t iLAK ~OUTYI IN F¶ltXP', A1~IL17, 1914. "SUST OUT. DRAIN, DISTRICT fnThat Drainage Dstict Nu ia Been Created, It le TImely to Know What the Next Stepe Are. hISSES TO NAME FIVE MRISlEES AT EARLY.DATE T» MseJdges Thon Eleot 0f- fier and Investigate, Re-, Iutwilo'to the Pope for the HOW TRU$TEIS WIIJ. 00 leddctie. figured sn the pop- uatie..art 1h51,ln flxine the. fwet b s.cftel M wNrt *mse Dralfmmu Dl*iet iY %il, " .d4Mmby Unsetira J"900, S TW@ ?rUitumE ram Ue thte- rtry wmng up wamups; Iie #yce" w 4VI N Ilethe oti hal 'e t ise cly; tic etiser the sut hant. SON£R TRUSTEE from North CicIago -ME TRUSTEEf frem Lae For ONETRUSTEE from Hilghland Now titat the. votera of the district ha"e approvei the creation of the libeti Siore Sanitary district, de- IIV»sd for the purpose of providlng for divertlng the. sewage of north sboro towas from, the. lake lto the big drain tobeb bit along the lake @bore tovas and thence loto the Wil- mette drainage canal, fit le nterest- -bag te kev viiet are the. next steps aaeaaary to carry out the bg plan. l7ado i te law withîn twenty days after thte election of Tuesday, Judge litsona muai cal! together the t'ro musarst circuit Judgea, Judge Whlt- Day and Doanelly and these tliree of- Selala, sttlag togehber. divide the. iole ditrict affected, loto iv. varda lm jgaeh as aoarly equal te thte otiter la population aa le possible. It la Provlded tuat no vard hue creti abail bave more than one- *tetheit total Population of the VýoIe district. j'Me board of luiges thueslttlag, lbMI. MMes truatees frora each vand a"d those Ove men draw lots for the e. tva. tbree, four and 7lve-year 8Mtaafor viicli hhey bold. *1aa i term of one expires each êP lat d thc Juigos hui nome a MM MaLa cacityear. VU. ft' trustees, asuswoa as they Au MRM&Mdmetad sedeeta proal. 48114 IL treasurer and a secretary. I.utlnt Reprt %Mtrustes hon Investigae the néeds of the district as regarda sani. tary irntrovement, they propane rec- OMdaions Lad then formally de- 41140, 109vhat $all be dons ln te natterOf lmllrvent. If tbey de- CM@ a boid lsue la aaceasary ta -zste thieir plans. they thea prepare for a bond elaectIon and the people Vo0e ou It la ocher vends. thie tua- tees CanreMmMead vhat la noces- -rY lp the mtter of IniProvements, b«t the people agaIn bave to peas Ms vbéther Uie bonds shah be laaned If Uic maiorlty of te votera et lte bffl election approve te plan, thon *0b ods are lasno and thi. trustees Prose«wvihi Uie vork ofmaklag the lujir«OMut, vbich la tiis particular oith ore draInage district plan. eameocf tho construction cf £ hW.<--erPIPe fron i Whnkgaa soutb to emmuet vith the big pipe t Glen- CM *vtikh leads lato, the drainage casai -M Wllmet. If tis la dons, tbM *0. seer systena of Waukegan ami other nortit *bore cies vil! b. comaco0flci itu the. big drain and tic muy .tins dlver"a fron thei laite MAm a big stop *ketow ovad purify- theUi l alvair et anl north sabe It la notcei tiLt ail inQele la t"Ic metter cf sPeaingmWasy by the. -eses ut b. 9«»d on by the g Og f thc tornftarY affected. Tii. IssAMS1116MigitlPlan maay thitnga but *0 P@0910 couli blocthoîr plans If tbcY fMttior von. Impractîcal or net eomm7. T"icJ040g0sOf coure", vIlI csrefully *MOI ' MM c the aPPitmeut of men for tic POO<locf trtustee«. plckIng men v111110M-hbat quallfled te handle the gsv.Ngeq"*Wa±en proposition. Ms. ilcoît Durand of L ake Forest, bbacs mapplnted as delegate to the National Ceonferance on Marketing & HUNGERFORD MAY BE AN IOWA SENATOR. The Item belowv wll bho read wîti interest, reforrlng