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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Feb 1914, p. 2

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LAKEOU YLNNýET FRDY ERUNR 27, 1914. (appernu u By T. F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent Asber Crittenden ai Rueeil, vas in town Baturday. .Mrs. Cors Bull spent a ew day. at w.ek vitb relatives in Wauksgan. DMoseae l opendlng the wesk wtb lS. J. Cropisi. Qui. a nom ber frum bere attendeti the 4anm at Ivanhoe, Saturday nlgot. Tb@ potinaster and rural carres su- joyed a vacation Monda Iin honor 0i trutisiol George. SA mumber oi peapls were trsated t aa bug eoid wait at the eectric tation Mondai night. There was no car tram 6:15 until 10 o'ciock and most of the waitere hati given up and riturneti home by taIine, sendav morning Joe Novak of Dia. mond Lake, irat a tip over un the droit *tore corner. Rie vs rying ta negoti. mie the tura a littletoo rapidly andthie elelgb upeet throwlng Joe and two otirer men viro vere riding vitlithlm. lu- to the street Thes-.. vae Do damage or- esloned bv the mirap but a seratcheti noe, htnthalzt didu't bother .ioe. Send ber a box of aur @te@] die. lnitial.-d Corresponence Card, 30e a box.ileck L~.o--bntibértyville. cl The quality of thé gae inished biy tb. Nrth Shore Ùas Co., bas not lmn proved very much tiespite the assurane.8 tisat ail possible vanîti be danslarte- qsedy the condition. ur oslter lovai bave taken action on the malter andi i ,Iéexpeetedounr village fatijers viii follow )suit*a:thirîrnext regular meeting nezt uod iirt. L_...DJAMOND LAKE J lire. Andremen of Chicago, @peit Sut. day at Boumea. MLb. B. Kano sPolt SuDdaY wtb the R. Lii, gr. tamiiy. Pesrey Andrewâ of Lake Foret, @peut Sundai wit b attue. Laur& Athur of Chicago. wao the gobe of Luelila iteel aver Sunday. The Cemetery socity will muet wtb Uia.B. Schneider Thureda eternoon, marcb th. The lileaPetorman'aofaiChicaga, and Ndyrtle Richarde ai Prairie Visw, were gusete aifIDors and Bmeie uBndas. Ernie Bsrrett, trtbur Bailiand, John Miler and Bob Roue@ were Highand Park vîiotare Wedneeday nlgbt. Mies Basais Blows epent lat week with Mmre inaman. Thres eliLà h iade ftram bers attended the F. N. C. dance at Ivanha. Saturday evening, L. E. Ray and %Ia. M. E. Andrews ai Lbertvillie, @pent Snnday at 0. M. Ray'm. The FN. C. wilh meet wltb Mliss Mabel Butterled this swsek Saturday alter- Walter Leinker wearm a hroad eimile thesv days over the arrivai of &aDr-w daughter. Wnî. Cooper und.rwent an orpration In the Preëtyteriau i empital lu Chiaw, sunday. Missm Rose ibian returnied irom Wsoniniast Saturday. John Hlm lt for %Vîî-onsin Tîîesday mornîîîg tu bny a carloati of eaul.. 13-o. Eîchman enter taintidiîîs lady triend rom Chicago over SatnrtiaY anti Suntiay. The @tiîw anti tance given iiy the Modar club of palatîne. last Saînrday nght vas well attt-ided. oeviB arry Marquette, a ho bas been E VIEW nperintendiug one îîA the es bouses Au illustrated lecture wili ha givea h' B. I. imbach ou Frlday evening. Feh. fflth et 8 D'eiock at Grace cirarcir. Tuie a ubjeci ili b. Ham'@, HaoBlaste at In- temperaae No admiesion la ta ha - ebrgsd but a collection ls ta b. taken. Ail ame nvited. VICTORV FOR 0COOK IN CASE NUMBER TWO. The Supreme court Ioday affirmed tise judgmenî of the Circuit court af laite counti tui the case