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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 May 1914, p. 35

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,!# tXudiviiont Marn. ~U ttt. Lot Elk. 8ta a Walwrixf1t ... N.. qÀ NO . 4 08 *#-E 4 . Subdivision Tau. Naine.'Description. Lot 1311. 8 Ct,. .1OWiwt t.~L. 1.11l M NOur0<'* Subdfl Of Pt SWI/ S" go Tai. Marne. D)esription. Lot Bli. Cts. H 21 4.4 217 28 3 4.40 riret AUd to WashingtonI Park Tax. Mre ypeIKliptionl Lot 13k. 8 Ct',. 150 Mfktso VlliaU cof Winthrop fabeChiefalg rFine Bluf f Ao. (lA.3use~ll.........12 46.4.66 8 twinthrp Herb-f Ji04L 0»« Ug 24 à M1 <é.Descriptionl. nec. Acre". Il Cte. w= 4 ropHarbor & Dock Asoi............. 3 17 .781 .,lap. Description. Sâ. Acres. S Clu j. W. flocun,,1 NW cor .18 1.12 2 *Yn Town et Waukeoan ý Ory.a Sbd01cfPt NW'/. sec. 33 4612 Nmrne D.cription. .lx-t ftk. i Ct g.i.fryer.............. 14 12 0.4 ....... 16 12 11114 -1.......i 1 1.84 Mghia.,d Parkt Tai. Mre esrripton Lot 1311 Il<(ta. taa Bhuakey W%.& 12 12.5i WARRANT No. 156 City of i4ighIand PuIlts M6 #ighland, Nam@, le.rià. let BlIr1 Sclé. WnL WiIsW W 9 < 74 1,n WARqRA#T NO. 14, City Of NuSA h00 SailliWauiS Ta. Nan-. r..accption. Lot 1311<$8Cé. WARRANT 'NO. 97 South, %Wlubkuatn Tau. Nam-.. fl..riptloti Lot 131k. et$ Wm H Murpiy .......... X 64 4.04 WA RAAT NO.42 Narn- Desription LUt Bik. i (te If itudlger.. .............41 6B 1,77t CtofWauksgsn aR^ NO. aS a. A. uuuumis ACel.a^dd Ta Nam.e Deecriation lt 131k. S ( 't., olu@ Hanberg ............ 14 1 26.72 WARRANT NO. $12 t Nixesl. Add teOakland Tax. Narre. Description. Lot 1"W1<8SC, 1ev Jackson ...... 7 2 .6, WARaT ij?. 408 Tài. Acres. 8 Cta. e1th Nlia. of 21 bene S 89 fi w N 8» ft E 150 fi te IlAlL'WAY TAXl!S ¶~~Je and a p aijwa M ti=1 t 01 etof bd U~lWZY 00i*ffl b« 04 a Of 1010d extsdiaOh 8i aof IL ackiand amnba«" th Mme, to- *Z t t eln at<liesame l n ict: l4l h~Jioe agoà nil. to-wl- Tas. et Mebi# besit ..... ix IMlodomp&ay. the ralilrod teuck MON riglt of way of @&Id rajiroad cm- 81vbeing a triip of laU Cixtendir<g on fflé adeOf MnidtmCk and emtiracing a etoMetb<r wtli ail stationsad l ani'0.eM inîereon aa the s.i M1lC4t athefofowin owshp D.eton.Wak 1,Carl' P. W.., 2W- anthe (Oc ,o Co ay d kepthe i th. --per , n4 ltIti Ututientlnda reinain due C Wut>Taesaaue if'oli. for.th 1ltrhin. aPrnti anr tes daui p'ta te nukeý lai' eah da.r bu for W.v Jt.an it. 51 a ridenht toi lie rili aliaisstue 'amt u Ibaveh sus aad do ae at la rintln l haubecwridacf torusorithday-tf :*jStee dthatth k jirty w.jiP , -. .', . ý Y,'age rwenty-s ME~ PLwL> Urs. M4ax Baade Is Chairman and Has Strofig Cornimittee ta Mssst Her in Work. MAAMY PLANS DISCUSSE. Before Definite Announcement Is Mgade a COnference Is fû Be I-bld by Worlcers. Waukegan, May' 6, WitL tLe settlng asid etfMay 18 tu 23 Inclusive as Clean Up Week in Waukegan, the womenIe organiza. tiens cf the city are preparlng tu do aIl In their power to make the day a 9l @noces. The F'edeniton of we- meule Clubs la taking fan iuually active part in the canipalgn. , Mrs. Max Raade ha. heen apPelnted chair Mon 0f thecommItte vhlch vill dir- eet the vont. Theo oommttee wbieii siaie Londs la eompoeed of energetie, Public slrlted oa. "W. Lace discupettd mai'.