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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Feb 1914, p. 4

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LAYE -COUNTY INI)EPENDEN F'RIDAY.. -FEBRUARY Ï61914. a.eg -.v Ou k,.iu lblcuàtvi t heat%.oeitUtoDi, ibue Lake Cou nty IndependentiC.i.SMALLMiAN th enoZ:ietbt Officiei Paper for Lakre County. HA"MrÂIE fiIN V 2 ilowo 0 thrnthav otfm Office Telephone Nunoher 1. Lbertyvil le Exchange. ikNwannu.a.te .,eoin Creimlruge bila fbut élad ll fberdate othe at Litrtyviile, Ili. a8 Second tneMail Matter lIILft IJK UJJLRSi ,adë thiasatee2000(t0(i on iibis paper - would the amtociatir',n have r.-eiveil the L(lupd Everv Frimîn' .%dertiinr Rfat" %lad". Knwn on Appliratiofi. AnulMeig eda ie-p1o<tiiN,! iv SUBSCRIPTiON PRICE. 81.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVAN'CE AnulM tn el tLbr Mr. l'ellowo le purenulng th. Tile or tyville Where Delegates Are rui .ilî Poil . .tolitice or religion hom no W. J. SMITH ..... . ............................ . ................................ Fditor GPelIs"utinsn Ibisth or n o ît h eassocia ta F. G. SMITH...._ .. _.......... ..................... ......................... Manager f ie n tu to s n u& h o eti @olwd t M . J. WEBER ........ .............................. Resident Manager, Phone 68 Ielîter, thât morelttri!! t-etr dowlirfaîl T 1he ajînual iietingof t1wi Lake county 1 of the orgaî,ization 1 ieli aita Mr. di i ron (m ifu ,' Mrik Prieilev'îi. A.n..,ia- 1F I'tlon îlm ugeiîg urdvr-lîiaati îîîeîrosi ii e W. trust Voliva finda consolation in the fact that he' tii,,,,, et,, 1.-hi', r, il ai, trifurther hie own iirîmîcretmregardieris opposed the'other churciies of Zion and of Illinois cities, L i . ~.WH~of the. rer:ultA tui tie eii obevig"--to-church Sunday." He may think tatîeîî rioni r vr i uUtY l'ii r~rr î ,îa I itr lto opposition to such a general movement brings hixu good nnnii imtiS iîrl rît iiitr't. tuo lielr fIgurînge Fl--rr' elerur.îoît(r tir advertising, but, in our mind, even the devil would regard i, oflele bc repudiatlrI nui, ei now @@ekînw opposition of this sort as rather traitor-like to tih. Maste.i r.rrlvtrt kr..!dueto bisot trir,p,,rlîted on t the Voliva now attacks the churches for trying to getl tt htaî fîîraritwq îm"ý. ;,r,,t2'o rrarvirr of McHerir rlL.ui rie big congregations in the "Go-to-church day" movenient. 1Uhi 1cr' r iire r5î luîli tr ii (ri) o00 ouftv of the auiruiiori nît H. attacka thein because they don't go to church, andlno)WI throrîgi rtoiirr l.jnluér-'r l r 1 )(1n100 iýrmtre.yrî, ri trireM-11,Prrdrrers rants because they're trying te persuade members to see tcud n uri itrm rorrrr emariilîb-i . lirirrirrir 1tr rrrl.ri Ipri ortg. the importance of church atte7ldance. Verily the. ciurch tacen ti.ti lrandil, Ca 't. 3G Strahali ii l rîit e.lrî-or. or people 'will have a hard time trying to suit the overseer- Jar.