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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Mar 1914, p. 9

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LARE GOUNTY INDE)PENDENT- 16 WAU KIE3AN WEEKLY SUN Jui."%LL v, ulq VuK fPA*1Z5si . 5oPER YEAR NA»VANMU MR.JOMW4MEMMENJ, WiF OF !IMJýOAN PHOTO. QAM9àý DISAPPEARED, MYSTERIOUSLY TUESDAI, AFTEEN9ON AND W4~ SOUGlIT ALL NIGHT AUGm ALI TODAY BY THE Ps UCE AMD BY FRIENOS 0F THE HEMMEN FAMILY - 01 STRACTED HUSUD IS DIRECTING THE SEARCH --FEAR WOMAN'S MIPlO IS AFFECtED. LA'IgpT DEVELOPMEN'rs. 11 iT.* 11111tti.$ qfton caileti OP Mjor A. V. Smlth cf Bettes-y Ç onu» Ie elpisone snd sugmeeteti Chit S us~etios- a thes-cugit ss-chMbay h. Madeo t would ho a aPlihadld tiing esormembenu of Cie b4081 bttOr es-y luo dtailed tuaterew lu @cour' te*is lais. *0e. and agi ter"t.7la th@Cite 14seWoukoffsl nsen.ffeft lu flow Mr&s, ffmmen, psovidlng site Ies ametbous bcsted bolte .e méosemes-ning. The Slun poInt. ed e*t lu Major Smit thet te hutes-y couli mote s moretes-- ougit sascii tian titeeWho have alraay ceme-w the gs-ound be- caMs CluM wveiiti homore of th" 0.sedleIt. Tise betes-y çgow m eplese t te eue- M~0uUR rw ieued het ifte a - ~h.ephaa eC ou Ilpéeb'tb*W* bu la. C1 ali up 00.Mfl-eof-etise bettes-y os the tiplhoea'aid viliideualitem te up te search te tiret tile li te moraine. Waukegan. NMarcis 18. Tiis atereocas e 2:30 o'clock fMn. Conniu tu -esned fs-cm an automobile te«s- I. muci th ie susrouedlng tes. ttoy. NOwaa accompinieti by s -- $*g, tt -ne seas-y dîstrecteti, hie SMW W M frsi on'et CiftaSho couii ot - disese-te aDais- et amy lgt. Ne Imm bée. -nts- nos-Ch ne Wmths-op mmtashes- h antinemgamy tractlof NO w vIteottes taon tit Msie sd valk. Od M fear-&astIse JamesBlanchard place aOthon .&vas ec. te retrace tes- IIIsIIsI&Mev much of te distance ah. 114 w»eee te vas e te finti out. H*e4ais eucased much ef Us. tersitory 1111,t e thCit ly. Up.. hie s-s- twnho takime only to Ieasn Ciset *Woif thlésethes- seasctlng parties hW ad»ta onucenad ton asted out la .hIs automobile &aien. qiUra. John Hamman, vît.eoftheb 0«0eeetreet photograpisen. lotI home Tuasday aflornoon et tvo o'. ee to etaise a valS visicl las beau bm lirhabiL for a long tîme. lb. lefI 'WstVwo chltiron L borne, cerner G11- lotte avenu. anti Couuty street, lie yoMugesl chilti beug one sud ou-hait, flur. ofte vornan to eluru 11omo00sînce ah@ loftI, cauaed Mn. Hem- Mm ant iebi relatives te report tisa Uotter telis, police sI 'olgist oclock Afusy avouilug ad vilo at tiral "M amvU-e oncerue t eauy gvenL ettoves' bar ahfeAm*'wveu mise hiletite rotum dturiez Usé nigist, tbe POUe liaMmriug lnttutati a cana- #9 oearchIs n tbo endoavon to gel IMMceof ber. Tt vas discovorodti UaiaIliret e' O]ýck sTuestiay aflesnoon, Bita .a 11on00Paslung thernoe et James *&oahad, tvo riles nortis et Wau. % 0Mga. valiîg along Sheridaon roand. fIls led te tise belef IbaL-, she may W»e goce te Zion City, vbere abo $Èmd.siseter for lie nîglit. - Y tery semoriug Policeman yen. ttlu every direction lu lia effort #0 get trace 0f ber. li@ Lyon vent &-baiorne anti buggy ail along Rolsei-, rondat. balIvesu Waukegan anti UssCity. Officor Metz vent te Lise ~ vblchbpatroileti for Bsema Oncar Carence Hicksa vent cM the tata wviîci b.seanciet CUM. valking bock anti torli Md Wileut betvsen lis tnacksa anti INQESJ 5 9111 ON AGEI6>UPLE KILLED luV A CARI Evidnce Showed Mr. and Mrs., Sage Under«Msmated Speed1 the Car Was Traveling. 