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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jan 1914, p. 6

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ZINTO BESTART. EU BY W. 6. VOLI VA Ovem'eer Declares People Who Have Differences Must Adopt the Biblical Plan. POSTER BROTHERLY SPIRIT And Indicentally Get Cleaner 'Pins' in Zion City Where Water Is Scarce. 'whem!. From the Unieu of A braihamt until SIX' VEARTERM fO0R PRESIDENT WAS ADVOCATED Prof. Halsey -of Lakê Forest, University Tells Women Per- iodicity Is too Short. TALK WAS _ INTERESTING. Advises Them to Join Men's Party Rather Than Forming One of Their Own. A six-year term for Iriesitlauts m a. advocated b(' Prof. .1. .1. IfaLav. of Until a short time ago, scarcely one person in a thou8and had ever tasted a reafly good soda cracker-as it came fresh and crisp from the oven. Nov everybody cu khow and enjoy the crisp goodess of fresh baked soda crackers wlth- out going to the baker's oven. 'Uneeda Biscuit bri the bak- te lima ot %Iohamni t a s w the eus- Lake Forest univarsity, inhi bitad-5 ttorilof te East for the host tu wash draus Friday afternoon inu ,lite Tam- o y n thé tact of his guests. peran ce temple to lte Waukegan Wo- * From tIis ceremiony Volva. te suc- macns Study classt. He daclarad te A food to live on. Stamilma for work- cesser oft)owta as leader at ZMon ,erlodicit3 of office at tha 1,csatenr. Strengthà for the delicate. Gi. City, lurtioses toetablii a new tinie la entirelv 1o0 short. ~g~O . rite. W'henever two membersg of the Prof. l1aIsay spoke to a very appre them ito tufe IitUC IWXSe. rive cerne. cottaragation have a quarrai thev wiii ciatve audience. Ulis subject was ha compeliedb wasbeachothers feet" Local GovernmenttinI lîlInoIs wit's A I N lRýI T C l D U becoplldtuwaheahotersfetRetarence to the Riglit of Suffrage. A N A ION M ISCUIT CO5PA in public, drelng them wlth towels. rEcéently givan to the women." Each Atbough 1 neser have believed awrman who attended was given a tirer the washing of feat was an ordi- cure for whal officars the righit of nonce In the cburch 1co see resoens suffrage entities ber te vote.uua 58 tsw¶v~u why wé migbt adopt the custom," lie Followlng la the substances of Prof. CÀP>f. rU"Àj i jý' sn EUNIDID WIIK said. '4Wbéréver two members of Hp.ieeY's talk: titis churcit have a quarrel 1i wli di- "Ouiy a lilflited suffrage was gîven 3)M L Y <lENSBEN DO EA rect eacb to wasb te feet of the ot- aomen tet sPriug. as the consitutionINf or. By the ttuné they have completed nt 1870 ouiy trovides for maie suffrage u trat tank 1 think tbey wiil feet likre ln 1890 te legisiature gave te wom- ,À1N1ArLIS CHARGE ALLENDALE FÀRI spesking te one another. en votes for school trustees and scheol '«Contemplation of one anothers boards. Thte wornen now may voté ~font under Ibose cdrcumstances could for thé follewlng offilcera: Former North Chicago Com- Boys' Sohool at Lake Villa --bo iffult ln anything but good." 'ieprésidentIetl eleelor Intei--u m Ïan.dan.t P oiîûkjv tu Most i W tlui t n-c13Showing E Voilve ham'tt i'ét ated whether ho tionai goverument. -Deuirable Navy Job. %sd in Lbe opration on hie peuple% tate goverument. ftet nether banshhé ecified whther «'Surveyor In te ceuni>' gosero- ASSUMES CHARGE FEB. 7TH BOYS GET GOOD TRAINING.1c tevem &Udsaeweté> en.-Z- Ihywill bave bot or cold waiér, and '*Superviser, clerk. assessor, cotiac- Washington, 0. C., Jan. 25.