Ëtrr:drrifi ,uzrentrirlv-rîir-en.hrrrrîth. (titata nn atthi, 1 iift Ibirga hrýt, the only way te do it is ho attend HIS churchl out te inidl.r.strof i.rgaizialioirii tt,ýan bthewhnri«îtin ofi .I. That halk of the Postal Departinent grouping north a ertiri rrreit:itu t itwarî tiue rlirmeritht prfeeilulit shore aud othier postoffices in order te cut down the ex- unlkdelr@ anîd h, wrs.id deavor tu Fetows nad madireatamrente eudoRrig pense of maintainaince, la in Une with retrencbnient which adjuet th. dlfflciîitiee Mr. Suraît ai Laie counity forrttpre i- the. department seema te b. aeeking and has been seelng Ther vere twenty-elllit delpoetee ectenmn ruidadt ett for lim pat. t'sboud.a rntmtbe varinua locale îbroîîghout tire @&me thina for tir. Brown, and etth for me pu.h' on o corne soonr or laer uDypistent et the mning, wbusaima Urne doing hie utmoht tra havel -it ajust mattr of imçL hen his goupin of te wtdb. lýllwngom hem8tîfi r»§-e ieoe edre-lett e I oftficffceehtnoow -Ils uamleofeintoe fme wen Ibis ogroteoup un- of aie elect ote:llgfl.eenflmr holde. A ltter from preldpnt Felloiwa, try e. o fi e l e b e m .d e n r l h o g h u l e c o n y r iei )vote:re d u a i thtm eeting,. ehw ed plai uy that try.m (1_ Sruty ara f- me.littendormte à&r. Bmall fur the office. jet 01cm(i fmeli of iluit ly bis receet tndçor@îment of Ar. Uta,. - Thi ret&d setve pocution Ofthie EU he ut lerear-b a ot the confidence of Lake couoty ~n akmamfor purchaslng goverument -Y[Ôthlng frBm fiaazert of Lîbetyville. members, auperiallz at-r quit@ a Bomber MP hrdnsli l he a lng t Waukean oiWaukgor. ofatbem haie had a visît framtAir. ohh s e" noth s sho oteravld alng hiiUese pr- J. L. aminre o a gà. VeUows, wbo at that Urne aaauredthrent 4bdohrnrhaoemnt vid mli h epr C.G. fimail 0ut (ilmr. thaiAMr. Seail woutd rectrlve hie hearty &âàm o hm oll . »,ho teuiat1y offer jiovus, caps, N. B. (lataet of Lbertyvîlle. support. Mir. Gatzert's cloulnr worde tu " %oy.My, m M a rpes at * l ime, but By a unanimous vote litwait declded t hc eugdtedlgtelt ln 0"Ai 4mn Umm t barul aIu bf onle 1bat the diregae utthe varionselcale by thelr volesln favor o Kr.mal trnti oi, proriding Uncle Bmbaso Albert E Jeci ofNtitit)rli for etate adciption of the motion madie that the thse Matter-aud your Unle's always snoopng aroundi 1 creary at tht state meeting in chicnag deteites bo loaîtructed ta work for Mir. - eld Monday. smal. etection. Locs s t Lkeconlyba agoo cane t lnd The detegaite. ver. aiea lnstructed Sn J. L Cadmnore of Waiegan, thn aiea Loch astf Lke cunt bua god canceto andVote for John Martin of Atioch, for toîd ofirsh endorment for Mir. limaIt by Io oim " wumuc Impem-tresurer of net parent organisation. It preideut Pelovs, and urged tht dele- éd> e'IMO Mfa-site. WeU, taaottm ltvaste ordndtcue htte it'sabou lie hbt va thn maed eid e.oni-d hatte i.to staud ta a man ilU r. SHmall'e glu çoit psumelng from the s"te in lhe way of i1elegeteehs b ntructed trO vote fur C . .. behaif ai the meeting Aonday. On mnf W takr.. Itu bmen al rmembu"r.d he i&dral tinati fur presidet ut thtae ats iza-"' leiug »lied ta maie a mtatemnentun the butioog but thaidmantagmaibuarohe and tuberculine test. tMr. Cadmore lu etrongr pkesue bisa«iait tart teas réacoe gltermedtsonedvathlaestse abfaceia *Wae smstibav lce aipratfuatures. tu thre 1bic*go meeting Monday un- impostion on thi. farmer, and stated M.MW w bapes is the titime Lake la te land o op tn.tructed, 5noas flot te block any good thut undur eîtu odtosn mda lfL ansd a hait spent hmr wouldn'h be hait bail arrangement vith othtr eonnuesl. He veterinarlan ecud go out and tent a *a... éi... &~~~~~~~ ~~ a ~explained that McBEeury eouutywud e-localelondvan meth. Tl u .as a WnVl. I t wa bart to IMahle thàt the. pope bad ifted the