LAKE QOUNT INJ)DEPENDENT WAUKEOAN WEEKLY SUN I?"T tUb 1 CONFIAN SWEENEY ANO ïýiF' HUBER ASPOSTUASTÉSII W~TM D~Y The United t at.,semate on usé. pommasIN SIlliand t tuVin nt once b sworn loteoMofie. Tiiey are: F1ranik Huber jst Antiocb and Wlliam. At LatT~I h Asmerion 8-eeny of Fort eheridan. Thir if Nv; Gargeboolnisappointrnt by the, president sei time ago wus notadinlutii... eclumns fui' Lcal Paicia. tht ime and 00w cornes the cont- firatin ic makes thens pont- SPOE 'TOMR ON SUNDAY. matrso terespective tws .ffuPeonIBI&ru EXPECT TO START hpUy Under Way. WORK 0f CUJ7INi *"ýrpýito f heWukga Irt ICE QUITES O0 N flaptst churrh but now un offilcer of the Dllnols Antl-salo.. ageone o!fie flercest cet and dry ra-- paignàsln thée'%ntire %tite wili hé vog.d ln t..ihrtyailé ln tée spring. He suis the otage hum heen set andi .biliks«*ibere 18 evéry reason ta .bdve tint thf, saloons ln thé town VItIIb. wiped out. Ife la bankini Up- on the. vote ol the womén tu curry the day for the dry causé. Ru,. MeicOinîs %plitokét a large au- dience ln Ubertyvîlle on Sunday av-i Bains a ad mihé foundte greatest1 ouatuin bthé lmnpendlng flgbt.1 nie Mys thé people or the loci are1 a51015d as thé> have neVar been hé- LtApetit is luboing circulite, h nauitIl pssiuble to put the matter 10 a voeoandi1I uadeastand tisat Practi- estly imo gh ignon bave beeu se- ho mi& Il bava foun.htétat Usai of 'the business moen bave ga.d the potitimn ad ibis naturaily MM ioue.wbat of a surprise ta, me jiliUng0y imon la business are at bb- apua« tbsmselres on record 1 'ige i.Pâtition. ne matter cher. q~*$fl»eMâomes ver" a~u i"a th. pettien or tose ~IM&ImtAgof. Pearing areai boy- b Mefi.morobmts did as r.qn.stod. Fàw.g al tinsugtiereselul to t *eaimos ln thé way of a boy. "4k- bt 'th. merchants ruas. the VMS aMfflt eKady, uhal Ibsi @aud.1 " asmadusedo fmot bave uhb com, $o lbd op for tbeir moral con- vWtheaà-Women bave the courage te> addo chat their con- tila heuslarIàhL" withregad tuWauke-1 R«1e. MeGinis sauihi couli ste S*tliai bût a viclory for thse dry.. liqomik* the tact tisai à vlctory in1 tow nship which venud Wtps 'aUhe s. alons out of North Chifta ao, viii b. aided Bluch by ü»- baowls.dgethat a uimiiar action la eontemplat.d lna Ubetyvlléaihe uma ioEBkeePrlunNertit Chic&- soi &i Wcaukeganbave long coûtnssd- Z Ilwu t àa& to taie the saloons zeopli.tlo Cition vltiiout removing fl 'tien Lbertyville as voit hé- Cas~It veu db au easy thing te, go on. à treet car and go ho Lfberty- aI ONT11M AC FOR 'JUST 12 YI3ARS -8~tb. backfor supper la-i fl sd 8irm lover. 10 Mrs. KbHWu M' Oniet Mdstreet. Wau-i *0 itU3Ç~>Wauiesan teda, for f&WS't la~and naturalir onde isi8lM' t@ .4 M, ere lui aformer Isaidi vas&.Syto Rud tbat *lhe *ou"aho e»éa=16 vbnil ot ta ainer viti on fihat nit tyive reta ago, lad long stuc. moved &w«, s«. olber qocped the bouse e*. On6rtèd tiea as a bosuilg *epower. of John 10v- or A~i M Boerî. val Ukiiovil»ni- ut.fWauiega*.