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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 May 1914, p. 6

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Paeix f TEN LESS SA- LOONS BUT MORE MONEY, TEM àîLESS SALOONS THAN LA ST l'ÎR-.-pooo MORE LICENSE MONEY 18 RECEl VED. 'TWO OUT-OP-TOWN MEN TURNED DOWN-ONE LOCAL APPLI- GANT WAS NOT A CITIZEN. FACTS ABOUT SALOONS. Total number under old plan- FIFTY-EIGHT. Total numben utider new plan- FORTY-EIOHT. Ucèfisé under aid plan wis $00, naklng total Incorne fremIl- cotelait ycar under sald plan, ieesue under new odînance 4& $75. and, although Ibère are now ten lets saloons thanwhen th*. licensé fat waaSM $0a ysar, thé incomne froin thé 48 is $3X.000, or SEVEN THOUSANO DOL- LARS MORE than under the lo- er license. IN SKORT, atheugh Waukegan has ten Isi salacns than a year ago, Il ha$ already secured $7000 additlonal fes in lcenses as a resuit cf the ncrésed fée. Only tén of thé itty-e-ight saloons in business le Wauluegan lest year, télled te taté out a licence this year in spite of thé fact that thé license waé ralseti to $750. Cty ofticIls theslvés are gréatly surpised at thé shewnctifor thér lied thotîght thé numbèr would tait far short ot thîs. Mayor idingrs guéés hati be that bt forty icenses voulti hé taleout tbis yéar aid Commi8teaonér Carl At- terbry had thought l would feit short of this. Wbéen thé ner saloon régulation or- dinancé ras passed it a figuréd that thé Increaseti licénse tee would maté up for thé numbér of undesir- able saloons rbhr oulti hé forcéti ont o business, Thé 58 msas enst yéar palti$29,000 inte thé clty treas- r. Thé <rtî-olgbt saloens this ye havé pald $36.000 Jte thé cof- jissu.Thug wlthbten lsassaloons .whlch la consdered a most désîrablo condtion thé clty recelvea $7,000 ýmore blnîienée ,oney than last of thé nué saoona rhlch veréforc- ed off Maket Street, only four havé rémalnédln business. Théi are: John Strazziér Whe conducteti a aoon at 611 Maket Street. but Who la nov at 222 Bouth Genesée Stret MtI Éérumas vho conducted a Saloon et 402 Maret streét but Who la nov on Spnhng Street. Prant Pehlevééi rWho ras et 718 Marieé tret but vhe ta nov lecatéd et 2)2 South GenèseeStreet. icé Kanhénkberg vho ras aI 236 Mrt st-el but vho la cor ln huai- nsiseta£os08South (Jonesee tréet. rllorlng la thé camé et thé Mar- ket St-eet slooakltes Wi ho dld net taie out a saloon licenso this Yéar: John Saduaki, 404 Marot Street. Wiko Zagar 709 Maret Street. John Kusiman 707 Martt treét. Biasa achn1ch 714 Markot Street. Demnc Kiéuito, 712 Maret tre-et. Three mou applléd for licenses but they vers refused. One o! thèse men ras uaméd Bevenu. ormèrly Part ovuer of a saleon at 222 West Wash- lcgton strét under théfirm naine of Boren & Scmnlehèe. Thé licence ras refuseti on théegmocnde that Bote mac la nt a citizen of théetUnited ened a big advancé ln thé right direc- tien as lt tendéd to kéep thé saloons in a central district. Beforé thé prés- snce ot thé nîné saloons on Markt stréet requlréd extra policé protec- tion ln that part of thé clty. Frank Pétkovmel. onéetfthé béat Inon s- loeeepé on Market street la te nccupy thé building at the éeuthwéét corner of Genèses and Watér atreets. Norman Broadbéar-131 South Gen- èsse. Thomas McCann. 121 South Genéeée. James Polansek. 