L~AKE CnÎNTY N TfJPIWflN"r PRIAT. MAY 8. 19 L4. - - - ~ ---~>a'ttu OUIjOIL PROCEEDINGS. providen that ailotte, ofieers atay- LakeCiouun1-yIndependent PLAN IUL UIDW __reev alr, orohrcM.ea Reua eetiug tMay 4. 1914. Full! sue ba s an ix4al.sucb fees or coin- Waukegan Weekly Sun À R S ITA E hi ol eetni inn.edotkefctuigbtr Office Telophono Number . Libertyvilie Exchange. ej ~ t1 were raie hcexa nd prvdofr hcan teOlirweeetd iu OS man. o! Llisworthanal Titus whieb or appointed, gltsved et the Postollilce at Libertyrile. Di., as Second Ciaee Mail Matter ail r$0e§ r ,en otîng &@ m aBà h cinaaemn _____________________________________________________ ________Tih. presidsnt appointed the folowing tioned lis liegai for the reason that such officiai PprfrLk ony commttes for the' entiDit ear: compensation wu@exmod by motion andl Papr fr Lke ouny.F. H. GARDINER PETITIONS SU- pînanee-Elîsworth, Wright, Cieve- flot ib ardinanea anal far the furtlaer figaes Every ?rlday. Adertling Rati Made Known on Application. PERVISORS FOR RIGHT TO landa. reaffon that lit was Ilsea andl aliowe't SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE Street»--Cleveiand. Elsworth, Titus.,.dorlng thaeterm fur wbich sucb truettcea ________________________________________ COLLEOT TOLLS AT POINT. Fr. andl Wbi.tr-Tltue, Colline, Omaie..'andl oft1cen. were eleeteal, W. . SITI...................................EdiorLb!ense-Iragbt. Smala'. Cleveland. ÀANO WBKEAB agi -ordinance of salal F. CL SMITH .............................. .......... ............ ............. Mantager, J REI O.EXPENU olie.WtglEisoitl.approreal Angut Ii 18M0, detbWg the M. J. WEBER ......................................... .Resident Manager. Phono 68 ' RataîaynwrSsl.lndugw9tbe fti.village néit, Proi.duhbat _______________________________________ ollne. ncb'u~ilag clrk"J hperfora @*Ob PLANS. IF EXECUTEO, WOULD Moveal by Ttus andal Olevolaa11d tOther~dtios a uybe oqultadof lita W. snoroly hope that the towns and village» whlCh have votIld to lbs CHANCE GEOGRAPHY IN FOX BppoiIlUtaito! the comntttes bon. front timet 10tine by ordîoace, or by 38V wil laso kept dry a a bons. If the maorlty want thora dry, they SHOULD epd. Motion caried ai votlng are. th Prs.tsnut anal Bard of Trueses. 8E RY.Thee lno slfwsyabot I. Etho dr orIicnse we.LAKCE REGION IMATÉRIALLY abs inuuldonxappointed Uitefollowing »If, thst gader the Statut.s ad sacb 43 DY.__relano__fayabu __ Ethr ryorl-ene-we.oBus. it e lSt minosir. ordinana., the village eerkcannot M&ashWasis Llmberry'. ree,.ompensationfor a»Y ser"es lit wnulnt b. et ail sarprlang If tho foxy Mexlcans DUO have sonne spy Risquent for permission ta construct fire Mar$Ws-Dennle Limbufly. perforanea by bina union@e aenbtom- viorkbtginleantd about the ftaval Trsanng Station. wtchng plans whlch this a tati brdge aroas Pi ate eat ?resswr-.R. a. Bond. pensatip a b iefd briniiaseprevloq, Illarmen myhive Un mia. ai **te*mot-naurelthina in the -'-*-' ta -bat i ti no-uasa"the Point" waa Celb5*u-8.Bon d Wlgt to hie tere ofoffice -li Mnes by Eiliworth adWih t Teamsaom a B it Resolveal by the. iaiethem aloin" 1his vory thlng. presented ta the count> board aithte tbo appoientetle accepteal. Motion Pre.ident bord Boad ofTuateote b _____________May' meeting of the board Monday carried aid voting aye. village of Llbervville, ln reguilar apffl- Wauk.ganis aient faderai building, when coanpltod and in une, wvidaiProvo nmornins. The request for a 30-year Il- Tb@.tuaneeurr'sanal clerk'a report. f or Ing asembied thet tb. action c61 tbl A àavt eifghtfuI place In whlch ta work. ItleI.llghl and adry, roomy and cense tu, perate sete carne frorn F.