ok ait Oe dok qfi "n r»e blir astileê(no c ik t 5 eitfolioam:: AUQUIT DORRER ifs saadon- * j ~ta8 auntss. aRW'ULAPM. râpe. cou ple 4 a ltisé Tefcasl 4 wiiqb tbg, six min are , Il e $char"c et1rau. Prolos- mccféhé nof het tcMost a tiews evflrb*rsj la tise eity. Tho compîIluniw' Iro prof ed by tae girls: VirgInia IêI 1îî. oa al asti Anl.Ltob etyg od. The lebiait girl oi.'ii fariChrist iýh.ehho h CAP ôuehe cmaon lfdlctei. Caste 4~ ,a~at bosuthree uaib Moaâta acre returned la ntiegé4te t btiv* bai improper relationa altb -t hgNiqe le indet@ttdasla tucon: Secton att lýobSsqh. It oms11 -101t fIat poalbiy Iuet- maerteikM bu leroWms-nd agelast soir éral. ib ft isu, , ti gat*4 te thli rérlàtionm alth &ors luada tltion a teilonse laltoi, AMon;Ulgt othéra ther'sn" U;" 'alsi&Ws tunrecruits',*%»UU4»V~ tondis, ai effort ta and others mixa op lu thêeau e? M tapualaItisg ai lait tise it, guIdi.y1h la uid that la liaticc etaaist tem aib. agitée abeucouu thé>' ratura te theCcity. 1Au»&M" lietfles The athortles are arausti ove., .th e #osise wlote là? the ta. pesia girls. l"y y s ta bave seUcent ;p'leéfl'**bId4*eted moid t. Puitantisry. ThéeI#a previici fot » r h» une fi0 aYsr ta lt. ThO «M çfceiIteteesttentite at th i stwejl(esbs. Useaaaier o. tb gthe'.ked the. policet Ili' M hfts. fl au iti sineis feu16il toreWM ahome, The police touai thc girls sud atter "aeatlug* 91tMa slittie rccetied s f un captes- Mion. Tht arrests foloweci ulosmei ateig,,- " - Thse Other lndtiuswue CU#iFunktPlai. abo admpltfe s ion atrlpg et rohberies anase h. for SM o f s Check on the Voien Mi ,Sr#eckor estab"mbient vos ludictel %ta e tf aite; charge.ÙN a hs boere 0911 *ver igh 1o>i. ho asetetan sd maie às~UmfMillg eulaof soissonas 00hahcasd Vus latv«esbeleIl- qunr for bis **Ues&l. tuut Doe.Tq-wa-arruici tiret ou s chzarge é< bàvteg ftW Sa te- valves'. wit e le'48 bimgtriai onm 8111#Chargebis vauesaff luaftu frt room snd pi'lfha'reia charge et aIt. absndouansentagalat hm. Bd 144 hOubi over On bis alfes charge janl tht ludîctuacat ass rturutd se. Gesorge Spark@, ahOm thé grand Jury di uet ladiet, resudes la. Zioa City. ne w mweêcdslt ithe "ué et a aut lbow"br érules. ne, ààé bait-hé bai hnd suf- jýbfl Ip. 4»' 'Pa#, Dtvua!, arpiaate fa= h.t.. ebet bigs alf Il ilnlng troots girl fil the Edmuni fita.,pqag~ Uliti.b"ng roi Auge 90lei', Y-1- icéhlgre stett eli arop1l 1 agvésWi &goIt a ti,4W lt' 9a W thAt couli be amitti Mr. tO1ai amuqmat.g1t la perbapse jg» over e - s a 1110 ~a t s idfev t ol evtry c adjacent to RacIne ~re rtaac f~ of hth t utLpj I I ~Oi ~ $Jt~ several thos~ meatn 011 b e poy:1' abo :1, de Un- t'te me et io àtay o a* ttIC iiqioty, ptvIai% tao 0*geOr- upse 201 in acre for. ahtraèt 0a( 1UVET WaJU Act#"e éampalmulug for thé Mai option electtone lu doanstaté, toanl- oblqtsVillages aud Citiez lu April hant hein étaft>'i by bah lthé "dry&" asu.' Atheugix thé lections are mûre thDan a feth distant, théeltntrest of the voters ta maay places slready iv arensci. Witt the assurance that fhte Suprouse Court ahIl net decise thp eenstltuttauaity et the suffrage inw ountil alteér thé April elections, the "wata"» reaus. 