221 South Génesée. Auguet Hueslog, 221 Washington etréét. John P. Lyon, 231 South Génésee. F. E. Carpénter, 216 South Genesée. B. Felnstien, 139 South Génesee. Louis Hutch. 105 Sprlng stréét. Aibin H. Seiteri. 129 North Genesee. Barney Boeh M. 135 Northi Geneee. Leon NVonHaect. 218 South Genesee. C. D. Herrick,. 114 Wsehington. Di. D. Mieyer, 101 Washington. Lux~ & Nauta.. 210 Washîington St reet. llIatthew Redruras. Water and Sher- dan road. soutlî-east corner. Jameés W. NichaIs, 1016 South Gen- esee. Geo. Effinger, 131 North Cenesee Wmn. Heto, -222 South Genésee. Hermon Kreîîgal. WNatér and Couin- tv Street. John Lado. 22.1 South Geniesee. Edw. Doyle, 216 Weshlîîgtan. Tim Kelly. 119 Madison street. Win Felvey, 212 Washilngton Street. Adoîpli Diniling. -212 South Genése Street. Dennis O'Brien, 105 Washington street. 1. Hlhhler. 206 Southi Genesee Street. Wt'n. Kelly, 131 WashingtonSstreet. Win. laits, 202 S-outh Shieridan ruad. Frank 2,iDernott. 123 Washington stréé1t.. Otto Wallin, 112 South Geneseé. H-enry Proesâel, 139 Nortlî Genèse 'st ree Ceo. tt-Dernîot'(, 220 Washingtoni Street. G eu. S. Schrage. 2,01 Saî éée Street. %Vin. %IcCaniney, 107 South Genese Street. Mî%Ike MeGuire, 12S Washington stréét. Jas. Repsky, 113 Sprlng étrept. David Deè. 204 Washington étréci. Ueo. Titus. Sprint and wéter streets. Geo. féssor. 3 Soiuth Genesé Street. Jos. Kauténherg. *-116 l,,clii Grénese Street. Frank Pètkovsek. 202 South Gt-ne$Pe Street.1 C. w. Crawford. 117 Sprlnx street- Robert Schrleber, 222 Washington Street. Sain Sarnateéki. 211 Water étrécI. Jos. Davis. 111 Sprlng street. Paul Krouéslcg, 210 South Geuesee, street. AT MEETING HELD FRtDAY AFT- ERNOON NAMES OF 26 MEM- BERS WERE SUBMITTED. Waukegan. May 2t Thé membémaip campalge rblcb thé Women'a Chrstian Tempérance Union bas bée conducting for thé laht tro e netéIs vorktng out yenY sucésafully accortiîng te anneunce- ménté made ai an Informai réception and meeting bld lu Tenmpera-r Temple Fitiey atternoon frein Ibre to e_ v.Il wasmotune that 26 uer member bars ignuiles! théerdé- siré te join thé organisation. The réutption belti FrISai atter- noen rai théeusneplanued somnetie ago rhen thé campaigc forn er mom- hors le the W. C. T. U. in Wauié- gean and thé couily ras décidéS np- on. Thé rampaigu ras launcheti rith a viér te iqcréasteathé nimber et Dry supporters ln erdor that s more détémminéd fight mlgbt hé nagéd On thé saloon. AIl mèmbére are requir- éd te taté thé W. C. T. tU. plétigé. Soeéof thé cor memehrs reuid not hé présent aithebéréception hélti ln their' bonor îbut thé ma1rIty ot thr Ibèe re theé. Action ris tate 1 upon thé éntîré trénty-six naines. A I fer of thèse naines camé lnh tutré Paul Wlnklér ot Lîbertyville anti,-the reemheeabip ramPalsu vas launch- Ed Hrse e! TIbhetyvîlle both au,-' éd two réétaago. plièti tom icenses but nécé réfuséti Up te thé présent tino thére hav because thé en salon ordunanc ebe-n about éighty rerm of thé lo- ptovidés nc ew en îciîses y hé le- caliM .. C. T. 1V. Thée ev mémbes sued athIis timé. Asitét as tu raise thé mémbershîp te ove- one rhetbér or netthèy rouiS hé permit. hundréd anti fri thé numuher of tel te iurchase an Interest in soeéthosé who have prorieét teecome other saoou hère as It bas heen ré- mémbes and thé othérs nhom itlel perleS