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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Feb 1914, p. 12

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LÀ 'N COl1IW PIrA RDY PBUR 2.1Y , «.- ~ - .-- - ---- ~ - ve cdr htlin*o are now havlnt ~Kah ~O flt21FfbC& ~ fl~ fltsuch a bard lime flndlng a Permanent ~Ial~G~n lIchI~Ul titiariteti, dlvorced and Mre.*Bristol IR IS ent to Chicago whiere vite wot'ked for a time anid lest sumtîîer as te TV's been noticeable that a great miany old residenta!!rnia naselai o.bl of Wýaukegn and Lake county have <ied during the past :accdent of Joy-rldvrs 21111U41t0 anti few montha, persons W1ho are properly classed as the pio- lier compalons wePe trown ove! tî uüera-of -thé county. Iu fact, seldom have so many deaths aI AI L ide of a bridge ln incolii Park witon among the real aged occurred within a similar period as 15 itheJ Weie racing dowîî the boulevard ding over the bridge. Site tas drowu- + ed sud was buried it VîukegaIt. Bris. Condensed skîmmed milk, a new product, is being U tol bas not beeji back hlere for yearis. placed on the market by a Pecatornca milk-condensfig __ Compaq~.The conceru la said to have found a profitableluWdea'iAK S1 lfU use for *bat formerly was practically a waste. Skimmed 1Tite publicationui j[1edays L IN2 IN milk la useful, but there being ao much of it farniers ofiten Daily Sun of the tatement tai i feed it to the pigs. This should open up another source of, Bristol, farmaerly ot Waltkega't b <GIRLS WHIO BECAME revenue for the dairymen.: bei't married sud teas living lu (osit SRîini L IYWU - -- entIud.. brougiti forth astoaisi g re S TRÀNDEIN ITYII vltoswhilcit elîl tnterest V.auke _____ The willing of ail o f his property to his viidow, Who ir gan andilake couuty jteoffi itciîtd1ttt tun gve it to her children at ber death, ilustrates fur~Ue~pit:J If'bT rvsFisl ther a or trait of character of the aged Bentionite Who FIRST--Titat Bristol married at Real Good Samaritan to Two died recently, Mr. Hiram Ferry. Ris wife and lie vere widow with three ciildreu anti that Young Women. boon compamionsala Itheir lives, and, showing bis love and "Ince aiotlter was ite to titem. consideration for ber, he left bis estate in ber hands While bis new wite and fauiily. GIVES ROOM AND MEAL. she lived. Why shoudn't he do just that tbing?. Tt em- THIRD-That lie luduced lis w phasize8 frcefully, an act of that sort, that marital bliss ciildren la mun away front lake villa Girls Found Cryîng as 5They in.ag.d couples can continue even after the three score andi home for boys sud join blm. tater Learned Street Cars Had ten. alîandonilng tit:r with hie tife. Stopped Running. With the Voliva forces determined to push that anti- Smoke ordînance, even if it has been knocked out by the Supreme court, it is certaini that there will be things do- ing in Zlan In the flot distant future. for, at the present tine, the ones who favor smoking have the Supreme court back of them, and that's liable to help some. Voliva's anti- Oook, uan~méking, antI-vaccination, anti-Independent cruaades InUion aie surely keeping hlm busy just nov and: the. outoome at Springfield is quite enough to make hlim feel that the stars are against bim at the.present writing, FALL IS INDIRECT PLA NS TO ERECT CAUSE 0f A DEATII A 111111WALLL ABOUT IN ZION ON WED. TUE COOK FACTORY Coroner's lnquest HeId Wed- Overseer Voliva Declares He nesday Over the Remains of Has ;; Plan to Screçn the Mrs. Bortha Bils. Cooks From the World. FORMERLY 0F WAUKEGAN. JIUST HOW CAN HE DO IT? Ir,îured in FaliliRere Three Years Ago-Was Paralyzed -Dropsy Direct Cause. Acting Coroner Edward Conrtd was callel to Mion Cty on Wedisestiay af t ernoon ta hiold an lnquest nver t remalus of Srs. Boriba Bile. 5 yeare old, wbo dled wtbout a pbvslciLnit attendance. Mrs. Bls sas a forme realdent of Waukegan, haàving livet here about a score of years agu. The indirect cause of ber death ia bellevec ta have been a bail fait shte sustziued here about ttres years ago. Thte ver- dict of the jury was that àMrs. BUS~ died of dropsy. .