ahotag-o--er.1-1- .e..ra e..uoie!.- Gs-c - A.itooliti 'as 1 a il"n's goffr the ' saial their o- fbtaeo erynn efc tii"h rjc Gev .A Doitews lce ochurcb mocvement coulal not posIbiily ilis siacs lias iues n ioosn ru-nvt -lile huard cf dire-s-ltors ta MI the v-a-t have been no well alvertisea l n'anY neveu sheap anal more Ihnu Ibea as "The Skiai-e Upsîde I)owtî." ha j cauîcy causidlia' the reurgnallon of'0li huog foreac 100of etîmtealDopa vaa th assi o tuaiake daing larr l,îîd.I ottermanner. Thea' say that lîoise hoge fr eac 100 f estmatedpopu-cuosethe ýves o the aite-hor mlghîr Lund haveg seen houese ofon thoeir j Ration, as compareal with conitions in. a F.torm bil wasluad auay lart ait the The repoîrt of the recent wîuî' ad a erdo oîa cinl 1910; au actual decrease of 7,305,0001I lanal tront urder tisa front of thue cii- show m'as submtted. Il shows 941 algte to dwn laod anImaIs ln the face of ancasti- i In. sud Il nemainedal 5 an angle hra wera vin exhibît-anal $447.82 mas Voilva taie, lbe stand that there Mialea incréase of nearîy seicta unil- pîolpaed unî)ha boardls. the amount oftbh receipts. Tise i,550' souid be no one day set asileasa Mon tababltauts, The ,otal value of ciatlon broke luit ablouteveii Uns1 Go 10 Cbench Day but that people sMIalsta more tban in 1910. Sllght The weight of thue heaslesIlborne year wbicb la botter than bas been ihoulal go to cbw'cb every Suuday, Inermas la shown ln the number of aven known was 3000 pounals. This the rase lu Pest years wlten a deflict He las uulî bitter lu it i denoinclatonu Uait owi, borees anal mules. -' homse, a Clydesuisie, wais exhibited al uuaaly bias beau reporteal, 'h. mem- of the movemeas4. TESU Mens itIl would taie 18,- New York in 1889. Il mas 21% bands bers taie this as a rater favorable _________ .1118000 more meat catlle, sheep anal high andal sthough only fic yeans old, Indication, PLOWIfIG IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS àùbwta alte estmaI. nom' show measureil 32 juches arounut the am-r, Il maz declded that udxt year no $9 "tu tutry tu givo the present 45 tacbes arounil the etille or inec- admission m'il l,e chargeal tu the an- Decatur, III., Jaui. 29.-flo Warin bai eJ*Ssnli te arnO meat suPply that jetat, 96 haches girtit, 34% aroond tte nual poulu-y ihow, but the "9c1usei lte weather becomne that hadredi t» OUM ofe 1910 sbowed 10 exIat, hlp ana l t eet 4 luches in leuglh it ill li e ralseil by selllng mopmberuitipe 0f farmerlu central Illiois are "M turas.. idicateal in value.silamas of Pe rfect proportions, with a atlsi emch. .Uif100 of titee membter. plo ig. t la ezpectei t bat lb. 4"16te t e ct 11151 lh. elmates beal36 luches lu length. A Frsu b aipa anb. solal k mfll mou th1e slrug Ploming will be conupleteatwo dlw tisat te tfasm value of b..! cat. authorlly gives the melght of borae expepseeo of tbe sbow. The members ipontits tefore sprlag arrives. 00 bac lacrissed frrnm $1907 tu $81,13 as foliown: Excluding poules., wbtdu feel ltatIbIs la te.bept way te, pie' 5UperIor, Wls., JaYn,.