LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. FRIEDÂY. MARCH 6,1914. il ?/ewsyfem Edlh.d by F. J. DRUOE. Phone Il Orders Takenflor Job Work. Advsrtislng ra on application. fThe servik at; St. Audrew's EPIOcopel -churcb neat Sondal evsnlng; will b. taken hy the Bey. T. M. Baztar of Btil Crue. cburcb, Chicago. Mr. and tirs. Clînton Washburn were Chicago vlmîlars lionday. Carl Lewis waa ln Cca"go on buoineas Tueaday. The Ladie' uiid of tbe St. Audrew's church met witb tirs. Alico, Thoinson lait Wsduesday wlth a large attetidance. John Abari or Waukegats, @peut Sun- day wlth finondç bere. Fay Brandtetter oj Chicago, wpent Sunday wlth hie pareunts. tdils. May and tlaude (jaruant. Esther Swanuon, Iva Lotum and tMr.j BUMmel Jack ail of Waukegan, speut 8unday at the E. J. Lotuq home. irs. J. L. Hamuçrs aud son of Euulce, Loulsaiua. are idetsot the former'@ brother. Dr. Rl. S. Clark ot this city. tIany hrou> here are planning to attmnd the tlood RoÀadi dance at Round L.ake, tlarch 17. fi. J. Loftulinlu ortberu Wiseonslu buylug cattie. At the Commnercial lub lait Thuresay eveuing the following officers were *lcted. Chai. Fenlun, preaideut, L. DeCourdred, vice presideut; Peter New- boue. sscretary; John Morse, treasurer; Pr. J..Id. Palmier and Chai. Wgtman were appoiuted ai the uew directors; L. Y. Sikea. Dr. E. F. Shaltor and T. 'i Reynolds holding over. Tbere ie mueb work under way wblcb the club will taka AÂbMarch Gi-ft Ail througb the entire month of March wie are going ta give you a pieos of Irredescent (lasware that seilis for 25c tu f50c, FREE witb every $1.00 purchase of Rexail, Mysi, A. 1). S. or 'arke Davis remedies. Thase ixedicines rauk foremost among ail druggista. DRUCIE DRUG CO. The Boexail Store Urayalake1 up"and big thingi nay ha expected f rom Ibeni this :ear. irs. Wmn. Elli aai a Chicago vistr' tionday. H. Y. Cleveland oI tha bruce Drug Co., attended the Rpiaîl convention at the LaSelle hotel Tuesday. Oea. Carfleid of LibartyvIllls, ealled on relatives bers Tuesday. Ws havi luit nscelved a 50 Pound @bit> ment aI Purs cails soap wbicb we are offenng yau at loc a hait Ponnd or 15ec fora ne pound bar. Drue brug C.- B.exall Score./ irs. Md Duce entertaiued a larged nunnber of lady fInonda at ber borne ou Lake Shore Drive. tionday evaning. t The Giraslak baiket baIl teai de,.P ieatad the Woodîtock teain lait Satur. day might la a score of 585 to 16. Sonne1H trimmings. l The tirayalake Coninuuity club wili meet wit Mns. tMarqui Shaffer this week Friday. Mrs, Charlotte L" visiteidlfier nou, Dr Lie- ut Chicago, la@t Weduesday. Mr@. Emîna Gilbant Curry of 4 hicago, dîed very suddeuly ah heant tailure Weduesday. Fshruary 11, 1914. Burnal at Oakwuod cemaeter!v, Chcago, Fab. 14 Slie leaves ber buebaud. Samnuel Curry, une daughter, tirs. Iluncan MAcb:nall of Chicagu, and une sou, Robert Curry of Càlitoruila, aloone brother, Engene Gilbent ut Waucouda- and_ two siten., 5?oznd ByC14A8 E. MASUN Represenwsive -Correspendient Phons 34-W John Meyer of Fremont, @peut a few daye bere lait wek. The local Ice bouses are being filled this- week. The ice bas been at a preoeium. Chas. Bush ban returned trou Mt. Hioreb. Wls., wbere bo baa beau taking in the ski lumps there. A good road dance will be given here Ttnemday, Marcb 17thtobls w orcesta@ nd nly50c par eouple.good in botb halls. Plan to attend. i Arthur Shober bai resignad bis posi- tion ah the ermaîuery bere and bai gone on trie ruad for a Chicago Paper Co. Cooud iuk old scout. Thbomas Evie is