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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Mar 1914, p. 5

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20, 1914. WARD'S Tip Top and Daintymnaid BREAD 5c and 1lOc Loaves J. i ITriggs eoyil (Additional Local News Page 6 and 2) Attomuev B H , ljIl..r ;s î- aVauke- gar. u iday morraji si 1. ad for AI Norman ai fAnti "ih, .vaai aI(rllerPttera of admini(atratia,iî, i ila, raatem hare Fladay. of Jartes and Sarala a... lin wre Nir. F.Dmnd Nama %"jikgt,,killaai by a otreet car %M si, rtah at sit. viîlt.ar Wdnv'alay..Mary a erominlug"li rite o-.IT..weretwo I i'parate oneVnd the a. m 'I llaîaarîaî waa Mno. Aliee Prie. la'i quite miask ut bar aîpaîlrted administrata r home on. Broadway. Georire Selung was trnrsacting lîusil nase in Evanstan Wedfneîday. W. S. MeClaîn and ai aily iaent SuD- day with friands ir. Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phillips epatat Mon- day wltb relative, at Wheatoli. Tha daine gIvan t the towr. hall Sr. Patric'@ nglît w«a. valîtandedý Dont faîl ta hear the Olee Club at the 9ý E. church next week Thureday aveu. Mr@. Marlon Hubbard of Solon Mlle@, la visltlng ber @arn E. i). Hubbard andi ta.nily. The l)emc tamueuson1 Itowu hall. mocrats wîli hold their tuawn )Saturday atternoon as the N. F. Chamberlain ha@ returnad tram Mr. andi Mr@. Willîauîn Ilillipo andi lttle daughtar Helen, 1.-t l'laaanday for lîrinylake whére 1Mr.llîuij haa Be- ,p-1ted the position a' . fa-man of the \tîFarlaud faim. Mr Pl'ilas haa had ilirgaut he w f."fa" aart of town ' tePait tbîevear. 1'4y have made jr.es i their naw hoaiia-ý A taan wha sali lii lîiaaîlalu il- Mette, was arresteai Wrîneaday avauing 'for dimorderly conduct, m.airily ta, serve ai a protection for h la.aîînay, wbich tîmaunted to 0120. Tba îellow bad bfen flaahaug tIrarallof mana.y r. oua or thre salaoun@ and seemed ta ha auziaus ta speuid t, wh.rsupon thie Maloon-keepar nuoitled maishal mberry that the mn b,. locksd uP ta protect hlm and bIs nuay. ga wae broudhthr ae .Iustice 0! tihs Pescs W. E. Dans aarly Thurs- day mornIng Wbo lued hlm $5 and aiîi tW teachthe manr.ta hamore careful wlth hi. greenbacks. It bai heen hlnted iliat moua atour vIll- aire trustai" wba beaualîerlgcertain mnattr@sduring tb. lapt lew mrnh nhsl regard ta rsllroad cnoeaiugs .tll came out quit. itrangly at tîhe next meeting of the hoard for nmre aysterrî ut prot@et- mîg pedaitnians and teaula at the MWi wau tee and ftewart avenue crassluge of the electrle railroad, whieh lu the e.- - -- -- -- -- --- -- --- =Odad, Fiorlda, whare lho spont about W e ta r CIaw.. 1 i etadst Sunday ichoon w iii hold a bakery »aJe ai the Gai offiae measure * * h Otto Chaika and wilta ofHighwaod, *And Prie dae the rei! and within * ave mnoved jura Henry Doablanio new a eek your suitt ill b. deliered houseau Fret itreat. ta yau, perfect in every deail O Mr@ Simpson andi gon of Lake Villa, It in jttst sa simple asi ttSound@ Oviol teai at tIre home of 1fr. and ire, L. i OZ. Protine lait Tauunsday. and the reuit ie aven better than mare words ean describe. F verv Tha Northwautera Unversity Glee£lnl 'O' garment wve turir aut in a perfect ina.campoied ottwanst.lvabasîmmiiarar 'O* ~~~~~because it in matie tlat way-t:: u faiehrde tiilfy t, Mlre@.;George Schlung andi eau aîentth * your nieasuremnent tIrat guidle th latter part aof lait waak iu Waukegau 'O tailore jr. thueir wîth lier miather, Mri. Taylor. 