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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Feb 1914, p. 10

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-IIy ffli* GtiÈS TO THE GAS OFFICE AND ViAKES DEMANO 740 7STÉPS BE TAXE% WIIIÇH W.W1ýI, NéR5SW.TS 'WIAQMtTS H4e FAS'BEEN LENIENT Ili HOPE COfMITIOt IsceSuo-ATTE8S HAVE NQT lIMPRD'VED, AS CPMbIÀtS TOAY WERE ICRE NOWEROUS TIIAN' Il &Wf'OfIMl» TIMFRML NOTICE SERVEQ IN à LgETER FROMA MAYOR GI VINS THE COMIPANIY JUST 48' H~8-4WHUK TO MEDY CONDITION'OR STEPS "t BE1 TAICEN TC FORFELT FRANCHISE. Watskgau, Irab. 17. ~E~LOPENT INW SSITUATION. SMaîyor Serves gas company with notice that if gas ii' nproved materially within 48 hours, steps will b. taken to forfeit the franchise. SAI p a permolial visit to o1ffiee to-explain how C e 'elson matter. SInstead of gaabeing better, today brought more Som»plainte than any day yct. Wonien of c4ty declare they have beeîî made seri- ouslysick by ppisonous fumnes. 5Physica"s report many cases of bronchitis hýve developed or beenie aggravated as a resuit of the or cndtion Ofle 9"sga. ftSuggestions have been made by several people 'that the way to bring the gas company to time is te 4eýae a 1;nuiversal boycot CeOM RO "11 R -MAYOR'S ULTIMATUM Vil. l>theeu aaiUîet0fthea Tva been lenieat as long as 1 cen North morea0Gai companY tisat tiesa tandtiIlu ,thsgis initIer anti ac- selJhszr qon5~Ju gtisaegai for cortlugi'. 1 uervati a notice on tise gag tie "j. daisba ohleaidue 10 compauy this moranug that iomethiug tq,* *PM t 0,f qoul rectiv0ad vocid hava te ha doueabsiout tis alat ithte condition. luans[n ham nmàalyaIy~ ilMaor - bw*l«b j,4aof -people Piiasger Iodai as he az assea vai th qf isaty ousvlaimed to- lng avai'trous thse Norths Short Gao 4q riq O es f tic fhe slad empany'sioffice., t~a.eu bu auba a i Ss outa&ui ,ha mI: "l'va gl*n ba~.Ij>g -$ism a chance 10 clear tisa situation iq*MM4-aeueavareiiutà suant tiai'bave't douaeo. lu fact, I i temes u.a l ensure myself nov for glvlug tisan 11~* r tsa v 0.0ow ai aslong a limeasai1 have. ch il Il ebu»iste. *puahantiWr.doa affl l 1 reer hmen aWose lua uz'Mqo"M aio hm ebWWa sIt.e "For. ntaI of nmattera Improt'- ~~ usama obaca" arelg, tiey are mg luworsa. This, O*flenbwW to thse mpoa. mong 1 raelved, more cousploluts P M u1" 0 bjte<ohnmahtislisa at any previous Ut ilnca hie Scondition bais am ra.- trouble sFtarwt. Tise complainte came wSz.o.sas , amai tcfb. la iS faittt i sa ore ailtise vay ime esmis e ubreati tise lm" t'alirosgb; t seea a aeia titihe -et unaiba ibu&i hr homes caumatiPublie imuit stand for such a state iv'th bew pÇçào .affairs. $mm *mbat& a1 . a th am, a UncetinWhat te Do as tlapfm~zIt ig ail vari' vaS fis 90q 8qag0y tu -Attribts e i»neau. i esisert andt herefore tisa mmi~aapour gratis of tai but stuation lu bad ta ibandite 1 g.t te- tb~l~glgtif tise e-, omwgy snui& W.causeo rier tiseu lu shul 0091 moa vsexmed ti v- oetlthe supply a» tiat vould ha vore ýQa doim age tisatise condition vouldt u at uant. $, w rewet 00 »a. beI a la nov. Tbay.may :4o? W.ouit dos'i isav at tise prou- .'tM or tuIvo or tisree dl ais tifua but 1,wamregoiug tb do some- lb M .ilMd i nme e u .gellig thjlng andt iat s'igt soont.' 