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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Apr 1914, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEL U VOL. XXII.-N'O. 28. BIXTEEN PAGES LIBERTYVILLE,,LAKE COIJNTY, ILL., FRLDAY, APRIL 3,1914. ONE TO EIGHT Si ~O PER YEAR iN ADVANCE W~RA M RLCON. FESSE$ TO 14 MIN4 TOLD FASUD VIRGiNIA MoRËA ADmITs THaT THE StUNTS $NE PUTO VER IN TVR FOWLER toU« wERE CWM~OTÉD IN HER OWN Ï*b;-AD-. - r MI O SueT~s ATTOR-. NEY DADY, JUDGE DON- NELLY AND 01R. FOWLER Waukefan, Marcb 27. As a rest etdacUeres liaI lbe chilis bantrvlng hxpme« ncaus"a related tloea vers untrue snd coi&- inateul la ber own Ènind tbrough a de. sire to gel aYmPstbY snd attention. tis loreimner on trial in ci1rcuit court. witb ber as compiainIng vitness, (eo. Kugmaano. Was today dismissed in * circuit court amid very sensational <saturas. Incindlng the denounicement ofIthbe cbiid actreslbath by Judge DonneUly and by States Attorney DaiY. This diomissal of the prison- or andl the Jury came after the states attorney and the circuit judge lial buard the child admit liavlng duî.ed friend a whli adt given lier a home. bi, telling thc most weird tales, of Intiti- dation, attacks, etc. The outecome of the cases aealust the fcrelgners, wberein the )IcRen girl was complaînlng witfleRs In son)(, cases and thele hhunk girl complain- lng wtness lit aolhers. mnari,, thep 'id of secuattional charges agaîtîst for' elguers which have fallen flat afier belng prosecuted itorouýli iii the states attorney on thi, a.ýsutntito [biat two girls of tender azi lioliicê-, outraged. It was a case s livre fiise men fscid tlic peulentiar > on fihc c-arge of immature girls s.Ijo luter in the cases pros-ed ta b h-iîaningi and far lrîîm sn innocent a- heir agPi w ould Indicate, cases m len - the states sttorney In Ir) ing ta do hisi duty ta the chidren, was îlaced In a very avks'svd p@otion, for widi thse girls cialng vbat tbey did, lie feit ho vas doing tbe riglit thing in prose- cuting the cases and now. it seems. loreigners m[gbt have lîeen sent t,, the penitentiary for offenses tise) reai- ly did flot commit. What $ho Claimed Afler the Lohink and McRea girls were brouglst Into court. Attornev RaR F. Fos er took a fanrstoaIlie Younger chid, lirginia MItRes and after InvestlgatIng lier surroundings, ofered the court ta take lier honte. lit ber ont sith new clotîtes and fake cae of lier pending flic set tiement of the trials in whi-h ste sas ta lie a star witness. Thte child apicaléd 10 hlm and lits wife as l"inc ssirthv i, attention and gaie liromise of bing * helped mucli uder iheir care. Well, site sas taken to their home fitted ouftih iee iothes. wasien anîd slickcd «p sud site seftleîl dos n. seemIng tb like ti-r niiimhme s liîlý NI, ansd NMrs Folu-er becal tachled tb lier as wel. Buot, shic lîad flot rit icctie,,, 10,19 11Pfore site starfcd In FIRST-Slie came forft ses oral days ago wtfbtlie sensatiiînal staf e mîxîit tuaI. wile alone tut III, Fouler htonte, shte heard a nîoise ini the nie nient, that site iurrieul la sec u-hat Il <as andl there sais a Greek stand. In, ouside. sho. shakittý, uti singer * warucul ler ta lie quiet and theti tolul lier If she testitieul against fice(ireeks lie would killIlher. SECOND)-Next sste came ouf with the furher sensatlonal tale lait lion- day affernoun wihle Nrs. Fowler wss ulstaira lu thelr home. that a Creck sneakcd loto the bouse and grabbing lier, bound