>'different Plans" Mni. Raade nid. "Lut vo Lave taken no defInite action as yei and viii flot until altor vo Lave Leld a meeting. Our commntttee latends té hold a confereisce wth Conxmsoer Attembery 51 Rhtcb ttue ve viliiout. im»e u et rethod 10 pursue. We liffl tc have L.altii inspecter Clar- suce Hiks premect at thus mtetlng ai *0 feel that Le vil! bc able to gi-a us mari, Leiptul euggestions. AlIr we have beld tht. meeting vi' viii be ablle to announce exactly Low we yUl proceed." Mi'..Bastae declarec that ahe and th* members eof ber committe. Lave auggetod followlng tLe plan adopted durin Clean-up veesit aNorthl CLi- cago vilen smail prizes vere gîven tu the chlldren vbo dld the Lest vont. ?dns. Bandesaa b ler commInttee has about declded tuatlt l vuld lie rnch hetter te arrange some sert of an on- tertainiment to, gi-o the cbildrer% after the1 dlean-up veek. lIrs. JeM'ie Just, president of the fferatlon of Women's <clubesgays the wonien of the cit>' aim te do ail va cen. 'W, ae teld the city officlalF, that ve de not roei that vo <an iffcrd 10 pend any mone>' toward cleaaing up the.ecit>' she sald, "but vo ar willing ta do ail that lays vithin our power." is. Raide boit! the same posiion lai ynr tht aLe doe tItis and the fuct that conditions ver. cieaned up Ir.,alucli in excellentIt nannier ibMyear lOgeawonefor ferbat yl lie acconi-1 pllaked ibis yoar_ ATEUERY 15 OUT TO MilPERSONAL laiiamel WL? ' Yst I L. ghildd. litr- INVUiAI I ld îrtyville caspital ......... ....65).130 mtemeAready Has Reoeived Agsur- Jhereb>'certif>' nce That' n tary Con- 0tt f IliinoW, ad a diions WiIl Be Changed. tht records of Mid WîlteganiiMy 6, trginla & lit "f Cmmissioner carl Atterlsèr>'. head ie and iinPal for teoft '1 . and prior years andorte Publie HealtL and Safet>' de- nt mpftial ý issamnîs partmenb, le not content tuoiet hs<'k tyear 1914. ad prir w»ii tee one namne and direct the vonk of te bealth de- neaottdets ,,,partment ln cleaning up tLe candi- aa deCu nty. Ili.. tions o!f filtil tLat exist la différent . 1'WEl ELD, parti; of the cit>': nothing will do Lut r and ex-of&iiî COuîiy tht ho must go out and talle an ac- 1do herci ths ýite1ae suntub-?dl Quiet!>' and vitheut nmaiing knowni 9 iro. a crpcrtion, ad is Intentions Le started out on %Ion- iritrd agent f saId ',r thia ets eî and tat day and began tu ike visits to la the piiblsht, of the n pendent, a weeklî>. e- igLborhoolis aLere ho Lsd ressont 1 generat circulation ln ta think Le vculd find tLe condition 11110s. viticitneWepaper 'y subiieited.prlntd and cf fllth. Ho found il rptsha . Maid <Couniy tof !,ke htrprst 0 years cntinucîucly l.sethave bren made te htm b>' Ir'peétor Sfieoilia Ir flands Clarence Hicks Lave net heen oxag- $al esatad rsonai nluste nsaiîneîs. gerated ln the leait. In eacli case ho of ffida-. Misy 't'h", 11 h hdtke hemttrupwt exarnined ts sidlsBald LeLdtaotLentsru u orreet and titat te aime thie persca lvng on the promises and n ail pape-cc of ihat ls- id dul>' distributo.j aL,>b>' persuasion rather than b>' drastic terreo i have hereuîîto moans rocelved tLe promise tLat the te seai or this corpora- conditans vould hoe remedfed ai ance. of iay.A. 3. 