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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 May 1914, p. 40

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'JUE SLMU L;%NOS 9«« l' AFTER13A»hFIGHBt SU.WS ý Y I * 1 It le a well known tact tha± .loSeph stroYer had conuected wlth hie hook. S siomer. one of the beads of the Cy- He tusaied away lu vaii$ *,Help, * clone Fece. Company, la a disciple help " ho crlod. "Heip me land hlm- * i guena 'va hooked a whle." * of las« aaWfton, and often bhe oTe- 1 Hi friende came tt hie agelisance gaed hJX friend; with stoiem of hie and frcvrlmilfltes Uey fought #Ul a been about "the fleh that 90t nally they manaaed to get It to a IIL âII ' way," that nmre ofthtem were begin- point wherp the wator wams ot quit. ~ ing to wondor I i 5mb tortos in ie s o mallow. Thon a smmli boy jumped 1111bande were flot somewluat eiamtic. In and caught the tiah la hie bandEk. BU undr night, however, he was able it wam a mammoth pike and tipped - to dimpel any doubt that mai' have the scalom at 6 pounde and 15 ounces. à . el~ ot about tho matter. on Sun- Mfr. Blomer dtiplayed the fimh tb hie en From Hic- bday. with Mfr. and Mrm. Clayton Rutt friendsaati'Puadt'm and NolaWs es eS stolen at h went fibng on tho river near Me. taurant. "Nqw maybe, you wili be- StHe inry. He was fishing from a bridge. 1 evo me tho nt tir»e1I teli o Suddenly ho toit a tug at the Uine. about one of my flshtng trlpd.," ho t5mm If lt toit as If a amaîl torpodo boat de- ald. PuLIct1i..Li0uC MAVVMKIrtu. N.vesm Last Niqht 6 rok Open M&Mboes in Z. Cty, Tk mng the contents. Waubegmm, IMayi.6, That te ic clausInfested wlbh a gumaber cf vaigrarla who are litile bettes- than mucala bbloveu Im bbe mille -ucnt made iodai'. b>'Assistnt Chiof «t Plio. ThomnasTyrreli who warnm bqpmelves te be ou uder guard un- t'O th. police eau locato ail theme ebaràctereand rus her out of the -ni lathe Urne cf yer when - bffl chasactera s tte ut on, their *bai à0re or lems trouble vih them," tbi uulIsat eief aid. "We are do- 41 oernt e ma r-u iesaail oui et torts but lbt W veilifor the bousewlvee 4%t Merebwantute b.on ibeir guard Mi* &to cafelowç mai" eiude our metfotnbyInstmance* occurred os A#sa vblcb shovel that local peo- »Îlé Calicot b.tee careful. y *da' tteraconon. of hiltleven enterel 1h W. bt orne 01% Notbli ica efroot ; " 'à"W et lbthefamllywocre In pas-borthé c ouse got away 40$ ea5loea. six of these *0 9 ut hc muelir. 'type. h ver. eterllag'ilver. The theft 'bep, os-bct bbbcepoice but »çr vicofth ethble 1f bas heu found. lbwlyTqwedmi evemlng oe eof thoe ~S e t edstcare of Mayer 1e1k o Soth Gobemc is-et *olc a ai-POM f ubo.e. Hwa, m'hcov. -thve, lstore anti Spoieo. er.smemnel. Police *M*W gsia, de»ci~tio f bbe MW traced biSa bclow -bbc bill blie Wated bit ithbia lbsc bmboh osoà. le tala imt te c -.