-Afinance e rifema aaan&Idit 00lb aitb Preed et anaioard o th 8Wero CKLY, aonsaeliotly arranged. lit wllI ho a oftdlt 10 the contracture and a bg lm- H. Gardiner who stateal that a con- tmotion of Eilewrorth anod m.iaVOlad April, 1914, relabive 10 the' pavnest O! proenen t tnoOi>' Wtht synganthngabut the lmprovementt In sff1- anY teIn laproceas Offormation which wblcb caysi&Il votlng aetacoprnthat 'a aedt, wfl le ead t send$3,0 I cn- Tii. petitio»of s a ar 1. 8San. Rouit Truste*@ andl Village Clorai fur the past ~ eeGy In handing he i n tog of mi w htheo kegnoffice now la tructîaigli t as soon as the necessary (lehornaisad Ii gSturm 10 ctiteu e Jor, andlrelative to îb. Increau ocf tht' bltuont malntlCliuegnng b day peal$0.00I cnthe etion of April ZisI, were read. salar>' o! the vilage, Cierk from $200 10 honalîn daly.permits are secured. Moveal hi Ellsworth a"a Clevelandl that 827 il a year. ho suda the camne ls hereiy ' The frequency wth whlch modem Jean Vajeans îurn traltoti ta tuas. 1140 The promoters plan erectlng a plarak Ite P@11&10».lie rT@e4010telg rcoiaea.reîis.steadeai who have ehown them klndneaea, tende 10 discourage people showing con, bridge scroes Plstakee take and Nlp- d'atmttanfe d o t nc h ariet Ilean d uaf noore a nala.ceti e lng sideration te Ihosein nosd& And,. whan Ilt eches a point Ihat a ma 80fer perini lake where the>' came togetha- ail voting aje. of the state o! Illinois. forgea himseîf au to turn against à prieat as la raported n the local Incident, er. flot fer f rom the St. Paul railroad A petiaion froin the Chcago Telephune oAsNBEIiT YuivraaaEzREaaOLVaî heat bridge. Com4aay t10 replaoa' telephone pole* w"ae lb. aove wantl.aned eunias o!fîaaane îî pse$ ail *ange of rassont. tf& hard to comprohend such a charactet-. Vet, brde.ead. Mova'd b>' Ellswoth anal Colline heretaator.. aliowed andl pai unt as as Victor Hugo dlacovared ane, en are there mon>' fling about through th The request lncides tîtese features: ,. refer the petîtio)n to the struet tco- above mertlaned, taa the. Prteldent, couatry today-ts inut a case of discoverlng themn at the praper lime. 1. Tbat lte riglit hc operate the mitte. Ae-oluliWvhSil.Trneteeeoand Vila" Clerk ofni la village __________bridge shall run 20 years. Wrght N ay*--Qlevt land, Titus. Mu- be pidhbck- l«oto th@ village treanir> 2. Thet it shall be- inishea inide t"' Cio. b>'ans anal mIl odapervoensrmivlt.g They who rise to weae hoMn -artondt f -nigpr Ioved by Ttu@ andl Collie %bat the titemamp. and that tbe villauge clrienuo of on yea fruti dae of rantng pe- cirk noify . P. njaeerry olýtae"tanalsvillaeieeandrleble drrb d teai.o Porget the. friends MItL hieconract on the village balli made of n eiaf fsali villagse tu deannal iIni darker fortunes tried 3. That Il shall be a substantial twelàt>' alsyn.Moto Biaistiing sncb versons who hava' recelsed eont- BR A Ttmber bridge 'ith a suitable approach b>amlaynl lsls itaidditionai compencmtaora above moi- -B Y N >Moveal ml ad91eiu bttiOoca. lie .aaad @unsa)!money- no ___________et ethier ide capable of holding flot the -Jerk ate autborizcd ho pay the linht y tsed in hn, anal sheu igorcaelve<l, 'Wbn i wa wa? I itisnt wr nw i Meico wht ls. hanteD tons: tlat bridge shah hbills o!fa ePublic Servi-e Co., an nsoue to av athe flnaaaaosevr tf, the village b. -" feet vide wth aL autabie jack- the discunt forilthe village. Motion treaonrer, ana lxnpn fallruto!cth is t in-pong or marbies? If marbies, whose shoot l rota ,, uth ,etrt emtcarrisal ail voting mv.