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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Mar 1914, p. 12

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WUVE ~worthose Prim mt u u t Im bm meilqi tua,»* moltOatt 4 M RS Youmust agre. te, grow on. full acre CORN OI WE S ocrn, and Ifa girl, bu ms ge clilejy tumatous. AlilWhoo ln these CNidren of ýthp County Aneù) club. muet further mga" to submlt a Be Competitors OnIy in report ta Ibo department of agricul- Novel Plan. ture picture at the 5111te morrow. - anDucembur 1. 1914, accord ng to Instructions that will bd-furnisbed fat- SEND LETTER l'O PUPILS. s. - -- -If you cars to enroil inonu of. these Winnr i Çonty IIIBe 1v-clubs, lut me know by lutter, wheru- en an Outinc ut Congress. em:ay rollment card. 1 ho . e al man's Expense. boys and girls wbo may wisla ta gut -mi]ch va luable Information and ln- structian tramn the goveramunt on Tc the Boys and Girls ofthe s Tenth ,.ru growlng and gardi and canning Congrossionai District work and have thu bppartunity of- wln- As a representativu in congress Ring a trip ta Washington, D. C, the (rom the district fa whlelà you live. xesofwi 1sa hsedt 1 hoe 1maybe r suteserlceto ay, will lut mu huar framt lium at you, as well as ta your fathuns and once. If youbave any bDoy or girl motiiers. To tbla end i propoe t fiadswhowould liku ta enter ith- organizu a boys' corn club and a or cf these clubs, peuse lt tbem girls' garden and caninng club for nw the seaoncof 1914. 1 am, thereforu, Yours very truiy, making the following offer: hru .Tlopsn 'lo the boy renfilaln ao,4e district Hoaise cf lIsp., Washington, ID. C who Makes the boit record ln tIhe _________ corn club work for 1914 under thet foliowing bauls of award 1 will gliv a lree trip te Washington, 1D. C., a thse time when the boys' and girls A agrieultural club champions tram tIse va rlous state cf thse taiorj mare thefi 1 annual pihîrimage: i. <retest yield pur cru.e ....3 El Paso, Texas, Mardi 18.-Trapped 2. flest showlng of profit nn ln- between converglng columnjs of ted- vestment . ........... ...... 3 erals, lounerai Vlia'a batturud army 3. BeSt axilitt cf ton es,- ai la beleved 10 ho battilng taday,for ccunty. district, sate or loca very existence north of Torruan. , I fair ........................ 20 From the news tisat trickels throughr 4. lient written hlstory entlUed the severe censonship tram the soutisi i-tew I Made 14ycrap,.".... 0obsenvers bere judge that tIhe confi- dent advance of the rebel columnasban Total score. . .............. 100 been turned, flot Yet Into a rosit, but TO thse girl residingin o ur ditrict into a repulse wbich threatens their whomalns he outrecrd n te-gr.existence as an army. den and cannlaag club work for 1914 undur tie folla*bg anja ofu award ,1Vi 1 wll give a froutrip tu Watingtan, PILES C4>RED D. . a tie ain tlg.No Chlorofarm No Operation 1.- QualltY . .......20 No Pain; No Detention Frona Susn.s IQuantltY (total poundi of vug- Fistule, Fissure end Ai loDiseonf etabisa arvested and nsnti, .2 the Rectum Trustod Suco.uiily. 3 YaietY cf canastA produts .20 sitoInQrnod 4. Profit con inveatinunt ......20 IéifcinGrno ma y5o"........ 20 RECTAL SPECISTS Total score ............... _0 201 Busrton Uiook; 117 North ette et. Tc bo ellaible In cOmpte for orna- CHICAGO, ILL. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 have just received a carload of choice Rus- sian white "eed oats or white homse main which 1 arn ready to dispose of at a reasonable price. 1 aiso hîave for sale ail kinds of alfalfa, old country and ,lmeriean groxn>, tixnothy, clover and ail kinds of seed corn for husking and silÔ.purposes. We have liat thirty-five years' experience in buying and selliîîg seedh and feel that we kno-%w just what the I'armners want. We specialize ini only the choicest and best seeds and are ready to serve your needs -lin a eonscientious manner., Farmers know by long vears of experïence thatow'e make -»o promises wvhieh we are not ready to fulfili. We make a spe- eiaity on eracked corn for chickeîî feed. We seli shllllcd e'rn, and the highest grades of fleur, and ail kinds of miii feed and oil meal. The best of euîstoni grinding at ail times. F. Wu.9 p I9c, L i Qua,lity! Quality! Quai ity! The Ford is the quality car the werid ever. H1e ho demands a car of highest mnciit at lowest cost5buys the sturdyFord. He knows it's the one car with a world-uidc record for dependable service. Pie bundreai dollrnm i te price of tIsa Ford runa-bout; the tourlng Mrca ail1, f1y; lie tova car seven Ofty-4. o. b. Detroit. complet. viti equlpuent. Gmu oeti3oue and Particulars trom B«eh Garage. Gene- nes Si-set and Grand Avenue. Pionu 334. LOAD 0f IWNAMITE Fereigner Bo"rdsNorwest- ern Train At MhWaukee En- route te Ratine. Whé ea s suth-bound passengei' train on tl b lacago& I4ortlswesterc, rallway, due la waukogan aI 10: 14, Iot n fwiuu Sl"a ftdy n tiltUer, was on bosad a forigner *whcoe a»- peascue Indicateai-tiat he wasaua Itallan. Tihe strancer earrled a box. a lilIu imaller UsaIs en orÉngu Crate. This box us fIlleai iti suffieat dynamite ta, have bicwa tIse train ta Pièces. iad Il been accideatally-ex ried thtbw b gMd àropped It. Tht tU(po.le that nt a man Oive '>et U*e'J#êe tail; welghl 190 Pound», 4#'es601k. a working man and .'bis ", ... i4n was back and Ml 4*t * Racine pailcb Au. partlaet,,mt " l1teetve taNn>' ansd 5v~4lebgjay.ben makingi ut- fort , 1 s.ts man. Thse rawy cou9pWe8$ Ip'tbahly pIot detuci. ivue th500e Citf 9 P~IJe bker cftRacine sad tIsat h& h"qI idée, Who the strsngs2 Who 4a#r<e lIsedynamite was, nor whi ho lateaded te do with thse 5K. plosive. Pladed. -- The train cruW and passaungers wure 'ie hundrmai persona atteadea tIse 1Ig-orant cf tsthi act.Tise train pull. b e c ontt uody v ed intc lie State street central mli- osi5 1 t#. blagp eveant of ton l ime. TIse Italian vitIs the inj5UOatiy or aiy box slirted ta leave the coaeh by lIse year. T4,lý 4 came tram il isU front door wien t1ro large sticks cf of tIse coucty mimd aveuy onuevIso A1- dynamite tell from tIse box to tIse tend ed ia4 qdulibîtful tiine. Tihu SSur. Tien tise kallan enlared tIse dansce vg.a beid la the village apera coaci, walked tirougis and îeft t-Le iou#smiaâ ahd aiusshall. TIse prc- train by tIse rear aicer. Atter tise train c'èude areta beu used an Imtrovlnî a laid departed ansd was weli on le road leadiag halo thse village. WaY lourd Kenosha, lihe conductor dlsccîered tIes ticks of dynamite. He MINNUSOTA, tIse stalle viticul realied tIsaI If tIse dynamite had ex.1 po u ovsalaire farmers OWNi