cen' 8ek witb pnuo mnoula. Hie Io in the cars iof Jus. A nianu. tirs. trpba MRofaiNew Liabon, Wls., Baruey Nevalier of Zion City, isited and Mn*. Mary Evans of LaGrange, Ilil, relatives bers Saturday. and a bont of triends. Tuese are people Ou Tbursday, Feb. 26i, occurred ti.e wbo iîsed ta live lienad probably enarniage of Mi@s Nellie Gonyo and Jaines ,%ould ha oI luteret to quite a few 01 Tnlggii, Jr. Congratulations. unr reader@. Tbceps uew wells are 10 be put down Taxes Are Naw Dus-I will be at on the Sears farme. Crayslake Wadusdays and Saturda.ys tirs. E Cb ird speut Friday witb betr and Round Lake Tnaidays ta calleet sn .Cad taxe@. John tiaion, Tai Cliotor. Mr. nd MChr@. e.Kplwr Wu- _____________ gan viiton Tbur8day. ILawrence Anaun ia very elck witb IVANHlOE punoula. tirs E S. Faulkner @peut Tbursday at Miss Bertha Kuebker speut SaturdâT Roserans and Sunday et borne. tirs. A. Gonyo and two littie sons The Wana'sosciety beld their regular were.Zlîîn City vioitore a tew days lait meeting witb tirs. Ernest Moore laat est. Thur*day. A. tionyo wai a Wilmette viitor aven tirs. J. L. Chamberlain and tir@. H. C. uunday. P'ayne vîited the former's sîster. Mis. ___________ J. B. Faruswortb at Mayfair recently. Itallan Mani.agm Brokers. The Ladies' Cemetery soclety wîll hoid Iu ltaly marriage brakera are à au ail day meeting witb Mr@. F. S. regufan institution. They bave pock- b)olpb, Thurieda. lfarcbl2. t is bopedi ethooks filled with the naines of niar- ther.- wili be a large attendantel and ail riageahîs maitdens lu varions ranks of come early, ai ibere i. quilting to ha lite, and go about trying ta arrange done..xatches. Wbeu they are auccesmfii dune. uith rae a isifon, and very rs. H. C. Payne weut Lakeilkely somethln xtaa avtutr Saturday to ffae ber mother wbo îe imite sIft trom thair eustomer. ir. and lirs. J.A. Thain and Mr. and tIrs. W. J White visitad tir. and tirs. Erneot White at Liberty ville the past week. tIre. Neill@ Bain returned froîn Grays- lakeThnrsday. tire Cremin@ sister tram Neaw York la wlth ber. R. E4nxonde and tamily nioved Wed. needay ta their Dow bhome on the 8is lan uer GagisCorners, Leslie Cannnpeut the wcek.eud witb bis parente and wlill nove this week and îeork hlm tatber's place. Frank ticarthy înuved to bis naw houieuer Wadsworth Saturday. Chai. Amnsa vimlting hie sun, Simeon A mes et Hickory Ibi Wcrk. tir. and tir@. C. E.ileuman spaul rnursday with tir. and tirs Freezer of Grange Hall. lt..and irs. A. W. Safford, Miss é'ote, tMr. aud tira. W . J White, tMr. and tirs. 0, A. Nelson, tise Allia Nelson, Mir. and tire. CE. benman andtMr- and if n..I. S. DeeMan touk diniier witb tir. nd Mirs. b. M. White lu hoiîor of tMr. VînIites@ birthday lait Wednesday.. Dr. Jamison, tir. and tire. J. C. Chope and son waut ta, Waukgau Thursday tu bae au az.ray ezaininatiou iii thiîer une8, arm wblch W&@ lroken. A. Hl. Stewart- l a pçering and paint. ng the bouse on thle farui btors tir. Cook moveo there. Thbe eilîdran of the tiriitbjsuhoo gave a party at tbe home ut NI r. and Mr. Kidd lu hanor aI Catbrine. Edwin and Mlargaret Coat, Whou nu e-d o the A. H. -twar taron. A marriage liceuse in the piper the past week aI EDOs Shaw iand Mise tiabel Nîisb of Lîbertyville. tir. Shaw was Ioruîirly ot tblm vlcinlty. tIr. and tin. J. 1 .ouner vi8itad froni Saturday until hIouday wltb relatives lu Lake Forest. tirs. Elizabeth Tower e nu better ai. preecut wntiug. ltev. George teictanis talked tuaa @mail audience Bnnday on account of the Independeitt