'they are facdug their bardent test lu the istary of the Mtats. The "di -y" are enftent that wtbth laad oetarecns votes théy ai capturé scores of citiez sud tOWns wblcb lier. the passag e of the sut- trage laa ver@ lmproinabl "waci" Townships ni a tee et the laemer ces@ 14i the @taie bohi their eléctlanut April 7. The aedtum.sls.uicitiez nnd Tilisiasvol* Apnil 21. Inaffueucias fft t wnsolg laclsilasnom.fu.rileg terlory belles o» or more villages sud ctîsa. the "dit talnamattInatan- Ces pp'ef tu wbrng onavota aulheb .toîs#blp sas a uýItu. I74or the local option a the unit iuay b. a taon- s@Np, City or village, kaJrtg vte Aprîl 7 Aceàoordlg Itea-,alsmaie public 7t5t.tt« y 1gtbc Aat&*aiool m"&a, the 'dry@" bave fIlai ptitions lun nar- iy 2M0 -éoauaipsouadelties alIea vote ApalI 7. Thou. vetng ntslta.u éuea totsfalt it 0 illag eia Cities. About thirty sditieuai cties M4 ai vigss e alt sabots Win vote au tae proposition April 21' The *"acta" are ou the iefens<ve titrougbout the state sud have filai peutiies lu ouiy about a uoen pinces wblcb noa are 'ýday.' lasluvel u Inte20 ecttlcsanuivllages lb'I he Ucquestion bas besS rainad. n uahe bu ,0 aoniw ynte N IJUN Engatgement Announoed by Mr. and Mis. -A. L »OItimore of Daughtvr, IiMWsLois. Wsulma.anrch 3. Mr. and %m A.A. S. Mltimore te- dey anouuced tboc eaggeant ot titair daUgiter Umse t-o, tMlaroi' J. Griffa, second sou of Mur. and NMFà. gOyu J. Grilfin the Sheniitai rondi garage man andiformer sherlf e 'Lait.conut. The inarriage il tatée place ari la Jette. Ruth Young people are velI kuoun lu the clty. The bride la t.e aly dasiatar ot her parents sud for somc Uime. bamsaistad at the desit la ber fthéra grocecry ou Genesté trstt. libe bas a aidé cîrciée!f riénde aie wi b, lntrestéd lu her marrlae plans. Mr. Gilliuis employai t»' bis lath- tu the arog sud ln a mscbanic et mlugual ahillty. Me-lahpeptlar amait; bis ascqÙlntmaces sud they iearc huterastla te Neformai annouafe-1 osent maie todsy. Robert E. Watos, 77 years aId, 211 Chestaut street, uiP46-d'hais'Môuday évenngaiat10 odoot. *Mt. Ito was a voterait of 'ihe' fh*VW b. e rat born la Yortgh* troMtdl 1837 and came te thlm douuiry wlth hIa Dparents at thtâgsof et; gears &aèes eFia "0 )typ lgi ou a fsrm et Veto. At that lime hé gSave ssp feriupadinn u ae t9 Wauiiegan pite ojeb.resided up to teille refehM desU. air. Walion beougei te theis lcal PM Cth tGrand Army &0 waoc r.. .pecic asd 111W tp *11 l ýfIp wi btisi. »Maelesbifs awe laqpleour chlirea: lRra. Y. P. 1Eironiâucs, lra.