- u~ .. - --i. -~ -~ i. LAKE OOUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN _______ - - -.~m ~7i'aT~ T~T AflVkl~flU~ - Y -rIaWiWTiWTTiT T fi s-T T qyvrys s ~ LTWPDD t A DU 'Mi I Oh A UirnM ~AK~M mi ixi rildi, z .ilaLb au.' ~ VAW( TWU ' -LjJ.DEI L v L LJE.iu, nwiA 1- k' xIi>iv L Ait 1. , i- .- l--- two ternis as circuit dlert and wga mSeruMayof the board of education of Wukegan for many years. ln 1880 the famlly moved ta Waukegau. Elgbt years ago tbey moved ta Liber- tyvilte wbere tbey bave been ever Rince. Mis. PhIllips passed away two yeari g. Mr. and Nira. Pbltliîîe bhal four children: Libby, dylng ln lnfancy; Lewis, who died eight years &go; Sirs. IL W. Proctor of Llbertyville; %Ir. Charles, Cheeves of UAbertyville. Funerat Fiday morffing ait'10:30( froin is late honme. Lbertyville, ln charge of the G. A -iR.; burial at Falrfleld, 111, SALONKEEPERS ARE SUED FOR DAM*- MiES 0f $109OOO.00 Mrs. Patrick Leonard Declares, That Husband Mas Becme Habituai Drunkard. Waukegan. Feb 17. Charging that ber husband bas be- corne an habituai drunkard and un- ahl. ta support i famlly,, Mmr. Louis Leonard mand ber six chlidren today started suit for $10000 dàaaex against a nuguber of local saloon keep- era, who iL 1s charged sold or gave iquai to th. buaband sud father, is-IîOetostipesvu.. lgbuti iow!*hp (rc4tcted »sirali ie) anc addy" Leonard. durnt(hom - ff3-eootsd ceunty raoumvice 1at lOv isara. lraB(onar ui 1e ChaUe '. Partridso. chitdren are represetd by Attorney t le msrc.elected tremaurer in A. V. Slmithi vbo bas bad remrakable Li toieof 176 (hie a6 0forLb. ê« tb» vàust tva yeara viiereas socce8s in 'ing th ln kind of cases. a, It M Xtbour>.- T e aloonkeepein aarnd as de- r lib.imleeted circuit ch-hk for four fendants linlira. Lenardim action ai- ~~ as follovs: Edward D-yte, .Wiliam J - eemg~g~~e circuit ctenk for 4 Fetvey, Arthun Nauta. Robert Sebrei- sickLongTimeber, Barney Wetzel, David Lui mand ho BleU Log TmeArthui- Nauta, dbing business under v( Pffblle bd bffl mick for a the firnname ofLux and Nasi. t 1mSstb" bgw.lsibad al ae5Sd nnus. ln ber bil ra. Leonard relates Lbhat moti. &Uat alo Le aoonkeipers namod ila lie:a acapi- er suit mal on gave tiquor La ber9 ~ etaiiuaa sd ur., ogoter usauti as a reSuittof vblcb ehe says R1êmbaoid gAm he ad etaas- e bas bécome an habituai druakard, SEAT AT CAPITAL Minorty Rprsntive Prom District Annou csHe's a Candidate Again,. - BUT ONE OPPONENT AS YET. Has Madie a Gooti Record at Spingfild anti Lkely WiII Bi Nominated. Thomas Grahiamsof Inglesldc. lake county, presset minority representa- tive from tht.. tise elghth senatortl district, i. La be a candidate for re- etection ta the seat at Springfield. Mir. Graham. when asked by (bis ncwspaper on Wednesday of this veek as th wisetheq- he woutd, run again. stated: "Yen, t may an veit go out after the office for a necond term for the fact li., i have juêt got etart- ed on a numiien of Important mat- fera whlch t woujd ilke taosee finish- id. This fisb batchery improveOient for Lake county which bas been as- sured me tatet) - ln one thing whicb concerne Lakie county and wblch Il -1d Iulka t10 me ithM hte a UL~NT *ý,IS Fonne County Treaser For- qIervso, ss kway. HAD BEEN AILINO LONG. Fèw Men More Prominent ini Mair-s of County Than He -HeM Mdany Offices. Chals P41114%. fariner county trau.a.r <f lAko county, former cir- naît Clubk of the cOuaty. former