0Iica tBlanc-he Wells wh a@asbeera rvîit 'OWe __ mikig liera for severai waeko. rtururd ta r» havd Iotornaen beanhome jr. Waukegau Saturday. in ad lok vrTIre detaileda ctaunt of the. iraîupt * aur new samplai Ohalda t tlîe village hall Mouday alter. 'O of springand su numer fabrice. lWe have n'oucn will ta,. ouud jr. part two o!ftto * a full lina of the very best ali-wool suit- 'O apr. * ingu bath imporied and domnesîic, and tliey Yo lu wilI more than gat yar.r mone-y'@ inold, al af thre fatesi patterns. Oworth if you hee bhoGlas Club troru the If you ara in any way particular about otwernUirsyni Tuda * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~dr yoraprlyuwi na ern n fO 26. yourapprelyon illenjy werin on ofA bakerysale in ta ha eldot!neit Satur. _ unr tailiwed-to-maure suite. The popular O a 9enoMrh ,s arn' * prices.range from........18 t<> $W0store, by h oe fS.Lwec churel..heomrait.Lrncs * * The orginal Mdayma Gardner lu h Thare are aima reductions an quite* laughling comedy enoSu '* The Girl and anumubor of medium and light The Tramnp," Tuesday, Apnil 7, at the * eaighto o fabrca md i ii es»a- O The Woma'asGuld af St. Lawrence'. ,~ ivia ta ou f yar coicehsp O hurch wiii meut at the reidence of * peau telire amang them. -I rs. N. R. Ladai nai Thuisday alter- * onoan, Marrh 26. * w n.~ .lire.M C. M. Fuller neeivad word Wad. * ~J. Bs. M or0 se & Cos *nasday ofthtIe death of bar ieten, Une. * ~ Lydia Watrs at Millingion, Ill., aged *Everythlng for Men *eîghty.tor.rs er O UBERTYVILE, ILL. The Notbweitern Univrsity Cia. Club Phone 14 s ecuned tonra concert MentIr 26 by thte O O Epworth League will ha a great ineat to O 'O Maie l larneof Laka caunty. POO @O@ o'O oo'o"O'o0G ooo Dean Bennett and lanîily on ura Anything you want 'ro huy titis Spring in Clover, TîîîotIîy, Almyke, Alfalfa, Carn, Oats, Barley, Rape' Orchard, Lawn Grass s eeds You eau rnake iîîont'y by buying now while the' stocks4 art' full. Price right. Corne in, talk it over. Wt' havet it. Feeds of every, kind For Cow, Hlorse and Poultry. Libertyville Lumber Company Down by the Old Depot.- Phono 47 Been Hore 20 Years. E. A. BISHOP, Manager aima iotfvery Oana havinaîiccaelon tai grandchildren and oxeîzsn great.gvad' une thase cr@asingâ In ï- m0vin i tua rlght eildren ana lett ta mouru their death alaceatavn. The St. Paul lianuail aeatrie Tea aif their chilairar diedainuarly yauth. alatral evetem un Milwaaiki'aivenue, wh ' leamitlîî' electrie? TIie Steart avenue CARO 0F THANKS M a-raisaarag inaveu more darigaraînthontr1iWa wilita tîarîl tIhe rîauy friande for the aaaî on Milwaukeavenuei a.but lîtrli ',ilia . apiîtlîy uud d nuemna alîaarr. ara' kaadly lun eed ail lin i , ialafIar tIi, after trelia'r itairiel. alaath ofut oar halveai a îaublii . lrents, Jamîes and Sarah Saga TIie rew tine ghiatla' vhia1, aas etvur hi ludrer. qthere ian approval by a Ctiacaga marin. r.ahturer bai beau tnied aut siuare art G(indingz eveny Wadneeday anrd