'TWO. Sy T. F.SWAN C.nrsponont and Agoni 3»Ut. Cors Hull vas a Chiacgo vlotur Ilia Nelvliih of Evanston, mpet SUD-1 dyiifriels bre.r Teoh».IRasseil s»d famlaIi sent Sund"y *» relativ-e@ n lairae Forest. Bloy Knlgge hm. beau lid up the. pasi kw dasevi tii a bard cod, but ls ableP Io i. ont again. Ur. and àmrýs~. J. Crapiey eft TuesdayC Ur Cicgo viare.tires. Cropieyli uniecgo hoiital trealment. Mllnue Roue, vha uderveut aut - peration for appendictlat the. Wauke- Mn osopital là r.ported daiug iceiy aMd ber complte rsconery le but asf motter of tinte. Mr. and irs. J. L. Irvngilet ibis v.ek for.anexteatded trip tiirougii Wiscosuin. 1'hoy expet tu alauon umenous relative@ and rende in tii. northeru part ai thet satteviti Abisud as thir objectivea poit. l *Mabie Neiirllch of Evaustoai, came outt for the card party Weuesday evenlllg1 jsud @peut the uigbt vith LMargueriteC Alvaad.e tirs. Thos. Ruesoilietetaued ber "ci, Lewis Laugdon of Elpaso. Ill., a Wii Waadea rturn.dlulet veek franie as extenled vist vitb fireals lu thei. emoiern tates. W'ilil ays tbe lest mayt bebigiit for tiiose whô are u@e.d a if, intHairace Greeiey iiad a goal huneh ÏxhOa eldirected Youg men towsrd the. gï».Dora Misespeut aaturday sud Smedy I Cicago. Ur. and tirs. Frank Johnseon o! Wickegau. @peut Bunday et BartIett@. Mis Luelia Mitchell spet flest veek vitb 11m s. l.Ia ls Kig.et Ares. bi. ana ir. G. Thaiciere.W&uk- gau viitor Tuesday. HBelen Geirber sutetainel riende fromt Lletvl.Sunday. j J. odg. itde sud Mn Pearl Ray atteodo . eorssait the Metboiiot eelî t Lbertylvills Sunday. Mm, J. W. Cooper viited Ums Miaule Ro o uWuukegaaa ospitel lait veek. 1W. Wooelln basreturne fromt s six weks trip lin hoeut. Re wva coua-i pagis b: hif. suat itre. Haschof New Wee Moiti gave up sehoal ounaaunt1 1111eus o! ber latber. Roy Beckiteveller la stkinxber place. 1. hlstey 01 usoLemon. Tho lemon bas a clear hialtory. Un. buliva t. ithe Greeku and Romana, l vasIntrodncod ltete, auinby tha Amzont e tii elm*t mycutra Md lu 194 vabeftg cltlvated la the. Aome M4 ohippsd lu lafgo qustitu l BARGAIN S MAGAZINES, If yau are thinkang of sub8cribng for s maga- zine, Illesu re and get My Pria.. firt. THE AREA NEWS AGENCY (Nt lac.) Are,. Ilianis L iM. OUNSWORTH. Mgr. LÂEOOtJWNy IIEND II»NT,- FR]DÂY. JA"~ARY 16,1914. =c=ý- H. E. Masimane bg pre-iuvetory iss EBilsabth Kuebiier began teacblng clearance sale open@ Satnrday, January st Long Grove tionday. loth. su. annoucment lu tsIsue, m" Emma Caberain vas a Our local @port are gttlDUg alioue Waukegaacailler Saturday. for the. aunnsà boresaes "Ou th@ite ~M»s. M. Wlrts4 Br., vas qut. ssrloalY .Md as mon s tiei c laCOIiSded safe, I tst w..k, but le roported btter. a uiaiclid vilii hsa naonncsd. W. un- About tbirty ladies att.nded the. derstaad tiet horne$ froua Round Lakeitery meeting at MmRen ery Grahiios eSd.PêltiD5 a e eb nterod agli lut Thàresy and ail sujo.ved the. day Wonk le nov prOgr»Issg rapidly ou sim MI,& WeIllr 0f ObcagSo, spot ithe tii. now Bordon mlii plant, contractor vssk endi vith ii eads lu hils vlclnlt.i P. J. FrMussdaMd-big crov frOmla bcHen- ry coming dovu last veek toa aslt the Samo 0f9t* popil. oI tii. .ciiool are localms'an if tsy mot vIC n aing to, attend tihe corn conteât at loca morant Iftheymee wil Doun-Lhbrtyvills, lurday.nd iridial. foresesu delay expecetaobave the aev hr ua nenlylr rw building ready and ail equippust il-ab the oodma.an uaunallystlargocrovd