bler banda iîehind lier liack. gagged lier andl tIen threateucd lier life if ste testilleul against tli, foreiguers wiho sere îîrlsoîîers' liti court; NîIrs.,Fowler rujhed toto flie bastement a d there found fthe girl. tioundnunîd gagged; unfasteniog lier she told the story of a Greek basin g piaced bler In that condition and given ber further warnlng tisat If ie tes- tified against the Greeke. fliey wouid kilt ber. THIRD-The following day shte add- ed a chatter ta tihe trelous days experleuce when site stateul tiai the Greek in quest ion, affer entering the h ouse and btndin5g and gagglng ber. tried f0 attacit and mistreat ber. Tbe revelattons and disciosures of the girl came as a result of Mr. Fow- ter liavtng grown suspicions that site miglit have been sliamining in sonie of the maoy experiences site reported. In fact, bailsite fot trieul ta pull off 90 Many Stunts ahe likely wouid have gt away witb theni. The other eî-ening Mr. Fowier and hie wtfe tkthe girl fa depute h'her- lt Clint Green's home; fIe amen set down tosvq. leturning later. flic S chilu was asleep out lite coucli. NI . Fowier watclied lier sud seeing lier draw ber lianuls acrosa lier wrlsfs as If she wero untYing a linot, shovtug t em tut ber face and doing ail kinds of stunts lh i iews vnte awake. fi h a vnte Ho a*akeueul ber, talked to ber and ti se .returned ta the coucis, iaeemitly dropping asleep. Agato alite vas awaketsed andu again ques. 0000eu vîi tiste resuit that tise Incon- istenciolise odiaplagoul caused 1Mr. MOE AT STATE HMES.RijiUES ALLE(iEI WOMEN AM THE <MRIl SETS NINE DEFIED COURT BOWS TO ______ HO ES STORK AT KENOSHA. SpringfTIelEdS]IL.TUE CA ScIiOI4E&I)QUES. FIRS AT L. FOREST Kns isMrh27-w a «rhla he tm f te a a board ef f.to suliE A torey04 o pnion o tiseau C 6 TINTHiE ACT Davld Mufro yesteriay Sent the aller- i"botrt$= Th bord ln a akedta ffl t oblo ontheiff ta finu bis. Tise siserif f ouni the lttler tu huais of the varions state queti iai "monen yl ho doctor busity bsllng these aork bring Insituionfais, oda mae kovnCar an ArhurMw Wer -'nlit ea0 d ty suPar*a- Eeven Year OId Phyllis Oldsa ababy boy lâto Illevorlul. plduonfre idi a nonC n d. urMw eetadento Section nort 'Yous casnxmieme for My sanlty Ils purpose. Thé CpturedOnt pAlanrcou-hl lysIssu. Ar onas Ar e y fie ie any day," sald fth: doctor, "but litisn't sW Isttubo lrm ng Rate. et Rondout. avq@e iOsforheile ut- Sterting a Fire. baby boy 1k. Uis. You viiilavla ta -hwabry e et" -pl .fic l fnulme gislty of coifteme blit My BIVEN A KIÊkRIN'G TODAY. Il * v1 O . DWT SE E OR r al duty lis ote b h n44 ils bh BROTI iOP-lifTE Men Mealn acboutapemiioli lb. Sttè Fire MW" alGos~ P! LET JIJDMi3CANO fAfT Case of Champagne N 7 a delIlcortÎ Has Been Watchlngth B - hew 0_Dipache rasBaei ifVtesahaute- Case for the lPaSt Week D09{ATE SERVJIR S BLOMETT PASSES Cari aud Aln cvs es SiaISceof 055 amount of F R given a bearlng In Police court Wukea. arb 7 OR- w» R AI lorcel C. Bidetareletf Walter Taylor ai Waukegan 'rsrday njj .The nine tires wblcb ln lbhe lait Page county Ince Fort Dee$rm atternsoos at 3 o'clock. vers atrrestl, M II tvo veeke bave attracked the rusai- dayo. died Tburaday ai bisresidsuce- fitdevelops mly after Secat Offfcer deuce o Sftarias O lai ner for Charles Ruissell Says Ho In- ln Dovners Grove. Hoeva " yrs Charles Meyers bad pursueuld tens b. ><- ~R LusF vl, eeexlie atends t' akeAppeê t Ev ol.Hewsa rtero lllietee w adtr iesllhecb TE M UN evening wben