'PRIZE W INNINO ESSAV à--_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Jos Mrie Dvriesof Warrenton won first Prize in Me's Fleece lin- BOY'S al W001' 50 dosen ties - Meii's good Over. Boy's finie wiat, Men o oIs ' n lemy Marw e Devries M e n s s nsttu.g oo d Eaa otstDnut~ b amrs nttt.ed Undoerwear- pats egl 7oWorth 75e to $1,- alsa and Jackets; regular 75c and h le a v y work g1oVes d mit- le printed the esaay which taw Paths and place these wbere te t h 75c, noew value, clearlng &tortade1,vsllesprîce 75c, irgan colon, tells 100, s .ae tuit prize ln the Lakte County will be mont convenient. Wotf5,lwvle laig tsaewepie 7c ow igat 'Worth- 5,now nie-Wot e Institute conteat beld iii Arrange the shrubbery ln masses 7ct 4 , ae la coufty, Iat week. fi hing Te- aiengt te border of the yard and ai- of this paper, that the Inqtituter making a thick muasor green.31 39 39c 3 9 38C 3Sc r is creating interesi flot aai Plant the ttowers clgae ta the houea____________ thp ti>larmers but anig i or just ln front of the shrubbery. nlt ~l a tudeuts of ie Iltyqco i separate iiower beds 111 t)e iawn. Vw el. Bot <b net om it the flowers front yo lr 'Ç' Marie Otvrieu of the Warrenton I plan, for fiowers about the bouse 13bJert: Hos. ta Make lthe Farin Trees ahould b>' ýiet in iroii nt'-' lay 14 e »Dilte ýOre ttrative such a way that ihey wiii be of u3e ý,-Tbe opportunity for the illijuols. either for shade or as wind bue.- ".nand women upin thxe farmiq ai- Plant vines to caver aid sheds Mon'sn O n ue It4 inft the bext of Bay part of wcb e former stili eng.ý to, o, I.0MO ~ U II W 1 i1rnaton, but these poaIbiiifles can clamber over aid ïenci's eor nd unl E 1 U T b.relized where mon and wom. thtly buildings.$1 0 ufsad£ 5&Yug *hIlbecome rest parners saitdcompati- Vinesý about the' bous- lv il a To be sold the cheapest in the $1.5 vSieoandt ~ e'* Ns 4ime tu every detail ln praviding the cool, restl spptSratce %in<id.'itaehi6.45ofW-fié'n- wrthup t *M as and e eenditure o ainse in r.'aiwIt a pi,,'ofils s cr,uad,tiirît r o au e anO er o ts .... lo arug 4 aPorting and making a home. A generous use of point n ait fortWcm P o$ 1 The best investment that aur ftort- buildings neto ni7 adds attrartiv>n"s 5 ,,,i q ', e aim ake la im proving lis w .î but la a great l bah, 1in reservIng O t tti$15-00 u its n d l -1 5 business and It Is the bst policr to ln gaad condition. Its use is an ItemOerat pffl ue from lever mtwditant. 1 .t i, no former cue lford ta overook. O ec as . . .1 6 191> essence of god business in ail1 The artard w ich Is m re or es 7 , #IA« f buines thefarmMen's and Young Me's Caps, àgkà k~fls a buines tb fa,,>being n ti u gi tît carit, i dh ideýn froint Wx>'roed tii. ~ ~ ~ ~ rw foe ioivst h rft fsometbl nd bib cauifeil i Ta?$1,0 Sis and .5 worth 75C to $1.00, now . orerpt whn. ynraWtof the sartiibsut8f8 5 î..d... pt 1lité fartan In the foaitmln thewty or eat adwhicb tiey.. tannati reakOecotMn'Ovr asw I rh& M focesandbuiding, frtiise, thoug. i shuld e fr eoug Mes Odevercwhere for-12Wrt IMrdstoecn: Improved rachinery, ram the bouse that tihe ,ulr'> wilii Suits and fl 7 fr $12e00W, Ïbetul and ornamental trees. fa home net lbe troubiesame. $2000 Oveots d ý .iirtis a d conveniences, in goog9' A Iac edge beween th>' hieuse O er o ts .. . 