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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Feb 1914, p. 12

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TLAXE OTTTY »EDNT ~Th Greattest Bar"ai Fe* Oi*e of the big miail order houses of Chicago cleare( -S.Ifl61O lut year. Te ii. lihood is that sorne Of r tqmph0yes were paid as mucii as from $3 to $5 per wee] Ittf the money made by thia firm came from the. pocu sW of confiding people hundreda of miles away, wiio du not cmre 1 spnd their money at Uh5ine.- -Zion a "lçiss-less City?,, yes, and if tiiey keep on, i yul net only by a loveless city but a marriageless city, for '17 sme of the. "bIne laws" îow bemng exforced, there' more of a tendency te inunoralty throlg sgetion 0 1evil thougiits, etc., than in the city wiiere mnoral freedou and permnal estien? predominate. The. "keep-to.-the-rigiit" movement for thie loop dis trioti Chicago is nomethLug wiiich the. writer long agi looked forvard to as a necessity and a-ting wlncii wouli ,net only b. agitated ere long, but would be made a la% jumI as much as it la witii regard to, 1.8ms in the street.I people -would Mny observe t.he rule of keeping to, the rig] viien ini the crowd.d district of the. city, tiiey would fini tbey coudd accomplih far more in an iiour's shopping toi than wiiere everybody criss-crosses whnever they desirî Another damage suit for makring a mai a drunkarc -~~f a. .nîlAeeas no IgfendantlsIIf tiiin keep, on, ualoonkeepm'swi be more aurions for a proi-I bitlon toun than tlt ~es who are in lii. habit of "booz- ing11 tlagel tote point.where a saloonkeeper is beld' itl fa "mm ho entera hi. place and buys a drinkI and thlon leav"I eeling a& vel as ever, happens to top- - AMoe dl4ênr hffl. Dt'a a e whère the.saloon- kosp.r la. npped botli ways, going and coïfiing. f h e M1 bute »n & wsber man a drink, the. customer gets 4 6ough;"0 if h. elb it, there's no telling how soon hesi té be a defendant ini a.damage action. It'. quit. appawMit that the. promoters of the "Bull; Mecs." prop&gaida lui Waukegan and otiier points of1 te. ounty are iot z"eciving the.encouragemient 10 push tW. i~ut 4tM 1hey did wheflTeddy wasthena- tionsil -taue t ut ke, for, il' been found that the. Bull Xoosef, afler a&l are juat humans, just 1ke the. Republi- cmuansd Dqwgot, that their accompUisbmedts ar e not Superiir lier limpregable, and that therefore, th.re's no akMd 0i .ongUBIy haran g the. intereats et sucomes of elIber ol . bbg parties, W prediat the Bull Moosers lu Lake oouuy bave had teir day andthat it's jut acaseý 01ma *f10.elepat aidl themule again-withottt any caaidralim for ti horned creature. W'ITICleveland, Fet. I18-Tax Commis-, Z'4 aoners Padkler and Agnew began pre-I T M FORDO paring today a personal propert y tax llst for John 1).'Rockefeller. A pro- vision In the laws was discov ered that gives tbe officiaIs, power to li.t '41 r.l Grand Rapids Paper Refers to: Rockefeller'@ $900,000X000 for enehl the 'Kiss-lesa Town Local- jhlm pay taxes on the entire aneunt ed ini Lake County. 1 plus a 50 per cent penalty for tallure. tu makea returo each year. The- ag A -EsrTOWI' 1 gregate sumn on which Rockefeller A "LE" TON' 'could be taxPd would be $3,010,0011, Mion Plty la now a kissiesa !00 The total tac Ihat nlght he ,- tomn, id dntally, it might sessed would be nearly Stt5,04r,iff.I be nlio<d thatItAs a drugleus * town, a oogkIU twn, a thea*Nf ROCKEFELLER SHOVELS SNOW tiei tWfba aloal town, a Tarrytown. N. Y, lFeb. 18 -John 1) clgs.tosccles ton. 51t Pn.fe rh-..,akn t', Sthovelig sIcit-less town, and an eystsrluu no oreerlebecauîe he c.a'l town, holding an unrivaied dis- -PIaY golf thesedayu. The heav ; f.11 tînction In these regards. -of now bas apread a layer two feel deep oser big Pocantico HIjIa estateý acres wbt a Grand Rapids uapr 14-la impossible t4-néue- his automobile gays o the recent edit lasued ln Z1.400 and It la 400 deep for r,ilghing. lie A new orinance passed by tho h as a&lut a hundred men shoveling cucil of Zion Cit-y,4the 1sPOtie'4- tou paths tbrough is 054-te, and yester- ln Illinos founàed hy John Aiexanddi 1 day he took up a shovel and mnade Dowte, clamps down 4hoehiu 1i4 !