of Wilbnr lenn Voliva, appellant, vs. Frank D. Cook appelle&. .Thia fa a vlolory for tire Cook peu- pie tn their figbt for an inJunction re- stralnlng Vouva's cruzaders trom tu- -teferfng wth them vbile they are vaoirgto and tram thse Cook iaclary. FARMERS Attention Why psy enorînous prices for your mlaazines? If you haven't my cataiog of magazines, %% rite for a t Vday. I eau. save you money en, every magazine or newspaper. Area News Agency L H. OUNSWORTH, Manager LArea, 111. NOTICE TO .nyone interested ini a pefectiy hMuiipai or Pulilc Utility Bo bearing !, ýand i interesi, buying, as 1 have conte( Phone 14 E. D. 1 IT'S VOL We have moî's'uliiîtso mir pleased to have you tail. you that youu îîîy favor ti tii South Benti, haturtiay on aeconnt of fil bealtb. Quite a nuinber iromîi er.. attendeti the arîow at Palatine suuday. The ice iarvest us progressing rather slow an acrounDIo! the @uow driititug loto the channels Pbiiip Klein c-i Chicago, bas takiealMr. liarqiette'e place ssuperinteadet af one air the le bhanses. Mr. Fowler of the Aetnaa Lii.. insurance C., ot Chicago, viiteti vith tireir local representative Emil Frank, lItweek. Deller & Frank closeti the deal with Win. Tonnse ainrday. by whicir te proposeti nsw claie baak beromes ths owner ai lb. corner lot ai Robertaon snd Park Ave., an wviib tbey viii eret the baok building as soon as the %&eatirer Uem alrs lekanerad o Ii~. -~ il ZDeerfiol M iseIsabel lect oaiWlimette, wàâ tbe gueot st the barne of ber graudmother. lire. Tadd aeeral daya lest week. Aimon Pawere ai Chicago, vs. tb. guet st the home ai W. A. Wbiting Tuesia. The Aitar and Rosry @soletY of the Houy Cross Catholo church gave a card Party at the home ai1lUr. and lire. Haunscblid. Tbe rtprias.were won b7 lla Clara Pyle and Rd Seig, tb. ascond prise by MisJsnnie Karcb and J. C. Wol and the consoation ta Ilia. Laure. Karch for pi.inou 00.lu suchre tb. prises were awardsd ta Ums Sophie Zahois and S. . Love. Rd Kanak and daugbtsr Midrsd ai Dawns Grave, were the Bond"y gueesa et the home ai Dr. T. L Kanak. Mir. and lir@. 0. 1. Rockenhack wsre the week-end guesesofi lra. Whtney of Lake Zurich. M re. Clark, who bas been viiting ber daugbtéir, Miss Elizabeth Cark oi Irving Park, returned home Monday. The Ladies' Aid of the St. Paul's V,î anRelîcal cbureb wý Il bol their Narrh inetiig Tbureday, Marci h4, attheIbonw of M r«.Fred Belig. Misses Ida and Enily Knaak wiii gise a reitali n the. grammar echool aseem[)Il hall r ridîsi evetig Tteîe e.rfield liraînatie club gave tue Folly of Force" anti Reverles of Bachelor t the Lberty 0illeauditoîiiutîî Frîdas nigbht, A niidigbt peiai Be. corimodated the membfrs anti chaperons Bter wbich Miss Ruth Rieciret enter taîneti at a iý)awu Tea" 10 ten of ber 'riends aîîd the ebaperoe. Tlie Paeher@ ai the Presbyteriaa Sqn- day sehool v ere ertertaineti by Mfiss irene Roekenhaeii IL vas decideil that a piano be bongiri for the cirureir. A numuber of iientis of Miss Clara Entier gave ber a pleaoant surprise Mon- dav eveniag. The evenlng vas epeuttin piisying 500" M!ss l.ortra'Kresudan Arthrur Entier vereswaardedth Ie firs prizes and W. A. Witiug the consola- tioa prires Mf raNeoeiOmabo, Neb., vbo bas bas.. etnu e parents, Mr. and Mrs Becham returuiedti taer home lest veek. A nu mber of peple attendeti "Pinafors«' at Ravinia Park gisen by tire students of the D . . ýS. Misses Ruth Riechelt. Ciritna MerMaba, biela G<lyai.b, Wlifrsd Suppi.. Graes. Elizabeth and Florence Caroa attleodad the couaty teacirer's meeting et bake ForestFriday. A Pisasant prograin foloveti hy e basket sooiai viii b. given Friday alght bi the puple aif tire Wlrnot chool. vislted vibh relatives in Chicago, Satur- ANNOUNCENEENT day anti Bunday. 