- Practical Method of Eduoation' hos failéd toesay wbat wiii bec te ter, blgbway cemmissioner and sehool CapI. William F. FuIIom, Sacre- Is One of the Strongest t reséIn lacaséone protera bot. thé tri-tee tri the township goverumeut. tr ail iejo esneI other cold valér 'Commlssionérs in the Waukegau tariOsullsInîItforparsonelf No suggestion La made about when rît) goverument. %vois annouifled on Saturds>, téili or where these opérations shahl akre "Mayor, alderman, treasurer and become éupériq'sndmnt of thée nbote.lnenver goEwr place, whelher publlcly In the taher- clerk lu the old ferni of government. vol sademy nt Annspols. reiiev- L. Bradley leased a smail tract ofm mAlé or in the privaie bornes of te 'Tbere are lwo ways 'lu whlch the inq Capt. John H. Gibbons, who land bordering on Lake Villa, fifteenz latsrusted paties. women rua> win full suffrage: by thé nFb sue çmedo litl obsau if Voliva le te inauguraLe making of s uew constitution for Ill- lF..7asue cmsd f tlle ests of Waukéegaji, snd thére moue doeldedly "novBl" conditions I in ols or by the législature suhmilting the battl.shli> Louisians. laid theé foundations of an Institution bis eiL> of love snd strîfe. te new ameudment."oprtceaduaeeevtsd ASer aIL, perbaps Voiva knows "The fret Illnois constitution was Thé aboyé telévruanitethé Sun la e pîdotr homeeua su, lcté ad what lie la about, for no douht his mrie ini 1818, the. second In 1848, aud thé tiret officiail Word stating that bioys." fr om hatsmand begut Ai constanat association with bis owu peu, the third la 1870. OuI>' oue ameud- Copi, Fulloru. former bond of tée No. léndalé tarin, as IL ln called, bas grown pe pute hlm lun a position Lu kuov ment may hé submitted lu Lwo yéars. Chicago naval training stationsla tîtl now thé association controlllng ubetér hei fét ned ttetio orThé ysttu ! txaton u té sat rscme charge of thé big naval eccad- IL has propertyIncluding 120 acres 1 »ot.Ha il a -Wise old owl" aud 11 netils a aendlng as munit as thé wcrn- eru t uaols f land. vaiued at neari> $100.000. Sev- lié can bave a gênerai waablng o!f eet éen ne"d suffrage. Thé women muet itlaI recaiied that soe weeke ageoeral new cotlages havé recently heén V irn der the subterfuge of ad. net axpect Lo gain everything rlgbt the Sun prtntéd an article stating that pdded te thé ]fille communnty, no jeeting prsonai différences, IL 'a ail awaY. CaPt. Fullou. wiotal weli rérnemberéd tat thé numiter of boys cared for at -thé béler-hé gela away wth It far «'There are tee man>' lections lu Iu Waukegau, becausa of hie long one ime la uow la hé reteed froru 50 aicéenttaon if hé camé rlght out and iis country. IL wOuld he botter If service at the training station. was or 60 la about 100. bofldi shouted as hé héld bis filgers sas>. tb. goveruor and lieutenant gov- b<>oked for thé Annapolis position. Most cf thé boys at Aléendale farruI t» bis nomé: "I command yeixail torer were joecléd and thé other It now ýdevelop, thé appontaient corné front Chicago. Throir ages viten hoéstie borne sud wash your féet.' statte officérs appointéd b> tirent. bat beén rhade and date set for hlm titey enter thé Institution varv as a City oitsis of Waukégan respect- "Thé périodity of office isa te e aumiug bis dute. rule fror 10 te 1q yeare. lu addi- ftuS comménd ail fet-negiectors te short. The président sitould ha elect- AlLer léaviug thé North Chicago sta- tien te ordinar>' sciool instruction', '-go te Zion City as seoo as Voliva fêla éd for six yéare. Titis appiied te oth- tin, CaPt. "uloin went te WashIug- thé boys are given training lu' farmi hiebtiingetut lto pértio, e oficés 5 Wéi.ton wbéré hé was rmade oo f theitansd ter