théy vould do, Commissioeé tbeught wIl joie utuon heing giren su Attertiéni sait ho sar neWRay te stop invitation thé liet o! er meecbers t.m senoug as tbéy théméelves de nIl mach ffty t thé loeseet éîin- imet bolS thélicensés anti théy ame net aie. in their -amés. Hé saidt hat If tbey Thé mmbehra et tbis association lator sééî to assumé sole centrol et are dolng aIl in the power te bring tisplaces lu question that lhéy rouIS iDnér métnmbérs asethés sayIt il nl tie depO'véd et the licenses undér thée do much te increasé thir stréngth In oréiiniflcéThis ordunseice providéti thé coimniuity anti ao Ie iiigive 4%M noe - nt lu thé business betoré thén many more te go ouI ant i fght theSesI o Dcember ast could né-! for thé causé foc wnch théy stand. coi *. lcensé this îear. Thie mémbéra otte organization wrne Willim Redford vho fermérly con- musý dIsappointéti rhéc thé nemen duMd a saloon on Wahngton stréét rére niable te voté thé lty dry ai maie aplltton for a Ucense sév- thé récent eléction uut théy asserltid mg &a Miagobut wvsételS hé could t Ithat limé that tbey rouIS redouble o flsqeveoe. Therefoeého 515 net thir efforts te sccomplish this end ttwM wy1. [t aIt hé next lection. »0ewur srduincé nhich eali ho- ema é eectivé ou Fidaî nlghh a- Lke Countys big rely-fflDj opuSé q WR3ç MM 9- o piId- PNDNT LAKE COtTNTY IKDEPENDENT, FRIDÂY. MAY $ g4 é<dtige )voiat-from IWO coeuty -reai. lni théeCIII'. »urng thélesétYsear bowever h. had not done much owlng1 tn the tact that blé Ilînes ef ayear ago liad l.ft hlm rather wéak. He had beau up and around until thre réels mgo when hé was strict- en quit. éudd.nly. From that mo- ment bis condition éeemed te grow wrrséravidly. Bulde, a wlfe hé leaves the fol- lowlng brothers and satérs: Mr@. lanr Esty and John JacteraY of. hore and William Jackeray former engin- éOl' et thé rater verks who bas béon aray trom beo-e for séveral yéars. Hé léavés a son Charles Jackoway of Chicago and twe step cblîdren, Del Waalés ad MI-s. John Aldén. Mn. iaclevay's wjdow béton. ber marriage te hlm ras Mrs. Anma Bangs Wéalé. Thé funèral ras held this after ý,on et tweo ocloot at thé home, Rev. Chidester otficlatlng. I.- trent ln Oakwood remetery. Short- I ly before fis déath Nic. Jackowayexi nominaed Me. Jackson, Trusee Coole! presséd a defire ta seis brother o! Waukégen nomlnated Mr. Aile ti. lnam rho léa sîd ta ]ire soe- Ail of thé trustées te-re presnt. as where ln Wisconsin lut IL was ocablé folIotes:W.J. Allenî and Ramer tic locete hlm. Almost thé lest wrde Cooke, Weutegee, Jameés T. Ilavssés.of thé dlng macns-ère a réquest te Northi Chcago; D. HR Jackson, Lai- sep fiebrother. Mrt. ,lactoway ras Forest; Johnî Oliver. Highliand l'ark. 59 yar old. Hé ras borre le New Thé board fixéd thé salarieai tue Jersey but had liveid in Weutégan trustées at $500 a véar aind théetresi sinré 181.1 dentssaelery et $500 additioîn. or.aj total for lîlio! $1.000. Thé trustées drée lois for lelit, 1NjURED WHIEN of terme.srsulting as folows:M S MlO R S E One yéar-JamesT.Hys Two yéars-Hamer Coukot. I I I N Thrè years-W. J. Allen F IG T N Four years--John Oliver. Rie yeats 1). I. Jackson. JOHN Zi'MMERMAN. GARDNER AT' Nîiibers andi naineès tee pi.accul LAKE COUNTY SANITORlUMW, n twîî liais. Jutige Persans Orew fîrtl WASFIIJRT SATIJROAY EVE. thé- usines