&ET ~2O, 1914. Rep,.uosmative -Cui vsomdont Phone 84-W K. C. Litviisî ba@ boom eouBmed to bis anction on bis fat. Thurod&y. lob. 29. Tb@olnd Iaibioesd dance 9givon lu the opere bon» giltuidel eveninq waa iargeiy att.nded. The Prise wats vau won by i..W.,. Ilogeii nd Howard Converse. The ous ut David Idebned, who vas injured byea telilng caffold lait summer,t agaînst Rendes Binu., was board by the statoboabrd of arbitrators t the bank boe Wedneeday, Feb. 1llth, E. C. Webber acting as arbitrator fur Bende broi., an attorney rvpreeented Mr. clxood, wbo vas elluved $23I(l 00)and the doctor bil, vblcb vas paid by tu@ New Amsterdam Casity Co.,iepr.eented by W. A. Roulng. A. M. White ban lnformed us that h Id thinking of puttîng up B two toîy brick building on the lots south 01 Brainaide s@tore. Mr@. Samueli Torrent of Chiago, vlsited relatives and iriende bers Tueu- d &y. The jat <dance of the senson viii bo hld in h.mann's hail [et Saturday evening, Feb. 21. Corne out and aeet your tiieude. Mr. and IimI1..1 Parker of Dowuers 'irove, Ill., vere the. gesets ni Mr. and Mr.esa M@. F. P. CWlrh av" rutaia from Rot spnls Aikmesai. vbsio thor baes spot tho lait tour wSes. W.. Rira, a brotbroi Joha Rila hom vwu bunes t Stable Corners let Soa. Ueruoa ea tchier, W.à. aessbeg end I . FU* hoettseded businuestu WaukogsaMoada. M&. M. (Iaoehaa. dtt of M is. F. P. Clark »nd T. 0i. Foi bere, disd ln Chicago Mit viok Tbursdey. Fred tioeft, Chas. Godgluek sud Johnm Mou i epanaed huom the lumber voode lu Wiscolu at Friday. A number young peuple frum bore took e slelgb rile to Waueande Fridey nlgbt snd ettended the manquerade bail tIbe. Al report e good tîme About 200 men are t voit puttlng op les for the Consumer Companur. Tb@ ire le about a fot thick. Mr. and lise. J. Rlîsun made a trip to Chicago last Saturday. Mis@ Rod, of Chicago, i. spending a tew dayo at the butae of Hrmen Boîter tbis veet. IVOL() lisre.lose Iunnîli »pent several davo. lest veek lu Round Lake vliting ber daugbtpr. ie . Jack Raymund bas been ou the siîk lit the. pat veet. Mise Jennis ilennesuy vieited uver Saon- day vitb ber jistir ab t ngbeile. Rtay Padduck, fB. P. Banson and Le Huson atterados the organisation ot a lucal ut the Mlk 'Pruducers Asocliai et Grayaleke liat Seturday. The meet- ing vas very inteieetlng and It i. boped e anumber tîom bre viii loin. Mi. A. Md. White, Frlday aud nltrdey I ~ .ê~x.nneo rln lait tveek. raamersat aontnOgn The woit ut dec ,ratlng the chuieb ize Club to Increase Pleas- bers vas conapistod tlast Wdneday. uires of Country Lite. Tai collecter Juhn Masun vili b at the itotilce bers every Tueeday vhtîe The fermesin haned aruund BeltÎng- tAxes may be paid. ton have organlzed wbat fis tu be Armoun Ile. boue Je unning au fuil kuown as the Baington Country Lte lor* st preet.tartina lu et 7 a, m. Asselatliin, the oljecet ofwhlcb viii aud ea.ntinulguatill 1p. m. Thte"et be to make the lte of their vlcinitY preoiileppiolmiately 12 luchai thiet. more pleasant and the reents Of faim WhatJi te mater itb he Rundlabor more benefiil Wbatle ue attr vlb ts Rund At a meeting beid it the Barrington L.ak.eire dnpatauent? W.. bave beard higb echool the iret action aiong thîs uothbîng out hem the lest >aar. Wby lune m-.as iaken and at tîtat