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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Feb 1914, p. 7

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-cl ad- but bis oa mue ma bmn rt to. Mid om tud sain- the seni- FOR SALE-244r..'s[4 .4.0 . adveus i441eS4 iC4 W<'adowo)rti >,Ili c2J4 FOR SALE-luu.r îr l'wliy i beiled RY i , r-. 'l,-4( J FOR SALE-4 ed la..>IMI.,ogtuw clover r.-l4 ,,4 se, u , r i l, 1111:1.irti cieqs...,'d itr, iir. azr wrt Centuiry ,iover eed. lrii Ie a 11)(i $14> a 1,0>1>. ) I rîqriir A ugus! /.I 20-2 FOR 8ALE-Ti.o Iarg. .t.r ýi Av, (j 0 PS4hanck. P-21-2 ktA I FOR RENT-At Libertyvlle. 5 r Flst on Efoutb Park A"e, a&H modern Improvements. $18 a n>ontb. Irîquire of Wn>. Rlely, lower flat. Phone 215-R. FOR RENT-A 7-room 11oube wrtb ail eonvoulêene. inquiîre 01Mmi. M. A. Protine ,, C-20-ti USED AUTO BÂRGAINS IF........ + . OR BAUE + FOR SALE-A 85 h.- p. 5pSasnger Cblimbiaautou.obmlp in lirou lame order. Good-lires. baie USer. W,.. LÂvecm 9O9 SALE-7) pufflner 2 c)iînder Boick automobile. $200. Thii car hat been thorougbly overbatbled î.uî.Iin in goud coudieiso». LJIItTY VILLE iliil:,. FOR SALE.% 7 ruoo house tin Broad way., Iuquire of J. K. MatcE (-20 tf FO AE-$;500 Otai>.-etwo mi-in) proved loto with mnil hou..-, a iargsîn. Corner Broadway and Sereiti treet. Job, IUcLeaui, Lbert3 no.,bé7 4 c-20-tl FOR SALE-A quttit> î,!-1.-r(j -,7 and "In~. %Ru J. Sciirec>, K. 1. ÎOR SALE-Fluil loed Par triduo, Rock Cochervle, 0100> eiserI rviligl')r, Are&. 14t FOR SALE-A fewkl..a tî.d& . and Red l'ulIese W11D15ik..>, lîb.-rtj viI.., 1.1. S STT NEW. .,- ---- ---ý-: TOLD IN BRIE!:s Elgin-Petitions calllng for a wet and dry election April 7, were filed ln practicaily every township of Kane c"Inty Friday. McHerry-The employes of the Hunterboastt facturry have construtd a power tce boat whch la driven by a four cylInder motor. The speedy littie craft car. wIl make the oWrner of the power boat green ith envy. Elgin-An inmate who escaped from the Elgin hospital for the In- sane bruits windows. chairs and doors ln a lipel ln Mapfle Park, near Aurora, yesterday. He was captured by diti- zens. Aurors-The state board of admn istration bras i9sued Instructions ta R..perintendent Cardle OConnor of the Geneva school for Girls that no girl ln the Institution shall sufer phy- sical pubent. Punisbmerît is te b2 one day ln solitary confinement. for violation of rules if punished by the matron and three daye' siniîiar punishment If ihe superintendent la ohliged to rule ln the case. Geneva-There siil be no more iipankings" at the Geneva girls' horne accordiniu 10 an order lssued >,ester- day by the stâte Ioard o! administra- t1i5n. Henceforth, ilI b.dIrerted, the ,d 4 2,4t.s4timmle, . iberi.Vs4ie, 111". Most se>ere riunlshireîîtshal e he 4 orconficnement of a girl lii 1cr roolo for i5 .+. . ..+ . . . . .+ .+. e pr-riod not ro enr-ed tImer- days. MfSCE I.&NE 1US + One dav's confinement may be ordsr- + MICELIANEO & +ed by a matron, but onhy after "trah" 11, 1 . + . .++.+..+..+..+. before ('arrle OConnor, (hi- superin- 1-AUCTIONEER-Years of experencs. ti-odent. can longer "sentences'"hi- hi 1iave, ralsed and hougint and bold giveti. Addltionah prisileges arc to - ive stock ail my life and kxrow the hpe extende,i ta the girls, o! whlcli rtvalué and how ta cond.rct a sl to ,they ha d a foretaste yesterdav lunlob- th th(le beat prîces. For dates addresasled rides aioîîg country roads. r. n. JO P V.1onPh- 111 M. uZ- or 2 FOR SALt-12 fot,10I»e.là 1 5(54k ofl I4aU H a admorCru F. 9. Fasset, hoe FOR S^LE-4r.i,iiry piuo, oak e 835 or wculd iake.