LAX~ 4ÔUNY PDEPI2N!fr¶, UID FKBRUARY 6,1 14f. 'ih COR DR LIS 1!UKOÀ LO L 1 addte far the Dernocratic nommIa- lu a cutter. -At thé. corner of Cannty A~~~to as DRAlL3 T A K~A _LC L dXdermanlnteScd a. lieU.A~W U la wl tIsen l en Wa rd. and Clayton etreota the. runner of thie _______ Be lawl nw I akgn oth cutter h,il,,e hlgh Poftion of thie traek L*eCo.vue& Tus Co.I fi ls reported that Fred Flueýr %vl hie and ie brother thre state'a attor a Abstact ofTlte. Ttle Quranéod, M ou 1 R PA SLA IN IRLfa ney having iived ln \aukegan masy ail thre curtter was overturned.Mr Abetracta~~~~ Pf Tii.TtiAWaanad DUI L also ire a candidate. or toali colle(tor. Burowr ati trew outxn ands on Sher- 11VD i bKl11U asionic Temple WNdg. Phone 4. ~~i DR LW Tirer@ are now th re avowed rand 1. idaner ettoad.ehmeo Se hie kiioe somewhat. The borse ran to Fe sl U Hns n ug esn Ina vrue ohn Colo. Fred Brown thse victim or anl=caught. rwn ssotified thre police CPr<tm 2.dg Persansrr yoda osil errui P1é"ulmeigo h akeedbrufear WT.14 WHright yo 5am, fil moinfr Ttillttecg homnat T. Mloyne, a nrottier of aciet Monday night about 9 :45 and it was throigh them, he recovered 'ot i» 1l en motionr fratro blc 8,w trIal' aditon Higelcase ate's Attorney HOYne of ('iiago, l o'ciock whlse drlving horne from work the animai. HlgIan ftSAO tf Mss Catherine Siwavi n and accord, _________________________________________________ #$lyW5s held at Palatino Mon. Park. -Quit dm $1.00. inuto, gly judgiment fer $550 under tire Lbuae 2nadth l m Esitate of E, 8. Wedge ta J.__ stue ___________andDr._ulle Pf«ident---Charlean Patfon tola 11. .1.t liai section 35,ui E.d ontoc PREMI- Inn roE Ilear 1ar buthas unar Powophip ofe $4ima0 RuhinoSret iesn, .ider hem ter.Fnir tll tal 4rtaYJ Ka Domel $98.Fulnr500wf t. J ut At. ohlg ggl ae npI o iieya elmfaug ftnd. Scerok mor ta Erm ace . soturk ur-&e and hMeaad tf Na.o lan Set Up lir Fillde,i otetiorn om Ba me ~t rer ts lbe the cipy er W.ecato 29dPart and 3, setck4 LiaPeu e..-ulrm qua1- doctî or ma "Dr praeirsti 3NRT- ENS.E T 5APÇl L »" w bas marnai n o me et fo t e opée r it - o er C o sb dIs io qua r er sction W2. bi gu t , A re s d t c tireNo re G lo e n- la j aino cenc th tat thfr ed ~ O f~ s O k t iv h. lnotg tc.,l as t tehea al cuiront e towns. heruipa ta.e Drso. $9,00 miiltr tii ofi innet any hai iut rene. teUtes ofteJid wr oet anuEmay. Burke and.Ol'e band entlutietlst. ing sîî I 'soutd it c otectotbnk hm aRS1 H NYM R E NL X O N!WIEEY UO2 0 ~ noaiop et. as shoq tasat aret tie D.trea 14 art00. setoP.Wreru ascn ti. rebels as a prîsonerta r ceehug lie wm Inoetun t flu erre sent loto exileo ln a foreigs country. Jud'igOiQt and lot It go at that." toadd Wab t*ft n f for -freigbî snd passert. 9113eth liaffVjty and hueband ta Atc rsdnil aae idePros vrue iemto WITH ANY MARKET INi THE COUNTY. Dr A-se. té beina considered a remark- Margaret T. Farmer; part nartireaF.t The robots suddenly attacced lbI tor a lJeu% triai In the case of C'harles Wteabi>' ue sirowint for ouch a amali quartier. sécltion 27, Deerfield township présidentiel palace ln thse morning nal 5 vit. Yampolsky anud Judgment ii. as Walàonda. 