as it does to a man vhoivas a Waukega editor for a short tlme. It appeared la the. Pub- lishera' Auxllary ad ruade: J. B. Hungerfond. cdillr of the Car- roll (Ià-) Herali, yul ho a candidate for utate senator tram ithe Greene-Car- roll.Pac district, belon, the. Republi- cam primarima la Juno, accordlng to runar la circulation. Mr. Hunger- tord la a mao e iihigiiet charte- ter and of spendid trainlng.Ho bas lad a vido oducation la public affaire having bean fer many years on tho managlng board ef the Plate Agrieul- tarai collage ai Amnos, and la capable PLAN NATIONWIDE EiOTOffco RCISUN. -DAY IN NOVEL IDEA Suggestion le Now Advanced That Every Rural Churoh in Nationloin mmfov. MAY 3rd DATE'SUBGESTED. Farmers' Paper Advanoue the Plans for Making Evont Na- tilImportance. A go tu churth BSda>' for rural ef gvlng thse district a very Iigh l Ca5 churcies la pronoami for May' 3 iythie cf legllative survice.. Ornge ljud ravaler. Âdvetisgnga thé b- I. thecopai is w ffl N clubs amre siomet as mains to &Mus latfréat. The day la te, ho ÂME 15WRfTI3 obarvd tro~Iiot tenation we B FORMR PIL vr p[Iea m CW9 Attorney C. T. Hoydocker Re.tot t"at'y ahe counte Evonts in Eventful Orange .Iudd Pamer, sys. Lifeof ld ioner."Poule Oft hc Ç tiiMle 19Jual, but Liteot ld Pofler. mmc i fItla swsaUonal amidaalat. Faloving là an ebituar>' of the IlefoTitat rural ehurciua are a vital part of the late Roieici D. Anses, vnltten Ofet very rural comeuninty there cas b>' Attorney C. T. Heyiecken, oase o ene question; vithoat tuera country hua foriner pupile. vbo bas kneva 111h voli go ta rust ani destruction hlm for many yeane ani le able toaid hilesolde frora religion. Te save reoouat bis mse excellent quallîles. country lilts, then, vo imuet savo lb, -Roderici D. Ames vas bora et ralcurcb; acoi ta save the rural Sullvan, Tioga county, Pean., Sept. cburch We, as Individuels, muet do 2ni, 1832 and departed tus litee t Our Part la personal devotion sni at- Russe!l, Laies couaty. Il., Ilarcli '1i tendance. 1914. "The.pro'blem nov boforo us la He came, vill iebisParents 10 Lakte Ibis: 'What cao vo, as farmers, do to county la 1842 and hie father thon premote tuis movessenanso accler- pre-empted from the Unted States ate the churchgolag cuetom of olden days? The anavor la simple: Go ta lhe farra ovnoi by the subjeet af tItis sketcrh at 1h. lime of hi@ dealh. Hi. churcli ourselves, asi aur neiglibors opportunltles for education were such ta do likevise, sni 55k mnister or as were afforied by the log schéol priest b o Jin 1n velcOuming everybody bouse. before the days of freschoola ofte coosmuniy , a ,11,a la Illnois, ho became "so proiôBeSudcienat3,91laa bisstuiestha in18680 rofciet i the day for the entIre countryside la shtudiea tha t b 17--o9hoWauren itndPrmote tho go to church movomont. eorlat, elvs o are 1n On that day lot the effort be maie to Ho vas a trapper In the early days get everybody out to tho rural churcli. -1h. h. , p. . - ;Il doesnont matter vhat church. of tue country onitheuC Unain river. frara Gruoiy couuty to Mlwlaukee. la 1859 he vas marrled 10 Miss Bar- bara Sesaler, vho survives hM. There chliren are Emma L., Philo J., Clan- once E., Henry C., Julia S. ani John S.. aIl of viora are living; and Fran- cella Broyer; Roderici A., soi ',%an- tUn H., who died before their father. Ha servei la the clvil var of 1861 tn 1865, belag a soldier of tle Unted States la, Co. D., 481h III. Vol. Iot. Il>'Occupation i. vas a tone ma son and tarner, oet vi ior lcao ho sali Tuat b. vas alvays for the. iglt, toai an