-À I hun. ' JM& Or 13-2 Par cent, tun&analshq,!e man average welghl of 440 pouala, seul thelr shows andi providlug lte der andi ligbîslug toru, seOoflpsuied OWMO nreaseoftover 15 pe« cent. thie wegh of boftees varies from 1«Q plan mois out successfully 0011 year by allaet anal snow, ulit hgb wiflds 0*10bAve hm»Oà'49ej value frOUS u ta1.5O POus.s The melght of carl t mill te follom'ed at subacqueut ex- off Laie Superlor rageti bore today. 0.17 t. $10.40 c- bemeSor 134 pet'bora.. variesibetween 1,100 sud 1, - bits. l a a ao reig êw w iàt b av ée e a v ale ramof i $ 4,12 oupe . Ti htborsi A d b r 'a e s i ra t e m i e Slm lar phenS oen w ere reporte ti aveagefar vaue0f 4,1 co seish, wblaisabout the c"me Of busînema IbM werc tu have coulie et Laie Nehagamon, Salon Spings, ~ 8$te i4*1 la 1914. as ltaI et csvalry borses, varies te up but the hour m'as a30 1,4.th9t the"e anal other Places outof Superior. tyseu 990 Ilondsansd 1,066 Pounds. ware lut off utIl the oeil meeting _________ TW Iadepsudent-'41.50 par yesr. These meiglila are for adult animala m'bIchI i e helul lu 30 dayp. Independont aits-4'ad ti .000.O cuila Ini disîîosing of ail tiîey coalal bring banc, Mana' pairs or glus-es Ihat were worth lire or six dollars a pair ware solal for a dollar a Pair anal in miany casas for ciao lae. These sales tooit place as a raie wheu solallers came beresuad apeul al thef mncny lu carousing, Then lu order that thea' mlght have more moiteY in sPenl thea' woului seI ar. licles of cIoUiing. Of lits tthe inowledge thal Uic gov- ernment m'ai kesPbug a close watch for violations o!ftha, iualcausetino Cal P8011> 10 be more c&raful and Uic regulea' trafficbas beeu stoppeda i. tbaugb l is 1reportsdthat samoon k.esp ex-s stillane able 10 buy aoldlerle articles o! olohing for wblch, lbey-ai. wags Sud a ready sale, Il in aISthat th. violation that bas beau, discovereti In Hgtmd Park bas camleal lthe off clais at Fort Lleridan la decide upon s Plan to luvest1gate conditions la other clies aloug tb. uorth shore, Theme Inveatigations, fi is saut. m'll ho lions are found -r'enea millb. mut Weukegan, l islareporteal, m'il te 00 of Uic fireI places visîteil, bec*Use sol- <fIers uiually spenal a large part of tlxeir spare lIme tuera, wifl conduct h& Dancing School at the Libertyville Town Hall EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT and will teach the widkz, two-itep, tanno and on...îp walts LA Ec UN Y' - Lake F orest to--3e BiggestIS SY5'Tft E VMrJ4 - m~~.90yIolans Brown Re- ROB~ON CUSOE Boom in Palace Lune Drn ceuves Inquiri$ About Tent RBNO RSEthe Coming Year. I E M 6 1 Colony Acoomodations. ~~~ v e p a l a t t l a ei dI f r a U n I t edeh ari n b cI EUS IAPPEIAIZhII lieresldnîu- areOne Of the strongest arguments - c teding Le ,ac or a di i, lt e s iii- gan, w h ch, If IL doesnt com en ow , 5,Edward G. Smith af Highland c'mlng summer. g ifi BterA-lis a t gof the flot-dIstance ftr man of a well known l.tîke Forest Oer e VfutBttrurre~n Park Now Feared ta Have i nuaeîdy u hnlii i agmn iTaeWo andl nobody eau stop it. la seen in the : ma mad toay, nd hen he ui- aigmentof hosIWho eCeipt by Dr. A. E. Brown, county. Committed Suicide. Provements are finistiîedie ha ýsathe Promote the Plan. rPkasinian sud saperlnitendent of the iheautiful ore f J. Ogdlun Arinoiîr. I - ~ !Wil ologrsan1u oi lu "GO-TO-CRURCH SUNDAV"Y.101eîus = y#con' o ILIVED LIFE 0F A HERMIT. 