-tuii.> la>me'nth. Adr--X,l.d-,rdh 1t FOR SAE-2 Prt*herou colts. eomilig 3 jear. ui: I cot,.:i yearso id, %îil muas good d>ir-r 2 3.urlg buls, -I grade hrorMutbeod 1 bhoroughir.-d sliortiiorr>. 1IL)îîontiî oid. Wm. Aniann. Round Lake, Ill. Phone . -. .. -..213.. + WANTED WANTEO-%larrrie,.,an wsetos.tio44n on furiu or %.I4l tai>.' harze! ,- .4fart- 11 March lot, exierwîer"4iBoi,14;.. P. 1 Libertyvilir-. P-19-3 WAN TED- Perm, ithI(4.e44itionas ll»>Usek.-per i1.3 41441441 V% îd,,w eah rie year 0(41 bio. n>>> 1,rr,rr.'d. ..ate wag.s. Mný. %4w4Ie Ild.'Iamî.. Nutfi Cry6t.îl Lake., 111 ,raure oil F3r%it' irn>n- toi]. 24 WANTED-14444 4u.li,l4.44.4gV ,- Prairie V..w. -Il 2-1 WAN TËE - 1laiej.i44liif- o i.r troui4 1,() ti, 844 ares fiim 144 % ite tatI igalh 4rticuiard No rag.-its.diîess R A WANTED-Pomi4t444, iy r,îîddis aged woiîàuiiasdiiius.'b4cer. bîrs Emua Larson ut F. K. l-raai. Phione 265-R2. ILirt iII. . P-21-1. WANTED-To rent a 5, 10) 4r 20 acre farm ith bon-riear liîithiatîd 'ark orna ake, Shre t4>Sni.Probablv wuuidntuy if terrîs ar.-suitabIe. rtiin M. 1'honîjpson,l1016 N. Ridzsway Ave., Chicag- c-21-1 + FOR RENT + FOR RENT-200 iv4,re fai % til rrîem town sul 4j ,d.-i 445pwint Han, ront f.or 54404ciw. 2004 tous4silo, île V miii> bons-; p jt 444.f , atr; 4.-sell aud blasi> sî,l %% IIIru r v1,,,amh or on share Als44 a '234 acre mtoii> and dairy farro <144,1 , 414.4bil4dinigs, plenty aofa'ater, -ircrir liglts arîd j. telephore;04ne tuie front rralirî,d. bn and Bordeni's nul>i plant. Ti>reît for cash or on sharew Addri'ss Brooks & StroerOwnrs Wui4ndlit1. e 20-tf FOR RENT-280 acre fanm, 3% mile. n orihwset of Grayalake. £Iood build- le. plsnty o! water, one of the bsst dadry etoek larme ln Lake county. 4M4re.. O. oCssfld, Libertyville, IDI., 010 ~B~ HulbuU - 0.20.9 City, Ili. sept. 17 to Illch. 17+ NOTICE-I wr i,'t-aui s 4r o4l,'e .r ,'att'h ha.n for 14>0 ait reas5onabie raite. LFij .FIz &- ,W!Àbiarty iIi. . P. 44 Box 60>4, -20 11 MONEV TO LOAN-Oiîî 4npr.4reilreai ".tareJ. ti.tih[ILFI, irer NationalI "Ln. -20 Il1 MARRY IF YOU ARE LONELY-TI., Ri4abI.- C 4404>1.-t ai suctre-sul u rlb li l&rW rit.- r4 n rî <of4 )wr-aI ily ..1444 14. r44 ber. of 4bgo -' zý eII wi.hi.411 eariy marri- site. Dem-r414144n ire-. lMr@. 4rîi4. Biox 2#;41 ,ian, lai. p- 19-4 ESTIMATOR-tWe show yorî. how 14> figures oèt y>r esîrmate. Luînher Dealers, rarpenter.-. luiidere, ('4ntractoro sud Mai.4nry. Se-ud in $1.'50 for tiur I;oplyrighted Etiniator. lit 01>44<4>yvu h,,w ro <pt s <4r torrect estrroSte. SpI.-udid opportu(44ty for agrtits Write t4day. Nrhwetern Pnblrshiug Co., chrvago, Ill. r2- 4- LOST and FOU» D+ LOST-A of1 4411.1 44d44b.ads last we.-i 14 ie4414r-,>44 4'id Ke ni-aa MARRIÂGE LICENSES. r> r g >udgext. Ziion 4 îY . lb. 1 V)-'4r a 1 i 44. fani, saie ... A7 loiýn CXXrIiani, aurîse ,.\inn..28 T4er".a 1ldweli. Killbourit. XX 4 2.4 Ardie 444 4r44544, l, tacjn4' . .... i"rida La'h, I.ake Genei .......-1 Anthon Sacra ici. Waukc-gann . 21 ,Mile Langa>s, North ('lîlago 21 ('harles Suhr. Morton Gros c 2N Alm'a Prahi. Evanstrn ..... 21 Frank Petkovs,'k. City .... . 29 Maria i4urjak. rity ........ 29 Saut>5illowit.ch. Northr Chicago. ..26 Aâ. Prjic, saine...................16 Roi'> Jacobs. saine...............23 John Ogren. Mlwaukee .... 