active interestlnla ublic mal- tera, holding sevoral oilices la the gift Of is fellov mon, ladustrlaus. .tnagflani boneat vitb auinlaail of bis transactions. loved b>' bis laaiily aud bigll> esiemncib>' hie neighbors ad friands. He, vlI ho mlased by is nod achol- ara Lithte Brove schaol reunioa, lie havlag taugil la tbe ohlog10 achool boune la 1858, and b>' bis deatb ail efthie teachena vlio taught prier te 1861, have goe. le ilr final revard; excePting one; for several years he bas heem fallang la healtu, but always gaturi viti hile puplsansoienoayed tue gala day of the reunion. Tue f&mlY have bast a loviag soi trac bUabani ani faher and societ>', a taîitfu nd mihonor.i memben, wvie lois tii.>'meure ad-who are btter fer te life ie llvei among them. On Tharada>' afternoon, April 2ni. b. vas laid ho teet ln the cemetor>' viiere tua Parents ver. placed man>' Y«an ago, by levlag neigb borganad frienis, wbose sympLthy and coodol- once extis tethie farail>' for the lotmey c'have austalaed. 4iET WRIT TO1XEP DRY QUESTION; OVF DEERFIELD BALLOT J uige Donneny honda>' anated a vrit et laJunciion restralnlng the vil- lage cleni of Derfili village from puttlag Ou lie village election ballot on the 21st, the dry-vol qiuestion as Per the plans of the drys. A. V. Orvis appeared for tlie poli- tioners, and Waynîe Colby for tlie vil- lage. The later did liaI oppose tiq roquept. The Peitloneri, vere lMessrs. Ait derson, Bleirahal aîtd ltera; tlicy BIG REALTrY'DEAL MADE IN LAKE FOREST. As sPntang advaisces resîidence prop- erty ln Uie otit sitr.subanban t0vaS 8pOvs acire and more active. Among thé rcot transations vas a sale by N& NracaScotti toewton Perny ot hvcnty acres on Green Bay roai. lanL"6 INseal, improvai vitit an lgittoa noces ouse erectod three yoars ago. The coasideration la vitit. bold. Anothar due l 1 a IÀe tForest, -as on Green Bay road, vas te sale ef a traci oftwmtytvc ss by W.* P. matIn ho WIllIam2. low. Pr., vbich insi e, . m<rovcit a country ruai. donca. The tractla situatai near lia hountetfProu"tI Coonesy, T. E. fl<s- aelly ani Walur Breveter. Johni Griffus negotlatedothilte dqas. OId Soldior Have ImPrtant Natter to Look After Under the New Law. Civil var voterans, or many of them at least, hava understood tbat whon once thhy mode application for Increase of pension undor the mt ef May il, 1912, and such application bai been actei upon favorably by the. bureau of pensions, il vas net neces- sary for them te file a nov application whon they reach the age whlcb eu- lities thera ho a further Increase un- der this lav;, that the bureau of pen- sions would automatically grant the Increase. Whill they are correct insofar as mnaking a new application la concero ed, yet the bureau of pensions muat lie notifisi hy the aid aldier that lie has reacbed the ago when ho laeon- titlod ta anoîher Increase. la moat places veterans are enlitled to an ln- erease and hbey may wonder wbs- the Increase bas not tieea allowed and the follovlag narrative wIil surely inter- 'To maie a great succoss of this etma un rees1loae v affair 1h vill ho Oeceeasary for oaci aoi every one ta ses hie pastor, tell liim of the plan, gel lis co-operation, rosidIlils announcement, and Ilion gel lias>. Lot lt ehonahbat onithle first Sunday in May la over>' rural dhurch in Ibis brosi land-frona\ s cific to Atlantic, troa the laites in the guif-siiecial services wulliec r. ranged adan effort maie ta have ever>' poeon of the cenununiîy at- tond charei. Tii. local nevapapera vll Jobiainthe yens 'Ask tue local telepiione rsperatur t. aotify ail subacrihers etflthe helepiione Fllaes. E>' Word et moutii, b>' aa- nouncemeat trorathe pulpit. hy no- tice la the grange, farinera- unions, farmers' chlbs, th, sOciools or other clubs or institutions, lot the notice go out that Ma>' 3 le Go te cliurch, day hhrougiout the copntry.ide.'