9 7 ,bà*itretIict1n oitadtii m ilhiheuiuon For Men's Suis good enough I ,ýNnt>. chidren andl imsif, la doing a siot oui the unsigitly.fobuieswa thsesnsu v Wfflt dea1 toward making ai! aroud The barnyscil shoulil be lare and fovebusiness 0 Suits and 7in *11M bippy and contentQo witb tuie luT sunny, but thte hedge conutbe made purchase, selis aloe for $10, $25.0 roats nd ýthe, larnt. Ieautiful witb trees sud abrutis. Pian Sale price onIy ____________________12.7__ ýý lt 10 Dlot enough that aur farins pro- osme every year. IlCase #Olag rsteb odagod The> garden siouid b>' placedta one'- *4fl, that the business lbe made aie3nd0e.00e hns tii l axand__ bIs. Wehui ae ofotli easily careil for. 4i UN Overcoats. - de &round thein ahould li' made tie interlor of the home shaulil bar-i -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- -- -- attraetIve as passible. uoniza wirhIts surroundings. ý TM Many of our middle western Fi'w things are of more ImportancePl Îbm hontes bave beon buit witb lit- ta the look» of a bouse thon the mi SH __ __ _ __ _ ,» vlew ether to convenence or ai, tains- TheY enu spoil a ieII deigned il E i I ERN C AE9 b*VeneSs. It la Urne that farmnera bouse or go far ta redeai nen thai s ______________a____ >-M- ore thoues.At ta te u>ful l of deecth ye lot anIr, TeGeaet 0eVle f Men'S and Boy'1. high-grade Clothing, Shoes and Furuishinga. Ei ufes ot eotberbre.Antt-ueu10oitigte",htni ic nTe rteat y'Shoe ValunsWe*must have the ready money. Everybody in Waukegan and Knit; saleprsceWorth ebouge cosita so littie mare keeping out prying eyes, but tbev nerh o' he nvcnt nw ha o eluniebranavn'n tr ieM leifference need flt prsvent ahoulil rlieve the bareueas of the its iitykostatfrra, g iebran-ii 0;slepie 3 4 rm considering the ppar windows andi give au, air of carmn button or lace, Worth $2.50; gt sct a ba~ T e T g ey T er a o s pa nw ste uy 'agwbeu building a bouse. The tiraugi their attractive god taste. ail go at this sale for ind hsi fo cas n aly;Theyng stry.cThe fr caishom spls us to un .UW10 of a few extra piga aitten malien The furniture of the tarin bouse ads., fo as nl;b isason. * Men sashgligee Shirts, lat- týb ifrnebetween 'an uncomiait- solllt b uriueo vmstOr stock into money every e3n You ail know what unseason- -l 4..d&uferie boueadoeta esuboglvr it utth able weather we have had until the past few days; consequently est patterns; Worth~L >~1*01 b. an ornement tea ny farin, needa and ives of the> occupants, itamotopeesokof'ntr e- iýAdnv estYte teextrph on l e Iso flotsevce sufoc aoes chandise on our hands. Realizing the necessity for quick actie, ace ainteuthette.hme an n tfrs cmot srieaidwoe Men's Good Heavy Work we have decide dto turn the whole stock into cash within the short- Tii bouse ln wicb a family lves If possible have an open tire place Shoes, Worth $2.25, for est possible tirne. The prices on everything in the store w-flb Men's Suspendera, G 110 il-sort ut outer germent which ex-in tic living main fotiser>' is ne one reduced regardless of cost, vau5rfrmrpie0al eisSc vtlue, sale pria. - ~te se s the t a i ii omm-eeft iahu thtdos aretr» j Saturday, Feb. 14, at 9 A. M., and wil continue for ten days only. ~ity thetasta, Oe ids, a theprpOiote sociablity, that does more taee sWolUdr nef"s