anîd a nuniher at thé saie turne. thé trustes gettîng thé téM tin E O U WA N show n by tilié iuuhr tehici camneST TE TORN WA AN E ouI t lit e saeédrum as tus nauie. WHEEL 0F BUGGY HIT CURS, Mc. Alleni tes ele-ted teiiporiiry' THROWING OUJT DRIVER. sécctary, pendues thé tîme w heu 1t e_____a______ r la féit thé timé lies arrived we itfi; John Zimem narcde t thé riitcesery ta have a permanent secrré Laite Couetc- Sanitoriîum was paln- tary. HéFiewl aIain no sdditionieee, ully InjuredSâSturday night about for théesserk of secretary. nine-tiirty a lcék wben hie bot-se tONl Oliver uadp bth motionîs. cuîv-, erig thé se.cretary andi treasurer niai- licamé frlghtèned. whlclleg thé ter, buggy about ln such a reanner ihat Msr. Jackson. hforé théenmotbin suasZimmerman ras pitche4i headfoe- put about thé président, statèd tuer meet to thé brick pavement. Thé ac- hes fet the peidnts aaiary shauld crident happecuét on Marlon stcéet bu, hut$750, for thé Olrst ysar. et Iet et ryl rn fMyr rehue or nti s'-ac tie tat is orkbe- A weran standing néanby nîtues- came more ardueus. Othér mémbers éd thé aes.tnt andS thofl thé man feit it ébaubi hé $1,000, hence that. bad béén sroByIjrda h nom wa fixei faîl réndéred hlm unooniclous. She Stenographer Roy Mason tot downaumeith Lronad olni thé verbattm mifnutés et thé meeting. 1autoauejnés~aqlitr~ra sue t-ériexireso th. cittr-i oabiee»d-II uüti>wx tées, te that. If thoy cee gSt along with- oct a secetary. énghue andi attur- rien rhilé preltmlnary stèpe are bhé Ing tate. and thuesBave expénees. Wbéthon théy legally ran do thîs nIl hé ttetemled betréen now and thé 19th. Mr. Hayes nas lectédt tmpor- amy treasaîr et thé board for thé yeam. Mnr. Alén ras naméd a commit- tee te sélect a meeting placé for thée' board. lRé at once obtalned permis- Alon of Mayor lIldingor sud thé coun- cil te meét le thé courui moins hère- WELL KNOWN 'WAIKEQAN UAN DIE S SATRIY OEATH WAS RESU LT 0F SRIGIIT'S DISEASE AND A COMPLICA- TION 0F OTHERS. Wautégai, 'May 4,. Joseph Jarkeray, onéeto thé city's béat tnonn résident8, passéti ar et bis home on Grand avenue Sut- iurday night about éigbl o*ciock foi- réeta etaolétaolnétaeloetaoi ix Lowlng an Musaés of about Ibrée rééte Déath ras due te Bright's Diseuse anti a comsplication et other diseases. For thé leet aevéraldays It baS b..én hem that 5Mr. Jactersy's conditon wag pecamieus but It ras îot until Saturamca thatý hopes of! bis recoery tere given up RHis iflnéss bas been ovér auch a short pènied ýo! limé that many o et léMende hati made te thé scène but ln tee men humé pedeételané had pictèti up thé vicîim n sd earied hbInilto thé Wsukegan Phac-macy about a hue- dreétiféet sray. Dr. Gteirly as aummnoneti. Whén thé areiltlancé-arrived Zmnerman dècided hé dd net cm-e te go te thé hospîtli. De. Geurtèy reund theémin sufféning- frein a tep scalp nould but othénvise lhé appearédt ta héun- mobile hé drové thé ýflto ethé san- Itentlem. In ver of the tIcI that bis hèad came th contact rîth thé pa ve- mentItis considereil unusual that ue, W»Rata hurt Mmes. saeéy. Zimnenénmx Ied drtréenénetofthé nrses at thé cofony te hem homoeon Marion stréélt. On thé réturn trip thé hmes eémed tebeem» fnightoud at a streét car. Thé animaL pliraged sitiéraysanad li so dring oe ofetthe buggy rheéls sîrucit thé cerbL. The