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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Apr 1914, p. 4

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f ý ak eCourity Independent, Waloegn Weekly Suit 094*ç Télép~hone NNuber I.- UbryvMieFetne *0 1 i haPouto" as mi brtyttlie, III, * mond cose Mail atter Officiel Piper for Lake County. 8 . FffUv.y. Adeî!ttdngBate. Nid. wnonApUMfn qJswPrso.4 PfICE, $.5.0 PER Y&AR STNICTLY -IN ADVANCE . à ~ l~ . ........................ ........................................... Editor o. ......................... .............................................. Ménager J* . .WEBER ........... 7.................Résident Manager, Phione 68 00 ESBANTHONON. Under the captiiA "H.oeI leaIndependence," the Ohicago Daily Ne» Wedne8dy evening said editorially of the preset -ngeman, M.Tomson, who represents thi-the Tenth-district: "Representative Cliarles M. Thoîjsoni of the' TenithIîlli- nois congressional distriet, a progressive partY nman, an- nounces that lie intends to stand %vitlî Pî'esideiut Wilson for the repeal of the toil exemption proîvisionî of the Pan- ama canal act., Thus it is elear thiat tiiere is at least one break ini wliat Represenitative udk of Kansas lately said wvas a solid array of Progressive part.v congressiin against the impiortint poýiv so strolîglv 1urgud Iv t1ue Pres- Mdent. "Mr. Thoiînsoiî s attitiode oit t lie eeîptinpro vision * will not be a surp)rise to those whlo kniowv is public rec- ord. He mas twje eleeted a iniember of the Cliieago citv council as an independent candidate. As an aldermnan lie * mnaifested marý,ed indepeudence iii dealing with puiblic questions. "The position of the Progressive party forces uiidet- the leadership of Representative Mrokini upliolding the policy of favoritisin to vessels cngaged iii the Aiinericaii * coastwise trade, already einjoliig iîonopoly i)rivileges, is xnuch weakened liv the refusai of Representative Thinson to stand with the m. The Chicago congressinan deelines to sacrifice public interests iii order to enîharrass a national admiinistration of another political faitli. Believing tliat the act as it stands is a violationî of the Hav-Patincefote treaty witli Britain, lie, like Presidenit Wilson. does nôt hesitate to place what bceconsidersa question of national lionor above a party piatform. "Representative Thonîson s position tices in iicredit. The people of Cliceago sliould be gratified liv the faet that he deelines to be misled liv speciour, arguments and party cries. SPECIMEN BALLOT TOWN 0F FREXONT LAR OONYIL A.anual ElOCtion TMMsdY, April 7, 1914 F. S. DOLPH. By Peiti"-PuvIic Qtâmio Fer or Againd 'Ab olading peu Tax jijj Là"E COUUT, fML Annmal Mid"% 7a, w. *peu e F. S. DOLI. TMM imb. o Pli? WS 1I~KH For Town Clerk WFRANK DOLPH For Commissioner of Highways WDistrict No. 1 FRANK KNIGGE W For Assessor G. M. TRAUT WFor Collector J. L SH-EPHERD For Justice of the Peace (To f ill vacaticy) nW.