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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Mar 1914, p. 5

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LÂEUUNTY [NDEPNDNT RIDAV. MARCLI27, 1914. WARD'S Tip Top and Daintymiaid BfEAD s beau- E in monthy 100 ..wu And il ybt of mang and et way by The ide- iiew dan- antd bers 'I y indis- to SI 00. T-RIGGS PTYLOR Sucoemoor. o T Phone 2 JElUTrissa Lbertyville AJMuich Time. If you want that suit in time for Faster. Jugt a littie ov'er two wee.ks more and the rush is on, so yon had better get your order in now. Let us take your measure today and get you a suit that you'1l- be proud to wear.. You bave your choice of nome 800 fabrics, every one all.u'ool, and your suit will be eut and tai- ored according to yonr choies of styles. The prices are within the reacli of al ad are exceptionally low for strictly ali.wool tailor- ed-to-measure clothing and are made possible only by the vast amount of business doue:by our tailors. The popular models range from $18 to $30 Ph... 14 J. B. MORSE& Evwyhl.g fSrMs« CO. l'etyvlfl. R Apytbngyou want To buy this Spring in Clover, Tiniothy, Alsyke, Alfalfa, Corn, Oats, Barley, Rape, Orchard, Lawn Grass Seeds You can make inoney by buying 110W wlîile the stocks are full. Price riglit. Corne in, talk it over. We' have it. Feeds of every kin4 For Cow', Morse and Poultry. Liberty.ville Lumber Company Down by the Old Ospot. Phono 47 Been Hore 20 Years. E. A. BISHOP, Manager 0c» ertyvd/le Yii'ms-. xxxxx xxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx ____________________ i I (Additionai Local NOws Page 5 and 2) Barn ta tir. and lire. Willia aaa son on lionda>'. S. J. Deinlein moved til, hou dbl goode of L. B Sueler ta Ni)rth C=c() tusq week, wiiare they wcilii mate tIfeYr bhume. A çon mas barn ta tMr. and tirs Julius Tickets are on salenat ihi-iker & Bond'@ Radko du Manda> and F. B., Lovol'. driîz storeS for "Living PicMrs." mhlihi stu be beld tioyernor Donne bai dmelnated April touight, Maroh 27. 17th as Arbar )a.y. Wm.Tho ofMoran ark wu a Walter Will"am, the two auîd a bail vioitor bers Tueeday. 3ear aid son of Mr i. s ire. Rimer U ifiîaîîîs, cchareaide un :s-izînd street, John A. fHaIt of lFui bah., wac i d auttix o'clock Vu cdîîusi.ay taarnitug town ou bueinees Mandat. Th,. leture at St. La%% n ite'e chareh ('bas. Jorgenâon ut Lonîg Lak,', was cini tîiwn on ibusinu'e iîînîay. A ean wasliarti t, M r. andtiîMr. liii Ru,schi ou Frida>', àari-h 20. P. umsgi'arn aiof aîî mit.l, , a Li.berty viii.. vie.tir '1îi'-da> Thë-stîiry ai theii Round Lah,' i lîppeari siii, a2R' ioi, oi lart t,,,i M r-. . , Zi 'cai tii- .î.itTii.,, laN i iii Mrs c.Wii iii iiî ut G(lak i, Il. W. MSpaffardil iduuit iii.h, as irai,1 @acting business lwiîi' îday ai,) Tii,' "'Tii.. <irl auJ tire. Tramp-" ciii tir iîre.sted at the. Auditorium ruemda, April 7. James Hayes last ccek mored lios fai]Yily ua the..iriîtIne cattage. , i uirütfard stre't, Dont 1i'taîal ta C Living Picture' at the. ('"eqhyterian ctiurch tauigiit Fidlii svening, Ifar. 27. tIrs. L 9. Whtne.y utf(rayslake, is cisitinig at the home ai ber son, l'mr Willianiq and famil>'. Mcc mtcveiu le mnaking extensive iiiî, Praceexile