rap "THREE BOLD DAYs tetwee e ru lgtdfotv C yef LIGHT THEVES ARE tecr tu CAUGHT BY POLICE .Aeyugigt h h, ne of the men asked the assistant chiet. - - - - - •uems "ARRESTED AT NORTH CHI- 1"T-o. het 1 am and you are going Ca with me." was the offleer's reply. The a .e,... " ~C A G 0 JU N C T IO N B Y W A U -1 three m en w ere punud r rr,,o t SATCHELFUL Of DY= SEEK BIRTH REC. LAPOINT GIVES 'ELECTED CHAIRMAÀN 1 KEGAN POLICE WHO HAD il®teflyand a out any ausse. Theta' NANIE W S KCKE OfMANTO HT M IS f S T. SIORE FOLLOWED THEM IN AU- and did not even ask on what charge NAMTEWAKICED OFMANTOHI DEAIS051101 O NOTHSHRE TOMOBILE SPEEDING 50 taent tepolice i" ainIthe e AROUND FOR WEEKS INSUJRANCE POLICY1 ING IN MILWAUKEE SAN. DIST. CON. MLSA ORshArtice re MIddenR WaukganMarc 13. The men were searched one a t a For Sevela Days Young Wom- Effort Made to Determine the Former Waukegan Man In- Waukegan Water Works En- Ate, ha,,n, ,sto,n clthing"vchue time. On one of the men the aissist. an Had Used the Satchel as Exact Date of Birth of Baby sists He Shot Karr After Be- gineer, With University Ex- at close te, $1,000, three daoring day. ant chief! notieed a suspicious ok. a Rest for Her Feet. Stiles, Now a Man. ing Attacked by Hime perts, Asked to Aid. 'ight,,d'°y"beswr rsenoo'°onfaclgt* n° rowhat hae outh re. "hakd. WAS EFTIN AILO SHP. oes nybdy n WaKegn o NO OWDR M RKSSEEN. Engineer W. J. Allen, of the Wau. of a four mile race between a street "*Oh, I have a boit on MY back and WAS LEFT INTAILOR SH kP Oo ay nbo h" "a *a b NOPW ERM RKkegan water works. white a delegate car a"d a" automob"le. The r°bbers that 1la apad to protect it," wais the NotKnwig Cntnt, he x byLake ouit kowwha ab y I lamd h t rgle Would to the annual meeting of the State rode on the street car. The police 'reply. and Not~~ ~~ KnwngCntnste x by n me e wa.borut n ClimdTht70rgg water Survisy at urbana, Webich co.f"wd*" rsdteca na u h cifdcddtohvà okm plsv Was Shoved About or" à f "'•eare*bttois °"Itoc Pe°k Have Left Powder on the edit is s.ssion wednesday, was elect. tomobil• spoudi"g fifty r"fles• an hour. anyway. when the fellow gaw the ali p aeesl 3osive uo ,,w ea,s oef $ifs*.ea Victim's Clothing. ed chairman of what was termed the When. the robbers reached the North police ofincer was determined he wilt- Carlesly3 ees. p-oit mean. monet tei I.-.1worth Shore Sanitary District com-lChicago Junction they etopp•d into ed and drew out from under bis cloth. Watikea. Nirh16. :uanalso manmy o anfin-l Here is what a Milwaukee dispatch niittee "' a committee named by the the waiting arme of the police. They Ing two pairs of trousers that he hadt L Atog hyWauk e a arh e6.suce cmpn o1atoal sYs of Al LaPoint, the forter Wau- state association for the purpose of were brought back to Wauksen and stuffed down into the raear of his own Ge the fact, many Waukegan people scope'kegan telegraph operator who is b- working w'ith and encouraging the gave their names te.:.lotie n hiden ao thim.n Te bai have been lirting with death for the A '.%r O'Day, rpresenting a _ig Ihed 1in Milwaukee on the charge proper dievaoa of -sewage along north FRANK KOEHLER, Green Bay, suteeswropndad eeses ]ast three weeks. This fact becamie . of killing a fellow telegraph opera- shore towns and aiso to co.Operate Wis. funtaezbeped uanodclthig. known today when it was shown that Insurance companyv, came to Wauke- ter, Thomas Karr, last week at with the commission which will be JOE HARPER, 420 Madison Street, M ercnt Amfaito lled n S. H. Kennedy hiadt left is satchelful gan Thursday to look upt birth records Schleisengerville, Wis- ae.ohv h ot soeds hcg.TeMaenaeth Aer amlesd a. of dynamite in aitolast two different- of a man named Stiles who wals born One fact which will have Important trict connected with the Chicago GEORGE COOPER, Armitage av*-de. svr ediyadpoie o busiess lacs inthedowntow dis inLakeCouty i 180 and whose beuraigIn the trial will be that al- Drainage district ndter the step plan. nue, Chicago. tl-h oiealaoti.Teo- trIet for that period of ime. parents were married In Waukegan thougýh l&POInt