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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Feb 1914, p. 5

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LÂKE (JO1ITY WN1EPENDÈNT. F1RIl A Y FEBRUARY 20, 1914. 'TmE SmOSE l'.000 FTE'm W. arc trying to impress apon 709 the futat we htv badJe a daIM of gooda that viii pisse you whe» yon buy the- b-uam of the. priee, sud when yOu 0on, asumo thece bm.cutei.qnlity. Try Clubhouse Seli-raisiug Cake and Bincuit Flour It do« fot requhre baking powder, sft or soda. 5 Pound DackS 25c S pecial Sale .FOR TEN DAYS For a period of ton dàym we will seli Men's Winter Clothing at prices that cannot but appeal to your sen@e of economy. We are offering morne exceptional bar- gaini-but let the prices do the talking, for they Éipeak londer than we cari: 82.00 pants ........ $2.50 pants .... .... 1.95 83.00 pafltD ... ... ... 2.45 83.50 pants .......... 2.95 8400 Sheep ined Coats ..-3.00 $7.50 Corduroy h'p lin'd C'tD 5.50 AlI.over voatm'also at greatly redueed ;)rici-4, and it wiII pay you to coine iiiaand look theîi ou-r.I Res- tneinîer this sale holds only until Marclî Ist. J. B. Morse & Co. Everythlng for Men UB£RT'YViI, LEl.. Pli 144 Red Comb Poultry Food Tnou.HE LEA DER TODA Y Produces more eggs and keeps the flock bealthy and fit. None better--e sgo Sold only by Libertyville Down by the Old Depol. Lumber Company Phone 47 Been Mere 20 Years. o M a CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 30. LIBERTYVILLE, ILI. 'Il, -~ .1 .C16 er/yvd/e .Yiems- XXXXX XXX XXXXX XXXXXXX xxxxx To insurs publication in lte Inden- dont. copy muet b. in the office no lat., thoan To.aday of mach we.ic. Adves- tIsera. especially areasaked to take partîcular notice to this affect. (Addltionai Local News Page 5 and 2) Rpnry Voelling of Long Grove, wae a vieitrbare SatrrdU. Frank Carr k fWauonds, vas li îwn1 on buoînae Weduesday. Thot..Carolan of Deertleld. waq in tow» on buies., Monday. Postmnter R. M. Taylor -wai. a Ciiîago partaent r ueday, Wm. Kunlie was a Park Ridge vtàitcir the latter part ot Iaet weeL. Dr. C. W. Baker of Prairie View, waâ itu Liberty ville ou busjuesw W.diueeday. The bowley aliym are favoiite atiiuie- meite for uianyduiibic timcsold W,,ai.Lr. "Living chu ret1 Thei Woir ker At ibe Audloinumtlbie )riday> even. lng vili ho presbtel the play .Folît> of Force" by ibum Deee5ld Uramatie c1lub. The play la a eonuididraia lainbtri. act@, a»d vae prfisnted apt Dieeild a litUm over atvsego<0andi drav a crowded bomi. The prima utf admissIon1 are 25 and 85 .nl. Sonda> rnorning just betur. elevea o'clock tLb.tiri dipartaient as callei ta; the BlermunlDsta by biiiiue eha «w darnes emaaaatlng froiu trio chimne>. Ttc services of the llremea vere Dut ieeded s William ReilY bad the lire under control belore bie knew that an alariu hart been torueti s. 11, lie T.