-.Poetu10pa>vb uch@me 0oftnner 15. L5~.5.5 kffedrs la th eeter10 5e-ath The folluna; nbtill e eorerai andl fiavktok1th@ - ilanie vithin heu days it? naigation. O kL'd b>'the llnance voamlittee andl on a!ter receiiDviu ano tice. the Prepident 4. Tat te toils chali bê thein favorable report wcre allo.wed ohnatosaai village is liýba.rtc thaîrized anal Chairman Welch of the Superdlvisors displayed fair- One person-10 cents. motion otElworthianad Wrght whlcb direc:ed to -ommunoa s.auit suainqt nacb nus and good judgMent in selecting bis committees. Looks Faca lau-borse ihil-3c obt. Fll e tt r k.......... # 2 6jba nesat-@aunins aaf onpe i) e~celved as if the Newyport man i going to make a most satisfactory .a. os, eicl-5 > et. ..... 1.........1 25> Iheai. in the anoma' aI lth village. in an>' Fac ato-.rý.Rbt. Flle.................. ;1 court aal coatapeent jartmdicttaan. for the head of the county board. NIr.Garineuto-SOc Vothebo r Fe Surdan........... ..... 4 Sm> urpose of r.-aovnrintz eh u-b înis of Mr. ardnerexpaind t lb' b a.d l5ie Gounty <ra"t C.,, grava-I 4 :*î1)nona'v 0 illewaîll' recaeica'd bI'csh t:aXte bridge viiibe a gavai con - eick tBru..ti-............12 4§% pereatas A local paper teils of a «'$50,000) 1o38 by fire at Rond- eete to residenta of te inke disý; Geo Uamti dranuig.................. 5( l oscd l-y Siiale and Caallins tat the that ~~~~~~~trct as it permits people tu get tu1Drlin V. Smith. 8 o .-vae S h eol1 i.s a 'aît'inoa rend Avee- j ou,-hwn htit dtrnvrhs ent S t il- B. Eger. rdl ......... ......20 5>1 liltne.Smale Ne-'ev-aa.Titus Ther'a isn't $55,OOO worth of houses in the whole tow- the Lake Ganeve. the Joitashur>'. the LbenysauieLnîater o, nade .. 12 99 Not sating Ellaaworth and Wrght sombo4 st.fed i I's eal ptifl.Spning Grave and othier anals at a sas. f. W. Smith. -April ,aiari ..... .. , 500>Motion loat Prasîda'ttSla'a-evotitag oneoVsufdagain. t' r ly ptfuing of 25 mtiles' tnavel. 1)_ Umherry. April sa'ala........ 47 00o aes _________________Îremaen. April ealary ....... ....I 0O 'h -, , nan'aV il t -i. -a- ,.. He statealtaI lthe bridge yl cosI Pl'bh ie @vtc (',>, hall lgtt. 2 24 t. j_ .. . 11-1- '. 1-0 -t 'A 1.-1îî Witk State's Attorney Dady of Lsake County deter- froin $20.000 ta I$3a.00. it viiilbe Z- Treptow à Tay;or. lumigatinir.. 2 uiata nath aa Siiiaak. ail v.taag âye " inindtodea up helke egio tbs yar ad 'ithSta e tdlong. 1.800 feet beiang aIrros. lte Pi Sensaca-l., Apr t ight8 ,52 04-t lita v ai as 1lwortli anal Wrighat Âttrne Jolynof cHorydetrmied o d th sae ater. the oter distance bcingacernes L"e Co- P &Prt" e r ntks, _20 4)adjaurn. Carie-i. FI.Cîît.Cek tbaug, i p sas i teregion inquestion stands oa t h lfurnisitte move-Y have been E & Gariatî, etam pand ex pret'___________50__ chace of being EzAL CLEÂN this season, for the first secureal pending action ofthie board- IL. i Bond.commma â ares».R ___________ - fo reortrs.moveal "ttht- request b. te- IL B.Bond. commmssion u Urne "Sue it became nobMg a conter forger t - anoumaent -No. lu .........o.. 2 ;$100 R EW ARD ____________ferreai tu road sud bridge commatee Musai b>' Ellsworth and Tt& thai -e s~ s. - ~... to report ai ne-t meeting CerrnedI te etec eommtte supervise the oilsng If .jW ak au au ga $7,000more in aln iene GZs _____ _Ai the stieea and cee abat the etaet inF0OR WO MEN'S BRMINS -thterate at $750 than it obtainod when it wus $5W00 peprj preparsal telore the cù atieput___ u1i~ilU k 'I'$'P~J(~ on sedIzthnth