1 have takea Ibis metirot ta iaform Mr. andi Mrs. Wm. Tanne wiii move YOU that 1 shal' b. a candidate for inta their aew building 1ibe la@I of tire r-etionltire office noflirainagge week. om s.1ro Union Drainage District Roy oorim vsitd wih bs vrnd-No. 1. Accuringr îau tiratif electeti, my1 prentsaLoomis isieiwithe grand- orts la the future as velI as lu tire past- parntsa 1v dys bisaee@hiall ha directeti towardth ie iret1 hîtereâts of the ditrict. Eiecliou i yl Herculaneum and Pompli. i bue beld tiIWliotm seiool bouse. Iovn- 'The tvlut cilles of mourniol detlnyoy p of Weut i)erielti au Saturday,1 Iver. botis engulfed et ties ame Umne ac14194ron2t6p.m -Auguat. 79 A. D. Thre reaon vhyli-c141h4Iri2 o6im Herculanm baî flot been excavateil Thanuing yon for yen support in tireg to tiseDasme extent as Pompen late 0- ps 1 beg tî remala, Ing ta tise tact tirat It vas covereti 'Iours respertlisl vitis a inucir harder materbal tranvs Thos. CaruIao,ý iPompeit; the dut predombngtlng In irerlild. h16, 1914. 22-12 Pompait,. virie tirs lava prevalied over Herculaneum. Tirere la Dol munir IMPORTANCE OF 80UNDNESS tf doubt iabout lire evenlual opening up WETKR aif bath cilles. ituman curioslty, to-I 1ETKRE gtirer vitir tiredemande of history 'The. vieal kernel la tira infant vireal and science. vili not reit untll er plant- Âoî injsîry Ibat cames ta lit, or claneum bas ireen made ta, tait ts aywans htltihrt ajs secrets. Itlaisunlikely, hovever, that nveauiossatraitsIirrwt lajel tirea il be munir nev knaledgo peasa ie njurie bs gotr - ad eve- galaed framtlse emavation. butitU. peîasaeijuiso0taoae moretha: bs aread coa t inta the humais or animai offsprhsg. frmPmt. as.red oB a oins men bslisve tisat vireat eed frla I ail right Ii t in crackedor even granted lit lhoee parts do not Inelude INVESTOIRS the germ of the vbeat. Nov, any In jury 10 tire body of thse kernel la jusl -dfe insetstmmýnt security sncb as detrlmental te lire wbeat plant as cntng off a leg or an arm wotld ouin de iîîoninatiune of $100 ai) b. intir e ciid. wijll o weli ta sec me befîîre Man>' expermente vitb eotnd wbeal of lithe titi the market. vs. broken vbeat bave pToven tiis tu bheieucae. Moseover. the firat food aupply for tire Uny plant te vrapped Elubbard Libertyville uprIn tire body of the seed. Tee Party foodi la takten avay. A broken kernel aifvirant, attemnpUng 10 grow. la la jusI lire saine position as a cblld trybng ta develop on starvaUion rations- Tire tin>' plant iras ta feed upon tusa UR MVAEfood suppl>' wrapped up Itise seeti tiltIt tan send bair-lîke routaeita tire NEW OMEandwil be soif lu searcir of foodi. NEW H M E iid v jhlli' Tire oniy va>' ta sepaiate tire broken Aîîy optrtuîity to rsetrve andti sirrvrled vireat trin te and vissaIt la in fan and sift lise seed thor-1 THE CITIZENS' BANK AReA. IL L ~ ~ ~ R P. wp.A . Roue Irving E. Pane, ~. ~ m t.VitPvealdent. Oas ler; But DlaappoInted. 