a policenmn caught 5 SUU hI~II nid.e Henvasyabotherof teilaten vo ndl firee inles liecabOlda' eieven-year-old daugbter, Phyl. eryone in the County. .ldg HenyBlulet a h.Ijili fa lliyapein lcosola. TUdhE I.setîing lire tb the kitehen iteps. Statea District court, for years a ros- 'Tie Young men fitle aald are nets- FOR WIJ1i and &s ha confessed that aBe lied set CN ACM LS UH identof Waukegass, the laIe Major halvs of Train Dspatcher Mov of the ail the cillera. _________SH UCH E. . Bodgett of Chago ani CapI. Chicarosî iwke t. Pali Uilnfortunate Younu Woman inl Part of a bouse ln Deerpatb avenue, Asks That This Road Improve- A. Z lildget 0fWauegan bat ve- roul.Lakce Forest, ovned b> Thomas Doug- crans f the inety-lxth Ilinoisln- Th men wre .res..illofe Ieedrylas. TwoSe Teeskofago laegan a ses aaesegn aentrBe mDnnee one DateteSet fantry andl of Charles Blodgef t o!afternoon. NIe> ers was at Rondout et a o' tires tht drove thee faml> trauieidasGoDy Dovners Grove. He la asrvivod b> a thecfirme fixe tieft took place. He Wauke#an Experiences. Final] Patrolman AI Hoffman was Asid sGo Roads a sridow. a dauglifer. Miss Cora C. Blo- haulnoticeul fiic men wero acting rst ASAL O TE DN etuulth at hthe boures.iwysocrel 'ale usei out uprne gett, sud two sons. Edwvard Blodgutt rpu ah ASALT H AC.fudta h ie lasocre hre uslcut ueitn of Green Riay. Nis. and C'harles Bledl- er upiçlouslv andl made lit bis hgsi - betw'eïn 3:30 and 6 oclock 1). m. dent of bighuays lu Lake countv, fa- gett of Dovners Grose. 'Funeral srv nesq to inul tîupt, iey were neotlem- [ast eNenlug Hoffman say Phyllîs day caileul atfention toeflic tact fatie ices fruîm lits late resideuce et tue ployed lucre. Fiiualiy tliey disappear- !Declares Local Dance Hall 0v- co nte from the kitdhesi ta the boack Covernor Dofnne ln a -proclamation, oclock Frlday afternooxi. <'d.er Saloon, -With Unlighted oc s d loshe edoor ir hf r s stsilIcrl1 s Co ed A ittlc biter tue couductar of Dance Proved Fatal. suy one sas about tu faliiuw lier.fias' arndlise asks fliat eseryone inI Fouler fui1,,I sure slî-h s s, festfrainu un fie St. Paul ruae______Theisse lul ali a nd fittouer stock i ukealsgau sud L.alc-ofxufy observeý mlug. icallf.d op îfrotuu .s xearby station anoll A', ousc tioman oaI 18 years. living ig. drew ouftnietches and plîter andl the date liii s ittiugmoe Questi'One Her, Geta Admision îtjoried flintf uune o? the merc.-e in ua tiîrtli shore suhuri, Satarday, I. the lire Ifsman ciusld lay frattdes ran ltefnrfiiliOfsihom. lie hezan qnlnzlis,,arcs unulbien broten fot-l ei -asitaku-u loto counfy court, chargeul ou lier lad a tuerrv littie blaze goiug ,olher ouis x aufi flic ci ild and 'l'minl lî yadxiul,'lhdelnun5ixaigwthle urler the back steps. The iticullcoI hase iixrxed out oi ttie gond f'ha t:ie ftalostsiloe haui tuld or flicdlc, 'bu d nctî,nslimle huhts lenne>wbvig ,tl l er nt expiain wl> she starteu the liret rad"as.xdlss oeiah t Gncls a: pi.arifig at flic licui.sanrlîbil camttfec tiue theff and the de- tsi motfis olu cbild. A woman rep lTie apreliensiou ofthfle yuufg girl i inulioso fieconditioni of tIc ruades lu foi; lierorie andbindhig hr ailothr scripiin reuntatîse o? thethelmenMe%,s .s umanesooftheolloînleuHuaaneeo-s uniwedta wai'sonncati. fleir(onc mnionît-mu . TheTheasxei eax fll iuig lier ý ea sudessdauu aler theoIllincrisidotctcolbudydDsnlls lfeDmen M>donc in las preset andlthe lamin1is ductdoit i.si it rxuc-- ýlt Iuui.hall ci, luad siet . Nîcyern irst Impres thoue for folidllngs vas present and ld, La ennis iilîiuî:'s'o uudn u[lecuft îî hn ua lieluVlma P e ceinîritd. y t> ate ireli cter fie motter lisa been iresetiteul ri ti du do t iefitilt .