an lier praperty ri'ur tii,1 ".Pinl'îîodie" at Hait Day. IMise Iza Hougbton of Cleveland, Ohi,, la viiting ber sinter, tire. il. E. Wiliam.s and faioily for sereral cce.ke. W4ater Taylor, tir., af Antiacb, mert Frida>' ai lait ment witb hie daagiiter. ji Mre. James Raye. and famil>'. i Tiie ladieseai the Preobyterian churiii a ilii oid a baker>' saise t the. l'au] liay Furulturee@tore gatui da>', March 28'. Tii. Amici club bsld ans of their informai dancing partiseet the Audi- torium Tburada>' nlgbt of lait ccek. The AcSe Camp M. W. A.sud Eîcelelor1 Camp I. N. A. held their montbly socia Yang Tiiureday nighi of tbii mssk. 0. A. Newoom mai called tu Knlgbtue- tomu, Imd., Saturda, nigbl on account9 Of the d.atb 0f his grandmowiber, ]Mr@.a. Davie.1y Dont misa" Living PicIurus" et the Proshyterlan chnrch, Friday evenlng. Marcb 27, (uongbî.) Admission 2&e ta &IL. J. A. Christ le building a beautiful new bungalow Ionnt Hall Day. Brebu and Wagner of Prairie Vew, ae the con. tlactors. Dr. E. H. BSmisb attendad the elinie of the Ililaois Biais Dsmtil oockty lu Obksao trou Mondai tW Thnreday of tbis week. Klas. elvira Mondes and Iaabelie Carlson are spendlng a spring vacation trou ibeir studios at the DeKab Normal, et tl91r houes berm The offices. of tbe North Shore Gou C~ompany and Dymond & Aue"lnwereq rdoeoratod ibis week, contractor Ra"" Galloway dois« the work. Dcker &Bod bave anew ad on ti puge, wltb souethine f olgreat lmpore anc. tu farmer@. Th.y aloo announes a big candi sale for Baturday. It le reported that the Chicago Tel. pbone C.. le planning extensivp lu' provementa on their lin.. uortb o1 Libertyville, work ta commence soan. The sutertalument aifiLs TirlaChapter "Living Picturea" ciii bgiven (tonlgbi] Frida>' sveuing, liarch 27. It is bome talent. The musiecwilii h. good. Came, The Ladies' Aid of the Preebîterlat church wil msst itathue cburcb parlori Thureda>' aiternoon, Aprif 2, at 1:30. Al membere reque8ted ta ho pressai. There ciii bý cork. Visitore welcome. tire. Olendoci and LIre. A. H. Churchill entertain. tti,. a,'uk ciii be delive-,l i y theii.Roc. P.uC ilcitt oiIlf al ark. ne il jsatbkan the. ?¾S" , of e .!the ing Fîctuie' 1- a ii. talefti ýlriiiiiiuHeit tu, le g- ','a thi. lr..i - .Nw 1,27. I t ii 4c r wiii i l. Nl raldlirs. Hacrv ir at.il' ih iuw liiiral ouit ti',rîy aui iii -i"ut waîîkeg.n'lai Iiiy aofItil ii w.-, k Tii.'services m.r' iii iiiti ('.iit hlurch ther.. V Ml. ieowau aiaiditir [rom, Chi, aga is golng ovcr h.iîiaoks af the. -Mredith Flower & 4'.'o.'atîi,'('mpan>' tins. aeek. Mr. wiaa owaudits the, ls aikmofthe campany eery îiîuuîl Nrs. H. B. Eger attii li.iithe O tate1 mrriiltion of the PRas iii \"iglîlor Camup1 ccliih caa belci ai ii iîîgîirom' Tu..sday- ta Tbnrsduyoi [astrccsek1 ics. lger wsut as delegate aifRîeelor Caiip;3S7, .limm Kathie BemofraiiMNilwaukee, wam the gneet af ber sîster, tirs. Peter Niîîa.rw sud fanîili>'for t,,,i. ceeks, Mliw..rs and Mis& e biîicintawe If you are gaing ta sqwing an>' ga ai t ii heur brother. Joîi itehýai ati tue @pctnfig yuî ledter c... oure. 1 WfVu .ng, returutng to ii urtc cille last l, at.. iitti tii.. lct reputatian i Fririay. giiar utecdltacliv.. 