0UaItIy 1Wer but todai' lt vaàs ut MaoElngrtsuattiecy as t as er. Myo Bd-fl - lftth - t Mrssmat 15 lé- pomeble for us tit1 dWMU» a logeaIt on tise gis com-1 t»'",0obe a a siesoday. .'if ev- eMI 00ensMe, n he isectY cosuplanai1 e! tbe condIton and ratissai to use thtgem tise Comaniy voui- ha beob-1 lIa tift gvabtter protuel and 1i aalivbboed tisaIt thaCondition could 1 belehieilaivtin à afeu' fours if tise gis cepaiMmy ere not afrai tisaI il vtýd sllgtsty dacreese tisier eu- OUi Profite. Because tisane la no cons- pailla. ere tisa sasCompany seems te tisss l* au«0giva us aûY qualiti' o9 aus M cisoomasanti charge any rat« It dom, spropen. It'a hiigistiana "IL, vie, ba& eougi vhenuse coz. - Mfl baisa telgblWs a grade of gui vish id tIinol rankfltfty pen cent vithetsa inti va necelved fùnmenly, hW tt Vi vs ddtug Insutî W lajuny Ises t4PYai'emoal dbubleê tise price ou" ti mcispoqMrnarce" .,qesOf People daclare tui'yen.q eioite dlpaounue tse nue ot o! tlt(u, is sais home -becauue or tihe Itmb"i l ats-On qliti o!flise lib& *_" 9 $Uop4mble expouse tlsey badl lbelr boutai Vire t or abctrieiLy. Mq@4ia tbUlgsurprise tie se, tisai gigýMd tisaI tisa aiseof tisai.hlUis bai Inceasetiratisar lsau becoine amsr. Tisera neyer hau beau a tlp.p~n tsacomplulut agalat al ae " at thlb .presagl liane ». UOM AMD osmoe.lu ui*a m ,tise- mms ealveti NLT. As-are.g ce ~p1v1misml&i"*Ms-mMot- ~ ~ I~MU i Ula vN a a ~i'i1W. e~,- pestus-ai't olicers wbOTO e oand Corporation cousel Bulklby were to study up lu dotaI! the gaz company's franchise unda, whlcb the Cosmpany oliarates bere. Vollowlng a eareful perusal ut thse ordinsýsce ullier vhich lise Company Qýpestes, Mayor Bidinger daclded migisty suddenly what ho would do about Ik. Ho founti a clause wbich XIveî pow- orto1 thse clty to demand that tise Comspany furniss. standay4 quqJlty of gai and he knQwi tisat kind bas not beau fursbled for nome Urne paa. Te Forfait Franchim , Sa ierei visaIt the utor 414: lia wrote a ltter to General Manager Choodnow, daclarng; tisati f tha con- dition eft s thevl ut Waugas lu ne remedlsti Inalde of forty-elgbt houri, ha. viii take e tspo luhaqe tse, City foruINWY forfait tise franchise under which tisa Company operates ln 1h15 City. »Oare lulasthe aira. latter lnth ie --m~,ey, b ic Iti, la eauentisecoon. ditions muet ba retnadled at onc or serions Complications wIll ariase. bd. and misevas unable ta get about, tisat eisa vas apittlng blooti mucis of h.à daYand, Mu. Moffett vas lu a simiar statà ail., day and lait alht eyePttn tâAt bal, limbe ver. not af- f«aialDMfUmmt we omen athIbuted tg:"tis»la athe gai fume.. «Ouea *0miff BRgisreservafri and leel mi isfle.article aepe," sug 1gaulaIo0»ebuitues.man totiayth iflue vlwth the suggestin madie by tisa Sun *j tant veak. P"raps tbats tise holu- f iONe of the Mater aller ail. and ,ô dau10bt the maYor Iull lok into tise rsuggestion snd datermine - if thsat *noi remady the itu&Uon. 4- À IM, SurpisiqlyFineNouitAt- the Agemt Wtén. Parsuluglon. Ill, rab. l8.