sec. rotary of tbe Waukegan schooi board said for yuem upervisor froin Fre- mont townaip. died et bis home Ia LU»rUyvillji village. Nedueaay marn- IR& âmubna ts.,y Stfolowing a alck- Ma i wva. of long duratian. lis deuils.ttz iodigLb.ecancer of one of the couU's mnat prominent citi- e"siIWi bad! held mre than $W4 avirae number of offices usualiy at~te " la M yWilluat and ou. wha bae *M emeku lnou imany public ,Mgtw BuUmmi.a-zla, Mr. PhIllips. durlag bis isuve cafier. held these varions *.ss la Lake couaty. -- M hue endtitu an soualdrforbisf.oe>- a nity representatîve from (hie Tbceooc. bis drnlae vas nt enLIre- a.nd property. and bas bcregetydsrct ebsbe ls o te ly @m@mrre ta bis friende and rots- impoverisbed. iedunid. tiegraded anti govrnr, vislchs. naturalvy ha. aid- ar Utvo&l wholty uinid lu minti andi boy au id hlm ta getting recognition for tise à$" 'h todigLthe above oMies. won asa estate. district visicis he bai aaked for. Tisea Mv. Dillpe vas Lava cllecton acd The six (conard-childi-en visose mont notable (bing ise bas obtaiced a 8nusar ron the township of Fn.- names as Arthtir,. Cltara. Ilanganet. is tise $15.000 fi eh hatciserjy for Lakein Mont mmuiFi"«, hinftactLtva. gou- Patrick, Loretta mand Frank, ait are in coucty. ancouicernent of visase 1tas- «&Wmlèeeiid ibat vtiatcver oebc. Lb. Lake Bluff orphanage. Thoéniotblt ion et Long tatie vas matie, but ne- s ho souit b.oavays obiaaied vitbXsaul or says (bat tho failler abaadonid ber cently. Tise oniy opposing candidate t dMISety, this tact praving the esteeni and th. chitdnen Lvo on (hie. yeai-s ta M. Graham no fan la Joe Freundti lavic W b".hvasoalvays bhetti. go mand since (hen ba <ontIhut.d o! McHenny wvisarnde an unsucces-.l Tint Mota Bled Lateiy nothing La the famly's support-. She fut campalan tva yeans ega for tiseg gaye that hefone hob ame (hua itu- office. h T8tla rather singutar and vortisy o! capeuutatid that ho eid* $1.800 a Tii. generai bellot ls (bat %Ir. Gi- j j moseaut hlm Unie (bat bis death sabouti rear ad vas able tu provide for hieslbamin i vIin Lise nomination aithte Pl foflbv by but a tev <ay. the deatis famiy la goati shape. Leonard le a bande cf bis panty. af 3. C. Whitney of Lahe Zurich, a brick nmton but is vîfe esys ble ah man aise over 90 yeara of ago mud not nov able ta fellow hie (rade toa via. during the clvii van, as a meni- any advantage. Mmr. fLenai-tilaem- eauA P TIN lIps ent ate.ougb fer lien llvellhooil The tieatb o! thense tvaaged voers-' ana vithin socb a short tume of oacb Oton, w as Lb. case of coasidenabto 1IOPINS ANDh U .. _George Lueit. ibe ynring CinamanII ienent by oltivoverons ut tise cana- foi cago. viwh sa taken iita e ?Myho note Lb. tact. LAIN N Y Et.ako county tubencutan coony a cou- £.5A~',' *'5=Cpie o! veeks ago.,<ied theno I'lday o! Wakdte Califrnis RACE F R CENÂTE lantwekbis tieath notice utci-a Tise deaili o!flii. Pbiiiipa hilis FORg:iIIIIligbt today. Hie romains ee Ont as niat erstilig tact about bis sent bock ta Chiscago for hurili He11 *%y irtf. IL oeseene (at, vitis friands Plende o! Abert J. Hopkinasvisa vas vers- sick visonlbe came bei-e andv la the eanly atise,. ho staiLet toi-1 eatedtuLalio Unitedi States senattur ittie hope vas entertained for bis i-e- r11h.. Peak anti taer svitced isidhe be before tise Illinois legilature sent cor, (horefone ie <omise dId not o-a.a anti vent tu, Caifornna. Whoen (crime rto fît bis tst atten a