41 M. EL Church Service&. 10.30 a. m. Preachrng, 1ev. W. L. W hipie. 12:00) ni. St4fl4aV sehool. 64542,p. 414Epwoîth L-eague. 7:304 p. 1t. Pr, aehing, lier. W. L. Wbî1,1le. St. LawrenceEpiscop'lChurch FtPc. E4,WAH11 S. %%444144. Priest-in 4'i4Irize Ilol ' v Communion 4,44e(,ry Sunday 7:45 a u. ('irut 'uîiay w rnontb 10:30 a. in. MoIruing rrver ereiy Sunday except ai44ve 104.34 a. ni. Sunday 541>00 11:45 a. m. Ail Boiy Pays. Holy Communion 9:00 Presbyterian 8ervioge- 10:30 a. Mi. iorning worsblp. 11:45 a. rM. Bible Pchoolf -, 6:45 P. ni. hritiýa Erdévorsoclety. 7:30 p. mi. evenink worehlp. ,visitersa lwaye Welcme, 1H. IL ALt.UMM, Pasior., Classes in Biology Today Read Thursday's Sun on Sanitary Conditions in City. The \%Waikegan Pull> Sun of Ti4ars- di> smas use-d toda>' as a "test book"' n the class of liology at thre 'igh P'rot. îousde:i of thre igh achool 11415 morning asked the Son tu fur- r lsh hlm a ojozeti copies of the Issue of Thursday. enlhaîning thIat heesish- et] tb, stodenti, o! bis ta-o hiology classes to look oic-r îniîh rare the article wblcb aiieared on4the front page- regarding the drastic changes in lookîng alter food conditions and gi- cral healhbin the commonit>'. The papers were furnlshed hlm and. ar- cordingh>. the stîîdenis, for tire first t'rue, osed a Waukegan papi-r as a sort of text book. The article covered the situation scry cornp'-ehensIvcIy and that was esiy the instructor wisbed them tu b,- <orne familiar with 'lie changes wblch thre stai,' lias ordered made In tire ity ai once. l'lire .'iiject of the (r ai-s dracussion îo0i.y "a3 *'A Chean titi e and the s . ,artIcîr tceretore cpirie43l rathier 4, ancliii>- SReal Estate Transfers %aeasi,..surashed By.u,.is~ Lake Count>' Tite & '1'mot Co. A,4itrtcd ,!Titi. 'ities (iuz"anteed Maisnic Tl'ml]. Bidg. 1'> aukezan. 111. February i. 1914.,-chri.-iiar Freund and wife. to Margaret Par- haros. 1 acre ini Souilhwest qiuarter, section 25, Elatownsi4p. WV. D. ýl104. C. XV. Lyti- 10 Gottschalk, and a'Ife hots 4 and 5, leises subdivision,. Par- rington. W. D. $1100. Emma Isher to AgIr-s S. Payne; part lots 1 and 6, Vilage of h'.anlroe. W. D. $1. R. J,.F'shmr to C. R. Summers: lots 7 and 8, block 16, Preyer's suit- division. North Chtcagog. W. P. $1. P. W. Bpyers and wIf, 10 N. Ml. llowere; 155 acres14~ section 4, ronds township and in section 83, Grant township. Wuit claIm $9687. February 4, 1914.-Wi. l. jacoh.9 10 C. 1M. Parker; lot i10, blockt 39, Highland Park. Quit cdaim $10. Andrew Nordstron 40 XoceqS Plein- berg; lots 23 and 24, block 1, flt't9 subdiv.ision. Hlhwood. W4. D. $1. F. C. Seidel and elfe tu Emma A. Seldel; 20 acres on east side Sheri- dan road hn north part IVaukegan. W. D. $4500. E. J.. eomarra and wlfe to C. P. Blackmer et ai: unnumbered lot In Wasbburn Siprings, Waukeglun. W.- D, $1. KirNS RETÂURAMI For m veathSe nuA» buos tood for Dure. eI,., fooit. perfect cooklnoc. deel service u"i rlgbt prims. KiMes55takeaprIaisiU. thei bumnem d yu t« = t .ttreat at Mur% Iodai s»d Sou'11sombbOok ignormw. le Goinstoisede Ahm di-ur muiy. ?De Rb A"aMeýC1UCAOO. ILL CeOL Mdia,.m4éqWeoisto l Y ]»UPE»lY, FEBRUABYfl,1914. FAVOR VOTINi ON DRYMEASUEONCEActn EVEI(Y FVE Y'lR MO Many of Opinion Thgt Holding of Election Every Two Years Cause a Turmoil. ales. -e-.- The nnderpigned will si Ilai ptlîli auctioli on the prlini.