réal, live, up-lo-date tait on "lncreased Grain Production." Thé tait was concise. Intèresti»g, and of vital intérest te grata prodjie. erg. Mt. Bal prefacéd ii l reniants by, depIoutng thé tact that the average farmer dos»'t 'lové his eiglbor as himeelf. Srnie time or other bis neighbor'a caif gel onto hie pasture, anti a breaÇh of friéndship bas eziot- éd ever sincé. Hé exisorted thie tarm. erg la each county te gel togéther and tonm clubs., soltaI then mlght meet togethér andl diacuss thé varlous phaas eo! taim ife. -and hénefit by eacIt other'a oxperiénce. and tailurés. Sucht gathétinge vquld hé of incel- cuahie value te thé fermer andl thé benitsthal -vould rosait froni thé social Inter-curse venta reenit and a far bitter spirit than existé at Préent amo»g farmmlg communiiiéaf. Thé lecture vas illuetratéil rith Ian- téro élidés ail thé varlous clubs ai- réady exlsti»g ln many countiés ln Illinois velu sheonon thé wali. and suit vas that 61 Per Cent of thé e " 1 grew.,.*hlch vonid Indlcate a vééy Lad sholng and s'ould mean the 1o03 of hundréils of dollars, accordlng tu thie acreagé undér cuitivation. A moge-s scientlflc way. the speakerépane, was tn get a blotter and mark cuonvt-- erai squares liké a chécker board, and place a grain ne ea*th square. Then a blotter vas to b. put upoit this one and thé saine thing réptat. éd watil enough cor» v;as lad eut for thé test, thon a wlck was piacedlilu à glass of vater andl attachéd 10 thé blotter. The rèeit v ouid héthat thé grainé would sprwtintb a short tiers ,and thélilve graén$ ceuld thon ho eéad lly dIstingushd. from thé dedmie., Thé tak wa agondl oneéad sonar fine pints for fartnrs ere brogght cut. WIII LE SUAIN Searoh for Wamonda Vietim. Rewarded Tuu*day After -a Searoh Prom Sunday. BULLETIN, Tueuilay attérnoon at 3 thé boèl! of Lausble vas found in tvémty féet cf vatér. Edward Stockiug, t1é mnif ho hboard hlm éry for aid on thé aight hé plungedI lto thé 107 WatéWS, oas thé mani Wto-récovéreèUwbé-ot- dolngse, w ititthé nid cf a lire~> book. The Inquest VIII hé hll 1" évé»nn. Coroner J. L. TaYloa- W-- Ubortyvlle viii Prouidé. Séareh for thé body e! Wa1tUe Leuechke. Si years éld, MO5 MW*~~ Karlov avemue. Ohio, a Young wbo vas dreoel 'abouat s O'lt"> 9aturday nlght *hile 'skating îas Bangs' l1ik. néar .Wauccuda las ____ cM eotlsuel s.lmostioealy Leuuohké w»t a Party of ft4ida,4 veau buimng néar Waucoudla 0a-14 tho4 o gih b eeén vamra" te go ont skaihg on Bat~ca Hé ukatédlatni.&:]amecp. 118kYl the M" £ dvpo.l tocblag, ilé-e~by huard bisdry ter, as" satsef re the hous. é6 eut ter -théecloUt Io bos onas" vas 00102V te, bis assitaance. WÀ bail told bis hired maste, follewv hlm ,ý vltb a rope "a lé lsr. Aus tochisg rocébhe6thée silo Ott" lake, behéard aMbher léspabig# Mr'~ tvrn mthe lfmWnlg 5-à-, t&Ualuý1 ahoutéil for hlm te bhml S'te 114t oese ,orthe lS eil> hé o ux y" - hlm. Wbéu -hé' arrivid at'the 91M< front Wlidhé thé aisebal een- lait, bailavallovél up Ia vlcIta It le bellevéil that Louubi bail At alél tuhelh4ow, 8tla l»é tlAar live minutés hft>Wré bis aumh Snt*$ reléasél thoir bol. LAztiérnS vue , sécureld " li- marks of his skates at the édge. 9 thé Ixlè.-coul hé squ platly. i forts "0 ma*- W. t fée b. bhpt but in vinà. Thé neat day rowbimts vith gra3> pling books tMiel W olocate thé bol! but vais foi-ced ta. givé up, lté search on acoount cf the rougbpée.- cf thé labé. On Kolay moiint a mater boat vaso !irel 4*4 thia os- trollel thé opén sDece vlth grapplV ioks ail day and, a Innp part of %P- A diver arrivéil boa Ivanaton oe ly tbu ateumvith r» lalatlep o! seék'Ing ta recover thé body. lu cage bé flleat lutasthé intention tu explodé aérerai sticks cf lynamtbb In thé bake. A brother cf the déél man lu conductlng thé aearch. WANTEB TO DUY-400 buahels p*ts, Northt Chicago Lumbér & ual Co, phono 2e5, ?'orth Chicago. fil. vkly-34X Slate of 1ltnoi, Ccuaty cf Lako e s In thé Clroult Court'o! Lakebouâp,> ty. Décember Torpa. A. D. 1913. John N. Busch vs. Nahél Tracy, et mi. In Chanoémy Son. No. OUI. 1 Puhlie natice la hersby giron t1t, bn virtue et en order and déoreée3*. teredin 1»thé aboya et$iW@dcause f thé Circuit Court ut! Ialo iaty .III fnus. at thé December Trs». A .U 1013, on thé, Stb daycf JàAuarY . -> 1). 1914. thoecéof thé underslgaéi * Master In dhancery ,of the ClrIu"i Court of Lake County, llinclieif seii aI public vendue, otei lh* andl hest bilder fcr cash on blond% the th day o! Féhruary. 4. M10 at thé hour cf one o'clock lu thé M érnoon of said day ai thé, ut tre door' of the court bouse, la thé lit Waukegan. Coutaof ! Lab, State of Illinois, thé foliowing d»3't~. éd réal-éstate. to-vit: Lots numbérs Five (à) and POb In Block one (1), cf Kncp>Subý ion of prt cf tIé OR AUialta southweat quarter of sacilpi (16). In Township Frytie North. 'Rangé Elaen I<11) Rasi < -IAiZýCOÜNTY, MMEPMDENT. YRIDÀX. JANUARY 16.1914. Pikcra Ravan ý ý

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