11 olne tn u onýI, ro eters of lnqulry. --ouely as the hig ashowi pîiu p of he (D Rebocca F'ron McKay>. 1 These letters have coine from such IsRevealed a an Authar, u-fsinbesbib Minus our cheorches how %uouid our1 cilles as Jolet, LaSalle, Gntesiîurg. as Pu. istîoiabi suurb 'iatioui for a decade !Rockfnrd and BelL, Wle lisher and Friend ai Rob- Thîe great Blair lodze. on tie batit endure? IN EVERY CASr Ihe» letter a ert Ingersali.ocloin lic itot a- SOoiint up some pleople, and sýaréI'vrtten. on a letter hesd of "Thef iigo at great rost.i. t i. toril doue towardthie steeple; ii-c 1Urcitnited Charittets' anal usualiy signeal. Sundav' . "Afss --- ,- inrestigatlor." j1: :;rd ra.,toii Sm i. a btor ii give way to te iagificetit palai e »~ ocir:onls ,Teltrs 5ae :let r %ýll(; haste(i hat lieitieN o God.,is tu eeet. TheyIdevg l l! i liet ieri dorkinli forl Co ntyinT ir'Co('oioen îyolony k skin biîîîiifor helk hr iIigln akmr faees In the city. ooy as lu the meîhod of treat-1 he 1 e sustF.ai iiifiiii Poireaitaureiot m cllio iieg b ioIs ment, etc., andal aking if patientîs frontî li let out of ic us utlui qilge portion of hi lraielit IiilricIt iîh ilici e t atsîmtstheare.muile ol h rn Pis isas îraîîtrutd h 10h hme ani builal ou siielia sîaiý liai, iit it 1aiblout a iioith ['90, u lien t1when i improvememits are fin i shi -~l t ilel.t 1YM'es! sIigo 1b Inquiries aven came fromtHu Ioit' esiunt llof the ourb uasuall> ie will have a homea' large or laîr.n,- ilîSuîiday and dtietu , oean Iose icta o îînune&vIfan bepaetfor acd anotiier: I uonder whatl'las Pr than the Armoîîr tîtae at 'ie!ol d ii:: auad stink ail tue resl of the ,Lue,. beoi li of Smait h?"ftri.Granger Farwail has îîlreadý se.Tedyh oiî ie am iuteaiurt u 'ia No one kîem. lile bil dno friendse Ftearteal work on s magniînceuit six I,, i h a acmn le ie Tutease oteUie an bi i u elalsiaixspoke except10taite(>lroonihoseonleraîl oaml ce uill ring arouîîd the world traid Clarities oiniosition ini Waukegan la iii cilf and l.sutie Irces. lie hied îhicb wiil erlipse antii nli te tear off tlas rotten veneer. lu Christ' "-eil)in the tact that tn es-ery lnquiry, uýoding inicomîmun with lthe many lmmediateii localiy in grandeur sud chur<h, Chicago, theyre lîaving a 'Ibo- !tihe Inquiry from otiier chies t0 Lake bottiers %iîo iiocked lu the beach Ini cost. peep' show. I call thai a cburcb of' louiit>'s ent coiony head about car. front of lis caban during the soi-m Edward ('udahu il; asua said to bc habll," salal Volîva witiî empbasis .îAi for lubercuisr patients, cornes Pler. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~fmslulng biggîplans for a palace whlch "AndlIbsyre the people wlîo runfl oaarglal raizdUie Final Books and Lgters wili rise on bis present place lnu the aroundand suay: 'l'il go te church Charilles raillier Ihan fromt an ludivial- The door 10 bis cailln waa opaneal, wesl portion of the town. S inday.'neua or fromin he poormagter. anal hie credîtors took the erfects Resldents ot Laike Forest r.a1 'hld altee siîuae nl IL* la aiso qulle apparent that the which hielhadt lefI hehind. These slaring a caînpalgss