ý MAYOR BlOuSER. CMMIS. SIOUfiS DI V R, DIET- MEYER AND. Davis ARE, mm!Dl eP!P4PTs IN A OL1AIP FOR 1IAMAM S9E. CAU66 T1HEY T9741«0, pPRouCTON F-'THE CASO f.DEAL COURT- 'Thé proîuhii;d iaiae snlfti geIni th* Wauikeu City ofciai. aho stop- pai the ProdutionlaSof Thé Trama Ihi tise 1491604Ç Operg Boume. Wauke. iin, Motsy eviing of tant wéoit, aere filed )aie Mou4.y atterueo it liii postal Court, Chicago sud tkil. Thetpea ef the MaJéntic aud Oliver Salley, oas of thé autbern of thé pli. feel -tist about $50.000 W41 sattat> théir feelings ln thé mnttér. t luaibéhr gords, eacof t tiesé par- tis IliId a $26,000 damage quit susinet Mayor Didinger. Commissisi. crs Orvin, flivér anidlMetmeyer.. Cemmissiousr Attenauery wao net tncluded in the suit because he aas Uiecnl Oei oamiWisonea' who opposai royohing the thester'siceese lest geait aben Cal; Thomptou insistail Ou PlitUtiaou the Production attsr the cit'y ttla, throuthIe magor b.d tahoooi it and anuatht uMa. 990r tlaat tbey U'cuii net perquit IL Tho complitnants are repreeeut.d 1by Atterney Adoiph Marks et Chicage s Wel htoan tiséstrital attorney. Jantes G. Wélcb of WasUkeg» anibs asaociate, consuem. COI. 'lhoagnqm %swit insesparat. troca s IMIod asud e«Chh i lha tri Coi. 'hOmPsounasuit daims dam- «Metbge thé City counchil -chars. cd hlm Vréth boiug about teproduce an Immoral play and fer revokiug bie thoater Ilcensê" lu2 the Case of Belley, Il la chargci "thO the couxeil, by its act. cbsrgei hlm aitb arlng sn Immoral play ad trYiugt toPut the sanie on lni The Other asithor et thé play is Mien Riéchél Marshnll. but shie a Dot made a Party wo the nuit for the resaonitat 5"à Iasaid to be prom!. sent sol"Iy sud biau-semt deirsi ta brlag bar tata ta ssort et pubicity. 'That they ien business, la evl. dent frein the st that Il oagt $600te 884t thèse nuits ntnrtad ijp the teéderl Court aud h1sawthé Ch~ecks Put up," sali Cal. Thomp»nutodsy. Hé sdmitt. ai tic Chicago men Put up the mouey te Carry on the littgntioe. The casés aili b. triad, if they are trIlelctici bétore Juigé Landi.,, Jndus CarPeater er Judgé Macit. Net Against the city The susite are directed I aIner the dafeuisano, aot; as;City oafciais but as ladividualn. Hoever, they aero sAe«sag la the Capaclty of City officiali la doiag tii. at abich thoy are béie; suai foeurse Itlaisot neen by nt. tarnais 11101Vtlsay cm thé mued lun ny usauaacptIng ad ofliia. MdW " ianUer Stsrtsd Tbl U 1.1"# eplu the ooutraversy au tatas Iby Mayor Bilunger Whou ho fle ocrim orbdding The Traf' fie te appear bere. This was on the TbUrsday precedng the Moedny eon ahicl t*sho70 aas to, nppear.lie il * h all seathé production la Chicago sud did not considér that the ébaet of its appearsuce aeuid héoliro. lucte éf gond. cei. TiiOMPxmoISInsisatb<A stthe 9hoa wns absoIu*sly moral isast ho aouid eut It on déapita the action tatea lW the Maor. At the tîme it ta satd bno ite oui,* thé ma)-or (sgm W*trdd& _ Ou Mfoeday morning, tht day On wbicitthe itea y*& te le proena, a apactsl meet»n f 09te counci as Ostisi. Coi, lqdijlsca as prenut alit -su storny. Thé session asi' rather starup ektItae. The coloneli ade a