*Ucc bailsa vierâ 'éliepeni the 0« orSa = Iui' viithéI 'aréIrg that ~~ 1OIb tcldmlpac la MRi Î=& loueM M 8~If lac sobusn. fl» *t vb e4 ail> v4 ot large enongh ww.vmmuýlabIloiclai huut4 ~las-cen>'. The Polie. mai' verai of '4>umeil- mlace. bave heen culcd te their ai- tIM n d they desMla that bouse- ylvqs m»q busines mon aId bbom th beir effoate hi' keoplng ai% extra sUmio gth for a few dai'Out aiosi. R iOSSERfikis ON ZION -. Zio Cty, ai' 6.-SBore brire et a vos-y seridue nattase bave benu qsrnuutad lanZmoaCiy rithin the pliat tcv veko wy Oireceali'an m- t~ u vs. ,mado 10 braie On the aes ai the lC4ervstera depot ad ai the 1Oi4Ub ond a afev nigbtm ego tIO uromisesof 1Mr. Eml Sehabi-1 **Do" ansd mole thirteen carnersm. Àa*ut aunother -burgiari' vas ceaolbbed ai Uic Nortbwembomn dopot. '14o mi! boxcu properti' et the U. S. "'0fiepartanat ver. brokon lato mdas he bcboxe* vore empti' tbeM Malisg vben examinol lb lu Peb" M he iccontente voro m. Bbcickes-e iviied off Q, -boxe.mi ad taben avey. The er- Iem"et t0fis aoffense ean b. rol- býulB thbec act ihat Unle Smeai Ubla.- puatbimsa" a' niertereec vii a vesmet properbi'. The am- »MinlasorfMauil 16i a url.e vtbb h ai p»»Iy iy t bre. i'.ars et lmpriaon- MMSL . MOMam se heng aies 10 tri' al kiAe tc i slminai or- crimm'Is,. ho 01W sspcbs-tln Iese bett. I pae of amacima co 1» RE AND) POLICE [JEPARTMENTS [Ma APPOINTE» IN ZION Zion Citi,Ili. Mai' 6, 194-At a meeting ofthe ibounCity councili eld last nlght A. A. Walker was rep- point chie! et Police mnd W. H. Hun- l'elle assister-i for lte fiscal year. A. A. Wlker vae air,, roappointol Firo Marebal, Albert Scboepp, lien- tenant, and Dr. N. J. La Rame, hbaâth commîmioer. A number of epeclai policemen Wei% aima apopintel. Voliva le givlng epeclal attention te, the Temple SteGraounds near the Tabernacle. He bas ivo or three mon vorklng, grmdlng bem ail mev- lî'g grausmoselandlthey hope ebortl>' ta have flue lavnal nd tiovor b.d.. tl leoxpctel Ibai the Temple Site (irounde vîli te made ver>' attractive bbiaentuamer. Although Ih viii pro- bahi>' labo another yoaa- tu complote pllans whlcb bave bean drawn b>' a Chicago Archtoot. Voliva le prepring for hie trip bu Minneapolis. Ho vilI prubabli' travel on a regular train thie lime and viii Soi ae the private car. The number of singer-a vili belilmitait tta aquar- tel., lieexpecte tu precb luMnvosa- poile ou Mai' the 4h, afttrnoon and evening. Iu tho ovenlug ho vilI ehow mevlng pîctureu ef Zion Cbty. WOMEN SEATED ON BOARD. 0, Waukegan, Mai' 6, Wl-AT BOARDO0F EDUCA- TION DID LA8T N lOtT 1-Acelived report .hovolng tht cul: of oprating high saceS Sa. ycur as loe then dunlng precoding yeur 2.-Wlliam NIllIowcl uppoint- cd b>' board tae te iscshool uenusmdurnq moenthteof May'unI' lune. 3--Commtte.. for bthe-Iigit crhool end cil>' uchool hourde ver. appointpd bit preident. W. S. Smith. 