( o ame paths near hMs bouse. the last word. lu Zion City hero -j atter any man who kisees his wife emember the B1g Auction. caat! go tao Jal for the offense. Th- * Tuesday, Feb. 24, on tireil. W. ordinance alotaktes 14- a ml' Perry farm. one mris soutl. of Zion demeaflor for any person to st an th cl y knees or lap of another person of tho 'rrrty hea1,uis Ulv?.al Young and persan id viw ai the public. maciinery. and lots uofored. P. Bl. The ordinance dama flot present al johnson, auctouoor. wkly-lt+ prion fron sttlng on hie own iaP, but 14- dues prevent about eveiything WANTED-- Teani of lorros welgblng sise.- between 271)0 and 3,000 lbs. Phone Cupd la certainly gong tb have a 4M.Noth <Chcago. wkly-lt rare trne InuZMon Cty hereafter. lie *will fot be blamed muob If h,> ho \lrs Jas. McC(ann and famlly deire coaes dscouragas and gv4's up thle 1bt thank their many friends and jo. Love maklng wlli he diorouraged igbrfothknus Ron wilemever possibe, but 4-is la 004 ait 4hemn during their recent bereave- ai surprmalg uhen aone stouis 4-4>con,-ment. 39-1t. uki>-. side te lb pot record of Zion City for Doewtru hase condemnled -l.Ksl l9 from a bygenic standpoint. a i PIE R D miitnhave condeisVed Ih froni PLa suais! tgndpott and 4-bise condn,-! No Chlarofaro> No Operatian -mtins have been golng on for <entur' je«, bit klaul.nz bas rernalned ln styue. -1Na Pain; No Detention From Businelui lÉ ames ta le one ladoor sport tbat' Fistula, Fissure and Ail Dolea»saof vil eYe b.entrei wled nt ithe h Rectum Trested aqicoesafully. Wtyeumade orlisuauo utn 6"'atisfaction Guaranteed. - If Mm Cit4y decg not allnu klsglngR C A UaQy lme vlsuifer The fl5 PEIYAvyIwTSi ppmwvmasmaot im 4ALIlu = lm iOns la 71Se mdpz-d1201 Burton 1319ok 177 North State St.i elit Ilslhl'CHICAGO, ILL SesonSEnd Lotsoing th Accordini to Custom Shelves inust be cliared, i'a<ks muust l)e eîupty of al WinteîÉ mer('laildise befor-e the ai-r'ival of Spring imerehandise. 1Word< Conles tb us that thousaîîds of dollars worthi of Spring goods arc oni the xa- thus this tremnendous tîda efforitot roinpletely dlispose of ail Winter' goodsý, sj' f4~ T ho fi. A daèhiug, regar diess-of-coat finish~ of 111%il wîter înerchlandie lbas been the ol1er tojleparbentixada. SaturdÀay la the day -%woiiderful day it will be for hrewd shoôppers to indulge in the raret treat' of tle seaso. Read the înany bargains we tell of liere-a few: Underpricin gs Designed to -Effect COmbplet. ,ani Quîch isposal of Ail Women' s Appf l' AUTO HOODS, 49c. 6494- aîd 75v (<hades. and otping.. 1everal 'îlors; fie qîialîty. A high-gu'ade ixiake of fie Frcîýielî kid gloves. inîlon o4(1 ilv.0 KXID GLOVES, $1.19 44114-Il. li eeh Ilkîd glovs. The highiest KAYSER'S GLOVES, ATS. 'The SUc Kind. <'îslîîîîee glovçs il] gray or hlaek. 811k-I iîed Al wool. 25e UNDERWEAR 19c for1' (hiltircî. Bov's anîd girl 's lîeavy fleeced shiirts;ait(l dî'aw- ers, ini al sizes. WOMXN'S ROSE, 19c 25v and 35e Values WVarîini, 11 i, <'rr< It(-k it-g vith lieut or ribbed tops. Re'al Nav'o quilitv. WOMEN'S VESTS 38c 1 P.gular 50e Kiîd. stiwkigs, ini hlack oui>* . Ali sizes. Exee(lletit r1 WOMEN'S HOBE, 29c Fiiual 50v <.Silks. li eiav silk stoekiîîgs, with 'sl glt impIerf et- 1i1'r.is hiiîretinnoti' 4- a. tilac114k or tadlî SLEEPING GAR- MENTS, 3me. 4~ ~~0 111141iS Kind. W lîte or eolored flan- nî<'ette. Th~le cèlebrated *"Kiuîîîf'.' brand. Sat- AT 