-years sclàhbecit *lWB on a vi mlo 1d e " rl* sud .Xla, Inol-a Itm hobas beau in isesi bMcho 1.11. bat nlgbt tvelve 1,0 go h dlmppeaed romP1PfrtdY1 ponover dlrected hlm Iis1 ay agi"eoutil noW. when, wvilevis- l beluGrand Rapidi he kg" MEr. lover ralated the *he taie aiva ' *la Ç i O v Loadoa Ice at the Present Time Is 7 Inches Thick-Cold Is In- ,creasing Thickness. 'NO CAUSE FOR ALARM.' Local lce Dealer Says There Is no Need to'Worry-Expect Plenty of Ice Smo. If t prsent oasi pli continues a short tinté longer thé corli of cuttlng ire ciliihé sdatted ln varuous parts of Lake Uounty. Aiready Lbe Ire bas reacheti a thicknesg of sevénfinchés but icéhouse men prefer to watt ontil t reaches a îhtrknéss of Il or 12 ln- chée héeforé tbay tart cuttlng. Tbéy anticipate a normal crop thîs yèar. "*Thire ts no especil need for hate- John Speliman of thé Wauke- gan Ire Company sai toiay. "True. wé tarieti ta cu liethnnir than sasualtlast yéar but t was because the list of Jaiuary bai bea ous seis&a tisere eemed théib. Do indlraci4i th"I tbe tee weutd Set any thilllur. Att- wward howevor, thé Ire Sot thli~ and v. bai te tisuev away ail thé thin iee we bai stand &cway. "Thbit year wé Inteni to wat &white and se chat dîveiops. We might start cîttlng seveninch ie now oniy ta Ii latét on that w. couli geL muet thicker tee and &Il of olar Umne could then bave been waasta. There is evéry Idication that ibère ilii hé pflénty of cuti ceathir hefore te endi of thé winter and wé expert tb have a large crop ofteIe. Wé are îlot worrylng ut ail ovér thé situa- Lon." About Iwo weeks &go the acier of an Irébouse t Tvuî Lakis began fa gît aualous because thé warm weath- ér hung on go long. Hi bai got his icéhousé in condiion tu receive the ice and hati employai a number of ici-cuttérs. Aiibougb thé uee vas but fivé inches thlck hé begau te, rut enough ta MIl au oriér fer a camioad that cas ieslrei un Wisconsin. About haîf a rarloati cas eut chen two or thréé téanîs o! hormes broke through thé ieanti nearly tirowneti. ,This clappai thé cuttIng ant iit bas not yét héén resumei, the icehouse mai having detérminéd that he couli wat until thé Ire cas o! suffinent thlck- neus. Last wioter about ,000 tons of e was rot by Mr. Motroc at i slip on thé laits phore north of thse tty. Thére la a large lcehouse tiere snd ausoon as thee ieuge of sufficent thick- nes thé work of cuttlng ciii bc startei hère. Otier dealers un dlarsulng thé mat- ter say they do not cmr to have a repétutuon of the smrne xperence théy eucoatired luat ysar vhen they bai te, throw away snucb cf 1his tci tiey eut ln January te maire room for thé btter crop I Pbruary. They say that ibère willt b. no need to vomry about the ie crop fer anotier month sie otten thé e croep la Jançuary ta flot jsufficient chili tbat lu Fehrssary ta just the kini the uoe dealers vent. SPINSTER BEQUEATHS M2500 TO CHARIT'Y. Kencutta. Wiu., Jan. 13.