£DN For School Trustee WR. D. CO For School Trustee (To fuI vacancy) fl EO. RAD)KE leu> CAM leTNO»MATE Mosdae etlu; tbpt: -etyu IlotbmeaTei s't. t.o the iln ofh Thae *7.vill m codla .onncll tOcs Dr. A. t bu" .iîe Wb o elb. %Ibae lelu.t b.IeI-Ap lit' 0fu ,e St a 1tee There le tmie t4liof ai aoter ticket li.ing formed wbieb vould bave to te iled wltb lb, village cl.rk by gaturday. Threttinq membere ai lb. board ar- Bme-C.H oy@, Abert P'suikreý ai d John Doienmaier, ami rE-i IL. Corlett as clirk. LIBERTYVILLE SCIIOOL NOTES. jecoitd gradte gave a Japane.e tea in tl<ir rooin Frîday atternoon and bail quite a number oif gueste. The room was very tamtily decorated wlth .lapaee pieturee and umibrelie. Tb@. eerviîîg table vas eatabligbtd tud.,r a monstrous «'jap" untbr..lia.tid wvs, preoided ovPr by lfie. MetS-ev, , ur inimitabie litote- te tbchr u Jap costume and ii. te ercdby Japanxe. îaidprine Lie, upils rendered a very nie. progrant. IMrm. J. Prim. vas pi-efnt nîti. a Jr collecton of Japutnep urio., shch -lie ex hibited and coneerningir oieh ciiigave a vers Intereottng talât. The. lower grade. are mmking potalit andl doing Raster vork. Tb#. tenebors attended a couuty meetl inir held et Ravinis echaoi Saturday. Mies Boot, teacher of fourtb grade iset year, vas a vieiter Tue.day. There bas been severmi pnusil absent fron t tird gra&* during lb. puet week on account ef elcinses. Ulm. Bell of Lake Bluff, vas, a visitor in third grade Noday. 8iturday evenlng, Marchithe, Liberty- ville girls basket bail icain vent to Grayalake ior a gin, witb rhe Graymiako girl@ and vere victoirs by theePicor of 16to O. Tihe gaine a» very lintprffting and iotly contested, but tihe Lbertvviiie girls bad it on th iIrmsake'. in team work. SeitaMller w 4 ,ilism Blarthoiic stared for the Lbertvville teant each gtting 8 points. Tii. ine up le as follows. L.uberty ville Girl@ Gi-sysiake Girls Rena Milier........R F . E Turner Mie. Bai-houie.... L FG. Pbanneneteii Luella Ssuborn..C ....Aima Blasck Lois Austin. ......R 0.... E. Wickerahtne Id.Taylor. M. Proe.. L 0...L. Cadwel The igh scbooi va. veli repre.enlsd at the, auditorium Tueday arnroou vieMIs. SotiDerand of the Crab Tre. Partu, mddreed the women votera. Evldeotly nmre of tii. 'girls" expert to be ln onth. g»M. aoc.. On Moday amidTuedav. Germau Il bad oùly thremmema ou amenut of thb terni aoflt.emesiore be.ce's "exm aul"st u Tmu he futur. e chSoci ma'.a" aede.hol miate." report th.y w.,, quit. esay. i. Seeor. allie h.oma. th* oeil boy la Lakee oseto t tago X's"hWbquit. aet bo ... mhea iwued 10 a rowd et girl&. &wg. bojado jas know 1h.,, bl nothlg varie. $4e ibeodor t"al oum froftSu m ev. Om. 0 M" à*témam ..la Dcon" 8ai le B6~a0'.Avoletie 'a "ahi. M saolla V e .by lm. B. Lo=elo Tm*tyusu* mi wiahA94st es toe .dmMol. Sau ad au 3. Eom bumber Co. cMi4 1 sp~moeiBrALLOT F. S. DOÙ'H, Teve OuI. For Town Clcrk WFRANK DOLPH For Commàsiofer of Highways Distict No. 1 FRANK KNIGGE For Assessor G. M. TRAUT W For Collecter JL SHEPHERD For School Trustee W R. D. COOK For Schoilrustee (To fill vacancy,, W GEO. AK rpst" be IÀ t tuND Sàç IO14 »os t oll _U l ... . . . Y abt byt.a ma ouré auvtn . a i.l chargeai Dr . iChreblill, Wvit ond "ho bbd a reningo ulcer on botb ej.. vbltb nearît entiri> ubacur.d s vision, but otier titan îLe sot.. b. se.med b riecleotiing morsetian a good erutîbing sidil-celou th. le %ras laitn lt ithe.village hail vie lb. pi.vaoiclau starte i n 10 acru