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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Feb 1914, p. 4

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> oür TAXE ooUwvNTY l .ake County IndependentRÇ&Mi4,INg, officiaifPap~r for lAkre <Cd"iiy.DEATII IN-A CROSS. O*eTaohneNmbe . LibertyvIsi.Exchange. ~CNIETTI tabwed && têtePootefflow st Libesityvi)la, ]I, m Second CuseMail ate A PU TR1P tuee.d SveyPrlay. Adertilolg Rat.. Ma&e Known on Appilctha. Coroner J. L. Taylor Hastening £hIfl*t2Iprow N aibf. eIso PER VIANSTNICTI.V IN ADVANGE W. ,J. 81Te .................................. ............................E........ ............................. ............................................. Mn.ger M.4. WEBIR.......................................... Rosldent Manaer. Phone OS ThisIconsi ougunilo law the oter day prevenlisd a nm under arrest at Kenocba from marrylng a woman wbo bad tiled a charge againat hMm, thus ahowmng up an- other of its disadvantages. W. bel ieve that William Dunniil the man in the ease at Vole, can go back to Volo and lve i perfect peace If ho wishes to-that is, ho stand no danger wbatever of facing a possible ride on arail. Fat i,riSlsinVolo viclfity have ceaeed to be-they've ail been hidden away forever. W. cari ses how a merger of ail the. associations of the county in which farmers of the cointy are interested in one way~ or anothor, would be suare to bring a united force% which would b. able to accomplîsh much good for the. nem- ers themselves and also would be a means of obtaining legisiation wn the state and co-tinty boards that would be beneficial and more extensive thaii any of the associations operating separately could ever hope to secure. Others are joiming forces, why flot the. farmers?t Perry Austin may b. "doomed to hel, " according to the fanatical Ziomite who characterizes the. Waukegan vot- erai as being craay, Ildoômed," etc., but personally, we'd givo moro., fqr this old vot's chances of having etornal re- ~ywuTdtui vo ould for Uic.. Zomites who, wvile they manayfot break a few of the sonmmdments, have flot the u 9 tstcmetiou'of tho one roferring te love for one'u n 411,r,~u tbs dayanda&go, isone of'the most au" of ai. act la, it doesn't seem ai f the. reuidente off t clety realise that suciia commandmont lias a place inithe Good Book. A hA lth test for al hrldegrooms is ail rglit in its plac, acorlngto Chcag voanbutshevoud also as she clamta tea agn hnyugepecx mmry frlv i togdtriint vroea Obstaces. While vo do flot think that it is necessary foi a man to b. werth a fortune before hio is permitted to wed. * nevertheles, ho should at least have sufficient funds or a position vhich wil make him self supporting. .W. believe that if Abe Lincoln could have his saý abov&utheb.zatr, h. vould not sanction the erection of tha# U0O,0O meaninglesa mémnorial in his m.mory ati Waablugtcm. If th. fund raised for a memerial had been put fnto a groat b*ghay, a great hospital or Voehn vlibwoold bring good and benefit te bumamity, ia Lin-b to lm'sy AM wvas ntemded te do, thon vould the. Greatt Emauipaorhave beau satlsflod and happy.The. maner- Wlam&nov b.i emory v bile a beantiful PWO of u tbt'.a il. go far as benefit- tlng 1,000000 asn't meant for Uiat-t It'squt..oto say theleast. it a viiole, a ini order te gt a aulook..per, viibave t.o et am affidvit or prennsohm bis.Teitheu" o.f tte d&ùnis mada, pesto dis-nomatturvba thte caus of lu.Aid ItookS s f overy -ifs vba bh.tihd tdM~ a drink nov aind thon., vii. uIub, te be- - o» a omplainaut under such *c-lrcum1ýssto, maa vwu coagtuiyte ohersvbo have started suit., begin ai actio no matter vbat caused ber busband's doath ami, Pousbly recov* from thW. saloonkeeper even if the. man led frous bydrophobia or someth ngel.1. QiOVT. INSPECTOR WATC1IES 1IDLIN6i Of MEATS IN DON NO DUCK IINTINEi IIERE THIS SI>IINi; There ilîl b.