pro- came as a surprise ta attendants at bW anti bis frienis esciset Onmba, t ractid destihocti. <actai-id Nonday the cetony. He vas 23 years aid. their vagon traivas tiemolileoiO-d M ohn orltN eth b.Re bl-Luek inle nid L bave been tL ise nt eten anti vitis nome of Lie Pate au nomination fon a (ird time. fie Cbiicarnan bora of Chinoso parents ln Mr. Ptiips set out afoot anti valhet obtaned Itlin 1902. vas etectod lu tise Cty cf Chicago. eer Califoria. Thbe Younlg man 11903 anti again ln 1908, only La be rna there for nie tinte anti defeatid IlatLis, tegilature tu 1909. PISTAKEE CLUB HAS 1tLer s-L home suint;<ova thse M. Hopkins bas begua a campaîgu ITS ANNUAL ELECTION. «"mt havever &né valkIng adi-oeahlnIlinois ln a quiet vay by mailing Tise Plîtatiee Yacht Club belli Is thi lathuns vier. Panama canai nov ltters to men ho belleves tan aid annuel <muner and meeting aithtie J& being u itiIthlm la bis caadidacy. ies annaunce- Union restaurant Mondsy nigist la ti. phJ.lips vas secnetaro! Lb. ment la expectid after tise Apnht etet- Chicago. Retlrlng Commodore John Wglkegan sclcool board for many tUo. J. Duffy viLh Feoi-dtary Fi-antiL..c 7%ne, hi tact. It lesit by nmne bat Matoni May 'Ti-ge" Pasedatoup preiedt. Neaily 1001 lie vas (ho firit secretary o!fLtue William E. Maton «nnnierly a ies- menibers v/e.pi-osent and fan tise1 bud.afler Lb. nov organisation b.e dentof Wautiegmt ati failer of Lewis fint ime ln th is beLrs of tb. clubg oueeive, serting for jours Y. lMan o! Sherida rondi) le expect- tise vamen ver. nopresenteti. FI-i- non, vM lr. Toil vas presîdent. otiL matie a format annouancomout o! loiing ver. tise ofienrs elocteti forn ;r zPhilipa vau bora la-Gene- i cantildacy about Lise saine ie r.. the etsuing yQar: vie#. y, juir 18, 1831. Ho vas tise He vas elecid La the Senate la 1897 Coninotire-Frati E. Haneeli. Me ofai qartees&d ami aolPhiltipe. Inln lathe days before aiuy parts- nommna- Vice cammodoie-iFr.tiH. tuUtoi- j »UiM. Phillipe came L Ililineis. Lirsfth(e place vore madtlu lit- Rear commodre-William H. 1intg i la, i. hero ho aught toise. M.Masan has announcid in- Stuant. eSpO W le rm e sim. Ho vas niai-- !rmally (bat h. le a candidate fon Fleet captai-Harry B. RIfof. t l iss-Lucinda Huatigton, hie olti seat. Hie <id a ittle canipatun- Secrtary--4Pran L Pasdeloup. 8, O.1$56.. ia 1&68 b. vent aven- lau for IL aL the state fair tout tait. Treasuer-Fr»etiL Witti. on, l~y~CalWoruils. elag gone (vo Tier. la a general belcft that lui Fleetcbsptai-Oecar C. Millier. v éis iX ve*e ften hie rettiD Cas e s ate organisaltion untes on th'-st urgen-Dr. RouentA. lêI a héLii908h regiment. 1. acandidate fon senator Mr. Maonvl Bllh C'd~y , merInjbircers e. . illing ta bep "Itof tise snatar- Bousid cf tiIectore-Fmrir 8dc rush.g.atL.daIM a tarin-WlaIlit &anti-Xe. hInteadthe nom"ns- mai, Chartes W. Peter.l, Acdriv Mo-> tlgalo. 6IIL He if l iattthe Lîca for ripreaetatie lincongreas t Ansi, Gpr9O A. Sejier, C. IL Canton, o~tsf ibis tovwnsbip; ho largo. hieh Wvas u tin a i1912 Willaim Lrlmcr, Dr. anti Fred . tI W etoaty tremaqcr. tbeh e f h alIed Of eletio. Wlh s ÀOED WOMAN is IUN MILITARY RIFLE TOURNEY ELfiR M BURNED TO DEATII; Washinigton.D. C., Feu) 18.