for ruadit Inîrove. otha r igus amount to witb the muaes ir bas sPread fer and wldc Ihat consisteal of lus boke, a few personal mousnts In the Immedlate viclnlty of of the people? Read Luke 21. There Lake County bas taken over lbe lent paliers andal dozen tihotographs of' the citi. for, already Messrs. Armouir,j have.been more earthquakes dualg coiony for trealment of tobercutar pa- himiesîf In sarious posas lu varous Swift and InAul have practlcally fin. the 1ast 150 years than at 5fl lime tul"Dfr. A.0.e rownter ca eadres- pwru 1 ai»world tâbe thefine tone o" "dng frin i the oridahistdent,"r asan av hedbts adlot b bsent luu chargeg Smith was a mystary il, the rosil Lake Forest wesl 10 Milwauukee ave- erage of one a day. AndlIlu Uit. cou-,'a og ihr dents of Highland Park. Ilias cabit nuc ai Lihertyvllle, these men bavlng neclion ILte i.ntcresting 10 note thal r rws îe rcisî vr wate localeal In the conter of a row of Pald for the work ont 0f their owu 112 of the foremoat wriîers bave corne oDr.er dcon lie ciy asrgy maniIonse, but no llgbu wass ever roctOcs. 1 uthe conclusion thal 1914 la lbthe a Iend fav oor fnatheited lbatronaslb. known to, shine îhroagh ils ona win- "Iacolant stale Postivel3," said a fof thc Gentile limes.Inlaver fici nitead0fCarlng fors the dow Among bis efeorts were papers Iromlneal resident, "but 1 would not I"vrweethere le a fear lInhet fiinalyo ai o h wiblcb proveil thal at one lime hoalbe surprlscal 10 50C Lake Forest rosi- bearla of men that somelblng drea j y liad publisheal a papir in the Athen- dents begin a campalgu 10 try tu0 fui leabaout 10 bappen. To rea the play Wiîh spirit. seuin Building, known as the Nation-'oust the saloons from Vernon town- prophesies whlch are about 10 bie ful-1 ihg"shkesPeae la tmmortLmj aI Weeklu-. a paper designeal toi shlP. whlcb would take the two sas-fIlleal would make a mnass blood cur- cousîder "HamlcI'* a play for ail Urne. sî.rcad the teachInge of Robent Inger- t ons sway from Half Day; Il la the lle Inbigl veina. roUg-Tba'a no; Il wU1 neer sive un rsoil, whom Smith claimed as a per-,liresence of these îwf rouat bouses -'Anal Ibere shal le signe in the, the Shosi sonal friessa. r hlch 4"a preventeal the rlcb Peuple Isun, and l uich mooît, and in tb. stars CopIes of two of bis works. "The 1 OZ the cils' building more big homes sud upon the Barth distrese of aMilons,I Lifc of Robent Ingersol.' anal.."The lui the west of tbe City of Lake For- with PerPlexftY; Uic ses andl the;VjJ T Real Rooseseît," ceau te foond lu est. If lhey Baw the saloons elimi- i waves roaring; mens hearla faillng: IL T R iW L rnany north shore resldences, and nated froun tiaseSuction 1know thee 1tbem for fear, aud for iooklng after W L Highland Park bas te prove thal sucb Fowei'er. Vernion tla Gerel'fn P<OPjueaith; for tweicbwrofae mn n i B SOaHTl a nian as Edward Grasonu Smith ever laled lown usaal t fear the lime is dis- be shaken.' qUoteal Volîva from John, liusd. tant wbcn theusaoons wlll 'te v.lled 21:25-26.i DY .0 E N E T Bellehue Hlm Marrical out Ibere.". "We ought 1 te a bappy people lu t Suiliswss ssid t bas-e beau mac- Zion'- continueal the overseer. "We r Repre ThtOfiesa Ft