theb titan wltb at bruni,, tii- marahai furnieb- ing te bot voter. b-ush sud, a elgar box full of eoft , aip. Aiter tiis opera. tionlis a às ptioud %%11h l ies under- clothing sud a pair of troîlserg. a rost andl vont vhicti %lr. Eger gave but, Murchai Limberry g, ting hin a bat, but approaelted tfii..rlieitilc diliot ktiow wbat tu do lc mine lalîtie ua number twoIves 1'cr, Dot large enougi for bOn, as hi*. eet wr-e evollen qute tiîdiy frotu t.. igtc hi114 ,..ud lie vas titreilout it hh apair if tariiet elipper-. It inssaid tint th. man vaiked tlirousi ,inwrty ville on Friday. lRc clatcd Maturday tet he iail ust bilsbat by tih. winl. and hià ntoee tute taud, îand thaI ho t"d To iud thein but on acceount. of'bue @or..e :es io vas ot able to ind lte article@., lîer.,fore mwaiked on in isetckignwbchwerc lu rage shen lie was brougit bei-e. Thc man srîted la bail no rotai home but that hie bad l mcd in Chicago antd wago ouhi@ va. back to that clty. E.@ suad b. lied eût norked ndur. [au November. but sien b.' v.. broglit bere b.bail fifleen cente, soute tobacco and a Clay Pisin .1e pfokte. Alrer tin, g lcanr'd up sud hfi. rag.e uh. etituted witb deceut lotbing b.o van iaken tb thce ollntv fairm. wlere liq probably i iironmau in til hio 4tlare ru Mhape rtu r-onpIete hi@ jourei.r t'1 chîcago. ASKS FOR MATCH, MAN STAITS TO RUN If iltle darx and you are ast.d for a match do flot turn and run &%Va,. IUts not brotherly. Tii. above watt giron roune ta pubiia.b as a mat. 'of iforning anu uknown peneon wbo did the. unng ait titonh. vassaked for a mateh tiunday ulght, kt appare liat tii. ma» luquestion wbo meisi for th. match vaaid tri crots a ertaiâ latre.t airer the aIre.. libte bad bhem tusmed a.$ia& 0 swt ia.a bi puddle of mod wv ousuher.luth. imîpaw toielaty h. decided te avait au oveeuiug pe"dran Cow meii for m mwaeh Ip that bu rould fsud ith boU Planse tuerow th.etret. bu otuasd of ftdç Ivute. istie iorcb b. hoard the atrsmer t?)sat ce a riuoaMd impoeie aayoae. Notice le heraby xglw., bbthaonmTue.. d«.v àpu"121 oue t TOm ise al te Of L.a.atoIlece neeio wüiii b. hsd for Wbh Reticu vill b. opeu.d aetflve o'*umk i.neh.M .ulsag.esd skab ckmdet a» olw *lnate. veninx of ApO ULbaqmUNeihia2M4 day cf April 2lut , t. de PeoTuaSsenad Lou rder, as lb. 11evVa.iey erq. B W. Spord.6c28.1 Wall Papeir A wonldac m, r zomnad Uititl" tie t* doem h mm piffl 5hhe Vau pigem le"d Bouelvu tomqd= .dace,- smou ftm " u m w rillain "aus, wuileb* wvwte é« osiy Usstmtoey w" »temoaa dce £cî.t. .eeei« a1bs f tA...A..s puois lk 1ap BD>'otber la Ube idv eempt.,fdiiaukee Av@. Tbe Pllipp Ut«w. C., hba paid no attention te t . crier. Reeetiy it rented the plac for te atorage of etove». The driver. backad ib.ir beavy draye aven the m.mbiancs of a walk, eut deep rata vblc tb. heer>' raine flled vih i ter. liesuit-an almont lImpassible quaginîre Are the stotlkbaidere of tie PhilllpP Mfg. Co. avare of Ibis clate of affaira.? Do tbey approve of aud vould they ratier perltîatl I sud dieregard the, village ordînanes th"a @pend a few dollar.? tMr. Editor' The cîtitent qi lb. est enil wuuld apprreciaei il.If ou vould publidi a liet of tiheiockbaldors. Interview tic principal one sud publi thoir