IWIIU TRLL ~ J. C. .',mrrooe IIEBELS IN PORT U. & Attorney. Ginera Whmo SCfE> INPRT OdoeJt ok r0 M f LOAL DAT ConthlonUss loy Most Firs Impotaut of War. CUSTOMS RECEIPS LARSE CLII Captured Port Next In impor tance te star ver Cru&Z-Fodrsit Fiee te lan Luis Potoi--C4rslanze-ien Expert: to Be In Vexico Cty le ix WO*k- Park&a Miii Unhaard Frein. Wahinlgtou, "sy14.-Tamico basitt fallen sud la nov OWclpied bY tisa COnR mtitutonitti. Thse ioderai foreso h evacuated tise city sud are retreating ù%er tise National ralirosé 0f Moites ;oward Sau Luos Potii sere Huerta probably WIfl noie is «Eit siali agant tlie sueccesfuaduces 01 tisa uop ofp tCarransa sd Villa tovard àMexicO City. Leu eseSileved iteavy. Reporte ladieste tisaitlosama on 01 Loth aides lisd beau heevy. Tampico was captured Wedundsy asiternoo. Aduira] Raye reported ta Admira] f aàger at 12:30 o'clock WOeddY ofteîuoomi. ulo csbled thse staede -__the__ partinent as rlova: $u "FigistIIit nearly over. Tise federais ef evacuate via rsillrad. GunbcAta out U R A ENlSA Anl bout sud a haff th UN EBIG n Ad'no mnirai Mayo reportad thse bue Ioderai III . guuboats, thse Bravo sud Zaragoa. tise main tepentleuce c« tb. Huerta forces T ut Tampico, lat bth. tty and tea»1, s l tUue d TIaAN pur- rut lto tise larbor vise.tisya aclor- ' dw , i neur the slips of var of ollier-mia- seyD alu Palm lions. ps DttMu , Tise last akirulish occUrred la tise -out plana of tise cty, AdmirâI Mayo re, Washinigton, May 14.-The &tais dé-e-ae rorted. lu thse latent dlapatcli re- partaient la iubormed OfIRclalIattrc eelved througli Admirsai Bdger, hluierta'n representatives tu tise l-te seported au foilws: J55ara Falls mediation coafence 06 bel "Tise rebela bave ocoupied Tampico. zjs4end -a few daya" la Havant befora le lHeavy rIfia ar lu, tise #.mm Sud aise lesylingfor tise United States. Tise ieavy gans &asisre Oninta." ltefer tise begianlng ofthtie conter- orf Tise navy deprbuet lterpreted'1 ei)ces at Nia gara Falla lias been 'set orf tise.dspatches as lndicatlb.g s co- for more tissu a ueeic for May 18.sud lias pse victor> for tise robelar mli Huerta commisiaonesr.ere avare the Importance th Robot@a .tat. of thse tact iefora blieY loft Mento 'C Tis Imoranc t lie onaittio-1City. A etay of "a few day' 'la Ma- cai alîsta of Tampico map scsrcoiylevans uil briug thoera te Nagara Falla wu< tion rtVaedCrs, w i i thebandeexp-a fter tise date Oued .sud -vil.aeiseasi- cou ettie cf rsCus ou lu t is te bandatate a potponment et tise coatéern .J» cf tse alIé Sates Itla ise The Tsette departuent vas plaili imprtat prt f Mxic eniseputDupet by tiis unexpected dovelopmeut Orb Tise collecion et revenue aith115sud Il plans uhlcis tisy ailtéMade port sie n aiselspossession ef for thse coufereuce uer. held la abeY- t freat vaiue ln m"aias m a su ce, pendlug tise receipt ef more de-no About aa Itiset a Milliondollara s taîîemi Information as to tise UMlec he Vont la coUflsdacomi" te tocouti- commisîcuers. teblaobit ameeMd represstativas Tise suspicion lu Wasington wua i !» Washuigton. Il l a ud.tod tisaI ibat Huerta lias instracted li& doit- b" Tamspico la .i à m m MrebW es ltheon- gates tu remain Bt Haventountil lisere te torug vedigelu a5 atellir lU3' z.hnsele tisfactery anaver:to hie pro- lis Iut pui sgred aspts by Carranas sud test against tise selmure isy tise United lho VoiLa.Tise amt noeviiil e tiser States of tiselilgitiouse on Lobe. là- by doua these osmI t Tgxpan sud thaece land off the GuIt et Mexico. bi slon tise ratlrosd 17 slow stages tu Pachsuca ulla vihila triksgdia, Prohibition Mita WhiskytMon., S tance of Mxico City.90 Tis etber pait e ada? ooilderatoa Lexiugton, Ky., lMay 14.-4nnouac*- uM la toi move inlaad tu Ban tla 1>01051 'eut vas madce r@ta towlng te ew aluittiseNational raftway ef Mexico, Prohibition agIt'!cn and tu ovarpro- loin VIiLss u> fusu tise umrts eI onction- prsctically &Iliof tise distiller- llit pintsudsudu.ble etonles ln Kentucky are reduciag the&r ot-. This icty wolé ti esàmsoa ase put tislyear from 0t 0par cent. i c operablaus for thse rebele. One5 of tise larget élstiUere lu cosn- P FromOntusaLuis Poboi, îfieleena thoisu ai Ketucky lias .cosd doua i viluk 100 mile. to Mexico Cily sud tise tise season ouly two-thîrdsaspent. mi movemeot ot troupe bavard tise cap- tic 1 1b wouid le alorS tise tracts of an- Mrs. John Maya Oeîd. Un .,%or lieof tise Nallosai railread Londou, May 14.