rical, although no oua coutlltell»' AICTWI H %l ula lbe deligbted to, pee ttheLord pre htOriesa t Luen hof ig sule as mlly ne. r B IRf 'W ' ADrcorne agaiîi. We shoui'd te ready toi Sheridan WÎilMake an In- 8pkno'i vieo aiy wlon i sKing."u The tradesmen of Highlandl Park TUE on ere. lanew hlm oni>- by soeabhlls whlch ha, POAnounceent DoinTUE t tbbti hn i iaperd S5J L'Irrrcc ur.uDE riuNDE S INDIGNANT. AnuIbnettal omnikBrou- 'lhey knew bis naine aud face; noth t aiO W SJU.1I3 donese, a Highland Park cobbiar, had Ing of bis past sud nolbing of hiej Wilbur Glenan Voliva of Zion City ibson arrasted on comPlahual of ieut. Lmotive for living lilae a Robinson d-sntapoeo teg oruc Crosoe les@ Iban a mile from tbe beart AnnJa.l Meeting o the Asso- mos amant whlch la spreadtng over WH..YonUS.Acrgdwt of their city.. Tbay knew flot whencei ciation Was Held ini Wauke- lbe state su 1h giant strîdes. Andl he:buylng clothes from soldiers station- lie came or why, nor when hai went ,L;i fol slow t0 lat. others see thatl ie ted at Fort Sheridan, bas caased sffine or ware 1 ga Thrsdy Niht. 1. ot leaed.speculaton as lii uuletluer an Investi- Pictures ahlcb were found in bisr The meuniers of the Independent gallon wlll haoumade lu Wauitagau te IChina. the Pilippine Islands, Jatuan. I o-to-Churrh next Sondas' at the saine!, taking place here. The Ifighiand Park fAustralla alaginmia cilles lu Europte, %auitcsaîn, aiaarî -trilme that Chicago andl other cilles man la out on $500 bondls anal accord. and al b ai uvalea throaghout North The niambers of tise ,,,noie pou,- ar, doing seo Placards with the In- iing 10 reports bis case wiii bie prose- e rtrea. In ail but one o îwo pie. tri acesAscainYîl thair fscrîption: "Go 1tut2hurcb" mere lack- uulad vlgorousiy when IL comas to lofýes lie wss alone. annuel meeting Thur»day nlght i tise î ld up about the cita', announceal that trial. N b han the residents of Hilghland Coumîcli chanibera. Reports were rcad thse Indetuendent church In Zioji wouid Thial violations hase occurre in u Parltievîhioreil bis but. anal fiund that andofficers ware electeal. Tie fot-. holal speclal services on Ihal day andl Wauitegan lo qulle gcnerally admitti hie baidlot bean Ihere for about a iowlig officers wera alacteu foirthie inviting a large altendance. ed. In the past it le known that these y-ar, lhey ,ame tothe conclusion that ensuing year: One of these signs met Volivas eye violations baie been more open anal the lonlinessat ailhdfileil bis lita Preaidenit--Oeorge Bairsoss . He Lauseal anal glareda 1t.LWben hae flagrant. Juat how frequentuy lhey 'lad drîvan huma to suicide, Nothing Vuice- Prosident- F. Hl Miller. raturneal to bis officeaie pressedal take Place now It la hard t0 Bay. bas ilaplueil '10 deslroy thal belief., Secretary- R. B. ('ounoliy. illitons on hie desk sud gave orders,t Up to a year or two ago the soi- Smlth waà about 45 yaars olal, anal Treasurer -William Daîziai. tIsrplefobIedrsomaedisfum the fort transacteal qaite mehl about 201) pounals. He wae District N lce-prasialeuls: fthe rounds of thse cily anal sec that la business bore. In tact IL was dlaim- tý imaclat!y lothd te fw tmes raylak -L A. eCoder. ciera'one of these cardsam'as torn ed thal lisera werc two or Ibrea men Lie maculat !