914 'iexpect tu gel resutsImmiedîate- WA. on> Ihn ~L d. eTt."Refore Clean-up Woek hl eorn tu hefore me v e ve viii L ave aie oit>' cleanod %ear. A.tD. 1914. up sW thorcughLi>'that m11e vlfl have WANE T. STUI'EY.teLe ho one. W. c.n alete ework- N try ul' ".ere eut and showv thom iLere flth tormeri>' oxisted." You receive 40 Mr. Atterber>' says Le Lad ao Idea i$M #W bthelede. iat suchl f111>'conditiona oouid ex- - lin a cty. He says 11e thinkoIts t a mnosti>' the remglt of carelessaeait *1dbfi~ata~t~.yards 'amealloW'e qat in such a M4~ m4o#, e« A 4eM1orble cordtibuO. Se ibat as II; o 110ï m iité t*.inma, Ite thimbs tiai Sythe île a OU0 vIJ hais mevue aspuld permonal Iiiitata all' pmits *of 8the oit>' as ho saya ieotlji4.he vili lieamle 10 de vltblasthd next couple cf veeki that COaRdwlo>invi show a marital Improvemont.. RalIe çep Impecor M111*1 creoilt - ' ' baitg'wrItt mIa' mimproVýf a h.W , * f nauor0!smret efrmt'i ho e ier .o.. OBi lnaglned. jVers Crut CItâluzn aDeo*j SPeqMs PligN for bppIlieS.j 0010 MINERS NOT TO STRIKE OP*rators of Suckeye State Offer to Renew Negotlstion& Indianapolis, fila>'7.-There prolia lly ill be ne general strike cf uoal minera la OLio, as reçuaeted by a coMmmttee of Ohio minera, vhicii ap. peared before the International execa, tii-e board of tlie United Mine Work. ers cf Ametica. Thie tatement vas made hy Will-' tam 0. Green, secretar>' treasuror. L when shown the dispatch front Colunt-P bus, stating that thée operators Lad of. fered te renew negotlaticas. PARDONS FOR IRON WORERS IMNLIKELY Pradei sWetEzpéted te hilerfere at ThIs Time. Washingtnn. May 7.-While the White Hanse ahi mate no statemeiit iii this time tu relation te the applica- tion af pardons forr1the mon convicted et Indianapolis ln tLe dynamite con- Bph-cy ease, lieyon4 sayjn that the preaident le coasidering the applica. tien. lit la nov pretty welI underitoed that tLe resideat viii not lnterfere la tbo case. TLere lo before the preeldent a long liat of unhroken pi-ocedienta agatilfl pardomhi *men liefore the>' have berved an>' part et tho termi for whist bile>' er. sentonced. In the reguli course et business, if the presidant aliould docline te act tavcrahly on the petition, the, paper wonid Le returned te the departrnent ef justice vithout an>' public announicement of hie deci- sien. Tt la assumed. hovever, thet oving ta the general Intersesila tii case, annotsncement viii 1e made of viiatever action the resident tait«. DEMOTION CAUSES SUICIDE Michigan Man Reduced ln Patent Of. fice Encs Llfe. Washin.gton, May' 7.