forme of manuel work. lZion City la noted forlits unruoderu "lI)ou't terni a worans Party' t0 aides of thé sécretary of thé navy. This practical method of education, beusis systeum and Itta ly u> thé ex. anlagonize thé men. Go mbInt he Hé heid this position evér since, but lagéther with Lbéfr rémoval frein ciL>' -céptional bouse witére modem watee n'en's part>' which you prefér aud as predlctéd In thé Sun. hé wae given stréets la a beautif ut country envir- syntémieansd bath mooms are main- cleau it up. Vote for the beet ma. the Anpolis position soima time onent, bas proved extrervely honnit- taiuied, so mss>' cf thé bouses helng for thé office. Be Independeuit.' Ilbrk, aitiough thé daté wasuot ruade ciel te many w'atts, prepariug theru amolli sud net nmodemu. lu face of By spécil request Prof. tialse>' public aben hé weuld assume charge. (or successful carnera. thia tact tiL ra>' aise hé figurer] that ruade a féw réruarke on thé question Thé positiou St Annapolis la con-, Thé growth sud iucréaeed epportu- péritapa Volla infguriug on makIng of séwagé sud drainage. lHe Raid tirtIsdrdtébs n 1h aynx ute o sfléso nbisîu .î feewashing a communt>' affair and thée anilary district titat bas béén dis-alereth st ne cf th oavy lu tct tor aseAilnal frm constitu-1 a central wsa bowl rua> be estait- cussed b>' thé North Shore towwi li I la thé mesL sougitt after position ene o! thé most admirable featurés of1 llehed. If lb la put ou thé main stre't extenti froru Hraeoide ou the seuth te In that departruent cf thé govémuméent the practical philentitropy et thé titre. it Mlght pros e as lutereting a spot Waukégan or Zien City' ou thé nertit. sud rusu>' old it laeaveu more dé- i1 as Waukegauea laké shore park. Thé speaker deprécated thé près- strablé than any position in thé arru>'. Cergyman and C.bbler. Voiva aime remarked as foiicws: aura et alieys lu citles ail oer thé ser-vice as Weili. i Of course, a rinistér ought La pre»é1 *'Petrs's ifé's mother uinitér uniecountry aud rredicted that thé néw CapL. Puiloru 'as thé predecessor tic. &Il hé preachas. TeL thé soeié Isésus. Sh rua>' have wasbéd Hie CiL>' wili hase ne alleys. Hé salr ai- ot Capt. Clark, présent commandant lier naver 'séars ail Lthe shoes ha tee,. 'sich. aseu ou lt's thé léys do mucb te cause iypboid fever. ai thé North Chicago station. lrima --.-Chicago News. cuslao!o that Land, for 'shénever a "A profeser of chémistry bas sald" visitor called at a beuse. thé sandale hé déciared, "that thé ime la ccmiug wbiet they soré 'seré rernoveansd a 'hen Itr'sîlI hé a crimne tehave Ly-O basin of 'saLer was set fer tbém te pbcid fever. Thé rigitt 'ay te do0 cleanse théir tact, 'shirt of necessity, a'say 'sitt sewagé lo te reuder il Ilu 'aalking hrouglt e satidy laud and ' nuusu."At * wasring sondais, woîld ho covered Prmtti ttmet lwouid op- A te wtb sand. i pear that possibi>' thé North Shore _____________________________ 'Wé sbouid not torgetlu t Iis con-' drainage district officérs may hé con- nectieni.* said Vliva, "thatet srIdertug a plan te treat séwaga ratit- snon syatht etr w héuota evr er ton caustug IL te hé dumpéd Into I WILL FIND you are short of State- rléd rman. ast cai bis attention te thé emarn larger drainage canai. Prof.~ mentie, Billheads, Leterheads, Envel- tact titat lu ordèr for e man e bave Haseèy 'sili continue bis talk te thé OI o fiefrs fsre. hrc 'semen next Priday afiernoon. Hé opesorofefrm fsm .cha- a rnother-in-law hé muat get marriéd. had sevéral thiigs hé wlsitèd te eay ter. Juet cal1 tus on telephone No. 1. 