reaches ail points ln Dr. N. W. Schellenberger OSTEOPA11UC PHYSICIAN WAUtIOA1I. ILLINOIS WIli be at tirs. C.SllosM",osOrchard St.. LubetvlU.e«sT2 . and Frldoy,I aitemos e uveilag. One gear's subscription to VALLEY FARMER, a 40-page Iarm magazine of higbest character and a household periodical thet is usuallg sotd wilh the other paper will be given awag' ABSO- LUTELY 1FR!! WITII A Y!AIrS SUBSCRIPTION TO THE GRAYSLAKE TIMES. TODAY'S MAGAZINE - A handsome, illlustrated magazine, a necessaryj wo- man's magazine of highest character, usually sold [or 50c. cornes weeki!I and is a welcome visitor. Tism paper with the newsçj and reliable GRAYSLAKE TIMES alil[or onIy 51.00. FREE --- One Aluminum Stew Pan We have broadened our selection so that everyjone ca*i be suited. for those who do not care t reai! we have fItg of these luseful utensils. Tieg ame what every womam should have in lier kitche- end remember we have lesthon ri4. ON! IFR!!E with every gear's subscuiptioin to The Gragslake limes at $ 1. The plan is siîple-just subseribe for the Times for one year and you are entitled, f ree, to any of the above clubs. After inserting but a sinail ad in the Times we have added more than a dozen new readers who are much pleased with their magazines and especially with the Times. We have received numnerous compliments as well as invit.atioeito come into the country where enthusiastie Times readers volunteer their help in ise- curing the few that are not now readlers. These people love the paper. What's the reason? They r.ealize that they get double value in the Grayslake Times at *1 the yer.'hey realize that they can save money by read- ing the merchànts' ads, in the Tiumes. TI'at's wby they are so anxious for their neighbors to have the best pa- per in the county. Send gour dollar to "The Girayslake Times Grayjslake, Illinois«* immediateIge .Cake villa Mmr H. lendricks o!fuglecide, visîted ber parent@ e brs touday. tire. Abert Kapple returned bonis lait wesk alter baviug speut nearly a montb wlth Chicago relativ.e@ and friande. Mir. and tirs. i. M. bouglai, wbo bave been very 111 are on the gain. Thoir sans, Dell Douglas and wile of Wauka- gan. and Albert Dougt&. and %vlte have been carlug for them. Edgar Kerr wai borna over Suniday. Mn@. John Nadr spent a couple days lait week lu Chicago. The Ladies' Aid toeiety hl-d a mieeting wltb tirs. C. B. flaîilin hie week Weduesday. Suppî.r was sprved by Meedameas C. Harnliîi, J. Haîîîhîu. H. Sberwood and P. Avery. The Commercial club bel(] another of ite, enjoyable i-ard partie9 at the hall Saturday eveuiug. Prîtes were given, refiesbmeutm served and a general good lime enîîived., Little Bernice Nadr bai beën '1îîte iii but i. îuuchbobtter. Two luqueste were held bere Saturday, one bEiug a man lu the empioy ofthte Soo line, wbo wai repairiug a car and ueglectiug to hava the proper signala Out, wai hit hy a car .making a flying swltcb and caused almost instant deatt. Ws unîlsrotand that ha bai a witeanad Iamiiy lu Europe. Bis naine was4 John Sabla. The otber was that of a man Iroin nontheru iocuse inlucoinpauy witb another man lu cbarga of a carioad ut patatoe@ bouud for Chicago. Hi. desth wai dus to beart tailure and the body wai ahipped to big bomne Ion hurl. tIE: ANTIOCH tionday Mr. and Mns. Amel Christenon hoî bave been wurking the Fairnianl tarin eouth of towu, stortedîfor Denmaik wbere they expect to make their future born. Mise Auna Langbaug aeoiîn- panied Ibein. Mr. and lino. VictarChîn are rejolclng over the