iproposllof «pqltttig ou mi appejaiaatln.c performance te héý Cautersé h ascouluituea caoitiuç et tthé, cO=ixt t*elve clergymen:l tacivt lmbffl cfttc aomea's clubs i0là taeIVa bugnadi D5tousgnl men. Ho said If this ccmmlttee ruléd tht ,estermancé awu Immoral tUn n ,eoit Wouid bb MàMi. h -aleIt ou, The council retused Ihîs proposition. aid 15Y a vote of four to oe, Commis.: sinner Attarhery alo.dlseslUng. the MSjestlc thonier j.Ubhc *55feoti ~CLThýMu n*ena euverilper., .Momipcet9P put tiqho' q» In the] heha defendints ln the 11OOCéO damnage suite My CÔI. Theflisoui of the Maestic theate+t, Md Oliver 0. i1leys one et thé? tUtherS of thé play "The TeàiWWfu" tuS. ta gai: the featt use à> %upbr the lut$, n fact, thsfýë'*.ré uitturbed as they vese .w#i6g#*ek &go, they Bt bac k and f4éPq1UlIy toti the manocers th4t tbf~wow woutd fmot go on In Watd ide sapt. the Thé toffëii4 _4% Upt doclined te discus 019 gfI 'hgi' *çbf for stamrent# e#mlit.$ but final- ly they cenis0 e ol ive exare. Ions which sr q.n heswita. provine thast h4 vpI h e b City 0olicis Ie?ég ed -' i. titeir stand go ý ea41fIe, but they are more p W ihithon vIr that they dll Wll#n tlh4> teck the stand 0mýfId. Nsrop what they qy! , MAYOR Bnî,qm - se beeu "revd wtk'p t umpu, Yet, no 1 ona't psy Iery musit about théeuatip. tfdoaVI thlqb thene laa ftpose(bmwei tJ p uq o of Col. Thmu theiii84«tW of the play r-oO I%4pillew 1 féél that I1ly le t.Mr abat klid of a p~yjo be adoutted ta t itvm- log wih ther le, h commissionWte h01111011 of the. Majestlq e8W w W.i Thompsou had l1 79bawogll otage the piedO 4*1, 1>Osa$me or Our eppweuq% 1$ I ss&Io>p ly exerciatng niy ýgggve. The. tact thât other éI$p bave aatkss the salue or »J»qW, * snda aljth regard tu "Thea"g4,, -1 Itilpir hindicates the motion of the WUs- hegan CouincIL.la vtiai te ré- voke Col. Thureoiollcense 1 wan actuated sololy by a désire to Improve and q4Pýlt&1c the moral tône of ail playns tagailhère. We Aced as vé wouid '(,ayb deaé Lad the production bln a'y ether et. traction of the maaturs, as 'thé Trattc: or the, theater &Dy othir playhouse &hffl thé Malts- tic.., COMIISONER DIIVS-I hose Det yet boeu eoeed wltli pro- cesa Ia the suits&sai te sage b.. Sttaflulnthe isismi UMM' by Col. Thompson, and É" eafth« et 'The Trafic,' but 1 udeeta that two nuits have becs alertoi agant the conissionertthidiv- lduaily for $25.000 escb. 0f Oae It la avil known thatt)eW l managers and papwrfo '* thin mevons or sdveti Pm rProducta and tht e o-~ iCrs were flot at niu surl aey tactica hoWever top~~b nibie, whlch might be Uitled teft. ther advertise 'Thé Traia u"h play§ fatteu ou thé e o" gat. iosity of the people, aid lia*th> ulus tliat may be reeived by Me.