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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Feb 1914, p. 5

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L.A"fl CflTTY INTiEPENDENT. FRIDAY, FRBRIJARY 6,191. I ~ s i.- Have you tried Wolter Qarey's Pure Buckwheat? 10 lb. sacks .. 45 e Triggs & Taylor's Home -madle PORK Seiusage It is different Club House Mle Syrup Quart Cans .... .... 50e ~ & ÂYLOIRI CoId Weather Clo th ing MOTHER Nature is making up nov for the open weather in the fore -pat of the wInter, and whether the ground hog saw his shadow or not w-e viii bave plenty of zeroà weather before sprng arrives. You will noed warîn clothing to nmet the conditions, for eomfort is reai economy. We are rather heavily stocked with win- ter goode and in order to inove a part w-e have marked prices down for a iimited tiiBe. If you don't need thern this year, you wii nt-xt. and it ieans a saving to you to carry them over. Everything you need for protection: Glowes, Mittons, Cap&, Sweaters Mackinawi, Oveisho.a, Ger. mnan Socks and Overs anîd the' îrce are sealed ta a hair line-! Je B. Morse & Co. Everythlng for Men UBE1TYVI£EL.Eii Phoe 14 ~aaaaaeeeOB~O@OOO@OOO@@OOOSGO Get Ready For Spring It's wortlî your whiie--arid Lt' ture-and sen.'ce Taik over youir Sprmng Needs-Seeds, Fer- tilizer, Fonce Poste, Tile, etc. Libertyville Lumber Oown by the Old Depot. Phonoe 47 Company Been Hare' 20 Years. 5 O a CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phono 30. LIBERTYVILI.X ILL Choice Groceries and -Meats 0C/6 eoryv/ .9 To fleure publication in the Indepan- Bey. W. L. Whit.cile aHIl dent. cape muet irein the office no latec Sundtay evenlng a;i.... tîca than Tuesday of aach wsskc. Adver- 1.I fatsghittt ut. tisers, especially are asked to taes ither (3tiw are duirtîtThi. particular notice to this effect. sii,rt talk before the .-îi, W. w. .fehopes tu kccp t1àliti (Additioniil Local Newes on Page 2j tiii h aîth tire.wî.rk oif ii- tirs. H-enry Horon m'as a (r#à. dut,- t'aller Monîtat. T. M nraY atten.! ciit it ili.t4)t i clil$ (liteagoit day - .tîlîn of iîet, nliibsa -al- liere W,l ,îei.tu a l.i fert3 til. i-aller Xi.irtiat Williiettc aril I li-agit Ntitîy. .[n. ',],1mon..t of M r. anîd M r,. 8 A'u ie falty, lm ont tire cii k jt Tii . C1'ri t arl l ied citî NI r. Daniel Le" ne'. t Tucela'., I 0. 1 IBrnto tir.and ics .Itohn Z-erm(-r ..n Sunday, cb. 1 , an eigit pound boy. Ijeore Httau and Jack Daton tîoku the auto, show lu Chntt aat e Lewis (iarwvood iof Oraytilakeà,%vioited relatives and f riends boe Wednesay. Mr. sud Mrs. C. 8 Hoag visited over Buuday with Mfr. aud Mr@. S. B. Burd ai Evauston. Mrs. F rank [>awnes otChîcago. spent soearai days ofilat week as tire home of -W. B. Ritlli>. Forest Smithr went ta Mancia, Id., Tussday. wbae re e wlil spend tira wbek with relatives. Mr. aud Mm Oscar Kaluaer af Cirleo, visiteed oar Suaday as tirs bane of thir pareat.. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Kaiser boe. Mns. Albert Dyer of Broderick. Bak. Canada, la valtlng wtb Mr. aad Mms Barry Meade and Mr. and Mcm Frankl Ojer. Boand Loveanes 1f t Tueedas for Palatka, Fia, s»d tutends ta snjay tirs sunny weatber tire until tire tiret of Aprtl. Jael Dalton, Wiro la employed at tire Junt Malor Ca. garage. tiaweek moved int tire upper fit ai tire John Cois bouse au Ne wirrry avansue. Duraad & Durand bava let tira catract for a bungalow on the corner of Second etreet and Huributt Court, tira ecva- thon tirarefars baving ires» doue. Arthrur FintuandudutIle sou Arthrur, Jr,, moyed