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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 May 1914, p. 5

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LAKE. COUNT? INIEPENDENT. FRmÂAY. MAY 8, l1èl4. SPECIAL SALE 0F. PIPERS- BREAD SAT., MAY 9th Au. lOc LOAVS ............... 5c rACI1 ALL 5c tORVES .................. 2 FOR 5c P 'ps li:Ma-Ma; Whole#orne; Pumperntekie. Health Bread-, Vigor Bread aun.d Vienna. See our dimplay window on next Saturday. J. Mcaess as 24&25ll :Working Clothes That Wear T.hat is the* prime .rýîjiiittin lotbing for the mni 0 who cloes ti -W A :aîd that is the thing to whh we paid tlhe greattst attiention when s-elet- *~n uotr lîne of meri s o working (lotiles. ii. I tand ul un- **-- dcrthstrainofery da ard usage and1 will * give the service that the econornicai tmen lemand. WVe have a fuit lune of overalis, jacket., etc.. at prieem iom-er titua.,o rdi iu- o_ ary and we are rnakirg a ~'~> apecial iv of ftiutian and *khaki gouda, for the * . are the fabries that are S beconling po1,uar f o r work clothes. We are selling rucu s and yontl's khiki pants at $1.00 and $ 1.25. Fu'tisn aI 51.,50. Meus n-ork shirts at 35NC. MNeclianii--i' shirts with two coltars, $100. J. B. Morse &Co. Everything for Men UBERTrYVIL, ILL. Phone 14 XI 41 ,..........,.. If you want to get up better SEE US. SPECIAL this week On Ladders Our Man Hung TWENTY 0F OUR IOWA OATES. You can help your cause by buybbg now. Libertyvilie Lumber Compan y>~ Dunby the Oid Depot. Phone 47 Bee*n Har 20 Yser&. E. A. BISHOP, ManagerI 0 0 0 a 0 -1. 1 Enn5 1!, oCit6er/yvd/le tiems- To tinsure publication in the Indepen- dent. cape muet b. in the office no later than Tuoiday of each week. Adver- tiser., sspecisiiy are asksd ta take partucular notice to, this affect. (Addlllonai Local News Page 4 and 2) George Vose of Prairio View, wae a visiter boe Frlday. Wm. Voikinan f utniocit, transat-ted busnss bers Tuesay. fldvacd Keller of Chicago spent Wed. »"y hr em wth . E. Duraud. John J. Morley or Autioch, wao a v1ietor at tbe mile tract Thureday ot last veet. The W. C. 'T. U. wili meet vith Niîrw. Chas. Citeever neil veek Tueedar alter naon. AMay 12. Ars. A. Brebuer and Ars. Wm- Phîlîps and ciildren visited rs. L. 'Z Protîne titis week Aonday The doiugWof the village board at il.. special and regular meeting' appear ou page one and four. Ar. and lirs. John Welch returnedl nt week Friday troui Fitzgerald. Georzia, wbero they @peut te ie nter. Ptiret Sauce 01 tlîe season at Hert..lî *Park Pavution, Hall Day, Saturarînu *MAay 9. Goud lime assured. Mr irand lire Frank Titumlisoaiof OFrankfort, lad., are visting ut tic * omef FI.A. Bisitop and famtly. Thse Earnest Wrkers la@ wviii t i1 tiseir îuînthly businesso meeting, Frîday. MaiyrSasIthe home of Mre.Jamestiusvi-. * lev Edward S. White entertained ishij lliol lier, NIMc. H. S. Whli te and itý * illda of lae&e@d, Tlursday of1aî -iupervîsor H. B. Eger wnut lu le. ia oTueeday to attend ttie ,tale ioiF-îi 1,t upervi..iire He relurard heteîn M Ar. and lire. N. R. Ladd nuit Nr- W. S. Melain wnet tlu hVuconiiaTitirs *day oftIst week lu attend te-linerai Of a relative. * Mr,ESgar H. Wells, Jr- lt 'um day ruoriig tor a ivw wc-, iiit wiii her parente, AMr. and lir. John Croler a t Lancaster, Wis. n. The Misses Maud, liabet anS Eunie *Turner anS brotherJoseph ot rayetake- *anS Claire Kettey ut Antiocit. vere *visiturs bere Suuday. Ars. Frank Wright nco bas been sufferiug trom tounsiitis, vent lu Chijcago fast veek where stuc underwent su operation on ber throat. * ey. Edward S. White viited sanie ut hie pariehionere un the nurtbern part o! t he couuty 5.surday, going tu Lake *Vlla, Loon Lake and Wdwrh * Blehop Anderson ut the Epîscupal odiocese of Chicago, wiii coullrmu a clase *ot about fiteen t the St. Lavrence's oEpiscopai chrtit u n Sguday, May 24. oTire Tinis Chapter ot the Westminster *Guild met vlth Aloq Bessie Bond ou *Tuesday