Impact causéS Zimneerrean to bh hleid eut on bis bead. Wtth thoeod gshfngx over blé face it appéareti at tiret as If hé h-ad héén tatatly Injurèti. Scenday ras thé 201h snntvcrsaey o! thé coming te, Wantégan ort thé Rer. S. W. Chtdester. peeter ef thé Pi-es- hytèrian chmrtih. Thé évent was cel- ebratét hy a spécial musical service ln thé mornIng and. le hie atidrees. thé paster gavé a résume of thé rorit that bas hoé,ý accemplheti ln thé chue-nb tioing bis paétomate ln thé citi. wreéshocie eti n they béard o! In a gseé9,s frougbt nith errons as his desth. 1Ihe Genèses alcool Pavement is full About a yéam ago Mn. Jacterai et humnpa, thé Waniégan West Endis, ras tate eriously 111 nith thé Dame borot ln défeat béton. thé fast Ail Na- cemplaint anti aI thattlimé il ras hé- tions et Chicago andi néré handéti a Ilevoti he rouiS net rocovén but hé goodîs' package et zéros, al ln a rer. maiaged te mrally sud fon that reason nune limeln ail. ln thée pénlng gainé many thought hé mighh survive, IiS et thé Beson ai West Ecd Partcon attari aithough il ras nown that Snnday afîémnoon. Aflér thé vapore o! blé sîstein had béon rosiécoti hi thé éreoty dliverY of thé Invatihng thé ravagés of dises,.. Mn. Jacterai reountisman cleared ansi thé ovér- wss chéefnl until thé last anti nover wbelreing score ot 7 te 0, witb thé le- oncré gave up hep@ o! negaining bis cals holdtng the short endi. ras pré- héalîli. -sentedt tethé gazéetfthe fans. Hé bati liréti le thé city macy years1 anS ras one et thé bost icon e rs- Word riuas beèu<né,céived hère o! thé tdeets. Hé baS a ride crtcléet i deatb fi% Cb4iago o! Michael J. Joyce, friendé. HRéwva acarpentor by t-ado 1a-formný etil-Ieeii'nrestdeni ef Wau- andi récognizedasa oncetofthé boit tegan. ',*e- ' , - .-I, WRITES IIOME1 'Of BATTIE Of VERA«CRUZ LOCAL YOUNG MAN ON *ATTLE- SHIP FLORIDA 18 FIRST PROM HERE TO WRITE HOME. CHAPES SECAUSE ME WAS NOT1 OiYE 0F THOSE PORTUNATE ENÎOUGH TO MAKE LANDINO. Waukegan. May 2. Mr. snd M. Walter T. sCmphell et 130 Jefferson avenue have luit ré- celved a letton tram their sen Nor- bert who lé on board thé U. 9. F'ler- ida at Vers Crus, Mexico. It la thé tiret letton bis parent» havre réceived fnomn hlm mince thé belning of boa- tîlîties owlng te théetac that It tairés a letter so long to reUclh her.. This letter lé datéd Apnil 22, the-day fol- lowing thé Oirt real engsgement. Young Campbell ln bit fetten telle ot thé attack made on Vara Cruz and expresses blé regrets ai cet bav- lng heén permltted te taie part l.1 an engagement. It le possible that '. H. GARDNER MEADS DRAIN- AGE COMMIS9N MATTER OF ELECTINC SECY. [SI POSTPONED TO MEETING 0F TWO WEEKS HENCE. EACH TRUeTEE TO CET THAT AMOUNT-PRES. TO GET $1,000 TO USE COUNCIL ROOMS. Attorney David H. Jackson, former Mayor Lake Forest, Menday ras eléct éd préident hf thé North Shore Sani- tari District aI thé first formai meet-, Ing beld ln JugéPérsons' office, W. J. Allen of Walutègan was the otiterl man nomlnated for tresidént. NMe. Jackson sectired Alirée votes, Me. Alle two. Trustée Oiver of Highluand Park MUCI Of IN- TEREST IN OLD DIRECTORY 0F HUNOREDS LISTED, S& S. GRERNLEAF APPEARS TO BE THE SOLE SURVIVOR MOW. AT TI-AT TIME SHOWS T149 M1 CROWTH IT MAS MADI. itla lé enoealy concéded that ermi' quater of a eautury that a né, gau ératien swIng.