-TIse l grth lislae Kimâi«uKaiser, a, spin- star.wv ite diibore , vamgo,».vas filld for probate lln te, ouplty cout indae. TtsA éxecutoris dire tot purchase tan acres of land ydwifi 4,10 siles cfKuah b ..tme àever 1 to T 01 < xDirae Ilcnsti Catiej.oubtSh. rofflw4w ther yl se oe s-l g caital for f ~ tmt e Shoui l b. iWoi'oiiM .,of e pme f0 e iMulMtSu ohe f0callioni' " ù.BURTYVLtÀZ IfLL. PRTT)At J, LIVi3 POTTO IUi FOUND IN POTATO;L IN TEREMONTIIS Most Unusual Vegetable Freak Caoe That Has Ever Been Known in the County. HOW DID IT BREATHE? J. A. Rose Brings to The Daily Sun Office an Unusual Case of Insect Existence. Talk about vegotahle fréake! If the one whieh J. A. Roné, a paint- eof Waukegan, brought to théet)ally Sun office Tutatiay lent the record. ZIGHT PAGES $150 PM YEA1R IN ÂDVAÂNUJt 'SF AT 1CORN SH10W OPENS AT L3RTY VILLE; EXIIIKIfSLAÀR 6F Town Hall Was Not Large Enough and the Basement -Had to Be Utilized, Too. have sornëboty step forward i atOnce MANY CHILDREN EXHIBIT. anti offer us rival. Mr. RnAe ronélt a large Potu Expert Who Attended Said the ta thé Sun office whivh né hati taken Exhibit Was the Finest He front a in ai home and wbich. hé causé of an abrasion on 0ne Bidé. >it« Ever Ifad Seen. bad takéen thé troublé to pry open. There, énsconcét Inba niehifle l.lbé.rtvville, Jan, . t-1.i,eCou0t0 compartment a I tÉle lai-gér than a hazél ouf, cas as fat a potato bug a" lvi- 'irai Annuai Corn Show oténéti hé had évér séen-AND IT WAS totiay with a very uatisfaciory attend- AI IVE' ancel and a diapiay of crn whch ex- Yes, that fat poita bug was alîvé ceé4éti the éspectations of thé pro- and klkikng, ki'-lng for dear lItef Thé bug, chen be tréd the po L motérs and Libertyville people. An acay front It seemédti ta tretcb ia idéal wintrs day. together with thé legt and give a ulgh 'of relief 10 have tact that thé roade are in sefine con- ILs tigbt fl.ting enclosure reléaseti dtion as they are ever linowi to hé from ahout Its tttle hody. éi'éi 1n sommer, madeé tse attend- The Potato was a falrly large sizéi ane at the opeug day véry promis- oie and the strauge part of the mat- ing and promotera of thé show fet ter cas that thé bug hai heen tightiy that hey are aidiug thé tarmerg of enrloseei.tieré bing no aperture no thé county to an Inestimable extent tîcéablé trons tbe outshie of the pota- hy tibis, théefrat rn show. ta tû thé rompartment vhere thé bug IThé corn exhibit in heu In thé town cas held. In short. it appeared anIfi hall whilé thé upeaklng ani other Mr.Bu hjubai ot maie thi potato 1ftatures céré lput ountIthé nev audi- when It vas ver snI, t îî SIwa I1torium In thé bani building. faslen.d la la snomauimu and thon That thé vWatoen.mlgb fiel ripald that the v.getabt, 1a4 grova Up for thbeir attends"le on thé opening mroud thea bug util ft vatt a vent- da à montiniterqutlag p$ofram bad abl. prisorter.unuable to set oeutbut jbeefl arranged. lucluding thèse tea- furulshed vlth thé uoeeI4lés Of turc" )Ifé--food front thé potala on whicb iii 1:30 tu 2:15-A. J. TrOia. commis- geémeti tc tbrivf, for aâ stated hé- sionar of markets for tise Welis-Psargo fore, thé bug cas onosualY targe for company. subJect: "Marketing direct an ordinary potato hue 1 front produis-r tui c-nsutmer. The lîttie space occupléd hy thé 2:15 to 3:00--Bért BaRU. obairman Of but WaU perhaps ticréthe asezéof thé rrop Improvement cohumitteof thé bug Ittaef. Indiratlng fuit, front thé