- no dnck hunting thls to Bedaide of Dyng Sister In Califonila. Plttad againut deatt, Odronar J.» L. Taylor of Libertyville ia engaged ln a tissé acrosa lte continent ta the Ladside of bIs dylug sîster, Misa Fan- nie Taylor, who witL ber tatber, Ste- phen Taylor. bas been makîng lber home lu Burbank. Cal., a short dis- tance from Lri, Angeles. Late Thursday atternoon Dr. Tay- lor receiveil a telegram tron isi fatb- et whlch resit as toliows: *"Corne at once. Ilane vcry sicli." The coroner realizcd et once tuai lie would not have licen asked fn mnake the long trip acroas the contin- eut unless the condition of hie siste- was ver3' critîcai. The tact that flic dispaci urged hlm fo lose no f li- added to thîs beliet. Il was Impossible tb get a train Thursday night, but packung bis ýufit case and iiccompanled by hie wlfe., Dr. Taylor left Ulicrtyv-Ille ibis mura- iug at 6:55 o'clock. Taklng advan- tage ofthîe closeat possible connec- lion, traveling ntgbt and day. tbe cor- oner bas figured that hie vili not bie aile tu, reaci tbe bedide of bis sfis- ter betore next Mouday moraing. At lhUis over a year ago Mlis Tay- lor and hier ftier, Stepben Taylor, lofti Lhertyville for- California wvroie il vas tbeir Intention tu spei the winter sud returau inte sprint. They llked the climats and country se voit titat bbey determlaed ta romaiun ter. at least durlng the present wnter and possily make their home there bide- finltety. SMiss Taylor's bealtb biadt ualbeen of tbe best for aonme Uttile lime but there was nothing about Il wich was alarming. Tbus bier brother vas qutte uuprepared for tbe Information Ibat sbite anocritically Ill. Coroner Taylor wilI not returu for at least three weeks and durlug bis absence Dcîiuty Coroner Edward C'on- rad cf Waukegan will preslde.at al tinquestesud fulilll Uicdules of the coroner. HAVE OYSTER SUPIER AT M. P. A. MEETIN At the reguiat ui.îuîhly wnetingof tbe LibertYviVl'<- lal.<lthe< litl' r<durer. Association< ild la.t Satnddnv evenine at the Mysîuc Workera hall, a numiier of very imprtant matters were tatien Up. but perbapo the une of n<u.t Interent t,,< th viIagý vas t4i. action on the puJ<lii< scale matter. Bide vere, received f rout bath the libye icaie Co. and the Fai- bats--Morse Co . the lat tor go.ttlng the coutreet. The alak to i.,instalisd' in the, rpar future vifii liea tandard FSirt.ank -morne #craIe, A Nu. 1ute.ve" peslleular, ton ton tapacity with a 22 fot by 8 fout platfortni.fuilseel con- struetion, moutd on accucretefonuda. $#ou. the béais of thescse"tu le a seWf reglatering deuicewbieh wil aLsoiurelp do saa>with aIl mtaem thas ai- .çeatar mtghlt make. Alt-r the bain.,. of the mone*asà* dl.-p 'id of a reeai "dovu-aoutb' .up.r "M. sevai>tbc vheom#-n. hie e*btmb '1-i4ng iuralphed by Arthur Ko&. of L $Um&.s T&,mv liaI the cut l as eejjio vol Dotualbal ces 41tha.bissNe.sne tbost prouet, audm ris. a mbsebl e.&tff Po mucb hey w> ers ucabb »I *zpres. ubemsefives ivas deoideéS& Rive a tiaing vote o! thants hto M. Koas. Aller mun. b elpinz of aecb ouiier tb. diners maiag.d tu get on ther felasd t1b.fio'wiui vto<f thant.a ivs. nives 1< Mr Kc<ou: To Atlîur Koon àjd id b<s adupti te ofi l4Uiis<ut- We. t1wii.- .miers of 1wtl. l.tyvilie ionl fficlkItProdu4-re Asociatloni _____ spring, accordlnc b lite attomut-y ge.ubo se hd dherehv expres. -ur Mion Cilty, Pebs. 14-Zion ment fiat- ral'elfterlptefation of the new l'e-- d.ep itratit<î'i.