1 LIBERTY VILLE MAN 15 BADLY WANTE D IN SPRINOFIELD, O. Authorîties of That City Say He la Wanted on Charge of Wife Abandonrnent. FACES WORKHOUSE TERM. ýPoint Out That He Would Be Able to Make Fifty Cents a Even Stakteim Attorney Dad. s aolatSnayngtwhe i lw.y _________________ adY.as ellTisat Clarence Stroufp. alias Shove. as ('ounty Tralsurer ('arl P, Wegter- strrrtk hY a Chicago & Mllauk- - ~AlsKraisSil t. i , a fid. as is roulesuivr Te mttr t ric car i-ar Libartyville. I-eu rew i who vas arre4ted near Lîh)ertyvilleRLP HTTNE of galary. f5ti. 44r.- brought out atthiL. uest. recently on a charge or grand lar- Warren t0Iowl).liil> ullervisor who ' oy tnO eelpcolrl G ' C-rrg(- Iloliman, a nephé l l(u4?îhs-cenIR laadiy varited lu pringlleid, 4tam defeated for nom11iaitonl for P.report circulated smeftnie ago. tisatlhi Ile ag 114* d culels( iett i Jioohrg fvf aa<o-return to cotrnty board ut 'all(LI4 -I;ftt )f tbe nev law under whlch state atý day tf-stItied b isaving dr-i l-nîîîrpl-4ment, la Indir-ated hbY a letter ro- 1li, lrr 4, >ýi,(.rg.- 'I', 40 n"torpeys ofIlîlinois In counties ritce attv-s tofilie electri0line d.-î't ad I dby Xarsltal I.mberry of iii- i]('Jgth helng I14)44 -î4ossor. laits couety bava been drawing $5 000 titan hi,- srepped upon thie rlatfori to erlyvilla f rom the chef probation or. ssiary Inteai of $2400 &As the old law signal ie car wbhie cP orld dis-a cro Srnfed nprovîdedaint belng questions as to iti. tingulsh approaching by mean4 of the Stroufe, vho çans arreated ln i1h. t legarfty in the stale supreme court bendlilit. He aait!lie suPposed lite ert>-ville wheîe he was living under DISCOV R L f This Springfield telegramt refera aunit and umode could cross the tracica the naine of -#hOve, was gîven a liear- 'etepoint In question: ln Plelitv 4of ima. The three iad qeen lng ia few dayi. ago snd vwax houn eteSpringfield, Tii.,, %farcit 17.- the car aîîproachlng about 1.li0<) feel over tu the Grand jury ln bond% o FILES 0F ELECTION Sut er ie! ntesuprme away ai- tliey were descenîdirig $500.EC R S 0F A O court today ttacking the cootati- naarlîy bll. They underaaiimated tblî, On January 28, Marsbal Lînîlierry E O D F A O le, ttoay of tve Important 111-1, îeed ai wlieh -the car vas traveling.roe avoit' a requst frons the Spring- a ossa utes' the nev Ticea road Teeilnesoe ht r aeted ho uhorities askIng bilmt y la., ernbodYlng eonvlct labor and wax str4k lfrat and vas throvrrn îuch arretIL hove on a charge of vife, H. W. Wheelock, ini Remnodeling ýa a state hlghway commission, and further thar ig hife . ieIotIsvere abandonment. Shove sllpped tîîrougîî Place, Discovers Long Lost the Iavwblcih takes rarsunera- Pra<tticlay deadedv he iy vere pIck- bis fingers tri a vary <lever mantler. Records of Township. le ion of state'sa ttorneys froin the ed ulî The metorman o1h.car, Shove larer turnad uP at the Nfeeker statua of fees and places Ilton a Georgi, Gratifie, formerly of the nortir Place ln Lake Forest. Policeman Say- 0 alary basia. ide run ln Waukegan, testlld i les aought to arreat hlm bjut aglahn AL HENDEE PERUSES THEM. '.1 The case »mvolvlug the tateaf car was going tonty mlles an liour aIi Sbove on rather Srroufa s5lipped savay * attorney galany aet ot 1912 la the ime or the accident. ZnYlas located and arnestad hlm a lit * tht of Frank P. Hut.sow aglua l ile Sald lie vas fuliy tlirea hundred