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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Jan 1914, p. 3

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ýAY, ANtTRY16, 1914. NJUNCTION WR1T -IS IIST -STE!' IN MO VU TO ILL CON.. SyCMAB.E. MASUN I Lake Forest Man's Request of Phosa neiv.34-W ed.î lCourt Aid Means Beginning Pho o~ of aNew War. * lilas Clara Roing bs retu-msd fron The millionafre resideinta of Lake Chlcao, e-hoem qhebas beumvedlnàg B Foreet are at e-ai eitb the LaiteFor- dowday vitb eltiv« ad fienâ, est Water company. a court-rn OP- Miis CdraAtîau and Dora Wlrf z erated wth private capital. A score ealied oîu friande lu ,ittertyvfile sud of them, it leosld, refuse to psy 1hef1 Area, oday o! laitwu water bis for Jue, JulY and Auguit As wa write- (. A. Boon'. <'itudtion le of last summer because of excessive titported mut-b bitter. Mmr. Hotok wtw charges, and the mater comPsnY caught btween a load of grain sud tht- thu-ateus to shut off their water sit- Itame of the barn. Spinal injuries, ply. - r e 1Tht-ULake Fort-st Water cnmpany la vive comptiori fotr the mail route tht-onue set-ing to lsunch the big mii- Mlofioe r irdey sud Saturday to i takea1 lion dollar corporation whlcb boptes 170 tibe civil servie axaminaiioi et %Wauki--. intereit nortlu short- snturbe lu lttlng a» sud lbertyville, gaturday. Jan 1() the company suîiply tht-m ail wtb Tb@. cosptitori are: LMartin Tbeie, .master froiuitiXe central plant, aud.ase O.A. Roward Lyle Litwiler, Leslie ý lredlcýted ii tht- Sun, theiue Lakte For- Paddock, M. Luby. est milliotares are preparlng today jope. Amnena madea strip to MIauîkee to carry n mater rate war that le rag- lastie-se, wbare ho spent a îew ilto, lng iu îhaut uorth shoret (0e-O Wthe writis relatives et that pIe.. state public utilfftes commission for Owen Paddock csrried ltht- mail ont iiorstt m1 t this office Satuuday, lun luais isui:At tritein10these columnis a few d(a)gs si,,trniey Itarreil Iîfllonaint- bruther, e-ho e-as takig thue -xaiiuuia-bt-ad tif thî- ickrai- m of ilt-ney tion or sate. arrell & (o, oltafued an Ijunction Sheniff Eiînsr Girten was a calie bers fln the Waukegan courts against tht- 8aturday of laiêt week.ase coiay restrafnlug it fromt It has boe-tu ceaary ti, -aIl a t1u iiid carryiîîg ont its tbreat ofaBhuttlng off nurse for eLnI yli- Ltwie-u it) lui lu he tuî aattr suply on fils lroperty. beau veryil fur thi- past iiu.uttu ii. oîîîu i(r njun'-tlons Iltglebefit-ved. e-i hotte for ber spiedy ru-iisi-r3. lu ' ought tî,day. The *lu .-uuiiilut, tare gi it ng MNr. I3arrel's wattr IUfor the Oum- lnvlt.stiujdancinig loityat the -îî.ria nier nionthii sas $75(). Thils, accord- bonne boes Sturd&sy aveaitw J auî. 17tli ug tO NMr. linrrel. fa an tucrease ni A chickeu suliper %aII I »iorve, 'fmore thon 900 Par cent over the !,barge fur lune, July sud August oif Mils Ada White i. Iitiiing a ft-w daye 92 nu Iue ts' se a at Cr59 laus.-Witlul ire ltB- Ptrkirt ' sunmuýr ihani Idid the, st-ar litfore," W-ho lest 1.