ta Wsukegau laeI wsek aller living becs sonna lime, Mr. Flint irai g empioyed at (iriffins garsgre tirere. Tire Tins Ciapter of aine Westminster Guild will meet attire home oi Misa Fions Stapiea neat Tuesay eveniug, Feir. 10, Tii. new baok@ have srrlved and ail mambers are requesled la ha preneut. "Tire Folfy of Forcs" a comedy-drama lu lirreeacsts. wiliiha given by tire Deer. field Dramalic club at tire Lihrtyvilis Auditorium ou Friday eveng, Feir. 13. Tire publie wilil ha aaured a reai Ireat lu attsndlug tin, production. Albart W. itrtiti'lil iii jI îîîrîîts %jamter i'lutiit,-ri.fi-- 1iý. ,lanrd. S»a ilgi tîitîie for tir, ,, ii i îiiîtti,,i , lite iiii 1 -tif n. hM.,î i i ted hnîcliî hin, u- ti f rie a.1 P uf.... .aIe ligt rullucal üc iii- i~t 1 .Ilt 'A V %ie,.onulaîj a fii -î, lliir u gold asm lip,i- îi-t-upoland chîtia hlo tiî.uanauintei-eatt'itgrtt Iira ce main brandi t intqlire. lriz".4if*20,*$12, $10, *" r t., tIi.' tudsa$a of esct-tnat.' n thts middls states hi, artîclýe overing tbirsh.torysa a.-hevsmlta of thie t-oland CI aud tbree grand prnzes of $.-, $20, winars of wbicb were t, ild A.snoi'ia- tîîîî abtich ..,~ Four tare offered uiti cerity oub.nitted wd suparior htfla ireed, j.i an(lsd i. b.chosu f rm tir e salirenumber iii states conu- petru aog' as> nil- po-r ci Polaud Chias.HistorYî ceuifor bum tirefisct prias of $20 wceh ircas offerd ga Wiscnaasin &" tire grand pcits af $50 offered b the wrlsr ai tire hst s.aay 'given by a atudeat from baira saira tdn. One hundrsd sud sigir audenaa compated for the. latter prune aud lisarge won (fr551 credît forbiris'*AlmasMater" au well sfor bhmeif. MRS. MATUJA IARIE FICK TASSES AWAY TtJESDÀY On Tuasday svenlng at about ix o'clocir occrrsd lira deatbai Mr@.. Maida Mariae l at ber bornusans mile utîrtir ai Librlr ille &aà tireaellaiof68 yeas. Tirs deesd bahd beau ailing for over a year, but was ual confinai tot ber hait for only about ix weeks, ber ilinea beiig cauoed by cancer. Faus bave beas a mad tabold tira fun- eral f rom St. John'@ ErsugelicaiLutirer- au dburcir Frlday ahbernoon aI 1 o'ciack. Tire complais btuary wil ire publiairei uext weel. MORE OLD COINS IN POSSESSION 0f SIJBSCRIBERS Bincespubltshîng au articleainu tires columinslait ceelaioaauiod half-cent place fronu tireyear 1809 ln the possesý- sMon o aiL ca.Luet ai Libaclyvrîle, the Independent now cearne that aven tlder coins are uow lu tire posseson of some ai aur subseribers. Mrs. John McCurdy ai Liberty ville, lias a hall-cent lîî'e dated 180à, sud which was a lalsu om anu ul's packtsou a FIRSI EiO-TOCHURCHl SUNDAY A Bifi SUCCESS Lihetyvilîe it rgt go-to-eburci. Sun- day proved saibig Nu5ecfealu every wey aud tins way th" general public turued out to attend tire services, bath morninngi and qveniug, was vsrY gratiftng ta tirs pastors of tire fiee ehurcira. No figures eould ha ecucei. but no doubt tire largeet atteudanio st aHI ailcrchas a1 auy sîngla Sunday va. ban lait Snnday. Ovrions bundred t atendad services aS St. John'@ Evaug. Luthean burecbfast Buuday. Lent Saday wusa grat day astbine M. B. eburcir for a "Go to4Clnreh Dây." Both rnormiagand araniDgcougMaatiomts wana largeansd thaesaecsd bouc of musle at 8:80 vas altaiidad b ir e huadrsd people suit muci enjajed biy ail. Tb@ largest Sunday aciool lu tira istory ai tire wurk w» attairneit lait Buaday. Mise Norma Peck, aiter ai Mrs. Paul MacOuffin wif I contrîhute ta the services. nazI uudayweitirtirs noua. MIseFiara L'huccbil il ulslng nszt Suaday. private Dancing oImons for Ladiesand Chlldren M re. E &A