-,Mrsi m's, flatIflue men miglit have thec hild sill be taken care of by the mars a1fiilos \rftlos~ ta tlem fluat .al,,fil lic siliing te do "Vier bu il d - ui do ut. iaîcStore asscitiner being sent flîcre. lad bis attentionxxi%,haftisee axi. 1I tenul te xorkxouf "Thcer. u u flasgusluinolbeu 5 tome51 Rev. Thos. Quayle vas present, haro- 1directed tosard the girl and lle inal> Ia titan and stîlmit if to l peo TIc cii ges lstatue ximItfuuitd [Lake- i.feu- niglifs before. as inztcen requesteul te permit fsth stpb utie -ofa fe tccni fr teir thepole o slIn Foierqe l. lhirfx the desriptîuin scemed tef0 it them t court t0 parole tise Young womnan teset ~ a rn fo siattiflic gIn. ie-lhe te pent ore io ar wilgf dnu she selul that eîle gett l.tug H sn afuhen hr h a lpsil ecnefu imseif manageul ta detract attention lsclli gond roadseraultitreout on April auhu iigsdteetougbls of 1e ismsdiotwdapleo rsi I i as amial!dboylfi appen- Ite himseif and in fIls svay. the girl, 15 sud belipImprove the rmade. Some doiog tihse srnts famn*- mtoer -.iUOOuadg tLiis taon»,ide ibel ed fliat oeelits ber sould have watclsîn& g ila helimac,<sa xn nopen diteies, saine cao repair m n sae lad f0 carry tileulotfuniba1 r illsioichmpane alsto n hoxn iasL . J ed isov to et lielabeal irfe and then colverts ani stlit other can atten~d eI then feifthese Greeta ye-" fac-fu 1fat1 oteho hapg e ieasfonishiug tale as fallowe: I tpoieman., sathiog trou, ,be f0 lifting In ishere Iutle necessary. I 'fglrisonofIeo theories of a li sa enbrlu hr. I trt1 muea albarn, nabbed lier. Ihinkthfat many wil ble sililng te do- get ber la admit fhe ailegeul attacte hlai a mle te fIe depot andl requisi-lielli, on Genese treef, viser. there stable In tise rear of the home. This fIe', ceaille that so mudli good wili onhee trc. ioedaloootveadiavn ar-leaSaloon biw. humr!ueulfatbe grounul. The second rosuit fromn I. We aiso wlsb fe get onhrZere unfre toelalmtiv sd.a.n 'It alstacted tiithe moonllgbt 1 -as5 inuthe tal Iset of a lhorse, the as many festif as possible lu order "I ha ve lied lahout these ofler cd thsf te tico men hadll een seen dauces whlirh wurs a teature of those girl bailng set lire fe the bay. thaf maferlal may le removed tram thinga. but whist1 said about tliem w altiugusfiltice direction of Melody. acs Ilsrmî ie ufi erdthssduel1 iîu s lcs raping lme is rue,- ounidl e. iacsTeOd ail e ntera ithsadueteMlnerpac. Dsdy Mates Statemen nearla-ke Forest, lie ordeceul the en- "I base seen girls ln short dreses, IIstairs osver tlie blartsmlfh sîîop,1 see no reason the plan cannot lie ltetnrning to tise court States Aj gner 0o p aenfi throtfle wide and girls of 14 aud 15 yeara of ago danc- Thomas Douglas, a veterlnary, oc made ta wort otnt as successafully lu tene Ddyadresig heJuy ai ak te unasfat s osibe.Hefng tbere ln thlose dancos and l In h upn h aet eer Kel [sLae ounI> as Itlibas in other cons> Tto Ineaifbsd addrieng th s urald' aefi una afa psil -emoonliglit dances. Possibly Ibeir ex- rnanaheflcbactemiflialoi>. ities.' Itoeluil liie eriece as n con.haul decideul to use a locomotive atter periences were ncaf ite lie fume as orlt Itnow WMOT D TWOli tact iitl or heard of a case Uht its lie ld failed te selur a gasoline mine but thev coîxul notlho luch bef- Tise girl, aller being arnesteul, ioulId îîreseuted sorti remartabie teatures. 