0fcusW. D. $10. der the leadership of Colonel liens- mai '*rsrred for $776. Tis lm for work BE J aàl o! thse surplus mouey. fcore John Cawley et ai t Annie Cawv vides. dir ri th old Fox bouse. EFPR ID 207 ls puât rigirt bacr finie, the companyle loy; 10 acres ln Southwest quarter. Generai Mnque Vareta, premier Jug Pesn allowed a elaim of -1Native Beef Pot Rosat ....12c-1Oc 15 of Prilfser la the matter Of lmProvIng settion 34, Warren township. Quit sud minîstor of war, was killed lu thse t4 againat the estate of Fred RunpRo Pork s........................ 1210 .pot- t- tireObdM, etc., and whfie no dlvi. cdaima $100q. sharp figirt wirlch ensued.Safrboh ftelt JspJ. up Bos .1c r a>,detUs b1ave yet beau declared, the in- ili ta ......... 5 ... 21 1sl. etr omstsldt aetr lutiouiary leader, tisase arrest wa Stafford. and relâted ta rîther Wauke is re ........... 0 Issm' ettflus putin bsekItiste baer ho 1UVbtYW souglitb> tir e police, tooki Possession tanit teople. Tire latin %%as Illed h>' Boneiêsa. Butcher Bouat........... 14c Pga et............ 0 fflàýJUCK1U . m« u sklt h rpry of tire palace. It la generally ire toor. of a man *hso dued before staf- Prime Rib Roat................... lc KeWte Reidutd Lard......... ..12/ athIIeved tiret le ivil al once organize a lord iu(,cumbed in Chicago soine Club Steak ......r....ul.................. '0"wShort Clut Porter House Steak. j6 Pork Tenderloin .......... ugQN SITE 15 REIPUSES A PARDON B *M S N ~~> ~ ~ -i~ ~ SWeet Pickeled.............. ..... s <U W H H ~ T lW A ~ 4 ?.0 btire morning. Tirousands ofHmugrSta ILLs Upare rkb..... .........10 M ENrs FOR~F5A THEa TII EIV IjVe IjRENSa tis, lanabltants of Lima dashed luto, Rib...........Z- s i et e a r e s , a a m d h o r i n g . B U I L O $ 2 5 0 9 «O R o u n ' i S t e a k . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 q. ctir epigled Il. i e' 3.o tire City Young Man ConVicted Here of lire volleys into tire air ta prevent -iSIA O N Be oge...... . 0 IdQetr ph sb14o leth oeMniaumfreood nal&csuns hefomabole for n hesttheHOPIALlocatione ..........f...'O MEATrtrOp g OrS... CiP tire o se stae ethetl clocin> ot wîîî n dt at sereOt.n and by tis method they kept tisS OX DMASFre Quarter mprmng J.aMm Tor . te. roe new éttpintiuti oon. I riîs -eemnt em planc t plce. peonie mon "a gd n rcmmt Siigar Cured Èama..................16c Lamb àtew......................... 60 edswas determined toda>' b>' members of MADE FIGHT FOR FREEDOM. lu tire vicînît>' of San Pedro cisuroir tee (ho'-n Tueaday igbt in C'hicago Sugar Cured PicnJc Hlam ........ 12%c Lamb Chope..................... 121/.., ù6ly, tire board et arlnlstratien. Th a cillan bystander was killed b>' s t0 maice Plana and start work on a .rfkfra..............2 . Rinil Quarter Muttolu .. ..-. lie. ç choie., of DiItol b> ne rasoans de- buet uew $2-50,000 hospital ta careffor slck Poliah Sausage.................... 