ual Ploded Il wcsld have resulted in the runt tho5r faim.. Can you buy god, deati to passengers sud destruction ofetn.5l level labd tram $12 te 12l er psoprty. acre fer $4 pfer acre downin your PellcmAre Noe@& sta.d. 4ýmî Ç@ M waats mura at TIse ynamta v iakn ~ tiers. AI* itaproyeal tarin l Uset-. taenluo th ied -dltrtipq Ba>'ter.e. *rite battage car andai won Cý%lcago. ipil.Fstroite 4d Cmey l reached it vas turned over ta lhe rail- Bulig . . aul.omanoPi, or way officiais Usre-. At' 11:40 p. M.. f UrtIgýfgr aalo Thne Balrndcaan" Coat Is shown tomorrow in several varietiee of the very loose, typically English eut and fabric. The "'Balmacaanu" is undoubtedly TItE style of thc Spring Coat fashions, eeause odfits eharacter- 798a istic design and atm....t.-.... icéd ExtremeIy Moderate Price on New Suit s This occasion represents a collection of sîîits of ex- ceedingly sinart designs and particularly weli chosen as te materials and Moors, Wh ich were made up under otîr special style selections by two New York houses. Bacl ius a correct type of the tier or semni-bustle fash- ion, and cach, as indicated by the items folIowing, extremely moderateiy prieed; $15.11M and. $2.0 - Brassieres, of good materials, iprettjr.esu- broidery - effet;f our 25c lime f or. 19 -Childrem 's dresses, in a large variety of styles, patterns and materials; Our regular $1.00~ lime for only. --chidren'as ime dl ùM- weight uiOUR-St- szs6 te 12- Our reg- 35 eI -Boy's suits; a nèw shlpment of. Spring stYles and inaterials; al 8135s; as a sp(kial in-/ dueement for you te vIit ti elOnfrwe .wii j rw of o Citys.. Si I.~OW"r make a Deoldd gowl Aganat Ne Visito«i. One of the huotbowling asatceea erf seen l lise it>' ..mroiléi M.a daer aidaI on Us. Richelieu aflers yhen two fait local moen roiud asalittwu pluabooters froinIke w . = Ta local. uh ,nuuy a marib of 307 pins ln ton lames. Le,. ronce immoas diai Use steliar worit cfutis eîeing, securlia anu avur%*e'ý of 208.2 for Use ton gamea Anotiser seae la to bue rolled at Lake. Foreat1 and tIse wlaners of Use Iment>' gammeI ttalIpins. vit! vin a parai liaI bas buiu put up. It la felt tisatItil vlI not bu possible for tIse Lalcs Porebi teem ta male up Use luad secored bi. tb. local tesa uveil siuld lhe local1 yaung muanoe malte an uspociailly brlllint siowing on tIse Lakts Forest alleys. TIse scores for thse ters gamés fol- L. Simmoas N. Smith Toc. 1 ..........189 141 330 2.... ...... 232 198 420 3 .......... 14 200 437 4 .......... p? . 203, 42 ..........20! 184 385 7 - --.....222 193 413 8 ..........209 183 .192 9..........201 204 40~ .Tm Whalem TeO.jtPone ?.tw. 4., 9 d.t 221 etlo e al4ebomi-'J"& 'irtute, >4A"& is, .......... 176 171 4id .fl bth, Morrisg 4........161 180 341 1 RdIGI mêmei, aws so. Warren. 3o- 5........03 169 36il1 . pIs B. Morrb, Bmtjea npï - Mor4 o........ 187 3liii t2Efthht à. Moliasému orris 7......191 '171 M. luCbaerY Ne. 4417. .......... 180 tu j % 18 6 erqaat fiai aviqg.»ea 9.............182 3. $19: i<n thé odiàlt sleràkfetmJnd 10........... sit 178 mie O4SI iob h 1 tiia t b. da u* tle --- -- . ' e L 8)arria. hla a in'reed"st 9« 1lm8 1708 338 IM plate WMee la thoreorehereta to the i.sa be«m m"ud u An oxaminatio n for.