îrs. Bili, Il develope. lved in M'au- kegmu for elghteen or twenty years. SIte llved on Williams Sreet n to the time eite moved ta Zon Cfty a little, over two yearsa go. About titree sears ago tirs Bil: sustalned a bad fait as ,reijuit of which she was removed to the ian MeAllter hosptal. About thec ams time Bits suffer4d a strolie of paraly sis whlch rendered ber îracticall lilvdîles. After leavlug the itovîitai si e i to Zion City ta live slthi:ugb te fi not embrace tite Mon religion. SI lived with dfferent familles but fa, te test Year haad hfi v living wl'1 tite. Sweger fauily. The parat/i stroke itad affected ber spnlie ttîîj'î mtade it Impossible for her ta viit uit About two aud a hall montils ano vite developed dropsy andfit was to tiis !W t her dEuLth was due directly. Sire. BilS has no relatives living lu ,1! iei ithy. Siteitad flot itad a pity- sii-ian lu attendance for the last year snd lit wav iis fact wbch rmadei t toesayl hold an tnqueaf 't1d writer " to use these -oIumns. State you wants sim ply, and abov ,ail truthfully. ç Or telephone this office and the clerk wl write your ad. M aiît ads are the -ý, itt le invt me.t -te-- -, - --vol Woul-d Emulate the Chinese by Erecting Monster Wall Al About the Plant. 'tVilltur tllenhi Volita. overlord o' 7.lon Ct. an'toîneti îi'vtertiay hi intenttiont ut building a watt hetweel ttlrty anti fart i teet lu bel-lit ar- titi Couk elettrical plant, ta ahicit he andtifbs folio et-s abject. 'W, ehallt-uttem off train tl- vîîrlîl ofclesît. fretît aid tatd j- Pete. h'atit. -On the out.tde t tise wasl willt fe igne îeting tariý te principies anti pratticee or Zio 'utal aiaho pass oi tlie raitrouti ma cee. ,- .iust hisua lvîtîysexîet-s ta erev' te wallabout tite-fact-tri ix iot ar parent. Th iti'e-îotf ti' Pliant le on P corner outwtatstrepls and ti sî titti tu te subren" court rîlntit.i i it hae titte to te site in e uiht-h iel- plat-e stantts.' tfiourse a watt tlgt lie erectid abere te sitiewtttk naw 1' or on lter site tif il. tut if stet-: teere taken busard titalttidhy titi Voltvs People, te Cots outti ne: eut auntjunctloîî su qulckly tat the Voil'a peatli' coîtiti onder abat hit thit. Sa just citer, a hitgit tait îould tie eretteti viit ai degretof satiF faction t ite viitva îîe<îîi. tanao lie igureti out, Wfl-tieVlias atlortîeyu.are ri t art t-z a motion for a reitearlng or the Cooak case-, it la aiso trapasedti t ee, a building uer titi'Plat, to lie the. greai' cf dally meeting$. A bigleh' un titi buildingg clîl ring for mornîni Lantd eveting worsbip. destitute circuutstittces. piaceti Bris- 1 J. Blumbeg, Nie Waukegau mer- lots ciiltiren abuard a train t Ohio ihaut. played te rote out he Gooti sud sent tem tu Weukegati retives Samarlan Monday night anti as ae- anti tiey artiied lunlte vorsi ibliz- suit. two MZonaCity saune cwomen ta-, zard the ciy bas litait, reachlug taten day tieciare hes tîte biggest hearledt t et 4 octack in the nîoruing. man In te worîI tb anay time ite PIFTH lTitat te eite lias returit grIs arrestet InluZloti City fy)r speeti- edte ta ier owu folks in FIt Wayne, lug bis