stalied by Marcia frt, ready for ocru- nulatii.WodmTban ad tiystic gontrs aE. i.Dbatrucedbeusluthe Intallaton ufin. oyster supper vas E. H Dame tansctedbusnessln srv.d and tb. remainder of ii. evenlug Chicago Ttieday. spet lu dancing. J. K. Orvie i.ft fer Spo'kane, Washug- iss Avis Payas speut Saturday aud tan, lest week ou an important buinee Suna oe trip, andoaspets t Nigone tva veek@. Saaa oe Tii. ear 118 bs ram sud au d ,rs. Haady bas been on the. slck lt altiiougia uperstitlouti peOPle ilieve 13 epatvek ie uulucky, it boashea the luckiet ypar Waucouda ha. ever kuowu. Neyer has PALA T 'E s year ehostu one-huudredth part o!f tieL. , .. - progres ot urvillage tha$ han the. yiaS ir. snd LrMess fent@.rtalured relatives ytar, the. year thst brought a raliroad fromn Chicago the. past week. 11 ta Our cammuity, owned, cautrolled Mise Betty Bolîman bas eutered the! aud operated by local peaple alaug the. Chicago chools as teacher. 5h. passed iae, a lumber sud coal yaid, epeed eleva-te i'exmnio alp eh . tor seon tonon i th otte a alltigned a 1913.1914 cotract vith the bottliig plant beiug huit by the Borden Palatine baard of educatiou, vho have Coudeueed Milk Coansd stien complet- 8c red Mise Whitemaiata take Mdis ed will b.ue of their ilat plante, a Bollmau'e roam. uev brick garage, one o! the. preseut day RyDne n rd riel.br necesities fiftted aut by twao faut local DBoy eu ndex psud bare e rriehe Youug meu, the opeulu. of three uD Dcow e u xec amk terhm eubdivieians sud the erectiau ai several lu Palatinie- Roy Benuet sud Miss uew reideure., aud lest but 'lot leait Galdie Hartehoru vwers married Dec. 24, the. erectiou of the uev depot sud euglue at tisciiville, Kaneas. houe.. vhich bas mot of aur aeigiibor- Lire. M. L. Smyeer ai Clyde, Ill., speut iug tawns beateu ta a frarle " New Year'a vitb frieud e be. A .1i accouat ai the drawuiug iu thé MLre. B. Targier epeut the past week lake of Walter Lueschkie of Chicaga. ou vitb friends bers. Sturds, eveuîug appears in anotier tir, sud Lire.F. Aee reeedu part af tbie ppr s few mouthu vltb relatives lu Chicago. Mr.-aud Mme Burlngame left for their FRMONT. hame lu lorida ta ses-d the next&tiiree Bora, ta Lr. sud tiî. Barr-y Dietz a mautiein latieir viater home. 1b r.S .Ltthon hrdà boy, Thursday, Jeu. M. aMes lufrd Supi ated E Ciiariey Whiite Bill i Libertyville, i"iaeu îe b s-r Soroty, ti.a speu Suday t Aam iehms. IZZ ZII~ ~IZ II]Gamma Phi Beta Chapter of tiie Chcaga Quit a few froua bere atteuded the Mir, aud Mre. Lon. Poppeir called ou re- AlumaI Chanter at the Coilege Club af due st Ivanhoe Thuraday evs-naug. lative. at Waukegaa let v.ek. Cbiaiago Saturday. Ail ~ ~ ~ ~ I rpra odtm.Lr. sud tire. H. Lots viskted vith the Miss Editii Pttis une the we.k.eud 11r. and LMr. Rd Wagner vere Vola latter.s sisters ut Chuuga lst Friday guest of Misa Mary Maguire ut Chicago. ralies an, dey lest v.ek. and Satus-de .Ti.D yCi(eme rdy vau Bn Waguer ai Wauk.gsu, @peut let Tii. chool of the Gilmer rehol sent a et the home of Mies Elizabeth Knickier- Suuday at;.Johun(laltera. box of corn and oas to theii corn ebov bociier. John Amanand daughter Coraset Lîbertyvilie viiers they vers ta b. Lire. John Ve~lter le outertaluiug lher Wauissiy epent a few daye lest veok St put un exhibton. ster, Miss Robin ai Dovuer'. Grave. Milwvaukee..tis. Wau. Geink, aiftMaunt Prospect. The. Derildgrammsrpechool viii hie .Mr@. ie Wirts ent.rtaiued compauy Ili., las vstng