1epeeder atîd lie teta durlng the fer conslderig tle crovd fi n t- net teli l> hyabieda been setfing themN T E N W lile caii,'d tIe jury's attention te the 1tirme lie laed t etetwo mess voaid tee sloan lohe urronullgaof rni Is lcs.Sie nîfedsttu ls lIlIR tisetsalon belol bmany otus tisetatemeunsif la positive site set them aIl tac tatluiIl oueuxx tatmet haie lime fa gel soine itf le distance. indulge lun beer. etc., snd lie uicorne iTtc only expisuat ion liliat elle lixtk "erday. lie hart flot ciaimeul fIat Tiien foc, a fast train was due ln ten f0 me was but naturel. 1 repenteul a' C ILDREN M À L thema ws uity bt ia lefot sec tle lire departmnent mate the CiN A L soulit podue a wlfness ulo wouid1tinutes on the samne trackat het ae a ndlb. a inth iralls-1ro thfe place. TIc grcatest dam- n tustîfy ru i etais tilcts. flst le laed englue 1uad ta go fast enougli te teep iemtisa don5 sîluetsefus stableeburdsru" ixuae fuai ettant di saîl uss ataulo? Uc pssener ao ich c an air(] no dlrectly attribute u tedeîîartimeur ihIcked ail the JAD F il de oitreiari adisalv ire- aeadof irepasengr tainandte hemoonlightu dances un this par- other's. nuuci as ait Iittte lesas "makins" ceach Mellody ln time te0tfate a sidlng. ficular hall.'hssft ia liatn aeM ut. lie msas tau-..essed of certainilutfonir arh 8 tuatlon ico;urerîiug flhe muiaulg If sas a wsud ride. Wlfli uothing toi The mooxii.-Lhu(lsnce te whlih ibonîstucas hee tacge ou fe nare dhlîrx. Je aN13 u lut, fus-vss. \Ir.r.tiia lcRea . irclimîade ai-t as a chieck tfliclocomiotie coctellt 'ugioutu erdhoe iilwuîti ias e hexi: agued o0n tme- 1îrs. SanJocl .asnsd le l, film verv oubifu 1 o tire defndant's peilouswleasilailslus alinlifMeeun lieehalltheitli ts liatsehaorps tf hinsestcopstofsisudtilieoss ad ulil a .étiai. l aacloseclese ascaeetram guilt. Mn.i)ai> liî.î detautleil tte satat thfle cal sindow. teeping an1 ed to represent tire menare furncd txuriN mas nelirusenttaU trusfilts oveccome lu>coalsi isicil escauîed accesf of thlr- doiendatut.sudflue tire- eye abuaulta get flic firef isght o? tihe ?ut and lie <at> en-icontinue dancing >district. f cla efeefie leatitîg stasýe Tie- fies. that file complaluing sîitness hal colliers.t> identiy fixe Dieu lad an- 'ntemoigt~~,' - are sf111 ln a rafler sentons condi- liCOu f aanoIeulI bJuid, -e l'ccssis iii tulîiatcl io sudclishse, for ws-h fi 'JHN1' IVCft I tfln. Mr. 'rmerad ie ubeuet inci UAiuUfppoli ie tBUTehiLIedno irs. Korasit is a sidow. flday duuss Iul ii îdilaîudui fi ear. lut sfepped asîde ta ailow It tae Ài HUERII<TA G N IImle ie rprdt ot re .He ifortied lic dry lintIr% ldalter a lard ulsys svoct, abs ullu pîersiatentf qnes-ioning \1nr. owlef tîpsss Eseietuusîcuit came to a itop C l VEfDT E Cnet vas-muich attention ta lier coat laed obtisled lie on -uîssliu tuat 51- Iuie>did 001 aflenult to gef away. Wirth SÀILÀR O RI U I SL1. ISDTILL tase and ln seekîng fa chIeck fi,. lad ~ ~ ~ hi leurn nrgr i l tti evolser inx tanul Meyens leapeul-- 1d UI~ . closed fle damper ln tIhelpipe. TIc, tacts made uoenlier lu bis botuse. out sud covereul témen, ocdecîng .ludge T. N.