Laugworthy wl start a ciasi Feir. 14, 1914. Tios lterestad wl cail at tirs New Van lati Store or cal Pirona 6 for particulars.li NOTICE 1 will bs a candidate for tire office ai tawn calieclor nt tire comlng Repulcan primanT, sud yl appreeliate auj nsupport Rivsu me. Wm. Wireeler. e- 20. cf NOTICE Tire nintir insitaliment of speclsl aisesi muent No. 1, tira igirtirIstailmant of specis asesameut No. 2. aud the fourlir installment ai speclai asasameut No. 3, are now due sud payable at my office lu Decker & Bond'@ ding store. Rl. B. Baud, Village Collector. c-lOI ff i i i o o o o o o o o o r O h. oo o o o o o o fi ê o o o o o o o o o o o age .of tlie. eavy mliai fsnow and on DIVWLO MADE Morudav uigirt cnjrîycî a sîcigitride. FRANK WILSON ..FILU Beturnint, before the trip beame mono- IN CIIICA<IO MON DAY tonaus tiîey tîartîîok ai a itelictors lunch at the home of Mr. and tire. Boy Wright. A social hour followcti and everyone Mouday alt,-rîîoat f our oiclatir at thoroughly enîjoyed ate bospisality af the hanme'i.! rthe bride'. parents, 19:19 Mr. and Mrs. Wright until miduight. Otto street, Ciîagt), occurred the meir- riag.' oi tr. Frankr Wilson af Liberty- Mr@. Hiram Lusk cdai'ms to have a ville sud MiusJeaniette Boscoo icie- 8maîl dock of chiekens wiîieh holdo tirs go, ltev. White of tire Cougregatianal record for egg production lu a single churcir Chiî-aga, ofiicating. OnlY the muntr af tblrty-one dayo. The Hlock relatives of the iontractlug parties were, const of eigirt whrite wyandotte hen@ presaut at the weddiug. and sight pulleta, and the total number H oward Wilson af Libertyvilîs, a Itro- of aggs layed bv thenu durlng tire mouti tirsr of tire groom, acted as best man, of Jaauary was two bundred and and Misa Emnma Boscos 0f Chicago, a v Mgbtssn. or an averaga of 55v5fl agge per @inter of tire bride, was bridéomaid. Ai. dity and one agg aver for th. satire ter the ceremutny a hig wedding supper montn. Wa wouid lika ta bear trot» was pread. Latar lu the eveniag lie olirsi wbo ciaim t0 hava record.braak- happy couple started on tiroir honey- lut ermMoon. a moulin at Chadirouru. N. C., afý _____________________________ter whlcir tbey wili corne tb Libersyvilia - i 10 reside. LIFE INSURANCE. The groom ln one of Ubertyvvlle'a irait e la a good eldsa who provideu for known mmisaula, iavIng operatsd a ce. hi. wtt. adchfdren.Best, abettercil Palr machins@hop nu MliW&ukss avenus unwbo &Wm provideà for hie widow an for a numbar of yaeti% and bas many - Mainde a thlbcommtil. orphan. __Blé__ ibride a .ao lwiansd favorably IJknown lu Liberlyvtilla, aving beenen gagsd aI tirhes hirdon fichool as book- Ail! N kasper for tirres ys&re. Sbs la a daugir- S,,EAE'BIan.,aof r. and 1frg. GaO. Roacoe. Distaet UN"« O (rtuding everY WsdnaedaY and Thur.- s- Co<moeiL" 'a- -o Wday a ..Ho meLnber Co. TeNew Variety Store Te Pumae 6 1 REGLILAR SATORDAY SPECIAL White Nest Egga 5 for 5 cents Regular 10c aniteware 9 cents New Variety Store Nisw D.ti Buildin Libertyville .- Illinois I. I. fiEAT POULTRY SHOW S AT HOME FEBRUARY 12 Th. Mens '.Club of tt h.' MF î-ur.-h, ,nCludi ng abouit one, hunil ced met.i, wil slerve ehîekcn ptn. in th. nî.w gy mlias.um of the chut. I. "n Li.