* IIORSEMREN ARE ELATED OVER TII TOWN GOW'-'I)RY' Cao You smagla, boremea, that ie mon vho train hoessbelng glai that a hava ha@ gone dry! Thah'sthe tact as regards Liberty'- ville, accoring laoaau& prominent traîner who liolie forth aI th. Lii- ertyvîlle traci. He saye that ail the. rainars ah the trotlg traci are pleaaei te tiak the leva bas gone dry becausa 1h means tuat th, belp lb.>- baveat hei trackInl rubbing andi training bore@s cao b. n.liai on moretint tbay viii le on the job more regalsly ani hhat thuîy cen gel better resa on the lorses union rraiig as a resait of them havlag le ata>' ava>' front ,booze. "I blieve h dry lova yUl be a greal tiag for Lter>villa,' sali thie same man, addftg: «I belleve tic dry tovn vilI se mas Chicagpans comning ho Lhbertyyille ani InneIciate vielnlty to liv. venoas, betcne 1h07 dli not vant te locate Inale the. lim- les becausa ofthle silocas. Iina>' b. vreag, but lilWagonthat la hvo years yoa'loses a big ilifoerence la qthat reapect" TWO TEACHERS ARE OUSTED Champaign. Ill., April IO-Because contonied that lie ptition asking Ibo>' are alleged to have accepted aI- for the quiestion ho lie Put amntîhe bal- etOions or ybanq.mon vho vere theîr lot '%as ful ofh tr-nrs l intsitepeo! PuPll:s Mise 11-Ion Whllney of Chies- tailure la gise rî-stdentce ot signera. j "0 ttItd M;88s ht-IStiit o! Urbîna, tteý Te iijuititoî o ut.e.,Citeur temL herts la the Arrola hlth as Bdou as te $500 bond la iiied. sehool, vero summarly 'dismissei hy 'TOWN GOES DRY; KILLS SELF bad<fe1itns t!attoon, Ill., Aliril h-IIMurray,, WiliLt R lvat o!fIlarringtan sîtffer- a ciaracter o! titis elîy, comralîted a d tisrt,ke of par1y si Sundas' antd auicide b>' poison Ibis afternoon. The i quite stniotufl>'_I. Arhur Taylor lova vont dry beslerdev. Desponi- tof S' Pq ,e ' vý*1o waq $Oflt for on eacy aven the rosuit of the edotIon at-calntotf litis ilIness, arrivedi-rday is sai teihave caueed bis actt. ;ltorttiîg. erans of the, civil war. It relates ta a lotter vrltten by Jantes R. Cowley', editor of the Freeport JournalStandý and, te Coagreseman John C. McKen- rIe of tihe Freeport-Gaiena district la congres%, Mr. Covley' writing at the Instance of rFeeporl voterans te Con- gresrsan lîcKenzle ho taie tho mat- ter upvili h theconimismioner of Pen- sions at. Washington. Tiie congrossa rasa bat no lime la dolng 50 ani a cep>' et tiie lbter he racéelved from G. M. Sallagaber. Comissloner o! pensions. I:s berevîti pnlnted - "Fon. John C. Mchhenzle, "Hou»e et Repreaonlatlvee. "My dear Mr. Meezie: "iln rePl> to the latter et your correspondent herevIth returaoi. 1 have tie houer to state that la dlaIms siJuicatei unien the set et Ma>' 11, 1912, prier te Mardi 4. 1913, 1h pensienera viieo tho> reach the age entitllng liera 10 furtiier relief an. net required ta maie an application but tueon- able the bureau ho Oraw lhe pa- Pers frora the files for thie purpose of talîlog sach furtiier action as lhe facte may varrant the pen- sieners themneolves or soe one fer them, may vnt a letton or caîl tue matter ap verbîehly, stat- lng thi. fada as te hein ma" sten fartiter action vilIl be taien in tueir behaîf "It was supposa hatthua mal- ter vas aisoe eplaluaila tue press, but f ram year correepon- dent'a