-Re- OTT HITB SON FIiITS FIRE es for tise national muitar; scisool' FR T A TO I ..SONie e sanouv.hoethig champlonshiri of teýj FR T À Mrs. Roberg of Highwood Is jVictim of Terrible Tragedy MondayMorning. SON BURNED TRYING TO SAVE LIFE 0F MOTHER. A Tennis Flannel Slumberirig Robe Catches Fire andi Hetp .Arrives Too Late. THOMASGRAAMM Lake County Idinorlty ftepresentativer at Springfild, who ha* announcedr he wiII seek a r.tum ta hi. seat at Sp ring fielId. INSPECTOIR? ICS IS SENT TO ZION TO INVEST16ÀTE WiII See Whettier There Is any Chance of'Smallpox Being lire. Roberg. an aged voman of Hlghwood. who tîad attained 80 or m o re y ea rs va s t e v ictim o f a ter- ber slumbering robe. made of tennis flanunel. caught fire as she entered tiie aittini x-ont of ber home and started La pokieu the lire a little. The gown caught lire and the buî-nx ieft Brdentowa Mltary instituts and the New Mexico Nîllitary Insti- tute stiliL ied for firat place. ln the second division, or claiso B, the North- western Mlitary and Naval acadeniy of Hghland Park,.Ilit., teads. havlng made th. highest score for the week, 982 of the possible 1.000. VICTORY FOR THE VOLIVA FORCES IN TREASURY MAlER' Judge Donelly's Ruling Mon- day in Mandamus Lotion Favors Voliva Side. wbich resuiteli. îrosed fatal ta Sire. Rob)erg Cet leven Ociock nt niirht. 10 DAYS GIVEN TO ANSWER some irttee , houri , alter the ccci-11 dent uvsur,-ed.1 A ion Charles. wbo endeavoFed tao save hie mothere ilte, vben she ecreamed for belp. vas aiea bady burned about the bauds, but bevilii caL netain any permanent effects aft- Spred Troug Dary. one of theiaddeet that bas accuri-ed i HigisvoMAn a long tin. Thet )AIRY FOREMAN IS ILL. aged womac vas vetil knova (bei-e as are aieber (vo sons, Chartes and fAil Precautions Are Not Ta- Axet. Tlîey bave lived (bei-e many ken, Sending of Products yers HwI. îHap penie Here WiII Be Forbidden. la tise earty mornlng heurs, the. aged vornan arose. aud gaina tutu W'aukigan. February 18. tb. sitting i-oom, stai-ted to patio upq At thse Instanice o! Commisselahei-Lbfire la tise round heater whicis Cart Aitei-iery and City Piseian heatatis te place. Tise belle!lei tisat1 JC. Fotey, city inspectai- Clarence e hnbr eeve cmagtlr rt Ilics wnt e Zln Cty biB orn Lbte fuzzy substance wisicis i chai-st- ticte vnt u Zan Cty lii monig teristlc o! tenais fiannel. caugist fine tlnvestigate the sciatipox'icare tisai by nobbicg agalcattihé utove. as broirea out in the White Dove At aay rate, tbe ion Chsarles soan lity as a recuit orthtisafct thet Elmer heard bis mother shouting: McCoi-mick, foremnaî of tiseZMon "Cre l qucChil.l' Creame-y bas tiecome afflicted witîtj aflire." th dread diseuse. Waukegan le la- The ean ruebed ia. iaw bu matier terested la tise condition hecause ablaze andi burrted ta the bedroam. mucis ofthtie producti o! the creamery where bie seized blantiets and rused i-e îaid lta W autigan. .bacti icto the roam. Uroviug (hem Tise Wautiegau hisaltb autborities about hie ageti mother. Tise flames .ti-eady bave made. an Investigation la tise meantime hat spi-ead ali aven and bave fouad tisai thee §Pudlpox ex- tise gavasude pene(nated lber under ios but they sis to ascentala visetis garmes. reacing lber body. Tise er ail precauttons hae been Latien ta con, isovever, rolled ber oui tise faonr se (bat tise contagion le not attowed In tise blankets andti fnaliy managed to epreadte taWaukegaa tbroogis the te txiinguish tisefdarnes. articles bacdleil l the dairy. if A doctor vas caiied andi for a time Iospectar Hickstis th(at alt saLe u t cas telt se migbt reover as tise tuai-de bave not heeî taken he bas vouade dld not appear te be vory beec glven autisoruiy to torbidth ie deep. Everytblng Possible vai doue Mlon Conceru btsi-liS SOI moi-e of tise for lier lbut tise borne proved vorse si-oduct bei-e for Lihe- ime boing. tijaueil frit vere lisdicateti andtiber Officiai. o! tsi-ptant ai-e isaidti iealtis accurred before midnight. have dectared tuali 1.