3ear..L.betyvi 1 ïmÎ,'rCo,orce27- 'lh.. ightb mr er'.terahi lii lace awcaY 1' ____________ n tlîim vicinit>' since the.. iret iof tte y.'ar aý Siciiolas Rohmer Whoii, leonged tii (irinding t-very Weduesday and Thtr CoimpianiyC, 4tb Mteotiîrl<avair>' H.. day at Ea.. ouýLumber Ca (ieîd ln the homne focoit]aldiers at International Sugar Fsed 822 per t( Milwcaukee liarch 5th. Frank Baben ahf for sale bjy Home Lamber C'o. Vuruai, le a nepbew. Mir. Riohmer was ï74 yoar aid. Tisai yanr @eild cith Anti-Smnt ai The toccO board met at the offies ai incrsaie the crap. Sme ad on page town dcik, Wm. Deeker lu Deilter & Home Lumber Ca. C.26-lf Bauds@ ding store Monda>' afiernoon, undes@Lightnln« houp Cnre for W and appoluted R. W. Bulkliy asseeor Iola &lduflta 0 n 10 MI1 the vacan.>' eaused'bv the. d.atb of b>' il du. si. Oca 0 .0 bohoFrnkie k . cMr.B2kl-'i Thé ralutail for@six monthe, tram Beptember 1, 1913. f0 Mareh 1. 1914. le ove elgbtinlches deileient. 'l'e rec~ord as obowu b>' the ram gaug.. ln thé. Fir*t National Bank for the perlod in 7 66 lncbee ai agaînat a normal ai Fl 167 nacbes. Thers weasno perceptible rainfali durlng the month af March ta date.The. normal for March le 1.92 iuches. maki", a total of neari>' ton inches detlcieucy lu ihe aitseve mothe. John N. Bernard Look posseecian of the Libsrtiville garage on Tueeda>', havlng purchaaed tue garage and entire equlpment fra. George Quentin an Mondai, mention af the sale being made tu our lait tes. tMr. Bernard, wbo momeboe.front Auamosa Iowca. mig move hie famil>' tii Lbertyville in a tom day@. his botàehald sooadq iiiw .elag on the way hum that cit>' and tii. car le exPece..d tli r-itlier, l'y raturda>'. Thu'>' aiiiuueupy t1wi ii iig ri,îiîls î,ur the. garage, b icli ailcn ia an ,u p i-d l' .1 îlui DaY anîd faîiîiPvi Tii,' tii vi, 1iîî' ,ii Tife'ri r ,- ,e part.. la. fil'd thu-f i -c e,, ... Ii hi'r nIiiiiniiitel iii.h . . if i lrî,Wen noinilri's î.-u-i., l ictte lt, il w iaî Ik iiu.i.. as si' r Tlîîî, ii' 1ragureî'sieîi s vill hl ive a "iuiipiu'te.Tii..vacauvy on ile ii illuîuiratic tii'k.'t cause'd b>' tie i.ai.- draccal iif John Weicli Who wae nominated as aeeessýIi, Lad flot butni lll..d up ta Tiiursday niorning, and tho racancy on the Republican ticket causeed b>' the withdrawal al AIrs. J. L. Tay.lor as echool truete.. ta tliivacancy, almo remaiueaoapen up tei Thureda>' mocning. l'h.. public question am ta wbether tii. tocca Gh Lbertyville shall abalisb hei poili tai will ho vated on at the coming election. The qluetion wlll appear on a ïIeparate ballot and bîîth the men and women voteraccWi ho psrmitted ta vote on the. proposition. joua rrangutin ienome. rU ru.îL-t.. appalntmnent mesn, th*$ h. ulli serve ai Busor until Apri loti 1915, regardisof aiwbo Iaeleed ta that office nt the elecilon to be held AprIl 7th. Word waa recelved boe Monday of the auddon deatb uof(lav..oeWells wblch ooeurrsd Bt bis horme ln Titusyluse, Florida.Tb@ rimai,. wllib. brou@bt boresud a prlvateftumoralhld from the home of bis aister, idra. J. 8. Grldley, on Obrinafit Court. Interment Bt Vernon meery. Hb6wB5tii.oldmoal amtl of @ix chldrmn. th rse brother. and two "liesnrvvllnag hM. The Melii.htorv of Mr. Wells iiinb.louait on page