meeting a lotirpet lusY. VWho lei th -bief anyvayn permanent-organtzaUion was formed. . IL Luur. nanaw-r of thae lumbei County Scbool Superntendent Rdward yard a-rn- attended th@ luitheimane J. Tobian deeiared that the meeting. rtaaveutîraal at ale LaSallue hotteluO wblch ronslsted of over 300 persone. Chiago throedaîs§ lait week. nas the largeet eer i eld in the towin. Edvaîd I. Larkan oft,!te Woodauu Mr. Tobin explained te the gathear- botel nt Long Lake vas a jeleaant j me the abject of the meeting aud toid ceiler ers Tueiday. He diupped lu st of the proposed dltibution of cash oui office ami gave us, an oide tor oinsnio taey paizes that have been ottered jolu voit ta rompetîtors. and the starting ut st-hou1 study classes for the Improve- 1 vil b. at the[Ivaubo.. tore ail day mn-t of te mind on thîngs pertaining tveiy Satnrdey and at Bet Svan'@ atore ta country and faim lite. The meet- Area, evnry Tueo*day atteinoainulli ing iasted ail day. H. J. Lagesebuite Mdarrb H. tamnmIa- taxes toi the Tovu wa elected president and Abert Roi> cf Freniont. ertsonu was chosen as tb.e ecieteiy c-21-2 a. C. PAy.SEF, Colleter. and treasurue.-Elgin Newa. t - - III Why Pay More? For Wire Fence when you can get it for 1«sa at the factory? AMERICAN WIRE FECE CO. UBERTYVIU.F, . L SPECIAL SALE MEREDITRi REAI. ESTATE & LOAN CO. PHONE 24 LIBEIRTYVILLE Dealers iu ]Real Estate and Fire Insurance Village Lots and Houses We bave them. Farmi Lands a Specialty information and investigation as free aaswater. Phone 24. Meredith Reai Estate & Loan Co. Phono 24Ubryle .9rays/ake1 Edited by F. J. DRUCE. Phone il Oaders lake foer.Job Work. Advertieing rates on &Wappilosi. Dr Duifour and vile of 0hiçagu, vere Xoots of Dr. Palmeir and vite uver aunday. Jas. Lnnqeisugh ad family spont Iladoy vità relaive@Set Hisfilîvle. Misses Margarits Neville and Bedelle Allen returned to coilego liloaltOr attend- ng the firejuneo nsmak hallbe'rs lest Fridey evenlng. lncidsntiy tbey teck one ut the fine Primi. . iset0 Leery and deugbteiof Chicago, were gueet t riendo bere the pasl week-end. Miss Spear ut Chicago, was a week-end guest ut Mas etbel Iltynoide. Mi. and mrs. Wm. Ellie spetit several days o utbhîseek lu Minneapolit.- Kapple &thoolittie bave about cOm- pleted the fllling ai the local iae bouses and alter aIl there viiili e plenty Oft le loreveiybody. Fai Lot tus ut Waaikegan, vieited bis parente bere this week. Wltb eveîy package ot RexeIl Pearl tootb povder and tootb peste ve yuli give one loltbrbusb Ise troine eek only. The Rexaîli 8tore-Dine Ding Co. Law$ Satuîday sveulng mauy peuple gathered at the opera houe, OiaYsl&e ta s.. the big basket ball garne bOtweeu Oieyslake aid Waukegai, but aies, thon Waukegan teliuvs badl culd lest ageiýn for lait year they handed oui boy@ the mamo suit of lernon. This part4cuisr tésam tram ,Reukegan are surs etîeid cf Oreysleke teem. The Ladies' Hume JOUrnJAs are nov on @sleand dont torget It s have the Ledles' Hume journal pettern@ tor sale aIse The Bilani tore-DIrue.Ding Co. Mis.John Adam ofutRocktoid, Ill, attended the fuserai ot ber brother, Rmeîy Adami. MondaY. Mmis.Wlmut aid Miss Clara Key.'s vers guelte ot Mi. and Mie. Henry Kuebkeî Sunday. Mi. and Mis Sais OFaîreli tut Waul.e- gan. attended the firemano