nuef molur trucik, or ese lad.cetteht lu a sorrnit intat tCity soi lien lit seonts titat Bîltr was marrieti a ls obligedt l stey aIl nigitt. they're )ear anti a baif ago: fer vomi' Urne hi' coing toi te ready te ulter hlm succur hati been working et 'Buctrus. Ohio. It ees atter tite play Titi Trefic ai Ilie nete tife litaiti three chiltirea ut North Chicago Stontiay nigitt. Aa ber oan n sd a baby was bain ta iter crow-ti tooti waltlng for te streel atout tbrec weekv ago. .ctar trom ths soutîtlIn Iacwre tite'twa Siturtît belon' tChristmas. Bristol Zioti City youug woeun. 0f a sud expresseti a desire ta have bis two dten somnehoty decl.ired that titi cai sans Laversi' anti George, ageti 16 antivsvtieti'sat car norlt anti that fit 14. juin hlm In Ohio, alti althouvi' tdestination was Waîtkegau. t tbev teere being careti fui niceey et -Wheu cen ce gel a car lu Zian?' thte Atisudale boys' honte. L.ake Vila. asalet une etftiti girls. take count, hi' sent them rney antid "Theres ne otiter car toîtiglitl, saiti tuldttitiim to juin hlm. Theti'to boys, a man telo icuet. alitunt permnissionttram te heati ut Thitgrls cen' ltirritieti anti beganf tîte scttttu, ran away t+om te home, tling eresti'. Titen une starteti came lu Waukegatt, anti fottotin- ta Cry. their tatiters Instructions. tuok thi' Mr. Blnntberg vas sfandiug rient littie sîster Etinq. aseeti7, a-i hurt-led vith hie ite and i ie ieard chat tbey la Ohio duere lhey jolueti their tatit sai. er anti sti'i.-nethi'r. ' 'ie cau't- gel boite-witat are tee Tite'littie girl, cho itati ieen. aI iido?" asketi une. Lalite luff orpisanege for vomeilie ' eoaclkftuWuga bt lidjust lprie o utaI time, been te'd frppze," said te other. laken bu ber aunt Mrs. Rubv Gonyo '"We cai't go to a hatel for tee1 Drur, wh intnded raisng hr.have't thte prive for a roam," offereti1 Hucever titi' owig teomane mid titi' irst yaung eontan. 'i-ft ber andt ieretare, citen te boys imetîutpmyniase-r -eut-ted Wuaki'gan. site day uise1 u u ymufa scr ,aitit relatives being careti for tem_ Ity for a room anti bring titernbeck ,iurarily. But. tollowing their fat- ,itue mauey tarnurrow." saldtihtei sec- r' i nstructtons, îhey taok hpr thltt detgirl. %% 1 ").Tbev couiint do titat," saidthetti h!em cavI cant tiîeyrernaînedti ier' Iee nisalt acy nt'.1h their parent. e e n tre ecy Deaerted Recontiy "WNhal aili aur folks say citeti ae Thittes ceat on satiafactarîly ftrI dont get borne: anti chat cii lhe.N %tlimDe. but s week ago. Bristol cit-1 vsy turnorrua t'-saiil te yaoung9 ca iut saylug a word ta hîs telfe, ieft but chute d etbrmetan oti srItotet bomte anti bas not been iteard f rom bu -hs ysdimdaduoe 4nce. Ifiý tamity aas ieft Iuntievîl- sh ..am.tfnleawl shr tute t-trtunîWancee anti ti' cite. l,'fTa.pa..on a-ut Ier co ourcitltietant Brs- AIlliti- tttîtme Mr. andîIMrs. Blium- tvitI.. hýrni-, fotiIu cktow aatido,.,-hr e setinteul listeners becausi' titi ur hoitlu gel along Tietiloten hati ptpearaii-Ietotiti' girls shoked that ta hein ber, antise caiteti a fewth iey sert respectable anti realiy aur- laves espectlug h imgitl reltu. Btt rieusoer their preticamentl. ' i iint. Afler ltearlng them lalk matters Put Chldrn o Trin oser diten te car tami' aioig anti Purfoet heid!'mn on Traine h sgeeiug titeir distresfurîher entpha- :ettfor her to do-sitemuat relut-n tram liten es uctnueamidîmeflo inliter flks for aid antisite took steps rmteeysotn addme .0 do se.Ihose ofthie other, Mr. Bllumberg fin- Piscingeti' Bristol trioaeboartia aly. aftler mentiaîîiug te malter ta -relit, site turcitaseti tickets for titein bsmIe uglt( otegrgta