-. Ii rtlirlay, gîte each Thursday, Fil.ruar3 12. lrrîn the ' l'hm men are plarning t.. rîrake th@ ,11 "Wh&t gteatest.'o.w tip..ulîry in tIi.' eîufty will ie a for thcy are .eruriuig the flîjeet lArds ta fi lu tljid be found anti ailI have theri eî.,upe.d for tillrltY In next wook Tiiur.rday. tatë and h ceas sugg-.t.l by one ufr.!th.. meni of th, club that a fric lie (fit et. th li la teuded the urw,,mal W ho. î-.ulcl eut M 1t fat -a at ta zvlt lthorufrîtu, ii W-loct-l, itil msetttirrtv 'M"', 1>t th- serveiiP li 11 binI1t1)g- ies T a conrje.tcted tlat tlil ieu[1111 ( l l uit iii.iîtlit thieir art, llt i,.,% Ili.tutg tire ia' dii. s "uenn.datîin, sciic1i u iiii uioitlii-rini.the h krloo ~ iiit ili utu 1 "fit iii tic ý thtc -li% a oo 1-ilf ftiriîiei le t-i ofi. Pr-at ljiîititrý Iti t1,.' 1-r '. a, future i1l1-i.iia ,ffl ilig a four 4 "-For leîtandti,ttih'.îjaiî Il i- I 1 onver- lit les sandg.,. tctiiii. .11b.- ree.- - at and readiiv f..tthe cxlitin ' l.i l d1 -ev.utv l»- a feattîce .of ic.-e --o eu)t Order Glè9be Scraitch i Ieed to Make Vour Mens Lay-' A daily egg record ln every sack. For twelve years (ilobe Feed hms been co nsldered the standard ponltry feed. Order a sack today. Sold only by Phone o bI For Fire and Lule Insurance 7C,,IIARLES D. PROCTOR Agent For NEW HAMHIRE FIRE INSQ~RANCE-C0MPANY. Michigan Mutual Lif. Insàrance Comapar Y. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. GT FRESH, HO0ME-GROWN LETTUCE The Meredith Flower & Vegetable Co. Orders Taken at Up-town Office or at Greenhouse. S SP EC-1A L A fortunnato îurcIse of a large quautitv of Scotch Toweling Crash enables us to offer this 90ool' now at a remarkably 10w price.. This is a bleaciîed c'rashî of pure linen, i18 unches wide. Cornz iii plain white antd aiso weth red or blue bordur. It is wishad soft iad ready for irnmediate use. We. and otlters, haveawys sold tbis goods st 15c, but white the lot laats we offer it at ................. ...... ........................Ic- This is only one of the bargai.ns wo are of- fering for the remainder of January. We have priced speclally many items at both store@, both dry goods and groceries. Seo our circulars for some of the apecis. W. W. Carroil &.'sons G. NORTHl STORE PHlONE 29 SOUTH STORE PIIoïi'w T'Tr the Independent's ADvanmt E J. Hcuer, a ho irad been il[ sInce tire Iiratieid durint, the Civii war, alter tils International Sugar Fesit $22 per ton fint week lu September. has recaveredi deati winch rcurred tira», ion sale by Home Lumber (k-). fronu hiemicîneas sud on Wedneday A. P. Bsugirt ai Liharlyvilfe, bas a _________ morning resumeit iis postian s. bag- ans-cent coin dateit 1807. sud iu sire to gage man ounlire Chicago sud Minneota larger tiran the slver quarter. 1 grind taool, sharpon eaws, actosors, division ai tire St. Paul railroad. E. A. Tritp aif Heringtou, Kausas, skrates, sud do repaling on iunuture, wrteoa@a follows: "Iu reaiting lire asud dd jobs. A. P. Baught, Finit Suuday Mr. sud Mc,. F. CG. Clevelandit c-18-tf cioed irer busehemfortvamonbaIndependent of Jauuary 80, speaking ai stn'eet. elosd thir ousehor fortwomenteaId coins, i1ibave a weii pnsserved tif1y ductue cehicir lime lirey yull lives Incen t pieSc .iucd lu 1808, which i Htw are your fet? Are tirey sore, Chicago. tics. Cleveland'@ beaiti iraitiougira migbt iterest. Wiren you liced and swestyî Have t bey gaI a net becu good foc saome aime. the change - wsuc nytiîijiz nw came ta Kansaa, long distance emeli' Il e,, remember being made on account oibetterflaüiiities ,iben yau ceatt anjthing aid-cee bave Barkers Antiseptic willcurotbialtrouhle. for speciai medical attention. tirs gutadu - For sale hy F. B. Loveil Ca. Tir-Pesht.ia. h.r oo ada-1.1l B Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE. IL. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $95,000.00 1 -à - ir-

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