3ft. R'-gîdar S)Oc Valuie Warin flaîinelette. They wil l e neecled for aI lQii$t three îîuînths tb Sprdng apparel is on the road. Invoice after -ipvoice has been re- ceived, which indicatw~that the bcginning cif next week garments ýwill b. unpaèked and ready to occupy the garment sectio .The winter apparel that renuains must go, will go, forwe are detetnmined to force It out regardies of-cost. Saturday is the final day. Str day is the day when"' you'll bc able tcv-buy tht inost_ depedb wear at ridiculouse underpricings. NoeteemghtreduC1o* Coats. $5, Oradea wea'<h do $12.50 A Nvoniderfti1 range of stvles ini the !eadgiîîg fsli- o~f Wooltex îîîoels- the .eotits guaralitecdl foi' tw'o 5îseilils. Sec ou' i. I<ilovs. Coats,$10 Oradea wrgh do $25 best îîîatteiils l.I iîîliig- lia I lanîd), j>! tshes, elîiii- elhi, b4luiee, îioveltv elîtihs, etc. ll or' il the p< il li!ai' -.ci lors. '5. o,( ciii!l..Sec 411'm~ir io~ 4sweeping cleairàneu ail tlhe 1ighÏst grade coats we hîave. many Wooltez miodels iln bhe lot. i$tmaet- ire styles; popular Mater- ialis; ieadingcoo. e 'îurindwi UsuOal 39<. Valu4. L al M 'andylu-îe. borge, aprons o! dad perc-ales Belted backis.aýj Agi-ëat eolitctioîî or llwse tI de dlsposed Of qukl%. ChooSe early. A big loti 04çiýW rfi, ai -Clearance S 4I'4f A splendid selection. n~T,8e. $1.25 and $1.5p Grades. Meuî 's àll-wool flannel shirts, ini ail sizes and eolore.clean-up lot. $3.501 and $4 Gades. ,A season-end lot prîced for complete reductkin S3aturday. 8havd orBy- ron collars. IMENSal"WEATERS, AT $395. $5 anîd $6 Qualities . Iiicludiiîg every Ihigh-O grade sweater f"oat inIi stock. Shawl and Byroo BOYS OVICRCOATS,.g AT $395. Ail overcoats Ieft, thiatý sold for $6 and $7 are to gQ at $3.95 Satiira.. BOYS WArE -AT $1.. Mod for $2.50. Grays and inaroîî oly. Sizes 26 bo 34. Very well made througlioîît. AUTO R00DO AT M9. $1 'and $1.25 îFonre' Many womeu 'will anti- cipate the great savi4g and provide frlier winter., 4 - Régularly $2 O An unusual value. rk, estal-oIlodii l colots; Satura.$.5 j SAT UPKDAY 1 A btartlig îedlîici foi' *au'a N , i l~.4 great assoi'tilielit in- eludes new niodels in e'hi11liill, keî'*Sey, iuîel- Aolil fi(411';ah 5Z<5 Pleîîtx 4of thos4e Slai>! 4> b)elted-I>aek niodelIs, MATS VauesFO up go $6 A treniendous sacri- fice on î'eîîîaiuîlîîg wilitei' liats. 'Thle smnartest styleb- are well repre'<eîted. Special'Purchase of Press. Sirts Regular $5. Grade, Saturday*$2.98 A -remarkable value secured by our, buyers while rýcently in New York. Wool plaids, serges, whipcûrds, are included. The latest - Models for Spning Beauttil repeBrocadIed, fse PositIve $10- Vilue, Satuiday $5 e% Another i,;pecial lot which was secured at great discount from regularp rioes from a prominent exclusive New York maker of fine dresses. 'Eachhand- somely truonned. VianY colors.. On salejor their first Stray. woM>!EWS UNDYsR- DRESSINGO, SACQUES rNEMO C ES 3 WEAj, 180. AT 39C. AND $3.75. Reduced Prom 25c. 500Oc ormerly. $4 and $5 Grades. Ileavy ribbed, vests aiud Flanuelette Aid -percale in Discontinued Unmes which 1)antsr of creani êéolor. Al - dark colorÎ. -AUl sizes. we are obliged bo close out WelI inade ad roomy. at-once. T-vo models. A ifde Gssr front. 50)flr ~Zhs ti Ir corut a Any Winter Suit in the flouse- at OnewThlrd. Off Ail Furs Are Goini et Just Ba1f. Origtlka*l Children's Coais, $400 i00au 60 aus at Cbildren's CeeUs, $6e0 , o$10.00 ,Vass M ,9 Girls' Presses,' $4.00, $5000, andl $6.00 'Grideso, Îm"W $298 OVEItCOATS SATU&DAYI We are pushed for space - %e have too nxaiiy O- erv>ats aiid the tinu' lfor spriug hies t( arrive is here. It is these ir- ruxîîstatiecs tlîat foice tus to nake yoit tl)e greatest ov%çrcoat offér ever inade. aw- mm ii rd, igsl iîr 1 1

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