Thurs- tiq Frday morning andi fuinai waring. day Bt Home Lumben Ca. Tlainl, Dat infficient saunai car.Le produceda@ i t la at preerr. but va Intenational 8ugar Fondi $22 par tan @bure been Informadithat the staam pipa for sale by Home Lnanhar Ca. 1leading ta ýthe vhlstkvanold bhalncreased ty ram a ana inch ta a tva Iuch pipe, Treat your seed vlth Auti-Sanut and. when a greater amont af saund vwould Inciai the crop. Sm.ad On Page 8. ha b praduced. At prisnt ùh. vhlat4s 1s Homei Luanhar Ca. c.26-ti 'a nat mach botter iban the aId oje nýsLgtioeHu uefrsi Ialîhough by aitempting te tuas the Mne' ihnn opCr o a -hlstle a louder sM hm. biaupo by adl druggito. 50e and $1.00 par pro- bttie. -24-tt duoed duriug the luit i. dayi. Il Sb@ ________ nev whlnîi. dom. Dot garaout ta ha ai 0rslpreeared after tbe ehange in pipe la1. grnd tbals, sharponn »ya, nsore, Madl h yl no donbg bu boied up and ikates, and do repairing on furnit.rq reunued tu t ha mannlitargr. and odd jobse. A. P. itaught, Flrsi ofOn Thnrsday avsnlng, Iiarch2(-, at the PFlot à&E. chu rob, ihsNorth western UnilFeraiîy ('lub w Ill givusaconcert under the auspi vs of tha Hpworth League. Although the Northvs.ter Unirersity je nat a great distance aàwa, their Gle club hais nanan lnraded thîs caunty but nav that an engagement ba beau made, the music lover,. ot Lake ounty car. ex- peci a great ta at fnam the yaung tnar. Pof thati'îoal Narthwstr Utnivrasity ih lacated ili Ihiagan d Evanetor.. T4 Prafasaaaur.al 'cl Iare nain Chicago andi rui rau tîm tîle Chas. Kleppen home on the. liaif Li eral Arts, ana Eugaier- Sa. 1ark avenu@ ta the new house. e- 1ng, Musiaa. and itratory sechoal arc Dn cently bult by L« E. Bay on Riley stneet. tIra Eaariiaî Caa,,iiplis vhlch extenu a A nui4r f lcal spope wnt t riila alî,raart i',-sa.ir,. aifLake Micliagar n irîa a oalpoaewrtt The North-a i te, iI, 1 ivanity 01ea Inj ItounLilLake'.Tuendaaveverifug ta attend comas tLa I. %vitiiagetni~îîui tlîe goaidroada dan,, a liach were belaitamlan . Ilaîaa uging Inialtaiot rutý taa.eiarate halls. They report Ba eaniar aa ri'teauaa i rery large cowd presenit. liraespo ti an ralut yartia he rh-y I The, Jut Motîr l'ompaany ran Mouday appean alie, Tiie'club 10 made up (aI sald a Studebaker '4" ru Wrniî. G. Stnong tweDtr a- aaatr, r. rom al departm.a ail ait Wsa» egan, and une ta Wm. Johnson tIre uuiaar,.la tiaa'ae biug.tha pla-k a! ai htIri ity, aud aiea boraglat a Stude- ana bunidreai ra l liîy vha tiea for pusi. baker '-V ta be daliveneai to anather tiane. Amaargth, twantyfive are artiste party in a few days. pickad Iroa thea iaavil and oraroajad,- Mr@. Mary A. Brocha af' Richianai partanenre, auj I l are undar thub perean. Centra. Wls., le vleitiug at tIre home of aI dinatian o! titreai G. Watbaili, ho 18 Mie. P. H. Giletein. Mr. and MM kuavu tIrecaaoutry aver ai a caulpaier Frank Glistein and littla daugbten of and couductiar oi the hlghait rank. T'Ie Chicago, aiso riaiteai et the Giletein Leagua desera ca; great credit far altain. homeove Sunay.the services oaitibis excellant cancert an- home oer Su.day.ganizatiou aîaîd tira people aifiLake Charles Sage ai Lake Forest, vas hera caunty eiîaul j raily ta their suppartîntl Piforday tu, ha present uit the rnqi.est oi makir.g tlîe a ili g uccese. hie fathar and ruothen, Mn. andains James Sage, wlîiclî was belliait the Owen ofI~aiia Waukegan, wau nvilin,lage iîhall b cornerJi i Talor-tarreàteaid aiîa d n-da viaina' he Li.iaîl village.'