4-A. V. Smitha re-lected trocs- urer of the Iboard; bond wviîch hol muet furnis afuxel t $75M00 S-John Roardon apuln ýelocted ecreturi', thîi acet holng a fitting recognilon of hi* eblili>'. G-Dotallsd report of expcndi- turepros.nteci, hovm lb coste lusc le *ducuts chlld harotblaaln counI>' echools. Severai matiere of business of con- siderahie Importance vere trauactol b>' the BdofetEducetlon t the meeting held Tueeday nigbt ln tho Washlington echool. lb oaa the tiret meeting of the yeer and ono of the matera takea up wase be mtlng af tive nevI>' appointel membere. ln- cluding tva vomen, Mre. J. C. Ffle>' and Mîga bMyHutchine. Ula Sehoo Cosmb The hlgh scool report me pro- ental hi' John Eesdes. lb. secre- bu7s-yhows that a maieruai .avlng ln theou co f operatng lthe lgh echool luti ysar vasmamd over the revous >roj. For exnipe. he tua temhers martosi ailaintbbc i'as-1912-19131 vas 110,736; tbc total' ealmslee pald teberm ibis year vam 8i6.314. The cosai et supplievaa appl'oxliateii' $400 logs ald Uhcrepaire, replaçe- met et equipmnt. mtraion s ad maItenance of the building ver. ibot 81»00 Ies bIan the previoum year. This la coraidereà an unusumi- 'ly gool -sbowlng. ý'The Sohool Concua Thc board ls deutrous ihat noaia re ho ]out la aklng the choel ceomue of tbe ciii'. I le. rcwllzel that mani' changeai bave occurrel ln the popu- lation ofthbbecii' ince the test cen- dus vaa takenand lb le desrel ta gei a comploe conusu of the hblîdren f echeol age bore. William Hallo, Veillwho vau appolubo mealte cou- eus aker lm a former momber of the ifbeel boardad It la feaithai ho viii provo bo be ope et the bot If- fýlaJ5 et the kînd tbm board ver hais etuployed. RHolas careful mnd pains- t#klag audlf la I bltee thai hlm ro- port wiiho eaveu more accurate iMn la uulli' thoemae. CommIttecc Appointed W. B. fflth, preidet of the board appoltoil the vus-ious commtteos to carry on the vork dus-lug the enuing yoar. Hiecelectione mowed that he had l ivn the mater carottai conid- ýratlon. Vollowing la a lisb of the commitee: City aSchoolm Touchers: Reardua'. iutchine. Ka- lowmky. Knigbt, Hanna. Buldinga & Ground-siieban, To- bin. Cuningham, Kaloveki'. Roardon Supplie. KaloWmki', Broud, Tobin. Text Book*m: Hutchine, Hanua, I'a- Ici'. F'nancc: Knigbt, ileba% Tobin. Claimma& Audtlng: Knlgbt Brand Tobin. Courme cf Study : le>', Knlght, Hanna. Menual Training: Cunningham, Hehan, Es-snd. Rmuj £ .Rogulaions: Knlght. Hut- china, Reas-den. Sahool Sanitublon. Kuight, Ialowi. mby, Cunningham. 11gb Sehesi schooi Mangmnt: Renne, l'o- iey, Kalovebi', Kulîht, Reardorl Buildifipu & Orundu; Tobin. Hohan, Zoibloleic Braud, Ruas-don. ..SupplIes: Braîi. MHassa. Knlghb. FInance: tobîn, Cunningham, Zol kievice. Ciaimm & Audtlng: CunnlughaM. Heban, Zobiewiz. Cdu,-ccof Studi' .Htaicin. Hamna, Foie>'. Texi books: Ibeey. Kr>lght. Tobin. Menuet Trulinng: Robas. Cun- ningham. Zlklovimz Rue, £&fteguiullonm: Huhan. Hut- chine, Brand. Sehool Sanllt'on: Kalbwpeki' ltnlgbt, Tobin. Off icers are Elotid *Attorney A. V. Smith again vam elected au treamurer of the board, Hlm botIde were glied at $75,000. MIr. Smith fiiled the pomition lant year and the precedlng yoar la a very mat. letaciori' manner. u lntsg W.- B.