h.1.WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN FttrAEyONTsNDPNDN I'DYae1Oi V XI-NO. 30. SIXTEREN PAGES1 LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNT-Y, ILL., PRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1914. ONE TO EIGHT $1 50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE 1NtU~Tf th "t« u E s E TWO SETTINOS AT CvCUR S Uïii WILL TEACH ILLINOIS SPECAL S SSIO NEW ZION POSIMASTER . B. abats! ~ RUU ' ~ c JUST ONE SITTING. aRJLGUARD AT FT. SHERIDAN J~3U~WAS ONCE INDICTED. ini<tE PLACES NIOIT CouTrt sSa ~ IN FALL "IEN 140 Washinton, Apii »~I-~nstruction Of (iRANI) JURY 15 According to prestireports wich WILL VOTE ON LIBRT VLL IN TORCYCLE S K I D Sces:na BEINOCONSIDERED ah8hmt ateNPief52 BEER AptI 2 gësnscorps of the NatIona Guard wiil bie_____ laavneChag.asee aj xiid*dSUfdu. Lent yea* Bucboit won - r Poine astma nate r eZiont t e losTaTu dy'Ee [ne tesald JOHN DOLEZAL 0F LIBERTY- cbmpioaalIîp by eating twentytwo Lee Gîlbert of kjbertyville Lies estabishied this yqar, It vasé announc- State's Attorney Dady Says In MPrIed bosasaee fo reant citeos htTeda' Ic vuiims -r~ es atrPec t emn. drac- ln Local Ifosptal in a Very ed at the War DOPUtoxent today. ail[ Probability. He Wll Cali Chicago for seven or elgbt years, and tion Did Not Settle Matter in VILLE IS "~ VgTI O SN.e Buchet'oor a iiim trehe u Among tMe plietdbets o a n aogte13mnwowr ;t,11.SATIONAL HL-P OM ondition.,enyix la. n cl wdeai~ae th, 1914r. HOL«U "Condition.7si. lan d ol Fort Sheridan, nl~ br the camp ______ a eso.IndIcted for Illegai votlng ln Zion he Plcs RD..74 W S e e*an teti t teo CIIN APN FI i h inlicie M 24 te 30 forBU NO PEILCS P.ct l191AT HWD RFW'O A FR1.YVLL an akd hre nesn rsi-Illinois, inia Wicn W U OSEIA A Etu have sean no account however,A4THWD RFW'GO 0F LAKE BLUFF-SHOTf IN -a. ad a capacity limlted to thlr- sin Riig etaiLkeBuf o Dht Noëtb Dakot and There Afe ume f rir, of any confirmation of this I hs lcs oeo h ____onze LIERYVLL RD. WES Oredggs az<unt AoIDN HA keN Bluff Suha Daot.. T eAeaN ro i {appontmient by the United States l hs lcs oeso h STOMACH, CRAWLS FAR ai Time-Was Found Un- nary cases Whioh He De- senate.-Zion Independent. 21st wrn Decide Whether SEEKING HEL.P--FIRES AT DRYNESS 0F HUAE conmoous in the Road. COUNTY O"lN IS sires to Have Settled. Beer Wii Be Ousted. f ieRBE U ICRANBULLZTIN. States Attorney Ralph J. Dady lsH ,. A'ITENDED- WbIle the townships of Aatiocb, .alie WHIETMER HE HIT HlM - DAY IS AUTOJSTS' Mr. Gilbert died at 8:30 00E E ? N IL osdrn h diafiyo an lU CtBEF R E Wuod and West Deerfieid are Thursday - morn- 'D Y speciai session of the grand atrm»W wet as a resuit 0f Tedyi lc îeh; ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' VITMTLOT DA T A E YIhT T ure deail 'D Y LE D RS: thtri a ro urilt han vilae l n r s inh the three places they have the FROTM, LOS 0F A BLOGOD IN__ ing.E LEADER atRC BEti Fer ccoran earsE R E fight ail over again on telqo u@ 8cO MAKE S ORE CALS D BE-um L1t, parn ThtL2.b otoln dv ooh~ If h a ires up bis lnind ta taire thabis__ tien la the r«esetive villages on the Night, ioyECAL RidE. Leal Towber aha ceiko rad nt ro ofte Nex As l Pre action he will have te do soe ei~ Cneso 218t of the mentit, or about two wacks vvnt W ere ciy Libetyvlpe wadehp aa iy t by Laesof Anti- te folioing two weeks as the term IIuCUI inl ne hence. FORE ETTIN HELPAFT- Gather, Votes Out Saloons injured Friday aternoon as the re- Saloon Leagu e. J