tea-ons fu oeitnultrg sucli a publicennnite. Wtho cltttute. ti board of dirctors' Or.ly somebode lias autiioràty To tratitst lesaffaire, coillertrenet, psy taxes aeild dclîre divldendg! Tic village tboard bac threateneilta lake the miatter mto court. Ti i eans extra expense for tie long eu8ermtg tsi- payer andl prinelpall>' more .ielay for thie badly needed improvemtent. Soine publc.stprited citizen Wia secte. lu consider "ville" and 'village' cyuony- inrues.ha% ad vocated cntttng lb. appen- dix off Libertvvillis. the ville (F'rench teri'. for *ity' I not b.lng meîropolitan enougi for oui beautiful town. i vould likie to enliat bis assistance in tiret dolng Aay v iîh pitiaile vhle.b iht elitogult tite uuàwaary strangerWvi ans.to vieilt Our factorisa. Even If th" etrantor c»eape. the danger, the. Impresaion h. wilgel of <iur love vili b. a i-ester handicap %hbn lhe mont provincial inai.. Ai the shbove mentioned citizen te aigu a stociholder In the Philippa Co-.lie cao kiff twa birds siti oite clone, andl thpreby eari the. eternai gratitude of tb. East.Idei-.t. Yonrcttruiy Anuhast-eider. CARPET AND RUG WEAVING Waore prcpai-ed to veuve genuine old- time Itsg Carpete. Colonial Rag Reu", lunf Rugi trom oi-n Ingi-sin or liru*ee Cii-pets, Portiers., Poi-cb Pîllove., etc. Rsg RUiEaire ail the rage. PreiMaiera sa- lo-1 s'.,îîllti-for e t-Arp..rs i.ýt t- do t lii.. a.vi , lid ,.îî îu1 wiliib. eurpised and piosmd vlth tht reenîla. W e turulab theb.uet vmp. nse the latet lmprov.i Nevounb Loolm. ail eiders promptlî and g»uamte. 5.1 celma ork. Prim..giadly quobed on roquet. railias e.Our aMSples. J. A. uzovb..Lipoolo sud Stewrt Ave., -H. B. 'EGER Tools you will soonh~eed Chatham Grain Grader& Hoosier and VanBrunt Drilla and Seeders Lever and Spring-tooth Harrows Clod Crushers Walking, Sulky a.nd Gang Plows large Stock Right Prices Schanck Bros. Libertyville flL lin The ? snot whiat Iife insurance lcOstsf [Lt dues net COST anything te carry an endow- ment or 1120 Option" PoIicy, any more than it "costa" to put money in the bank] -BUT WHAT IT COSTS TO BE WTTHOUT IT. You can afford te invest the sum of tün or fifteen cents a day-but You cannot afford te be witliout a good pol- icy a single minute. 1.Let me tell yen why when 1 see you. We don't know mucli about anything else-but we do know more than some fainilies about life in- surance. (Our type-written list of policy-hold- ers in our Agency now measure-s more than 22 feet-whieh equals more thaxi seven yards-or nearly a rod and a haif. Every month we add more. Our Agency is new thorougbiy established, a recognized suceffl. JOHN HODdE District Manager Micigan Mutual Lif e ICI. t g 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 E 4 4 4 4 c 4 O o o o o o o o o a 'o 'o i i I :3 i ~0 'o j cm ri. 1 - C- M m- - - l---i 14 -1 . 9 TEN DAýYS' ç Yeo rt7 isbeau. tiUl Vkctvl FME ia Moyu .ayoa .viii mono ov -a Viosro.the crateai of aul musical inutumot.. A& it t. ypm the trybo 'of #*14 $ Iyhý4 ,~gmu yidImbýthe%«Y-be.<wyby te vory best artie. The Ide- ai plaoe. to lear the .iew dan- - esai n the home and here the. Victor i. îb.oIutely imdi.- Try the New Dance Recorda

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