\LI, ms o? lie Wood-______e.uîaping fxlmes werc not noticcul and tha Jdg DnnII, Ir Trrll Nr.tirurentfasalmîf ,to annesf. He funfond counfv <trit nt, bsgiven a a lakeganIac-1.soaIlwr vcme Passion and hluixssîf lad îîuestiancî otu îi as >SacI At an early bon tiI, uonnxustfli lier famr candl lu every cotîccîsaîle four boîflea of lite stoleu champagne question asfi n'iii tien wouen mliilue 1:At(able toa aChbicago affernoori u-toanofier larfîs awakeneu sitI a click- ~ asfa he rufh0f er hanes u fleinpacefs e lnoulîtthe erest ttI theeitîr--fate aud lit ile -iper tfuuîii> frousuL.iîerpool stafes fliat tîg. oppresacul feeling. Site tnicul ta waasa fe Grhe tsl sutho ircainoL t he Wauke sad adHe m ulo tunelieveul lIat tlîi. loiision lathfli ist 1liii W. Dt>Ka). tonnueriveditor sud naise herseif lu led but usas tue seat in tth aIe acacher jbt to ut s tonsd>f u n flcacnl>lae e lck one liaudeu diii>»irtuhfe sublct oaner uof te itaulegan 'Gazette, lias andl droapeil hrkment, lngabl tecath ler n astoy dt- p i th ciy jli.By thc lînot sionts of the olu laut. latel> tmade extensive fiacclases o! SIc reatizeul fIat somclhîng mas ferent titan shaf sIc bld epenter- v TirTe Mos- liol lera den> haIlg toi- tle treasuner it flue high.v-ay centm iara i iEuopeorîionfle Huerta gos- icroi. Tîst for lite inaf lune sIc tolul. Mc. Dady salul flat s-lite titiIsoeswsetildt eev h charges againaf this <Seek mîgît le ceitflichelampagne. Tlipy declane thaf t sins<a n ti t eeiefe ert inu l Mexico. amelled tI th as. Hec thougîlt went sa, til knwin th treendus ýrpItlpy rian ILMr.Cown, ea o sul dand lirtuLci tuti atid sifltorizlzo fito ls hecalicul that fieKa>-put oser1teflie saft f oiec biltles as eslc sostil nowug heIreenooscccf ue>foaulIf.Mn Caee,, e5d0freceipt for sane lthfe provisions fluecSlexican pacting company as a catils flic She muet try f0 save ative and *tiseatrical sbiliîy of fici tle St. Paul detectivQ bureau le ex- o! the recently îîasscd T ic. road faut resulf of lis close relations iitl for- tiruret at tsiv ost. She massaged te ehid lie lieifated ta offer lber as a pecteul fa lie. boire luis afternouu f te lesupervisor of fhe township re- mec Pcesiuleu Dilaz, lu tact. at the crawl onttue ud ddragged herseit tful itnytess iclose testimoxn,tarchreoth rleutn Nry evstefns ieI a eotdtaDizId lnghelortawno. Se questionaîle ta îirn, mîgît reenîflu ascageo li oeuin.M yheqvestaion- narase: "Who us xeIt isu ereparlnersinthe iazna lor itg tu-uraieta s butwin. etps lhe Incarceration o several men for ens le befng given mudl credif for is aufliortzeul te neccîse the 1913 taxes?'"trice tonrt)cKssvolulaineul sea mny sess thie sfnengfl. Then resachiug up the reet o!flicîir natural lîves, sud for splendid s-ork lu arre4fixig tise fso. To gel s decisuun ouithtie matter favori anul conicessions fnom fhe govs aulîgîx as sice coutil sIc rappeul tee- flint resson would agit te have ttche n.i Stafe's Attorrie, Thamas Kennedy, o? erxnfihat if mas tf lhe tresudlenf ]y. Jasegefntyale r flicclose Il causer] a genulue Sensation wlien Minonk, prepareul a brie! vhlcI lie nmuat have a personal inserest lu the As god fortune would bave lit s Juc. Dys remafr th deese fIa bcm inw st fli omnlIed ln tIecirmcait court, Iu Juge poef li ttnuentIna ficegur sdrîecrlsdIad Jury nd tod thet therosat ofaieia'er decisione nle fouf ths191the bleandes of s neceiser sud sf1ilu fl tat flic taptiing on the ylindow. He sur- jury~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ su ou bmterîl fbslblrara eenthw ~f 93taxesalionlî l lue paid to bbc treas- i.iape. teKay usîlus lis brother andl îniscd Ilat something *as wroug and affempf s fo discover wheher the girl train dispatchier o? the rosît. tirer of tIe higiliay commiisloners