îria Chapter -c11iii i"eRtmuinster (juild iîll meet aitIth îî.ie of Ruth iNclie. Tueudaày eveniîg of uext veek. -Liing Pictnrue" in îîrowreiuz finely uiîler tue auspices uf hic,, t'rThîs le thcniîae ut lt hîerî tuî u lie gîveni t> hunsetalentart tc ePrebyteiiau fîciu-ti Tue.dav eveuiug. , cr 3 ENTERAIIINQ PROIRAN FOI MISS REIFS CONCERT On» of Lb. mont entertaining and bighly lntercstlng programe that bau been Lb. plesedre of muit lovera ta evtma well be giveast tbe M. Echarot ois Tbnridas avening of ndt veak, wbenthei Mendelseohn Conservabory of Meule concert vul ha gien by Iise Bazesilleid aud asaltsd hy the Men- dlaobah LadIes' Quartot. The colacrt bigl a 8:15 o'cîuck. nad tii. prograxa viii consiet of vocal Mmd laavr«ental eto of fut greal choie. Tb@ Mloe New@ apeake very favorsbly of Um i idn ber former concerta. MIrs.EarI Lanfiwotthy's private dancing tIsa Sàturday, 2 Lu 4 p nm., Woodwaa hall. c-1 Egg IMaoh that gets recuits, at the Lihertyville Luraber Co. iiriadiug every Weduesday aud Thurg- day at Home Luxuher Co. Petrolputri Carton. theisstlceacootîce fuel. Libe.rty ville i umbei. IJaviecýu of Portland, Ojregonî, i. ___________ iglis grauiduictlier, SIre. S.A. siuoug nsany uld hiî l.ld ty our J. ei-ritere, Il. N. Maxhlusii las ceveral Iuterniational Sugar Fed $22 lier ton J ecCpîcces achiclilicLu t).îigtt witb fgr cale lit Home Luxaler Co. é a uiumter l'om lite weut tou, liii roui Maséscîiusetî. tin iThe ega, ?ud(ay tu Witxcss tfie , ud , ,îlcst of thes e ia Spalish icoin îîeariug The Pre.byteriau Ladies' Aid wilIlicold 4ýl there. Ithe date 17319 and aut the orne it was as bakcry sale at the Ray Furuiiure coe lesauuaier Iroui lare weut Lu auîiuired by. Ur. Max tain suae is ft. Saturday afternoon, Feu 21, 1-t oda l'.dueeday nîght to attend cigbt yeane 5<0, wae aiirtb about ai 1foiko damnce. quarter of à dollar in our iu.ucy. AS North Amenican Union lodge due@ are due the filrit day andlxsayable ou tht Audreçe o!fL'rhana, fil., epeut Street commisaloner J H4 Mtîlholland lastdayvoeach aionth. FoecRll i here wîîfî hie parents, Ur. and weut thruugb anu .eratiou at the and Erneet Brown, Jr., Collectors. i. EAndrews. MeiAlister bo@iital ilu Waukegaàn Satur- e-22-1 Royal Neighbora card part> field day FrIends vbo visited i îîîutaithe mdat nlgni vas vel attended and hIcipital Bonda> @tâte that he put in a Boy are your lest? Are thcy &ore, a ver> enjoyabie evetit. bâd day, but latier neye froxa the SMid andi aveaty? ave tbey got a hospital sa> that bhofa nov xnuch botter, long distance emeil? If so ramamber fiaMana uxild ut St- L avrenc@'@ and lie la expoctati that te vili be ahIe Lu Barkr's Antiseptie vwllcnre thistroule, àywli Ieet as the reidence ot Mra. returu to bis bone bhre doli '.g the bezi For sale by F. B. Loved Co. Ladd nuit Thursday, Feb. 2Oih. le w daye. and Mms. ho. Wright of Highland 'lh. Lib.rtyvlle lucal of the Muik 1 i gindti ai, &harpon cvr, Pacisora, vlalted Baturday nlgbt and Sun- Producoei Association yul hbold a ma&. skates. andi do repairliig on furnîtore, ith tiacir parents on go. Milwaukee querade andi old-Iashloned ho".ovn ai andi odd job@. A. P. Raught, ilrst the Lîbertyville Town Ball ou Frlday stre«.t-1S-Ltf pu vaut Lusec eomnething inter. evening of tidevsek. Daucin @tstoce ai . ometbing vot viie? Seo eight o'clock. Prises vii te avardd WANTED-To get iu touch with tuPictures" ai the Preobyterîau tor tht test dresseed lady and gentleman, 1prospective Oectiere forflanadlan vest. Maret 3rd. alec for thetiDm1. and second Ltstcomics. Rave a Proposition that vili inte.et Hapkt four piste orchestra wiilfuruleh yon. Add roe Clarence Bock, Liberty. negular meeling o!f th i' st Cttc îîîucîc. Supper vii te served. ville or Elhov, Book, Canada. p-21-4 cr Tuecday eveniug F 1 4 o o o o i o o o o o e o o e o e o o o o o o Q o o o * o o o *5 