living under ts roof. Even mare h<ld parents anid children together 'MOrsoewi ecce ensdy hrdyadFia o e ear, W-oth $1.0, at D «Pressive of the character of Rits in- than the tambly communion about theOustr ilbccedWdsayThalyan ia frR-eroth15,t arranging and marking down stock. $__________ habIant laOieintlorof h>'boue, firetlace and nexl te itie ireî,iac.a________________ A asat, brigit and attractive homne,,i faw choice blaaming Plants or green aven' thoug It la Pooriy furnshed la fermseatid the tisaS toucb af ciiear ta , y -Men's Handkar chjefs, White a thue Index t) an Innate rafinemeuta e In anter. A few cb9-ice Pic- T OGRbleadrwothOc Of the Occupants, A well buit attrac- tures teUllY selected and acrang- bl sae rie. tive country hanse tiat conforma taI1ai. Pictures tiat canvey sarne beau4 H OGR aepie.......3 118 surrOUndihgg làA'one ai the best tiful thougbt o teacb a lesson, giv>' a d 1 Pis$ on eartb In whlcb ta passo nes touci of refinement and reibeves the> 110 SOUTH GENESEE ST. WATJKEGAN, ILL1INOIS. 50 Dozen Tis, worth 50e daf Oa5most farmna nnlIlliois the! brenesof Oie walla. :uosuosfsm..oe.eee.eeeeee a :ms rc S - question aoflb>' location af lie bouse'r White Plannng tea dd atrative------- Unwsae;al ail otiier fil buldngs la a settladi 1nasa te ar homes lt us a lnto iîl ta. ..u .E'. .. .. 1-~ proposition. Mucb caui be #cme. bow- add a few of tie mariy modern cou-. Boy's Overcoats, sold at $5;-e' oe ot 5 1 'e. ta add tO tua ttractîvenesa sadt veniances whici belli te feCitevi' lie le9tnJ pair,; pceh15e. tbonuty a9 the aurroundings by a toste- drudgery of farm life. Money spent This fine dresa shoe ubt sale price sl lv fui arrangenient ai trees, abrutis and in provtdi g thesa conveirîietc «41;linbtvn« o ahfra lot -ofi/i ____________,__sale________..... ~~bitea. ~~~give larger ratumne ln happiness, ln ton or lace, Worth $3.50, frec o fmnsod~4J It i ' Lest befare aîxi'mîuing any ii'alth andilnh ail things destrabli' thon - this sale coats, ail sizes; Worth up to L *YMnsA1-Wo we chante aifiiiings as tics arc ta makej au, equal amaount ispent in any abher $500. ' M Coas lW-orthSeater____ 1- a ileinte Pan of wiat se wish te, way. laO du$SI.50t, orth , . . -accmiai . This ili enaile as te kmang tie' colveniances mot $2.50,_______..........________ 7 u eta ETAOIS' SHRDfUMF;%%-'YP P nei'ded are running water, smore sys- ý twer beholilt uhaflanw@enîoopis),>. te ep thbus aa 8 ciniot beoflatein- Worth $2.00, for We have about 1001 pairs of Men's up-to-date Trousers Worth $1.00, sale price Wfleethot r aan ew. may lido rtry , a sfieenbth.umbor an - f fflpants, odd and ends; Worth in blue, black anid neat l* o end beauty ta aur surronnifndrgs, ai ventilation and sanie ai the many u o$,0 sale pice strpes WothUP imwvmnsta ewi l-d or aaconaniecebti o h. oe svtein M89up $40, clearig at 1*98 sd ur ouwork wilî bie entireiy mties t, o atgdvcsfrkektin __________________~,~ -Inluda ln yanr plan tii' nattirat Wheri ti>'fariner realizes thet the Th is e e hte-20pi fpns odi ion, or1rano aeiselo atadbpîis fbsfml r ter our store on StY8y enough for gunday Wear; Boy's Blue Serge Suit., ' odo teturea urifasa lmfteresesa itrfrtsdhPIeneasis hafelits a m-r ~,trbs age nlaitei.for tea anbaa e'addarsa Feb. 14, w-Il receive free a Wo«th $3»5; thisWiorth anud sel 26 ' F a - a a e advntgeddaIT ~ ir: olvngti pablrnai~ i res siirt or a $1 tie. sale i1,48 eeyworoa,2.' 