wl close at the expiration of thatl Says He Attended Church t1 Alic n aena aiin E OBR HD FE-suit i-Ici lionrvcl acifn presen d1 nn ti me. In i'eality the ternu sbould have TwiCe Last Sunday. iasking for a local option election on aCl te tire edge of a straigbt- Reaîîpcncd abof hallen sr mile west cf liosqi last Saturday but there msas ;April 21st were filcd in the villages A ND LEFT HlM. i tretchiug, dusty roait a feu, miles to aeBlfu it h road te Liberty-- ln lsîtî houa4l and a gain uf btýe ln se much te cume ni) thaet JudguIDon to)-ei uolte ~ 0 etDefel.AtohadW L ke Illtba,, tt ail thi ed urgn t e s t n e e eti Ta rt tiad ic on Ibe Goo corI rei d fo th ae tw nsbip e lections LATER-The codto of John ot of Liltertyviiie nesiles the lit- thenmiddle of the. road lva man ed t flie anti-saloon programme wituat ail flic rgerntia c ases g Iou e a rair t ie on a t h Snd ci trkr lu-e fo the towns hi cf ntic n a this Thuriday morning, but he wiil re- T rees surround lb. brooks wlnd Itear ltrod u nbt of tlt ae'Airer hG pia latticer tet makl ah as '-u siteclal terre this tenîttio utrcking- thiimited, b couda last Tuesdav, the, votera car? cover if compliiationsdonet set in. lo, suitilne and itowers sud beauti- mhere it mas torint] Ie cas suffering I0nt option lawîe corpdornssteiblei btrh.Atrar eaanridfrte esb otec 5l tuit ttnlapsibeend of fice two ceeks Tt uvili net re- aîttended chtur<çh. W'hetber he hcîîed Antiocb and 14 In Waueonda. ln John Dléz/al of L.ibertyvlia B-ut Tt y as nol Ifs neslling. il.s trees Ni n c'ts1 un eatyo nicse~rse cî'tt tconiene util flice regular October Ji, tism uui lu eai absolution for the W~est Defedteqeto o j aged 27 vears. Il"- Alise boa- I iront-s. siushlnp. lie%% t-rs or heatt- Noci Iis uko xcl'ýtti(]ýsepesi e edýb terni. terrIbht t(rtnmt lie iftendeil tu commlit, voted on as a resuit of a teacheicality bu w thle a .i t hai ieil a s no une I.1 Si i tît Bride, superintentîcti t of Tti eas fti atflttr lcaihrte hefo e enal 1 h airo h iigo th e- pitli %%'uukegan, the vis-tint of a hotil tui h' ic earocd its turne sa-Il octu Pt t' s- îîuoser] howeer tir- \nti Saloon League. The tidha - i ttueu ii atta u u tloit- isefo e enal u~ aorc ehln ,~ e qui) tan Stnday nighl. tnidw ay lie- If uas lraglcdv lra-ncd, ,-;sawdu stiate's atturney lias practicaliv de- lu figure ont. liusun bas made a tillons.- tween bbc Lauke Biluff eiectriceu lu - 'iefl tTht tirs lia hualle-,de btîtt'nillclsntmn ienTî~ cideillu to(alila sîteclai session of file ucitîcu (onCait in chicb he gIjsý However, le Deerfieid village the tutii- i rli Te os lasha~strufli a sl1icr i i tîi'frelch o! road a n(l c ',en tttwO oew cou ut ts cer 'wc lion and tut', neet branth o tihlie \rib -- litl hav bas gone dry! ia nitii. lltr 4in- it ocleiieydyl xetd~ttr grand jury. Anumber of cases chîch atir ie delti- ut the affair, even o petition feature as4kiog for lthe aift- wten the ituitup occurrinu on tlire Hall conte Realr thîsed flidy bav de-in, Gilbtertti tbaîvi lie'it atnîel dy-pîedote Iber mutsan beoe t lion hvede itillitiinoiri ieate heid hesaneuietlltotbebeliev e eeet esero. Hall Dae Real Tragey itead, t ra' tuiii-,î hi, aboli. NItiri to muaire it possile to fIc(t thvusinhenvtdue ptublic bIgbwav et eleven n clucic Su"ri Nomt dr,o, s. fl tri it~-elf tragic. litau IOUZ l1f %' Ir(si i n di-tldr ebr i tittie ei oled since lthe last session sud ilîncZ ailuttur iceare izo. Hutsonthe qusinb g voe -n Weil day nigbt. otî,--c %il ges have cotte dru- n îbout' ou ti îittîadrmmbslttti Is desired te bave titese iuvestigated itas boîttîl cier fto lite gratnd jury sud nesday evening, Aprtl 8I, Attorney NN'itb a huit-I ille rieur tihroughli ii tiithe rt i i n z tonotce. fli ruitdl t t klot itbut l m;thie tgrandt < iincude itoe cui tlle sud cte tinon i- be gand juril':iailgint'tl t 'u cotfttWaucondarns c \Vaccna apeard bfor stolnach, Doezal's condtion al oni' II,ýt !iti ta ir slot ýi:! lime. Fnlua tou mure courtiis-Butd. - a.ahrta ubin ieralU)Wukgu h eril vlaebad akn wsoisb d ilezalesb cniica n a uic . liM uhts fo 't tdtav1 r. ittîn d'ut '- aluýn, goitg in ile litsIcîtrî anti Pulaski ---may b.o aded nn ahrIu ubiglîmalutx tb î.lt lefedvlaehud akn of w-ase admtte lnd lie% fli rilca airti ans sfgt'onte i h next October. ,,rales Atoctier ai vtoda due tccr- fita tbe question be ket off the -vil- t-a licur if tbit bod ta.ki illitI sud. ast it, litn Me'ss, rycuttsa th c There are luvo resens sur it Ila;t liraIr l iscnu'inced tilat fluon le, luge ballot axplaining that bte sigu- e t r . i t r o fi s e lî o y c ia a e i îtyt î . ~ i s n t t int it lt c e ù in î ot î uî s tir r i n t h e m id d le u t, t i t i l o n p t il 2 1 , sh i rh f a t g i % s - t e d e s i r a l e t e l i s te t ir e t , d i s p o s e d o f a t m .e n a i iy d e f l l e n t I f l i t o t cr i m i n a l y i ,c so i ep t t i t a o f i e ruf- -.tD.KîitsoIecai iidytIiiu nigitî. Titen '<it flirouhit bc - lrîeîlitt re(t]-il e main ieto lits dru s rutîtter cause for encouragnicul i a.oIfhr r syanegsie -' ss i a ie h î t heu addees. ll nilt ate, mfuorning ln agi effort lu a-c sure the dtîrk tiit flc suepnt-p corithe utus. r" suds lotît Ifi ttor arek lîlui Wmn lble Ifeî sayo roulle Ids Iie thta-1ier dr8ehl m ldts rfcsbullet had passed lthrougi bis couly. cttt littube cf glasses nuitd 'lc Ilut of *,gyadtkha olk ufWt it-w orte alrad ln te those hionitd over ivito apîtear to e 1rtîut oultbtta be bs~ etc., and Tt looked fer a time as if It co l- The bo dup w as Tn rked by se tisus-sera bella i r a tho r e t h i, 1 otu r b Ibe nuls- d ru lier sw eep ng "Itortes A pril 21 falsely accused lu the opiniont f the ver decided Ji t n-at cours e be clt woud h a k pt off tae ballot. Ie;tiocaltleatures, Incduding titesa - litre a Iîttie d<'scrip'iott perhaps la the city bail si iccc lic tuas keiut un- or more than hall tise 102 couniticsoga n cfyT ebte ehv hsprsel eln lhte yug HweetevlaeatreT e1 FIRST-l4oldup man demande neccsgacy. The vilage. stratigcty (en- ii the arrivai ut a VieFore- b utt the etate. , atdeçidled nom, than b h1ave I1tm n. I-le e IthinkIrng et baving hiii Knaack. fait that the rlght of te 980 ho hl i handa up but iflatead, utugb. consists clefly cil bîuses; and' lacihc rult iiiI heWIQ-ý CamSnt oto anqulsb le jat] ail sume. On lle rmmltted to an asybum for tbe crlu-!t people abou'd net bh, bloched throngh inost - Oolozegrapples wîth in. little Terns. Tlt:tié, front tbe stand- lkegan hospilal. He arrifveul lera Ie- The drysclaime contvoi of the senu ttner whv havai n co le ao Iaep tonsa reras trlaife.Are ckt queýItio Diperce that vlage"I all SECOND-Rbber puls triger pointof the illager, Tt tates.hfiltteeghad lurylaseseetbiss llbertyIsha owed asgliberyoubd recacmmeed Idhatd t ite essaloo lit S rvolvr e lb e peaae eginat Il s no th vilagas, bvevr, y and Bellons were called le te elgitt senators. o ticwo more that a -acted uapon at the Ortoher term