-and eiumsre hanke bo ketwil sn b dinga bsiesstlatcmrl iaw 1prniibitinig the klingu ot Sir ssithu<r Keo)u i of Asbiana.No Itetwilinoo liedoin a usinss iat grtory biurds ln zone No. 1 wiilh rh ciifot the ii<gni.inb les.t %bat kt c-ilI meat the large parking bouses lu' Includes thei.- <-U t.-flîlinois, front bas upîl<ed us, buit1fo l@ brPatb of Chicago sit up aud take notice. Since Deremlier 1I b September 1. 'flic iaw spring and..Isu sis itat is carrieul b, February frat tuey have been nînkung isnow lu effect aund therefore dock the, iresh an<d crieip vegeaWsall.nd fruit.. ablpments lto seveuî states and tie shooflua lu this stute will n ot lic legat for the gliopme cd(<lat nt ldise of eaim swànagbr reports tiai orders are lu- untîl Pejtemlier 1, next. There lias blue waters tbatthwe ruaen ia lb crassîng in nuniber sud uuantity ech been some hope among duck hunters s.iggesrt andI lorthe tbgutei)Ang vhite- wee. lu tact there tg a trade sprlng- that the federal gamse statute wouid shésil tonde llasbing blair rainbov colots 1n« op vlhZMoun ieat products that1 not Le effective untîl after April 15, V0 the azore sky, tb. vodeoro do of viii ou. day make Mion Cilty packlug but the secretary of the Illinois gun oyotet helila, folue isil preradlug epirit housea famed as the "worlds greatest club wrote for lufouTation ou this 0f ubat beauful .onObern bcepitality paptna ous." ointaudreeiv- tè followtng jet- a..d for the spirit lunvbth I l vas given. la ordar tb do a wholesale Lust- ter frram the cilice of solicitor of the To Arthur Koon in bis sontbbctn home; aesa vith firme ln neigbboriug tates devartmnt of agrculture as failawis: Heaiih. bappinesss, prasperit. R wasua»c.nary to bave a gavera- "The attau'ey general bas referred mem i npactor on the spot, an ibat, ta this depasrtment your letter. The The Rev. W. H. W. Bocyle. wbo r.- tbe sasstansd the r packlug bouesremutations ou October 1, 1913. for the igued the' patrata of the irat cMMnub. lloroughly iu»peeted sud ibus entorcemuent of the art of Match 4, Preebyterian churcit of Lake Porait ~ yag> vlla tb. etate lava. A gnv- 1913, seclally pravidedt that zthe last December toasccapt the pastorale s ,ust ipector bas beau lu Zion close season for water fowl lunzone cfte Woodward Avenue Presbyter- 0*1> glce 'Valuuary lai and h. has No. 1, vhilch Inludea llnots, shal tan. cbnrcb of Detroit, Mich., vlI h. buwatuly flsjiued te bandliug of b. etween December 1 sud Septeun- Installed!asslestar of the Detroit t»s MmsMW mamuufscuelug 0o!asu- ber 1. These regulatious liecome et- rhurcb neat Sunday. ine. Dr. Boyle'@ saga.bslcgas' hamburger sud ollier fective ou lhe date cf their promulga- assumpstion ot ctranca, upon bis uev p»Sebit &" S acordlug *<> bIgrepore titon 'namnely, Octoher il, 1912, and pastorale the coegrogalloa bave .vsryumig l er> sat ory. aMr shaoting of vaier fowî after De- been no largely luct.sd that the carnIer 16 last l8 a violation ot the churcb auditorium la scarcely large b*l*bgdeagruder? 3E ONZ. fedarallav." 'enongh 10 accommodaet ibm' 'I KRTDAY, PE~UÂRY 20, 1014. LàBETiV1LLE SCiIOOL NOTES. RUNM 0F 115 11A "1mw b net a new 0 < OIvr ulinid. fT R1S AUA vlnter" -Go ntoa btaItetrureefton t6ftr tth â.idt é, rani and loi y Our old overcoat asIda. 'I ogl0 O.tl ialD The nzi tep le 10 4el inertmeli.a a ioin h; o pamssa way taut w*M. uv, hitleBityssa. thea wben ton la* We4imedy, tros bld fro, th. boréneic toady tu lmrvaauoto pu% un yollr ,vIW ar61lthe. Prod ita*,northt oUbaiW- c.a. and It la not there. Tell "fond Ville, S0V. mnar. te aaor of th.eUB. [PaePw" lim a mneknawviii sunis yo Job.'