ber brather, W. Coneoer, dedicated Saturday eveiag. Jan. 24thq froua Chicago over Suaday. a fr, deys. et 8 a'ecck. T. A. Bimpocui, donuty" Jo.sliet ofai Mlwaukee..le viitiag superinteudeut, R. L. Sandwfnk, pria- relative. and f rieuda hors. Miss Le*na D. Schvermule epeading a cipai of the, leenfied-Sbields iigh echool;f (inudma Wirtz le ou tiie-@ici lit. ev vee.ksat Lombard aud Chicago. William Whtiug, village preeldeut; audj Lucy Hertel oes-t Saturday at Round8 Meurs. Win. Web.er aud Walter Cou- Sujervion C. W. Pettio viildeiver1 Lake. ejer calied ou frieude luntthe city Suuday. addnesse andl a echool chorus vil i siug Wmn. woadia, viio han heen vinig tir, sud Lre. John ~ Stryker are Government Has Picked Beit la th@ sast, returaed lst veek ta "Pend receavlag cougratulations au tbe birth of the. vînter et home witb)ûiis folko. s daugiiter. Thureay, Jauuary 8th. Line as Fisi Railroad to Suuday eveiug regular Eugliish @r- Mrs. West sud @au Boy af Elgin. are Be Appraised. vice wili be beld lu St. Latheve Ev. vliting reiatans-. hers. _____Lutheran cburnb tire. Chas. Boise of Gale.burg, as Washington, Jan. 11.-TIr. Elgin. visitiug Vernon u luciel the vsek. Joiet & Eastern Ralro. an Illinois 'THREE BLANKETS ARE Mi@@ Eleanor Meyer vas the. week-end carriers, wviiib. amoug theftret fiv. gee.t ofi Lls Irone Maad1. ai Chicago. rallroads ta b. appraisel by the. Inter- CAUSE 0F SQUABBLE. Louis Romnmel of Indiana, vas the. state commerce commission uu4er the. -week-end guent af bis parente, Mn. sud lav for a pliysIcai valuation et the Thre. blankets vhlchbeblonged tauLre. Philip Rammel. raliroas of thie country. The tiret the, Lake Breeze Sanitarum bae ss istrvsa oet(Iu a fine railroa>la are the. Elgin. Joiet & provedl the cause of much cautroverey ti veek.edGrae.to! MorestMarienrees. Eastern, the Kansas City Boutheifsa, durlng the paat noierai days, and, It tseedgeto ieMreK@@ thse Norfolk & Soutiieru. the liait Lake developo tbey aImost ver. the cause Lre, bs-a Karch veited iasnds lu & San Perdo aud the. Atania, Birna-"of throwing up "In the, air" the deal otuiri.udy Iugham & Atiautlc. Tii. von viie-. wireby the caunty of Lake la to pur- Mir, snd re. Ed Clapper sud uiaugb- gin ou the let nauued rouid tomorrow. cise the coloar trot, the pivatej ter@, Pearl and Isabel viitel relatives lu Commil>soaer Charles A. Prouty. vho associationi.i Chicago Sunduay. bas charge of lie vok. deciaref to. itsocIale that three blankete which1 E. J. Hoyt of Chiago, visited hie aunt, niait thoee ronds ver. selected be ,ver, iu thinivsntory whlch the coun- Lins. Lydia Bayt. linuday aud ée cause they ver. regarded as typîcai I y conler.d lu the, deai bait disata- i returueil wth hlm tu remal urfantire. of trahsportat ion conditions lu the dlt- pearel viieu Dr. Brown looked thlugs months. ferent sections lu whlcb tuey vere 10- aven. He acoardlngly made s roquent Mn. sud Lr@. El Mugis-y of Chiago. cated aud aIea becaus, they vere aIl of Dr. Tombaugla tausefe.11Y ver. re- vlelted aet thebomue of tire. Bsrah Adamis emali ruade. tunnel. it vas ezilaluied ta Dr. Tom- lest week. baugh that Dr. Glenn, vbo oucceeded Good Fertilllzr for Forais. Dr. Wattenaon as beal of the. couY, WARREN Ntrate of soda dissoined lan vatel bal taken the blaukets. Thcy ver. r.ispi) hlp a eundt sbould be given ta ferns that arce mali not fortbcomlug no Dr. Browu made a ie ue1hu huîela eunlt or vesk, but do net make lie propor, formai