&reund,"that nev blond 'urges la, thé rkanmd a- sumsthé Places. « thée ld. An évi- déncé of that fun wvas dlplayed ty à littie.rch ltainthé othér days of Waukogan, vls*w«va aded hy thé recélpt at thé Bise ookie, et an eld dlréctory, containlag thé cames of prefessiocal and buo m mon lb L-4le, Cool and séerul other ceun- liels Inithé northémn Part et thé state. Thé dis-ctory -le- davetil -1*6-66 and centaine a gazetteer etcftm City and teru in thé éountles listéd. A glance througb thé book dléplay, thé tact thét eut et the 165 camnes of profes- sienal aud business men eoftthe Wau- kegan of those tisys. thens are anon. of tbéin cow engaged Il, business tn the City. IL aise dépites that out et the large number. theplé only one mac.n. 8. 9. Gmrenteaf, formnerly priiprietur cf a beot and sboeé store on Cenéseé street who survivesî. lni glowIng tèrmé thé book telle of thé beaitLes sud advantages ofr tbp F cty of Waukegan as follor's: ..The eoenty mat of Late county. te very pleasantîr étuated ln the twevoht, ofthteésaiene ame, upon a rlglog rlece of groued overloclrtcg Lakte Ilchtzan. "lt ras laid out le thé spring or 1941 and wag formeety caltéd 'L.ttlé Fort .. For beaitti and bépautv of lo- cation thîsyeng clty bas fe r rvais In thée at.and eltîcé thé complpé for May is attached aore«rc4tbl TO12atCoupon Wcud(egan.etoui came le. Tite Soni -renclsca andi thé iion of thé Lakue Shoce ralîreaul con -, ~ Chester rnt jesido nitit the- Prairie, mrerting It wlLb Chicago on the sfuth ad thé resu s;tevcd out buit ldmen and i Mlwauke-eon thé forth, It liésa h ~ f T1i, astn - t 7 .m cde alit rapily lncreié In îpopulation andti -he Be t ha started I. On y a fe ere é oundl commercial importance. Ih bas con- Mo e Ca Bu éd al; mornhnz. Tiiéy sto1ni ii e nec-lion aiea nîih théehosu- sud othe o e -n Il.0 ciiou huet cdtris on tLake îî titlgen. liv méens otf tesilitteaei,,.icsi ouue r licn , fý 1 "'p ht, rd T'y- iiv;isi -riinrrodi!Iei r ,otri.Iiiç-iî .U.... j", t tIi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~,b« W,. c'.1.1ci iT' ,- - i i ciir îc r i' --tcwi iiié sv - gu-tiir 1-wî raud nîfikee i-, e Icit iéavi"v rcordiiig ta reports 1its om-oifm s one l)ors tced Pièeo own ra et cacait ssh rci-uar - and tiîév otota uild.Uigs etc. Thé affiird a este acd easy landinw. Be- ?4 and 5lch oeéts ftrnm thée tshIsidéts several stocé and brick bledso, Lois. J. 'Yeom ami Inside havenearly razeti thé clty ta It contéins fi-e chueche and a large thé ground. Thosé who camé out ot andi cenve-nlése public hall- Thé cane- MANUFACTURINO] OP71CIAN' thé tbuildings né shot dore lité doge ity pepér lé publlsed lhecrewetly.WAUK!GA.. ILUN4moIS Our men voicidnt stop attér thé or- Distancé frore Chicago, 40 miles. Pop- der te fiee ras given and a fer of them wrré urt. !Most et thée are baes anti tits frein 17 te 20 but be- Ilié-r me tfey cas shoot whén thèy get sure andi thèy anme are son. cor. Ger vaBsosn. ecanséI conlint get aebome andtix lx t nith thé réét as ré diti fot baye any lSing ferem our éhlp t al. 1 gueois It leal avec cor and 1 amsn cw atrh feore 12 te 4 dits efteveoen. 