on@ of part îwo. GEO. L BARTOI4 The irl tn The Tramp asyme Gardicer and Goe. C. Veke & ai -'The Girl" "% l,~Tranmp" Libertyville Auditorum Tuesday,7t ADVANCE SEAT SALE LOVELL'S DRUG STORE FARMERS ATT ENTION! A 50oc nvetment cili bave yau $5(). rI cu i >r Oat, and Wheat fo mltwihFORMALDEHYDE Now le the trne to give your ties and ebruhbpry thrlr tirst sprautug. W.. carry a full Une of Insmticdep, Lime and Suiphur Solution, Bordeaux Mixture, Arsnaîs oofLied, etc. DECKER & BOND, Druggists Phone 53 LIBERTYVILLE SPECIAL SATURDAY SALE Dehicious Chocolates, reg- Guth's Delicious Confec- uka,%50 value. Full pound box tions priced for Sat. of Goths Famous Baltimore chocolat«.. .....................29c urday only.........1 . mis pet Iernd toola, @barpon @awu, aclaore skata, and do rspalring ou furniture, nad odd lobe. A. P. Raugbt, Biret street. p-26-4 Farinere, Ineroas your grain erop hi uslng Anti.8,t. S.. Bd 0opane 8. Home Lumber Co. c-26-i Il you sire gong ta swing bmy gai.. ibis apring you botte ours. Tib@ Gate mlibtii.be ot reputetion and guarantosd for Ove. yeoirs. Ubon "I-ls Lumber Ca. =c-2. For Sae-tu il rooni houms, sultable for ans or two famille@., mth aIl modern Improvemnei; loi 1251200 faut, 25 bearing fruit iruesoaiail klnde. &bols suali fruit; good barn and hmenue Fini location MKinley Ave., lbort. ville. 111. Inquire af E. D. Hubbard, Piione 14. c26-4 Photo and Optical Worlt C. A. Ileoet mlii b. lu lîbertyville an Monday and Tneoday, April Otb and 7th, ta attend ta aIl photo and aptical work personally. Thoas needlng new e>'. glasas.or spectacle@ ples rimeubsi thesesdates. c-1 NORTH4 STORE PHONE 29 You wili see froi our report puhlimhed la,4t wee.k that our deposils aniount to $585,048.59. The faliawing itemmin aur "Itesources" undicate Our abiiity ta jiav the:e deposite: Loans and Discounts ............... $38 2 Bonds and Securities............. 1O.~I Banking House and Fixtures ..... .... Cash and Due From Banks .......... TOTAL ....$681,754.10, Lake County National Bank * LIBIERTYVILLE. ILL.I Capital, Surplus and Undi*ided Profita. $95,000.00 B3uy your FIELD, SIEDSI Red Clover. Timothy, Aisçjke, Red Top Blue Grass, Rape Seed. Wie Clover IF.eld Peas and Seed Coin. Oîîly the bent ecede bandled. O1 IBR MTYVILL Phono 50o CORLET & FRJ3DERICKS Phone 90. L1EEETi VfLLX ILL Choilce irocerles a nd Meats CHAS. D. PROCTOR INSURANCE PIRE. TORNAD, LIFE PHONES 154-R ANED 50 LIBERTYVHJ.E, ILlINIOS ms Who a1ea providasfor bb iwlO deam' S -E E y AN IORN Old Cole" iLUeu* asase ' C"mw rnl~et RI~edy --- EA S TER IS COMINO Look over our New Spring Sliodes i Fancy Dress Goods SILK POPLINS, WOOL CREPES and BROCADES FANCY COTTON CREPES, VOILES, BATISTES Ready.to.wear Waists, $1 to $3 di id Dresses, 4 Malte your selections while the linos are comploes. JUST AMRVED-A Full bine of Children's Ooods White Gingham Dresses, 50c ta $1.50 Kimona Aprons 25e Petticoats - - - 50C Princes. Slips - 50C Crepe Gowns- - soc Drawers - - lOcm25c BUSTER BROWN SUrTS aid ROI~ AiU Colore and Pile Couic and inspect oui stoçk 2-STORES-2 SOUTH STORE PHONIE Si 5c and 1lOc Loaves Yance Grayalake W. W. CARRLOLL ~SONS COMPANY lit. 1-

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