- aional law nuitg or eterwigseii, tie ua1 ta b. Most dcei the ofr etthe poo ft, t. Uàtsla the favourie mett 'Puruai t»'those aho aie 40 di- cunAlâtauced that tliey have littho ta ftar from nuits of Usimalqii Preescutinaanad aliose baud. ema h. fie furtiier blaekened mg ther accumulation cf tëIléflfli thcy haudie." COMMISSIONER DIEt)EiËY. ER-"I dont think it wiiisfoiut to anYthng-ts a bluff, taiton 5fSeSt %s le hopes titat. by go dGlp lit ail! serve to cause ether Ci âs Wbtc iht Igh ist tepre- vODILthteiahow nppearlag, f eV ta4lw qtePs simiîar to , qW ' neÙ,tai ethte outeome, aot in the tesst. f we hnd the Nlutter UR »fers usairan, I weild. bill aIl poes, take thesanme 4fflI 41W beteore. If officiais are liable for d1aujages for protec"lç t> filetis of their communhté, etiy lt'8 lia, a. found out W«i~. 'COMMISSiONER OW~' 1184 cet eoecethe decianatieu. se, nia teabie to understaud the na- tÜu,, ft thé suit; Ibère certain- W' talalo >ilnblifty on the part. ef the City or City official Wjip fRoi, formea njudiclal or iétlsiative tuactIon..1 "Thé législature ot thîs stte li#4 lrovded that the city ooaCilI w iss uue and révoke ait isUses« Mt PLEASURE. Or. POgwa Telat of Seven Coun- tiuà~ppIyino for 'Fre List' Patients at Coîony. EVEN M'HENRRY DICKERS. ks ttorney of McHenry Dmw the Rate. SuPt . D.BrowD tôf thé Lakoi' ('n ty tubercular iuasfVdte Tuîesday stt- &a tjist hé boai fceived ne fewer thsu aftv I nquirien troni other ceuntién lu L e tâte, nsking If the ceuaty tu. hcreular aoiony bad a "free îîst" or tubmrular Patients. Iu orner verda, lnqulry came tram beven coueittes ssking information as te thé posai- btltY ot Beudias patients te the Lake CM utY instltutt witbout cent. "Bo. Il looks te me ns If Lakte coun. ty la ioing mighty *eil by lita per tübercular patientsa sacompared te etllercanunties,' sai Dr. lBrown. 1One Instance Aud, her's anuiintance of a nfilghborIng cutY's roquent aiong thls line: Btate's Attorney Josiyn, et Me- Henry ceuntY cnlied up the head nurse St the coiouy receutiy aud nsk- éd abat thterate for patients la: "It la 110 sud $15 a week," ahe replied. "Oh. ae cae't psy thnt. Havent YOU auy raté for paupers?"'anked the Mditeçr7 couaty tua. *"Wby, paupers amt ored for fret at Our colOnY-You botter se Dr. Brown the. superntendent," sii Use aurae, a4làs: "who la tItI-abwe.ameFou 'This ta Mr. Jeslyn et Mceant> etLatY," wu& thc repi>'. "Oh. Meffehr7 couatyt I thougbt Yeu werp spesking tram Laite couaty. TOU il .11 baveteceuter wltli Dr. Dýroan," sai the nurse. "*Weli, a caqat aMen dta puy tint rate ferépopera; l'il teti yeu abat wo'il dO--at'i give Yeu $5 a wsek fatr Peaper," ssiibMr. Joalyn. *Oee Dr. Brown,- sala tht nurse. To date no turther ofler cf $6 for "PauPérs" basn beau board tram lie- Henry aud tbere's0neuseofet Lcas». 