-L .î,Fiamr> s di Hlenir>' Weiîrnlrg laru, 14, 444mil.. rlh of Lomu Grove, 2 m4i e .>4 iiPrairie Vies sud 3 ulle, outh >f) hianu,iud ags, TUE81DAY, FEtLliAiïy 17 JUST HOW IT 15 ARRANGED. -t2 bs piro ar324n14.-ýaloip - cowe. niikerm and srîit,iii44411 1 If 'Dmy' Win, the 'Wets' Have jar oId, bull M n,întiîs obi,. b1>45 mure fl AL'£14 Up 10 yre old. Wat 1500; lîlaih., 11 rs Il l t to Dring uuO fAatter Up inoId, Wl 1500>; blac-k riar.' 4 yis ,,îl, VtL the Same. Manner. 41600; bIack colt 4'rouing 2 vr. o4 ,1. 1414>4 colt 7 nounts -Id. :I gui l',r .... îl , t tri %ieiw o! the tact that th.e 'drys' 17 c.ud sl,,,aîs, 841 Ils rmc ifiiik4î444 Ë ha,, ie i 4d a petitiof su ich ii cures o gai> , . e, 4lco rr.r k >4444V. cr11 (,a il %oi4e beig taken upon th, loc4al Opt- 0 hk'ir,2ili wtti), ton4 qu1estion at thée04 441-4>40n h Oîr,'c i.' 2e4lk li>î!, file Sprng, and beeau4.e 11,-r,'is a-p1lcic2 s Iiw 0u-m44.4.44 , sca>s fileposslbilItyIfinit 1the salooni'Pare 13sdé1 ilk mti t414loip'lits wrill deve I"i, 44400gb strengrtlii make the to4,ii "dry," I -îrs r..- u>anîî, .t2iîn, s intcresting (o consider waat tue bl.WihIag ttetank, 2eri.ur4iari s- i,4îk. 411e 1roc-ielîre in sucli a ca4' s..î.oud be.I 20 irishi- Isnrd w a ri, uoiT O sîcier. Il) l'coplie generaliy un,1 rriarîd that 1buohei sre-d corn, star-t .-.rn .i>lk. 4C %'sý th4'Oe rys" file a '-dtton Itltul, lv, -.I.,i a ýI] gir-s îhim tiereightito 15, 44-on the ii- rusiî.l rl4jbct see.ali 1b4raris-. o question0, bot thoreaille-n n airuslîn do 2 f4-ggi4Ui,,. F444 44r-atIcu1,4 44471 kîiow v. at would lialil44'iiii i)race nIi4, 1; I -l ternis. tîi,'4 aere vîctorious and 444,-'mets' .14 e %%i '-ied to hrng the matt. 4.î a 1 ote WiII4aP.. . s.4,îc i1i, ai tii, eî.4uing elt.ctioli. Iieur,' 4 i ,4>o4 c As',*a mater off actl, îi,'aets'- aî,,îld lbave th proceed îîî the -saine Teuti bet way> a, thie "dry$."' Il tir,- 1,,.s be- ti4a, Urlie , ll4 I a iu 4i411 -iqîi , rine *4 -dry' the 'weti,- a ui iîhave 10 I01 55 i a bl .- b ltn cirii laite a petîtion to 5rin t lOie issue 1l;n ..loth m f1,1-rý,i1W 14 4 a uie. but instead of heIii,- 444 4-rm i 4lie .ýu I 4eatiA G4.rut><4,4,i4144i oot be-lîg î,ropourided, "Ea lal insi, ie flowî, 4iflou,441 Ht4i4,iulk Il.>t14,ti D I anti 4alIou4n territor>' 7 41 i ,i41 be i CR81). Ei 417. "shiall thi.-beconie 54>1004t4'rrii4)ry? C4îuncîi i 4. ,ika 4M. harp. XXer fl4-ic4h"drys'* go about getting fîleiu,, ooi>,g 1roptrt> IlCki or>ky signuets for tbeir petitiolr'4tlîey findtbîurse j;4ipras o41,1, so n itihlîaî icýsC21 many aîiuong the merchant. arnd otiiers kwuri>ius-fs. 4 ei. ,)ie 4 45im 44I4 a io do 44,41 cars to plaiic lirrsignaS tiiii,'kr45. 144 Itus-a ducklo%-cuis .uni> tui4 iliponthe petitionis lcause cthey ir.,r> ahi-i fatr 5in gon,.latii n ago,,r.2 are feartili thaI Snel it aitan ouid 1hay rock>s, fondi gracel 454>41444, h k-a, cause- ihF-m a losof bnsîi-esand sprnrg exprers Vwagon444, 4144%%V. ,c-1 st,,ue- lrietîd'-iuîuon the part ouit4he4 V.ets." i 44,at. Kicblil 4deu414raie r4o~p Onu the othler hand, tue'. couadnt r4rt au4 1 harnu--,. r-'.i,î e ast rupole, 4cr) ell'i >igf thre petitir4iialuihtieii 1gh lkt ,4a4 4 i, 44. 41,14r,îaîj l4îggî, -wet, ruogut prssen ecause oui-y t'lrandid n4-a iulbr tire l-iiLgg3~, sirgie mou44ld roi w ssh to antagooi2;e the ilic atin . 44, fi .gyaii dr'. - Tlius the slgning of tlue peti- ihii.