o!this weet. Ater tie business h-ur-a -Wui-ISSaon, cv, gueste having been iuvited. About Sifty couple atteuded thc dance given by the R. N. A. aht the town hall Tnesday evening. Every other dance was an oid-fashioned one and the event was especialy enîoyed by the old people. The Snuday echool teachers of St. Lawrence'@ church wsnt te Chicago Thursday ot this week to attend the North Shore Sunday sehool Instituts heid in St. Simon@ church lu Edgewater. Mrs. W. L. Whipple and lier motfuer, Ars. L. A. Swartout tel b Wedneeday for Ihockford, Illt., where the former wili visit a few daym and returned. the latter wiil spend the ennîmer with ber childreu there. An.exeutore msae ho settie the etate of Clarence F. Wells ittl be held St hie tate reideuce on Miltwaukee avenue, on Saturday atternoon, May 9i, at 3:30 o'ctock. Notice of sale appeam, in an- otiter columa. C. A. Bewick on Monday esold hi@ photo studio tu Chas. H. Boyd of Janevllle. Wie. Ar. Boyd bas taken possesion and wili mate hie home permaneully here and keep te studio open every day. Ar. and Ars. M. R. ldfier hare moved Into the Edgar Swan houses on Stewart avenue. Tbey came here tram Deuver, Co., itaving livd there about a jear and a hall. Before they went t0 Denver the Milers restded lu Waukegan. Bir. and Ars. W. J. Itundge were eaiied tu DeKaib, In., the early part of lasI week on accouint Of the lUnesq o! their daughter, AiesElvira.irs. àMunde. ru ned wlîh er+$aughter bunîli lat Friday at which turne ber daughler eas on te gain. Upon arrting home irs. Mundes discovered tbatàberurrloes ers greatiy ueeded because of the ililumseof Ler tbrte daugitters bers, isses liostta, Cela and ErntlY, who b.d feontracted cevere cold@. The grounds ariund St. Lawrenc*@ piScopai churcit have been considerably beautifled dnrlng th.- îaét wsek. The1 lavus have been tev-jed and a lot o1f sitrubbery planted. Th-. roadway on1 the veet side of the churci was treebly gravaed. '. Dnring the eletrical etorin Snadal igbtthIelilgittuing struck a chlisy t tse Bo7 P. Wright home. tnockleg off part of lte top ut the cnimlnnsy vieb1 passesdowva ýpogide the bsdroom to the hassusst were blowv utnbthe voom and the pan aet the bottom wva aleuo knached out by te force ugt le lihting. Thte elecril.lighlm trouitoul lths houes were put out of service t lte same limue. Air. and Ars. Allas Wrght, Who ipent a couple of monthe in Norfold, Virginia, ou aceout ofthe heaif h o!fAMrs. Wright, returned home Aonday eveing. Before teaving NortoitIlir. Wrght badl the1 pleasure of inspectinic the great battie- shlp Vermont, coverinz the entîre boat, and alio vltuesoed lthe naval maneuvere ot the batlsehip squadron as it iet for Mexican waters. OVOKES IHOT MEATE AT THE BOARDMEETIN4i The iret reg u ar naeetîniz uf the nev village huard came to a close alter mld. ulght Monday wuh the htteit ight ever parttcipated lu anv board meeting, tb. parting of te wavs helng brought about by the introductîun Of a resointion »sking tbat the village board start sit ffglant former aud presentimembers of that body ho recover severaisinali amounte approprlaled as extra com- pensation for duties performed by ltse presîdant, ebairmen ut committesuad lte cierk. The reelution vas voted dovu. ivo trusitees vuting lu favor of adopting sld reeotution, two voti.g againe it and tvanot votIng. cansing a lie vote, wiih the preeldeu t spiit by declaring the reoution lost. The meeting was ealted ta order by president 8cbuaebele, ail members res- ponding te the roll cail. Alter the minutes o! the last ragular sud tvsi epecial meetings were read aud aceepted the presîdenta committee appointmento were read tiy the clerk and ratilied tsy the houard. The appoint- mieute are as foltowe: Finance-Elisworth, Wright. Cleve. Ail te pointe tn contest ot electiou ii- land. ,-d by the Liberty villit- ate' lu the re- Streets-Cleu-eland, Ellsworth, Titus. cent towu election. wore thrown ont ut lire