1n1 for th. abslirditY et the nugges- tion ia apparettfrom theway the Ouparlutendent and the supervisors leeked ai thé matter aben itlavu PiWed b@rte.tbém. IlOH-a . Ililustrates furtiier b", Vary Weil 14" eceuaty is l§ carot ias pees'patents ans cemrél ta -0 Cour conutes. ARMY 14AN IS HURT BETTINO OFF A TRAIN. Quartermaster sergeant %Roaof Fort Sheridan W4@ a passeuger Tués. daY bigât ou s Chicago aed North- western train. He. a t aklig ta a friand wab theictrain stopped liq lu4baad Part 004ai d ont baea hu bi rsacbad bis dcstW&Uton 1MW i h ttralA tkd tatta "teluto ut. He '-apaiouf thé mevit train. His huai $trucke idse oe(tbt laat conal and bis skullians frased. Hé wasa take a te thtftrt bnapltgl. M. W. A. TAX LEVV ENJOINED Pontltc, Ill., Marcb 3.-An injune- Uio as u asitod«X y h&«$"eep#zi Baker, Master lu ChaIltsry. ettal ! las the ceaftiag et laxu au &0 twe Mmilioular taupd 0frt*a *ul5 Woodméuet oAmnerica bah by David1 S. Myera, heai hnnker of Pontia.1 This tu" was a ssegi y thée1liv. tugaton County board ot revoa. Woetck-Margaret sud Annas Rez, of Woodutock, 111., 13 aud il yéars oid réspectlvéiy, were placet! le thé P'rnitcés uveulit tCourt, be- cause, ik ans said, "Tht SaUtheras net a Ait persan tg cars fart iem.-, Yaiterdey the mother apcared near thetgA ain *an sect Mfers neyerai tlmags. Seon aiterward &0t girls wère rejprted missnt. Poiicq havé beau autel te look fer the niptier sud te cijlinen. No Informuation egrllt their cansea asa avallable at &la home, Information was ehtnn9frean the 1 stateménta made frein 4h. stage, 1 and the mayor abo ss.w the play, 1 front Col. Thozopsai, aid seeing1 sizllar ploysaau co4p-red by>' the. parties wizo paw #t at Keno-i tsa and North CNcequ and my i Opinion la uuhangedit h ts Urne. i -1 tru>t the trial * dis«Jouei ',bat ibère was no mlte.e Qu tai part."1 COMMItSSION"- tATTER-i I3EiRY i nlzould wSrry-1 wa-1 u't oued." lit asa emPectéd thàl le United StaUgM Mabal weouiome ta Woue,9ué aiet tan uouteO oerve thé notice.ot tlésnuit on ý the WýauhegaqoioficlJ, Winnetka Maa liasltnetio of WWtw oeîn f Pounty Iudge Pérsons is wearlug a fiue broa4fflpuji overcpat, trimmed uiceiY altb vlvét t athe le eves. ie tact. IV* 6 obufflalfty loopincls t aud tbeludgo rattr likes Il. BUt, il mat te ndorn bis judgnqhip'. Persan (met that, Person> véry long. for he's got to surronder it. For ts net bis coat. It bélonga te a mznona uWtneétka but thie julige la trutttng Arouni lu tt with as xuucb contentiaent as il it aere hls eaa. it seema that, comtng tram Chicago the ethér eveng. thé Wnnetka mn lott thé train Sud loft bis overcoat, bat hé tooktaiong thé Judga's lntd. Thus, abtu the Judgé set te Wauke- ian, hé toi bts oaa coat geae and another lu place ef It. Naturtflyllue teck abat aas loft fer ho lam te bave somethlug as It Was a '#dm% nd atermy butahi' lHe rspes'ted the ~ change of Cesa ote sbratteman alho the neat morulag ultiici tb# Wnna.