counili of Américan grain exchangés; ime thé potala bai stoppai growilng. viii give stereotiticon lecture on In- the bug bai éatén iitrrily tlsat part creaseti production of coru and éats. of thé potato which was representi 3:00 tno3:45--F A. fléaton. croti ex- hY thé potato removéti fromt aboutie péert lI5(iage. couitîv-t"Corn and (ui body. Shows."' And,. whiié thé mattér la heing con- 3: 45 tu 4:30-A. R. Graunis. croit ex- siiereti. thé question arises: Doés prt Wili countý 'flott anti théir a potato bug have to bave mucb air Fertîizers.' with whicis ta live? If It does, where Ds-Dite themut *,ina t hhcm dlit]I geL lt? Are the pores lu a po. tala sofficiént la give hi thé neressary air? Such mosi hé thé case or thé bug wouli not have survbved tiset many Moîths.f Anothér strings Part of the m4tter la that thé Potala vas not decayédc murb. In fart. seeffied ai exception-t aly héaitby vegetahi, excepîing rghtc chère thé bug bai héén bélti pris-2 oner. This lu the fitst rasé oftuhe kini that bas ever béén rallèi o tise at- tention of local people.I fart, Itlah beli evedI Io lean unkioci thing hi bug libe béréabouts or elsechere. Toa think that a tîug coudtivbe aIl this t ime Inside a potato anti hé lusly1 aid fat when rémoved frim îls tightf quartera aven ibough bts legs ceré rurled up againstItis body tigtly- well, t vas Inied a mont unusual thiîg an ued much surpriset aong xie o aw ut. G C, Oe a 00000 000 0 MARRIAGE LICENSES 0 Geo. P. Nick, Green Bay. Wis-...22 Rase Schultz, Sheboygan -..... 6 Danuel Douglas.ý.piÏ,ag..---------23 1 Marie Renter, same é.............23 ClIts. Beitrand. Chicago -.....34d mela Spe&ce, Cncinati .........246 Vmird Schuman, Duluhi.......... 37 Villae Conrad,- Mlwakee.....31 John. Meier, Chicago............ 85 Bla Bleku. im..............0 %am-yDry, lteading, Pa .......3 ýAIvDryMM............ I *ùR ei a sUhmait. Wi .' Otlo ber bm tlhb 10" on tay. theé matitare good ami thé attendance cili hé large, people bai'- Ing plannedta Lu onié from &UIlparts of MuS pasture If possible. lin. 9r acre .. 11.0 29.6 18.5 Hé feIl thé average farm land Valu......... 1 8.80 $28.60 $14.80 ahoutd hé figuredti t niake at least ô AVERAGE A.L CROPO (Per Voea)- pér cent anti that valuations shouli Value ......... $11.37 $18.44 $ 7.07 hé hasédnti hi bs perceéttagé. In otherý Coat of treat- tise county ta také tart lu thé countys wortia. if fi producea 5 per cent on' ment......... 00.00 2.50 4.571 tiret crn show. $100 vatuation per acre, It's dolug (A gain of $2.83 for evèry dollar Thé éxhubita arc pranouncéti ex.: fairly gooti; anti. asthé ratio t-unue .pndeti1.nyéar). ceediigly fine by thonséchu have ai- up, thé value lncreases eVéit a InS casé c f thé romrn rops, thé 25.1 téniei. Thèré are 150 entries of corn grénier proportion hénausé more pti- b.; lant uwrl 6.5 hl h of aIl kihîts. 