uviti sa vrehnSna nybcu eanc unis@ somethlng aise tarne ap ho s-" victim fait ter ron as that sf athe r ll ages I dî tre rmattend hlm. Itc sas sufferlnig fromn msjority. nere plcdged te couety 0"- lbe unusually large. be engineer sun the obstruction in t will i lcdteeo h 1 f ex h aSa itmfl egon. hnrd loie -lae.I sts emorrbngce of tbc braie sud il vas lion during the ast session. Thirti- " 1s probably w-hI caîl a speclal tint tosoWietan e~ auconda village. t»is fght wiii these - TMiD-.Vitim dawg rvolve guevolvercorneliser nlgtby.ceenea oncelîtatbis cnditie n-a eetaorscvttdifrtthbrsaieondiistsesion ! - bte grnd juy foiIbisrîtthe tîtl conessioila-gtan fhanceetas1htoptsthoebtrbtin4 and tires ttre. shets ut feing Front the staudpolet of the guesta, sers serious. Wbcther or net be su!t- bict iîll wicb paased bath bouses sesi-m but, Ih c rand a jury fo wheens ulcofsin s -le as i c lo e at b the vet o bth14. robber. then lii Day consiste cbielY o! sec-Iîeret any internai injuries lias net but dlad vben tire bouse fallat trebuedaatsa utwe I toloca:- Hovaver, tl tt.b h esta 0- FOURTH-Victim wiîh blond aeral lues-sitt5l tueeure u.t.oo- lucen determnined snd cannot be toîd sole on concurrence in a senate smin -il] cain tem ln,"' the ritales attor- Grsisltea Aliril 8, 1914. tite greater pant cf the dry votea cae omeil Streamliflg frem body, crawla bilt ma0 stpfrf , rest nd SthIis lme. nlin.Tre ftnsntr s 1bliaIn a rnstole lattr a lcot. eamndTrauttnsettr clam-: eey declared today in rasponse te a,- Stabemrent of Lewis Huson -Ifront, cutaide the village limite and la tO ower et croseing of electric rosit i-undrcds of Chicegouns treasure Ite ue te tîs faîl - totleson. her cerie one caste gracd Y'\nae len wis Hsn arbnd 16 lusinhita villag celte ustit n len îit to and west Northweatern branch; otennores of happy nixhls spent St MA R F T J n iebue dy ei~jury et tbis timne but titera are a nun 1 sa nom- empicycul on lise llerkn-It be defeated hy a iier nuajority titan IM N RR S E AT obftta soudva etdspnyy ut gan yae ldan wrkasa aotbad.quston-bttht it nesiol-l oIICs towerman, unable le leave @ta- iItait Day. Ilundrede, ton. entertain- c~sveytOmmesp~m te ber of cases nisicb bave been accu- -tlaini abtout lotir miles sotîut of rays- Tueaday, the 71h. liglit- tien makes it neceeaary for vic- cd the botie o! lhuslng sucb memories r ouety optionr or isve lesa titan a sa mumîlaîing since the tuaI session, Il I.1a. I icît lleckwitli's farte at eigbb Tise sanie la true wits regard te, tinm le crawl on t'e tiret farmuseuse te tressurt. lIut now theur bottes are LIE TVVII LEIIMUST 1irb.Tersdnedsrc i r sîu 0bs teeclae pocot udyronnAit i the village o! Antlocb. Tt is eiainad oity as as e si ene srcvtesil or, nio t a hmcere'U 'lt udy onnArl .0wlbea hoeJs unable te rouse tam-, dead. AC 's" OIO wa asdb ot.o 1914, and cuIt-ad ln. arriving in ltaI tae villagera vili uot vote dry .0< > w.p B A C K TO ~ ~ ~~~~ an ven majoritY, but five of those Tt Ils surprising te numtber of cases Gri-a lae about Itj;ona. m. esi--bcue tby fgr la ih white where ho le taken in and help ciii Il lie flic scene ut "jeu ride" es- wbo voted tor Ibis measure would nel whiclî bava deveioPed since tire las et te u rc eanAg osdyT ol eml 2rges, éuiemened. iae. No togrýl tetranspotcut pto-ssin lod h r sm the en t in erl 12t ni>' ittise enu, use the Illaier lthee hMille gaen Z :t::tae ings- ust a te~ Clarence Sthroufe WilI Be Ta- ThOptsse ieaon. vis> thy