siays he shot Karr nedt by the election already called y b di the oicersa intçancsonut.heroet- The tast placehletit.was In the ai 18.8white struggling with im, no powder In Apil. - , ever b re I he eory ô t ing stogether an peparing trye. A. S. Kennedy coal office on Wash- Th insurance man ls seeking to burns were visible upon the clothing The other members of this north city has there been such a darinsg tOeofthermendwasplacein a se-y Ingon tretHehui siplThee or flesh of the vici.. The success of hr ii r:Prof. A. N. Tal. sertes of robberies committed withi ne ftemn spae nabs a request that hee be allowed to leave court house or through the news- will be -made. will rest wholly on the boittprofessor of municipal and sant- fiure h aot wti h period of fim one amnd te third nothe scnda floorI cell. It there for a few days and as this p ers rinted at that tim e that fact that not one person w as a w it- tary engineering at the U.niversity of fi u at t a i h n t e p r o f o e a th m e t i d nt hemp ss beo flor h e to did not scoeeto beantunusutai request Stiles misrepresented h1s age when "8t hetah o thequarrelini s. E andurobabelyeviit red eveacthers.Thcommuae tmosseaothe te he was granted permission. ho enookout a polley In the company 1Willian Kesear d veuea a Prof. Lewis, citye hemist of van. amngdth o cal i mdiera t hEere cmmuIt a impssebeto tewhere ll In fact, Misâ Hatton, the bookkeep' and thus secured a rate much lower baeanoahe"cot hchrn ton and professor In chemistry aablmnte o cgnzerticles owching he lth Isinghdbee secuwre aso er In the offiee was rather gladi of it than hie was entitled to. to Rugby Junction at night and ls side Northwesterp University. stlnfo1hersoe ee h opatsal vr ecat 1nhe as it made an excellent thing for hier The rasont the company is now tracked to return In the morning. The naming of this committee was stlong: city was called to the polPacialye ecaittion th to rest lier feet - upon as she sat at seeking to disprove his age as filed 1P.Karr accused LPointe of coin- decided upon after the needs of the Globe eprtmntstoe.t s if te he ldodnify a o s herdek.Shehal hoed hevais wih heinsracecopan i ode replied: "It's a lie," said] Keiser. north shore as regards disposing of BiigradAes1 rpry under hier desk carelessly and every that they can avoid paying him a "The charges and the woird lie were sewage4 and the idea is that the comn- BMayer Kubes. p Exat os nnon day p t th tie itwasremvedmatured insurance policy which has repeated often and then 1 got.up and mittee will work with the commission Jsp luk.Acrigt hre orsno the hadt usedfit as a foot rest. She cm u n hc h o-begged them to stop. Karr, knowing wJcomyseeamdhftr heelc.s t re the Glb e hre otamrchaont in nery anti we seleredwa junysst s bui e leplt wthat La Pointe always carried a re-' tienad dû allit t nt11rs ly The WaukegaiiSore h lb hr o e recati nhe al ait whntsarned wa ay.nit hol o e adnwvolver, remarked: 'Give your gun toe na a esn GosAeietfe the city who lis able to fix his exact i the atcel ad cntaned because his age was misrepresented. somes one and we will go outside and look; after the individual needs of Th ohed fe GoetrAwre los fr te am meemy avepic n Theothr pacewhre t ws kpt Inquiry shows that the parents of fight this out with our flots.' 1 got the north shore towns so that the abet1ietf severa ar ftru.svrl visits to their Mtores withoutor thewas k a nedor skp e. ySie eemrie nWuea y Took Gun Fromt Slayer by the bIgger sanitary district. in er, which had been stolen; 1BidingerthBgBe al b Fuldssedhnadlfthecr nohshewllote"obedpbegdtce. thee wek goKeneyasedpe-a Baptist minister named McCaig in "I climbed onto an enigine and was animsiette w aubesits misson o lavethesatcel her. 158.But, as stated in these col- sitting In the fireman's place when other words, this north shore commit- o ltig ae uesvrcv lit Was placed to one side and time titns a few days ago, the county rec- La Pointe suddenly appeared at the tee chosen by the state association tgsoered eigtparyoerouslers and o- and agfain since then it was kicked ords on birth. ethec. o