Ia Wauxegan anti askedthelit ralmen hi , cauttigo toi hi, bomaituid ternain ot took aler titer. Shi hsrself anti for te iigitt. liem four childicu. ans cf titem titi )ab)e lu rame. lett for Fort Wayne tise tante eveniue. Titi Brstol chil-i lt-en rode ail nigitt anti arrIve Inlit Waukegeu Monday moralng last et t o'clock. oý te palier train. Titis %vat;ltetoruiug citen sut-h a terrible tllzzard %%as raglnir. ant iImagine titi !Igltt of tite youug chitdren as titey -acheti towu, dit ne certain home . Itght ant i wth ne honte open ta -hem wllh -Welcrnte on te mat." incever, lbey lot t tise train aItte -i'tbcesti'rn station, piode tiei rou 'umrthwesîvçn station., tiiodded rncugîtthe sunow anti matie thelr day -ilt ome cf a relative choe ltse 'emiiy tees arouseti andti iey teste '-n ln. Titiy bave been Ibere since -, d tk lerelative Iiv condoîlng chat 10 îî with tent.for site cannet centinue , actommodale tent. '.tti-lantfor t busmatie ta geltti' tir1s tut-k ta Aliandale but because 't-eu-oatttiaY. Il las questlonable -het-lier tltiy will ho recelveti or not. Others in Orpitanage Twu alter Bristol cbidren are tili îîtî11tlec of theLake Bluff o'piaaage. Tuey are Citister, aged 10; anti Lewis aimd 12. Bristol, ton yeams cwas a qtIerk in Peet-ines drug stars, dtirng wcici Itue b, conducledth Ie tYs fiat t-ah tttines as a ide Issue. Ho marrieti %iîtnii' ('ouyo. lctoon s cbora te Weli sieeîî ou titi'loor on auy Place 3yott say,' they salti anti joy filledt iemit eats ta tiink they itat 1 ud e GondiSamamtau. Th it'Bum- bcrgs took te girls to their hume on Geitesi' street, assigned titen a uit-e ruomndasilu tise moraine titey tituet with te famtiy andtill for lteir horne an au eariy train. Titey natur- ait1, wet-v irotuse lu their thanks to the uuknowu fm'entidito tati escueti tem ft-ntn a protilcament wbtcb many girls finttt emselvea lun<ctaionally --strandeti anti citout f untis. Anti haviug wtlîesseti sucit a pay as Titi Traflit it cais ladeeti rather eugges- tive taItto yeung comen. tt-aug- eria it a cemntuntty, might have tai- eu Intoevîl banda but instead ibtis Urne, titiy cors taken lu by a kinti tfrieuti ln noëd.L" Titi girls explaînodti iat titsy hait. nu Idea citen they came to Wgukegan thet the play isad been trauste-medte Natit Chiicago andt hat's hteiyley failedt lu ako lgtft-t t-ar connections, teiersas' tati i&ýhseed la Waukegen. lte, ceni have eacu ahie to gel bat-k home. 000 ExplangtIoe. WUe-"p&c. wc»cea Atiamt cru ated fitt?' p&-.-j7 give bm eitaitqRga sy monthing, My soa!*- Clncinns*l Enquinr. s- Personat Equation. Ceteulatlng machines have nothlns on the çaiculating mther wth three .marrlageable d",ghtera on bar han"& tied a reward for the retum of her pet fo3 ternier on Tuesdy. 1qOn Wednesday sht recovered her owi 'Bouncer" and cigli ather dogs. q W~ant ad,, arý-2 -~ t i AGAINST FATIIER Christ Lohfink and F ive Other Men Are Being t4etd"In Bonds of $5,000 Each. HEARING IS CONTINIJED. One of the Most Repý&ve. tases in History of the. City Is Brought to Light. Coufranteti by thte charge of itaviug attacked two girls, botli untertite age ai sîxteen, six men. oue of titenthIe fatiter of une of tite girls, were ar- raigne in lupotice court before Politc NMagistrate Wlter Taylor: tale Tues- day afternuon. Thritr casse tere con- inued for ten tiays andi at tise sug-E iestion ut States Attoruey Italpit Dady I teir itoutie tere flxed at $6.001) s eh.it Thsy teescommittedti bthe couutyt jail, jîeudlng lthe securItie of ho4dts- mten. Titeir namnes are: GEORGEF DENiO 2s yearv old. GEORGE IERIWS '23 yearv aId. COSTA At).Nst. 27 yeare nid. t JA'MES KL.AtTSIAS. 