hee on rad uytbr sanay ed1tber ebniti te dnon, r wth yterenoînî lt t si eae the rviaee c the e Bul- . ~catch lte eloctrie car home te Liber- of us. you t-nov,' Thone days are ken Back to Face a Wife situl .1 lr szhr <tebuecleieo te consîlder. le eact case te tise ioarding bouse of Mis. Thtur- district vould continue wet nd bt", tyil.Herahd hr onlt orPs.Abandonment Charge. lelyi iadaresh iii h> wlsere people bave beau boundsover ivai'. Lell there at one p. in. My i woubd lie aven versa titan bavlv A -te last car. aed as It vas a fiee nlght lieere the dole lu As*tolot hieure 1 w tu- 5ere aucceasipI lu 1912 aud bebleve te tbe grand Jury the state bas seu tiller walked witit me tci itIs cross thIe wbola love net, for pneople coulâ ýe decided to~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~l wakhm.H trtl ite6oYSrnfed l-Arlli-rl tae ne dry territory. the prosecutisg parties te ha raady Ing on the Soo road. Fiom there ge Ii iui utrvrtetlr d edvn the ighway, wbich~ ia e Beside ait >aysee-ai nitrer! fîtuîcl-iGnîrIor inne tociay Fute returas lrcr dowsta:et rn hi inse oete walked alors:. 's1 lice outside tha village bouudariea t Ltbay'yvIle. Ha bâtd reached a peint tem Prairie ,'lev. Btler Gros-e, guvernur uf Ohio for the ratura cf saloons baillsi b>' Tueeday'sealec- ad te hold a session Ibis terre. ai part- before I got to the taver and Waucouda, appîtea t6 Deerlleid ai- mldvay bebveen bte suis-station and Long Groea andl Appikialie. sera voled te Spingfield, Oliio of C'larence tiens front 974 le 1,039. pahld titam the lima ef day. Lofer I titougit le West Deerfield tovmship thea Nertit-vstea trac-s. Suddenly dry- et the alertions Tuesau. Stofe tlni îdrare VTe@ revisad figures on thet eiectlons WOMAN WINS IN DRAWING. met Oparator Odeît wbc aise ver-s there are net sey saloona, tisose thast I -' a Man aprang fi-cmn the aida cf te Verly, il vilI ha a Ci>'. but soin- Vaut-egani. Strottîe lis chaîgaul lollov: e____ t tisa tover. Altar lslkiug vîith hlm operata biteng Inslda tbe village lim. road with: mer. uitis icaviog Spîrintgfield May 1, To¶al nilnher of soloons vtait Saturday tut Fox Lat-e lIra. Lobtre, a nitile 1 nat-ad dewn the Sou track- is, WMne p"1913, sud wti failure le fuppourt Out----------------------. .1039 Rusbmnra, Rettublican, and Willam boward Aiea. Wben 1 got te tise top -Tha vals argue that. ie case tce 5The fleftov utspe teio seirei Tclonsea tga slow dryve bvnthelss-----------121 Jackson, Deetorratir candidate for of ltae bill titis stide of lerdie plaI- villsges shoutd go dry il vould mare- jumped~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ upsyls aeo.Arvu I iaeaiu i e cars, sud Adolph. aged 5 I-cars Citles maid vilnages eludad ln lovner iat- athIe rant electlou, dran forte cu l teîears ierlsWma h eoa fbt ie llolanal titat ha was reali>' on top of man lne t over wlised to hel in Iur placet datecars 9teris] ma h eoain h lo h lmn w en h a m ade te dem and. The but ha dareul net leev a bis station t i -n- «v dr t v stp ---------1 8 ota te see vito shoull g t lie Office. and tien wattet on ow rd Aires. î ees and ln tae aliiging up f nu- MOU tituI antOMtticallY Cama togathar btae tover. Ha juat rould net du avN~ FFC T Dry townships iemaliuig dry..,.' 