- kama hou in te lru notifthe litige Ihat ho l!k.d thé houer of acatiug a ludgé's rab., but, an hé Wasn't en- titiéd in it. hé aould scai thce mat hack te Wnukésu vis express if tic Juige aculi returu bis. Asti Dow the judge le hoplus that *je express com- Paay ai lèe. Il or tbnt thé Wnuheftka mae al! Change bis etIni and de. Cd@s to -"aéat a udg's e t" veu If ht dosenlt ecupy a place upeu the houait, ELI3CTWK tufE"T1 Plans for Chifago &MiIwau. kee Expob, e ro? Plans for tic'r.ilalion$ or the Chicago *Bd MuLVaxtkéee lnotrtc roqd et PideralJue Ges- aetMllwaukee la appueI lte the jhtg)ir r.u.At ioast the Aret sai" la -tht cept oversy over the riait et te reos.psu>aaue cemmiMtoitbld for boti the Wlsc9u- sin aud UshelMinis divIsIons0of' thti ufne bas becp decisedinlxx avor ef the tlemmtttc. TWO sleDates te Coïnicide litige tandis bas Sfaenuaei that ho ail sot a date for the sale ef the illîtue dIvison cobflcdlug vltb the date that May b. nalusi bt Juige Geger fer t.esale oet6duoWisconsin divtean Thfc reorgauistroii Plan boid ai- rond>' been aer'ed eut aben Juda@ Landis uet sale the lliaos divison sale ln Septembir. 1912. The motter bas bhatln tise courts mince that date. ise lanabcb asa underwrlt- ta by the National City hauk of Neta York asdl'4 *W. Haimoy * Co., Provisi for s su ane oe t $450.00 Aret meftaage bmais to retire an o14 issue or $l.099.g00 frat Martgage si abtab mature 19J19. aud te par off the recilvars eerllllostsu. Canadien inter' este art the lsrest boliers of bonds' te the forecloe*sreproceedings. Ceaceralug the declafon anidictheaW tue et the eces-Levy iPayer, attenes for thé reorgssslns S osittse% said yesterday: ..The W*aoo.slu division . %oued $10.000.000 bonds. Thot rosi le belug forecloged te the United States court ai aao haiuu éonJauge (teiser. "The LI"in isdlvMlul medlf&#MO" 000 bmeaip *hfuitArc be4tu , tebe- éd lb the 'li tates DXifrict court ai Chicago. hetere Juil. Laxtils. At the mal. la OlIcago tsereorganatloai coaitebld la tht prepcrty for "Uzs, AdoiPit Modem, the ovuer ni tWgie o nitsor Oaa-tirinioft1Iper cee>.Oýw elim tai t t p eo amai>o of the sale on the gmrouxtu tintr bai been a chillng otet omgetltt and Prosentéd s bu troim John Orff. Itis fer $2000.000 and Judie aasdi lbffupou ordursut a reesi. "The sains iptesqto e.. behWitet, John Grlfftbs, aie owei $200000., ori 2 Per cent et the $10.00.000 Wou', sMn bonda, thei filai! a Petitlon bé.ý tore Judge Geiger ani prayed for au' IilunMctotn tieuvent teroorganIsa,I tien cemmittet bls ett t s aiS of the WsensuftPffpuety Maato' askéi lésve te tnttrvc»ad mi Iemdi a Party te the proeeédhilu. The casaý as trléd leat Novembex' adi Indue Giger hounioa haituisi icn @Làopta- Ion la faor 0f thtee g l.uoan conimittée, bus grttlqd 40«gtW' Patition tor Ibave ho iaiav*na. ani ase~ han denîiedhis fappicàtlon'fera Injunction asudd idoa t»tli-tthétérfi gauizatien eousuiibicihàuîave thi: rIait te Propcrty. Ths'~Il paIe5s f9 r a s p e e d y a li t t a q g n s * tour circularate le Isuam onablheh ahI be ckrcutatei among te.300 fet, meru- Ot *ccoualy. mb ahi ln e sent. a cOPy et thietrculars, ahtch al) le o& "Aitaifa, "Rcmovng aut troun 'eod 0.15. "Joeing wuthpet. sai, Lime or Phosphaw Un"sd "Teatlns Cam fer Sesi." Iliae. ha bai tahea up the wu*ertc thte county expert Mr. esalhimer