-Smith President of the board the mexnberm ralit led the appolntment og Mayor J., P. nidinger. John E. Reardon vam re-elected mec- ret4ry of the board. Mr. Reardon bais hold thim position for sevoral years, a glowing tribut. te hlm excelere abSl- iti'. The tiarles of the clark and trocs. uror were ftxed the maine ms 1mai yemr. Oliver 9. Thompeon was eiected uperiniendent of the eti' achool "d 1W4Ilm C. Knsella wae uected pian- cipal gf the hlgh echool. The vote ot the board were unanimous lu bobh cases. 'The catit of office t-mu adminliered bi the secretri' 10 the nov mmbero eof *e .board. 0 m IW ckSNte gp..roo ofino6o oe vilk"eit greul pif euig. Duka. "Water-Wuiêliy"Ratier uab.lN.dilh uter welhtfêult I~ ~ -. cte heloligel te Dowle<,~. lad that bmd >a tlght 0 walik tr .1t, ANT;WIMV LUROPRAN S0ILS AfRCH IS EN #I CK HOME <Es-edere Gazette, OctJ> 23. 1913.) 1 mommeestheopn ffl or ai- rlcuiltal lecturers. Thor wiL. .om- Jury MU 1hI Sane on Alil mene m i.ta tell ios b-o-Y mDIos- SubI MWftthe one Ex. tuesbolng vp r utebu «etq tReligion,- adbell ot thebb 'ralemmuai more on one mor. of blir ioag-illcd smlls HAS Sb"' C LE FS . a edo on our prmdllclli'vis-gi ffl BELEFS. S lbe. It leiamentabhy truc. But smanelluc e cclecturesm orebte Was .. on à Charge of point cout ibatbbthe esonbbthfotthi CuWireFence e ews bhave been shippini lb oves- in Ow Jtyof ZMon. Êa ua m e coul blal lb on bhe bombe. * W.uakgan. Mai' 6, "The geaiu. dimplayed by lb. Duro- Charles IL~, b f in pe>'v anua fermer la ini good meillurs thc os-attourchue. 1mat Yei Va ent givn cr ag'fose mmet'luc us- t -rpe miaplocl mter mlipload or bthe co r bod etre non todmy phosphate mimcd In Forida. Doubth bu thu1rFTABle te return a verdict Caroline, or Teamemac, everi'Pound whlch '7-Mil 4ve oaused hlm 10 ho ot VU& a bold %&av esn ca pe.d oe 4ombe 0an .Wlum for the li. 4mes-lcen aIL Worec bbmn bamive sane. lnât*O54 he le" Inelructol ta re met ovni- 417.368 8vortilofcottm1- tara te PM. (HY Mad conduci bîmseoif ee «16o'1»,736,02 vorl 09 ilaceci. ln a imW-mbi1l Masser. TheojryThe. uropéma tasmes-tins it M bie fOun lthat Ouaie alono wamiithe houmi. aold thec et a aprofit, ald (Ifed4 ei*hlalon albt ho e .tifl*dfor hlmemoU the feM-llti' vblOb detadulppli~biblratoaelbu h ÂAMIcs-oacotton 'a Ames-Icauxia Dae Plh~p s'ad druivutrom Acaercsoil. Amro- }ieftuh 4 ~Poijodon Saturdai' ICM n 01 mba, beau Do oomidcs-- on1 a "bAlW 0f baYlng eut the vIre able fauter il a mklua bbc soie Cut a- fonce about th teMple site ln Zion. rope rich. Ho wae givea & prollmlnary hearlng "Let tbc lecturesmtell um b fte"lbbe olîcake ai borne. Let theni tell bbce before Justice We»a nd the cae oVas ull~e fbcio-l obb11 conInu l oltng the remuit ofthiheelb. oulu or an oonDoilcai oroe 0, iseanîi' heriu ~protD.eZn . , vei tmeVa tala. on. bob Behrens .18laI dto ho ut the opini on'ai Europe v.eboul gase twice etai thet Djr. -DovIs cf whom he wee torma- oa Aucrica." or tolbovor. 