- urre>', irekîcg -art, lailnu wago.4n 140144 in each case wouid irasve 10be1 ehî>ipputr4p 40 learî -came. 14>44 doutble 44ne lî thise wbo are out and ouit ruiilirr, ieas-y >4e-ly, p là aý .44wagng1 -I41,cr loirftle saloons or agaînst the.in.eîrilug., 2 set- hcria boi- uruî 3 Tuirc are inany people V.ho cay Iliat - hiflierees, neis Chari>pitii 444145.ng tlh"e cI-arnd "dry" figlîts shouid nmachinre, brand Lica grain in,uil-rut nuit be h-ild everY two years. They120 acs grain ,ucl.4 -rond 144440irrg say Iti-e aPta"'and <drys" shouîld de- uiaeli'iîs.2 hors, lîay rai>. -)2metedrage., clire a trure an4d agree that no mat- [fine î,uiscrîr,î. ridîug cutiliati4)r fcuarl>' 4cr a 144,44 '..ulu n, the tratter wouid uer>, vealing rtltî, atlr. 2 wali>ing not he brouglît 40 a vote again for at pI,>as, 2 sulky p>' s tonsbi,4at, li-as'> hiast fise >ears, or hetter yei.. ten expreass arnes>, Crs) cmv.'. ight situgis ',eairf. They say It doesa oct make so buggy harni su osanly res. liavy buggy rnocb differenc wbich aide wl.nsot harnese. 2 sers heavvyteta a,, ,r-si-as irmit that tb.- rîty %,ould recoser front the1 clubse; 5 fi> net@, ice louisé, 2 kitchens sirck. but tirat ti..- constar>, agitation rige.2 Cni1ilfr5t.r, c.4iuare piano. kee-ps the -cit>' uîettled aitIre lime 5,44 r4d furniture., 2 heuvy set mersas. and no one knnas exactlY wbat 10 do. b,14 aled ha>', 10 ton@n goîud stras Sortiesay thr-y îiik the locai option 4541 shocir. 44f cornfi i 1,1, lc,i'iaio sil,C ia' should hi- atîetrded to that tiihe us, aIiilltnIteaand eviisra, .laire, ehections cooid liot behed so afel r'bars andinatîny ots41r articles tîo opon dtus question l irous.to mrention. i sua4>1ternis. __________________WilliamCl'a, Prop.. -red C,rabbe. Aoutioneer. UNDECIDED wuu ______E EiETS MARRIED TO The uidprsCugted ha> it ng liued tii RIGHIT ONE FINALLY ul:it411-siae o Roind 'PLt RIPAY, î'.IRîî 'îî ,9 Miss Mile Langas, YWho Had 414wI44IVi>cig ut 1 Io îci,. k nitesharî,. Two Licenses inside of One ti4c t..llueuiîg pi ,rruhed Week is Now a Bride. 4Iad trd i Il.rcc-N iîiîgru" 4lliIC Fi- l 4a,,,i7 Irer .4l,, st 314410; b lîas îru Wauk Iegant . 7 il ".Fm o dIt 441400>: gu- ieî ýdi4g Alitoltu, W4 Xauki-gan -...-12 I) ilei-Langar, .\,îr1h Chicago. .-.2l1 lý..& ,ýýfl ,t I. 44 i oui.4(4 iars ild,, %ît 1:100;4, sorreli Tire abor.- ij4,4tiag i.i'-lcense issui-d hrs-e,12 >cai m îid. V. t 1 504 l44v bi,44 toda>' at lte r,4i4ty rlcrk's office cul- 3Nia.od ýE11ý; I l minates tht toWi i, hlove affair 'of ii ed l'Y u -g ,r i-; 404Hi-ad .44 MNigsstile iIi44>4a4 îîitictiwere rehate] ui -:l'df n(I ýo ,ilsr e in detailii n Tii' Sunilast evening. lbhe If;I , - 11-, sc I 444i,-rm, blan lce feston- of a'li<(i, Iat on io*day 11, 1 1n4 iIt IL.e.piinrg;1 ihr, e-yiar 4,id a liienie lrad 144iiý,seid psrnittiiug bull, 1I)(jui)g iuli, 4 yeuilll4g helers; bier to wed o:r-il.> hDalman. Theiîc 41444 hn'llouitC, 46044)if,uco crn, 4 girl. it is rer-alI1, .îppeared St tiîe stuî,- Col ,in .544 rýL,î, k-, ilulirtit>' clsrk's office >r-. 