1 ven't sée muet un- tiI four o'clock. Wé don't tran If Il lé wrnor not. Wé bavse onty ordérs tutaté thé clty ta put fIl ndier imailIan 1 gues. Wéll as limé lé short1 i nu Close for thié time vfth love sud hest nîshes te aIt. Tour lcvteg son, *HERB.' V&LKWYA WILK PROBABLY FA- TALLY DORRED AT SMIELTING Pt^"T. WORTH CHICAGO. Wikulegau, May 2. Valeirta Wlk, aged 40, rho résidée wnUhblé tmly on Fountoénth stret; Xth KbChicaga5 ras prohably fatRUY bunnet this morelng at séve oclodil vhen bis clothing caught tire vhll- hé vas emptying a aiag pot ai thé, Vulcan Louisville Sméltlîg plant whéne hé la employed. A second ut- Prm thé accident bis body became a iiuuan tee-ch. Fellon wrrten rush- éd te blé assistance but bis ett- lng had béen completély humneS off bétore, thé firées extinguishod. Thé vicîlim ras burnétifrein béaS te foot. bie skia bélcg rhsrréd le matey plWes. De. eschledér rho la atteudiug hlm déciares bis condition la vomi crîttrai. WlVhii thé man prubably viii die as a result o! his injurie. Dr. Hèrochiéder sys hé as a possible chance te recover. Thé accident happened ehertly at- ter Wili had startéd te nemi. Hé ras employéS In thé ternace noon anti one e! bis duties ras te enefpty thé slsg pets. This slsg ls tatée from thé furnceslpeoét white hoel, - Ing thé refusé fmem thé refinéS mét- aI. Il se happoned thé-g ras a littié raton et thé plane w rnthé bote slag kas tiumpod. Thémoment thé molten elag atruck this then. ras an érploélon vhIch Ibrer thé matail n aIl directions. SeméetofIl étruci Willtaid set lin. te bis clethlng. Cmying for hélp at thé tep of bis voires hé rac hart intethé baller reoin. Ris féllon rorkors sar bis Pllght aid Ibrén rater ovén hlm but hy thiélmé bis dbething baS been: consuuned. Thé Indepécdentleladé anl. 1 n th e Illst of ames of the protes-1 sional and business men of Waukp- gan lu former days. their appearo inany naines rhjt are famillar tu many of the older generations of the présent imest. There are many of' ihpîn who ar- lWved jr- the orrbives of the clty as the founders of the f. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTuRER 0Fo Meuble and Granite .Monumenis présent flourieiilg corporatIon. Théela al,)o m %ey othýrierfuîér- 1 Ce#MCery Work of Every and villages, non terne ani uiear eclt les, lns ather nomthen I inoig conn- ties. Among théin it gicéc a génu-rel résume of thé thenleading rity of Geiéna, MI. Thé population of chat dlty ras thon about 9,00,0. itorktir and FYooport rltb populuutloeeu ui 6,5W0 and 5.000 n.spectf-uly ver- thé ccxt ta point et population îin thad part of thé stâte. At thé présent day. th,& population o! Galeu 1 lé uer t,835, ehorIcg a décreusée of 4.165 whffe the other Ire citiée havé toi-e sed abéd. The populationtet Chfi- ceaIntthat limé le Iistéd' ne 30.0410 éued Lt la statéti that turing thé pertoti et ifte years previeus. 6011100 peete baS! entered Chicage t,iniret hoir bomes thore. FINEST LOBBY'IN U. S. Superintendent and Other Men on Postoffice Job Say Wau- kegan WiII Set Record. FEATURES .0F BUILDING. Huge Saf e Wiff Take Care of Parcel Post Packages in a Careful Manner. Thé nèr Waukegau postoffIce nIll havé thé finet lobby le thé Uniltd States o! aey postofficé le any clty anynhere nean the site o! Ibis. Thé statément made abov yé h flp- erlnténdeet Jullue Pi-ecker rbo bas change et thée postoflléconstruction. vas corraooateil by othér mon at thé local postofiico Job Iodai. They saiti that they baS sen many new build- legs sud some that are even nov un- der