Lie hâter. Strou&fe la charged Ith And Finds Many Things of In- 9 States At torney James W, Kern feof svay wlien the aged Couple start, havin5 atolen $80) vorih of caiîhages. terest Concerning Earl y and otiser county olllceî'a of hro- acroas the tnacka, eH at once sound- Il la said that a short ime ago ail Election of Town. quols counny. Butzow questions ed 4 warnlng whlstle and ibrew on arrangements liad boxa made for a th. authority of tae uuy au- thaemarnrgaucy braises but at the marniage between Stroufe and a l.lh- rire article beiow wass ft pervisors lu iuatructing teclerk spaad the car vas traveiling ILvas lui- ertyvîlle young woman. She I. conwite to 4maw .orders for Kern'a quar- Possible to stop It mInsd, of f rom flive, gratulattig hersaîf' nov that the- by former Couutv Clerk Hendee r taslY-fy lar7 under tise provisions hundred tu six hundroti beL. cbarges of vIf. abandoument have on requaet of the edilor. after Mr. r othe Law. Conductor flotl teelIII 4b. vasinbeau made agaînst hlm, Il la Possible Hendee had told of aklg Mr. Tise case luvolvlug th# road the rear part o r the car' wheu eta eas h hrelu Ohio la WhOtioCk to turu over te hlm the law la that of Jacob Njartenas Ileard tbe varning whiatle aud foit more garlous than tbat ln Lllîartyvllle files ln question whlch had been agmnztStae Aditr Badyand the emergency brakas applaed. He tha$ lie will h &rnedrie Saie Trenter RAuio Mrtensd tc. o e othe jbat these msuy years. We felt 1 StageTreaurerRyau Ilateus rushed to the front of tise car lu ime lalthorîties in that v seeak to auboin these officlala tu seslis Car strike the couple. FOllowfng lm a copy of the lotten 1h e Malle as Mr. Heude.e aw £rom palng out, tate moneys on Promn the evidenre IL appeared that1 recelved bY Liinberry: them would intereet msny rosi. appopratins ontlne lu t esecouple bati san Lb. car se far Prohate court, Clark County, dents of the county, eaapecilliy provisions of lise mv vbicl IRl distant when tliew vere on to e b Springfield, Ohlo. hs iigl vn nwofr attaed to ha lnvaild. hl that they thouglit thay had plan- Mardi 1.1. 1914.1 hslingnAvorWof. t - y of lime Lo gat acrosa tbe tracks D1eunis S. Llnrherry,(City Xarshal. c merly llved there-Edrior. lne h ogtt aefc i efere It arriveulI. Tbey'evidently Lîbartyvîlle, . Whteinth village or tlrayalake k8tYeà, Sates ttoney lnfiln-failed to estimat, the speeti at vbicli Dear Sir:-Yours lu raferr-ne t a fav days ago, 1H..j. Wlieelock of Of§ln luceunties like Lake, were given It vas traveling. The evidence tend- Clarence Stroufe. liald lu Jaîl tire the village hliîded ine lf cI lla s raila ian y double what they ed te Show tisat -Mr. GraI)be did ail Ion a charge of grand laarry, la re- froinLb. tovîs clerkcsofcefte vore lien rocelvlug, the $5.000 gu lu bis Power to avert the accident ceived. Wa carte inly vaut thîs mari Ol)v of Avon, wlîirl vere îicked upd baing even double vbat tbe county as Soon Caslbe saw thie danger of tise as ha bas deserted bis famlly hemf, bY hlm vwhie rernodallng or nemov- budges orfthb. mme counnUes recalve. aged coupie. having escaped trom Ilie arresting of. Ing an old building in tb, village.0 It bas tisen kuovn for momte lime tifrear. 