1 don t'kno's o! an>' othér 'sey te gelthrPrd>bt'ssualteoan weledfryuroyad - asdIelyoIdottaire an>'accout et îack Of ime.an els dfoyurcp adi- - , toc luthéproèrbal liguueu cf ______________ truçtions. Job Printing ie n o t a - othérs-in-ia's, aithér. A ptition 'sas fied wtb Town specialty with us--it'e our business. "Wbat sema 0of thèse mothers-lu- Cièrk Eruli P. Schaédé cf Cuba to'sn. -: D .mwought la do v-th thege striplingesbip Monda>' requesting taI héCal The Indepenclent Job Deparumcnt lms of Pos-kiu-la's ie to taire a beecittree a spatial élection fer tée vurpose of ocneto ihtenwppr Mnd to tie.! submitilng to thé votera thé proposi. cesn acmptequ metht t _________ ieu of eiectiug oui> one commission. Sles' o peeeup etta j iesi wém s oe. er of igh'says. 'sho would bave en- in neyer usled for newspayif work. « aM b ege vos terrible; 1Ianvestiré chargé or thé imprevémentsl, a héoer atclrprnes hc 55i4 5pOUCemA ~ made iu roade, Instead of titrée as la r AUe*i asgemciee- At a recént session of thé legials can have the work when pronied- or~nry -alectiic ie 1h e e t the right tcouplecf days. IodLMru@ 1 i. M 'sub)mittlmg tieusé int "v »Mt05 ~ g p&nlng avenue, Chicago of hé howusisp, whetiter tée préset ladepeudent Chus. ___________________ o& l .a>. lr. Silvérman wua Lb. SY1té. Of aîecting titrecommleatiin. iii d re dif- lioCoK.nri eC01 rs of bigbhways hé abolebéd sud ouly 'yget H I DE E D N î ey A brek lu tise Insuilation ofo nuecomaonre éla t »ua b éi as orlag acurent InI- Mr. Schaode bas not decidéd cu thé -te Ut'.,Mwmesme'o bcdir and hé Wàdate for tLb. spécia l ectien as yet J0 DENR M VU IWM4 fda é Me etr itILthe as <ia>'butcaitéd U p J b> B ULoAftIIVlm SU lPOIndMg ér b ait. Borné date yithiu ____________0_____________________ MROSI SCaETIC' IS IN MRCA READY FORPnaY SET CONSTRUCTION MARK. Old EIm Course at Fort Sheri- dan to Be Thrown Open on Decoration Day. Anierica's first absolutely scientiflc golf course wtll be throwu open tc, C'hicago golfer8 on Decoratlon day. Tihis was the announcemeut yesterday of the, buders of te Old Eim Club lonks at Fort Shearidan, who have set a record for perfect golf construction. Iii one t ear's tirne t he prioteval forest weat of the big army post on the north shtore lies been rottverted itîto a tiflîtista ot fairweys sud i greens, presértlug a trtervei et loua landscape arcitLcture. Premier golf critîce of Scotlai Ltée Untited Statas Itase rauki Oid Elm course as; one of thé bgst ln titis coutntry for idéal 1 conditions, sud so far as sei Lrappiug la concerued. tehe e course ls dealgttéd, thé club o state. for tIhé néw baillsud for players. on thé théor>' t"attho, raunot play 'sel il y Improve thé>' muet reaily avoid scientîf ards. Juat one yaar ago thé two va, W. A. Alexander sud R. Harvi Elweaeto On'séutsia called tc 60 men as charter memeri~sa ganlzed te 014 miniClub. Tg I 300-yard course îles fully cou on lte 160-acre tract of land, r geutly la thé Sholkla river. An dîture of 175.000 was naceei traneferin thé foested land. Ciubhouse Aiso Resgdy. Thé cluithousé 'sîlI aIse hé for thé Décoration day opénini vîtiésg. Thé structure le of 8 arcittctnre, déslgnéd b>' Bér shahs, sud stands on an élevai 50 ftetabové thé links. avenl bisé nintit sud elghteentb 1 greens.lt Inti- renlar Ila epet éred b>' a glass reout on bell-hé Thé building Includés a sunrog captien rmcm for ladies. Iarg and s Iockér recru. 100 b>' 60 lés OId Eim Club mérubérsip etrlcted lé 150, ail seniors, no or 'soman mèmrsr. 