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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Mar 1914, p. 5

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LA"E COUNTY INDEPENDENPM. FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1914. "lWell begun is half done." Wheu yonove ordo.dsMd recivod goode from "The Store cl Gbod Tages yota an woii utarted toward the prepara, tion of aGOOD meal. --- Special for Lent-- Oyst.ers; Presh, Salt and Smoked Fish; Finnan Haddie and Bloaters. CANNED FISH-Salmon, SardineE, Tuna Fimh. Shrimp, Lobster, Kippered Herring. TRIGS. & TOR JEUTriggm Ubeftyvili Vour f3aster Suit East.er is Jkiet a littIn over four weeks away ai i that gies you * net tiue to get your order in for a sprin': st and have it 4'made t.efore the rush Ihegiine. X lu thesc ilaye of rmerhlaut 4'tailoring a te mposmilile for you to get a made-to-measure suit at the saime price yoau umed tu pay for rcady-rnae. 0 'ie *have about moo saiuples of new epriîug fabrics for Your selec- 4'tioi, every oune all.wool ani serviceable to the highesi degree. A'i.l you nffed to di 14 to pick your goods and let us take your measure 41and lu the courpe of a week w.' wiII Ilirer y.îur nuit, perfect ln every de- 4'tail beceause it was imade for you. Our line uffers you a a hoice utf different fabrices wth a wide rangut of ~ $3 O prien, but the mount pcîîular modela are $18 = $30 4'We have aloo over a hundred s.inpleso!fnmediumi weîght winter tabrien on wbich our talloring bouse bas made a reduction in order &0 clueout t heme Soude and w. pase It on te you In case you deetre a mlt of this *welgb% [It wilI mean a material savinu ta yoD. J. B. Morse & Co. * Everything for Men 4' UBERTYV.E, ILL. o Phono 14 *Anyting yo uwant J' I uy tiis S11 tg in lov>1 h iotl\, AI ske.Altalfa, (JaOtsBarIley ajw. O! i ai I I wn G(ass Seedis You eaun make noney by buying 110W 'while the stocks are f u. Price riglit. Cotue in, talk it over. We have it. Feeds of every -kind For Cow, Horse and Poultry. Libertyville Lumber Company Down by the OId Dupot. Phono 47 Been Hure 20 Years. E. A. BISHOP, Manager at the home ut Mr. aud lire. B. P. walk go tulat île.>do noi conte e0 clos> Woolridge, Wedueeday eveniag, la honor to, strIking a Iturses bead every time ut the tourteaunase menihers taken Iatu tbey paes an'c.e as wae witnemeed the> ibat chnrch recontly. Frappe and other aigbt.,' Another practice ihat Io dalniy crackere wene erved. fast heconiing a nuisance is the habit of many In leavlng their wagons on the There sas a good attendance at fast tneet hy tnrnIng la the conter of the Erdaymeve!ing'm lcturel t. Lawrence'm$ highwýy and driving stralgbt ln to the Episcpai church. The lecture tbis week welk, thereby leaving the. rear ead of le to ha delivered by the. Bey. H. E. the wagon lu about thie conter ot the Ganmter of Christ church, Wauksgan, on @trect, end on many occasions une can the ubWmt, >tWhat in t!>e Episeopal ses bath aides of thie street Bon.d up wltk Charchî" Everyboly ls nvltmd ta rige tn mat snch fashioti. * Tie, océan- a ttend. 