'W. vaut 10 keep informed sud They were pioli books, tallay sbeets. tisat BorneOf the state's attorneys of 111 sand an Officer Lu. get lIm at Lb.. road warrans, .etc., vblcls evidently i the sInI. have bren worried as t IE0 IC E V earîresî moment vîran you wîîî turri no value sud Ifot ln Lb, building hy wbeie tse awvold ol o ntIIJIIh in over to us. ' l wih ou wouiri sea no value and laft I the building byr It beng Caime by iome hat o IN ZapN19ff If your proper officiais voisld agree a lowo clark af latar date. 1 anioyedv mais. luchs a change, a constîîutîonnî %dit L11 <o let us bave hlm Sti tbssime on filereadlng thein ver-y mrrrbfroin Lbe ameatment voulti have te be made, non support charge as 1 caoa assu re fact tliey Contaiued reports of tevri, aodtha th leieltur di no hae ou tirat the senfarice <vilkaap hlinsu ate and gaverninent elections sud thndw tisai te glar asd net have à lire occurred Monday afternoon buay i the workbouse for at Ioast .4 naines of rmen of said towniship wbo tise 1912 tla.i i.s attlarm a oiltit u8 ou.ocpe alHreyear and under the Ohio lawwhvbu .a lad performeti their mission sud Ut. 1912 lain thia rm curtlsnov te anti Gabriel avenue, Ztos City. man la Put lu Lb, vorkliuse for noni. passeti on long ago. The files con- hodl t i t he lu t. sr eme o rt a it- ACo ntng ta reports. Lb. c re nm - support bs fam lly rece l-es 50 cents ained nam es of m ari ele ced t o ffie c~rin t tsetelgrm t ody. stances ara peculiar, for bots Mn. for eacb day ha la imprlsoned, for thelaI n1852-1853, etc., lincluding the vote TisePoint ralseti by ma»Y lu Lb. anti Mra. Herner were at home anti supotfthchdrn luti vycsfrsaeolcerlu16aswi tr t o a ea iaI tieatatelesa - pro. giuiorssw the hlaze bunat from he vili mit only ha pune saaslieas Lb, vote caat lu aai( tovnsship lu tsseissu fo ricagItetate law ttise roof. but on arrising at the bouse should ha, but support cariho . SeLai1864 for candidates for prasîdenl of pi vidug ora csago u tseataesat-neefforts vera airîg niade to reacue for Ithe cbldran. virareas If you bold the United States. Strite ofilcera for Ill tYorusys l'salaretiat mue olae oun b untr ohrpopety ihm thera for triai and Imrpnsonment Ilinois, cougreasional, senatoriai sud bt tyoficrs alris ul . ad y Chsarles Butz saw lianes comlng front bis family alîl ha vitbout any su-cOuuntY Offces. tq COunty BOards Ot Supervisons unleslise roof sud burrIed la lbe bouse. No pr n i u aahre oyu lapasa adeelo htLn &cOnstltutlonaî ameoimnt Pvanndho ifu o abutur. vasu ItLbanrs ersao!vedctantiat Lw e Pue iigte ehaue w r u tr a ho eoe n ocomnsunlty. Colo anti Johnson alertons (aixteen lnu t passd4 In tlghL atrepoven feunti Mn. Herner goiug te a sedlu Kludly let me bear wbat cari liahumbler), neceived tva liunred votes ivi Tisas, by thse uev law, LIe county j ie rear In release a cow. An organ. doua along Ibfix lina as i uriderstand each sud lbe McCiellan arid Peudie- ht boati ofth contesaffcttive.n table aud a couplie of chairs vas fron yaun ltter that he la belng hald ton electors rarelvad only fteen m( Uta only propertyd o Paaaheedigfor trial and riot sanviug out a sen- votes lu said tovnship and the stateict Increase ln saiary regartiiesa ot wbe- Wisen Lb. tire departint arrivati taure, sud county candidates uerninated byl thr h bAd ige odos rtbe blaze bad! so taken lioldthiat thora Yours very truly. tise republîcans and denuocrats l tu:e Dot. Andt Uat's vhat tise igît iu lb. vas no possible chance of savlug tise Cannie B. Hershiey, Ceived the saine vole deean dovritLb.es surln outl nwben bsdbouse. Chornicals wer, useti vîli- Chef Probationi Ofilcen. fine. No acratcblng the