demand on Dr. Tombaugis that ber home in Maguolia, fl , alter vieitlug tion of nitrate more tItan one-quarter the. tuaniieto muet be retnrned sud tu. relatives sud Iriende Iu thise vi*inity. of au ounce ta the. galion, but largo day li. r"einWoyrd tlAt Dr. Glenn The. Warrn e Oetery Aseolatlon will Plants, aud tuose -( vigorons grovtb etwt r.HritPne nWd shaulal b. vatened wlth a solution ln uita returned tvo and tue third cannt me iLr.HnftPue nWd proportion of onehait au ounce of ho founal. Hovever, Dr. Brovu le, uesday. Januarq 21. nitrate ta the galion. Apply about satIsfis-I. bence the matter autamatl- Lre. George LicCulough sud danghts-r onery ton days. Bot andl sait are aiso1 caliy drops. @Peut 8tirday vltii ber aunt, Lire 1It fs well to guard against waste of products and bet- ter to guard against Ioss of f unds received froni the sale of thoge products, by depositing in your home bauk where every penny ean be accounted for and valuable emeipte obtained in the payments made for 7our pucbaesand invegtmentn. We are mutually Inee~ in the gêneral welfare of the coînmunity. TME CTIZIENS' BANK AwIA. ILL w. F. B~çn vis. Prosidut. Iving E. Payne. ý nummu"d fiction Sales. Tii. uuderoigned viii have a public soctioa lu the. village o! Vola. iliuole, où FIIIDAY sud SATURDAY. JAtN, f32 Sales commeucesat 1 O'clock. on m- afternoou, sud vii contin. outil Saturday ulogbt. Stock consiteaiso Grocerle, Dry Gonds, Boots a»dBlâoe, Rubb.r Gooda, Notions, "o's Clotblng. BU»ld. vii i recslv.d aubuIlgs, lote, dsllvéry wagon, buggies, bore *0 -baross. This le your oppovtnnlty ta purchass frot-casogoo&set' Four omm Prim., asthé etir, stock mmut i mo li $ma lots ta tii. hlgbstbiller. TrM H.J. ol lk idfflo pro> Sanahs Uulllian. MIs Marjurie Cannaon maIe a ationt vigit at Ilims recently. Sum@em SriwstO, Bol Ite managers o! a Brooklyn ceme. toril advertle.-: "Onrves tineIy sîtuatel. o!Urraunad by tise beauties a! nature, ý'cammanding a fine vov o! the. bay, aud, lu short, meetIng enery requtIre- Meut of the, humat familY. ?eaPIs vbO bave tris-I then canant b. PersUadsd ta go Bseviiere," Sodfy Osid. «I BIpIIooo 7SIm gts <dut tefOSla poltwcalbossm .ou prda DItt t m lm e~?aU « e momt dm e VID, tu teOi i e0 à business ;etin.« of tIie Parent- Toachsr Association wa« ield lu tii. Prembyterima cburcb Wedn.sday alter- soon for tii. pu" o. f decidlng upon tii. purtobas. of a iano for teAgemblv bail of the. ramniar ohoo, coin- mittes wua seiocto amake luquirle. and boy a piano. Msdamee Roay. R.iclilt, Jr., &ad 1R. E. Moore witiith amsltanes0f Mm B ertha 8ilth Titus of Chicago seeod a Cab)@ piano. AÀnov sYstin aof *ttendance record@ vas declded upon 1» the. teachere aud afficer, of tii. Presbyt.rlan Bible echool Wsd. caeday evenlns. Mrs, Perry eutertaiued the Womaa's Mlssouary socety of the. Uuited Eran. go"icciurch Tnssday alteruoon. Lirs. Goodman vas leader and Mesdames Milton Fraut: aud Albert Bagi told of Chinsse cbuîdren ia Americsansd of thunse lu their nallys, homes..A large Thauke- oflerug vas givea. Mir. and Mmr. Preatou Rockenbacb eatertaiued Miss Margeurite Nesluud of Rifle, Colorado, aud Mi@e ott of Raveus. 