'Phare le nu atfenlng or admis- ionaily you'Ill lnd anothar wagon stand. ahon tee. Don't torget ta prépare que- ng between tboee rip seuhle the driver tiona tanthe question box. limarenom. quenchea hls thirst. andcitihae sbave te ber tbeesp@çialundayaternoon services. watt until it piense@ une of the oseners TPhe service neit ëunday' wlll b. takea îot thé ohtructiont tu gt Itont 01 the ~the Bey. T. M. Baxtmr of the. chore!>, way. The practice lm a carelema one aad '61 th BM7 rama, hare!. h. iu mti hatolenated. Ready-to-wear Waists, $1 to $3 "4id Dresses, d Maku your soloctions wil. the lia.s.lire complote. JUST ARRIED-A FulllLineoi> Children's Ooods Crepe IGow Drawers it it is to our interest to -t f a hank that will )rovaI of the people of ral tualitie-s that YOU se in the bank witli id to open an account, the one of first irnport- that it should provide 'TION for your ntoney. - The Woniau's Hontie M issionary mociety of the l'lrei M. E. chîîrch wili hold ia ~Y, ~y#,~>,» < san 1 lThant ,îfferlnic servie.. Sunday. ~'< V f L~ << % V ~ La f< D -Mao h.a O:lî okTh..I addr"@ - will be given by Mrs. [Dan C' Brunmitt. I XX XX X X X XXXX XXX X XX XX à cordial invitation ie ezlended te the I public te be prement at this service. IMr@. P. Sorensen ha% retarned tram We heliex e tiat J To insure publication in the Indepen-, Mr. sud lMr@. David Les' Mc(laln and Liwatonna, Mian,whare #bs went tet t<>udiî>t the sort dent. copy mustbi n h.office nolater daughtes Juif@ and Hazel ot Elgin, weeîk> ha1 matrun of bonor for ber than Tuesdey of esch week. Adver- weretbagmuteot U. McIainm@brotber, former maid, Mien Marie Nelile. sebo ieet witli the ai' tIsers,, .peclally art asked ta take W. B. McClWlf and fainlly ()r Saturday vrai, married Feb. 28. The ceremony ti o ruiy O& paular nottie tothis effoct. - and Sanday. The Meus. e MCainboth too p" t thirnDw home and ws. there arr sev ex _____________________bâtia birthday on Thurmday and the. well atteudmd bymany triends. PMr. P. hraesvm (Addiional Local News Page 6 and 2> reulion vrac arranued mo thst the 0 Cbrlstenaenijea very popular man of would like to se _____ ~ ~brotberscould celabrate thpielr hbda i ttPl..hch yu ne Mrs. L. H. Whitney of Graymlake tegether, tboumh a couple ut daya Inter. vilag utLibrtvîle wll ayabu spent Monday bers. There are ihisé yeara differeare in th,. The vlaeo ietvleWt a@I u undoubtedlyt aite of tbe broWarm. the nelgbborbood o! it ty dollars ibis Chao. Rarbaugh of Lake V"illa, wam PMr. and Mrn. Joseph ilâi ion enter- spring by dolng away with tbe village ance to you is t a caller hore datarday. piay rmr ikt eentASLT f(T(T taind e an nfomaireceçton li Bed with village clark E.H. Corlett, and Mr. and Mrm. L. H. Bryant of Wauke. Satarday evening ln lonor of their son the only chance for candidates now to gan, apettSatarday viitiflg friande Frank and bis bride, whi retarned that have their Dames appear on the. regniar bore. eveuing trom theirtip msu th . Thé" ont efaction ballota li by petition. Thei A little daughter was bora to Mr. and of town gueote were. !lr. and Mrm. avlaeeeto ae lc pi 1 Mr&. Jullum A. Treptow, Frlaay of îast Harry Wilson and Mie Emma itomceevlaeectotkapae rî2. week.of Chicago, and Delbert Wision of The Republii'an towa <aulne bas been wsek. Strawberry