ballot sud It -1 cortlnnv.engba ou tt avait' Thebouse vas compioteiy 6 RPPeCT ~ars i le a very easytfali:tuet Udrttsnwlwth tt'at etoe.Tefurnitune vas, lusur- , s.'h vt. Ibin s r ev avmaLisersIne's ai.but a0 tan as cari he leannedt iaeeRichardT U 1 e lOrey rcaveas nub arye r 85vasne lusurarira ou the prepety.TOicha J. Ogelsby vas ithe repuh- ac the circuit Judgea; Iviceaita mucb :_____________ UIIEea mccandidate for govarrn sd ne- l.th county butige: aud Oractically tosn * IESTOTD IAI MEN tWLAW BM WICIISALARY 0F AITORNEY ROSE Suit in Supremne Court Testing Leilature's Right to, Raise State': Att-y. Salary. 'HEN IT DOUBLED SALARY.' Wtiea,\îr 7 )int Raised ls ThatLegisa- A wdc facdna eil ss ture. Usurd weso returced ln Liberty-Ille MisOidav aftar- Powrs f iliiLhe casa of Mn. ai ins. County Boards. James Sage wtr- wee kiled a week GRANT PETITIoN - IS FOUND FAIJLTY;9 IS NOT ON BAJILT- Failure of SigneèSs to Petition ta Affix Residences Keep It Off the Ballot. GRANT THUS REMAINS WET. Revelation Cïornes as aSur- prise as That Was Wherê Big Fight Was Pending. Grant townrship viiinet go dry tis sprIng! Tise lovu lu viclFox aud otteS lakes f ventern Lake couuty are ln- rratei, vii remalu vet! Thene lo neoaisance ofeteuven g On tise vaL-drY Issue ibis apring!' il develops tisaIlise drys vho lin change' of gelliug Lb. p@titions cul asklug thal Lbe qestion ho placotion thse ballot ibis spring. -foll dovn" un Lb, petition sud thal la vliy tihe ques- tion vil! uot, as vas generally e«w pected. be put on lb.esMetion ballot lu Apmil, The reason the question vili not ap- Ilean la because tovu clarit William akson, aflar Iooking everlise POUi- Lion as flied hy Douglas Wall anti thiat Tovusend, feuud Il fmproperly dravnuisIas regards lb. signatures. The lsv says that lh ie lnos-s ment affix Lhier fuillDames "sud théir rosi- dancas.' Ad, litoetthe sIgnesleft off tlir nesldancea beaice thal matie theîr signatures of no accouai: anti la- valldated tise vbole patition. Asked viselier sucb inthel.cse. Lovo cierk Jackson midi Mouday: "Yes, tbat's tise tact-il viii not; ho onLie ballot sud Grant township sro- mains vel at last anotsen yesr. Tise pebitiouil bd ansaileent Dames aSe te il te jusUf tithebin& piacc ie i ballot but about haiof tihetuiar% fallet e ta state vison. they lived. vsitiu scconding te Lte la, la ueeousay.' "I calied tise penons vis. led the* pettion e my officeansd xplainoth ie point La theus andti Uey botSaroud Ilial that'a viat Use 1laid an t iat tliey bad falleti lu thaîr purpoe Tliey sav licw hinga are antimates- Lb. cincumstauces 1 havaetiacided tii- canuot go ou te ballet," Grant tovnship la the ou. vheno Lb. moat bitter fIghL lunlbhevitole cuouty vas exPeclei Ilthis vol-dry maLter came up ton tisat la lthe tovu wbere se much nasont builes» la doute each yaand viser. the rtenu oveers vene expoctoti te put op stick a fighl egainatlIelllng tise tovu go dry. Nov il develop,tey viii Dot have te face the Issue et ail for tise question vîli net ho sulimîttedt th le votera at ail. MAN BURNED FAa TALLY TUI3SDAY; BENINEEXPMOE Charles Hensel, 40 yeas nid, ma- *loyed lunlise Zangelen Cleanlug ubop ln Lake Forent. vas pobably ftay. burned on Tueaday wlseý>Is body becanse a luman torcb folloiovgti^te xpiosiaion ot a quand ty of bousin.e 8ed lu tie claning Procee. Tise victlm vas removote10hlieAiles1HOM ospîtal. Hia condition las nid to ho oe serions litha ba u litd, or De chane ot r.covery. Juet isov the accident ibael~ la net lk uo vu, as Hnom a l l i %rs caieus condition liaI b. bie mot houa prssed ton dolals. Pedestrhansvers tatled wvlin 'b. rUnlssert'àmng tram tie cleanng sop Tumy, big iolhing a map of flelue.