ao ide of the cab and yelled: 'Hurry up to act somiewhat In the role of watch. seeht aiusky oftack en ars n of WLGE CTO abutcaelssasitgo itoth wy at olyfrm 87. Thus, there is the floor thethe car.' 1knew hat hanedosfthnrhshetoeeha trousers and two boys' suite. The Of PIN BOY COST Of somes One, Any one of these jars no officia record of 8tiles' birth. happened In an instant and jumping their treatment by the bigger district Waukegan store owners also recov- might have set off the twenty-five However, there ls an official entry of fromn the cab, caught La Pointe by the Officils tg fair, just, practical and ered several paire of trousers. B O NAVC O Y sticks of dynamite which the grip his parents' marriage In the Baptist throat. He hadt his gun In the coat necessary. In addition to these Identidied ar- BR W IT R contained' huc rcrd ndte arig hs an and was holding it. hande Prof. Dunlap of the University of ticles, there were scores of trousters After Kennedy's arrest on Satur- thug been establishied. dit toe whot anwod.lI henlowa, Came home with Mr. Allen Wed- which were not Identiflied up to Thurs- Local Men Who Witnessd day afteroon it was thought that pou. The company has reason to feel, marchedt him back to the coach. ziesday night and was hie guest for day evening although practically ev- MthGm a o ei- sibl hebada lrgersuply f te dclared Mr. O'Day that Stiles stated There 1 found Karr lying in the snow the purpose of going Into detal in the ery merceant paid a visit to the po- eaeyKokdPnOe egplosive and ofilers were detailed he was osdrbougrta ebeside it, he having crawled to the method of treating hypo at the Wam- lice station to look over the stolonen aeyKokdPnOe conidmbl yuagr honhocar entrance and fallen off. kof water work e "o articles. The police hope to be able ID earch his home and barn the], realy was when he asked for the "A&.I bent cdown over him. hie to findt the people from whom all the The alleged action of a pin boy at oughly, but although every nook and policy. If they can show this, they graspedl me by the sweater and told' the Lake F'orest bowling alleys on eMr Iwas in eJzted no more dy- will be able to hold back paymnt o ut e b d ady1g lt 1 he 'IDE E D NT E "°ir :: e" 's "o°, a° "en h°e na -' the matured policy for some years, fitlkiss the bables once for me. I'mornanuber of silk handkerchiefs of igtwood. Two Waukegan men It la stated by a court official that 1s claimed. 4 going moon.' " anda bundle of cigar coupons. who witnessed the gamne declare that Kennedy hadl the satchel in question Mr. O'Day was unable to check upt Another argument for the defensoe The Gobe stre wasthe lat plac the pin boy deliberately knocked over with him one day last week when he o the matter at the court house ls that Karr might have lived hadt ho h lb tr h tpae a pin, which If left standing, woulQ was In Circuit court rouem. It Is b- hence he turned to the old newspaper nebs rgn ore d e wa te andui;se: AC IN FVO V ' t" f athet hat sspic:, ha :--aeri te otu r "g aieetohvcotne the yamt ilso teerl ay nhoe f id up the Intestinal and stomach wounds. the men went tin the shoe depar. r adt ae hrceie h attht im.Ing some two fine localwhich might fitwu@ about seven hours that Kar con test. As a result Ori won by a Loft It at 'Big Ben'&.' readt something like this::«"A son was bled Internally witirout any chanc~e Say Fact He is Seeking to Re. ment to try on a pair of shoes while margin of one pin. It also develops that hie had taken born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Stiles'for stoppage of the hemorrhage. another Ioafed In the vicinity of the The score follows: Or ow th ath.i igBn' aio so o auean"whc i t rve o ".%Ir. Karr was always a good huas- Indicates Weakness. was looking hie slipped several palr. ist gamne.._ 4 1C. earlier ln the week and set It ndter be under date of 1870,. makres un- band,"' declared the widow, whlen ftosrsudrhs vrotnd game. .. .7 24 the table where the pants' presser necessary the company's investiga. asked If lher married life hadt been 'lembers of the lndependent r fac uSeintes era 'dgaine . 