150 i-ntrIe8 of cati; anti rure cormes trotu t hé sanie amount ofj 36.4 but. land ta cortit $134.11. or 2.09 20 entrles of ci-at. Thené are also lanti with the saine ainount of work. timon as much. Vaiuing the laid at éxhihîts of tmothy, clover ant i a- A farin wbich producea 10 per cent $1610 pir acre, thé 26.1 ho. yieîi ciii fairae per acre valoation Iu worth much Pay 1.86%v on valuation. white thé 36.41 A mai cho mejresénts a large fer- nt-e than a néighhborlng ferai on bu. yield cili pay 4.42%' on the valu- tîzè'r rompany atténded thé shoc to-,i Vbiich a mère générai vahuation Of atuoti. or 3.38 timea as mucb. day anti cas deei-'y impresséd. lie perbaps $150 an acre basn bren heud. sai thé dispia' .îthbout question cas In short.,iland valuation shoulti héo thé fineut bhevcir lias sien any chère. haseti not on whai thé gênerai valué ALTMAN CASH DISTRIBUTED Hé sali be bas at .nded mair rounty in thé neighbothooi ta. but on thé taira but neyer bas seets a display ta productive qualitiéps of thé lanti ln Check Aggregatlng *1,000.00 Are tiqualibis onef.1 question. Hé saidIfllinois landi ta net Given to 4010 Employas. Thére are tivv tilînés as many kintis ta bc puchseé ln any othér section, New York, Jan. 15.-Checke aggre- tcfrtn on éxhibit au theoe are et in thé ceai or In Canada, because, ratina more iban S.0.'0havé be the county faIre givén ivery yeur. white there may hé soute advantagés,, ditri hutéti ln tIse pasi fév days te 1ulty one-half ut the exhihits are thème are othér tinga chicb detract sbout 400 employés of B. Altmsan aid salite avehee ineredby chol mterallyas ompréd~ ~ Company, who cet-e eititii 1te loe- saidte avebc-n enere byochol mterall ascompredte llioi clés unier thé cili of Benjamin Ait- ýchildren. County Supeluntanient of soit ant ireaks thé later fam more de. Wman. SehaOols Sîgmpeon Itet-isted the tech. airable. Mr- Altman hequéathed $5,000 aplee ers ln -thé movetuènt Mid they ln Mm. Heatihimer feut that thé average ho eleven store employés chomi he turm, luterestéil thelr papits vith thé farmner taaitsto réaluze theIimportance namedianti *1,000 apiece te tbreé cm-1 risult that a remat-kably fiue show- of kreping organir matter un bis soit* ployés. Toeoemployez of tventy yéars1 hn i maie. Mir. Simpson la givén hé urgéti thein not te purebase the service Dot olherciae retnembémed bo ani lefi $2.500. te ail employeti léssathan much, redt foi thée .finegovlng of patent fertilisera but laue Manure iweuty véars Or more than éigbteen tue puoiils. Thé ottier emlsbfts are anti the phosphatés aid lievhlcb, yearu. $1.500 aid te tisose employed maie hy fat-mers ln idftret parts cith proper alténnation of rrops. vîli fifiéen yearr $1.000. the phare comk-1 of lie county. Thtee-fomts or thé kéép their land sceet and productive. eru of &Il classés héing excluded. achoola tu thé counity aurerpreaented Soit and Fortillzeru. etteeB bt an b*ot B big F. C. Orannis, Witt couuty soit ex- 'WALL ST. SOT ME': HENNNG tie princIpal lîtéreat M bho' mani- festai, on Weinesiay, 1'humffy. fflr- daY ani SatrdpY, the edIUadaim cf tbe eXhibit. Tke,,su*her o!feshihilu ai.fhar ive'r Iben t vas thodotvoudb. fi. cmasand the tovi Ma.