53 NPe s restuit of each gettieg 175 volas than watal 1e Aiesasnd 100k tite ruerons saloons in tha townshtip just> - and Doleam etarted te grapple vitit ttug. RULING WO'eA C I.Wet townesips remainiusg val.... 74 aI Tuesday's ataction. MM. Rush- electrir lina te Chicago. nsdthvilglmteHnct hie asmian but the latter did net go, Dolezal startedI on te the fItst "r>' townesiip votleg mat .........1 more vas ltae luct-y 'diawea" accord- "I vent te a raligious meeting and JIs sean sorna fiee pointa arc up for- give bte auch of a chance, for ha feai bouse. Ari-ived tisera, after long Judge Owens of Cook CoUnty Total townships vottng--------249 ing>'. Lake ceunI>' bas lis tirat nom- atayed le Cicago ail nlghL Came cousideratieti le the titi-e commuai- -- UId btae triMier cf bhc pielol vich exertion, ha wan unable te 'anse an> y s ElcinW udNtB Total voling dry---------------.174 an tewn officer ln the perreon of Mu, cul on lta elertric lina next nucrnlng îles as regards ltae biquor question. -ha u* pressing lagaînet Dobezal's body and tati to move on f0 tce nexl Affectiéd by Suffrage Rule Total votiug val----------75 Ituabetora, tan clark of Grant. te Aras, send then veut home sud iew - stomacb. Dolazab dropped te lte house. Tisera ha managaul te refuse _____ otad un tise lari untii youmnMs. nseyGtAohe greund vt a Yeli and btae robbar, tae fanal> and Ibey suntîonaul the Titose wbo isopet] ta has e lthe roauit carn cul. sudle gols ruetits orun evidsntiy bellevIng ha htadl tlied bis Lake Forest ambulance and Dr. Par- of tliq tewn elaction tunei user by a Toai o Dr -W t~ -ih nL k Isntese elwta lcdVritAantSfoit tovcbl, did et stop te oh hm but monter. Te ambulance came. Dr. 1ossible supreme out des-,isitn belli- te tics on the trackt our years ao. to baly ruaheul off. Dollezgb, in tae Parmautar gave hlm tamporar'> relief Ing that the law giu ng tise rigbt of 1' 1w4< A as vor-ing for lthe samne man at A jury MondayýP NI. i-cturnad a mmatime, taviug i-oued Inte the ditch sud, s tae Lat-e Forest hitîal vus francbise te 'ternettI iliegat, prs C.ouflLy i uesdaq, A-priu 7, 191 4, taI lime verdict for $750 ln tite casae o!- _V -Managed t0 drav a revolvar fi-cm, bis full, ha vas tnt-en te NîcAlilter bospi- doonse ici disappoixtnent, acc-oîding "I mat-e you tisa aboie statareent Josehina Knaseiy against Mtichtael set, pookt-an d ha fired threea siota at tae tai. te Jouge John E. Oweons. wio Tb the aMUsent au>' Promise of eianery fuetin Wagner, tise Voie salSinkeeper ins fleeiug robisar. Ha Isnt aura titat ta Dr. Brown s-as ratal ed ah dreas- Test word ln ail atection riii,rsn B elon is luý, tfil, vota onette "dry-set" issue lu the Lat-a ceunby towu- tbe ralroul rtpsu' or I-Oit men. 1 uviose saloon K(ncselv w-s -supofd hes it him but admitteul ha beliavas ha adl the InJury. Hae salul tise bîtlaet Cook- counIsy and cotîsidc'rîd, atit ut;- ilips wbici toIt-il itîtîlîr tise local optioe baur Tuesday, April 7tit: promise bareaflar te lcI the Sco loc -e beave drunt- inbo.'cants on lthe e ,migbl bava donc en. aitai-u bte stcrnach and an exit titorît>'. aoe"dyh ai h rpt .le iod- At an>' rate the fattow bas not iseen veunul Indicatad itlef eat a peint near "No maf fer c-but atin t te itprcmnc MEN WOMEN TOTALS abona,' EWI daySN wha mdeI tida t 10 cenryd traceil t dateand the eblle are lcth. splae. i-towaver, 1e maire suîre. court utiglit tuhue ~.cni-t- -',lu Towntship. Dry. Wat Dry. Wt DRY. WET. lSga) oI ttSN iterie. heu bisdat visan wi- neyer viii ha boeard fi-cm Tisa vir-a ifrI - 11-, ite X-ray picture vas tnt-an. sosfrgea-.I i . huiee it <xtiegau -.1190 1192 1499 103, ?979 32-E > OT HR RIAEDS.'i, -ieu itourt ulsure