-Speclal t0 115 Qgn-Tisa Fovier 'IgiSýor todUday st is.lKeti1). L. Urown, tise exPres agent ,at the local ax- preu QIiCO., attar roiiberg hati gsgged anS IMMM-k bISa hlm. * Iesqbem eatomu the afia, Igrabbeti DjOw* tAnd after saagug hlm rôois he 1.Bale 0f $6,400. Wixen, »rowm vas fomurnInectci ous #4 1&5terrible sisape, it vas fuît bO voll bot nacoves but taklng a chance, thea men calieti frox tise fOre d(@Welgpt betqPurtre eifttie luugW;àuh. viscb is as uselilhsur.n illsly fine remua as it nit ouly revived bhlm but vas tise mansof saviug hie lire, afcondlng btis te opin- ton. of IUren and pylclaus or thîs commun"t. Tise Inugmouir letu ti le machine wvicis18 beng mauufactured by tise -COmpaay launcised by Frankr T. Pow. ler and lu vici D. B. Clarke of Watt kegsna lu nov aetiveiy intaresteti anti lu vhlcis a nunsber of Wankegan men bava Investel jnoiey. The" vîli noie the auccaui of tise machine at Fanm- lngtou vils much Intereit, Uloodheunde Trace Roblisns Mre' visat a datflied i dspateis says eftisae roibery: parmiugbon.,niI., Feb. l3.-Poffs lonRmatibi' tisa heÉZ llf iltvo blooti. honnIs-eau' today bagua mcouing the cQuntrY for a trace of thse bandit vho uissggat C. L. Brovn, agent, of tisa ex. Prais comisan, isreanaulescapel vith $4,400 coisigned te tisaNailoa-i 5i3nk o! tise Republlc cfrCisîago. Tisa monai' vai cousigueti bi'thse baiblg firm oI A. C. Steeaberg a Compani' of Farmngton. Tise axpasa office la loct lu tisa bau building, andi It, vis hase 1h*1tisaeattack oc- -urre&l2%9 se S en tered tise ex. pres office andtid B rovu hi&a uina vas Perkins andt mt ha vas iooking for an express paliage. wlsu on d1 that tiser. va no pacisaga for him, lisa truck Drovu over tisa beadu bo.at hlm into, ugcousoiousueàs thoe bounnIanti gaggd hlm. Broya vas found ais isQnr later. butdid not regain comaclomegg sfor Ivo iours. Phy». clans reort tisai bis sinfL la fritured asti tisaI hWiseviproisabliîlie Immnsbis inuries. Hlu ssaisiota givyea a - plate description or tise robbqr. Offciais et Farmins"lou1ev. biset tlire mes compieti tisae job, as thnee Straisgars bat beau loltenlng arouist tise expreqp, office ail day. G. W. Conn Aso- Wants High Sohool Git. Make Own Ordmss 'George W. Coon o! Woodstock, speaekng before tise liane County ScisolOI cers' ieeucisiou. Tuesde., aivocatedti isIatavri' scisol sisulti be a isolllug Place and tise teachers abIeeMark&. "Tise holding etfsx>- ilîirslmýeetiagalunohool ibouses wlil elimuate hunkinlas palts," he sald. lie aa advocated tisat botinssiag Isext .yaar thse scisool olllceas asic- clistion voulti h essiangedtia lel,i hbanar, fermeas.teachere. pe4toMu tisa Pnes s d tise Y. M. anti.X,-.W, C. À.ie. Thie orgaulsation shoVij tisa be Mo;de stata-Ule, ha salti, and sert'. as a claarlug bous for ail iegilation, Thft loglslatim n vis.' tisa peole vanteti coulti ha praetedt 0tise log ýtu" iethrougi tisaqiua ndi ve abouti bave more direct anti baller iaghulstion. Ha favore thtie absolition aI wntte exginatione for su. iis afier tisaY hati lait, lise aejsl grade. lHe sai& tisaI tisay boud buov onqugis o! mar- alitY anti the etiici otd4eceaçy ta gu a teste tor tis.e hatl#*ertsw. ,- HA vOUl4 elminjus, mseS Of ise t"gbls lit5nAture. tisat n h4oae tise, hinds of yous4g gir,#. le xFeuil taB tliai- Wtor aand erlthmelâc, and in- ~teso f vnitten examnAtjup. ,b would requin.e U eahflMaI. fat gslitijalon 10 eý4seer ta àa4m"eusa- tlrely of han evù,u ailng cartyng li ber rlgist haut a Ioà! o! bragd wviici site isat d a banal!r., . -Mn. Cqnna ls«tSx tohe tiaqpp#og: Of scisoo] taxgelon And ina#.o>.fpr tsaitlng lise sci slfat nitaiM suSas Ibrougis -ise marketing. 