-Il Uemed as if everyyInclhof his body from bis ,es te bis beati vuson Ame Soene nuesed tp andti irew a garusent about bi$ body lu an egoit t extînguis tisa dames but it osed almeal imsposible. Otises.OUe .t-u las assistance sud at leugli, aîtos' ho bad beau rolleti ou lheie g-oudfor sme littia Lime, tl ire .veas cti- tlised, but IL vas nettU th ie ggqbt- or prt of is clolisgt bad!b" 11ora. d. Efforts te remove iPortioOf the' irned clothint~ u ~ o i a rO coin. avay wltb it. Hensel. wbo lsa a -a-led sM o chiltrn. vw s taien te Il:îes wii, ail posible speeti a" v r~~ 9belug do e fr 1dm , botit 1. tii . leved Ig tho vga hu4 bMai MbaiIy at ha viii not ho *ie 1C»in. 1. ; Tisa dOaUe t eblIMU tWi ru Dot grit as tbse 6aotmt vas able tu, put oeut h e VU MU. ombWe J. E. Sarrett of Prairie VI.w, The lreident or the Lake Count] Parmera' Instituîts Amnorlaljo for tii comlng year. He lima aiready lutro, duced new Ideas Ioto the nmnner 'o aonducting the institutes that prom Ise tu add greatly to the emlciency oi the meetings. ide. Her disappéarance càkusd greai Conceru amoatg the many frlendaso the famlly, many of wbosi at oncq offered ald ln the search for ber. No Apparent Roasn Tise tact that thane la neo lhil)p Way te au-euniqfor lins. liammenm Atnange dîsappeaance la particularly MYsllfYlng. Sis a iasys appeaed ta be lu the beat of healtis, according to, lien reatives sud vas aivays lunLis. liappleatstat~petfmnil tiste ex. ceplion O et lenlaitwLo on lire. moulis vlan se bneoded ceusiden- shiy ever lie dtiofet ber sîster In eKl.Tbay admit tisane la tis. barasL possibirlity that tîls bnooding rnaY have caused a lemPorary abera. j%, Was HAPPY Tuesday On Tuaatiay lira. Hemmen appear- ed Psrlicularly clisantul, lhe vas ar- rlalug à lIttie birtitday psnty for ber four year aid on vbo la four yaara oit todsY. lshe bat baked cakes and ail kintis et goodias snd isad an- rangedti t Invita lu several litle friands ta, help lime celebrale lie Oyant. Evar>tblng vas in readîness visan site lafth le bouseetaI Io 'clock. gay- lng Aise vas going to taise a littie vals. Wisen ban isbant roLsrnati lieue for lie eveniug meal e lett not teel mucli conoaru as ha Ibouglit tisaI poaaibly is vite vas vlslting at Use borne of oeeoe ber friands and bati fuooen te notîfy buîn or lb. tact. Wben Aise titinot raturu aai ghtî '. dlock ise deterinuatIl vas tima te Institut. a search. Notifies thse Police Ha recounted lien rallier singular disappearance sud gave liam a coin- plete description lu artian that liey mniglit bava a baller opportunity tu tlocate ber. This discniption tollova: 8 Welght-140 pourida. t Age--25 years old. Helgt-5 ft. 2 or 3 inches. APPearanr-WeU're a black bat vitli black pluma, a long ligbt colereti coat tvitis stripes. Complexion lgisI; bair aisoIliglit, This diescription' vas talepboned te lie polica dapartinent et nearby cit- les anti a generai searcb for lisé vo- man vas raquesteti. Tise searcis con- 1terai about Beach sud Zion City as lt vas near tiser. tisat sha vwas lasI seau Accordinu th ie Information givan the police lie voman Iientîinet as9 ira. Hanuman vas valising aloug quit@ briskiy vian ase passedth Le Blanchsrdi