village furonei the sanal. ,e tiiugii tiioeaneton leu Saloons, what wM b. the . IjvfA IIAM M oton eanieda il voting ai, E. Y Hoejamoepoe la AMaoel sue jp Move'I b>'Ttu. andale nato use the anwe ad edaUn w ays th m infeci umiato >$11O0 t f~j1I Y T aendl of te village lot ecttW itht' bua Ch»» s b Win IL t v lim 8 Wevealwysmaitaned-ht hllg).ief R RILIVaL eptit- tank as a dumping- grouné for W o.» iio m aa1«t" tii _____aubes anal lns for village reelalonts onl i,>' - vuwaa.'Esda oer gav, se, licous. and ls sSaloons' ntebtter policyfor all cities aal ttt no one te alloireaitu. aiasp lesa. ss v =.ma*Ju s to foflov. Looks as if Waukegan is proving the. saying is Voiva madie a aesaaiional attack on artiage aters. Motion earial ail IDm5tom55tla tua correct. Christian Science in au andrese de- votang aye. Moseai b>'Tilus andalsabtat Chas. sle livereal at the- Zon Home AuaîtorlmtBrmn e lova 1 cneo aue a Jl aS npete 'whom the steelkngloft $2W,- " ingta. ii hpipe uethUe souat aal of te -anr-the ohm G o main on Milwaukee avenne, hi o @$and iothe- un- "A mO- Wor lefl vIto Uilb5ifrve ail @,pense o! seîtîng lte mater lIna t ~N>coiditionafly t ashogriaduateo a r.cgmed uiM versity, in dead. He never got the fortune. His heelt sncb eau" - a w rille, tanthbleitooi an taP&V bis fuil frontage.MIdo" DMeen sn a5 Umke down aud ho dled in Colorado. Pabapsthe esi odn p r.Envsbo. Mvie b Sm"andlWright abat lb. tt~ ~1acd O bi aqui.m ut us. oet.'Key tu te Scriaitures; ' imit aotliae on pool anal billiard hables b. let ssus.71110 bi e n.of the thlin wdh aiuod Ida brokdovn. Oft-. bole sons, ta patud ted intabrat B'. bduUe sA» on bowling allers ho $25. fur the Ilegs Mène w- «OKIOSa&u rgat *1 fr t ds5 ln tiier ndeavmo ebe cSu- PIhicy 5 g38i Or vo-s belaving anal $20 foresnc b sncescdlng aIler'. IF l sidivate, do tbifgi whlch are diusrous. It looksaias if the. sncb mff -titis. 'Trees. pilasad Moion caried a votiagage. IF ITBU b~ks. èider att a &M titsb ~, 4 ii o 0151 in lisernlud7' avl- iieenscon movlug pictore thoset ie 'FR0 -pIaced a condition 0on the acquiremetMo the fortune " «71ilu>'wsailg a! a baby are avnclaes. 1= onarnled ail .. ri UusZCRb «M&d brought on hià death. The youug mari threfor, no more asewytitan tbe taking o! sre. b'Wn MAN lasaalsa miglit have been better off if h. had not been related ti> a finit eut ef valet-ever>' day anal tos- . J. ot-klsmrign dC1.lueselanda t a 1 l ia'_ T such a rich in~IierIng ft vfti ditt.' "A women vho- Browon le graated pool room litena.b " go~ Win write ncb rubibs as that a s tie pal cuartlsly tu advant-e. Motion IV"*k"nsr(10() Round te cetcu Ia medium o! lhe devil andal al she carrel milsaiglle M ollietittath mien bsbn.> I wa raee as luspîreal b>'the aeil. Ac, building commitebu empovea'ed lo nu...pn4er IIE B Y I E PAS OR 'p a l'eewng ta get lu." " kng.a. taa o lu ier teachlng. there la n o hase cgem esput oun %wu vindove a ite abat 1551,0 am"1boe pu> IlMary, I just let the brute IL"God-oiily mortaI mina-So tkat you caot-il moo, Iso i1w the juif oom anal ha eum 'ilte, esmwigWgtcé are cmyn i h ol~e~ on te front- door oh the village hall. abat v se~led.t 5 0n Wedaoday 0f let veek oaa-ut-l 'Welî.tiacit aiesil thengGodget10"t 1w Motion carried &Il i-oting aye. - inSmil Sort ht5~ the aariage of Miss Ruth Caroll anal -Ife. aiound In your skuli." Tlariig 10 Mca-a b>' Smaie anal Cleveland tlitI eIub * .avt e . Mn Hu>'Seetlisce-eo>'bIng Eider O. L_ '1rlndall Voliva said, "If thes <ark contmittee empowwredtu mi.s; au th"__________ ar hr Siet teomon e ase tbe jerk moveal