o o o o o o o o e i UIFE INSURANCE. Boisa a iood clien vho provld.efor bis vile and chitiran. Balsa beMtrciel au who misa pravîdea for i vldov mmd E E 4S y A:N IIOR N DW àme OWWib 1L.basemeCpa The Lîbertyvîlle A. C.c-coud leain played the Lake Foreet Vîciniars eecond tealu lere Monday evening, Feb. 16, Ttc Weiuiars vvi2uing 20 to il. The Lauep was fast andi close f coi start to tInish. but tht Lake Foret boys had a bit the advautage over tht home lads la teaili wîrk. The Lifiertyville team wilI jouruey Cc Lake Foet, Wedntsday evuu.Feli. 25th, for a ratrn» game. Sunday ateracun Fred taltbergtr hati à uarrsîv tcapefromieng injuned lu an aittempt to stop i horse lu frout ut the Treptow & Tayhir Furniture store. One of tht reius droppeti from ieisbande andi in tryîng to @top tehomse the animial drew ttc slelgb on4e ithe valk and came daugeronol> claie tu dumping Mir. Staltberger into the. areavay leati- tng tao0. 1. Luceo liaruma ehop li the banexuent ofthte building. The. rst instaliment, of "Katblyn" ahovn n litbree ceel. vas given et tihe Lynle Theatre lait Friday aIght Lu a crovded boue, andti bm pictues w er. ver> instructive anti ontertainlng. B> s.cring Lbese plctarsai tir. Robertson ahoulti b. <iven the hast encouragement s Ikreaélly akea more foraslght andi courage than an ardiar> mortel la giron readit for b> showlng âecb up-to- the-minute play@ xialava ownthe oie eof LîherlyMJ@1. BARS PARCEL POST CHANGES Washington, D. C., Fub. 16.- Senate posttret approp rfatlon nov about ready for sulbmission to the Senate, carrnes a provision whlcb ameutis the parcel post 1I w Bo that "there shal le 1nochangea lu the ex- istlug weight lirait rmtes of postage or zoues otf forth claie mailt matter until authorized by lay." This ameud- meut, If eniacied luto, law, friends of the parcel post eay. would destroy the service. A bitter fight wlll lie made on this provision If the commit- tee presenits r te the Senate. Independert:More readers than ail county weectles comblned. Folly 0olForce" A Consedy Dramsainl The Acta givea bq tko DEERFIELD DRANiATIC CLUB on Fr Fé. 20 TWO ADDED ATRACTIONS lu ig CasQuartes RsgidCaeenlst Admissrn,25e and,35c The New Vaniety Store Phone 6 VA UUCiA N'S SI3IDS We osrry thio weil-known brsnd of seeds. Stock Now Comlng ln Get yoar ordera in early-none w.0 large, noue ton amaui. Get your seeds here and save frelght and ex- press charges. New Variety Store New Batir Dagdlmg Libertyrille Illinois We propose to do away with the worn out idea that tbe banking busifees Is a mysterious sort of an affair wh'ich only a few understand. We' want YOIJ to uuderstand what kind of a bank WIE are conducting- Lake County National Bank US1ERTYVILI!,, ILL. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $95,000.00 Order (globe Scratch ]Feed'ý to Make Vour ltiens Lay. A daily egg record in every sack. For twelve years Globe Feed bas been considered the standard poultry feed. Order a sack today. Sold only by 0P LTBERTYVILLE Phone 50 For Fire and Lite Insurance CHARLES D. PROCTOR Agent For NE~W HAMP3SHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Michigan Mutual Wifeurance Comnpany. LIBERRTYVILLEr, ILLINOIS. Il U GETr FRESH, HOME-GROWN LETTUCE The Meredith Flower & Vegtabe Go. Orders Taken at Up-town Offie or at Greenhoums bilt, -"MM___ -Thh. fieg Ready --- EASTFJR 15 COMJN(Up