71-t Blilliard Paîer-How la il yoe àrent ai bomne thiaeveningi Second Dita--MY vues In a bad Isunor; $he bad oompanY arrive lad ebhovasa raady. Nov abotolyo"utl«Oh. My vite@ Mad, too: ai* sot ready fot 0CIoMpanM4. t h07 didt oe.-Ds to, TraaoStp<. I Il tereti with manure vhich has heen Irarked in tramntire stable. .. mmedlately aiter maling nîy In- spection 1 rallsd up tire a,-sistntfo_ commissioner of the stats and infornl- ed hlm that tirs conditions veresos bad tirat 1 coulti not describe thein. i aeket i m ta corne anti ses for mim- slf but ha sali ta use my own judg- ment. I ai once vi-ate ta the head af tire' departinent and recommeodsd that ibis baker be given an trame- diate irearlng and that iris place of business ir elcosed. This iearlng pro- bably wiii take place tomnou-sov or Monday. "I understand tiraI thîs baker has anoounced tirat ire vîli remedy con- ditions at, once as hirentends ta spenti belveen $400 and $500. Intends In put in iieW floors and ceilings, ta vitewash tbem and ta dlean up con- ditions generally. It le possible that If ire ronvinces thre commission that ho la acting In god falirtirtaI they may give umt lme ta makre tire neeti ed repaira." InsPector KiellqulsI vas accampan- led by inspectai- Hicks and a coin- nsittee of three members ofthtie Xau- kegan Woman's club, viren he inspert- eti the bakery lu question. Tire mem- bers of tire commitîsee ould irardly believe their eyes. "It nh asoluly ls ndier.lbale Tii. Elvîîrth i.eague vîwligisea enpjrr at the M. E. eburi-liTiîîrsday eseriing, 'Match 5. Evervi iî.lîvited. .i LIBERTYVILLE SCIIOOL NOTES. O1h Bang..' Marie Aridireats -I-nt Saturday andt 8-iuiday vith bier brotherr, A. R. Audrews la I'alikegan. Maris Et-globrechî anti Chrietine Smith attenleul the basket social at th. bock.. sehool Tuestiay nîght. The meunhers oif the igh us-hool roui- plaineti of 'olt fr-et" Mondai, tir at Icaot, a isw of Ihein iid ant tereiore diti 1101 appear utîtl afternoon. The luniora anti senilîrs arr-nov bua4y preparinu for a eonîtes, ieh will take place betweeni the two classe iatb. apu-mniilyv hall ou Frîdav afternoon, Mari-b 4, There yullbLw nias nutil bersoun tii- prograin by eaiii casm. Frances Smith vas absent %I,,nîiay morniag on aceount of siekase. 0n)Vuedrtesday o! Ibis wr-rk the seniors bade laàrewoll to our dr-ar ,îld Arrirau bbutory hiîîka andti iitk up thu. stutir(if Civil tiovernînent. Perliapm e v.ileer a uitie, anYvay. W. e ati a glorlous vascatiotn ast Fr1 day, due tii the Lal...Cî,niity T-r. ' nmeetinai- ake sForlest. one of tire nomen said. "Iltioesn't %Ve lîavr- loue tii tiiconcinr thal zeom possible that surir conditions af t' e r.eîî muîrthîîîg a nîng, ifor a ,rtali Iis rcouit extalnhoa ris ilizetiroto- "iipl eVet-arrises utsc1ehool on1 rmunity. Mlion la...i01-n ai- wel. ruuttii aI" ut liiMiii Thre Xakegau \VuînauVuî cl b as 'Hui Lake hiun îuattîIelns associîation assuireil ti...Instiector oi their aur-lut- h-hIda rue-titg t a4 ul1lruet, Flidiay ane Ini 5. ij asit may be needeti. Ail o! our tencesver.. lrusehit.A s,'rý Tirey ar, ,î to edbdo wliat tuîey ucotipro>graiu masu..ir-ititei-and nu vO ran to li,r- p conditions. Tirey ain- sic-lienit addremsson -"%lî,tîvi- li tuIor uiuti i liii a-s tiîy go nabout trom work- amasgi veiii iy 'îeidi-iit Luî, of store ho t-ei.tat they intendti t the Sonthein Stale iormal erhluo. A malle it a point tu ses tirat conditions ospecial car rau jinî Liberty siltein