.a.,i.i oo ë .i s i u:.5uo cieiz i tLi aibeaoou--v a..ac ,,, aaijlmint ci ay0n lady wîo vaid .î a INCanu bad acco,.ta Tlîe lier. Kanneîb 0. Crosby. directî,r hen near tla.'Nilaiukee avenue croeiîg o! TIre Chicago Homes for Boys, vilI re af tIre elearra rira Ias she was u ber the speaker at St. Lawrences cbnrch waY I<a.a- m cirnle iBid ta have next Fiday evanlng ai 8 a'ciack, ne stoppeai Ier at tIra' crassiug and inristeai wili speakt rpar. the bistarie ministry oi onîaîiing rai lio, maklng insuiiîg the churcb, The publice l lviteai, remanie. andmiwîer. the young lady Mri. and Mr@. lIeu Nchoiasaf Mlutyre, turneai 1 goi back ta tavn tIre nan Ioaa leit Snturday fon a shart Vsttollaveai a banbee ad an.11ithe whlie vith theirseaufi) Chcago, alter whlch pesterea i er wit b Iis attentions. An tIre .tbey wiii retur» ta their home. Mr. andi young lady vas raacbing the busIness Mis. Nichalan vera caileai beson ilsection af iowu hae feli hock sud ceas.'d accaiutaf tIre deatIr oi tbe formée@ u ta 101wlir, but sha touad tb. marehal cousin. ta vbom sIre raid ber stoay. Who The Tila Capter af the Wstminserarccampauied bar bati andavw the man Glid viii meet Bt the home af Mv,. B. vIra attempted ta inn 'Wàay ai tIre F. WoolrIdge, Tueday evenlng, March marihai h8ilad hlm. Thes narshal aver- 24. The chaptar has agan met tbe date taak hlm andi piaeil th.e rasailu jail andi for tbefrentertainmaatt "Living Piqree" va.branght hetore Justice of the Pouce whlcb la ta haé gfvin at thsPresbVtealan W. B. Danis eaaly ThuàdâY1 marnlng, cituyeh Frida~y evenlng, Msreb 27. Who Ouned hlm ten dollare sud cont. nireet.c-26-4 t'armer., Incisas your grain crop hy usîug Atil-Sanut. Sffa ad au page 3. Hlome Lumber Ca. Car ai Rural Nw Yark saed and eaiing Pataboes nov on trak at aId depat, hait an the market. Prîce ln 5 bu. lots 85c, aboya 5 bu. 80e. J. Galdanberg. Tlhat anciant andi long distance saneil tliat eoine troni 'mine, tireai, aweaty feet r'. waarae thar. a taaîyand. But rau car. vurethistrauîle with Bankae Antiaeptia- For sala' by F. B. Lovaîl Ca. Io arSarp- ltîil1raulna iîouae, sitalel f -r au.' air tm araIailws', wîth aIl maodern illava-aaaalt, lian 125x20011 fa'.,2 b 'araaîg finat tree ofîal il klr.ds. alan ,.uîall Irai t. goad tharr.anal henihoua,a Fan, lîaaatîaau McKiulp'y Ave . .Liberty- aIlle. Il]. Inquire ai'P. tD. Hubbard, aet eeidy--- ISAST18 IW COMIYNU I Statement at close of busiess, March 4, 1914 RIESOUIRCIES Loans and Discount. UJnited States Bond&........ Boude and Securitien . Banhing Hou.. and Fiature. Ovurdrafté .....- ... .... Redemption ud ..... Cash....... Diue rm a . ....... ...... ....... 384,25 M.8 ....... ............ .... 103.3 M UgS .. $ ...... 39,70.47 143.902.09tS.1. JOINT FUNERAL IIELD AT EPISCOPAL CJIURCII lOlle ailt1hIi ii-trai r lî ii r a la. t Frd iv flt'ra , aa )nw ii.*îa tii , . jîiî of M r ai, JIl r. i u.1 îe , .'aar'*. tie ai.ca <u-apt.' au laia ar thî.ir il,-th nt Si. Mary 'i arosingl ii atier I i a rtv ville lranali aof t1lia aIricai rail r. al aun Slir.