bal visitai 123 taris sud lInsp«etai20.000 scies ut land i uhes 0uütz. ne bsi advlssi the iuntàg orcf oan land vialviil sld thie aéasee t 30,- 000 busheis. Memuphis, Tenu x ip 3 -4sd oral authorttlot qias r.aeje d 5ý75liquor Ileusgreiush V y tih oli- ers ai e Uci, 4probibitlon a The altq,>a deaqlarcail setoots sud othcrispeasaz et 0fUquor s»Ws aaqca..1 ÇMIY tuecaIl lcena la 1Tee- xtesaumm em teib>'rux itue.s, bole. sais deàiera anal river lest ewners Devulopa Thiat former Wauke- gan Prlest Has Been Assign. W fto. AnimalService, lostéad etf 04.1)pCharles P. An- derson et the Hjuiacopai cburch betug the' ene abo ailcoiné, te Christ cliffchtWnukegan. on Ilsy Ird te hoid cofirmation services for théclnose % hîch i ah sn ho prpared by Pot, k tl' Qauster, Ssffnt isiieÏ$p, W. X. iTOU. tforerraer of the Wsukegstn rchurcb hi b. hohave la chargéetofthe service IL ailho b.an Important évent fer Biçhop Tetilsud bist riéedn bors be. Ç". 1h marks the first confirmantion servIeho au! have had charge oetu bis aid Parsi's. sineahé Ieft thé par- lobi af1veça Years azo as raetr, he as 9ictai suffragan binhop of thé Ch,", diqashlch mogna b. il sopWaua t te cblaip. C. P. Anur aïe à in*iu e e levaties. hishop T"f ilIr r acticaîty thte nams àâtd letIs as the htnhep lactud- tut eook1t ton 09 otclasses lu varlous ICo A*4 troin Mort licowo. iarin the pastorate et Racter Lofe la Wààai2ga. Bitop Toit itevé etarÈ tirn te bis tara. eW $e*lub -teo ioiàMàthe classes> be- CaU" e e s.Mo' bEfot balve klndty ieeostpw*Sthe'Pianet ho ba" sue. ' âM * tC'1 br al been leèt- 'M or If-O* i lm tfi nt Loe ébas bbs *MOQeieiby iqr. Oanpt«, the uafUidèbfteia go agree afth '1Wlt wudbu nia* ,Y tha s ti W*wËiet and on May 110. Uléi'VuaJ*W cimsaber tq*ccpw th a . em0»alesattendent thu Ut tbgrqsul>e OUmae. To b4 gbig 1.tw ai os a hislip te thp DMi»~Wbéra Ibo Worked fer a qgart*p# a «trw asan ordis* priest M4 te osMb»a ci&" la bis Jdpeglsh. Io ap4Ihte» afforicibut te, Um bqff 4iahop Toait »doubt,. look sforps e itte el vuah Ma ieach AnticIpation es dg bis fermer t~ I(M$- 0NTY Readl*erPre-Mdiots a Big 4~of Cousty Soil Adwlser J. D. Reedi. mer isclaffl aM the annuel meeting of the lRanece eunutr OitImprevemeut MeoIMtlo ieud at the court bouse St Gonava eaturd&Y Sfteraoun, that the lbcrease lu valuie c«thé cropa of the COMity, la 1914 weuid hé more thaat MA"00 f 1»Mutm ersmthsita 1, 0q9 aquif be rseMsi, ho sai, troxa luqruag crcroit«0sadmore thau $ýKOP woul ffl" d ritrom thinl. crosseOa ic healtaita yleld. bc work Cof tbf eeuatp gsisr mmu The wer r. f.iia nty avia. com- "" on ceJu nu . Loo. eelaitto O#~V, reudtgfor tUt ov « Ufn818bu t" - blg remit mboVa vesld eMMthls Fur am 'gu O Prte isar teaMW- tino te 1t40 yl etaithe caunw *Wl l-ucrs,.prgenamy. IL w» «Là. mgt84 tiit titiM sAQMs mouli suotut te J110000. VulhI" a to ea yci' Mr. 40eeihla.r auattel but a vu,. bal reoprt as hcobMi ho= n extrea bupy a"4 bai hem %natle teprojiere