-enthe ii-sik ltet. bu- taid lîtulîbgt. Cl-ai itcaiguai Ç,f.uiuyiiithat the has- l Mrters Are Bamcd. met iiof 1.1.iiiit-t- a ast nîîot el-p Tht- lut ntion amas granlcd lus eiough. mas. tluîe--lîre cîttzpeled tii)liri- iudgi- Wluite. In the billt maso e-orknueuî tii dg out auîîtber fî,tisentîdstatt-d thtt tht-foir metera on the- throwiit ouît th ii.wudiwse. A viiuint Barri-Il cistats- are repldt-nd rt-dter floor elîl be laid : more amatt-r than le used. Joî. Amarn bas luotalleul aruîuhî-r pooul -My extusrieuce le the rnme as tablîeinl i its lou rhum. maum' or teresîdentsbt-rt- m'ho bav e large ettati-s sud depcndud pon the- seororai of the regufar mn at Arniiiiiîs aIt- ForeFttWatt-r company for their were lid off Saturdavy. as thi- airk bas, Uter sulul,', said NIlv Barrell. "I coma tu a édte util the ius ite reied Vtii boss four tmeters-ont- lu the bouse. eut o.t- for thet-etr osed on the lawn. Chxai E. Jorgfeson, e-hî alter t ts tiret anotiier In the- garage sud another lu of! Mari e-i le b pro(rii-toir iofthe the stablese. tacton houas et ilong: Lake. lnsa '*The buis for water bave ale-sys froquîent buiness caler he.hs. @,i beau hfgb. but the billi for asot sum- ppparfg for a bugy seson tht- -oming muer le outragou. Note-lthotandlng Mmmer. We wemb hm the bet o! the tact that Itm. BauraIl sud myseif ease. were ae-sy s great deal of ths tfme it Io mors than ufue tnes iarger Act AIIows Irresponsible Com- than the bllI for the sommer of 1912. .*WLen tht- hillf e-sepresented I rt-- plainants to Flood Com- tueed paymt-nt. 1I est t the officiaIs mission Office. of tht-e-att-r compauy andl offered te, jcompromise at a reasouahie figure. I À Afie-ln thns public utîjînfe, aw eweas told that the comtuany e-ould Bot whfch may rtsut Iu s deloge or un- accept anything but paymaut lu full. important business hamperig tht- Othe ra PetaComplaint. commission sud ln stellug business "' Ail Lake Fort-st bas a simmlar screts vwas remariteilyeoterday by ronîliolt, and 10 change ont-bllI Assitant Couneel D. J. Normouyle. I ould mean thot e-e would bave ta MTe ise- provides that auy peusou changt- tht-m ail,' I e-an told. Tht-nu may make compilt agaînst a public came thet ireat that my watt-r couîd service corporation aud the complaînt bc turnt-d off If I dldnt tay.' inuet h. heard andl ansee-i. A sfml M 'v aster tufils have alîrsys ht-tn lai provision lu Nee-«York, it sa sald. ih but 1 do flot rteal tht-rt-e-as any reaulteui ln the plagufng of corpora- greot lncre-as'p test sommer," oafd AI- lions for ulterlor motives, lu other fred E. Il nnlll "Water lu Lakte For- statait the iae- bas heen eorded ~t st i-Osto von ten timtes as mucin as It prevent uniniportant complainte tak- dot-s ln Chicago. It le time aonme se- i Up the lUme, ather by tde fniug tion e-as talsen , classes of complante to be heard or -ifaplly t do not have to dt-pend on requiritg a number of signera toa the Lake- Fore-st Watt-r comlnu for compiaint. eattr," saad A. A. Sprague IL.. but I ________________ have htard many complaints of exees- W&Y 01 Woman. sive charges. 