construction anti that nne are nearly so béautitul ln arrangement as thé Wautégan lobby. Dons *on May 15th. r The Imen in chargé are ruehlng thé veWrt and théy rétératéd Ihéin ataté- tment tedày thaý tboy rould hé réadi xto havé Postm aster Grady nové ite, thé ceo oice by thé 151h et May. Thé mail boxes an. aIl In placé and, et rhlcli an. o! thé senaller tinS, thé Description C.rresp.ndence solicited I 6Genesee St Wankep'an ethera bel ng the larger unes for lau- testes and big.er business bouseg. A halge set. for parce[ post packt- ta the total, ibere are 630 boxes, 488 ages bas been lnstalled. Ilt bas two compartmeuts, one for use for vls able packages recelved hi the day dlent, the other for the nlght man. Thus. nkeither cdent cogain oent-e te the compartment of thé othér. lu the roar of thé basement Is a large room whleh wlll be the rest room for carrier". Hot and cold watér lé planned for the wasb morne and ibère will be a cooliug boiter for drInklng water. Thé heatIng plant leo iow being run and It works perfectly. Postmantor Gradys privats office la at the extrême west end of the struc- ture; thé Office for the ctrks wbo ré- quîr dBks lo ai thé east end. Pointers are today paIntlng the lad- dems leadlng ltouthe 'spy chamber," the tunnel arrangement whIcb ner- ndits an Inspector ot the department to walk about thé office and vlew the men and women worklng there wlth- out tbem knowlng cf bis présence. Hé enters fromn the basement, using a key wblcb only hé bas ln bis pos- session. Ronce, thé postinaster snd nobody else kavawb en hé arrives, how long hé stays, etc. Hé may ar- rivé lu thé day-tlme. or aI lilght; hé may hé theré a day, a minute, a weelc, or a montb, nobody knwe, hencé they aIll are always careful 0f thelr acté for fear an inapector lé watchng thém from ofle of thé blddén passages. U5boo.g ÀAM reaas Ibis catter of Ilihtenment te explain thé mmanng of thé word "sabotage.,- Dj<j u- mother evér cut 70cr hair? Tiir.l the avotheosis ot sabotage. à -ère& o f on the. fiat pay'fent for dm EI*ctric Washing Machin of VA" hwe »H rang ngpnces froms $50 ap to $135. Teseaof mie: $10 down Public Service Company 0F NORTHERN IMOI hy thils tInie hémey bave Johuéd bis1 brother seanién on shore tint this1 fairt le not as yet kneten.1 So fan as tnoor this la the fit-sti léttér Il lié récelvéd from a Waute,- gai tboy who la et thé scène, of the trouîble, Local telende o! thé yeung man w ilIlibe îleaeed to lier lts ver- FIon of thé engagèeents. Thé letter tollows5 Wî-dneday. April 22. 1914. Veérs Cruz, Nlexlco. Dean Itottiér: Yesteday' i teas 2yéars aid. and saw wrmsterted dose lure. We landed men yesterday et 1l a. Mn. Thé1tsh and Prairie alita landéd men. Thév were fired, upon as soon as lhey tilt thé tiéecl .Tw-o men froinaile boat, thtrée froni thé Prairile and ciné reom thé U'tah w-,re- tlld. eV neari> captured thé vit>. rlît macule-- et ? a. m. seen sdilu FOR Si 5 pase us an ni 82-4 FOR a Dont a vil e » FOR Si sud 25, INOvas Liberty FOR 1 vacant Ray, AI FOR S, sud pc Liberty FCIR 5 baled. We hi gale (or ville. FOR 8 h.-iavy lor lar fi "Coe. 11 FOR S pin i li E.T FOR E "M' w ROSE Lthwag guarai Luit-rt. FOR Payn t FOR' flly e on lii FOR 1y ne, Store. kind t 6 0.52 FOR vAle. FOR iret N bi al w

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