iithei arr- kept tltorongiriy cean anti sent- mornîng atd rétnrîur-dlun the afiiirniiîi. tai-Y. iMitcheli Cols hroungbt a papiho irmt In atidîitîn to maklng Investigations grd1 uîay 1u aet aiîr bore and ln Nortir Chirago Mr. Kieli- 4, 1800, astdtoitaine,1 an unuuunu-e- quiet bas inspectet i Hgirooti anti menrt ,of tdahiig.nsteath anti fîîteral. Lake Iluff. He Intende acon ta pay Fourth grade le very mach interesteti a vIsit ta Zbon City'. At tirs tresestinla ltter vritiag. I'hsy vrote to tiie lune ire la sngaged In seetng Ibat Piano echool anti bave rec-eiveti ancusers. tirs vIolators wvira ho ire beteti ln lie They have heeu mnakling Februar.y Book- tiret place are carrylog out hiseli- le ctainitug pictures ai Washinugtoni Instruction-. lie says liat ire Onde atîd Lincoln. tire majorhry are sirovlng a perfectt Helen hpate ss nt tui Chicaigo Sutur- villinguiese tu nake tirs changes ire ,day. prescriied.IEs:thr Pries amas absent 1 iursdav vin InsPectai- Hicks lis reterrtusg to tIn- aeceinut o! irkntss. spectar Kjellqist'a vork saili tirat _________ neyer befors bas ire seen an inspector Noah@ Struggle. vira vas so Ihorougirl10hiis ork. He il waa only vblb tire utmost diffIcul extendeti nniuited praise w lire state 1ItiasîNoair vas abls ta contrai hlm. lnspector saying tiýt hiI meliroda are b .it. as tire tva mnaqitosa aitire ark sure ta produce great reforma ber.. £.ed reti antdlcrpulent on lise baitk _______________orci,e band, gorglng theniselves to rfi- Peevides for Cars of Oumb Animais. plettisn. "If filvasnt for lire grudge I À nev club appealint la lover» Of bave againsl ni>'postelt>," ire rasiped I dmis animais@tlain the course Of for- thirongir iris cienciedt eetir. I'ti sashg mation in London. under the patron. yaur Infernal carcasses 1 I UI Utag of man>' vell-knoovn Pople. &______ noaidepertueweii bho the doge Adamo a %000Oio0Tîmes. Iobmuons cooitlig ofpremisa. "Juat thnk boy Adami vould nt Ivitir attaenna, hihbvilli b.utllsed surprised if ho cauid corne hack la mambete'doge viren vitins the club. would b. coniderably satontehetilbut oasrding tbe animale at lisé club vilI 111bel b. voulndol be r.two hourà r bo ontor teatumo,aad there ilU beore be'dbotgalnnteflnehov mucl l e a Oterlu effon vb.sedome0conbotter lte>' used lade Uifga 1$ FILT1IiMSTBAKERY < * 97w IN STÀTI3 LOCATED IN NORUCliICMA60 o t/.rtv state Inspector Kellquist Rec- Attorney 0 .Miler arrived hon,@ ommenda to State Commis- wedne.lsj, evnion from Blattie Crash, sion Place Be Closed. M lob., tu, wblcb place Mri. ad lire. Mîier n uBollm wvt two wvese"ega 'IID&SRIBBLY FILHY.' for )Mre..liuller'a er-1 diNDECRIRBLY ILTH .d b... wtv&remain aeseral veeks - for treatment. Rutilan vii"main there Tells Some of the Conditions witb hie motber., He Fnds Othr Plces Dr. J. L. Taylor returned Monday He ind - the Plces atternoon f ram Long Beacb. Csifornia, Were Inspected, Too. accompanlied h i hi.ather BStphen Tay- loa d bsolter MsFanaif. wba bave waukegan, February 20. mode thoir home there the paot year. C. H. Kjelquist. sateîsfood însrîec- Iies l'anle v6s takten Immedlieiy ta ter vbo bas beeon lit ork ln thiaI-lb. he enrotin hoapltai. Chicagoa, uhere au aperation wae performed Thursdai c.jnity for the iaat 1ew veeke. 