- to béreffloi bered . M d~bisgDMiior ilcates will be Iaeld Nioudiy mea COesPl. aln l Snd Court.o.s th*e Chn- Tueeda>'. IarI 80 and 31 la,*&*» cry Side. Uoreut mi. anltt a mhtaaUm gan. Aasis aaare uauuexamI t murpuposisoel ut of nid court aitbmo. gSrainuar, orthogrpb.'. anet tIsé abo*e Damed defquidants, rondin«, Ilibsb istory, U, 8. hlstob7. fltiflSble on tht' *Mt da; of thIbm - tiare and pedafogy; the oxamlnation tou ho heid at the Court 1j" j* luau. ln iesdgogy le baaud on-,-gygyubaa, Ina id [âke CounI>', où tie Ciassroozq NMogmet. -Thée'"&m- lirM- t dayoI Marris. A. D. 1914, ination beiaprs>mptly at mime c'. f44iAtisat*IAO ia UDM>Qmonî uet. ru. elock eseis mornins . s-Qt ôuthle ltUbI, 00 1ltPirut Mfsada>' cf on. subjecte ln givun oaci day. Tihis la -14bé. A. Il. 1914.s la by la, ru. probably thl ment Ilnatloa tlu h qUred. and whislcIsuit ila.1111 pend. given und*r th. ragua ut flotllngilieg. law.- 'r. A. impson,,Co. Supt. IJIWI il . IIIOCKWAY. Il.IL.Why ~tI Wassketan Ilîlinois. mareh C17. 1914. B.P arin .cmlin Rtatollctr Iwkl>'M(* I2-7Ao>. Coat Reficèïions, jrom -w Mirror of Pash ion Since Madame La Mode insist8 upon the " extended bip", draperies inSuits and dresses, she has pî'escrihed distinctly -new aeparate coats. "The Flare"- A wideniaig from the waist te the hem aceompliWhig the purpose of keeping the hip draper- ie8 frorp Iesing ail their beauty-which, of co-urse, they would do if coats of narrower Width were worm, The true coat styles- the veryIlatest vo-rd in eut, mua- teriais, c0lars gnd trimxning, are here, tomorrow for your eboosing, at the,5e- prices, $998 and kl at ............................. 1 0*8 High Brims & High- Trims Hligli side tiares you may rest assured are among the season 's smnartest. Their height, even is often added te by an upstanding tiniming-er littie pompois at the points often serve te give just-the requisite style touch. Yeu may see hundreds of typical examples in the rhillinery section tomorrow. - Womèn 's cor-sets of good quality; well made, newest modeis; a 75c cor-set pi ced t~, at .........3 -Women's wool serge dresses in neat designa that are prettily tnim- med; blue, mavy, black,. brown, tan; meariy al sie;a >splen- did value at'F ?' -Boy's k ne e pants, mnade up of short ends of fine suitings; a genuime 75e value in ail suzs up te 16; priced 1t%139é only ...... -Serge akirts in blaek or navy, showig mamy of the mew effecta for-. Sîrinoe: - en- *,I The~~~~~~~~~~" SoelSrmuofFhoInre&BueNm WIth NewMrchandise l'aEvery'Dpron ,THtE note of newnesof.lumvty, of -change, Is inlhie'air.- Ut Io the season when there là added zest to every detali of o it' robe, .n<Uhere ybo mayiwqgsder ujdlnaect m«d çimosefrom cotteas v4u1e. ties of m*chMhm4a E.l helr bo.-a, mdbut reeutty off lomend machltis* of thÎt pêlr pruducer o bi fr4tqmi$wn, -.The brm tf~~hln asuits addf cois, lthe #geu nlllevy ode. the ompletely"111diff* l.orght'the wdydown tethe delightfully newdresse., the'smiout akirts, the chàrm'of ne* foo twég',eo j-cb cmnt crlsp w-Ith cver chanolng beautie,. of new mirc&"dse. And ere You WB FInd, Items of Morethan ýPasslng Interest L .SPECIAL ,Women's gtngham petti- coats i.n ' blue or tan, deBep ruffle, scallopqd edges, em- broidered 12 inch flounce; reguilar 50e lime (on -e to a customer) for only 44/1c 2 7c jà Ill 1 1 1 It

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