aud Water-Titus, Colin@e, Sasi. couuty court laet trîîay. witb the ex- Lice#e-Wrigrht, Smate. Cleveland. veption 01 the une baedon the weinausa Building aud Park lImprovement- Hufrage lav. As the iatter question lm Colline, Wright, Ellsworth. now before the euîîreu.. îourt, te coun- Heoalth, Sanitary auJ Sewer-Sînte, ty judgoecouldn*t ver * v -l luasse on ir, Titue, Collins. lut muet avait th is-hgli.r courte8 decj- Village Treasurer-Ruhert Bond. eion, vitici teI expe. t-cl ai the neat sit- lire Marehai-Dennie Limtberra-. tiug, sometime un tuai. Village hlarebal-Dennàie Ltnuerry. A tlghitlg ufray tok place eartv iht Ibis point the clerk rend a conteet :ut elsction wlich 1usd been ted againot Monday nigbtmt ouh titue electrie 0h ilg depot, the oulcume- bang Ibat L he vllg board by the titree loiug Botumon vas arrese.d att.r a warrant muem bers on the Independent ticket at had eenswon ou I, E.Shawchag-,thelst election, the cuntest tîeiug baeed iad Beeoson uitb lîýsEl ad bctuarg0on3lthe tact the contestants had received attempting th o dibîdily injury vý th th higheet number ut votes by the legat inite. Later in the - eing friende juter-and îîuatîtued voter@ ot tiue village ot eeded and the resut was that buth Lubertyilleut.. The cîntest iuî-tudéd puim- unîtatante fixed uni ,iaiifferenues and ,-rous uthler rc-asiua, tut the- iole the charges ver.. drilj ý.intter acIns lu hunge upin te une tai-t Readthenew il-tif ibetYviielthe eultreiiiet.otrt wjll liand clown a lieua theuew a- if iileit l îcjýOîioii file Wiiuaie Suffrage taw lîakery, Meredith I liii..& Vegtablue un Jun, nd tht the filîuîg (uthte con- i i). Boyd'e Phoito Stwio, Trigge & test tf cletjiîni je uerety a ruater ut Tayljor, Lake Couuît% Natîinal Baut. fîîrm ta protect the îîetitiouers. At- Libertyville Lurnier 5G, . sîtizene Bank îorneY E. 1. srvis o! Waukegan, repre- ut Ares, Bank of Rouant Lake, Lberty sentecl the pettioners and asked te % ille tGarage, Urvitie I. Suuîth, Schunek huard to set a sîeciic date for a heariug Brus., F. B. Loveli Co . E W. Parkhuret, on thjs matter Be that woujd he thte A rc-a1ice Cream Co., J. B. Morse & Co., lîruper prusreedure ta fotlow. Accord- Fîrst National Bank of Libertyvitte, îogly the buard set Mouday, June 1, the liîrtctt &k Frederîcte, and the Mlodern date for the next regular meeting as thte Cty Itactemiti Sirop ut North Chcago- day for te boearing tiefure the hoard, Ttc Lakeelde <CemeterY Association A. B. Andrews, district manager for helî t Ieir annual meting ast the honnue o! the Chicago Telepiione Co.. preeent.ed a tirs. Lulu hattocti lait Saturday and ptition for a Permit to replace somes old ttc tîllowirig oficers vere re-èeveted to polee along Milwaukee avenue. The sere the coiming year: Are. Lulu matter was relerred toate treet com- Mattocke. president; Are. C. C. Bulkley, mlttee. vice preeldent aud superîntendent of As une of the laborers euuployed on the work; Misa Emogene Ocianckt, eeretary uewvillage hall preseuted a bill tO tire sud Are. Wilhur Mereditht, treseurer. hoard wieih romaine uupald, the clert The eociety takes this meane of notity. wras iustructed ta uotlfy the contractor, ing ail peuople hsving lots whjcls they H. P. Eugleberry, ta complet. bhis con- wîith taken car@ of, that cot of eame tract lu connection wit thlie village hall muet be paid before Aiay 1.5 job, aud stipulated twenty daye in A paagraher rite as ollo vitwich ru complete bis cotract. A ~ ~ 1 paarp rt.