> o t ealist h e i mes f raal, ae L AH eb er s. e rn down. The alezeal order mas carrled hre who m ade It, a business tu boy M'ienhalie tint ent t10HigleandlIIlsrtsta W. Mundea. out te the ltter ana l ble the action thase article. cheaply of soldlers anal Parkil as eporeiltha lieplaned Rockfeler Gordn Ry. Id not resait In a clash the Inde- diien dîstuoseal of them at good pirofilts. Parkil a~ rtuotea tha heplaunea itckatule Goron as'itxdetii -are vara'wrolh. This l. p-Sitoas, gioves, shirts anal can binan lu huiid a hun il uhul losteof tice XV lise! kauPau o ble. valilie coru-tpied, anal lu-turs wshich i W'rrott Holianal wasalpeteal 10 tue. poed aon Tharsday. kats werc purchascal, fToday the> bail had lIme 10 thinki Gioves seemneal1 te otue most pop- acre foanal siioed thaI lialiuadit iea boardi if directuirlato fuii] aaucy 1 ac nlsi hy eega lratceanlsii'shdn li In iteres 's i raIi ruii estait nîîa'î la-lft hi tha restenauusa sof'T.'B.l Vi'e Best arud(3h'aipttLhtt o Meats, Poultry, Game, Fish and, j Shell Fish Vegetables and Fruits IN LAKE COUNTY W. J. MUNDEE, PROP. phone 307-j 1'LICERTMVIL Bell System Bad news Sles fast and is mag- nified by distance. Reports of accidents cause apprehension at home when some member of the family is traveling. Much worry may be saved those Ieft be- hind if the traveler will telephone home frequently,-particularly when there is any disturbance of public order where he happens to be. A telephone itinerary pre ared before starting on a journey, alea wili enalIc those at borne to ech the traveler quickly sbould occasion aernand. Use the Long Distance Une CHICAGO TEILEPHONE COMPANY, A. R. Andrews, Manager Tekphom. 9901. After Invent-ory Y~ U WILL FIND >'ou are short of State- QO ments, Billheads, Letterheads, Envel- opes or office forms of Borne charac- ter. Just cail us on telephone No. 1, an1 we'Il send for your copy and in- Structions. Job Printing is n o t a specialty with us'--it's our business. The Independent Job Department lias no connection with the newspaper, possessing a complete equipment that 18 neyer used for newspaper work. *Were particular printers, whuch in- sures you quality service--and you can have the wot when prorniseci-- THE ItEPNENT J O B DEPARTMENT w c s~ ,cake L*.ýd u 's too. Ail .îs liau;t, fluffy. tender a, .ý.u zCh',JI's inoîer used t. sAtud jut ai wlîole- ai j, t.-uj, Baiig Pow- der thon Calait eau" bIai r;- j . C Ai 'oýu.~ Mii S1ORTiESEEN IN MREAT ANMALS IN UNITED STATES; The Department of Agriculture1 Gives Estimate Showing a 'c Larg e Deficit. TELL CAUSE 0F DECREASE. Washingtou, D. C., Feb. 2-A short- "e Of more than 18,000,000 meat ami- -ml. lu Uie Unitedl States in discloseal by data collecteil Urough Department 0f Agriculture agents This bas de- velopea l anc tise cenus of l110. Th. tetInformation nitainable lias lucun anade thc baasaof these figures. 'Phe estlmates praîtarealhy te ot Scasof the deauarmenit '%di-aletna lndcpcunde-t Cas-. Ifciadoarex-.def .-- 1 we Li uu»-»WUM U7 &D.Uuu. t SPECIA L The DREÂX WALTZ will 1be taugin Saturday night as a speciai. THE, MODEL CASH MARKET