-y have taketi Depiity i'oi-hore-i Coriait hi-tiian li possible prefi-îîîiîns (o provenu iiiiei(lues hii afiernoon ai. tva 'ciock the spreadiag of thilsisease and scaFsuit (lire vei-ctvas accidentai deatti ane salti te havi- slatiidtiat Lb. fore- ni aciorilance wiutitlite tacts stateil Smen did! net wori, ai tihe plant f or aiiovi- unas tittie ulune iefor-, hie came dowa vlths tise dleease. Ft-i(at' metson thy a ter s iti o n haceýCOUNTY MEETING ocf tbe disease i;lîreadinrg. Local authorit les invever vus to FO D E L W b.e on tho cafe side and for (bat nec- aMi are deternesd to mate a tison- ouais Investigationl tMi. Hicksvas Tbîrt.v memberi of tise Wautiegan lcstructed (oto look lusi (ho matter 1i O. 0 F,. veut ta Highlandi Park very veny thonougii>. Tuesdey everiug wiere (bey atteaded 1 a counie meeting o! Odd Fetiova. tiere being about 150) guecti pressait S SSIE STEPPEDL' utn tise total. Tise meeting vas catted foi-tise pur- ON IIISFEETAÀNDýSO HiE WANTS DIVORCE George Shearer Brings Action Against Wife, Ineludbng Unusual Chanrges. Climning (Set iis cite bail 'e(epped an bis f..t, sund ethervise lajuneti hiDi, George Shearvir bas fiied a suit for divorce firnhbie wife Editis Shtear- en. tise action hiing unitsual lnui us declarathon Of eutreiOi abuse heapeti on tise husisautihy hie vito. He says (bey vene marrioti April 2Mt,-1910, et Kenosha. andti lvedti L- getiser untit Feb. 16., ts rean. Ho obharutis extrerno crueltyimticuding thons 1pecific cases: Ou January 8Oth lat she stnuckislhm vitis ber its ansd iched anti Seat hlm; dC tise mme on Oct. 15, 1912: tht o aul'b. -LSt, thi. jean. she e tnocb, Ikiohet aud leSt hlm andt heu stepped MonIle test <*ad hInjred i hm greatly; Utse i Ie queutly threv tbings aStbWu anti drove hlm fronthLie ihotu» o atone trne; that ber saIlles cf liaslon ver. ftrequett and vioci omuase nothat bei osanoM eantlnueUjIU vti be. bavin ia good dime, and firn accaunts tise guestsalal hsd IL. There cas sîîeatinug tram varlous memberi andi littene vere reat fi-oit lodges visicis vere nat nepreaented, ineiuding Antioch. Latie Zurich and Barrngton. Especial. lange deobus thons were lresent tnom Llbettyviltto M'autegan and Highltandi Park. Tise usuel business vas transacicut fnttowed hy a progrea la viiciC. T lseydettiei, S. A. Hatisorne, ad Rev Galiger of Waukegen: Dr. Chsurcisill of Libetyville: Rev. Quayle o! Laki Foi-est anti J. H. Cribbs a! HigWaini Parti. particlpated. A eptenditi banquet vas furnished by tise Highliand Parti membere andti very pleasant evening vas speaL b, ail visa attendeti. Among tise proasIieuct menibens oc Lise Wautiegaa delegaLion vas Georg W. Hutcinson, tava clerti. -1t. L. Gonsaives bas filed a mecisai ie lien against th. hocco& co i-tt I Durand ai Labo Bluff for $1,:53, hii dlaim 1 elc tisat ise vas nctaUiove fan extra wark. etc., hi the a,,ciitect satlmatee and that mince LMri. Durant hsp r.!usedt Lasottie. Home of John Depree Was Threatened With Destruct- ion by Vire Today. DAMAGE 15 CONSIDERABLE. Members of Court of Honor About to Corne-to Waukegan Stayeti Home to HeIp. Waukegaa. Feh. 17. tyýegates from al) parts of Lb. COUn- t .ar attendlng a meeting of the Court of lionor ln Nuitls hall la Wau- kegan to<iay. Matera et Importance La Lb. aider ver. takea up muiddis- cusaed, the different detogates havtng been lnstructed by their varions lodges as ta boy they should act. Tiser. vere delegates froimai parts ef the couflty and Lb. gathortag vas quit representaUivi. 