120Boa ... i t l inît. but tiiat city bas Aret caîl. il Pardon Board InveStigated the (Ireat alarm Prevalled tirougirout or tnitured Masons sud their fam illes. Liver Sauaage ......... i Sutrd- iras been tentativol>' agroed upon t0 Case and RecoMmiended to tiect' tnaand stort hu es a r cosed The onwaLStae >tieio Imported V Fould ~pluchai. 100 acres or land a quarter Governer to Refuse. udee crsat bousese harded T iis ita Afsrciti o! the i d . or Barga amo.......Fruardtumer of~e a mile trom Dixon at a îsrice of before noon. ua reBnkst ac .....17 Lie ~20 au aore.s anfri ae at ipca 0Tr u. Unexp.cted et Washington. 01th( Hlie l'oe a Salle.SgrOrdBeafs ao . 7 Vel ." .......... .............14e ildoer te rasuter assurandes tisai (Spfil t The. aun.) .Ooe aslngton, Feir. 5.-Tre state de- Pres dent Dr. William E, Buehier Imported Salami Sausage .........~ 22 Hiud Quter........................ 15* tidoer stheo ard lin assuranbe tt b dSrned, l.iet, a n u-ovenr partient bas recelved confirmation of rel'Omnienrided Immédiate action aud Blood Sausage..................... 12c Veal Cho.......................17 the tret cr lne illbc etened a Ewar F.Dunn toayactng pontire coup d'état ln Lima, Peins, by corîf rit uteýd thse tiret $1,000. 0fthst site; tirat tire Illinois Central rail, thée recommandation of th*e Stàte shbics Président BIlllnghaurst.of tirat Wr.ý' bi- bu titis cousity sorne 64,0 Mistletoe Butterine ...............22e Omit Breu ....l... tr0f1a .. d sf5l bulld a switch, sud that fig- Bord of Pardons, denied the pétition countr-y wa doposeil and Ifs secre Mîasorrs, vicis means a fausîîy of Sugar Cured Boneleas Hama........15e 081f ................ Âm.ure on thse coit of service hoe fur- for a pardon or commutation et thse tSi-y of war hillOSi. Mirsister ic.Mil- 240.0oo to look atter," ho sald. "We Spare Riba, short cut, lb........... 5c Moxley' 8B tth u nlèbed b>' tise Nnrthern hllinois ut. sentence of Edward H. Aistens. con- tan sent oui>' a brlef report promising are now cring for trous fifteen to Pork Sausage...................... lic made, = Mt f«r .....8t lllieeCorpai>' A estsel msa l!victed of bigamy et thse Decomber details of tire res alution later. Tire twenty sei's ii memirera every week, lttd« Company. A test well algo will coup d'eat was t hall> unexpected in 1llu as er1bvemd ,4 n brà r suuir ta afcertain whether tire wt. terni, 1912, of tise Lake ciut ics Washrington. Tirougb ttswî u'l h îitYa aemd ,4 Fancy Dreased Oblokena.......... 1710 0, ilt. et supplIo leop ta reqrlrenstns. court. knowu tise political situation bu Penn Personal sits ta brothoes lu iras îsft- oSitTiesite selectel fa a tract of rai!