- day ev'ia.Marr-h Mavare liawared into o ae grave lII.akt sila acatiitn% Iridertaaki'r JulitisTtlzaîat ad liicharge of the joint fiin.raI ofaadli a.a. aaatpd by ur.dertakv.r Piaul Ray, atil the bdîe were taken irn tavo haarae' frouri the' lat@ homre of1Mr, and Mirs. Sage ta thre St. Lawrence Ep;ecopal cîîur -h, whana Br. Edward S. White, 'i..ited by Re . J. H. Edwarda of Lake Forest, aîdatdthe oervices. The r'hurah waao crowdad tu theutmoot an 1 m.any paeople were -iiiîp.'lled .3o remaaîrout jr. Iront ot thre cauîuh as there wa De e tansrding rom tuelode, it beir.getimated thatfullv lire liurdred parions attended the ag'rîce. At the cemetery the bodie. were lowered ta their lait reçting place by thre two sets of palibearere ai theeanme tinDe, The Epincopal choir rar.dened thre mic at the chu rch servic%-. Thé flo-ral aflaringe were numerous an.d mont beautît ni. JamesSage waa boru at Kent, England, on Marcb 19. 1835, and died Mareb 8, 1914, a& the age af 78 years, il montha and 17 day.. SarhAn Hastituge, wlfe od James Sage. vas horn July 11, 1837, lu Canada, and died March S, 1914, at the ags ai 76 ysars, 7 uronths and 25 day.. Pour @ons, Thomas of Lbartyvillla, William of Gagas Corners, Charles af Laka Forest, and Ed, who llves an the Sffa homeetead niar Libertyvîlle. and tour daughtero, 1frs. William Attridge, Mr@,. John Brizan, Mrs. Charles Stolzman A daily egg record in every sack. For twelve years Globe Feed bas beern t't>isider'd the standard poultry feed. Order a saCk today. Sold only by IhomtEmber goi 0FLIBERTYVILL Ione 50 ICORLEiT &FRD3CK Phono 80, LIBEETYVILL~ flL a CHAS. D. PROCTOR INSURANCEI FIRE, TORNADO, LIFE PHONES 154-R AND 50 LIBERTY VILLE, IlLINIOS LIFE INSURANCE. He li a good citizen who provWde for hi@ vIte andi chîld ren. Ha le a betterct*. zen wba alsa providea for hi. vidow asnd arphans. S EE B US Y ýAN. ORN District !a= «u O d C olon 7 U fe '.ur . Os C g a a Look over ou r New Spri.g Shades in Pancy Dress Goods SILK POPLINS, WOOL CREPES and BROCADES FANCY COTTON CREPES, VOILES, BATISTES Ready -to-wear Waista, $1 to $3 44 " Dresses, " MaIre ynur selectiona vIrile thre linos. lapete., JLJST ARRVER-A Fuîl Lana of Children's Ooods White Gingham Dresses, à0c to $1.50 Kirnona Aprons - - 25c Petticoats - - - soc Princesa Slips - - - soc Crepe Gowns - - soc_ Drawers - - - ioc.2Sc BUSTER BROWN SUITS and ROMIPUS AIl Colora and Prices Corne andc inhpect oui stock W. W. CARlROLL & SONS COMPANV NORTH STORE PHONE 29 2-StORES-2 SOUTH STORE PH4ONE 8t ntby 0W» )f al d it ai of and ty byý l ide- dan- liera ndis- il00. C hoice G roceries and Meats LIABILITIES ..... ..t. .. ....... .. .. .... ......... ............. d Prflta. .............................. ............ Cr utio... ..... .... .... . ... ........ :............4 J $734,57.57 We would suggest that you keep the above report for reference to our future adoe rLake CQunty National Bank LIBERTYVILLIE. ILL. Capitai, Surplus and Undividd Profite, $95,OOO.OO Order OWobe Scrautch lPeed to Make Vour Mens Lay. 1 t oi vy ma rýn ail Lirnberry ul-ri toinplaint of a VOU tilz

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