0f the protihctu of vocatlonalirlugci- Nu. of ii, !Duniep.-Pr mldant of tis assoclbb vgmï thési amoud-1 smant or tis alwhi# 'quWn il l'scio<sI c00$ers to, visit ise uclioolà at least oncS a,,anutis or haublatited ti0a rftWIamn ust Stand Triais F ME LL.E1NOIT-=««:AN auil Agebsp 5 Fer-or ii.w Msuea Reai Officiais SsURhed Bnlg.en, an.,Fois. 19-mmei's Attemqu-~e* e " u*a - tisa-ma» saaagist r hirent tgaiuut Bye ofil- Cil@l Of tisa Nav Tosi, NOv Ilaven anti H-Uefrd t ralxuai.but ieiuad t1 quais thise ltinent auna former Prailimat Ciha»W. sa.iiau. Tisa vr*cb - oeuned ai Wautport, Coun, Oct. ý8,, 1912, invisicis neveu "n" ir Ait, oe.bu M ils Ana Arbor. Miche,. Bab. 1.-OIte Gr-""an a junior lali stpiut, »b ea calti «to bis home ta BSprIgleli, fil., hi' tbe sudden tiý* so!rhmbis ter. Mt. Grams, vlt#U retutg atisa aaves ». rotlup e*mer Gtaff ege- tarai lhe univeseiti, hae 70"404 e tloigrans tisaibis fatuser bel lied, Me dil t ual raîsmnu 10 tisa ottge AUi tisai yaar. but cama bwik lb. foilov- tag laul. Durnt gtise aarli' part of tisatyawl aL talegnai camne temulinghm of tise de-ath et ibis motiser. Lait year,- at about tisîtimàý ho vu, @teik calta home. This tins. y hi' b.eatis Of a bretisas.- Last Ocloher ha retUr»sd lu ollAge asti enteraI as a juior. bavlng la tise bnolen RanIs of Ijrea i'ears man- iged 10 auru a jair'o credit. THE MACKAYS ARE DIVORCED Each la Gvanen, s«enas Dautlo. Greande ln Frane, New York, Fais. 1,-AdvIces ru- caived luaYNew York brouist"tisn.ta formations tisati. andi Mn,. Clareuce, llackay on Fes. Il obtainat a reacis, tecnee of dIvorce lunParis. The, &e- cree slgned bhtie frencis trihuna vas iauded dovri ithin tise last fa,# ÇQy@.- Tho' dit rce decree a lugrnisi escis of them on srouud of dcsertiou',1 andi le hy mutual agreement. Tise custOdY c01lise Maeciri'chilIs- was awarded to Mn. Mackaày, but Mes. .%eakay is gîveis the right t'O vislt lise cifitinen ut suy lime a" tb tekg tisesuon outluge vheîiever ulse, MERCURY KILLS hM. FLINT vIctim Of S. Suduw.red. Psiee Took T.Mcs Evanston, lni.> 'i:i.-r.Mp ci& K. Flln'ti effort of lv. veekca ago t0 asudber lUr* visesitsb* alcait off hi'i .1J. Rldjy ma. £nlébile sals- man, was succeful 4t lasl. She dleit ln tise Evauît<'n iospitat. go lange a lise quant«l*' at tie correaî poIson she o It îtdiS sel tt&ck ber la lise usuai wy b'parallz'aii Ie il:iseyi. but tagesal. a. St*&Wober die epFUve tract n tM 8110 bl Wieàtb; phyitans @Mdt. - ý liMen latine, N111*Xeqealei. 0fMqx ,,nue, fonemme la* Pi5v fgeloi. vw Loti' to tfueir b hie.4~ VANDERBILT-W aveutI LongIsland Nogu'V I" Ffled Wi*- New York, e. ~'m-ciil lnaasic oved rý liM" ltbg' t'e.derhit; Jr., u 4Weelierr'l 499 bartmçdvil. i..a« oipa étiof si a$1 00,11 Tise valla 0 tlê' attisa ida roofssluln te MapSi;s»Mvag. tvth pricaes t*ittlwi pq*lst tbelliarlo.a aoa .etta iwwSsp o1y rk sm-l &n1lhéibrb&m Il nlsWpg4 &ad Cri tWUke vam st* #44I u ý "'t 00 o qsAtffiebouge lsI at tisat ui ue the formag department Of tise fin Iýý UèNationsal Suk today. Re founti Miss Mary Mucis, veang a tut, labaleti Twamly.vo vus.won" E "4 i 'om aa«r W& isatnme "4 ", lialei m IActes C"la dieu *Dg saplýi.d tisaIaie bad day, rab. 17111. Andti tib*t b id tise prepoxtA tek 1<Wbl ad Cilsja frnds Of the ilS. of tise immxu ~c thl i t d' bht 4 vit. lu G0y. tem, vitbis as lut by a Vote Of - orisineal thse t«g0f M11Isa MuoW 68 to 48. Th* iur.alIc. va',"061' -Man sd laced ber ou. ti se rin. Cuba Tovusblp altho1'ie dgl higis. Daktobent ber back t bCiscato. wa~ comasli4oa.r o$Utam"' tlerait vas etre4 by a reDorti*theis« wer,,' inlra« SE~ lna BMere, Donacountrebald, d4. 