LAKE OTNY InMEPENnENT.. PRmÂAY.MÀRM - 6.1914. K . FurLI____________________ Lake County Independentl Waukegan Weckly Sun Office Tlephone Numbar i, Libertyvilis Exchange. Entered a% the Pottoffice at Libertyvilie. Il ., us Seconid Casi Mai Mtter Officiai Paper for Laite County. Imued Every Fridey. Adrtliing Rate@ Made Known on Application. SUBSORIPTION PRICIE, 81.50 PER YLAR STRICTLY IN ADVAN CE Edto 0. M I H ............................. ................M anager M.J. WEBER .......................................... Resident Manager, Phone 68 Âfter all, Llberty'vfile need not think the "ville" on its name necessafly belittles lt, for there are inany larget cites thus named-jLouioville'NashvllO, and Jacksonville for instance. A Wisconsin fire inarshal-objecte to fire filma in mov- ing pictures, fearing they will 80 fascinate children as to mgke them uit fires. 01 course, there le the power of sug- gstion iu them when seen very often. W. fear Voliva's apparent contempt for the law wil Z et get him into trouble. Re seems to have respect for the aw only whn it lu lnu Ms favor. When unfavorable to him he, shows much agility trying to get around it and over- corne obstacles that would cause hlm to obey it. if Voliva's council cati only keep on passing anti- amoke ordinances fut as the Supreme court rules them 4yîvaMd they'fl accomplluh the same remilt as if the ordi-i Mmne sl.lgl-the ordinance, while being tested in the courts, la eefectve and violators thus are amenableunder it-until Was beeu knocked out. In other words, as the boys used to uay, 11There's more than one way to akin a cat After Rev. Thomas Quayle, secretary of the Lake County Low and Order Leue read the editorlal lu laut evenlng's Smn to the effeot that It would be quit. a joke if the Liquor Dealers' Association tried to bire him for its conel, soeelg that it's become kuovu he's a regular law- yer, Xir. Quayle laughed when h. replied to a question: "A million dollars a minute would not get me for that t- ork." The case of Miss Worsfold, the former Waukegan womai who nov holds political office lu the state of Wash- ington, is just another of those viiere a person bas to go &"ay from one's native city to corne to the front.. Here ilu Waukegau, Miss Worsfold vas nover conspicuous, but ahe has't been long lu the West before she's elected a justce of the peace and later is given a good appointive of - fice lu the county offices. Weil. Former ]Postmaster Charles Watrous needn't long for a postal position very long, for wlith announce- mnt made that every fourth-clasu postmaster of the coun- ty must take the. examuxation on April l8th, and the high- est ma vins the job, it's quite certain that the former Waukegai P. X could land some of those jobs if ho but vhéobd te. W#àh Ms experience lu the Waukegan office, aid is uces. therein, lie could inakoome of those fourth chu. balders, step livuly if tbay vished to paus higher than lie. Havhu't board that h's figuring on trying to land amy of the jobs in question.t Whil. tiis ga natter is up for no muchi discussion andt the. qullty and goneral cot Of the. sains tirough inferior quuiity senia otobe paramouat thoughts bing consid- erod, à ould be timely and fair to start au agitation for a -gumoealy lover rate for gis than this city aid otherst wbich ane sipplied by thi. North Shore Gus Company re- celves. Wben the Company supplled only Wankegan, tii.» tiiere nMogit have beau ai excuse for dollar gas but, after dozens of citiesare included in the lst of patrons, it seems that, if the general ride of "1greater consumption, cheapert rates" applies lu gas as vell as in others, that a lower rate could be consisteutly given consumera. Why not take the inatter up for serious consideration? Wonder how long the United States will have to con- tinue receiving siaps from the federalists and the revolu- tionists in Mexico! Wonder how many more Americans must be sacrificed before our administration asserts its rights and its powers ! Wonder how long other nations will stand idly by, waiting for the United States to look after their subjects properly in Mexico. Wonder how man,,. times Secretary Bryan will permit the Mexicans to spit in his face before showing them that hie represents the greatest nation of the world today I The Sun has neyer favored intervention in Mexico, excepting as a last resort, but the way things are going now and have been going for some turne, the way thie United States goverument bus beeu insulted, slapped and kicked about, indicates that1 the "lut resort" may have arrived already. An agitation le being started lu Libertyville to change tue naine from "Lsibertyvile" to "Llberty," the idea be- lng- hbt the village bau attained its maturity and the, "'vile," indicating a amal oommunity, should b. dropped foetlvih, lu order that the place may assune the position of prominence it lu entitled to. The. Idea isn't a bad one. M a «, t seemu as if such littie features as naines lu com- uatylie oftentimes have more effect that one would suppee.Andd "Iàlberty" in a rather nice-sounding naine a*t 1 Plapo older reai4ents may oppose such a change !t thie cauaàl observer, it doesn't sound undreasonable. '109imr, va must aiso concede that the. word "Llberty- vlU' a asea ratier pretty name for a pretty place like ou oanOUty seat, Lbertyvile, banc a change lu naim.s w'boutdoubt woold produce mont Intense and interesting ~~~~g e, zUI po m con. BOARD METS IN BEAUTIFUL NEW IHALL~ The viiimaehord mt ou Mdondayi evenlng for the tfiet regular meeting tnuq the nsev village W bai hhai. ituatad on tha village property on the north @Ida of Cook avenue a short distance We.h of Miwaukee avenue. The hoard con- reed ut about eighî ocilocit lu hiel councit roose on tihe vest ide o? tbe mae corridor. This room te coneeted by a paugevay vlth tha fireproot vanit, a committes roouind i ardroha. The morne are @a unranged au tu ha real atritlng le apparnce. On the acat sida of the main corridor are iocatad the Oire departinent quartersi, the marehai's roam and the juil fon maie prisonara. The jail tn equipped vlîb ireprootl ixtores and te arraeged for the absolute salety as veil as tha sanitary conudition of prieonerg. Juset acromethe corridor la a roumIn itaoded ho le used a-) iockop for vuemen, but ham mot Wue comploed le tihe Vai-utfiexhunci. A large stairvu.y truseth a iul corridor leade ho the second iloor, land- ing in a bailivay exheetiing fronithe rear of the buitlding ho the office mrne factnir the etrett. On the cash side of the baill letha fluamaus quarter, fltted up vh nev furnitun. and made cozy for the firesuen vbo vili hoiti their meetiege thara. Acrons the hall ta the vet la the large roomn occupieti hy tha Young Men's eefare Affaetutioc,u orqanizahion of voua« mn u bo hava started ont vitb the purpose of funisbing antertaiement and phystcal culture exerclfes for ita malabars. Wh asomciation baisiaeaw Notioe 0o! Republian CauS thia rousefor a aur.b ttthr ii The Svo oMfie roome in front ara to ha! Noticla ereý g.ven tatteewl iaed te proelouealmn. Taken uan a b'a caicum ofthtei.Republican votera ot builes., 'nrealjuna the vilaavilii itha Toweship of Lihartyvilia. Lut. restilme qut, a large om aunuali as <C<un tY Ilinlois, brddat the Tovwu Hall le retai frota th. several rôome, vhich the village of Lihartyviti% aket.Couat, Wiii le tissu "ya the intereet on thaelinuoi, on Sturday, tb. fourteentb day moeez lvsets. As. apublic building l o?01t areh, A. D. 1914, et the hoer of lîbaadeàoe.qeoonbto haapnietoour,2 ocloct p. es, for the perposeto igle, Salilitîhaaufy halingepeed lnooetnaingedtdàtie for Sb-toiloviag on the trous learraion but the antîre 'oft as.hao b. 5ud ai the tove elsoion structure ve sadaigued thai It couid t50 fladAlirilse,mtb. 1914: heaumpiy large enougb for many jean Suparvior. to coin. colector. Aisough Os b ourd bas not formâi i samou lr. iccSPtsd the Dov building 1h bad the Cowneir o lgvy (ot 16rag rMeetain ethe nev counci room