banaplu* ie i4, o au deolbird it all nght, as dis- Vtohe. s n ot 6irom e by the. Asoclated Press stat- bd W.dauday. Therefore, ft wau fot surprising to note lit a$ #'MM ,eai or«e. .barsebrised the.message fromt moine sa NM, ln.very respect. Such a staternent senté brmads«.wthe world rnerely shows how even prom- mnent figuee liii. thé pope are Dhlrepresented by carelesa newspquer oorrespondents ahid the papers which take their atatent for the. trutii are unjustly censored by some in- - considerate people for uslng theirràiatter. NOW thaitihe roa a Lake Villa iias been accepted by the 0" te i.one thes teual.llgive its tirst aid and at- tention and the. couaty therefoe. la assured of a fine road on that sbteth, wouldn't it be wefl to turûi attention to tloe oper haudllng of roada la .thrn.ectliiîs of the. coun- ty wherestate aid i not expw»*et«ordnred Just now? In inay o ti. twn oftii comt, there la saywhere from 30 cents to $1 a year levied on eacii $100 valuation for road work-aad how la Il spent? In many cases gravel in haul- ed, dumnped into a pile snd left there. The. money thua ià uned and the. law complied with. But, what about the. roads? Thsy're flot even temporarily put in the. shape tiiey should lie considering the money spent on them. Tiie attention given te tthe work la flot what it should be. Too 11h11. attention is paid te tiiese roads in the matter of how they should be built. While laying them, why not go at it in a Bystematic inanner and put in work that will asat? The gravel roadsa in many cases are gpod, but, wiien one stops te look at the crushed stone roada wiilci have been down many years, it is readily seen that it pays in the long run to build for permanency when building. fCan you get sheds and table- A oths done at your local laundry _f 2 cents? The Aie aLindry viii vm anud iran 50 piece for S 100. If yon &bnk a greut dàal -of jour hoeband mnd bshi rte and collmi.&long vith jour lamity uah and re will misa b. very pleaaed vith tht work. TeArea Laundry IL. IAarHOLOMEW, Prop. Arca, Illinois M onday moruling.it wanglven Monday evenlng and thty bed f wo sftigbe ta haut a party of about thlrty-ilve. ,MIes MeOrewu and Mir@ Bolch cbaperoned the affeir. Mie@ Webb e3peut Saturday and t3un- day ln Wautegan. Twa more setion.i hase arived for our book es oithis veet and have becti set up for the Encîclopeàdias. Ilae Haven orat absent Monday. Eighth grade bad a setgli ride to rrijlake Monday nlght. Englieh IV le learning ebort nlseitrno froîu if.-prinîipal Erglimh p.r.te .of île nineter-trth anmd t wentieth renturies fiminît Iarem tJ rr-riid grade. Tlîey have u îi ry iiîg t, ditirlr utslry rutiring aiiunîîmn "grataimi(ýa' Tut- div irirenurrrrî Nîmiimdy v 1rrîId uvm- aittentiotoiritiib t iithii- Fre@.hi,'r i id ther rre.r very iîîîiî i er..îmd ini t, îrroirnhly n.v.-r lia ring lii-,r(l mie efmre. The ighth gradie hîcîmia mîines eting Tuer.dny atrranaid iiiietheir Esther lniî'e wame dIi ri'f m.tmr TO THE VOTERS OF LIBERTY- VILLE TOWNSHIIP: f vill tir. a eandidate tur I mth11erf i tAown coilector it theîe ining R..1uhli-n prrlmariee, andi wiIl irlmpr-inie anv nimil ail support gîren me. Ce1-t! Austin W. Trlpp. TAX COLLECTOR 1 wlsh tu announcepmy tcgndldaey for the offie of tai ecillector for the town orf Libertyvtlle, cubjecit tuthe approval 9f tht Bepullîcavoterw aet the primary tu be h.lp et the L.ibertyvilt town bail r-liS-tf Peter Bock. Candidate For Collechor. 