1"g tbat. tbe uaooai Question aiswm4 be»lied'on' tisa ballots At tibe spFjng OlT.eietlou bat Iflot bIs 19leglY Bled anti MS Otatisa lsore thse queistion couiti mo$ O Aalpear on tisa ballots. -Dry Ilera today Bstteats th Mla otbila lu thecharge, l"t A*W l Sù tVSita e, . vla, Ad tisat tise question tien ln Dmlry Distoit,. go on thesa bllot. The acousmitte o! thei Mlii Produc e-e ers' assocIation tanvIsici s refterred "Mr' huibmtirita tlsa1be tise sasmer pvices fer .1111 have pre- bIU1rbbbrm b60t bMejWy nI&pa Pared à aasslent couoernnsucondi. 11111e Murilo VDt 1 1001kg oa u ttaus of tis a frmers andth ie coat t 0for Su mli andi vlil place tihe report befara the board of directors i attir next N-R Ueuse. meeftng. Il ia lu part as foliovi: VfdCm sirfhaU5 "TisaI It ecqste apaoducan uenly T««84 ,di beat- eeaMTa or quit. as mach tb produca mliki u, 1I 90t e1a*lMOIl. Jctà lng tise iamsummer, as deri thetisamx winter montisu. banc. tise prices pald to thse producars lu sumnmer moutis. bava beau more lustiequate ln smm- merlisun-la vintur "*That tise pricepalti 1 tiste Pro- ducar dbring tisna umer pe~lad abouli be ativancadlo s o e qual ceor uearly aqual tisa prIces palti Inra the viliter jarloti. MTiat Ua n dditlonsi reaso. vy prlces lu Prtsdueas s iotiltiha mo- ' I equal during fise iamîIaaut petoIs, t va gmuittisaItishe ratai deaers la tisa Ciy of CiilCag harge thse Con- jsunesritiesa me prices turing eeCh month throughout tie saear. U : "Tisa higis price..of tassa lands, mar- ket prlcai of tiairi' covi, fediug ma- It'saEB terlai, transportation c154gei, labor andi otier iteme, nacassani'ant i d - Model1 pensableatetise co f producing antiouin marketing milk, maIit evidast thato.. èe sisoulti a profit, hovaver @ai. be, akI-t l lovedt 10the daryfermer, antid4111BE CH OAtA to the oul; of Praducing mlii, Ile veuaE CH.A ture lu dalrylng wiII ha a bostng orn%,I shboulti ha, during thse naxt aummer perioti, gel lust ian oua dollar aMd 8ixti' cents Dar 1M0 oushfor' .11 -tetiug SA6.Anti ln addition tisareto va favor a pramium of tes cents pet a*ne Iundrati poundi for a blgb sul-. tr'score" Uléai mtel "TemaiWbhmlove a l h a* pae' .8 ilbed .1a ti.a.aa*am a to 9.5a on a . buIMw."-JaIe.mnu 65*10e, Ira 41115 M*uiUTlgs ie -e - ,.' .,W5t' F 3etter Car r.,$550, CE "eleesLs~ 133MNT Pt WAUV'ft F, GAN.L. L S Kvoey uuiomos EII!IDjOÏ. OW WIbGOU-2; Ibo. Nozley's Butterine for 30c. $2.1»O Worth or More, gets a D'lb. Pall of lard for M0. ngar Ourd Pi . . ........lie 40M14eot ROS......lic 10e .. ..... . . . . . . . ... ....... .4 .... ... .. ... . 1 ... . . . I1 Les LrI, extra falicy Pork. Cho"p . . .... ..... f Pig-Pork------------------..... PçlcoI............ Pokoros... ..,.......1 Po k ho s.... . ...... . . . . .. .. .. .. -~'1 ~2 -I Ic

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