statemeat Il appeara thal 5Bucv as net lte case, unlees that Portion cfthe. article roenered to vas evenlookai. "As horetoforu s«aM", ne for- mel application vili-be rejuirci, and YeVuu vli resill>'pencselvctiat unien 'the cifeumataufl Il yul b. nucessar>'in, hav e iLttsition of ltae bureau cillidte aiciparhicii la.' case, amid t »»,vho dote vonluall>' or b> letber 'la ail cases aieuicated nder the lav rmkiisg liselnreasei ratessautoamlle <hase rates are maie ho begIb vIes h ae"ar arrives at thae s.1 mixty-elz sevent>'. or sevenh>'-5ve years, am the. came ma>' lhc "Very traly ycuns, '.M. PALTZGABIIR, ..Com$nUWsur." What M ust iDons rrom the atatemeat cf the pension cOntilssionor, prinlai sitova, It vil! h. seen that vehèrmas vho ans ntihled to Fin nerease,and vbo bavealîreai>' Proitislons ofthte aev pension law, muush flotify the cormasionen et pen- sions when île>' bave roaohed hitage whicl enlitles tueni to a furtiier la- cross.. Tse>' on do tbis b>' vnltlng 1he commisslonor t fPensions, Wasb- r ngtonD. C., glviag thein naines, ai- dresses. eonmpany and negiment and algo ltep number cfteim pension cer- tificate, togetier wvlth..daleetofblrtb. LOVE BRINOS VOLIVA TO KNI3ES AT LAST Voliva People, Needing Money Former Treasurer HeId,' 0f. fer Peauo Terms. AND LOVE GETS'HIS SEAT. Agreoment Reaohed This Attr ernoon That Ho Would Be Reinstated- as Treas. Waukagan, Apnil 9.« a. a. Love, bagne time âge, ouefflas treassmmer of ZMon City whoe thse Ve- lîva oeuneil datcd.d liaItMr. Thur@- ton wouid esake a botter tressurer, ta- day Wen a final Vleory aVrm'tic Vp- livaé toisel, wiem. b>'tylne uptheu' olty fende @ver simo. h. vas ouated,« ho acoeptud thirbiteirmsetfpeue a tle attaroon a et a d!cie i Îhe oIty' edunoi,vws rcMetud as tresser ofe ltis . ThaIttleisnIsa victer>'for Loveanam hie caunsel, AttorneyBesaublen, in ceacoded on ail aides; titat Veliva for oneva» maie to "est duel' la also an apparent fact, for i1hla truc ltaI Voliva ami bis people offerod and ver. willlng te accept a compromise and re-aseat Love only as a lant nesort. Love hlanuIndependent,aid It gees vithoul saylng t.hey nover vouli bave resealed hlm la face of th. court ril- lngs which fsvoroi tliem (the. Voliva crovil but whlch di net open the locks on the cily fund-andiIl be- came apparent that the counicil need- od înoney merle than lhey needed Thurston in office or Love out of of- fice. ThaI's lo%%,thte iatter ilîally vas settled. The Voliva people, althnîîîn tliey lied won out laIn te courfs ln holding ltatil.ttte aas legally hue- ceeded ity Tîturston, ivere unable ta gel the cily money. Lte counsel, Ilirouglitiîîîulction t-ps and cvery other legal recourse possible, tled up the cily funds antd titin. to mlaie mat- lors te vorse, bt-cause o! the langle In te ity treasurer malter. Town- ship Colleetor liasit al.o refused to tur lte city money over ta Tituraton because b ltIt isectîre In whal lite finai lermilîation of the liligalion nlgijt bring <out. Thum It- jlayed safe and wol rtliîot <urreedpr te mueîy- omly on a court order w dicli nover came. lut te meantfite, th,- Vlisa peofflîl needed titis. mnoîey whicit vas lied up ln court and liîey began înaking over turcs tb Love some time ago. Titey finally came out front behîni tho bushes and openly slated that they would compromise (surrender la otli or wordel, and vere wvlllng la reit- etate Love as treasurser and oust Thurston la case Love would cesse litigation and continue acting as treas- tirer as he dibefore lie vas ousted. Several conferences have