- - as great>' dlsturbed, tiere tas ma s.O* l 109lu land frontlng fon isalf a mile ou Tire above telegnani la luteresting expectation tisat matters would take gelRlock river, it Ie part>' covened tit inb tiret lit show s"tlat Atirons bsas fort ouch aidaIent course. fInttu treels aud tise board pronouneed a >isprtetd liglit ta gain is freedom. Preàbacut fllllingisurst tas kisown fI tise lat beautiful site ln Illnois. His trial ln Waukogan proved toaire as s reforin president. He brought It l UObCe tha th toal cst onee of tire most finteresting of tise triai on bimacilf antagonis or f congreas. t la osite ha bth t20.000 sherea o e tr ir.lowever, b>' i efforts la the direc- (living you an idea of the bargrains you miay th tierrcpntie tracut 2,t0 Lhak evII Ains hm.a uDvelot a tbon of économices sud stoppage of tbapiceptorthe rac ai ake if-Abrea' ome as l Daenpot asae of public funds;. At tise sanie loi. Lakre onnty. tas $100,000. Tise lu tise irsI 5lace ire met a Young wo time,' bowever, hie conducted affaire lu x eta hs G e t ia larep S l déduction tins la tisaI tise strate coin. man b>' the namne of Alice L Miller a ver>' high-iranded manner sud iifs e p c tt ~ i e tF n lC er p S l nsision fai limdvisairle nat s ud marrled lier. This teddfng took politicai opponeuets weemade ta réeel no mue% utt te site, bellosbng If place In Indiaua. Whisle sire tas away ibonad against tlsem. He had been they coul 0ong tits mucir less frotta irome on a visit lire met anoîbrer lnt a trangle sitir rougrese for somne land wbich vould leave more fan tise youua tomnan b>' tbre nam finMary. Frien Pru-aident Legula tas bulidaga. ouroy trom i Ie brought ta Wanke,- forced lest aummer to fiee tise coln- L gare Tis oultee Mary-e b'ty and It le iselleved ire m>' liae F IA LNU PSE -b Jutc J -fa . Ge copecb weemridb ome connection wtt the coup deétat. Ah f utce J.l oG, îfe. -est teAcild was baorn sud Airreus de- GLASS LUL IH EIN'S SPECIAL 1 HEIN'S SPECIAL 6 HEIN'S SPEOJ.AL 12 HEINS l PaU 16 ~~~II <>IN E aie iearned tiat hlierd retuned ta ('h IdIî-eît 's t"îoI Sieat- , ,....,.. e t[U$Ifl1 beau- on lits firmt wife whose exiatence sire liei FOR SEAT IN SENATE Br,îî ia, vs rd sv îîiaeî-îans, stxong tifîîl v eîubroidered fine Heng facaues maaIv atvin not befrire suspected. Sire place! tire ade îiiii oi Ilt iaeîru, ssu ou uav lanlet de case lu tire liands of the ,gutisorities '9 8 ' - ~~ ~ E ansd Airons wes foilowed ail the ta>' Q&ao lp' oeCag '.( îo;î aî'<1F7e7.0)( à1< and patterns;50 ÔWi from Waukegau ta Montana titere lie aorCulsVt Cag iîi' t .................. av* ~ t c. nreh a onitrcmpn'wt rsOa Duots Alabama Editor. REIN'S SPECIA, 2 N":mnager s as glvncharge tife. He was rougit hack aud tas af Lire wateÇ streets snd alieys sud budicted isy a grand jury orr a charge fl es n ENS SEIL 7 l]I'3SEIL1 ms~~~ sewen departmente lsy tise village Of irigarîry. Tire case tar.otld r'r Washington, Fu-ir t -FYank P. <iffI<iî tiirs itît f ants BEIî EIN'S 17CA E ISSEIL1 board'Tuesds- uight on tise sugge- because Il vas ln lis dO' flirat tirs Glass, Pllnsfirr Of thisrlmingham l;f..îlttis muf~î iiîîuti' Il ear.ý vleeedi W ofil e n's ' ail-oves'rNB BPIAe1 tfola of EOtard H. Raveinacnoft. a tnia- offeonse toak place. Nets, tisa was aplsointed by Gov- and-f ap n of fiie percale it*tee. Othp.r:departmente tili corne Wlieu tire case came rrles for tria e75cNi fAsanaa entra 1>>'SSiî mIen th ta succeed tise late Josephi F. -)Il( h.i andlî îf fhine; pcalesHv fnelte pett uonesupervlâlfan of the manager isoth tîves w-eneriesnt cu currt- îsre Iciuston. camne neithin ne vote of 35c_________ coatsl-i~he n iîgans i Ister. 