1 wish ta lnform my Mrende thati vîli he a candidate for collector, sublect ta the Democraîle prlmary. adi vîll ap- preelate ail support viven me. C-1m-t J. R. iulhalland. FOR COLLEICTOR fi. Lustan nourecte truc he ln a caundI date for the nomInatIon ta the office of eolfectar for thet tav of Lîbertyville bt the Republican primar"e, and vit1 appreciate ail support gir-en film. c-19-tf 1 wleh tht ô1aco Liberty% tht Doen whdraw fromt the organization ebouilditest a rellabie 0ont. ,' ohf adnetatiourMrasiloa thtbat sCouuty echairman C. . limaIt praled rf Kntcunty MrSuatetttd hatthe. iiemhters ofthe Lhertyr-tîle local ne in net e candidate flî.r the office, but anud the effective. work belug dont ln that abould it loetuetrieveh uit the wjority organrzation i-rort loy the local. Ar. of the dolegates tiret hoielîarithe entire iwailttre-etection te thte -rrnty chair- orzanization ho wîrutd serve it te the maushtp lmeure.'.perfect harmony in the best of hi@ aiity. ln anever ta Mr. County orgeîîizieion, . e lie hrrtds tht Smal's tatemenit. Mr Jack earoée sud distinctioîn utl crrylise .8 tat bt onor for urged tht deegates net tu withdraw the tht sixtir time.and ti@ untînîng efforts motio lu er-o ut ir. meit for I n bfurthorng tht lutertets of tht fermner reaton thet nu manl vam botter lit tu warrants that boulnr serv6tire orgaiiztilon in the capueity ot Tht meeting came tu a ClOse@loygir-mg. presidentu ta Mr. t3mai and pltad wtb e vote of thirnie t4 tht Lake Conntv them tu do erery thiug ln their pîî'weî wtu delpend.nt for furthertug tht Interests bring about hii eletion. of the Miii Producere Asociationa. At thls porut John Martin 0f Antiocir, __________ tald tirose preseut that lie irait bsa reiably informn'd of a cei aI rhr@by LIBERTYVILLE SCIOOL NOTES. George W. Browu of Syeamore. aui Frd H. Rets o u iade, woutd lot tht Lat veet eeemed te be viiting week only recaguizird eutdîdetes for tht officetat L. H. L. flarry Olandor! and Helen oI préâeidout and tate se-i une,7 Pettingili wert preoent Thureday, aud lu arder tu shed a littight on tht Blanche Osborne and H. 0. vielteil us queutirin charmandmuailtaoed ëecertary Frîdarv. lai zen taumatle e eîatement, ehich le- bore grrVeil: Oreon Pierce wes absent Frlde. STATE MENT 8V N. E. GATZERT C. F. $inaee Jr., vlsted us Monday Mr.Ijlairmauand ehtow tilk Producors: mornîng ta iuepect tht new @eytem ot "Tht auewers gîven Ly the Itevious cill beitle Tht wort of inusieling tt wu@ speakere ta Prie E. J. Fllamet action completeri Saturday and they are work- lu regarde toi C. Gi. Smal'seâendiecy for liig fine. The hait inAils Cabrsa rouai Cliirman seem telire beside tht Point. goes oifi ilte au atarm cdock and le Lýet nur stuîlr batfiîg about the bush and guaranted ta watt up aid "Rip' (V. W.) tait raid tact@. Elmr.r J. Feltrrws ha@s ibuerif. done nîueb foîr thte aeîrcîîtioir endi it le toit ai VYUrprosetir detrart froîn is Caroine itButttrflid bat been absent îtllaiV jrrrd deedK. Buit E. J. Fellurte frout the Iu.urth grade fur the pai oreele bam 'rever rbeen ne ditiutereeted i et le basé on acouulit§etnte. someil f or alîburugla bebas ceimed ta Thir.i grade le anxiouelY atreitiaif Ib.