heen held and the final declelon vas reached thus aflernoon aI a conference la Zion City, vhea Love agreed t0 resume bis former position, hanile the money as hefore and, la act, drop ail feeling. The Volîva people also congented ta lie gocdI n future, tliey promlsed not 10 put any turnod up pins la lis seat la the future. and thus mattere are finally compromisedInllte sensation- ai treasurer scrsp villi Love a com- plote videor, havlng by hie plan of tylng up the moaey brouglit the alli- er aide around 10tii.h point viiere lhey vere sai le be aimont vllling 10 maie hlm anythlng, even mayor, If h. wouli but "loosen up" 120OF 17 TOWNS IN McIIENRY Co. IN 'DRY' COLUMN Tueeday's Vote Wil Make Over Hait of McHenry Co., Salooniese. As a resuIt cf Tuosday'a v ote 12 ef tha 17 lovas of Melfcary county vl! b. dry territer>' viii lha begla- niag of May' 1. The nov lovas adai titis yuar ana Dorr, Chamaag, Nuada ami Grattea. Tii. other dry townsbipa ot the couaty are as follova: Rilly, Peneca, Marengo, Duahara, Green- vood, Hartlmni, Alion ani Hebroa. Tie 4v. val townahips are Algon- qufa, Burton, Ceral, McMcnry amid Richmond. Al 0f the principal clile and villages 0f lhe count>' vilI b. In- cluiddla' hie dry zone on aid aten Ma>' 1, th. dry places bcbng as fol. lova: Woodstock Harvard, Marengo. North Crystel Lakte, Huentley and Heli. mn . Ti. ricialvilaesthat n- Cu t Flowers --- Pot ,Plan its Vegetable Seeds .......... ....... . 81 G,.su . ....s. ...c..... dama ............................. SwmPed h m ................ . Feem . ................ WkLie.« h................... Hydugés ".......................... l .............. 0 ilyddahi. VaIc.......... m -i Bedding Plants Vegetable Plants ,Meredithi Flower & Vegetable Co. Worth Crowlng About omparison of reauat and profita before aInfter uing tha &ý 0, 04 i.r e . tase-d pamnat friSd e iPete. P,,dat.. Sali Cl urau1d or M.uey ladk F et i« Me r U. Pewd.r- ad f50e. Aia a Speig aaait. U.d..1hse mPatt&ease wue -8 Gui Pfom i Jfl auPeUtwenom For sale bv S. L. Tripp. Are.i; F. 1). Ilatterphall, Grayslake; E. L. Wald & Co., Lalke Villa; Wrn. lliliebrand, Autiocth; Blackburn & lireugliiouî, auvonda; Il. b.Ilrehm. Lakte Z'àrichl; %Wm. Einmri'. Di- amond Lake; V. Saimer & Co . Lon--, <rove; Fanshack & Raupp, Jxiefa- Io rove; H rmhberg.r Bros. Prairie Vi ew (.eo. M. W eilutr, Aptakiuie Intern ational Harve-ster Manure Spreaders T'he 1H C Lift CTEEI, framne on steel wheels--that aAE 5!>maT is te lasting basis on which Inter- fflu% Re*- national inanure spreaders are bufit. AUl i~êee.aparts, including box, beater,, spreading lwî: mechanismn, apron, are buit by experts, S using best materials, frorn careful desigus based on field tests. aIics~t~m.s Every deta.il is stroag uand durable,.haut for long 1f. and sase o f draft. be h ~ feataresthat vil toteroat you are <hase: immI proeced eaerdriving -mechanlâni, UIIofst loaduTonOrrlmm nsun rerndie gear aid worm; low, e"lY =aox. ist clearance underneatb; end gaie, provetln bog of beatar whils drivmng te lihe field; eto., AU styles are la the 1 H C epreador liià, hMeband low, sadien and reverse apron. and varions ies f or amanl ad large ferras. Our catalognes vii tell you ae Write for thora and let usna yoo is ve.you Inay ue0 1 B C masure speeadurs. Iau"milenaJHarvter Company of AmenCa Milwaukoee Job Printing AFL ON Lt Il mone * idesf Jurai fort Vin Dr, Pla- apu ptios lest the a In t Sves Ainl for 1 * l bbh but I pasa ho bu l opers Li Ph. vaN. s tint g -"rfi.' Isuani rare *vet7l 11v.. Mra tealili hie-il .45 time. ni-'