4,4day" and wlabed an-; 4d44l'lol,,,ir 11, 4aru, quantity iuay other licenisi- 1< îîî.rry Tony, explairî lng asitedîd îî,t ,,îi te marry Pal- mani. TIhe cherk shi-t i, ir 10 the priest for advlce and the4 prl4'44, head o! tihe Lithunanisos, ai, 4,44fd Iere witli ber (bisg morning andh C\i4alid matters. He assured til ,,i si e .e usdil ot lurar- ric-d DPimitand ,iit.erefirewisuei- titled to sa 4r4to-, 44 iarry Tony. It wsas isiued, îîtîi 0w 'ciremony wasi perfornicd iutlr iii tlir day. Tlîus.MMi,,', u ,a s thre tan olur claims she l nir :îi. c, hue Dalman, who canme lii-'< froia, uBols, Ili., trI get lier arndmnitr>-li-r, gtill bas tlie marriage lreiise, is nut thé mone h e paid for it. but h14.uo bride (o go uêitb ItL Accordlngly, lie a411 returu to bis titree cblldren ini 1)îtols, a viser, but dlsaappointsd bsoi-r. a living example -a-tjiradaga that "therej_Mffl aeslip." 'etc.,iscnse, ire went 'wth the girl (o the marriage tîcenue office snd thére sbe belpsd film get thre mar. niage license wbicb shej latenr rfused to malte use of chen Tony aVpmerçd upais the scene. ni i ba, layra,-,large. otmtras star>, iu4» rark, -,0 Ih iIsIîcl t 1t)., iiug i.>54t',lciiî4> srti.binder, sscederc 14cc'rigl grain biiulr, 3 metrs d rags, iiîCi u u44ii,î5'i- >ai 44 ig ploa, ('ame Gianig 141,4, 12 uer h piocs s, ii-s: Case sullIs,, î.hus-lîca>îgaltarunuerut, Came nti rîlaliteIi. 4.' w, 120 4rds vcire; 14-.,île potiîto.1ii44,-w4. ultilî i1r, fflk.1 i 1L414>, .2 s 1akiiî 4 ii arm hîrucc. ii.:>- 14i>es, 41er-i aî,eelt >5 ai,. iI isii > iii liliuire sîîrr-a.er. buggu -2i,, i. itirs wa a<pns, siaîl tau4 la, s,11,k V.agoli, tank heal.'r. set a,îîg,,î, sp. '-, g, -r-l c ukî-r, Ful-r & .iIî,,u .l ç.4g elîgilie, large g,îi- s'ai,, z,hii '1-, Jki i41> -corni clchr. gritih- mtiet,6cri 444 b. sales, 204 mii> r-sus, strainers, (44uie liig-trouguis, foras, @hovele, moulîe hlioehoid gzocds snd other arricles t,,u rlimerons tu usntion Free4 lunch aht noon. l.isral teran. l'ugene 8uilivan, Prop, Geio. Vsog.ei, Auctioneer, R. W. Churchil, Clk 1 - 1 The underelgned nvlng rented bit Lekoes big wel-lDUlDN.farta wlI oeil St publie auction. 8 miles1 . £lasslfled Ms Il are heas'> :producere anrd the>' a'e al Y'oung. Ver>' les bas bad o<.er 3 ralvee. Wr- have 0<44 sîared lime sorthuones' in gettiDg thi's erose logether. nu one aili il(- ailos-sI tu brin41 au3 thiug t> for wrle snd notluinic will lis lid in. tiaod free lunch al,. noun. Usual terlia, It ER Thoias, Pr..p. George <4 4grl, AutIioneer. IL W Chiilil, ('1erk. c2- CLARENCE N. DUIRAtSO. Attsrne,. Adjudication Notice,. --h-ir S5 ý4441,, ,4t A-1111 il4lilamil,4 W lr-, î. l ,Ise l ] ilattei,,l th.- (.-Itlty ('444I4 i i Lake, (,isit> -at a tenutheceor t,1( I., îiecuî t 4-thauurt iHase i n icrýahI. 191i. 1 tola 41< 1 441elui- 11 1> c,,c ha, 4, -44,s4it4itaid it,4eare ii4ti4icd a..( cci, Sd neeiir th, ...ie4v4. laij,il.,ut th, E RN FSTI'li1344444V> F .c. ut,.n W-4lir. 11-Iil -1 19 '14 Fci, 13u20 rÇ LYELL M. MORRHIS, Atioiey fur te.. Adjudication Notice,. 4'441 i ltîu e ii 4Y Ki,,,)44 4 at 4iý' 5444 ecrîienAdsu,îiiraî,r hl,- Fiiair ni Lcal. 8:,lioun ,-c c-l.li atte-nd the oity C'44un .4Di.a k,- ut -44t) >a c...theccof 40 he hoideài, 1 u-t iirtie 4,eilui, Wukegi. n eaid C(44,44414 h,44 ii t ctI.day 4of A til next, i1i9144 ('l >liii mii-,al] vermons using clahie, 5alüh id salttn.are nîîtiei and1re- qte t, 11 c-scIL t he mato4ute40uid4Cot,, fo-nr 1 INRYS1144'44411. Adslel,cr.- Wiikci wi lii l , it 1) Jan. 30 44 il 13 LVELL H.l. ORIRIS. Att.Me>'. Adjudication, Notice. ,4. -'.> IItI r4il444 44t iili leitii'1ntnnt i 1 e I l >4 :.. 4, 4 4&ccs4, ,ii-'u',d atrt it ti, 4I4I4 r,,t' Ili L,aýC4-oaiuta t4r.m "" b44 i1, iei,, Ithc,4,rtiltiose i. 55 a Rii, u4,4444 siditOîît444lIh' firs lon4 n44day iA -Ilrient. 