'Ladies bowésar 'sili hé igilad mo club's spécial éveul>. The i sd governors are E. F. Carry dent: Stanley' Field, vice préî Charles T. Boynlan, traasîrrer; lés Poids. sSeretar>'; W. A. Aie (chairman). R. Harvey' McEiwei MeLennau, groundis commîttu R. Porgan, Sulas H. Blra'sn an( lés L. Allen, additioual govéru NO REÀL SUCCESS WITOUT REAL EN~ Thé iolloving observationP have ben excerpted from a rerent speér dliveresd b> Nathan E. iJeLzert of Ltbértvviiie. No mnuever ruade a relsuce(-sa o! fle wsittont making rosi énerulea. Our tarin lande don't rqitre moeidrn tréatruént néar as munch as Or lainers. The strongeryour position Lté atronger Ltae opposition. IL in more difficuit tu maké moue> fur Ltée average farmer titan 10 oeil hlm a gold brick. Whéous man atteins thé toi)t Litre are aiwaya pleut>' to iteip puil hlm down; shén béa'aIettée bottoru Lta> simpi> oit ou itim. Modern businessmémthode and the average farmer are uot even ou speekiug termes. You cen't attein 'sithitut pain; thé artaes of yourséi nd jour corrmunity hélpa bréèd falpe friends. A ceuse that dioeuit briug forth critictaro le Iudeéd bupeléas. Even a knock is more complirnentary titan iig értirely iguoréd. Strange seult May @"em Most péapié réali> énjoy @ayiug tiingm bébind a menés hack boter titan tu bié face. -IL lsa aprovén tacttat ou.ecmn itypnotîuian>' subject by eoncentraàtlng tée subject's rulnd, stili Itéré la no caue on record of a farmér éver having itéén hypnotieed. lu neeri> évery city papér, That jon pick np now-e day, Ton read boy soff:tisé fariner Real msains edaily pay. -o o btasu»Ilubed tlt 4 da. ru., Thén works thé llvo.ioeg day, Back tu bed et ulgbt egaîn h réaS> sm.s Db.play. Thé mosttudopendent mmabitre Béyond théecl>y's sae Re onI>' verbe Lth. en"itéyear Eaeh dey's a bolide>, Bis banda grow bard sud caibonsed And blé bacb no slifly bonds Stîli ho'& lord of &il ereation' And hie forituuSs du thé moud. But lot the. story writer Look te proposition o'ér And l'm aur@ that lu thé future We'D ber froru hlm no more. Prof. Jaimes Smith will open bis Da~ncing School at the TOWN HALL, LIBERTYVILLE -SaituÊ-day Nigh4, Jan. 31 Wi 1 tuaulî the waltz,,tw-..stP, taugo andi o it-ij sltz. r festi-SPCA Ipnish PCA IMar- The DRECAX WÂLTZ vil b. taught Saturday ntght ookng as apecmLai puttiug1 tb cov- arings. grl HE __________ juniors m!tb CASH MARE Tlie Beelt aud Clîeapest Place for First (fla8s4 Meats, Poultry, Game, Fish and Sheil Fish Vegetables and Fruits IN LAKE COUNTY W. J. MUNDEE, PROP. j Phone 307-J LIERTYVILLE Bell System The Long Distance telephone is an important factor in locating people in emergencies. In the absence of the name, Bell operators can often find parties wanted if furnished a street address, occupation or other means of identification. Messengers arc on duty at railroad stations and other centers, and arc frequently able to inter- cept travelers by description and bring tbeNn to a telephone. Toll charges on such messages arm no higher than ordinary rates for the service rendcred, sud- in moat cses the reaults canuol be computcd on s moncy bus. Use the 11=9 Distance Lines CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY, A. R. Andiews, Managev TelegrsooMOi. H-owF. Enim Edmt Elsié Georl Barb4 Matt Josal uatt Aune Fr-sot Meri( Hugo Eleer Otto Edltb WtLIL Auna GoBa Emni Ciare La'sî Palu For t fo 1 -- - FOR Colon Good Co,, L FOR ville. IMÂcG FOR Buick been good FOR W&Y. FOR prove Corne John FOR end Liber FOR Bas,. FOR Coumh Liber FOR Cucke Arça. FOR ai Si or l'kt FOR turke WAI" Marda Liber NE' TI

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