Cmisoe fbgwy .ot Moeday algbtand as the membare of District.) the board tuait their places around th One Scbool Truste., frail term. nov tabla th. spactatora could notice Ou@ chool Trushe@eteoaliivacuncy. that satlied felIng vhtch stola over And for tbe transaction ut sncb other the tac o? each suambar that the year .s busiese as may propariy coma hafors bard vont ta connaction vlth the the. Caucua. erection u1thtei building vas about et an Dated a Lîbryvjilis, Illitei, February end and tbat tisa board couid aht let aStb, A. D. 1914. inieinl a varin, ointortable piace. R. W. Bultier, Ater te. regular routina of business L. B. Hauby, vas dlsposed of tha huard listeneil o Charges P. Smala, Jr., puggestions froue a member of the aiea Committa.. departmats ta smail items taimprove the e ffcie4cy of the present equipineut, NOTICE and the motter was turncd ovar ho rire 1 i iii h a candidate for the office of i and vater coumitiiea vith Power ho *... ajjt_. pu-chasaeh. en.caasry supplies. The hourd tabled a proposition troin au outeide cpmueany ho, intail au outiih 1to heatahached ho the pumptag station englue to use kenoste as fuel anstead of gasotine The compaoy ptopýoad ho iattacb t'a equipmeuh for tbirty day. I res triai sud at the expiration thareof htoi o-t the village $300 Cash or $360 la hothbiy inîtalîmenfe. Anothan meeting of the hourd viii ha beid unaitMonday igbt. and ]bin l expectad tiat the building viii ha eaccaphed ut that meetiDg. BUT[ERFRY BEATS SIÂTE INSPECTOR FINOS ROBIN IN RACE STORES YERY CLEAN Butterftiistuttering in the lireeze al C. H. Kieilquimt. repreenting the lev feet ove, several inches of Fow M liliinoie State ikc-d Coissffion, @peut one of the carositie brought about by i Tbursday and Friday ot tact weck ln- our great combinattun of Texas-Caouda specting tho severai places in Lbertyvilie weather thie wjiter. vhare toodstuffa§ are deait inaand to hi@ Imagine youreelf al wrapped up in Watstsacinhcl'cvrc hto heavy ctoit and varm cap, tryilg t.oe ven inte as to siîght changea vere yard off the cold wnd while makiog a n ceessary. fiing trip froin the bouse to the barn Ihe inspactor came toto the Indepen- and whe about hait way @top suddenly dont office on Friday to tel] the peupie to conalder whether yo're awste or through tht. papar that every puace ha dreamlng an you se.l a b.uutiful littia visltad bore in towu ha vas snrprisad ho battarfly fiopping ita vinge right bafore @ce such ceanlinees and auretut arrang- yon. Nov houait, what do you think ing of foodotufiu, and stated that our jon wouid do In this case? Wouid you marchante were fer abead of m.ny other cati for a doctor, or wouid jou, vel-. towns as large and larger thau Liberty- Nowvto prov tbat ourCanada weahher ville. He said: "1h pistuse. me greatly la pattarnad ater the Taxas bot bifai. to nota the prida the marchante of tue wiii show yon a parfectiy good Libertyvilla tata int baretabllsbnents, butterfly if yon cuit a% tha Independent and assure you that 1 vould much office wbich waë captured by Win. J. rather osae t that va, titan tu be com- Wels of Cook avenue, lait Saturday pelled to ordar changes be mnade to inorning vhle a lktng troin bis barn to mata a place sanltary." the b ouse. Mr. We"l naturaily vab oeýstbeildered as ha gazed et theMS.LCNA EVY thing haosav iittering juat a ev fetct LCND EÀ tron fait. ie madela .ter taud siriking BlED SÀTIJRDAY LAST at the tiyiug objeet wtth hi& cap ha manageil hu ksuck it tto the nony, but tire. Lucýinda ffeavey was horn Nov. .lien ho pcked it ui) the but tertly a 14,181, et Btue Blli. Ut. DesertlIsland, fend.,iL ..ud(ltio chili no u ibi îg Mane. and ied on iSaturday, Feruary tic, uuh r h. tetder lttt.