0"t3inleolive. Ho le said to have been c"uPloYed ln the wiro milii hore and thé navai station, as weiil NefFiiercanaelOI lu the C-o19 plant lunZmon but lbei him The peari tlberes o! Ceyion arc Positions, lb18 lm lelld, becausi of hie la thm Gulffoet Maunmr, 50cr bbce « .olg9lOumbeflefo. hle smid ho le nov b10020 noribet corner of tIlandl emPloyel lR lhe Zionlace plant. Hl@Mmd bbe bmoks mot ftmouel)blmee salai-y. lb lemil le 58$125 a day.Ho PR« licIco» ue t he shore neat a hu eenoftîld mûr, t ! cai. dPlacecoclle! Marichchukkmddt. Siucs bbut n h bee l m ýore. Itl 11ca0mel theTbbcnêtukabave not heon priune but o reiihe tebobolb.Uvc. Blehrens tbehoaahthat Ihe temple -M w.-___ Wa*gan's FaMtut Growing I aid Most Popular store. ________ Tomorw a*fIIl - -~ vt ~- Cbty va, for the i'Mr jusi Cloud.: The £nrofllftcn. Number Washington ... ... '7 Garfield .....................ix Columbus ..............., $37 McKinley-------------------.44 -.~ 't- r F~OR SAL"- Ste obelice bgleid~ SÇolorado '*mu awt i# dramI -'"f' site, '.WfleNus. lit, .~. -, b ; 'imAd- h bel-r~I YS~_ A .S.ltg. of $8.50 Coat, lStes, at $ This is another illustration of our w oîîderftil purchasing -power. They're coats we bought at cost fo manufaetture, anid include the season 's înost fa- vrorable modela, inciudIng the popul ar " Balmacaam' Many'serges lo, besides the novelty weaves. The eoi ors are navy, Copenhagen, biack, green, tan, taiigo-in ail a very unfisuai collection at sycih.a very low price 5~J as.............................................. .......... M Another Lot of Children's Cobats, $298 This store is fast beconiing the Chîld.ren 's store as well as the store for womn- en. Our stock for children's coats h as been increased by the addition of about 200 of the finest coats for;Sp ring and Summrer. Ail matelials 4nd styles included in the lot. We featu re for this eaie a cyM unusual taà» lot of $4.50 coats at ony......... . ... .. .... . ... A Shipment of New Tuk Dresses at $20078 And here is where this store is going to attaiti a great reputation this coin- ing season. The rnany styles shown and the great variety and ciever color cominations featured in these beau tiful dresses is what will instantly ap- peal to the feminine fancy. We 're s howiîig them at prices that are bound to create a great <emand. This dress for this selliing at i29 only ,. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CýhUlden's >esses in Popular Stls, 9Ù. A. dresM 1k. ths is very essential for schooi wear. The matêials are of fine, "'Toîl du Nerd" ginghams, percales and chambrays,' in, plain 1oi01 or ini plaids, with triwxnin f contràstin g colors. They're here in al sizesd to 14 and $1~.50, -for .......... ip.;ý A Lt.. I[ ]Petticoats, ail coelu%.J We boîaght these to'sel aýt $2.50. Týe y 're of fine messalines and tus" mislke, plain andk figured, with deep floune e of small tueka and pleats. Some ini the Kiose-fit style, with dlasps at waist. To introduce this new line you an hav e one for ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... .... IWoMMv'sNewWhite Lnei Wlt A waist like this usually sella for, 98e, but by purehasing the manufacturýer's entiré- stoelç, we are enabled to offrr thern at this -iow price. The lot con -; sista ôo- thè e* nmodels, in iow or hiigh collar effeets; short or long g1- vei7Z fe'qq, An unusual, value at only