-Broken-heart- ed beause of his demaotion la the patent office. Walter Johnason, si>'y. live years oid. of Jackson. Mlch., MIT3. ed hfinself la an uadraker's estab- ilsLment here. !.lr. Johnson Lad been connecte with the Patent office for twonty-live >cars. tatil recently Le lield thie pilf. tion of chiif examiner ef ail patents peitaining ta furniture. He vas an expert la patent li an d for man>y years was a judge on tho patent o<ie beach. Sînce the Demiocrate dlsplaced Edward B. Moos of Michigan. as <omIlssioner or patents, sipplalltina bim witil Thomas Ewing, there have Leen a number of demotions tu th@ Patent office, one belag thst of John. son te an ardinar>' clertship. Y. W. C. A. SoughtInlu Anderson. Anderson, lad., May' 7.-lt vas an. nouincedl that a meeting liait been cafle ed for tonigil t a 11teél"lrst M. I&1 <hrdi for the purposeofo rgalzine a Y. W. C. A. telakie tho Place oi &@ Y<oung Reainess Woien's azdocl1"c. which has flourisLedl here for soi-oral il enths. Ch»e Muet Floht ln Ranke. El'Pose.- Tex., May' 7.-General Chao, under bei>'gurd, bas "e ordered to the front. He ha liea ro duted te the ranks and viii b, fore" la iht lan(enerai Pahie Gonsidle atm>' la the attacit on Saltillo. Un ept MOver Niagar a ol. Niagara Falls, N. Y., May 7_4~um dimtifis* macla a rovlioat vpa avwep , «e thé limsï bc. tall. Thé il tvs~pam he rive be «Mr vis liroken on dritt tu, rnd.,- p~ tu liw 11,11111.. lý Uousçcleanh. Offeia you the opportunfty to refurnish your h oni* f 0* coat. There are but a few da.y. .ýleft to ta1k, advantag&e of taolk Isavingas, s80buy tomorrow &,d save. NOTICE. For the convenience of .wr larg* ýnd gw*ti towa , atomers we have addq4 a large Auto ýTrucWIo oeaÏo- dellverres 1û,any part of, th o~yfe yo .1tyof'O W£ &EFUNO XO)UP.CAfiFAKL $15.00 BRASIED, $9.85. Two invli post, 5 heavy f ill ers; s~atin t'îxish,1 In g anY sinh, onlly....98 $8 FELT MATTRESB $595 We guaî'aîtt'c Ihisnattrvss to equal alîy $10.0() felte <Ion the miar'ket Coverect witlî art tieks, 9 o)l11y . ........... $30-00 9xl2 AXI»TER BUGS, $19.85. W ( oftt<t high pile rugsý in aH con< n abhe designs, at 0H13% .... . 27x54 AXINfTER 1BUGS, $1.79 Take yoUu u4reistriCted t'hoice. 9xl2 MATTINO Z9UGO-lin the Iatest Orienîtal designs, at oîl.....'79 Bed Davenport~, «C96 $4.00 GOUPE, Th'lis dlli'tun)frt is usually vdih -ela~t $30. Wc have, 1$9.00 Go-Cata, $5.WQ. WOOL TOP IlUTRESS, tîîiooîClap *1.69 iii.large size -car. Al gl i-on spring, tliîîu jom,1,,1111 rovt Spots, ex-16 -ktk 5 $18 booIRcase $12.65 Coînbiiuîtion h'kaud %i-ittîîi...ig 1 )nl eipaitlIl( ut, 81- rt, o $8 A meîmsz abé rwý and sheif below; in oak,,Oa early English finishl -only........3. izeiitd top eoteli; 2dr'op> tides;6 ip àA p)orts, at oiily'....2o jT P REFRIGERATc3RS Enane. 1liedlage-cç $a Rock.,-$Loo voiait îd, Iaî'gc iC* IMade of soliîdoàk, î'fnM)itnen, itdlc1*g- w ide arn resta, p ging drain, 7did nse ~ f t ]Eigh Ba*k ffrtlg U 2.0 coq 1 iChair, nZ at ........ Four- large dram'ers, large Frexîeh pâate inirror, fin- àâ ,ishejklu içàçmriajà vubiL. KAKER ,ÉM R. fiAt fTTODAY TO STOCK LAKES IN COUNTY FIREMEN SAY TIIEY garsetheyarre ll chlef oftâe That the lize-, of L.ake courtî are partentie eur i en dlaol d1 INSPECTION t i stoeked with marîy tiîongards AËË ENTITLED TO whnL eihimowr- N ~~of flsh was made' knowntrug a get a raies. Ho Sait! the point that 1) N~ ~~en sateîî '. ter og ES OLCE baubeen rflhsed tb: the firemen bOr9 reeport, state gaine and fislh con, areln____ targer <'tes will ibIp I CO TV missioner off11111101, It .4 ated - ;:d with regard ta Wituitgak Severat Automobile Loads of tliat the large undertaking or tran,- Work Twice as Long, They Say "You <ean pick out <ties indiacrim- Road Cihmn sionersand ferring miani 1long of the fiflny crna- a nd Recelve Less Salary lnately and eay-'-here la a berger écit theë Wade Trip. at Hlvana, t te waters of' Lake Than Policemen. than Waukagam and yet the, county wlll taire place ln the eary - y t l nge mlàre it n' .et ald- M h n e tW s S o n and part of the cominK somamer. yFR E L A P ~ TE . eal n tae ge ter ai o dtlou4mn eU Many Voe Hepful Suggest- I]t la thought that the large Part of OFREL DSPONE.e)n'it"Tegrrlcniiltms iosU Or ffered. the fief] that Io ta be placed lnto the b osdrd eLg i Is 4 moethan flfty lakes of Lake coullty Cifo teDprtetH lesa the an il dt aeanpaéip will hie of the wall <'i d pike srîectes. a .00bqecUU AY AV The Invasion ofrmany thousap4ieof Confidently Expected Men the cost of living thole u ot sq pleasure seekersm nothe regions of W udGt as. as It ln here. Toeu muai talke The rgaisaton f a akeCouty W uldGet Rase. ln thia lmniediate vlciiiify. If ile Tiogamto faLk 'ut malier lakes of the county every --t.rý. l uWue"'rcî, good roada asociation was forrned smmner bas beetn. ini a large ineasuro tradePl l WakgA rcte this atternov Iln the.. <'rt llou:qý which the cause of the d(-creaslng of th Waukegan. May 6. moe han they do la safie <lIer edtyý was attended by a large catherlng of numDera of the flnny creatures ln the pMmeraft wohe Wauen r e - g o metarniee of1e aP tire dji8 cunt>' su 5*6*. sand toAnslhip high waters of this section. iSiflftwo a enepc l aroger t t ee. p-peMa way colnisneiae' and their cierlis. The gaine and fish comieSsian raine ln aalary at tiie flrst meetinglagrrntn" Onto f t he t townhips of the court- wLlcL consists of C'. J. Diettmer of lr, the fiscal year, last Manda>' even- t(Y la thoetrbhe vesterm par-, were F'reeport, lenr> V. tleepteren cf Chi- 111g are greatl>' disappolnted. 'lhey fR IT LL not represented.. A gener'al discus- cago and J. S. Illackmar cf Paris, Las gay that go long as the policemen sien on the atter of good roadmi was onlits staff six fish and gamne ward- are pald a larger sala>'> than the lire lndulged ln b te members present. fs and slvty deputles who are em-in: n Uat tiiere 'la unfaîr discrimina- LATF. A. S. Th mneeting trismd sp oe b ion.ty oi t tthat a police- Count>' Superinteylent C'harles Rus- SPecial wh work two nonths ln îLe man la on dut>' twolvo Lourg, a day On MWay 2 at is borne ln tmmb& 9011 year. and durlng tal tUnis id flot called cc<'trred 1the deaiLof A. 8. VMC"SW Nocelectlon of offlcerq awaq moule DeFIîpla'lnesl river, a