aflier men. sers indicted l set fail lxx lasîili stsmmauing bis mile rau fa s-as iyiug abolit the matten chargeoi. TIc case agaînef flic Mow Iroîhens as uiller flic oid las. conuection milî tle tallure o! a ts&nk tle wîndow wbere tIe napping lied oc- did ual change lier elory lut tbat bier wlAtciaio ilivee, at f lPoideneR. I. andl since thexi cunned. A glande fusille mas enougli ouan admIssion diaf be haed been iv- h eechargeul yitli having bliot- Ath.to ua I atn oS o us en otoa cr a Rudaf ws dsmia-compnssting woulul laten bie brongît tle feulerai olicers have beatt tryiîxg Ttc mother's streugfh laed deserf cd lug in natters luvoiviug a great desie un cra edntwsdsis up, Judge Rancis added in bis de- to aptîrelienul John W. but ver.u- lier anul ah. bi falien bnet on the o! defailito vhicli eh.e conîlatenti> cd late Tbursday as It wa decîded eiion thal flic tnasarer yIllî recelve sucx-emsffll. They acresteul Henry De- fleur, once more overcamne fi the bi adîcreu lunhi opinion cast en- tIe evideuce was not sfrng enough no compensation. Key sud lise oflier mecü and lbey arc fumes. % ougli doulifooulber credabllity as te fa bld thoem. nom out ou bonds. The neiglhor valted for nso more, miruta ao? te evideneulb sie vuteWord lias heen reuteivou lera o! tise The cabie !rom Liverpool shovlng Phaclng bie shuuldar ta the door lie giseh lu theis lialden safiaxuall mat- d ad(0e lcmh ?De-deahinlaPortlandl. Ore., of James DeKay Io wortiug mîithIbe IoderaI forceil fitln. He Was driven back by gvnfer. smlryonaioa a-,Ewr "Dc Berelo er Burrove. a forumer resient of War- goverumeut at Mexico Ifidicatea .tbat the otyari rush of gai fumes. Go. t ier. feCaes ieldl las ilci s wrif 1> wlîldh lie asti rens and oue oftie -leat knovwn rosi- tle former editor in stii up amhoug lng t a telegibone lie summnousi Dr. Diamin the U«Ifice Circuit court ta enjoin the St. dents of the couoîy. He Vas a brotil- the officiai circici of Mexico, visere M. J. ICalowsky. TisaI v as at 5: 30 Thecss imisdcsaasuesI sî airsl rm utlg ou h e-ava Jie ocs r<asrvs ocaahI frunsatoceafe 'cok.Tsepof «nracel i flhc MeRea girls confessions adtePu lsudtan tiseontee o ug oe.MI.Uro' iecs i otne ioc i ocok h b*ib ece h Lolin girelncnssteclî, ncud: radin rot o li~ lae.Thé e Sm-deali tolloweul s strate ofpralysie. leaving Waukegau. - acene ln a remairiable short lime. Lohnk irr IconistncesIncud: rsitlnfrot o lts lac.i v iedlabofit. IWo I74Magi). Thdi Liverpool cablle sayst Wilesslie toflinttere lhe moîor vas One against George Deoa 9e pauy plana puttiug lu a eubvay bul He vas neariy elgbfy Y"s'-« e vo< 5<ri,2.JhnWpe tl yigo h lr hrsele sîgainsl his mvite, oue agminat (leugeMr. Blelmel daimus tIec ctting davis ý_ . - 1 . Livesu ofoNewMark, f2.-ohnme »ly stl lnTUo i lo vs b a Merelos and neagalssst George Kuz- of fhe rosi leaves himi home far UD n auau tr tilIyn manoft. Mr. Dady nole prosseulail a bill, lierelore ho ans the cour rit. Pr"u ircliner vas tàfge otr dent of tis e KxicanNational u nit e a lmsle uw odo. su~v1o u uaby el SU l«. cempany, soileul for New York ,Tise liraI Uhsng holedd as te drag liese ases.If iss notyet bau arueul. assinait 3. t. Jeuns ~tps fe ucps1Ily negotfatlug 'lis victime out lste tii.opaair. H. Iniepsudent reacilas il points laI Indepesdt. reoasw e pits lu ,how %,laeePuI* ursf 4 rao iaXeIBls.At on tl ieh Lake Couaby. . Lake CÔaItl .. ~Men on, s , ~ ~ 5~ei~It Oa, rwassul tiente aoacf.eg.q- JUDGE WflITNEY Circuit Judge AnnoupfflPlan