1 understanil tbat tht- No oman cres to face -" M cfty. se, le prt-lising to resist col- ay ithOut fnt powderlng hn factIon of billesnundered by the e-star «Mo company for e-star usail by (ha cty." Bro-ainsinReal Estate MERDIf RA ESTATE & LOAN CO. We have several amnifarmes rang- ing Zare.st &d up to 80 acres. W.e-fl! le piesse ta show theut te Yeu. Lots of good lots. Prices right. PÂRM-240-aore choice stock farm. Good im- provements, fine location.. Estate bas to, be sold. Fric. dirt cheap, terms good. IPARK-1884 acres; good improvements; well Io- catsd 2 miles front railroad and milk fatory, good store and market. This can be bo't cheap. Weill.d afor (3001) lIUSES in McbrtithR lEe & aa o hntd 24 Cake ?/ews Mu-. Anuia Adami. The death le announcel of Mms Caroiine Roth, agei 79. vidôr of 4o- seph Roth and eater oh Mmi.P. Mac- Lachi andaitle late Mm . ar»e sein roli, stWntbrap Harbor. ServIdes tiare, buriaLst Ro.ehUilMondsy Jan. 121h, t s;80 > p. n r- i ~ Edited by F. J. DRUCE, Phone i1 Order's Taken for Job Work. Advertiint rates on application. Lire Connie Marbie sipent the forepart of the we*k visltigig friands bere. Mr. Lisible wth a party of friende la îpsnd- lntg this wintri*.l Florida. He bas a boue.boat there and thie is servinx Bs -%noir home The basket hall gaine between the regular@ sud the married metn proved to be railer ezcitinig. The score setîs munie- wlhtt odnided owing tii the latier lit bBving bad prectice in throwing ba-ku-ts The marrled men nmade 13 points and the regniars I80. A throat spe-ialimt frîjî Chicago wam bers Satuiday i) @ce Leouard Huîok, wfîo bas heen gerioumly M Iai hi@ homîje on Lake otreet. Trhe danger point bas uow paosed sud it il; ho1,ed b ho ilhave a apeày recovery. Leonard bas a flue standini n sebool and up to the- present time hifflhlid a fine opporfunity of obîaînîng sortie fine- prizes. liis nîany frieridg art tonu-h îterestod and hope tu leu-r of beii.g bai-k in e ool si At thiir laët regular in-tn the tIa vélake fOre departinit -nt ttltd lu F riday, Feb. :. as the date for their 12thi aniual bhllSietht-eff oinins t ae lter date for furt tr particlilunrs, 1 1) t t 1e urentt i nie the- ci iiti tiit,)r lave beet n iuiiaista rt driiig agaîin 'ia ii-,uty a t-la. tht-v are unalh tur-c, theli drill wbîcli tii-y 1<ut ibfout t s o weekii agi,. Ilariulr Am-îif if ailkugan.%vair tli-rt- it buiiini- fe t-latter palrt of lIu e i-k Si-ieral troiuîtlir;etteuîliîd a t:rty li %Iiriii- hal a-na ast VI i-luemthuyi I'ie liiiîli îiig ve ry good a îrk r-,is i t ln<iistruýtî,r iays. Tho 1r-ati-5t dilîihilt ' vtupy havi, tiiconfond ,vri i Ti - theiilai-k of ijtere8t sonne ofthe uiilers shuw hy Bot turning ouý for wiiitiictiiiti. bu ttiianchinn jrovemlnft w as slii u i thius atftlîe lait meeetinug. Geo-rge andil"fring Braudotelter s1ent Staurday and Suudayv visiting friends at Kei- h a. Jse Longabaugh transacted business in Chiago 1Iuesday. J. J. Longsbaugb bas been onftlîe sick lit for the paît week but fi uow on the gain. R. I. Ruifng e-as a Chicago vieitor We-dnaeday. Mro Chant-s Critteuden ie qufte ick st ber home on Sluoaer street with bront-hial pneumonie,. t>wing to increased business D. G. White fiund fi necessary tu sdd another 1arbetr 10 li@iforce. Lloyd*Simamono is the- man who bas been slected to f111 tlîis Pl&(\- The <olf weathee