1wood, Weduesday eveniiug, who are the. gueste 0f Misées Viola and Irene Rockien- bach. Mire.Therrien sud LMre. Knkerbocker atteuded the iiigh erbool P. T. A. at Highliand Park Frlday afteruoau. Miss Beatrice Dufly sud Lire. El. E. Moore atteuded th~e reeing at the. Art luetitute, Chicago, 0! the. Cook cauuty tesebers. A Youug studeut of mucb promise, tir. Joue. of theii.lcGrmruk Seiuary, flled the. pulpit of the Preeb> teriat ciiurch Sunday. BIS sermon u Saray morniug vas ou 'The Widow's Mite.' MisesRuth Roichet wEWs gueot at the home of Da&ptain Welle Eger of Chicago, 1 aturday. 1The Wamn's Mleiouay Society of the Pre.bYteriau church wîlI benetertai,îed . > aire, S. r. auicuiueuu, A uredts> HÂVE YOU TEN POTATOBS? Do yaa kuow that maet ail people Who make larire tartiins- start with emali beginainge? Bv detcrinining totallaadvantage of cvery nppor. tunity yoa oaa do thlraes worth nihile tee. Tlaire advantage of aur Sav- inge l)epârtmetit. Lake Birbaiik'e potatees, dollars ini aur laak moulât faêt ta haudreds. One dollar %% Iii tart y.,u l,.re. N'euu aleark witb uis by mail. 31any la undreil people arr ug sE>i<) w. 'i' y nuit yvea Fil-ut National Bank Libertyville, 111. PNEUMOTlORAX OPERATION UNDER SCRUTINY 0F U.,S. Experts Are Expenimenting on Phthisis Treaiment Tried in Waukegan Successfully. USED BY DR. WATTERSON. Gomerment Experts, However, Seem 10 Know Little About 1hê Remuit-,oo aqYt- fi NeWA 7ti REA'ING TeTien WATCE 5 ILVEWARE i Tden CLOCS (1c"iOIAM'ONl0S IJWERYS7ýO' U GA3ITaxes, p 1 u CNORAING 1 railroad trains , Cl,.- wait for no man. tg M * Cflvft L â S1 t. ..t71¶b__ - Wukegan, Jauuary 10. Ia-' Reports tram Washington dlsaiA - qu Its exteueiveiy with wiist b. terred, .anwmethol a! treatlng tubercu- LE anP1 , SJaJ lasie" hy meane of.producing an anti- ficiai pneumno-thorax. Thie la doue by LIBERTYVIL LE,- lata the pleural cavlty. thereby con-_____________________ pressing the. dlsesed long. Exten- alve exeimnoans- belng made iiy CR UTJ D Theinusthoil f treating tuberculoe te by no msans ns-w ta Waukegau ps--ilAS FINAL S)AY ON pie op sens-rai operatIone of thie ciiar- acter bave been peformel boes Iy Dr. NA U LZ TI S W. H. Wattesron, former iiead or the A U LI TIN : Lake Breeze Sanlt.arium. Tii. opera- tionsase performed by iiim weeut- Instead of Government Attor- tended wlth great success. He used nyPsigo plcnsI nitrogen gas because It was tii. least' eYPsigo~Apîat absaorbable ofail gases and tiierefor. Is the Circuit Court. preterabie ta plain air. Dr. Watterson nscomm -nde thle CAN APPEAL FROM HlM. treatmeut especiaily la advanced casçe o! the. dlj,.ase wiiiclî viflot yleld ta So Case Ee -ele nLk the fnesh air tneatment. H. alàa per-'iO vrApa nLk formed the operation esvsrai tirneuVto- County But, Has Been Done stop severe iismorrhages. Elsewhere. A tew months ago h. vas callud ta Pokegama Sanitanium ns-an St. Pauul, A tact o! intereut sud nat gens-rai-j Mina..viiene he saved thue lift ofa! l y kaown i. that, ln the naturallzatlon banker by means af an opi-natirun of cases vhich corne up In circuit court, tbis chanacter. H. showed sucia rrlen- Jialge Whitney I. taeefanal authorlty dld abilty tiiat it causeIl tttie sur- as ta viiether a foreigner saol -get Mbis hapens or not. Thot ls, uniess. an punse. vien be vas cailed ta thieMIn- appeal le taken by the applicant ta unola sanltarlum ta be Its supenin- the. federai courts ton anather rilina. tendent. Tii. goverumeut attorney vho cornes ta, Waulregan snd eisewbene ta Hors leaviiat a Washington dis asir questions pertalnlng ta aîpîîcsnts Patcb eays of the, openation whicii Dr. eeeklug ltizenship ie mereiy an at- Wattenson performa Bo successfully tornley representlng the . égovernment and tram vlîcii te ases uri s-aqel. bast the same as auy attorney repre- sente a clinet ln a trial. lent resuits: H e salin questions for tbe gavern- "Wasiiugton. Jan. 9.