*ivasRot vas huiïd qfceusal7 10 »UuIlsothe - bu@mao -t a oxe44* n., us ~U- wamnq% pert. showed figures obtained by care- fui perusai of conditionh there. Mie said that the county has 23 townehip clubs, one ln each teo sad that the members cet to cetier and discu ematterg of generalI nterest; that they9 t eld a husking b.. at whuIfitfl were 150 persons prisent and at tig s»coud one, oves"Meè were prement e howing the -»te reatsuci a 'commu- id ty affair crestes., 4. li po;nted eut , Ibat .tébatsam. tiree *Àumu fo 1r every *aim laW*6 uhsd S.and that t*o. cf the thr# 'live Schoumhurg ilanker, Romattici ti Tombe ln New York, Cive* Advice. Nec Yok, Jan. 15-Frank Henuing. s-ho confesso athé theft of $40,000 _trot tIspL Içoogiaccounasof direct- ors Of the P%éere-' State Bank of Scbaumburs, IliI,.as arraiguéti ln po- lice court and Ïremandedti o thé Tomba until Friay. "I couli advlce évery young Mausto keep out -of. Wall stréét and stock " 1u 1 on" h. a wi ieJectedly. Il look.m1ghyîgooi nt fit-et, bultbey cUl gt-you in tis eanti. Yctican't liôéee 'q »4t. deu"éate ings yen ý4Il~ o a plucb. Il Sottume." Mrs. Gladis O'Dm»C-e~ Action Atter havile-, band Watiihe. WAS FOLLOWED TO FOX I And, Woman D~v Made to'DanooTaouf self Almost AUt WL. Joy t-ies, an ail-nilat psa te S trips arrous tie lai. siiMd sl. tions of a iseti puduate nU-"a clîl havé part lu the testlméay isbl divorce action of U-s Iam *~ neli agaluat Tiimasi. O'Dâel& ho fore Juige Wlndés. ilnChIcaae, ms Monday. "I bai a vomndetéetlctivo IW8l My buhand for four inoîtibeiw- tirs O'Donnell lait evenlm « ýWt* stery that won,*" castel. .:m- O'Donuell bar' opratul 4hm.»Mbi Chicago hel for thirtees jioges. ê Mrm. ODonneU u ar"dylsg*" report of ber deleotveseut lie eut cfth tii i it » t u ve ber brother. JobuIL X.Muni, m« ber mtier, lD 1643 SMM lEisjé fourtb utreet. Souti Chimgo.-. " "One cf aie ttis th amiaimbit My voman detectîve vemus a andl tango dance autVn]r« 8 fit," sai bfrs. O'Doat& M vere short cf gtria for 1h. dm*es"A fhéy Maie my poor doettoq5, utIl mrnning. The mmes *-Ok "Tbey got mnogldi myb fell dcci and hurt hlo eliqes,, Partter ,a gradect I.,ý Kenvooi, put s volltý4 cf linimeut ou biu.Ag mm*i cf tt-tbag rv tise ictal for moRfla Pr.W1Ui .e~ GereJ. BaiN ý tur te B ot%" egg m(Wgg shsbject la aM a Iims oirM VOkXXa-NO. 17. ~I. -9 -1 1 S1IOULD SPENO A,'STATE'S FARM DOLLAR AND AÀIIALF IN LAIE CO. lIAS W neôp EACII ACRE YEARLY PRO VED VALUABLE 9rize 1ý,, Expert Advises Farmers That Interesting Officiai Figures on lpeihl ate itr l Soul Needs That Much for What Phosphate Has Done Ire-inJr tBtpartia showat a Maintenance. Near Antioch. lUbertyville this week, the 141 being E. B. Ileeton, countyavit SUGGESTS HOW TO DIVIDE. INRAE HE PRODUCTS. or i)uPage ony tYdlir CORN-SINGLIE ILAR. Believes Soîl of Lake County Data by Man Who,,Had ChargeBO .~eLr fYIe o. Shoud Hae Tw 1lst-L .A. l-iuebacb. Ares. Shud ae w-Fifths of Farm il Yeais Proved 1 211dA. Farner, Prairie ViWW. Corn, Rest in Fifths. VeryInteresting. :rd-Earl Kiane, Ares. Boat Single Bar of Whiste. dom- liÀfwrtyvlllte.Jan. 14. Th, atidrems J.* E.