dlotsaBot âseenut effect the attendauce at the mioving facueg how as the. saine good crowd i reçrailîs MisAlla White of Round Lake, apsut treionr part of thi- ai-tk wîth tirs. Bsn Pîterkiirt. The Grayofake Royai Sslghbors wilI h:îld their installation at the opera biouse Iondsy eveniug, Jan. lUth Wooduîan and R. N. A. families are invlted. Tbs Woodmen wili serve a banquet at thir hall. The wiree of the- Woodiieu n d thes R. N. A. are rsquested to brlng refrasbments. tire. Wm. Ellie entert.ained sieveral of the ladies of tirayalake lasît Saturday atternoun and evening at ber prtty homne on the west bank of the lake. We hava a fullfins of Parka Davis' toilit article@. thare are nons btter. Drues 1rug Co. George Adani thirty-flve years obd, wbobhas beau reiding for somfetimea tt North Chcago haviug beau emoloyed by the Cyclone Fance Compan.y as wateh- mnu died Frlday morning at 7 oelock iu the a laslcAlliâtar hospital foune-- ing an attack of typhnid foyer. Tha deceased wea born at Avon Conter. He e-aswetIl known tbronghont this section of the couty having oeervedl as a rural mail carrier fron the Grayalake post- office. His body we-sa hlpped hem for the louerai services wbich were held Monday noon at the Methodiet church. Btixral at the Avon cenetery. He leavas to mouru hm a eifs, a ive year nid ion, hus parants, tir. and Mtrs. Emnory Adams, a aiter Mary, beides a boit of friands and acqusîntances. CARD OF THANKS 1 desre to take tufs means ti) thank the Odil Feloe-s of Libsetyville and Wsaukagau loilges for their kinduessa .il assistance durltug the Illuse and daath of my hushanil. r. ÉliI .Cake Villa Mr. andl Mm. J. J. Bannetstule gave a encline party in the ue- hall fait ISatur- day evsuiug sud a gnîod tînîs enjoyt-d by ail e ho were prasent. Lirm Fred riann- lin sud Roy Murnse-on final pizeo sud tha booby prizos feli tthe lot o!ftirs. Caddock andl Chas. Martin. At a lats boanasplendid lunch e-as served, E. L. Wald sud !amily weregzuostâ o! Borliugtou refativemS taturday and Sun- Ward Bain oifBasns, Wis., ialled on lirg..Jessie btraougand transauýtel iul- usas Saturday. E. A. Martin e-as on the @ek lut for Sverai daye. Sam Carry o! Waukesian, mpent severai isys eitfî bi@sîisn-r, Mr..ce. 7nry Edmouis. John Dae-son le e-restling eitb siatic rheumatisn.u but ab present eriting he imnpoviutg. ir sund Lire. Donald 8 Blair nf iLilutrtyville. stteudad the iiuraunee dinnet-uatrday. tiembers of the Mlbua Inusitrance Ca., frou Libertyvilie, A Tt iollu turne limte-:1 sud surroundirimcountry attend- ed t li- meeting Satorduy. Tiîeiolioe-iug itiii rs e e-sm ecteul: John Sonner, lunu-ileit; J. A. Tusai, stentory; Henry liriiui, troasurer; drecturs, Georgue Mi i uuluîugb, Gu ruse; 1). M.White,1 'uitiuu lu uud Davis o! l.bertv silIe. 'î le llburu Ladime A id s,îclety met Saturay andl tbeilowiiig offilere e-ere el,-ti.lfur tht- ensuiug yiat Ns . C. E. Dei-ntnu.preideut; tirs. [i.M.White-, v it- preiodent; Umi vien Bonne-r, st-retary aud Lr.