NEXT WEEK WILL BE PATTERN WEEK From Feb. 23-28 every lady gets two patterns FREE. Ask for them. Look over our New Sprins Shadoa in White Gingbam Dresses, 50c to $1.50 Fancy Dress Good-s Kinlona Aprons 25c SILK POPUINS, V<0dOL CREPES and BROCADES Ptiot o FANCY COTTr CREPES, VOILES, BATISTES Princess Slips. - soc Ready.to-wear Waists, $1 to $3 Crepe Gowns - - soc d 46Dresses, "Drawers . - Ic-25c Moite your ailections whlle the lines re comploe.. r RW1SJT m OP JIJST ARRIVED-A FulllLice of Aul colona ai Prihes Cblldren's (ioods oeadiucturs W.. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY. NORTH STORE PHONE 29 2--STORES--2 SOUTH STORE PHO0NEIl inldepeadint ad- road il U.000. Tie. Independent le"$ a&H. Xndep.ent reader' S5&ON Butler à afol or puddi dish andi ucelr lit it unofcariiedorangaeDl cboepid nUm. choppeti raimins ur Car. riaisor a Mixture or thse; Iithedi.b nearly fa» nof bugs nibroken cake eud throUgb fi " more bits ut frit or muis; mis a eup Of muÈ mite two tsbiesPoou- fuieesuitasr tbe beaten yolk. of Cao effrsandi à Pluch ofsai.l'our ti.isàalit- tloat walas rver the cake; rverigbtiy AnMiset la a Pan of tniiin«f er elu lts ovc ntidbate au bouc. or MI it lu 8cm. Tam ou anti srye miii a fruit sauve .EHi T .geLbetv Madec and refremhmeiite will be furnied. Ail înuixbers and frienda invitcdý Ou Wcdnewday of last week M rs. Mai garet C. Moouer ctertaiued ten tneai- bers of the M. E. Suuday echoul clase, the occasion beiug her 51th bir1.hday. Theyoung [acies of St. Joseph Parish wil give the third of their sere of card parties and dancea at the town hall on Tueuday eveuîug, February 24th. Al are invited. Th% W. C. T. (;, willi eet at the home ut Mxce. Martha Seabergon Second treet, Tueedayv, Feb. 24. at 2ffO. Topie: Industiai Woxauho>od's Relation to the W. C. T ." Charlce Phullipis, a well known realdent o! Lbertyville, died a% the horne of his daughter, Uir@. ChA. Cheever, Wedn.a. day morning, a detailed acont of wbom appeara ln part two oft tu liue. Tneaday ovulng abont ifihten membere of the Lihertyville Ledge Fo. 956, I. 0. 0. F.. vent ta Highland Park 1.0 attend the. county meeting oftShe OdJ Felow order. They report a very lnterestlug meeting vas held. Parker Bartett and hie conain fr0,» Montana, Louis PLagg, Christ Boyechou Chas. Johnaon vint to Waukaffl Suc- day where they vilted C. A. litant and J. B. Mulbolland who are at tbe IdeAilistier hoaptal recos ring train an operation. The Boy'@ club bai eecured the servIces ut 1ev. W. L. Wlipple for an ilnstrated lecture ou hie trip uhruugh Florida, to ho given thle Fiday ulght lu the M. E. church. Mir. Whipple ba@s ecured mny beautiful viewe of hie trip. Admission, adulte 15c, chiîdren 10v. lut he display ad ofi the Lake County Ntioual Bank test wepk au error vas made lu tatiug that tlie hank would have somethiug cf imuportance to eay tQ our readers in the uest 1.wo weekg, aud by readlug their ad duriug the ucit few weeke ycu vill se where the miâtake was made. ilonday uoou Silvia Dula cuffered a wreuched muscle lu bis left leg while wreetllng vith another boy ou the ochool grounde. Silviu was taken tu Dr. Churchill@ office where the injured li was attendeol Lu, aud later tihe boy vas taken tu hie home by hie grandfather, Peter Novera. Choice Groceries and Meats- 1

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