0on moruing. At prous tinis we cnid obtain Thuraday completed an Investigationl no Information as ta ber condition. The into the conditions ln North Chicago. dactore vifse did nat retura with the Mr. iefqula sas tie cnditonaparti but expecta ta remain weat for an- there are about tire saine as biers. trvekoprbpieer There. tire same as hers, lhe fouiid thse The ilbertyvllle A. C. second teamn buteirers and bakers thre vorst offend- played the tiighland Petrt Junior»sfbers ers. at thé M. E. gym Mondav evenîneg, lie le very bitter in is condemna- Feb 23, and defeated tbem lîy a scwore of tien of lire conditions found ln ans of lmi to 7. The car on whlch the visîtore the bakeris. "The condition vas ex. were te arrie was eItalled bewt'-ea ber.. ceedingiy bad-words are inadequate and Laite Bluiff an dti tiy diii ai,! r.-ac te describe t." he sai. 'In ail My bere until 9:17, The gains wam '..ry eperlence i never found a nmore filfastt anîd Irai..Jhtmiî lealiîg tii4 hy aer.It was truly deplorabîS. home liiivs in iaelet tlo>tîig wii Txbere was net one good thlng about lotir ' ia.kels. FlamwItà la'-î a tî,.e ;it. The boxes ln vhiçh the bread vas guardîîiai ,ftiag it îiy ibaskets ixed vers exceedingly iithy. Dirt I hiîliîtire visitore a ould oitherrsime giit ciothes and coats ver.. tossed abolit uVinuii 81 ila fliiae .on the benches and ln the baskets Lîertîs iii.. Highland Park ire. ' sed te contain the bread, the fleurs. liawn ........... L F ........... claise sidewaiis and celling wer.. lndes rit) IFlaucg...... .-..F..... ........... atlori r a b y dlrty. The fleur Is kett _ b g........ ... ý........... dlrty room vhere the cals, dogs and Colnd............. iltF ................ Sithne -rats pay hide and go reek betw e odn...Tii . ....îia'tv ville.A I ithmid ln ithe hags. The latter are laid uon a heLreraitil iîîA rGe(naî,Ini tfew boards. And warst of aIlluine-i diately adjacent te this room le the Darwiil k wi>.bIiî nalli..the. i' w i11 ' a stblewhee te hrse ar ket. heknown in future gamnes. The riaiip stabe were be orse ar kep. T eb.ing d'.rîîed front.sonte ofniltueinitiais fluor of thesflaur retir as-ber-nlt- 1)t he teani Wsubîegan, Februiir.v '0. Aijther suit under tire dranisblioi liîen-e ait.wans Oed lo4ay bv A. V. smntlbf1, circuit court wherein daîîî ages ta tire sitent of t~lliî re .isk ed for yhIldren svlo hai ennimade dependents as a resuit of thicr ftl- er beînz a drunlt.inîitiroiig punr- chas.. ot lIqrîrrrfroni the. îlfîrdaîîts Tire ns-..is tbal nofIransiaus. Ml- clînel, '/.ullilr andi Agner- Erul,. a, :iiîît Joe Hlan but aud Frantk ttimaîîîus stl and ite. Tire letters osîli the build- ing ln which thre tî,ri1I r rus a sa- loon. The comlilalnarls icharge tirat tlîeir father Mlartin Kriîlz bas hi-en matie a lruiikard tiîroîigb 1îrchasing lquor in the salaooi and tiierefore thes ask damages. Nlrs. Millie M. Nilhlz,w ifs of William <Painp)it ihzer, tiîraugh W. A. Deane, ira s d a divorce ac- tion la vhicir e.charges tiesertion. Miliizer le a wsll known local bar- ber R ho for years bas nul liset i vtb bis fanîlly. The bill states tbey Ivere marrieti Niarcir 21, 1889, andi liat on Feir. 14. 