2 1 46 was working. It stood out In such a tion, but if It isa adate cnieal emy1 w dn , to nZoconsideonsdeabl ceate; M .8,Mor re ntrued A 4 th gamne...9 2 0?1 Maninertathmamghhaedo-pir to thenwmlalnel beuse i have hurtt-paihair ofo, any one's head. In over the fact that Attorney C. P. Shataceki h trt u t ae25 18 ped te aatron uon it and henthe Ilhfopevn amnto h e never carried a weapon, nor even Bares, Voliva's special counsel, is 7th gamte'S 194 presto. plicy.a penknife " lmaking an effort to get ehe supreme on his coat and trait the mien. >,th gamie." 1 59 Many other persons are now recaltl Mrs. Karr said hier mnaiden namne court to grant a rehearing in the case1 Schwartz followed along after them Mh gamewý?d: 178 EE T H D hd eenMay illr.lir fthr f the Ziqn CTty antismoking ordi- until thev seemned to divine thiat thev 10th game i 17 nth paot te swKndyrring h atGeorge Miller, live t 79Gablnnein an effort to have the tri- eebIgkp ne uvilne the ~ ~ ~ ~ DE griTaou ton urngME pat treet, St. ouisandais za restaurant bunal reverse itself and declae heThy0isppaedupth1sep«la several days. The belief now Is that kee.Sewrdhmo h r-ordinance valid. They say that this . This gave Or a leadhof 181 pins. hhathdyaiea hetm. AS SHE WISHED;YVIC= epr*ente: ilm ron :-o--ng e edi'" ou's a o t "ik muet searles buidng hn i e 'chleisingerville. Mlr. and Mr. Karr ef the recently passed anti-smoking peared a few minutes later they were forý--Browýn haduled Ori by 180 Pins. B0Y IS BITTEN BY TIN OF P T H ISI1S t'%' :hee: es aor and t- h uiner" '° °"r°r" cco-pane yaohrmr n i union, Goildon, 2 years 3old, and Elesa-n- The Pressent ordinance maktes l he ftemcridlresit cae Local bowling fants who went toe Be or, monthsoldmihdemneanor to smoke in Zion City which appeared to bie rather heavy. Lake Forest to witness the game de- M0; MROTHER SAYS Mrs. Edla -Martin Prayed to Be"hne'"b°sIness mnen of Schletinger on account of the danger fromntlire. They continued to walk south until clare that Brown was the victim of Tae oeFo aia- vIll® m'lraise a fund to hel te s attorney and oth e e a tthey came to the Lazzaront fruit store insporttaman iethtactle.enlìeFowon DM H A S RABIES - - riMotS g. ir one arr'shome- as n o-Inance and have declared that it will corner of Genesee and Water street' against Ort before at Lake Forest. iumSevralMonhs go. I er e . ar hmaws nco-not hold water. The states attorney where they turned In. that they used alley No. 1 and that Wanega, Mrch14.M'akegn, farit 2ý lodel G.,and lhe is snrvïved by a even went so far as, tostate that an Police Are Notified Friday night without any apparent Waukegan, March 14. Waukegan, March 12. mo er- ~arrests made unde it would beollegal Scwrzetadhssep an rasiteyeeshfdtoaeyN. Clarence Morthouse, a boy living at Alrs. Edla Martin. .35 years old. and that those making the arrests 4Stw.rz,,whic iseeB n eR heywrs tnedtote loal o 242 Victory street, was attacked by a wIfe of Oscar Martin, died Wednes. N0 00ALoPRICE Clf fal:'s's « e'n"clm-ra" ""'t'°i"®P ".nPClarencewiHieres m n wt hsdsdatg h dogbelngng o Athr Srie Fida dy nghtatnin oclok a hr hmeordinance was passed merely for ef- grd to the three men. The police local man rolled a more consistent evening, and was severely bitten on McAlister and Ravine avenuets, foi- feet In an effort to get the supreme offee- huridn o teLzaoisoegm.H aeol n ro u th-e righit leg. A complait hlas been lowing a rather long Illness of tuber- X E T DI P I court to reconsider the matter and g., ofrOhý.dt the ten games while Ori, made nyyon r e . made to the police by the boy's mioth- culosis. Mrs. Niartin hiad lived in if possible restore the old measure. and was told by the poreo h He was unfortunate In hupping Into 1 ~. This gives hie Independents more rea- the men hiadt boarded a south bound several splits. Witnesses agree that er vlho aýsserts lhe dog is sufferintg of Waukegani for the last three years Ne reduction In the price of coal is son than ever to th-Ink that sooni they car. everything being equal that Ort rabies, and made miany friends who are