-A ns-w mstii- lOjut and recommende the admission aI o! tus-atîna tiaberculosîs le being o! tbe meiq ta ctlzenslulp or citler- investlgated by the public iiealthB eev- vise. h irutjudge acte accord- lng ta the. beet oftbils abillty aud do.. Ica tiirouaii experlmensa(tt u Fort not alwaye coincide vitb thie attorney Stantan. N. m., and officiais of the. ho rePresente tii. government. Tii. service tanîgit said thesy wsre inclin- ioda. coassîdere tthe evideuce as ail- ed ta b, bolueful o! important ne- vanceri and acts on tiat alone ne- gardiens ofthtei. ishes of thse appli- Lsuits, caut or the goverument attorney. 'The inethod lal knawn as artificlal This tact lo ew-s ta many People on lnducd pas-ouso-tiiorax. Air te vha presums-d that the. attonesy wbo pumped ita the patiept'e pleural cav- appeans for Uncie Sam le the one vho Passes ou the menite of applcants. ity ,very day on tva ta maintain pres- Thene have bs-en nases viiere the- sure. and tiie reslite wat.ciisd by thie applcants, dissaatiesd wlth the nul- meassoftX-rays tu ascertaîn the. s-z- lg of a circuit badge bsv, taesn ap- tenlt ta wiiicii thedigsase long aseto the blaher courts of the. gaV- ln laerument. These Instances. bowevs-r, compresed. The. Jung, figuratlnuiy, le are fev sud fan betweeu as the cir-- put luto auIlr-spitt' and naton. la cuit court ruling la usuaiiy taken as givenas chance ta cure. fiuai. No aPuîeal han ever been iiýade .'The reporte se far tell onlY Of the from Lake county. pregroos cf the e xperimeuts, and ths- Oifreut Agalin *offIciais, ville ptlitle ald It vas By 30v., Dobbles," saSd Obun- bta oeaiy to pa-pbeoyY" plelgh. "you dou't reuly ume" W tone me tbat ic. glu 11M.tiatthlie, oni -W,k«gaU fimeid 1 ow ergeCr- dautitr of a ciaming iov votti Mea~ r inW$ùMtoain the &=mpaucs- *,O* OOO dst interst 05." "fOt Meut la Ciîko tMit ho bas ia ý m'" 001 flouas. "ILaM la- ,loto rn c» Mi e lasc o f lie uetng 75ff la bo« mober.- cbleffl Bot ofifflï Carry one of our thoroly reliable. up-to- the - minute, mioderato - prteed timepieces and be exactly posted at ail timon on the correct time. Jeweler - ILLINOIS ~ .'elu' S.skeVis-..No. 4d7 CoL E. L Downes & Son GENÊRAL AUCTIONEERS Horsea, Milch Cows and Farm Real Estate Fna tlendee Uhsrtyviils, F. BAIRSTOW FilANUFACTU RER OF Marbie and Gran'~ Monuments Cemetery Work 01 Every Description Correspondence boIicited 116 Gen esee Si NOTICE I The only thlng the. Independont ha@ to oeil lo $PACE. It la i known fact tIlia sflwUpdiof makes nothIng off It. subscrip. tions themes.vo-t must d9peaid on the @ale of $PACE. Many correspondent» wsokly sond ln Items pertalnlng to affaira whero promoters wiil roito profits e. a remait of thé asive. tising tho» columa furfllOl. Sush items shouid and muet ha paid for if Wb ars te lliv. Tho rate -lesmalb-4fv*ewnt par lins. In future sush catisse wvii9 W oniittd nm.0nottim 1la i- that thoy iv* te ho psI tee , Any asfair whea-e dwole 'wi charwo or pmrust e mis a prefl m 1% le la l m,<' talle for whleh mat se109 W pald 1eri-TP, C I rrp r Il Fhi J ti brut tien Ab te caur resu Fnvl ti an Wo lesn elli tbrui 80 war et Mi vo mrea om Ac mai cana eu tim sat Ste. clm cf 1 oui Chditmuaa Savumes Club viii ho in opri.s agale t"s ear. If yon bave sot joudo o» At osco. 11 good. 1 1