-I H. Bonuer. t rt-as nrtr. fiii.1J)urie Concert Coin pîiunder the insîiteof tht- Ladites' i i-i oiiietywet-e thei i iceýtanm. boni eTiiilvve;z àli, Mac> White, Erilua Strang sud Thie eommonity e-as greatly eiockt-d Jesi. Aýn attended the- lhuw I nde by thp ddath tf lrn Wm. Lewiîn ast Tm<i. t ain t Antioth îiluv y Saturday art-ing. .Iiii..c Barge o! Orsysiaki luîk. spi>t The sait-n year old sonuit John Carney Suinday aith, hl@ s4ter. 'ls. War..en e-as kieked hy a hors@ ia8t Thuoday, Hoit. I1freaklug bils l-g ut-ar tht- hip. Jaii-. s rnoun hueat r.-il,,, î-and %Ins Sot-i-c iCrawtiird of Bristol, tlirciiî u-J eith puntiuuinî ývlsited tire. Noîrthurop over Suuday. Mr ndîsîîl ra Alfredl Roi. ieiuluauhter MNuse 1ra e Wtlu-b vuittd frit-nde in Iothvui lsattonded tht- cîunuîrtaîtL te Iicagîîaven Sundy. sod s usînid tir. and tics. L iun T hun. William Rui! Lad the miifortunet Wuorud -i-lied Lare îiuiiiiavo! tht-1oie iTil Ise ek. deatlu l i- lte-un or Rus-IL Xiony froîn John Wl b..ao lasgont- toSt-ct-tdue, tlîhimu iitatts-nded th,-fui-iTut-o-Vs. day iTht- Ladies XAii soc èty aill mefttwith A1 11,10 watddiug occornut îLe bon, 1tisPîtînan at thoe cucch WeduesdaS, î, uliiiA. Banner. Tluir'ia.e otter-13an. 21dt. Ladies pieuse brîîug vuur nuîuîu. 1 îîî e-bu~La u* c.NIsteeLu ra thi i i lit- AUIlare- a.i-' i.' u Gilbernt,,t-dit dalugiter ii of tulumuia Iw iiilli,, rt us o uitod la iniarrnettir TAYLOR GROVE Vffla, , i.hivtnîrer o!amLulot-lia, tIies A Wt Siffitd officiated Thîe m yilii' yiiuitea u ta . uit tht-e u'lulnu latb ot1 li. Ltewin o! frun-if tIi- luide and gruiotn teind Rie-l t bdb-ualn'framntm- 1".irtitiu. Ht-e-as a tîrother of George Lewin o! Moînday and eleetod %IX J. White. prPîdderjt, A H-. Stewart, set rtary and treasurer. tii- Jaînison, W. B. Stewartý and Jaîi-s 'irmouir, directori. The soviet> deiicil to rajas the piice of the loti. WADSvoMr. Fraa* Foster andl fainily have retnrnad homea. star sîîendiug several e-eeke vi.iting lu Chicago. A good time wa-i reportoed by ale-ho ýbttended the card party ai Mika Sheltys Tueday eveniug. Lila Mary GRHec spent several das visiting lu Chicago the pait wsek. Mre. J. H. Luximlas beau quite slck eith the grippe the past e-eek. Father Foley wa ain i Chicago te-o dayq the past e-eek. Mes. A. Clark waea a Wsukegan visitor on@ day lait week. Mise Laura Luîx visitsdl relatives In Milw-aukee- last sîiurliîv. F. G. Detmeyer aisu in Wankegan lIst Frday. Mr@. Minnie LUInxaseauhîcago visitor lasI Friday. Mir@. Catherine Itutif bas been qulte ick the pasi week. C. A. Heydecker wa uInl Wankegan one daylisat week. Chas. tirawheim spent Satnrday aven- ing and Sunday in Ni il wauke.. The M. W. A. and R. N. A. are to hava a joint installation Saturday evabing, Jan. 2t. Sneak thieves are jroellfll&rounnd tu this viinity. Last Wednésday nigbt they got into the- ellur ai Bert Wintersa sud took ae-ay <tute a quantfty of canned gooda and '17hurday lgbt they were ln Frank Clark s celiar and took canned goode and ses traI bage of coal. JOVlilty Out of Place. "Tour mistake u as la mlsuitde- standing iyour conuzir," saiMr. PiOe-- den, toa aman aud vomnrifounidanD- clng lu the. itreet and charged wlth dImordesly onduci at MacylebOne "This fa fot s cou itrY *e-b er.poplE can afford ta, be Jovial. Ton muet cul- tivaI. a spirit