arrivai o! a boy whicb arrlved Saturday eveniug. Mother and child are doing u>cely. It la nnderstood that Walter Christoff- sou and John Johnson have leaied the Autiocb Steani baundry ot A. V. Chian for a tarm ot yeare. tiesîrs. Claud Brogan. J. J. Morley, Wrn. Hliiihraud and Elmer Brook "pnt a couple of day8 lu Chicago the lait of the week. tirs. barrante, w. b for eomctirue pait bai been conducting a ladies' taiiiring establishmnent born bas@noved to Chicago. tiondaY mornlng about S 'ciock Mr. Sexsmitb, who lived eait of town lu a vsry modern bungalo. bad the mis- fortune of burniug ont. Mr. "nd trs. Sexsmnith barely escaped witb their lives and everything was iost. Mr. Sexsmuîth met a similar tale about two ysars ago. Mr. and tirs. Chai. Aivers attendsd the tuneral of Mn@. Ira Boyian lu Chicago Monday. Mns. Boylan wai weli known bore. Mir. Field@ ba@i movsd froin the Fox tarin nortbeast of towu ta the Burke tarin eoutb of tuwn. Anthony Burke and tamily bave moved tu Waukegau. 0. Kettiehut and tamily have moved in t> the Shultie bouse on Lake street. Oin Sunday the trienda of Henry Bldi of 4117 W»est 25th St., Chicagco, were shocked ta learu of bie deatb. tir. Held wram weil kuown berebaviug ilved %outb- east oftotwu for satne tims, but nioved back ho Cicago about a yaar ago. Mr. Held leaves a wifa, two son@ and two daughtsrs. Funeral wai heid Wednei- îlay lu Chicago. WIi Hook baisuîoved from the Zefliger tarin to tbe Chai. Yopp Iarmn. Simon Simiiun has vnoved tromn tie Hucker tarin 10 the Faleman tarin. Jou. Turner, 8r., of Orayslaks, wam lu towu Saturday. Harry Smith wa& a Chicago paasenger Monday. tir. andNlira. lHarry lsaace and Frank Chinu atteuden the uerai of Mr. H. Held, tather ut Alderman Held lu Chica- go Wsduesday. Need'an ORCHESTRA? Phone Ma8on No. 34W Round Lake, 111. f MUtSIC FOR AU OCCASIONS. Dance Music a Speciaty [I Mundees Lightnlnic Houp Cure 10v sale by aIl druggis. 50e and $1.00 jer bottls. Attention Motel Owners--Buffet Owners A banking conniec tioxi with this bank will brinÏ many advautagesi. Viz: You will have large isumc money on hand whivli you will want to put in a sale place. We always have an abundance of silver on., hand. We have the most up-to-date and complete' bank and banking sy>stem ni Lake county. Your checking account here will htave the best of care. W send a montlîly statement aîîd your checks at the end, of every iuoith. Start your account NOW. "r vla Cni & autunUm A STATE BANK capital $25,000.00 Lake VOW 1,Illinois Your Proposition! Large or sinsil WiII Be Given Our Careful Attention. Durand & Durand Red FRitale, lnsuranco, stc. Libsrtyviils, Mi. Save Money ONCN Special Sale until May lat jAMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. MEREDITI REAL ESTATE & LOAN CO. PHONE 24 LIDERTYVELLE Dealers in Real Estate and Pire Insurance Village Lots, and Houses We have them. Farm Lands aSpecialty Information and inveatigation as free aalwater. Phone 24. Meredith Real Estate & boan Co. Phone 24 LUbesyvt NOTICE TO IDTVESTOR8- Anyane interested in a perfectly safe investment aseurity muoh Municipal or Public Utility Bonds in denominationi of SI00 Utp bearing 5.îO and 6,1' intereat, wiii1 do well to iee me befère, bnying, as 1 have somne of the bast on the market. Phone 14 E. D. Hubbard xIdb." IL DA 0 eCLEAIN 1- uarantee to save Vjou (rom 25c to 50c on subscriptioa to ang newspoper or m.afiis publlshed in the U. se A. It toolîworkend mon% gtoget this Aeacg. I's et or dwS,. IJeit. b I.. . 1 Il - lit FREE