17 years oA l. GFOitUF, KI NZMANOitF. 36t Years CHIRIST l.OilFINK , .t ,yesrs nId. Tieti wo girl., wiî are ailegedti t lave beeti matie tite vit-tintaut tihe numeroits assalis citargeti are Vîr- zitul ,%IcRae, t3 yearv nid anti Annie Loitfink. 15 yeare aid. The former Ir a dangbter of ire. lCathterine Itubli anti the latter le a daugitter ut Nr anti %,Ir$,Christ Loitîluli. Wille Ille sane chtarge iii preferred igainst Lohfink anti chue the penalty s titi'ne. lits aliegeti offeilse 1iv net tliat of prltteipal but rather of an ac- ýessoty before tite tact. It ta chargeai titat lie iad coguizance -ut anti ou- ýouragedtihtti'attack upon bistiangit 'er. Bath ite anti lits teife deny tii tact, attioug thlie daugitter anti on* tt tit e nt againtit witur a charge las been preferreti. gave lthe informa- ion ta tite polici'. 'tIrs. loitin< eetueti more couceru- -d about teita tas to drive the horse turp neud lten unhitcît hlm titan shi' ltid thatliter itushaut ihatbeen arý resteti ou une utftte muet eerions biarges Imaginable. Lohink lileadeti ta li' ailowet int drive the horse hume but ii reqni'st wae denleti. Thei men againtuvwthon tte chtarges wen' matie hitt tle tO a vy ien trratgued in court. Tbey sat about ,vitit doetast heatis. evidi'utly reai zing the seriauvnevît af their posi- MIon. Titi two girls sat near the states iarey andti ttrtistet i hm wlth la ,ormation tram timtuelivrne. Oui' ut ti.ent, lite Ht-Rue girl, is a littIe slIip of a tltiug tn short dressesi. Site la sut-h a trait uitile chiltitIhatoe art ta st-arcety t-ontprehreudtireht titey s-smo wiling lparties to titi'attat-ks astey cunfesseita thte police. Neither of (itemr seentedt taeel any emorai' but ,"e"itd ta ho more imîtreseirdt teir Importance as betng principale iu titi case. Thte parents ut the Mt-- Rai' girl dit nut put lu au appearance. Titi'girls lbatitbeaui working lu a suutt aide hume wtere Adamtslitved. 'it Stauday nlgitt titi girls tIi nul eluru borneluit accortilue lu lieir adn story sîsyeti titit tire mon lu a local itotel.liiriti'etmrilitethe nîoth- er of titi'Mcltae girl notifiit the' Po- lt-e andtheutCgirls teere laiton imb cslody. Titey cee' sweeteti" anti matie a cuinnietit confession. giving thse- usines ut titi' men they clalmiet liaitiattacitedti tmu. ,- j Ct iy P: y-att'-itetid r.Thi' police gui tîusy auti by lste tIntise atternoonIrai tlacedtihtti'majorlty of thorma uder arrevt. Tt lIs aldti iere are stîli mure but titiy have nul yet been loceteti. Tise penalty tri caves of convicton la very severe. Na provision ls matie for a ins, thte minimum penalty belng une year In tise pentenliary. A tide latitude ta given tite court anti jury for titi sentenc-e tuay te tram otte year 10 lite imprisoameut. Tt1le hellevei that theI'.4lti' attor- uey aeketi for thse contInuant-e ta or- dem (bat hi' migitl taire titi case of lise men tilrectiy tefors lte grand jury wfito eil convena wlthtn a tew days. Hi' says hi' is confident ut indlctinents on te evitii't-i'ho' telit beable tW pro- duce. Titi states attorniey Irait a very kiutily taik wlth tietilwo girls anti exptainedtirtat for tioir owa gooti be would sse tisat they are cemmnitteti ta te girhs reformatoiy at-chol e Geneva as hi'saliti that titey have tak- su te wrong course. The gils are helue itelti outtl atter titi trial whlch the' statshàIittreir ili'rush cIts ail [posalt aspeeti., , Leblti has net yet retaineti an et- tttýney. Tite ustîer lise umon, havi' t- i -- - - talned Hrve5 C ouslmn. iar. cjooa satti that filens of hie clifflaw4e seeking Wo procure bonde bit that la~ case tbey taieti an effort voulti be madie to gt a sisrety bond fortem. 