'rie bocard aisa v ted ta ma fia f tI r hroing irer chld. Bh be 11 ses rng tise seat . A ter ta da ya a f a t .t ...5... sizes 60c value a t3 S o ats r ipela 50 e r ; et.~~~~ aoPaint- 0 thre Chicago sud Mil- ed ta ire our trlendly tenus auni ttsevist rrîug debste tise resunlutran cnfiered HEIN'S SPECIAL ou3eua 0 wskeElectnlc ltalnosd about fonde- agi-ced tisat 4heir lrusband isioull ire by Senator Rtoinson or Arkaunsas, (le-.iea nl .. 5 imd quate se.pnoi Their joint teatimon>' vas!ciarfng Mir. Glass etiied ta tise seat, Aitir in su in1 gray andî HEIN'S SPECIAL 8 REIN'S SPECIAL 13 ilîg 1 . sufficient ta convict him.~ ~fo ise ctibvote ut 3 a3.Bt WiestnIie;-u Eeg uicso toa>'ta Demlng Scirool vas TIre aged father of tire Young mri or reshe aciono Senator Ciapp, Pro- ChIie .iiiIii~;ou (iiilri-i s hune, lieav% Regîthar $1.501 flaîînei- gesvofMinnesota, cisauging ie regîtihil,1' 50 iti he 1-)14 f U iirî Uuuu5UT ? 1 t lsi oatapermbt fumigation t0 was préeneit sud ObO ait ln his power attitude, ?,n. Glass wouîd have bueu t st C hegs ete igtgws n E II PCA prevent tihe éprend et smalipox. to Bave bi soun. nle sal tire Young su-ated. at ....... . li 18i~tî.~ ons Four hundred cbiidren attendiur tise man liait been lu man> "acrapea" ie- Senator ('lapp tas ne o! twa sonoe- nîade; 1.5w iC haý eg at69C sinai sere eXpoeed ta tise dlsease foreand tisait lie aiways isad managerI tors- tisa Jolned lu tise mInailt>' ne- ouiy-------------------Womens and childen 's widu MeOt Pei-res. tise janitor, tas to publ bum out o! tisont. but un lis port fram tire sonate cammittee onl REINIS SPECIAL 4 tairen 111 wltl ItL Noarl>' ail or lieu case hie failed. înivleges sud elections isoldlug tisat REIN'S 9PCA olgovsadmtes as n , se vaccluated toda>'. and fila exo- bln. Class tas entitled ta tise seat. (hldtt - hî ser-ge 9- EIN'S SPECIAL 14 i u 5 ie DUpected tsat thse aciiooi til! he reopp- t a befare thse vote lie anuouuced dresses,. ;tIl wooi, niýel a>tjulltS 11111 25etl, li i ou à- e6e t0ao 0ior ar 0v uae 9 a 0 s 0 00 0 000 tisat lie isad cliauged. Tire ailier sen. jy ->tiots fin licavs 0aton tas Mr-. Bradley of Kentucky, a trjiîîîîî<ti 2 50 dee it<t ~(I )eitted rurtheîaln, >se at only te f sailox u R nou. Rrsiilcan aîd $ ~ t Ie îîiIffl; ulr 1.50 g îîg a mîs, in check pat- nl MARRIAGE LICENSES î __________ oît3I tern, 25e ine a ie «nosh5a-Kouasba lta ie heoAMERICAN NAVY IS THIRD lîîîe toI.....59 -e isaidqurraters of a tisestrîcal syndicate 0 0000000 .......... 15C' 0. 0> 0_00_00_0a_00_00_00_00_ REMISa SPUIALI 19 thics promises ta furnilsh "univfes" Chairman Padgettof Naval Comuette. REEIN'S SPECIAL 5 (Oit ti al clistoîsier) M -, ~~~f0? ýpeopIe in man>' citbes o! Wiscon- Paul L. Nielc-her, O1kancisor, ... s Repli.* t. SmI Navy' Meiriera._______________ ii h$a bsmrbgatce fbcr e-iaAut llake....9 Wssntn os .Ts utd Xoîei îit-o lî-HI' PCA 5 'a'" mi~esm