ma.nk bail bers Frii.ay evenung Mi. tiFarn-li bas besu tire t-hier ut Weukegan Lb.. îast eaghteen yeaîs. miss charlotte ileikley ofChicago. vas a guet i Mise Betb Kruseniaik the paet The iremeie saunual dane vas the tîsual eut-es. LAuis Lcbdell bas purrbased the cttage-un Laka-Sboîe drive ovued by Misa. Fle Ming. Miss Nielou. oue of the grade tearbero5 ida sitk with quinsey and uneble to attend te ber srbool duties this veek. Teoeday evenlng vas Wortby Matron and Worthy Patrons igt ut the Eaateru 81r.. Ail membes partillpated in an onjoyable evening. Tbo ladies of the St. Andare's Oulld mt wltb Mis. Alfred Meade, Wedneeday alternon. Mis. J. Md. Palmer viii entertetin the Bridgewhist Club neit Tueidey elter- Doon. Miss Bessie Regadale vas a g"etaet tbe Allen bomne sovel daeslait vesk. Wo aie glad lu mes Elmer Borge b&eck on bis job st the Merchanti & Fermer., batik. Elmer bas beein rnlssd tn mure vays tban une @fnce bis eikueis. Mis. M. A. Wgnr vislted relatives lu Prairie Vev tbis wesk. The Grayelake Cemetery soclety will meet vlth irs. Chas. Wlgbtimau Thuîs- day p. m., Feb. 26. Vitors welcome. The Womna's club met witb Mis. 4). Waehburne last Tbursday evsning and tbiongb the khiduet4s of M. m. Smlth tbey had a eleigb ride to tiie club. The engagement tf M ise Zeta MaseY. aforma-r teaulir tof tîruîysake Dow of - I ROMRANSj Wiii Oliver of Waakegen. la @peuding a lew day. vith blond@ ber*. Tb@hoW*. lebool vluted the Willam. school on. day l" estek. Mliss Lwis of Waukogan, . lavlsiing mm. J. D. Muiiey. is. oGiisold le @pouding a ew dey@ ia Zion lly. james Wolcb vas homo for e day or sva lest wesk. Tom Edwards ha@ bouât anothor tventy acres of the Wintrnstats vbicb makee hi. a vns littis fatn. Mr. end Mms. J. D> MnrRsY vois4 W.ukegan vistore en Monday.- spencer Crawford and vît.. were Zion1 calieri Saturdey.9 Oui mail man bas e bard Crue bucklng th.' driftt@. But he gete th..re juot the 08,111, lire. Wm. Fendick sut-ut Ttuunsday1 witb bei parents. Mr. anud ire. Tomu Strang. Mrs. Catherinue uf!, Mrs. Mike Lui anid ueiue. Mi@s Fabel L.ux atteuded a card party at Kenosha Friclay evenlng. Quit.. a nuniber huom lutr. attnded the tail partI Band dent-e Bt tht- resideuee 0i Cham rye fui thehbenelt f St. Patriiek t-hur-h. The funer'a) of James M-Caain, an nId resudient of this localitY, waa.. elOin Sb. Paitrick'se burth tSelurday noruina et '9:30. inteimentat the iliekcr- tery. Beidss biswidow h ltares two Mion@ and a deughtei to 11-- ilu hie loge. A suit tnr $60,000 daniagetu bas been filed ln the Lake eounty t-icuit couart bv Benjamin E. Page agaiuet the Cennral Accideant, Fire anud Lite. As- suranuce eomnpanY ut Perth, gt-otiand. anul ahen the case id tought soame se.n- saionai evidence tg promised to bt. shuo lu Tht- suit ha the OutgrOv.th Of a ron- trou cru the eampanY bas badt wltb page. tht- culminationu ut wblt-h as te t-tniu<nY'H srefusai tu pay ta Page $52,50 due on a polît-y lsged ln bis fat-or on the lIte at Beitram J B. Bosslere o!r chirago, who dled I rom accidentali )olsonlug," on August 23, 1913, ln Chit-ago. The suit mas iled by Attorneys Charles B. Obermeyer of Chicago and Paul MarC uffin of Llbeityville. Aceordlng to the dectaistion, te poiicy on Bosseres ite vas issued May 2, 1912, Page being named as the benefirlarY. He iodlaes that Bos- sier. died suddeuiy troan acidentaI potsoning lu Chicago lu Angusi of last year and that within the epecilled Urne. he served noUiCe on the coml pany thet tbe policy vas due hlir as he vas named as beneflciaiy, is nuti- fication being made on Novernbei 21. 