'BIRDS' 15 TOPlC DISUSSID IM SCIIOL SumnTS Interedng Storeoptlcmn Lec- ture Wus Dlvod i -gh- SobômiThis Aftemooi. STILL DISCUÎSSING PROM. Junior Class---embers Are Disoussin AblWon 61 Cer- tain Items of. Expense. (ey Mlgh School Reporter.) Titis atternoon ai 2:00 o"-ciock Mr. ielti ef New York gave a -tersop.1 icou lecture to tbe higt achooi Lwgu dents anti the elgitth lirade pupila unI te assembly room of the 1tigh echool ou 'Bîrds." The talk WR. greatly enjoyed by a]]. Thtis cas tbe second ut the lec- tures given tîy the students cf tlhme tichool titi money for the lecture cent- lng front the students of certain divi. sions et the achoot. Thse stttiedts i- Ing one of the sctience,& tauît tu l thé scbool gave thse co tis-ftàff No charge of adisionivas tala. Ui tisa lectures aie a nec IMMlngl the acheol. it i.late plana eftheii t sachers tW gel afîeakOrS bote tor wcht tiey ,will have a charge, but for the present they are Ires. The itertotis this aflerucen vers cnt ton minutes so as ta enahie the lec- tors W start at tceo ciock. There cul be a number of rcha«gu lu the junior promenadte tits year. Thse prenant junior clans are figUUfiS out the expense of the affaîr anti are cutting down whor ever posible. lu the year past Il cas custamary in gis? toe ach Junior anti senior twe bide, eseit person entering thse hall ltavlug oeeof the Invitations. Il 1 lthe plan cf the clas tW give eaCb the Juniors and seniors eue bld chh witl do for a couptle, as lunlte oite îdances hett in the clty. The question of itaving or ailowing Acor aIt the prom le anether question citicb la belug debateti. %any ofthtie girls are lu tavor of abollehlng the custom.- Thse clns feel that titey oa n t afforti to set the pace of colleges and thore- i are. cilil fpossible. de acay vitit i orne cflthe customts. No clama la tsupposedti t speud more titan $100 for tite dance but every clanienlutiti pont bac exceetiedti iis amouat. It la moit that under no coualdoration vIli the clave speuti more titan the lîntit set. Twenty young people spent a de- Iightful evening Saturday at Matt Thome8ensa Grange hall. going out lu aleighs. The evenlng was @pont at cames, etc.. and a very pleasant Umne Was enjoyed by ait. GET'AN OPINION PROM A"Y ON£. Who is wearing glagasamuade by us. Tiiere wiil be no need thon for uns W employ flatteriing termas regarding ýhem. Fltted wlth especially adoPted leuses by us, titey cannet give other than perfect satisfaction, for we know itow.-WATRY & HEIDKAMP. Opti- clan, Fst. 1883 66 W. Randolph BSt, Cilcago. 111. 30 Years In our Premeng Location. LADIES MATS OF ANV KIND. îDetail of Wholeaale PrI-es; Re-block. 1tus, Biépching, Dyeing. of Panama eHats; Ask for 'Catalogue and Ilrice'. CHICAGO HAT MANUFA(CTURING & BLEACH-ING C014ANY, 12 Nortb LMichigani Ave.. Ward Bldg., Chicago. FREE TO FARMERS. By »pecial arrangement the Rat.- kmn SoeetiHouses of Sienaatoah, levaA, egree te mail a copy of iboi BI 19114 Illustrateti Seeti Catalogue anti a samn- pie of their lainons Dianand Jee'e Big Eat-iy White Seeti Corn tisaI lias ta re cord cf cvi'! 200 huebels per acre, aise a sampli' of thier Ne Alber'ta, Cana- tilan groca, Oats. la every reatier ot titis papet-. Who boys-or plante I' .rin er Gardtu Seetie aud Nursery 81Et'. Tig ~book lsa acompletescompos- dlumo et rmlng anti faiuMdanigardonl seetis. Il telle ted ta grec big,,cr.a anti ail about tho test varletlos Oet Si'ed Couafer yeuî lecality; almo Seoti O.ts, Whaat, Batloy, Speitp.. Grasses. Clovers, Aifalfa, pasture anti l&win Mixtures, Seeti Potatoes, and I Al Otitt farm anti gardon peeds anti Narseryi stock. Itlade ot lloars te al chu a erla cent et sesesof aay sort. Il le FitBER tcail- qur reatiOrs. WrIte for It IedaY. 