. evatuit. Lotbhama durob, ollelat a-d ho viiproduca. Tb@e nqpég wu10.-Tb@ burtaiWatt ai Lakasidenoma. eomlulbnuted by Barvel WarreMos tory (alias Upldr) L. 0,a. s'18.I- ats ;;i MWasLOQ ui Wb$n as hré lu Zochon, Oc1um aolvm a rpd aié;foisbe b Pommér., Gerowan, on out. 27, 156 la nOW v.arlng beare vitouse ft i. Thirî YOa.Mgo0 ah* Dame 10titis tact tiat ILuwotked. Titerefora, bu ig eOuunîYt7 euts. asweveosra of ber resolved, "hs OUr stu.lenta joursu blttie.made bbasseo.. iti bei d..r, protOcuthaîor property befors tbey leave 1111M A. M. Ca-. élite have. 10 moura L. fi. S. tugo out into thi4 cruel world. ber father and moher, Mr. and Idrs, Miss Ruth' Eilîsizor, ue îîme ofFred Rutten and tourstatera. Ll.bert3 ville Gramir achoul »peutia Couple ut days reently with Oarie NOTICE Eugibrect. I1i-1wb a Candidate for the office of Jeas Mou., lormerly of L H B., visited town coileclor ut the .-oMing Rtepublcan ns FOidt'> aitrnuoti, tb.-occaei<n Iing a primarv, and wili appret-iate any support Lincoîn'. birtbday bolidaY a% -ea teld îRven (ne. W,,,. Wb.feIer. 11gh. c-20-ti Thre iaahîh grade ga, e a playlet lie th@ O Ti OER FLBRY assleràleIy tron <n 'rijuri4da3 ,ultër&i 1-tTEii.iOFLIERY Te ::o I.ý Iad«ugod~VILLE TOWNSMIPlt suiou4, but we d.ut kn«w wbotr hi. , Iwli li e a candidate for the, office, of liii or out tiecau s.-io<.p,.tetom i«ere -an colleeto)r ut the.-ruing tîuh allowëd eep r Il), bg< <raie uinb. . îr< a nd il .<l a I .,pî...isfc auv and Mise11.-l «fLai.- BIW ~ ail -uppoîrt giV<-nfile Tt<.r.day ftr,,< Aîî<lce j<a, r15fAuetin 'X. Tril,l, on a'-outof LîucolW i< anidteFo C Ucy Wi.ifrsd Wilso<n, lot «nv y.t Waube. lCniae o olc gan, eDtered third grade- thi<s wek, 11wish, to îul<rm ixnîy.frienide that 1vilii Most of the grades b<td a Vahieutebox ba. Caodidate for colI.ctor, suij.et tu Prday alternoon ibthe uemratic primat. .'adl wîioî<- Engleh I hu jut tni*h4 6 proeiale ail euppNtt given me Engîs IVba jut nla.. beisa -lB-tf J. R Mulbollanr.. "Eeiu.y Wrlîten tiin aCountry cbatcb- Yard " Tbey bave been cunmmlgaORC L E oectilOol c1 ore gre-at English p"t to O O CO memotY eaeb vetfurthe wpait oaîh. B. Lalannounusabat hb.@ lamolli, Prof. (la phyaieclnam.) Asy aood date for the nomination 1to th eilS le, vhieb ta Plasna 10 the car in »".enNletor for the ta wu0f Lberty vil eut (Ti. boit dlsmtsaing teîlata .ring.) lb. fiapublican primatisa, and vill Wae $"t a MMea m saound? X- it ss, appeucMeal support gîven hlm, And fte! Wssington'- hlrltây et 1.11.on sud.y bis year NO Clecao0NO C &abomda> % **ihW&.b aNOTCE ycnldc Theam of I 16 heid their a&nuasb.1c if te0 x ollorcforidueta.for doue.s taI b.t<wn hall Friday niMbi. ÀAte 1111S ieLux oeto ftetuerapma, or faIrtY good "Drd attenied, altbougb h. f).mo tatvo taai bapr$maro not aW lare an lit wouid have lana bad tae Dovilearevoerail thepporfam. iller. Dot beeu dance autV% aucoud nd and we20t a Msear Il orgocu me Grayslake. They did Dot have th.e90-!MrR ocln reguiar oreheutra, but Lal goe ngule OTC anYway. Mr. aud NIrs Ed 8wa and N TIC . a su àrs UeO Koon nhaperotied and Th- i- ith i.aI~-, f.e tf"l a<-uitY wwsr<-reented by Mis§@ " '< N- . *I' -ri r' ' car a nd isa icirew. ,sp..i&a asesment No. 2. and the ft<urtb Euglleb lit have io iltd-O0d i inotaihnent of epocial ageeasment No. 3. NIa"ý anda jêw et g 9@<nplathor ,ame nov due and payable au y affi-'e lu aannva iew oes r tinwîho1u pek<-r Bcnd's dtuoe store. aThbe ariedWPoe aPod ins R. B. Bond. Village Cottor, tiiïenimes encagod 6re t <be, od nais'party a couple of1 w ek-i890, tbaàt tbeît 'oniy boy", decioý.d t, gr- th,-mn'<tercaneb> abaeatimg imrtli.1.I y TueedY. Plysi es*m is.as tati-nup "sound" aud the Plane lipometry,,la.esa"0 tbey havre becs r.eakiit pl.