lac Wbft.Ie do " a Glovs-A fine «flnlshed glove with' bliek em-ý broidered back, Ùi al sîzes. Regular 50C. lino,ý at only go:oqualitywlth dou-. ~ie sle, eel nd te*.t SoId regularly- at Ï5e." for oniy oWs golf - rOfi vihr, O e 25 'ea -Vu-i - t. r!7- ai lui néi > ie sleeves; ail sizes ta 44. A great bpag ain for only----------------. . . L A. skirt thàt mdU* ho uiihty.popular this coming season, in white, pique or u ~hie iziu.Tbo new double tié? ffects, witli ptraps of! pa- Band buttoal. Y4'yiiual'value'at, this týme, faor ù4y. ~colôrsof a 034. un Weighât, kibn old reguWIa,><atX.. hudren 0 Of ago~u Lvery rem able 've~ -in white irohuud Libn m4foiae. ýop- .$W« Spoons Stoli 4oy Home-Shoe the Kubelsky ?.k~'I! fVKKTwVl1tV TiTnI~U!~S ~Tn LV M AV- 13 1411. t as SCROLSOF oeNTY'.'O4 u.pnajNe~iaros ,w t qasei.............. Costr 3375 L 1 1 ".r ,' *t' 3t.f In-City of Wat e l .MÂlme 3.6 LiiOi...............3 CONDITIOPLIS SURPAISIN(ITL atl tooaMfW apU' S mlttdb Aie. fer odIar" o. o I t of the Sabola.. wiag is thef4 teni ______ delt i e$UOe.Mite, th"pla de Waukegan, Mai' 6. avene O l The ceet of educatUng pupl 1t4àtbçlis meer =h' t Waukogan clty echools la coamld-rbly cmOru es cf 0UIniag vs. abl cheaiter thau lb là u ta chools et ceaafudi*ZZSIO .1114& 4w ib Lako couuti'. 7bim la mboii ai' a cou- 10veflcuaP8lomVli parimon of the reportaemde hi'P. G. bi'i'. Blatrcae euerl"tedeut .1 publie instruictionsiâtion .lcrllao relari' of the Waakegas boas-i of cdu- publie oW ihc~ t* ~ cation. I I. theSubMbir mhiaWMIMwt d o ie Mfr. Biamdetellol report @tshwr4uita ëof ir. vssm, aOb e cu that the average Mt iPc1 ur 1Ule- oj: 111* ate l. <eý Opurt l*$&14 oduentlonal PurPOM nesLake o.iuti' OoutY, ei a 4«.» Ib~rcob . for the year eflilal une. 1918,. &Pon at th. Cotir' Mueamcta Wnb~~ $37.66. The average cMt per pupti ln .mid Couliti'. dn thc tiret am y~ ln the ciy echoola 4h Wankeilsnfe tif ly> Set, 181d4witac nd l been the year Jusi cloel vam $33.91. This il pelormu qaafsegoulass aWàg blami le $3.75 per Puiliileu thtan for th-e qtgte are noU4flal"dargqVàgged t pupilu the county schooim. Primait th ue tied court fer i The following amta*eiC, aki favM udje«tiota. t the report mbmfl btcl INFOWYtTEE. ,John ileardon. vill show viami the soitAU.uDV VÔL. JURI ni t' 't 'I 'f il s. S tilt M rs. Whe GAS Thoug By tii M ira.i Libertys fi, sab a. eSumn Eara. ni aimo liad nov fliy F:arly tliv star sil tf in lhough t Arn i inniaI dii ta s11, liai! au, r(-ariIt(-ai mtlit il Stiiiti % istigitt worthy'î that ne slii-mac wlîere Iylng V Ill. Who pliid mi- muest ri lungmot, mpeed. ThA- ti hulance "0 minul tIInoon flot une( thlnk th, The g, 'torti,> of gase t-r and lm a vs-r mter fhe ilb,' p ing of NI rs.A ail the. ,'atîtedt 'tut' gas c-uit tou death.i pomaibi>' etertedt becume bave ho procono cient ce Bsoide leaves t1 thi' fortS Expreq Prosbyts at ii coad"ci numbef C ettendcI Ihen Plus ouila of pailbec mworn of Mr death bath No. I1 out aà off 1t Ileye * ho Overet contr< 1, à' le t 1" 1

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