Point, Iowa. A deligbtfnl nai for Satnrday. March 14, at tbe town t k Tbe W. C. T. U. wahI meet ni the home cafeeria lunch wn@Sr ved Theoccaslon ball la Lihertyville et 2 o'cluck ln the La e C u t of lira. Carnie Fuller, Tuesday alternoon, niarked tbe irwt rennion of the live attennoon. for the purpome tifnominating LB R March 10, at 2:30. %Wilmon brothera for a period oý' fourteen candidates for the office ut Supervimur, Mime Mary Wltoa of Aatioch, waus the yeare. Cllector, Assiemor, Town Cert, Coni. f,.Surplus and U> guet o Mr an Mr. J L.Gered he arwle askt bl[ eammetmimâionero(f Highway (North I)iotrct, gatu Pa.andSad as. J .Gre i.'Droobse bi en e ne Sebool Trnmee, fuIl torni; une Sehool Snturday anA Snaday. witîu two defeato [est week botb in Trustee tu titi vacancy. It. W. Bulklay, ________________ Mime Mildred Falhott of Lawrence, elosely played gamnes, on Wednaday L. B. Hanby and Charles F. Smala, Jr., Mitchigan, le vlitag ai the hume of! eaein)g, February 25, they wêat tO onttiute the Repablican committ.e. Mr. and Mr@. Leftoy Proctor. Laire Format and loat to the Wemar on Rogulan meeting ut the Myetîc Work.rs second tesa s t the college gy in 2 to 19. J. T. Robertson bas very kladly con- (>rder a loble'< rmaay vening Mreh10.Thoe wllMonday igut, Match 2ad, tbey played sentad to give the pruceeda ut tbia bItia iayvndasoca a nc . Tee ithe Deerfield IMidgets in the fastest gaineFrlday alghtsshobus t the.Lyrle te the r AI lj haintItonaa amda dnc. yet sean uon the M. E.fluour. The score YounnaMoe's Welfare Assocation. Be Ltoi IM Ike I Mrli. and Mn. Wi. .J. Scbley and tittlle was 11 te 9 in favur of the Leertield basu arranger] a splendid program aa *daaghter Mabel, visited fromi Friday boysy, but at that the reonît wai la follosesg: '*TheHeartof the hawldrnma) o ntil Suuday wlth relatives In Chicago. donlîtnantif tiie îaat minute when they EeMaaaY, Joing of the Oceane" * Ed Lynch bas beau aiek at his home @h hinuinl»ts basket- (Panama ocenic) Edison, "The NamuigA da y * ere for thepaat waak. HearyGuski bas An illnatrated inavelogué, aililibe given ofEte ay. GreevGWeeo r acme)A daïy b een mbttuting a- carrier.un the rural Frday aigu of1 Ch,$wsek at M o'clock l in sa. The byauGee cudae rout th ton hal uderthe iretio o!arraaged for a five-plece orceseitra and a * Mima Jennia Kera retarned Tnesday H.F. Dillon otChicago. The travelogue lclqattewl lg hyrset 4' roni a several daya vhiseit > hber cousin lncides a trip froni Chicago to the fll ocliatete patronageoftheLireet. laI Mlwaukee. Little Florence reîurned Yeloweione National Park and hi ilpbiRmmethedtrdy For twelve year O with her. muet beautitul ani fanions fruit growin llag le eebr h ae rdy o The Womans Guild ut St. Lawrence' vaiiey la the world. the valley ut the M _________________the_ " cboreh v ill meet ut the reeldence ot Bitter itoot. You are cordîally eatltled The Preshyterian Ladiem' Aid wilîl hald Order a sack tod. " ltre Wlrod o Tur»ay tIernonto rake thisdeligbtfnl trip viatravelogue. a Newe Eigland d e ex ekF id * &im. alrnd o Thridy aleraonTbe eveaing wlll bc çrîîltably and ni>bMr>1~nrnx ekFla * arh 2t i.