-«ty of we<,nd '!) in fae bb*y voui caliu. <0 Marie Andrew.s pent snudaý,p at Deullaiupe »asthhguest of 1lia ftidoipb. LAME CDUAT[EM 18S MM RAID TUM S1.' 'LRàng$Fmei.' ntroductiu un maiL Ib-.trbaaL Psodnctiona i 4home vas Ob *inc met agreable snature vlan. n0& S5*Ww Wot Rolarti Serman pro- saaad "lb. LIou and Ibo Mous." teu apPreciasrenaudiascat Oh. Audtorum, Wh" 30a4e mUlof, lbes'ats voeetabou 16 1*4»es* to Sb la lathe .. aw» the. brai s»n Pre.isntation ofa higq. cos" Phug "àd he g.,u.ralpublie Mes Dot goueaa toexpaclngocraves aatiipa'. 12 -*easulayIe> tbhall sa . ah. inenit gon ta s.vsaboya Baluada> 01911&. fovavet, the muet blblyai sl- Wtcosy va> le vhich, "The Lion e&" The.lMous." vas pumutned vilbtsauraliq tuer«» e satteedanca ai tbe lutus. piays %0i le gl;et thelb.AudiOcrini The msiiaers ni tha hand.ooue, large, new Auditoriumaexpeclt t<>secureoly bigh grade and veli known compacies MOu il <iren the. proper ecouragemuent v.lt bar.- booklngo lor seierai nigbis in eefliEouif .. stboa alvaysbeen the euatouli ie L<bertyviile peopie tu go t0 lte trounble and expanse 0i going 10 Ubî<'ago to vitneapmctiaiiy the saine high sitandard athose that eau nov lie meen bsn,, a"d psy much baguier prise o! aduissgion %han yuli 1w aSied at bomne, and alan aroid the tes«onie tripte and froui the tit. SIG MORTGAGE IS TO BE FILED IN COUNTY. Circuit clerba in seveuty Illlncjs counilea vwilicomae lu for a usat tee wben Swift andCoc. record lu the ver- lous counties a Ore mortgage tn se- cure 150,000,000of 5 Par cent Éiuking tnd gold bonds. The mortgrage la tbo tbe Firei Trust snd ilavInge Bank tof Chicego, 9 The Siret mortgage record was filed wlth the Circuit clark o! Morgan coun- tY Yesterday. As the rosI estate a*1 tcuity le lu neventy dufaereut counUes a mortgage record yull bave te be itied lu escb cotihty. The fee lu Morgan county vas $96, The document coutaiaed 69,000 vords. Ü&aaau d-"«ffb735n'O@* Vou Use This? To tide you over to the day when you arp going to insure, thereby taking "if" ont, o your life to the tune of at lenst -a few POSTPONEMENT RECORD 1 bereby agree thai n................11 1 wiIl be alive and in gond health, and theri as able to paes the ex- amination a8 today, agreeing nmeantime to co.nract no contagioum, infectious or other kinds of disease, rior ineet with any accidcnt, nor becomne physically imnpaired so as to ievii my tien pamwing the exaiination. QfCourse you are going to take insurance some tirne, for, aithougli you know you'll live only once, you'Il diii only once; but you are not quite ready. There- fore yon are an "after-a-while-inan." You will insure Iater-a few months hence. Please sign the above and kindly mail to me, and fix the thing right Up. Yours truly, JOHN HODGE District M~anager Buy it Because Ifs a Better. Car ModalT 55 1.oI . De li - -lu Gl partir uls*Schanck Bras. Libertyvilie 'i t bo andle, It ut the, mm ap.4 a80,dry. LETZ «-oe Fr UD IL, OvLeu M a trial ad you wIlln n» urne amy àdwr l'be Thy are thé* fautest-wcrking. eaaiest-runnlng Fe4Grbdcm mde, and oeat you lemet for caanent Grind Oat j Huile, Alfalfi4 Ray, Com wlth Cob. .si Huak, Wheat Screnlm npmd a&USmall Graine fine at a single grinding. Duhra sharpen themurlvez. One et prinde 1000 to 3000 buchel,5. We can furnish you the right saze Letz for your engine's borne- !Ipower. Sec us about it et once. LIBERTYVILLE.. IM. B. EGER ... RAYSLAKE

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