6e8-l rtun alra alparticulsu- spot. boyr On the'farin. A chilil ts greatî'y Yums ehere to -get e ilreud " d' Auardrh og stemtit Infiuencail by lits orrundings snd your Clothing, Puid t, are on purchases of $1 or1'. POr(t t attheplan. Trees and weer lbe resîîzes t or nstbhat- HitaiC, DUUoe, lAi,. Lus WVimt l*vdi*fl mfublàmand h iles. j ahrubbery cen often hi' gmuîedl about1 titude towards these surrounige aot thg. -4.bu .eeage ,EN m Iy t t botter advantaga If flacail ta one 1wll eedupnteapiîeai tii'y s nohi-'e ,;*e of the lot.1 malte ta hlm. - Otsw1y 1Your Plan andl work aways Tien let us strive ta malte the fam- - - -, -- ,-- - 10 ourhdel, t my tlti yers uthomte beautitui-witb the Idea-tl - ýACo t" eal'tlwas beore eu la alhmeys obng ahiem'ahome, yaanetlinga and lards mass'Riourigb or may kn&wn as the Lymner Stan' tarnf. Tol-1 ble,1N.7D-brey30baktofcn.dcr, homeeyurhceldrenneorne. o flot fade; It1 i tmny tn. tcesto u pantrpttrewhc i of an esi admv t. ninaCvacreairsseparator (950 capacîty; 50 lbushele ai seed Potatoes, early and ru MketI i bue wapp er a prt o plant eimiimy aanltA brêati can malet.hem. as srati Thuw'ety, Pcb. 19, 1914. nearîy newi, 15 milk rafla, 1 barneeslate, claver and timotbyseed. sa t emisale, -, Ou la aîOwn t mf btew- ears but Plan the bame anud Ils ias madebet Starts at 9:30 sharp rvtn ahn.Uuitri tme i oeaethe yrontlm ahefYeunvilans fr yor wOe le. Tshen But a lold lu'asaatry, -thc'lr ountry's ;Sixty fiseof lîve stock, 26 choie'rienamcn. Mchny-DergraibaA .WLDICHPrp von w111li emaentmprovem;entsefliwhlchl Wagons and Sleigbs--i3% Studa- loaddr, 1 leader. 1 aide delivery rac, Henry Sine, auctioneer.- will ha permanent, thig l' wandI f in tinte irdIcows;1 reh oa 'Holstebfls andl baker foirtwagon -wti double box 1 Johnson mover, nparly5nqw 1 14-n. Haffinan. clark. 111,1l . .ales" car eil r kN t bi lathe frinm ust b . sold . t wilii s i ta W h1n once destroy>d c n ne er lha Gu rnsys; 7 bot fera: 1 one-year o d an ti opring saet; 1 3 1-4 tire wagon d sk pulveriser, 1i rl i o ae er 2s t 4o leaslzgtana ai fpront lbotter ailvantage because tii>' bottas suî,ilied. hbull.fuil bloadei;clves. wV~ Isith bayraclt; 1 gravel box, 1 Stade- lavel draga, i J, . LCas sulky plow, Mrs. Newton Knox of Worcoorbor, i____ la beautiful and desirabie. _________________ ares, 8 and 9 baker milk 'wagon, wti two gea .a 2 walkirig plaws, 1 new corn planter, Mass., arrIvýd ln Waultegan, molda 8PULd a few days in* Oie turing andl Witb the tteePhone, the ruriai d'-'iv vears aId: welaht 3.100 Ibs.; t Clydea- uearly new; 1 top buggy, 0btie 2 sulky cultivatoms, 1 ane-hoige walk- nigit for a visît te ha! brother, Chas. auum cealn as teccmua- r>- Of mail, Oie automobile sud tii AUCTION. ile Goldens, 6 ami 6 yearsDIAi; manure apreader, nearly new; 1 me' Itg cultivator. 1 mlush scraper, 1 KItidgi'and.other relatives. This Faru Fed Idea ers Bl Fdres t tion u Teder; Irnsti Pouit and ji pur-pi teri-s ail i aud t Wl', est! n azo. see t zatio buti a coi Wlill thiat the it fade one * ber -ther. apat froir Ti ers agai mos Tie ta t day Sil exp. s 1 Ion the art xvhm set, s-ar il f i-fi, 'lu e s- /-; \-~ (... cc ut th diu ge Pour.