1910,ire tieserted ber and bas ion- linued living apart from ber and iis tainlly. The vIfe astre support for the onîn minor cbild vira lises at bomne, Rus seîî1a . nyh- M - ver.. N OTIC EI The only thlng ýhe Independent hia& to tell ia SPACE. It la a known tact that a neWaaper tiona themolves-It muet depend on the. sle of SPACE. Many correspondants weekly tend lnItema portalnlng ta affaire where promotars willi realîz profita ne a resutt of the advoc- tlslng the"e colume furnlah. Sucli Item@s houid and muet b. paid for If we ore talive. The rate la emali-finve conta par lino. ln future such notices wlIl b. omlttcd unhesa notation la made that they are ta, be pold for. Any affair where admisaion la charged or promotera maks a profit tram It la In the 1 ieto thinga for whlch notices muet b., pald for.-TF. NECKTI ES 1 hîa% v takeuil Ile 'tti~ f ,r a fllei..lin.. of tu îî. Gv îIll a a&IL1 A. E. LYON f. BAIRSTOW MAN'UFACTURER OF Marbie and Granite Monumeni s Cemetcry Work of Evi ry Cyclone Fence Company Sues Description The ('yclon e Fence Company ore tirrongir Attorîiev lipaubien. bas f.i- pfitdenice s<licitec suit airainsl tii .J. J & E. for $5,0.)i dannacerThis i., th e ounit of tire a, . eidenit a year ato virerthre "J train i G .enesee lîacked clown tire svltc traclu and inilîretisont.. orlinien luthue tence We.ka platîant i iLtn t teildinîîîg. Tute iorttt ans s lains Il c<îtd intttnu ýtP' commrerce isîr-, the point btilg ti' 05 of a rn hatp. etenetherstilt ta istai lish resîonsiuiillty. Another Desertion Case Margaret lielantier vs. Retntie - lancier, suit for divorce on charge Oi drîtnkennessq. They were marrieti lu Finlanti and novflîve lu Waukeg n. G dIof Tue vile astre custody of tlîe tva ehl- dren. CssLs Other Bala flLe Wxn. Rl. Atterldgs and Tiras. At- teriduce vs. Mrs. Mary Doyle-assnmp- ait suit, involsing $240. Kart Knobei vs. Rose Taylor, bilul for mecbanic's lien, .1)0. ADJUDICATION NOTICE Public notice le bereby given hhah te Subseriber, Executrîx of tireiset wiii anti testament oi Mary Davison, deceaseti, yul attend the CouittY Court aifiLake County, at a termn terne of te, be bolden attire Court flouse lu W'auikegan. In eaid County, on tire Brut Monday af April next, 1914.,viren sud virere ail persans iraving cdaims against eaid eseale are notiOied anti requesteti la present tbe saine ta saiti Court for adJudlcatbon. Mary E. Allansan, Executi-Ix. Wauksgan, Ill., Feir. 9, 1914. Weekly, Foi. 3-20-27. it' a the poor coffe tisa's expenaive. Higb grade coi- fec yieltie more cupe 10 lire paund tian lovgrade-lirere us more strengtls in tire iigb grade bei-rie,. Andt ieres lîttle satisfaction is coffee tiraI Iarks a fu, rirb flavot. Vou arec cioosing nairigir gead e f sebut au n bospesIve oe. vhen isatoteis ger tu send Mse&Oja. Fmevc mund you can me.if pn'i.. t inàt. Th. nt laisa à na uay a rus. len,-O-Ja Coffesinlascked In a N.5 --thPle n «rha >'~'<'~ us Cents r30o Nees- a ARBUCKLE BDUOS. Byare your feet? Are tirey sors. t lrsd and svaaty? Bave ltai got 55..5isa U i long distance sinsil? Iln rememiar, Barbera Anttaeptlc vii curetMestrouble. For salehi 19. B. Loveli Co. Moniey to Loan W. viii have a quarter of a million dollar, ta boan ta ouatamers on properly secured Inoten b.- tveen Marcot lsu d September ]ot this yesr. If yonr are oontemplating using mooey for aav purpose dnring this period va shall be ple&asd ta have yon cal l an eue onr lerins. FPirst National Bank Libertyville, 111. ANOTiIER SUIT ON DRAMSIIOP LAW IS FILED IN COURT Children of Drunkard Ask for Damages-Cyclone Fence Co. Sues Railroad. ~MRS. MILHIZER SUES. PA» Twa- plw ý 1 g roffld

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