1912; that ou December 20, 1913, Lb. cornpauy nottied hlm that Il denled ait liabillty uider the policy. heure hie suit. Just wbat the compauy's defense le, le nat known exceptlfl that they dlaim a brearit lunmrte of the anevers made by Bossiere, une of vhleh vas that be bcd flot liadt a doctor for ive yeais previous ta the lssiince ut the polî-y; the îoniuany dlaims it has pinoft tiis 1< tot the tact. Page iuu a relident of one of the Inarth shoure -tites, Higbland Park aio Lake Furu-. toselere wa-i a ruý- atite. COJINTIES READY bii moerbeofldeilest, wet. Ale t report §he vas veîy loy, Artbur Christensen staited Suuday morning loi bis homte lu DaLota. lite fatbeî Wbo vas fureman et tue iee bouoe ber;, expeca.. to rtuîj l bis old posi- %ion, nthe family viii probabl retuin ht le reported on good autboity that the Darby- tarim bas been sold to a Chicago party wbn experts to bulilde due summer home. Sou fine. Notbvooetn and Electalc Rallinad tickets are nnv on sale Bt Kuigge'o Casb Store, ounedoni unrth ni pustoffice. Aiea.c-t ANIOH ber@. thsveby thicageso ber taheî Ler hM Bajees. h iuuoo e ah Mr. and MMd I 1). icott ut Weuke- gan, are spending a iev day. bere. O. W. Ketilebut bas purchasod the Anaioeb Casb Market o! R. R. Bavklns. Mi. Kettiebut's trieude vish hlm succesi in bis e vtenture. Mis ,M. J. Weber and chîldien o! Litaertyviiie, are visiiaag ber motbeî. Mrs. J. J. Chinu. On Tuesday moriamig lire broie ont in the îesideuce o! John DPpiSOnn aOrtb Main street. Altbnugb the vbule ion! vas onlire, oui local vulunteer firemen again showed thei abilitY as lire llghteis by keeping the tire troin spieed- iaag belov taie seond litur. The lose ta Mr. Dupre le qoite beavy, the vIiolt roof belug destroyed. L. SM. liynee, wvha@asbeenosut fuor morne lime, died et 3 o'cinrk Tuesiday atfteinoon. Mi. HaYues Wva eli end tavoîabiy tuovu by most evsîYone lu Lake rountv, baving iived bersrnt ail o! bis itie. Es vaa ripenter by trade, but bas not vniked et bis tiade fur nome peare. Mr. Helynes vas 68 yeer. ot age, and vas a member 0! Sequoit Lodge $27, A, F, & A. M. U[leffivec à vite, tvo danghters, Ma*. (3raellltng of Kenueba, Wis., and Mis. Blanche Aubrey out Chieago, elsn tvoo trate, M. and R M. Uaynes, bath o! anllob. Soo lins. Naitbetern and Eisctric Raiiroad tickste e,. on sale &t KOlgg's Cash Stare, on. dooi nortb o! poutoffice Area. c-i-t Leslie Banner istt Moudey ta attend the Farmei's Intitut. canventlun ai (Ialeeburg as a delegate fhum Lake tonnty. 1.-slle Canuon of Chicago, speut Suu- day vatb tlue home folk@. Lestil viii move bis tamily ou Lo bis tatbei's tarm lu a ev veete. Miss Ruby Strang of Uiurnee,.atbended the* entcrtaiuauent Iîeid lere Munday and vusit-d 1lîn-lan ad Je@8ie Cannoun. lls lurriet Wiiiains of Miiwaàukee, Oas t-tluy alterttinllg. SFREEI FREE! FREEI, With each savings acCouit Opened for 81.00 or more we wlll give one highly pollshed, Nickel.Plated Savings Bank w, Bell System The New Directory of the Telephone Company goes to press March 10 If you have put off signing a contract for telephone service, attend to it now. Cail the Commercial Department and ask that contract be sent you for signature. Local and Long Distance Service from every Bell Telephone Station. Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Andrews, Manager Telephone 9901 i~usm±Prof. James Smi& The lcesbaîvit nearly .aumpieied. vilii ondaci bts Tht Ladic' Aid society vili mt i Ih~ Ma.V , Corins ou Thuradey aorain,. Cing Sd"a Feb. 26. A cordialnvittlouiiset«Md ~U~ lu an lntereoted. touh a llbU B. E. Levin and tamtly bae relurned on o te, their borne in Babnns, beving &peut Ea sesral veeko bere. M Mis Anna Hansen ut Ranoy. Wls., Saturdy @peut Saturdey and Eunday vltb Mm. îh A. C. Coins. N Minnie llevfs spent Saturdey aid d aU iii s6" Ilundsy et homo. (ileda- Howard entertein»d a larIFS Wutz Two.S4s, Tango, number o! er littis f ileuds et a bira.bdîy O ts e a lt n r m W o)rt n Rturd sy. A nl epo t a tuân fe 1 e at nd D s m W i Kaosh-Ksiiosha peuple have re- tusad te get exclted aven the art that there are hait a dozen, amallilox casese-lu the city. but the bealth com-. mission saw more interest on Titure- day wben a large numnber ot peuple applled for vaccination t the citY bealtb depaîtmeut office. Neaiiy tva buudîed mnen, womnen and cîulidren barred tht-i rlait oithe Nsaceine on Wataette, to tDr. Prfo %ia snetk.u a, n... - 1 -1Thrsa îîaake tuas-fiet an announutemelttparty WI ~n . ilTus-tut-i <t Lhthcawo. visited lis given by ber sister Mis Miton liaiker FOR KR JAIWORKt I rs LitE ahetb Tuuwn.-î. aLo inaNOTICEI ut ler bonne ou Furemt ave-nue. Wilinette 1 sert uyillhi t present. The oni>' thlng the Indel lest Saturday eveutug. I N IVIOLE STATE rank ut-srttu rued f raanWisonsiîi is lu tii»Il laPACE. fi Tex s AireMuse Due-i vih be at and us ltudn--id.-d anattu moving tîtere. knuwn tact thatas »N Grayelake Wednedays and SaturdayS prlgi i l.Fb 2-wit- Tht- busket suctaileld at the Bot-ta- maks thing off il Mue and Rond Lake Tuendays to coleet foriîoft-f 1Iu iis ebo12.Twe aeîutduat- et-boiuuu riday vas "-el] attn-îuied tonnthimleofvSPAn-ltm taxes. Juohu Maeon, TaColeton. od oatuu l<2liloi cunle hase s l. u.cfSPCE c-21-4 subniitted tuu hIe State Hlghway 010i- ae gnuu u eal.Mîny corr-espondanlts mision thil tans fer the tate aid *end ln Items partslnlng lt ruadse ty t-\ut-tt ta build dulug the John Gekas of North Chiéago whe r iomotirs wiii WN'atch for our pentya.Ot these en have be Falls Into Trap Laid by a profite t.a colui furti examlued hy the commission and ap- liqte om fri Free ()oods Ads. proved and .,d.,. have been gît-en t0 Rival Greek Dealer. items ohouli and muet t tte engncrs o ite cammiseiont ta ferIif wm artetolive. Fach veek forât least six cansecu- make tite officIi e se5. John Gekas, a Orek. vbo runes a The rate Ilamî-i tive veeks vs are ging tu givo The en are Carrall, DeKaît, iro- place at 22nd and State etreets, No. par lino.. awey gondsq te ani cetomers. Eerh quols, Kane, Laite, Llvlngsteu, Ogle, Cblt-cagtu. suas flued 120 and caste for In futureach notices veek vs viii tell jun about It. Thees Pearla. Sangamola and Vermîllilon. seelilng liquoir vîthont a llreusee.bis omnIttid unieu notation goode ivili etram oui regniar stock The 14 otherut vblcb bave submlt- hearlng bielg befure Justice Nelson. lIait they o r@ teho peu and yau viilb. miselug uppurtuni- ed titeir preiininaiy suiveys, whlclu He îald the flue atter pluading guli- , An>' affala whoaerom tie. It yen ]et these gu by vithout vili proitaity b. paased on vîthîn a ty, but ln making bis plea, b. expiain- 'c5iped Or PrOmotons taklng edvantagle of tbem. few s-i ets sicr Bond, Clark,.