of mnelancholy if YODa wsnt ta be se. Go ae-ay and be as mmi as you ca.' iondoîi Tit-Bits. -211 DriBling by meni. ()I laite iu great QIUanftisa lu fti. but the methode OtfsecUring It ane exceedingi! cru de. 11he Welis are nal more tian sixty feet deep and sjre dngbybhaid. TheaOU seured la tb.at e-hich ia baled frointh*b ottoin of thi.e woItby dîppirs Oul 1008 @tic" of baunboo. The ohis alidteth b e Ilve e-ho liv.e witin calli sdistance Piano1 uning Lo4ave ondere et Ray'&Furnlturatitore. iWork d'one hy Mr. Alden. c-15-tf thîs viinlty. A nupiher ni the ichool eilîdren are planning to attend the corru show at Libertyville Friday. John Csruey'e littie bùyweas kicked by a horse asat Friday having hie hlp broken. Dra. Foley sud Jamieon are attendiug hlm. James Fanion le goiug to mousre ay bsving renteil a 200 acre farai. Mr@. Elizabeth ltrahan vimited ber mothar one day lait wesk. Henry Amos attended the poultry show lait wsek. Esri Henry was a Chicago vioitor one day lait week. 1L RUSSEL Tbecommnuity was greatly shocked ou Saturday nigbt to hiar that l)r. Lewin was dead. Ha wam prapared to go ta ths installation of M. W. A. wbsu he dropped dead. He Lad not bt-an in the beet o! health for eîîme monthi. but kept about. Bs walked to Rtussell on Friday. The Monday night beore he had quite a bad see, but eeensed tu be ôn the gain. Ht- will boe gmatly miisad. The funeral waa Tuesdy ai il o'clork. Boye. lngiy of Kenosha, effliating. The intarment was in Licunt Ros comtery. Lire. Suoe- is very poorly. R. E. Lwin bas returned t hie home ila Savanna. Murrie Brotherseattendad the iuîur- ance meeting at IMlburu on Satnrday. The Fammers Intitutse wII ha beld sone time iu Februaryt Furthar notice later. Hugh Caruey of Libertyvilîs, viiited ths Nrellim famiiy Snnday. tire. Wm. Murray of Kenosha, @pont s fe- daye witb ber sieter, ire. A. Dixon, and daughter tire. CEde-arde. HICKORY Spencer Weil@, @Pnt SUD ]av st the home ni A. F. Savagle. Lire. Cbai. Paulson visiteil severai~ ilsys lait week at the home nf bar par- oits A. Pedersonsa. The comnuunity waso ockid te learn ol ths d«ath o! Dr. Lewin of Rusisîl, lait Saturdsy evsniug. Cham. Amos visited over Snnday et the home of S. A me@. J. Kalefi %vas callt Indiana Tue- day by the seriîuus iliaio! hi@ mother. The death ls announed of Jobn Gar- rty. aged 87 Years, beloveil huahanil of the- late Margaret Garrlty (net- Fesgan). father of Julla Ciay, Beatrice McCaffrey, Hary Ho!fman, -nna Bu-s- dy, Margaret Johnson, Elsa.beth Bak- ar, Theresa Shehlan, Dan, John, 0e-en, George sud the late James Gariity. Funsmal tram bie iaughter'a residence, Mm. Margaret Johnson, Higlîeood. ta &. James church., 9 s. nm. Suniay, thence tu carrnages tu St. Patrfck5s cemetery, HE-erett . H - A - A nnouncement Lake Villa Trust & SavingsBank-, tof Lake Villa. IlliunoW. Aîmnotîtwcesthtet opering of tlîtir baîîk on m Wednesday Evenings from 6:30) to X:30 o'elo-k. This bank is under the direct sup- ervision cf the State ofIlilinois. Capital- --------$25,000.00 T. D. Sexton, Pris. Cao. A. Mtcheli, Cashi, $100.00 REWARýD For information Ieading ta the ar- ra dcC îtiô 8iay-one