sad- e eu ntil Nay 1 according toe0 il- e bl t moke In Zion without HckthnaleupAstntCefwldotavbenbetome Mrs. Mfo-thiouseý informied the police denied by her dlemise. omally comtes somte time during April, oet ation..Tyrlanifomdhmbefyf up the lead which Brown secured lin that her sonw toll; r skating past Over a year auo 1rs Martin con- but it probably will be held up) until, Wyrl n nomdhmbifyo iaukegan hiad it not been for, an in- theStipehono.1- sothJacso the facts in the case. In the mean' cident whichi happenied in the eighth Citree n the d 1ou, ru;shout of the trac.ted tub)erculosis and upon the later this yerthey say. nieowesNO T W ST Rfimie Sschwartz lhadtannounced that framne oof h atgn ri made a yard and it hin, Tho- boy mnanaged advice of hier ;physician tried the open adsf olmnr xie pi hsfte' uooiewihwsslit and the chances of is making It to drive the dog otland ituadý- hi, way air treatmnent. he weNt,; to the Lake adlcl elr bleetati il 1SP RC A E 'tic "1 f'a .." '---- were very slight. In the excitement home .e-eto bo rotr f teSc a r tnitorbtin o rett arent a:id b omnerte e e ati te coa c À P RCD7 was at the disposal of the policemen-.urned their eyethaway focohe insn currenceishe ateonce tookehim tohtheohES Assistant Chief Tyrrell and Police- when they saw them stol) rocking offi cae rz. losweetewu d h her cndtinvade om e dsoeaktaten- re)dtheelwcal eirkhe I'1 , D E 6N mans Hicks leaped in and with and stand upright. When they look- :as cadnteed. rhoim led yteraae f h ieaeta believed. Conditions in relation to 5chwartz at the wheel were soon b- ed again the ten pin was down and Acodn oMsMrhuehr sson became ,worse. Finally it soit coal are expected to affect fi nthe ldl tedreto f North torn ad atknoeasys are Goge Bren gon la not the only cone who hlas beenu was seen that hier chances of recov- hlard coal market, so that there vill The Chicago and Northwestern rail- 1n hre ntedrcinoto n rn oa r ohsi bitten by the Stripe dog Shie told 11 tibe o chage in the prices; on It. road comipany has recently purchased; Chicago, to have declared they saw the pin thevpolice that severar people of late eryiwerecvery s gh . Generalchanges in price usualv thirty-fAlye large engines which will bel Call Train Dispatcher Broywdlibrtely knockasover thepin. hae ee atake b te nial Abutfie r ixmothhaonteb-cm wieya.TeFl bot isedin fn.The rig sreon thu lie marHcs-tonego us rwn potestecud uaitereonwasbo which has shownl itself to be veryvi- ought her husband to take her hmeschledutled for October 1 and thmanle.Tengesreup-teereentgcudsedn bu etfous. ithis fact which caused todie, a she aid- setdidnot wih to pringreducion.fr-Apri.L-heted ad aresevenfeet longer than1 and notiied the train dispatcher dILt.This Incident cost rirown the con- Dur examinatione aretborourh and comaplet, everr way by eompetent refrtionisterfree of re. we grfndoUrownien. and make Ou'r Iframen torit ench particular caae. MANUFACTURING OPDCIAN VAUKEGAJN. ILLINOIS f. BAIRSTOW narble and Granete ...etery w.rk o. Eer.y ;orrespondence Nolicited The Promise of It's in the air and many things; aeie.For exm ple- let us suggest it the work of Wiring your House for Electric Serie We're in the market to do it- cheaply and without inconven- ience to the occupants. LADIES H ATS OF ANY KIND.t Detall of Wholesale Prices; Re-block- Ing, Bleaching, Dyeing, Of Panama Hiats; Ask for Catalogue and Prices. C11ICAGO HAT MANUFACTURING & BLEACHING COMPANY, 12 Northý Michigan Ave., Ward Bldg., Chicago. Independenit: More reader than ail county weeklies combined. INVL FO at FO ,O kitt 8. FOI cba FO con Oiro FOI wIt- top tabl Fbe FOI chic FOI si gar: wat mer Fac fror, le. FOI wee 14,. FO bra Hu !OCk B0tt0m PriCes . î During MarCh. TERMS-CASM. setter get mny pries on Tire@ dAccessories. It will mean ney to you,. |ogd _Ritzenthaler,9 enesee St.e WAUKEGAN. Baement south of PostotRce. LAKE COUN" rNMPtWDFNT. IMMAV P ULCANIZING ubes and- Casings Repaired. 'asing Work iines iim Cuts, id liisters, Loose Treads, Blow. S, Re-treading, Re-lining and ad work. Al Work Guaranteed Company OF NORTHERN ILLNOIS