place, AtLas- tiat ail traca of ban vas bat. Searci t iîtuted Mn, Hemmen tiia net stop liare. Ne. notifiai soute ot bis tniantas o vlih police oScaer mata an ail nIgist gsec This mernlng Mn. HRmoen rentai au automobile f rom tise Gnifln gar- ge ansd began te scSurtise country nlorth. et Waukegan. At Zlm CIty bo mata quite a 5051'cisumd vas aided by tise -On City Police. At eloven o'ciock tlise momiblg Captain A. A. Walken, beati et Use Zios City police depasbtneuî daclaredti Cat-no lt" mof bar bMad Sen tounti uplets Uo- PirotienRutioiph Mdormatat Roiser t 1>Iqlamon etUseuthe a-jw lion ver. duiltei l lathse .earoIs4 antivd ' dwe AMiedtitema *m'W sorfny. tbey slo Abç WU dSWWilakesios-ebut w.s'ncII tu 'ftd tisa siibtut eoe ~irw Ji"t Indicate tisat Ma-a. Hominon hdbe tiser.. May Wis-e Delcalits Tt la poasIbie ttt te a ~ ' cedt tisIlu asem Mm-.Hose mm aaeceti bî ay" t'mes as 'much as the COMItY Clerk, tihe circuit clerk and the aheriff. the deatb of ber slater ln tilat clty that abe might have decided suddenly to go there. It la clalmed titat thse tact that ail trace or the misslng womm 1 au la lost aftor she paased te Blan- bard place wouid permit thdb -oa btlity that ah. mlght bave returned'. bore and took a train for DeK"1b. Tise1 authorities ln that Cty probably Wlft,ý b. aakod to lnvotigate ant ind wîO tisere la any trutb ln the mqttor. Tbe isearcis ylho CSontinued 1-it 119e trace of the mistu wmm IIg ioou* oraitabo rara, OR ho«,wu MURDERER MES PRISON ESCAPE C'11ago. Mardi li.-Opecliait. Tisa Suu-MttiavS . Tarils, a lite-Lerus- on at Joliet penltenLiany aud a des-ý [poral bod'-up mab, convicttffl Mrtvo UstEu -soetins. age, mmdvta- -on ueual spe fnorn Joliet prie" on . da.Immedlaîely tolleving tis" s -40e Starsaanti 100 farmcem$tos* ai lu gwsit OfthL.e, CaiAnÜant clobedt u on bis 81M4 ho . . e btbreugsa s'egomrala Of ýwltt5 Sa.iliv ecapeti «jjngt 4À 14 WIpv.d to bave t*sses Moi-vay Wpqs Ad Ibfr CSIoogs.- UNION'S FRIENDS Tise Gurnea W. C. T. U. entertalueti their membans aud friands at a bau- quel at île Gunnee hall, on tise eve- nlng et Tlursday, Manch 121h. Cov- ans vse laid for about seventy sud afler a fiue repast, Kira. Many il. Lakea Introducedth ie folloving speak- ara ySdwcwoé sb jecL vas The Nev Citizen; Mal. Jau- nie JUal, Wbose sabbat vas Tise Re- latlousisip of tle New iCtisen te tisa liquor traeie; Mra, Josepiina Amas, visose subjacl vas Wby 1 Want te Vote; and 1ev. Mni. YPnston et Waub isegan vone subJect vas The Signa cf tise, Timon. -. . 00di MUleo as furnse4 by I.4cal ttaO nti a versujoyabieo evuiug colved two hundred votes ln aaid township and J. C. Robinson, demo. cratie candidate, recelved Iftteen votes. John P. Parnsworth waa the repuhlcan for congreas from ibis. then the 2nd congreasional diatrict, recelved the 200 votes. Eugene B3. Paynse, republican candidate for rep- regntative ln tis thon tiese th se.- atorial district. Chao. M. Reed wva the republican candidate for state's attorner. Josaai M.-"Truesdell, canidi- date for clerk or the circuit court. AMDo H. Heath for sheniff and H. 8. Trutrbuilifor.coroner, each receiving tiie sameuumbor--cf votes. The de. eatod democratc candidates ere kprrll C. Joisas for ,ong9reas. Wm.1 M.Case for reprogentative. Henry P. tContiu oP» e'o gg t> hi gt ed t La lae ti wo tri ï47 X y MAJU ý ILL.. Fli IDAY. MAR(M ' )0. 1914 À lmdlrrn in à dN Imm

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