1914. Clu and554 hi-r, &il i-e -,îr. uiiircaliru,, SCaitIsmid 5i44 -NiaIsare 4444ti ,inreiut.tr 4,tne, -,4t the-ramne 10 muid4 for4440 adjudliîatloil. BEN H. M<ILLER. Exe,'uror. W~aiewan.l[D.. Januaru 20. 1114 s-tan.8>e. 65-13 i The absence of any Weather cold eliougb to freeza tles beginning 10 worr3 thre icemen and ever>' day that passes aithout real cold véather Increases their worry. But the>' are ntrt thre aIY'Ones who are worrying. The consuiners are wondértng wheré thé supply for next ummer ia comlng froni. ouua-d te i &m. and à ic .M .)AILY. ' Uberty,ieIIliMants, PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING Clotest attention paid Io arrarrgimg auctionsspeand bpnt resue in hal ing sanrie. Ail kinds of horas, wagkonsaad harnesi. for sale or sichiange at ail timos. HENlRY SINIE Phonos 148 or 48 MION CITY, ni. J. L. REDDINfi, MA.M VETrERINARY GUROHON Graduate Chîcago Vet. Collage Off ice at Residence. 779 Grad- Ave, Phone 1136-W. IRED GRABBÉ. JRM EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Lve Stock and Farm Sains a Speciaity. For Reference C«»m Out ad Her Me. Telephone 261-L-2. Area. Illinois. DR. VICTOR C. HOEFNER OBTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 215 Madison St., Waukegan, nt~ Offlie Houri. 9-12 A. M.; 1-4 p Id., 7-8 P. U., Sundays by Appontmnt 0513 Telepbou M81 H. J. POILE General Auctinee FARM SAMES^Ai SPECLALTY (let nry té rinfis elore ongaglng your &ce, tioneer. l'vp notblng to mi] anrd them. fore can igive my individuel attention %o Luy cusotomere. TALKING PMACMM1E5 Ait kints. Fr,.h. Ocflian. liaitan ana @jpa.- j(11l isnuatre Utâ1ts. When 7Fou VaUt aa- chine 44r recorde. > eal uWIvnaffla ESt-W Or cetJcalsii. 2m4 JAMIES 1. LYOS 25> West Lake St., Chie&"o PriSaxor à vowL Grlgg-"ýTbis niorning 1 emWM a frament of Convtfston btom i native ad a foreligner. Th. feoo was sayins. 'The **o." nesumbu',. 1w pronounced kki'T' ia J1»L' -WI.% Word do you osuppos, hi reforrilter~ Brtgg-*'That'a easy! *Wom%* 4« The i»depredeat les ait. NONE RECEIVEO FOR LESS THAN 26 CENTS limumm -------------------- MI W- bat.- liste,! ith os mmuîîe irolitt' good su,,i-r>î uic4a owned 1»' pi.opie 5hlasord.en tcsMachines forep~ring ulilu'.'y. We bar, un- tis detinsi ratnng Car, 4eet rie igbtm. lectrir tarter 4144.1 i' ýgiarantes Itit r one year. W. have used it fuor dernotrat- iîîg amiu las nî 1-cethan 2004) miles. S6ea iurr-a 4444,41 .i' t at a bargair p,, i-e Hase a r4ari) nes 'baltiera ie ai,. sbîu.u aargKai>i Me4, ahi give io a. 4 giian>ic.- 414t on i-Cars tîat ir,-ius . it. i4tandil arei>nc g to 4 *c li uc 4' h- i ci 4i. i-20<4tf Dortbwcsî ioi Prairie Vi.w. ain iles 5551 DYMOND t AVSTIN o! iaogi Li>. ad 4>~niis ont ~Luns. Insurace. , lEtt m Lilcnîy ville. l sm Ià NUl l10A'. FER 21, House Reming Conirisn'.inc ai 10 O'ci,,rk pshari', tu Offie in Kaiser Block. fill>wirg pr44.jert>. 4 a.rti ,ý ir's IBERTYVILLE. - ILlLINOIS. 14 iii> -W.a, 2 IcisIh,.isi. i l.7.1 -Iickri. 444.-m l>' tirt'.tIiig tei llt. Ii rolli Piano gshred4ier, Piano greii riiier EL14ANAN 'W. COLDY aInLJO@t Dow, l)e eriîgri, Iii., i 4405r, Attorvrey-st-Lsw 1(45.> léiand hay i4,aiiei, erisig l14' l Morley' to Loan on Good Approved Reui rakle, pulvéIriz.-r.,in )"-,Te .-nlkv .îIîEtt..4 vator, Blradley 4',)ir plantrer, 2 hard Office ln Triggs Building. Plowos, irci, sas aandfreinie, set .irag.. ! LIBERTYVILLE, - !LLINOW! Prairie City sede, anilil'îg î>ijli,-,()il lbs. omale, 2-huos. 4.er gaeollie etgirne LYELL H. MORRIS aud puni[jjack>, unIs-r .ag.