-as ,iotloa -A repreetative utflte AiulkProducece beautitul hole in te ground vitere the voodpecker pecte aud the bumble-ise humqanad tthe straddle bug stradlîse arourud. He. s no good teu te cit! pueit; too unpractîcal, stingi and desd, but be vante the viiole earlt, and ait 01 Itis cruel and tite stars ltat @bineoverhead. Then huette hum off tolite bumble-boee rouet and bury hlm desp lunlte6 ground; o'& oft no use lbers, get hlm ont o!fte vay aud make room for the man tatinl sound.' Durlng lise past veek aI least six parties were lu tovu trylug tu rouI reeldence property. On. mauoffered tit Information ithâb.hovas very desirous of purcnaelag property here hecause he bai learned thaât the tovu iraS gone 'dry." For eeverai yearohitae been a bard proposition t0 rent residene pruperty her,- nititougit there seeued Ii be coneîîternl,1e building goung un every jear. %Vlitlier the elimenation of ealous fn ihiîs village yl have a teudency lii .eep nome bouses vacant remBine ho lI.- eeu. but ush at preseut a renter Sare uit speat ot belng disese fied with thl-lîuueeltat he occuptes for tsar that @otip une yull gel it away trou. hlm. _____ WAN TED Rug and Carpet Wesvlng. J. A. Graves, Lerlritte. c-833tt Oine R. S. s-torse paver, chaîn drive Motarcycte for sale. Inquire at Liberty. ville Garage. - Lead unr aS for te speclal sale of Piper@ bread on Batnrdav, May 9. Triggs & Taylor. PIANO TUNINO Lave ordere at Rtaye Furnituregtart. Work doue ty lMr. Alden. C-32-tf Witat lunhiois lte malter vîit jour tet, Jin? Erers your don tries la gel avay tîram yîu. Remetuber Barkersa Antlmeplic cur,-s ail titis trouble. F. B. Lavell Co. 1 griDd touts. @harpen @awu, scissors, skates, and Si, rspati.g ou furuturs, anîd add jotse A. P. Raugbt, Ficuf utreel. ec1-80-tt Co-oprative association W&@ proet and asked that the board change thej location ot the clty scale before %ny work of ilating the smre b. dons.j Atter adiscussion the members decidsd to meut the representaive Tuenday uorning and go over the ground. at whicb time a more imitable place would be iooked up s the Ia'mere dld not seem to be satsled wiuh te pumpiag station site for a city "cao. Atter a number of bis were aiowed, W. 1. Mundee asked the board to change the naine of Prairie avenue which runs in front of hi.esubdivision to Mundes avenue, the change Io be officlally re- cognized aud aceepted. As smre doubt (Contlnued on PageS) j Collateral Loans Tluersv notesa are t;tceured by stocks, bonds or other v soul acurity, andthie collateral ira always t-arefiilly investigated by our offi- cerrabefore t1w lbau i ismade. A luargin of several points over. the ainount of the boan is at ail timera maintained. and the collatemraiIs of, such a character as to niake it eaBtly saleable iu case the maker fails to pay the note. In tht. way -ue proteet ourselves from bloss ini every way. Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. capital, Surplusanad Undivded Prof il.. $95,OOO.OO Buy your FIELD SE3EDS NOW Red Clover. Trimothy, Alsyke, Red Top BIue,Grass, Rape Seed 1white Clover field Peas and Seed C -n (>rIvth ie beet seedei handled. homne t£rbrgonpay. 0IFLIETYIL ]Phone 50 IMammoth Sack of IAristos flour F lo b Given Awâag ELLI Wednesday, june 24th, at 3 o'ciock, I Corne in and rond ou( ai about it. See north window for display. CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 30. LIBIMTYVILI II0 CHAS. D. PROCTOR INSURANCE FIRE.TORNADOVLIFE PH4ONES 154-R AND 50 UJBERrY VILEILIIOS UFE INSURAtNCE Re le.a good cilles. ho providasfor bis vils sd citdrsn. R*1ois aettia% uen vbo a"a provIme for hie wMdw mai oipliaüLd S E E S AN ÔFR N Duia = tMes . Old Celemy 1.Idesm. s~ Otm#asre 55.5 i IN OUR IROCERY DEPT. South Store We have everythlng for Ilousecleanlng: Brooms, Brushes, rlops, Clothes- Unes, Soaps, Washlng Powders. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables recelved daily. TRY OOLD MEDAL FLOUR M AY, our firt real Spring nonth, calla for many new things in light wearing ap- parel. Let us Bupply pour smm- mer underwear, hceiery anid shoes. Look over our istock of, wash dress goode. We carry a nice lino of mu"li underwear; al i e o ladies' antd chlldren'a ready-made dreame, chlldrensa rompers, etc. W. W. CARROLL& SONS COMPANY North Stor.-Phone 29 2 STORES South Store-Phoau 31, Iýace m'vu Seasonable Suggestions for, May -w Irg

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