1 As a resultt of a tire vbich for a j.time threatened the home of John Depree of AaSOIt a large doiegatton, of Court of Honor members Who bad Intended to corne heri froni that vil, lue .ta attend mn ait day me.etig of Lb.e county organ lzatlan. remaid ut home toa muLet la Oubing Lb. daines. Tbe'lire hioh. out' about 9:30 o'- ter before Judge Donnelly wheu thb. dock. It tatcd on th.erMtf blch demurrer of Burnett S. Love te the leude ta the. biIàf that IL waa& ausd peittno the City or Zion for ia by a spark frar'nm the ehlincy ora petina u a o r . o e h e d .tctve fdue. D% # i"- tirée atr as mandmue as sear. Lve. ho siounded. the - rre hed. iginedt quite an Independeut. va. elected treaeur a start and the. ifu,6 as .'atertained er of Zion et the tait election and that the eOtlre houed would b. de- vas directed hy thse el(y ec)uneil ta stroyed. depasit the City rnoney lu the iai tThe. volunteer fi-e depmrtment vas National ianti of Waukegaa n lb.theumrnOned but by the ime 8h. saei- Dam oftheCit ofZio. H de oeue membersa a asenbted and naie a th Ciy o Zin. -ledeps-reacbed Lb. scene Lb. lire vas bIs.- lited tbem in hi> cne, treaeuner of lcg liircely. Fortunately there vas Zion. He ail" efused ta psy a vouch a goad water pressure mand afier a er tssued by te counèil te Voliva for stubborn fisbt the d@Pgrtment suc- $6.97500. January 17tb the councili eedeil la putUng out Lb. lire. The investigated tise chai-ge# that Love greater Portion Of thé eatVorIs d-'W bad net deposited the nioney as di- atroyed maid Lb. danae. yUl b.oea> nected and isad not paid the voucher siderable. The furniture i vm ahadiy for $6875, and wbetber be bad direct- darnaged by lire. saok*Mud ly or indirecUy used tise money or The members o! th. Court lit Nos. ZMon for hie own uie, found Lhe cbarg- Or who remalned et hbee tog"ter es truc and remnoved hlm firoffice. vitis other restidents of thb. vil. appointiug Irving J. Tboneton I ieI aided materially la igbting the ic pltace as eîty treasuner. althogh Antiocb la mari fertamat. Tbere vas over $13.000.00 on de- tissu Bomnecf Lb. villagOt In thé cous- poîlt in the banti and on January 22, (y la that It bas vater pressera s»d 1914, the banti started a chancery lira- dosesnet have te depend upea a-buck- ceeding asklng tbe Circuit court ta et brigade. determIuie te wisom it shoîîld pay this money. A V I M Im This lviicorne up et thse Ilarci S KIIS $Va0eM a WE toi-m of tise court. The dispute ai teaEA wbo was (reaburer left the city with- RE T 0F1,A.LREDý out ready moaoy and La hasten the de-J termination of thls question tise City AI MS T P0I of Zion brouglit tise proceediug. visir-is U S T D vas before the court yesterday againsi Lcve nd the banti. asking that [AveBgDaaeAto Fie nth (ulraoser hie ciiy booki sud tueris Da ae -io il nh and any money In hie bande te Tiusii-1 Circuit Court by Wuaow, of tan1 and treceter uny iionkey laii ti Insurance Attorney.. book te Thuniton. Judge Donneily ruled (bat ondin