- rortîag in tire luteriet of tht pro. Miesé,lroialeyc rtura. She l@e rrpected ducere ull>', reet toceuranueë bave m-lt neek. aboya ,that bhie atereet baq twren utht Mi@seHaven epent tht week-nd in po)litiealtadraemtentoaIE. J. Fellowig. Clîcago. For maux montbe Pree. Fellowe ball - loten cleiminse that he ores unebte ta Hugo (lotti or-eretept Moudey and did continue is former gaod deede for tht net reach sebool outil a! teruoan. ressort ibat tnanaeWly b. w@ net loing Tht "FPreebtee" hail e ci&@s meeting In auffilentty re-imhurstd. àiie Cater's ruenm Thureday etternoon il ettow@ e buglâtthe Ailît News as a for tht purpoeq of selectag claim cololre@. persoa nivtetment muid tben presenttd Aller saminsfeacru, Alice Blet and its «Oed i iltIetatht se itlii904i!Whte ver. chosen. Thu. viii ho thelr a.kied thst hi be the orwanustWOu officiai offlicii colore durng their fofir jean eit organ and that tir. producees poiy 80 b. aBS. mueh psr tuetfor theïr subecriPUcOna., Thrulon m..av ad la Place of ruabnug tW Milt News for fide gradlehavf mmdc a t.vy tht esolaicone monet v.novs b u e mod 1t e' o'Eolnôia d oW hà e sid * ed te esa apoliticllorffan for the abs. te ith ellted a advancent ai tht Prooressive l-vý4pres lant e~~'dt~ps'ast Fdell wu s. aarod b be tir. M tltr atisl Wtb~u ew andlas that ho wvoull b hotirchoinetor Member Eske is meé % boâ" d doglergarei on th@ Uv. Stock Commlmobon andltkmiyd hI euaddg r tiireuonpratlall rpudlated the playlong ailabout lii the suGu. Inthe Ailk Producers AsoItion, publtcly cneo itm o.rusf mlrecfa annunçughiedeormnalantarefso"Igloo" mand tva'UklmOe ie"cralluig Ag accept auj Office the comlng elftion pont ofuth o or.ay. T fiplasdeeevv "nýpractlcalty endoralng C.. <itimJI'.als o u okmi tl ot cauffdacy for tht prssldeacy. He tater your w hile tasme le. endoreed tht cenddacy i ofits. Brov Helen Ca.ey and Margery Prceatteud- for tht aimte pouiton. 14% me tetl jon sd a sleigb rldg of tire Preshytertan Chir boy@,Ar Bravnais physitcally unfit far Manday nlght. the poultion due tgadaivenci jean aind 9tigb. ride@,are la order nov. The h@ electlon would harm the organIsa. juniors deeldtu, givo the. finit officia Alan. bt voold tend tII continue Pr9s. on.e ai ti@eM",aSlf i a aeClaiumetin4 NOTICE bto auon my candtdaev for c nf tai callectur for thet tawa ôf 'lte eubject ta the approval of bocratic voter@ at the prlmery allppreclate aIl oupportgr-en me. IMark R. (lorcoa "Whadda Lfe Insura y!! mean- ance?" A MAN dies only once--why o bit ready? When lie dies the insuranc-v money goes ahead and does things that he wou1d've' doue had lie lived. Suppose yoîlr taxes were iîîcit-s- ed thirty cents a day or your interest rate.raised, reDt that iueli more, or expenses were higlier. Would you quit? Not at alil! You'd go right ahiead justtie saine. Well, you can carry more than $5,000.00 of if e inaurance for thirty cents a day. You ace, if you die your wife and family get it; if you live, you get it. (Do you get itV) If you demire you miay arranîge to have $68000 Id in cash at your death, and ~7.( per month paid for twenty years. That's ife insur- ance. And it'@ the best «thing in the vorId for yotn. In titis Way you inaure your insurance. Insure In Sure Insurance JOHN HODGE District Ma-nager- Buy it Because It's a Better Car T. -.îrîgl 'l'i $550 tii iio, hanck Bras., Libertyville ai m MR ail

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