hiranch of whlrh UPOII ta work any liarder than are the Jet the age cf 89 yeare,.HIf -Uât at the meeting as It wag iecided ta passes tbrcugh this coonty lia lieen firemea. Theîr aiary it l. polr1ted father of Mrs. D. 0. Dog ;iz ~ defer that matter unitil the next meet ciceri b>'tbe 4commilssion Io fisblng out. lm five dollars more a irolith kegan. Folloving ln is obiyv'r. Ing of tbe org"afliitiot 's hich wili other than bhe liec of îmù' and lune. thoan that pald the firernen wbe are Ami'ciiLld Stewart KcCSdlt *uVi te field ln LibiMtyvllle, bir a cern- No net fishiag will lie allowed ln the clged ta ho on duty thc fultwcnty- haoln iaWgtonshlro, Scotlandt, A.lWt mittee on l'PrnhMstlcall ais appalnteil. waters of that river or its trihutarles four Lours ln a ecl day. e,20.i824, and dopaited tisleM MW The committerla as folloms unir! Ithe Stock cf flsh has béen I.b- 11 venture ta 5gay that the big 2. 1914, aged' 89 ,eefl.a 8 1U0~ ('harea RuelJ. Wttukegan. <reased., The saime ruling applies te majcrity of people i Wauktgan 6 days; was ma-leN APMil". 5,~ Frank Shed; Newport tovnsbî1. Rock River. Kankakee river and Lake dent knw we have to aork tLe full -te Catherine g10#y> iBeol tula S W. A. Stor>'. AntiocL towvnshli Calumet. twefty-fotir heurs" coefireman sald, c<omiflg ta Amorica lfa 1mb haï e$0! Geore 190a, Derfeld Incontmpltio ofthecomtgý"I meet people almast every day who Year. Being a carpfttep lie vof- ;ecre H~l#. eerfeli cotemhlatin ofîe'com is-at me wLether 1 arn wcrkiag alghts at his trade for a shoft time SbiS'l Nir- Hublidrd, Llbertyî lite. 8104 are the building of a P.econd or di> s. They co hardly believe settllng an tiie fars whlch bas' **i Té m-& % ikh conienesl et 10 base hatching plant la the centraltatewrkbh iitaday" ineLngiebn. o',lock thîs mornlag eontirued until l'art of the state. prolîably on the "anye w h g a enga. ine ii hrng bs eedt i' twelve e'clocli. At 2,othe molni- Kankakee river. and SURîl ater, an- h oua. may seeus pstthng nerea 8e aht il livng. lsed 18 pv054 Pat o ur di0d la utoiles for a ot her lat o Lake ictgan . Liepareatîy doing aothlng." soother tire. dren and 3 groatgrandehldri.n t ' partal tur . Oi colet>'fls suineaLre n Loe Ilch man S polie up, "but vo Lavo te put ed Ilabh,. Prebyterlan b»i, ibis v The part>' followed the golf road ln aur limue Just the saame and we the religion thât sta>'eit lii tho>' reaobed the Green Ray TO Ksep Tlnware Iright. have ta be ready ta anaver a ire et UfW o',uorey avenu u»to>thé ntL., lmghway; they paspeed thr',iigh Deer- If tiew tinvaro ln ruiibed ovor vitb alarm whenever Il cernes ln no mat- Hie life companion dB'e N'1i' field. then bedéd for îil:ertyvlîc, 'fr.sh lard. tien thoronghly Leated la ter et wLat bour cf the niglit or day. lirfo July 6, 1910. Siam athn ho bf' Ihi tic t~ lev be ta efoei suei iileThon we have ta risk our lîves at often expressed Lip deir. 10etr tire. Policemen work no liarder those gene liefore. LAKE COrlqTT-MDZr9ffll)MT. Pif Re ýi

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