-ýamantly pent. Admiîseion tee t> MENU Biebup W. F. Toit of Chicago, w&,3adulte and ebtîdren acr.,iiipanîed ~YBote a>.vaioe oaîe bers Tuesday fracunferene li lîith e rets.BtldHti saop oaoe finance cOmmittee of the St. L.awretu C LuEls,1ior camp Nt, l h,..\.".BkdLri cw ra Erîseoai jucit.ci enrtaincd the Highland tPark iodgc or!jBans . loaghilIat <§ Pre W. li Bailie f oor ioado, is tint order at their îrguiîr imeetinig l'aittpkin pis Apple Pie *vigtttug ter Parente, Pr. and NMrs. J.I; Vedluesday night. Teîîaî,i takd Frait Jeu llt ea antd Coflea o e o 00 Ballard and gstsîre. Mrs. 6. B. Fiiiiitt t4 initiation utfa aam 1î,l e r v ctî -1 0F IB: 0' anud Nîre Austinu W. Tripp. 1,t-r, iitlî te local canmp, brlnging ire 0 1 I. i Bell ehipped hie honeehold Oouds iiu.,îirm.i1i p to one hundred and 1ift. lirindiug svery %V dneday and Thar&- 0 uHmod 4d, o'y eLa fi o Mrs lh'ildstrom, district devuîtv day at Home Laniber Co. 0' Patent un a bricklayer'e and pla@erer'e _o!_CookandLake________and_______ e> borse and bracket antd wii inanuauature 1viiuatda Wilson, aupervising depaty of' Interniational Sagar Feed $22 per ton ____- ' the art icle. the ordor, v. iuî.h le the thiril lar>ccet tor sale iiy Honte Liîm>er Co,. $' fraternai one In exietence, were lu atcen- Haeyulnrdngo dsIth 0 Ai. and Nre. H. fortuit and tamily dance A fine capper wasoesrved iii the upr habyou cn r ofîg ti is lagte O L T 0' mooi'e tIius weck Mocnday fron tichevisitore and nuit erg lprrgctan onri lîspgC R E i * Viluecer farmi Weet ut town tu on.' north Lake County National Bank.Poe 0 of utWhellrtg. Tlieir addreawilîî e Behlin)1& Wagîucr'e saloon waseneePh e30 e Prairie Vîiew. test Saturda3 iight ur early Mnnday A bakery sale willi ho heid by thie Thehoi ofthePrebytria chrchmorning and tlue contents ut the cashiwomen uf St, Lawrence'e charch at 0 Thvee lchoi ro! thegireatiyterin hurch gister, $5 00 tnicash, eas Italien. The Walroud's sture on Satnrday afternoon, "' atre [astowe ofrit.day itentineB .Daien gained eutratice to the salooin 1>3 Parch 7th. (.1 C o c at hWo o m e. A e o! n a nd as. B F. breaking a a îdow on the ef t @ide o te O Wulrdge A peasnt imewaseJ'y- th, building, and according to appear- I griuii toole, sharpen Pases, scigeors,a e d by ailtseho atteaded. ances of the room the buaglaro made skastes, and do repairing on tarnituro,a n o Lloyd Taylor and his coueha, Maurice thenicelves right at hume by smioking and udd jobs. A. P. Raught, Firet ______ o Penny o! Oage, Iwa, freehmen at the cigare and nslag eonie of the hast drinke @treet. -4t oNortbweetern University at Evansten, sehils seated at a table. Marmhal Li @ peit Snnday with the former'. mother, harry clalmes that the masn muet have WANTED-To get la tonch sitb lire. Chas. Taylor, hore. spent coasiderable ime lu the saloon 9rosPective settiers tuor Canadien vwret. lire C.H. ByesretunedMon ac scordinir tu the elce ut three piles ( if ave a proposition that selîl Interest nigh fron Kedrhabhechobtabl e bHsh .tvon. Addrema Clarence Bock, Liberty- * nghtfrm Kaha hae ee a r asbee on tetb e as1 otville or Ehiose, Bank, Canada. P-214 0 called liast waek iiy the serone ilIneos.of received a dlue as to who AdId the job. _______ 0' ber on