- thirig. MNrk., ,, 1 j 11 ' t ber home here. She was V. . ,occr]ti, bctterfly to Uthe . the, , tc. jeuHeath Seevey, who oct ~ oi tctrtAh-'i aturday., Ttus d nr c q. -ii ago. roUi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ý nrttctaIilac.Otka ii . t fîe cildren ho ncourn lier bi k a-nu ii. ic- we bashe c.ccrted .1 1.4.: ,id u htanta, (Georgia; W. ilim 0eiii t1 bt is t mdg],t f cnrg t his iciy-ar. idcgKaumas; Marcien of C îctc d- leribe SaunieroutCht -ego NOTICE e idiSi r-, Elith Herrick ut thi laece. Puhclcc iic-i î erchcy giren ticatt a St.c .i uy ns been a resident ut clccrîel ai.--ttngz of the sticî-khlid-rm ut l ikecý uity for many Score, hier lest The Steldîcu Iti-idoul eid etnt r*îchic , tew 3 3cics eing speot hors. Thetuerai Area, Ilijoc. ou the 27t1i day of w cii ar, held fruon the home on Junuary, 1914, pursuant to thes statute M,,11iiisatt.-rnooo. tMr. B. M. Attburt In suri, cet»-samade and providad, the o'1ti.l']c-cbteriaii church offictttg principal ufflcs ot The Sleldon dehool vîth i laI iin theLakeslde cemetery. vas ehanged froit. Area, Illinois, ta 1o1f4 South Wabasb Avenue. Chicago. NOTICE Illinois. Mmrethan eigty par cent of To th..- tax payera of Libartyvilie town- the capital stock otfmuid corporation shipt, wtilbhout Crore store uti vue reprsaantad at aatd nestlng ad votad unanueonlyi n fýavor of sad Mardi I1hth to colsect taxes.. chauge otf lcatîon. -23-.2 Peter Bock. Colector. Gala Blocki C. N. Uurund NOTICE P. P. Dymond Te icsorth iuihalimaftt 18olpciai asi- %L. t. tAti mant No. 1, tb. igb h Istailment ot C. H. Puttison sîpeî&asaisseet Nu. 2, and the tourth Maority of the Bourd of titretori o! Instailmmnt ot i'peci a ueement No. 8, The Shieldon W.ehoui. c.24-3 are oow due and Meos ho ,id t m'y 1 ,-eIn Dl lecta, & Bond'@ drug store on That ancient and long distance smiaitor hf*cra March 20, 1914, ai 1 viii close that came tronti sore, ttred, oveaty tet mi books on thut dey. i. worse than a tanyard. lBut you eaue It. B. Bodd, Village Coilector. curechhistroutblevlrh iiurk.r'a Antiseptic. 'L c-24-2 For sale by F. B. Lovscl Co. .i, litdependent: More reuders titan ail Tii. indtpendent ine a&IL. <ouOty wvekies combined. prlmary. and viii apprerciate auj support givan ima. wun. Whetr. c.20-tt TO TH4E VOTERS 0F LIBERTY- VILLE TOWNSH4IP: 1 vii be a candidate for the office of town coliector e4 tha cosieg Republican pnîmavias, ant i viii ppraclahe any and al support giren mea. C-18,tt Austin W. Tripp. Candidate For Collector. 1 vieb t Lu iorSMmy friandeshtah I viii hea aCandidats for collacto, suehct ho the Dmoeratic priuearj. add yull ap- preciate ail support vivan me. c-19-tf J. R. Maibolland. ]FOR QOLLECTOR 0. Uset announcas thut ha la a Candi. date for the nomination to the office of coilector for tha town of Lltertyvilla ah tice Itcpnlicau primaries, and viii uppreciate al suapport gichim. a c.19-itf TEN DAYS' FREÉTRAL EÇ You oa try d"i.beau- tif ii V*urolà FREE in your own Home. By making aRmoti Y. tl r{1~tyou viii mooiot*n woi4 e reteat of MIl imusicaI instruments. And "Ic bring te, yon tbe verybest of munie of every kind, sang sud pla.yed in the very bot way by the very but artioto. The ide- si place te lea'n thie nov dan- ces is iD the home aud here the Viotor in abaolutely indis- pensable. Price $15 tu $100. Try the. New Dance Records I H. B. EGER Buy it Because It's a -Better Car Model T & Ton ring Car 50 (jetin Schanck Bros., Libertyville NOTICE the otffice ci tai collector for the tu wn of Lihertyville subjeet to the approval ot the Deniocraticc voter@aet the primary and viii appreciate ail supportigiven me. C-20-tt Mark RI. Con-Oran - The Certainty of Death and The Uncertainty of Uife Claima within one year. During 1912 fif ty-f veî influrance compaflies paid Two Million, Four Hîindred Fifty-îîine '[hon- nand, Four Iluîtdrd and<lTlîirty D)ollarst ON P(>LICIES ISSUEI) WITHIN TIIAT VEIIY YEAR. The iusured uîîthr tIiiesntî cotitratt were in good itt-alth at the' tillo- the policies were issue(1, yet tht-y lived only an average oif ' months. Thle uncurtainty of humati life cannot be illustrated more clearly JOHN HODGE District Manager Michigan Mutual Lif e New Telephone Nwnber- 296-M-1 jq - if YOU DIE YOUR FOLKS GET UT. IF: YOU LIVE You GET IT. . 1 ý 1 Sit i sit 'V.- lw^,I" 11