Lbhe-Ja.Icie G. Welcis bas fIled a suit la wurdlag of the ptition Love could behaif or lien. M. Adama of Lb. es. Dot b. made ta answer ai ta the bocks tais o! Alfred Adami againat tue Chi. and paper but gave,hie attorney ton cage anid Northw..tirs, rmiroad comn. dayi te file an aaewon as te the bal- pany for $10.000 damages ance o! the petition.k- ln oLuer vords Thse suit la thi. resuit o! the. desl Love muet, Inaide o! ten daya. show o!utlin. Adamit a $Wl-nofeld attip ccause why he doeî not turu over tise ney. wha vea In Waukegan laut yiu. rnaney te the City. on businesismuid wha returnngteaa This lis tu effect a vlctory for (ho train te go te Chicago, vas bit by a tcitY. Love la represented by A. P. fuat tra.in rlght I front cf Lb. depot Beaublen. The city o! Zion by Theoa-md killed. dore Fonby and Chas. P. earnes and The dlaim vas et the tue Lta"th( Ithe banti by Eiam f.L Carke. Tisene gt. btween Lb, tva trackes vu tlt Iare sevenal novel points ln tise case openu, that Adamas tmsted. te cogzes and attorneys are watcblng develop. these hacka via Lb. gatc andi M ot i menti wlth Intene8t. @se. tle pProchlng train, êtfflef a he vas klllod dir.ctly as a remIt of 1,IORSE RUNS AWAY; il,. gaLe being openeti for bies. Mr. Adamis vas bead tiate . my fr laa E66SCu ARE SPILLEI) big accident hIsurmace coipmy mand a Ponal frienti of Mr. Wlch., j Other uts Filed hICourt Waukgan P'eruay ~ G. L. Blanchard bas oued John Egge tooti a drop Tueiday attor- Othen suint. filetimetud0tii..: ;e noua vison Mrn. Lux of Wadswonth Ezra Burtltod lva. Anale pété- id was turaing Merchant's corner et Bel- low. bill to forsdlose. vider. street mand ber cutter upset, Boni. Rani vs. Hans Anderao. bill A spililg four dezens ci eggs al aven for nmchanic'is lien. & (ho street. John Lancaster vs. Charles A. Wed- ýy The bora. became unfastened froni ants. George Fltszerat uid n Mary Lb. cutter as teUicrg tippeti vhea ltsgeratd. f caught in Lb. trmcks amuid 4aing up Çé Gosée treot. the.animal made Poa-. JosepbheMrranei, reaidng et Nus P@ give IL acitemr ,mth. Otiier 1n san avenue ad West ?vemdfl <aiage te the. outiermuid tii. lmo fric.Chicago, bctieviti ta, h. d t. a- Many Of Lb.éeOMMWorth front84 Lain d. ereatoti a sella te ulmsm ev I28 cents a <oen, her vas no am-a.oral vomnala the. Public Uy sa age. (L Gî icailagi ball Mo*dav u ed 'ienho: cihobucitbireO, usmW s L. Day mud famity tefttoday frton eii.second lios- andi peirit ah homotea& jîrPOlloUIS0. na offce. There are severai ather matters that 1 have staited and vbich 1arn faulilar vltb, therefore I teel bat my presence la Springfield ibt aid ln cannylng (hem along. -"MNauy of my fri-ends ln Lake, Boane i and NIcHenry couties bave unged ne coL La give op tbe seat and It ee as if (lie meines of loy party s a wbole, sa far as t bave been able C ta deLci-mine. bave been satlsfied witb ny efforts et Spningfield, ail of wbtchc have been carrled on in tb. endos- ar ta do tiheat i could foi- my dl6s- rlct. tf iL bas eatlefied a rnajait(y. 1suppose 1i shah tbe eturnetI. f not. <i wisy 1 shahl be satistled. V've (lied ta ha do lny be@t7 ci Mias Made Gool Record Wbiie at Springfield for bis ftrtC terni. Mr. Graimarlias made good as th 1 *de of Tmat Timè For-mer reasurer Love Must Show Why Me Keeps Money. Another maoevas mateieMonder la tise Zian City Ti-easurership mat- VOIM PAGIM id 1 $1.50 PEU Y M A lm y TY.T. IMTTAV TM.RPI-APV 911 1414-