Warren. She reportas e oadi- Theliendelssohnu lonaervatory oflMusic >0 tion somehat lImprovred. concert given bv Mime a»z) Reid ot CHAS. D. PROTOR LIFE INSURANCE. The TiniaChapter ut the Westmilnster Chicago, aseièiesd hy Rose Larmon, He le a goad citizen seho provîdea f <Jild wlll meeiwlith Prs. RF. Wright soprano, W. Harold Simonm, vlolinist, bis wits and children. Helinahbetterei nextTutimday evening, March 10. The and th, MendelssohînLadie'Quartett, at rpen uso rtdsfr i lo menihera re reqaesed to tunish a the M. E churcli last Week Thareday IiNSU R AN C. L opa carrent article on Meizco. wae very argIsv attended and thea Mr.an lre C F Wigt oi Stu- oner wë neofth mstpleaslug ut FIRE, TORNADO, LIFE PAr.aadPAre C.F. Whgb let Saar.the seasOns ci îrrtail)nmontm. MiRseReid ~A~ O day n1lht for a month's viblt at St. di@playesi rare abiitinîsl' Piano wurk in PHONES 154uR AND1? Louis, Mo., wlth their &ons, Wirt and the severai ,cîîi rendered by le r, PHONES 154-RaANDo5 bis !aniîly and Clark. %Nise Helea le and togetinr sîih usetalent produied LIBERTYVILLE, ILINIOS ODistricy t afet rn stvig t ,r ,cibcl,> v u ig herby the quat and ilter niembvrs il ti, Office In Schanck B«Ik 8b',ence. staff, scl ýi, tii. admîtiration ai(Iii 4'> ak lias ieýn stfiîrted (on a twenty-. approvai o , in..l the an leii-c iv.. cioin reeilîntce lu i.. erci id oniShon Id Miss ciid îe tiiappc arli rc Soiuth Nliiv.aiukee zartiii( !îfor IL Il. at soîîui.fuiiili, ' cIe will nt, dîîii>i i't iiîon ue'lieibuidig s tii l t wo be aecordecila h i>ru wi v. ome. ~>-. ~r 7ST5 hli'e~liglu. Chiciagoi îintracti' wil One tinil, i hu bard ori lii "> G ee /I'e.ty % IAlb-EIL j marslual cii a stop tu is rit, lie Hart îaîd; ftlî,Y last Saturday Jractice il bo %iiim ioler skates carry- ht îIssî.e)meiio> Ofthieu ic v.w 11o1119 (i ing large sic- ýg. nig i)g pand do wn tI Cook avenus wl.icb Nlc. Hart recently iraîke on li>ik'ý,iuueiiue tlie rate tlilyV puriîasci and wbhiv.as vacated faet bave tiseu goiiîg vridayEl. The irst Lnok aver aur New Spring Shades in White Gini wpeet ly J. E. Meredithu and lauîiiy. Pr. time a tenalit il lires suveeeds in bireak-,Ktnn Meredith moved Into the 1'coctîîr Mat on lng a tie-roile li, rc, ailbeMorniedaniages [ancy Dress Goods ioaA BHaribatt Court, for oomeone lui rîike god. If the boyis Petticoats A reception iras gîvea by the paetor muet carry sgucs 'uttpel tiiet to we.lk SILK POPINS, WOOL CREPES and BROCADES M th.u res hri reih aii.nd us,.~ f.,ileid.. 1...tand kesp weil'iiithte inside ot the mide. FANCY COTTON CREPES, VOILES, BATISTES Princess Sli ,rs Globe Feed bas been standard poultry feed. Phone 50 IFREDERICKS LIBERTY V LLE., ILL G3roceries Meats for ct NECKTIES have taken the agency for, a fine lin. of ties. Gîte me -~ acali. A. E. LYON igham Dresses, 50c to $1 .50 ýprons - 25c Iips - - - soc wns - - - soc - - - Oc-25c BUSTER BROWN SUITS and ROMPRS AUl Colons and Prie.. Corne and inspect our stock W. W. CARRO~LL & SONS COMPANY NORTH STORE PHONE 29 2-STORES-- 2 SOUTH STORE PHONEf 8i k. page 21"e ïNational Bank Individcd Profits, $95,000.00 eScrietch ]Feed nir Mens Lay egg record -y sack.

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