în 2 )ar ATTOFIET-A&T LA W truc>,, miii> wago.n, 2 Pet, do,,e Lbe rtyVille IlfîhOil harnems, surrey, m<.>i igl4444 l4l4gV. la>' 4L.e a4r11g rack, msit dtump puntk.,4 i4i .ater: x-..Pho>ii 1'2 R. Jflc P née tanx, 2 4 i. .,4 o4liiî4 i>i,k arge, ssaiîg kett le,. 2, tini4.0(»ha>' i, MARTIN C. DECKER 4004 i,hPî 144 4444444 il. ,4(il4444 0114e-tJPP.> IHti$t. lertrie Sitation liisele V.Whiter- f 44,>! d lfr ",, h lay 4liir- 1'lîn. 4 e.. Nr .1ý, forq, r4.pes aiI 1l- ,(i44 4444k 41>, 4 R-. hosI Frc,- lui),. 44 nt 44,44 l>iilt'41,iPAUL MAC GIJFFIN. - r,% Il. l. l.-ers Pr4444 ATTORNEY AT LAW. lieu Q ie lin, l cri>.lje Big Public Sais of Hoîsteins Cows ard Heifers, DR. O. F. BUTTERFILD, Th>e laisnu 4rîg ol.d 1i ail .4.41 my VETEItINARY *IUIt8EON. erîtire herd o!f 451-hcatie le u the sI'ATirT EEIAIS lI4.rouCo( la lutîi, :Imiles ri>rtb o! Li.il4 enuh'nd: >îiiirs sth (,! ulrtàeLbryll iiid W 1 NEiIF1) I,% i-REFI 2, 41 Cehs 4tMAt fCfetepeared tSi, et lu blIrt t[w aY eena. ever rae , our ,so,k. "mV s. '"I~r ll 1 ouil Hlilsein, cois s, 2 A JC T I O E E R r44' irilkcts, 2 sîu 45er. 4414411 grade 144 Eim.ed Ave,, Walaieist, Ilmoi. il, isteill loa al i.- i.l'r,2 lugh 5s e-hatte.-&tue y 601 date gin..Ay4lie %%e44 In'W inllker, 1 springer,4 P~uiliaillco %@ e-'>mil>ier R. .V.S il M. higi>gradelilolstiliiellingel,, DR4L V.1WT Yo4lJt ow sull 4»5 godled.rsit4>.sGENERAL PIFACTICE Y('trju'OW8w0ud Maiftgour federg tiurý ne10 4. .2Ste 4 and 7 te FI) Iligrgrade H.IstPriiheufrr. ieas>' oSce ove' Ray Furnfture milre. sPr>gris 2 Seag 191oi 12 yearlinig SPEcrAi. ATTEN4TION 'r<J TUÉ EYE belrs higli grads 114,oiîc4î,sMNFI>gb LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOWS grade Holsteiii hei4rrl10 norlîs oid, 41___________________ 1îgi>grade Holstin»s4 nmouille ohd 8 hîgh gr-ade Huoteinis hellest 2 m44nth44 DP. J. L TAYLOR old, hîgh grade Hoisîcn biuli 4 ruontie Office in Firait National Battît uiIl dieu ,ld, fiull tI10"d Hlstein iîulii2 yeuaeold, 1101711:-1 to 3:3) 11i ir 2>hiad .41 itood work hor&es, gre->'tean ienac-nfrau> poiePr N 54114>4 41d at 24404); Tuantb,,rse LàOtjr) bvi.e, lîinois 111-Ii-r 1 140(0; blac'k horse 14 y Ts oi4i, at 12504; rhestnut mars 9 yrp old, a, 125,0;,150 husiiels good srcd harle>'. DR, GOLDING 10 tu4 ~ g..44d tirl.o4hy li in ha4ro>, DENTIST B. L. L. rulkiuig tmachins in firât clam@ four.s 8ta 12 L.m.-i ta Stu. ruinigurder, Stover gasoline engluie onsPoe 9-J. Na e-e.aPhonk 57J 2ij home poawer, Faitbank Mors, gaso- Ofc hn 9J in hn 54 hili ine 1 hore power, pump ja..k, I»Ihertvvie. Illinols Johusmton corn, binder, nuber wagoni, truck . agoni, lever dreige. set e-pring DR. AX H. CHURCHIL touth harros, Champion potato oigger. Physicien and Surgeon grîndst,,ns-, large nîik tank, Jascsville Offieuver Ileeeraà nuire Diraitore4811 HOUM Se 10 A. X. 1908.7908p . sulky cutivator, waliir plus, tank Specail telon te Erye . r.41neaac'Týmo heater. ha>' rops ana Icirk, feed cuitesr, GLASSES.PROPERLY FITTEO MceCormimîË muiîng machins, Prair'le Liber5yville. - - - -l~ni City sesoer, 25 miii> cau@ and aevçral other articles Undoubr..diyliii. i. the DR, E. H. SMITH.L nest herd of dair>' cows ever put up for DENTIOT. sale, in Lai>s 4ounty. Thsennosî of tiie 3E L cows are thse1sKhal @train <if Holstein> vaLKLcu??STOA AE ,t,(] ý ý [wre "' il- 'Il' Io - -- lý i 1

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