*Reatihimer. sooi expert of ist-Frank Vlckery, Ariat. es ut yemterday'm ne4sion tor the coro lKane county. In bis nddress Tuesday 2nd-A.RGaHuie, Llib.u «l show ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h prutvr ntutv o théatthe corn show, hLiertyvilieý, gave GRAND CHAMMON «A&. tundr'-d rsoréni who atteiàdtd and an Interestinz lot of figures about the Bout Singis Bar of CoriAyChof- an fnteresting part of the afternoons experimentai station whieh the lit- L. A. Tuebueh, Area. (Roe&etuls> ' meeting wasthte prece of nianyInfotsatUniversity bai- teen operatfng CORI-lO SAS SAMPLIS wonîén who listenet alttettiveiy to, theI now for twelvt- years In Laite cnunty, Sait 10 la. VeIIow Con- points madie by the speakers.i a fat-t that miany persona are not Ist-L A. Huebuch, Ares. J1. E.Réatihimer, county advisor for, sware of. 2Zd-Alhert Stahi. Prairie View. Kanecoutyamog oherthige, Thé tract of land rcnted sonie rd-David Mtinto, Autisc. liane~~~~~ cony mn te hna welve yesrs ago hy the university, Bt 10 Eart White CMrt> urgeti farinera to keep organie mat. terin hei Bot i thy wsh n gt l on ttue D. M. White place. near An. tst--A. G. Hughes, Aâtioch. tloch, where for twelve yéars. ndter 2nd-W. 1. UiSo, Baiissio. the beat résulta and pointed out that, the supervision of the state college, 1 . t. King, RUUssIL $1.60 spent each year on eacb acre, exGADCAMINIt would bring many tutti returna on théexwperimenta have heen carriéti on I GADCAPO AS witb references to phosphate, Btc oSat 10 lEar if Corn, Any Cew- lnvestmént,le suggested that 60 In the mater of Increasing soifbhAf5 cents worth of lime per acre and $ 1 efficiency. CORNOPRN TO SCHOOLe oillo. ' per acre In phoaporua ha used, thus Fréee'ér, n ni h~VoIlow CO 1-Sam 10 KEéýý taking up the $160 he beliéves neces- Freee eradutlt] sary to keep up thé qualîty ofst year, Mr. Réatihimîr lhait cbarge of 1 t-BSVau Rchoël, ProqboL By sgpptylng ~theenousig th Laite coueîty tract; tibrs yéar the 2dVaeyfeb9oi, wý mai iii charge lu e.S.oFrshér. aiu.i<s Dilloâ, growor. . tie, the sOUt la sweetenid and the in. the In cive lmty. a. Flatter, si»d ofe# creaed rop wil suprie tse n -%Ir. Readbeimer présentei thèse' 4h-Wilmot Sodot,¶osS t who carriez out that ilan systemati. figures. showlng the iifîrence In White Cons-t l Eb'10ý ée caliy. ~~~~productive qualities of thésoIt wbfnf -rce cil He, feit that a sixty bushel cern cutivated with and without the use lnd-liokefeli« er Sh*oi P. yipld per acre ahould corne when a of phosphate In the soif, exteing 3rdKot SPr ietolgi S. fariner systernatIcally applils 81,50 over a peroi front 1902 to 1912: 4th-Voals Sehool, Wu:rre. worh o th" ogaic eceaites toGrand Champion, Bât l La10 aotf o tiee rgni nt'vstis tOCORN, FOR SIX VEARS- Archer fichStof , a. thé soit. th He suggested that to get thé best outW i producte fron soif.fthat if hé utilizeti Phos. Phos. Gain P JA A >~ i on a farinIn this proportion: Bu. per acre ... 25.1 364 il. 3 iiIA» TAU Two-fifths-In corn. Vaine ........112.66 $1820 $ r..65 T4 Oaie-fifth- ltiali grain. OATS, THREE VEARS- AT F I 1> Oene-fifth Alfalîfa. - _- Onie-fiftb--('lover. [iu. per acre .0.6 44.2 13.6 And. hé adtieti use the aifalfa asVan,.....$07 $64.$.7 O C M lia' nt us té ove orîonas WHEAT, TWO VEARS- j(