1 Thte addtres la Raleklas Seol Hottes lienandoali, la,, Box 1377. 1 wkty4tt tlotard's'ti ta a, mao.s I suit et Major M. L C. 'nmkhouser. public eener r; f iftvIg p6qt*;onu ?hkWao havtng given' bis eîoaàtn*d, mnction to the plaji 4aptiÏe»JýRaI5 bhat statemçata (0 (bat etmtt WO'ê vite oougl4t. tebri4d, the. #hW tsbM, tbis wOek. . :j bï t l-I an intervieorw vtit tb Sun over the og atpotlpo.laut evo- ng, corrouoratiuxs viat 11wb uaJr tati agi te miaypr inOr. ifldIi thse day, Mpý.j ~mboufflq ut oe que«wlp6.s44 te lb, Sulv.t newepaperg approved ti i befooe Mil r- rived là tWen, Some ot thelfefttcs hati meen Dmgffd Gooda' and they olalme 'Tise Trame 1(a, quite a<mi- lar. surely no woia. "f have no autitorlty We stop play@ la the Ileaters for My work ia la novlng pîctares aiens. I have -n autberity ou ithteatm-.hL.u te the mayor. -The Tragie' lu my opinion la un- fit te be sbewn te anybody, mapoola IY netteW normons under 26 or 30 yei'a et age.- 1 ?ýAnd Iwien i heard what it va«, 1 mnt otisers toit tit t e wouid gâve Chicago a gooti dose or it and lot thein gmt ail tisey wisheti and hem what I've heard, i gnome tite bave. t ain Brin of thoehoUai t tat hwt% *i he o n esHâte it i le wnea6ât wdater. Gîve thm pubik,- ettin" et such rotten titinge and they tire of "I abselutely approve Mayorr Bld- Ingers$ stand Ot préenttng thse show appearlug ln oui cty-l hollovo hoe estabtisheti a precedent. "Whlle 1 va. taikint tW Mayor Bld- luger, a telogras carne to my desit tiens the Mayor et sterling, chers te show cent fiem tour çty. » asked mny ativice as te perrniiÏg showvtW go on tisere. 1i dbat-k tisaI ho ahouln l my jutigment, stop lt--anti 1 geaiteoiti an. "If tat shoc vere put ou ln l ata-- .tory ditrict chers thse fattory giril itit se. Il, it migisl dter tem' entering that ort etIlite, but Il Io net. for tite prices are tôe bigis. 1 amn against ail îîroblem pisys ln films or la plays. "Mty position en 'Tise TrieB5s-11si lustraleti aud emphislaei n t)te'dt tisat i amnoneperilttlng teéshowlÏt' et aay wvite slave meviug pict urea la Chicago. "I tilk 'Waukegan titi cel inapt-e- vonting tise show APPearlng thore anti otiser cilles ilii profit by chat youî offiiais tIi. Anybotiy vite mys 1 ap- proyeti aud liMmltted the play tW go on, does net knoc chat titey are lalk- Loir about Lor 1 neyer tilt; ln tact, per- onally 1 arn oppeedtui la tIore ot plajya, anti had l been cîthiamy ion- tsttctlon. I shoulti have steppeti R be- fore te rua cas fielisedlu Chicago. Remaneee t lfty.. «Touth ian*t everyta.-ltheagb It la no mu&h ricter tb« lil kanov. No, dentlton, If a mmn -b" wingtinfit fer remmaneInls m jtal&&bla aaro. maantie at Bf tas te0ceg ma.tîvety* fi,,anti peuhpt bU MkIWuca. oc. ing thé. valves botter. goblah" 1Cru- me. cent te sesa aajtat1iygî~ "Mir. Whybrecs lcuoe. Wir4 d C. Lova. A aaokaue tti ia. t.o auinta homoe kept ée, .*a"Su4 byhiber lrM M /a 1rpaettegmhthey ,Qtte ahse@Mal, 'Iwo qu1wu, o Once ~ ster loit me i .: ,r ant 'thon tot lé 1-ddft' me much otf anu gBl*t.Geg Titu". - I Sta L E MOI i hiatt voie itl, erci- Cari lion year tect was torsl case Otto Who graî c-hai In a hen Slv Inte cas b1, teas trisl and g-rat exp stari cou h'U tiilt tit T aga Sali mai fansr T thit rat]i uer stai tics req Dat gru utf a r rea cas utf uf titi tlt'q pri tha att by tall FOURTH-That, the wlfe, left la

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