vhen necear>'. Md Verfommeal iChicago b>' 1ev. Fatiter I1 belleve. Trindal. that >rou healasMotioan caryleal ail vating aye < aeaial Kiosella. a fn-rmer pastor o! St. JoAepits St. John's Evg. Lutn. Church a pumpkln. ltat wyl make Il a pumP- >iosed b> Elswortha anal Smaae thal eburit n Liertsihl. jkit. According ta Ihat titeori'. e skunk te tire andal ater comrnltlee ht'eum- (-'rnr Boawa an Prk laeutoat.ic starter fan the motor at teYO F hou revollaoa yangpenîeo! lore hrodwy u PrkPt< aull iei a aelt'as ia rs i uwre d omind et stthe -ast a aboitheoi thie viinit>', tbe bride hanlait e tinit- Lilertysille. 111. R. 0. linorger, paslon. oîly lhought so, only 1' b g uml~ itos nlrprta h ue ter of M. and Mmr. M. H. Carroll o!f(Germait services eser>' other Sunda>' strilitOrth Ie tbinking machineir>' 0 meeting. tianied ail votlng aye. 4Llsl itoodout, aimadte groom le a son o! moralng sI 10:30 a a. belleve s0.- The !ollowlrgrn solution wee prasented eba A banker of t] Mnr. and.al . fseuet o!fleerfield. Englit service esor>' second Snndny o! "-Heres camnemore o! bier rubbiasi: aar'aal b>à'q.CheF aldtandBoard a f -Wslo. Isands of doll lite couptle have a bout olf ienala w-oha ie aontit at 7:15 p. a.'Man ln nelîhor young or id. bie bas Trustees o! lb. village cA Litent yville, M-mel1Helh n visi t Itm a long anal happy wedalea neither birlh or Ileib. 'The boni>' id at a meetingt belal on te 2lird day o!f- mis.'Hat n ilfe.lie>' lef t on a sitort veddlog trip. 5tLawreneEpiac'Wxhurch ean neyer die becane it bas na Ilite April A. D. 19-44, b>' motion vote 10 tihe 1, casnolty Co. Presidêntoli sialvilflge Iint>' dalare ________tasurrender.' ($W,00) as extracampensation for bli - lsssaueg . l sive policy W! August iIoerrem, who vas inltted Rev. EtivARo S. WaITE, Prleet-n-cbange Vo-liva ten talai a star>' an a Zion service for tieintaloisir, ana looieadb>' man ramai Theodore DrYer. Thea- motion voie tui lt.e ciailrnan o! eeth 'oI take out a by the grand jury on wi!e abandon-. yCmuineeyBudy74 oesfte ln oelgadlethe caaDmttisofiu Board, 1he.Oum will stand imv ment t-arge anal vio later vas arder- RîyCmininevr'Suaa' :5 oem.te tt stele n l i,, Ienty 00lah(IOO) for eýtra -edta sy is if 2 a ont fo he ~ Flrst9undaya>In month 10:30à, m. vont ta Une Christian Science meet- compensioenfor sé~iara for the -e oPY i ie20amnh o ir MannienaPrayen oser>' Snada>'exePt ings anal Ibe>' llai h ierevas pont rysir, sel lié, b>i atiaa l . 1 voeDdo bns- 'I COU kLePanal the chilals. Ioda>' appeareni shove 10~ -.8 n. o n h aatrvt ian adl the b.Clrk aofeMUd.1115e.lb.-Mmm O f >'ORV IlsfonJude %hitey itSanda>' sehool 11:45 a. m. dollars ($50.00) for exi t tenestIa h bis mother. bainh mtu gel np anal lestitY alth" et- for bis sericeso la? irM dmëi- lie bani just metuBmneaore.tram lovaunvonr9:00fect. Ho triai liis tbree SBandeys antitails a alota s hos visteal bis Parent. The>' both &fat- ________thon he salal. I arn (rougt vitia tit s lepI areu b.eir> !I il. s businiess. I d.nt amtruiielng ta MYligand for ldane.atabural nd K~ A5hi el (beybad aseal lit yaunuvite M E. Chuch Serice.. ife. but viten it cornas ta Ueing ta a sevecty-flv. dollars a ruern. .hs IsTa ~sei lUS ake thi$ gour Base of Supplies W. have «os b Mau i "Mths tlectrk Nh.gt Boom tc., e ce LibetýUS Grage - . KA DPnep - I inounce nent Mr. Cha. Boy4&. of 1Janemvllle, W is. me that he ha@ pnrchased t.he BESWICK PHO-. d wiIl operate the sme BEGINNING MON. .THE STUDIO WILL BE OP>EN EACH AY FROM THAT TIME. Pû&>'ail it-Ae rour LACS rh y %JP V.Li ý JL aj&lq"jwýLM JL, -1 3