steaJ. ing lumber or other material, or i any way tampering with buildings under constructi9p owned by DURAND & DURANDI NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTIS. Independent correspondents in morne" cases tue gettlng their Items in to. lste for propor handiing. We would urge them If possible, ta have ihem ins our office by.Tuesday. H. J. Poilie, theauactionoer. e-I5tl Good CdUSe iesathe rcaeehM i cx euv. 1969=sd ci ie yieids more Cupsta tii. ,odmfilow- yie-thae m et gln lutheh~ m de hu-es. And tiargia .tlesatisfction lu cof<eg that lacks a jul.t rici lavoe. Yeu are chuxSong a hla ira*is aSsbut am lnemie bs. tisaapsoaracui. - 30 c"L Need an ORCHEST&A "?L Phase MaaoflNe. 34-W, Round Lakce, III MUSIC FOR AUL OCCASIONS., Dance Music a Specialt Dr. N.W. 11, 1 1 - 'l WIsIIb le t mira VJ*lie.gm o rcmd ]PINE WINNERS AT THE POULTRY SHO'W Baby su-t- shoe-n ioMe of the prize e-muersata the Waukegan Pouitry show. Bu!f Orpingtone-Burke and-Wrrft cup aud prisas to Iduai Poutry yards. Black OrPlngton-Westerdld cup 10 P. B. Goble. Whfite Plymouth Rock-laý cup sud prizai, L A. Dooittle; 2nd, Atter- berY CuP (o W. Plant. Partritige P. it.-Irst prisai. Cbeev- er cup to Chas. Crapo; 2mi prise to A. J. Truby. Buff P. R.-C. W. Divar cup to Mar- lon Culver. Ba-ced k. R..-Moyar's cup to H. C. Anise. Whites WYaýdottas-Burnett Bd. monde E. V. Orvis cup to C. Burnett. Partrldge Wyndottes-Concsd a Hart cup ta M. P. Dilger. Single ConiL White Leghorna-lst, Ott & Ott, F. W. Buck cup; John Munit 2nd. Rose Comin Lgborn-L. A. Hendes cup to R. C, Connofly. sud ail prise&. S. C. White Orpfgton-L. O. Brook. e-ay cup to L. Oitermau, ail prises. S. C. Brown Laghorna-Nolan Broi. cuP ta J. A. Sheidon. S. C. R. 1. Rade--A. J. JewelI cup te S. R. Hoe. Rose C. R. I. Rt-is-J. J. Dletmeyer cup ta B. Boehn. Blackt Lýagag-T. A. Simpson cnp to Ja. Biimnoîd, sud ail prises. Mottled Âucoas-W. A. Taylor cub (o J. Sheldon; Zuil prise ta W. Bol. land. Columbia Wyandott--AIl prizes ta Jas. Ha.nk. THSE DUCKS. Bu!f 0. Dcks-J. A. 9eledon. White Inifan Rinnee-W. 1. Ly- ans. Fawn aud White budian Runners-. Mr. Hironfous gais R. J. flady cup. ,Wild Msllardem-AII prises ta J. Turner, Grayalak, III.1 W. C. B. L. K. Pouiah-W. I. Lyous Burt-r Campins-C. Inuis, Mion City. Largeot dlsplay of incita-Hon. Thos. E. Graham cnp ta W. 1. Lyoin. THE HANTAMS. Bu!! Cochifn-Alfred Trepanler-Ail prizes. Black Cocbf-H. F.FINtta. Blackt Brestels Rail Game--Alfred Thapanier. Golden Corea--H. P. Fitts. Sifîver Coreani-H.. F. Fitts. Blikîese-I. F. Fitts. White Coreans-1S. F. Fftte. GAME CHICKENS. Spangld-Nah. Redl CorulhinIndiln-Nash. PIGEONS. Varions Tumbein-Fo and Wlrt favorabiy e-tIi any show ha bad seeiL O. W. Lmhman and family of Chicago, @peut Satorday and Snnday at the Mtajili Lana farnu. A number of our puplîs are takuttg part in the crn show at Libertyvilis thîse-eek and a nunnier ,fithte parents are in attendauce. Are yon' Lire John Nadr w" vsisiting rn the eity several daym lbot week. Lire D. R Manzer and datîgchtpr Mar- guerite visiteil Chicago relatives lai't e-eek. ROSEGRA S-J [il

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