-1-lecd thai tue dld fnat Intend daiug vinne Profit from it. le ln the. This wsek vs are ofterlg, FiREE Crawford. DuPage, Henr-y-, Kentdallie added Ibat tecitad purcitased a thingi forwblch notices vltb eveîy pearchas@ of Roxail Madison, NMarshall, Pute, Puiaeki. Sa- quantitv of witues, etc.,fur a vedding paid for.-TF. Pearl Toutla Puvdei or Peste, hune. Sruuyer and Whlteside. j of a relative aud that. atter the ved- di 5 tohbra.ng, titere vas a Jugtul o! the coisrd Piano 1l uring DRUCE DRUG CO. Independeut reaches ail pointa lulilquld lett aud as a iman asked hlm ta Leeve ordere aI itays Furi The Rexali Store (iîaysiake Lakte Conty. seil!it ta hlm. ite did se. Wark doue by Mr. Alden. opendent It la a sibsorlp. rdepend to iffulis ho dvos. ii. um ho pod e nonts Round Lake, l11. 1 Dance Music a Specialty Dr. N. W. Scheilenbegoe OSTEOPATIIIC PHYSICIAE WAtYKOAN. ILLINOIS W ll be atM msC. i.ilos9 so5 Oen rd dSt.. ubartyvillo, on Taie. ai fdsy. il ad iv ise s s v em qa . #e le viii ho Lt U. i. MIS. AttsSuY 1le ade Adjudication Notice. 1 fr.Pttai tNouie l a eavby givea Utais IdIi r la s le s ealibc ga e atai nifltas Lasi v a u a " T 14 fluke ia <ent of John Rosin , duie a ffls . W UI alot of attend theCO(uuuY CourtnIOfLite CONCOMi 1 terintbereo i ta tecliold na i att hes OaiU I - sm uet lho vsokega . a asld Consity. o tans fl 1 M ot Atuil nesa. 1914. aheu and vbsfl 1 p etene havîne daIms S&ainsi suid na au otited sud isianeste d rl s e M M Wad court lui adjudicatii. utture S tore. W IIA Mài' A. itO SiNl . E12»00 « IRIDAY.- Lfake villa i. ad is. Adrew Daagaard of Aatiocb. visftsd ai Jan. Atwell's lait .Baday. Tho e &Mperty given at tbe bell ou $aturdey ivonlng by lb. Commerciel club vas ejoyed by a gond number. Pris«es sgilven and refreebmento1 o4rved. The club ýInembere aie good sntsrtanierm. Norma Lntzer ot Oaklield., Wln.,a former principal bers, undeiwent an operatlon for appendicsli lust week, but Ia dulng nicely. Mr@. R. H. Sberwood and Claire have been confined to the bouse b)y Ilues. the peit veek. Albert Kappie lias beeu bâving a vac a. tion, fbe result of a badly spîainied tbumb wa ile woîking on the Leman bungalow et Baud Lake lest veek.. Mr. and Mis. J. G. Poulton of '/.on Cty, tiansactud business in Our viînnity ladt week. Fine for the home-gathers the spare change; good for the Children-teaches thrift. Get one of these banks from your HOMEt bank, where you cau get the money or deposit It without spending carfare or time. Mail us a postal and we will @end one of the banks hy parcels post. A STATE BANK 10-- Waukegan, gatuiday and Stinds.v ou ae.-eouût of tht ichuese of lieiser, Mis Henry Dletmeyei. wb.t te very loy. Ollie Holmes vas jeen on î,ui seets Sunday. SUES FOR c"09000 ON AN INSURANCE POLICY ON BOSSIER IL il Lake Villa, lýnm*ou* Capital $25,000.00