t for Retirlng FrSm theAp- pellate Benich Sý ILL HW1 ConSutdon w'ih *a Chieî SPecimt Shom ;udgoMuâ Le~u ty hMo 4sMc se iiun ue . hàtie. ne à Mmer et the APslists bseh cf tub istiarict Hia retlremeist frwnà tilla Ifluortaubt and honorable position cornes as a£tr- suit of ?avIng been instructed by a, Apeciallet lu Chicago th" ho, toast- let up on the work he bas been doieig If he wtshes te have bis healtb romain anywhere near sale. With Dr Knlght, Judge Whitney went to Chicago to consuit ths peela- list. who. tafter examlnlng thse juulge infornsed hlm that the museular trou- ble wltl i heuert was sucli that over- work miglit prove fatal ln a very short trne. He urged hlm, as did Dr. Knigbt as weli. to eut hie work as soo, as pois- sible. Accordiîîgly on the way home. the judge dectded the quick'st way te lons- en lits uork was te retire froui the ap- peilate court liencli 10 whlch ho vas i appointvd two Years ago lent Juna. The resuit was fIat tit mornlng lie, u rote letters to the other membors' of Ilic court Informing thom that ho liad decided lie muet retire immodi- rately. 'The doctors told me tisat 1 luit had tu quit over-working," sauid cie Whitney today, addlng "for sons. time rmusculuar lieart trouble bas botiio 1me. and i bave realissi 4&bat 1lsaold not overtax myself. It vas net, boa'- ever, until the doctors iinprossed on me the Importance of immodiatnly rm tlaxing myseif that 1 coulul maso up rmy mind 1t aite this $eep, whlcb I re- gret 1 t aite bcause 1 have enjnpel the work on the upper beach very mucli., I will read my opinions belore fihe court ou April 7tb, after whlch 1 shall tender my resignation." The Judge stated that It would nelt interfere with. bis work on thse Cir cuit bendli and that lie haul nu talon- tionf ' retiring Irons tisa work. A» judge cf ,:e Appeilafe court, Juige Whitney has rosse te Ottawa overy time the court lias convened and as a member of that court lie bas proveul hlmself a most valuabie, abi. andl gen- erally hlgbly regarded member. If lias beerr known for nome lime east that tise judge bae foliovoul tii. plan of resting as mucli as possible, 1going f0 hîs home as eoous..as court is over and takiug no more active work on than lis beetn necesary. His friends beope that tise relaxation nmade possible by the retirement froza Jthe upper bendli may have thoetefect of improvlng bis heaitli materially. THOMSON SCORES FRETOLL BILL Waukegan, Mareh f8. A stieciai to the Sun frorn Waib- tiugton thîs afternoon states fbgt con- gr",ssman Charles bÇ. Tboens of 3this the tenîli district, dellyrd a& 1mont sensationgl addrene Oogres f today In which b. secoma lus bitter 1 terme. the free Panama tofl plans 1wbich anti-Wilson forces have bes» ligbting for. The address croatel a profound nsn. sation in the bous., eohg as-11 dio front one of the YOungesthsnbers of the bouse. N. CHGO. MFO. AUN. FAûORS ENLARGEMNT 0F UNITED STATES ARMY, Northi Chicago. li. March 28-- Editor of the Suis)-The Manuf&Ct.,. ers- club-of titis City today resoi1ve4 unanlmously te support the policy of 7enlaxging the army and particuiarty lecoMmonded yoor editorlal of Maj. 17. .Theso resolutigne bave been loiN wardod to CoSgressmau Charlee M. Tbomsois representsng t'bis dIstrLct and te our sonatos and %lebop fIa ro YOIL *1mainta the. -p*iUm *- Oralbon">-unti action 15la taýÂIe - congrues. »uufetilru' 066i ONE TO EIGHT $1 50 PER YEAR iN ADVANCE

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