-Mrs. .John R. iliots direct -to Huertaslast Maye, tise novelisi, died lie.. rtrongliolé. Ph~oooooeoooooo Constitutloagigls ledrs are report- 0 THE OBASEBALL SCORE rg ed teubave dmcla« bt ulultha six 0c weekm 0f tise lIme ise> capterei Tam- O .ooooooooooo6ooooodoopoooo pico tiei uould le lauMxoeCty. NATIONAL LIEAUL Unconflrmed rassore ver. current hère thiaIHurts voulé iunmeéltely W.L. pet W. L. pce. m.urrender ou coadtion of safe passage ".#g . .1 4 .789 Clu .. Il il1.SW eut of tise counry. N. Y. ..9 6 .600 St. L,.. 10 14 .417 e 1No Word framn Parka. Brook. . I 7 .13 Chii . 9 13 .409 a Wahington, May 14-PrivgtO SMBau .. 9 7 M3Bot. 3 13.189 otel Park., tise member of Generai F1un -.. etonsa comuasd ai Vers Crus vise At Chisicso- R. H. E. rode lInoe ise Malcaine. iltue 7 rooklvu ..0000000000-O 27th bormes belouglite Colonel Taggart. CIsicago... 2021000-d 5 1 bias not yet beau huard tram in spîte Reoibacis, Waîner aud 1i'icier; ot the efforts o& hetisavs department ('ieney aud Bresnalan. snd lise demande of (Oeseral Punston. A Cnenat- R . t la generali> tionetInîl Vers Crus Boston . 0..00000000-O 3 1 tisat tiser Caneral Mau or Navarette Cinct»Lrsti .... 100,O000004-1i 2 P 'rdere tise execultoci ot.Psrks on tise James sud Wislaiug Ame.sud trund Ibat ho wona »Y17 sd tht lieClark. 'vas lmrnoéatelY sisaltt deatis by a At St. Louis- R. H. P. firlng equad. Philadephie ..000101100--3 7 20 St. Louis ... 0003002-S 6 1 INDIANATOWNS ARE FLOOED sdiny Sdder. fr oss Cie 2000Acres iJoder Overflew from Pttsburghs-New Yrk-eet groun4à. River Calumet. AMCRICAN LIAGIi Il Ciicage, May 14-LittIe Cpfluueî W. LPét W. L.. Pet. rIver. overfloevlng because of sproag flt...17 7 .70S We.li .10) il A4 flood*. bas submerged about 20.00 Piil. .. .10 8 .556 Chi.;il 1 423U -Ocre. Of basé oser Gary. Mammoad NI . 'r. .l0 9 .626 Boi. a 5Il .421 end Ate. Scres et persans living St. L. . .1i Il .500 Cleve. 8. 14 .864 Iear tise bordueaof marallea lbave boen oblgod te Meel bigler ground. At Washisngto- R. H. K At Gar'y the river luaI aràMibe Chicao...30310020o-9 12 2 vide auusolainLaI lthougis a0lvy. Washiçgton ..1 00001000--2 8 a Tise foods bave caused srenewai et Ailotiser gamea potpoled-vet agiltationlu aot c f th ProPtuaed îro Ilds Borne détiot, wviuel oilé raUeve tise _und FrDERAL LEAGt)E. soi byD"II.W.LPct. W1.Lýpet, ~ <w' li B7ilt. .. .12 5 .706 Brook.. 7 S .415 SptgoimL May 14.-t3Iovrnor St. L. . 13 9 .691 K. C. . 9 14 Ùie p*- à sw 5 goolsmatinutdeSiut bd.11 10 .524 But.f. 7 il .889 ±~~~uuq* aua MeurialtitI . 110 .624 vIttf. .12tS suitt0f livIng pregreaaed clear iop e fine trou the rank of private.l He r4çd lun » rivata, 11eu ai vete liorai. bleu respeetltal> te mer- at firaI Merguant. second sargesut. OS6 liqutusnt.tinat lieutenantsud > lie stops lato thse positien of *4 et tise local batler>.C Tle oilier Ieutenants In tise baely e Fred Morey. Pilo Burgesesuad ard 'Broiay, T'he Ubtoant vise villM ucoeedC irIn uisaposition of firsI Hut«* « t, lob 1101 70 isuovnand 'Ml net ble ftséd unil a? lotCat.DurbInla bst .-oved bik commission trou lisesa- itnt. Thon thée uectior- il leh Id. Il la tIt tiat Lsit, Morey in aul te le the mas choos beamu.. bia cloue application te lise volt tise battery aud aielecause ho iprogresed ltbrougi tise ranks ti i local orgaaiisiio. CapI. Durlinla manager of 11. Chf- kg0 markset,Osuase s utuestand la eII kuiev5ila Tsukeganduths uinty.. ýIe la tiseoldesl am os> t.r ospi Ouu' sémisan Uveé lu lie suntya29 hie lie. nevauaOuet 60 risut arttery '«CuemmaMd stock tise iattes'y tiro liStea. talai..e v lelg revpréeé ly -leing u.M shead &Mé omuadlng cuber. TisaI CaIL Dultba l ual. - abis ».v position, la the oleée MIet of *very mule «ftise ba ery for, bis etrent -tu the wk et eo orgsanisatios bas beau mubaist Inovu tise detaiet acf £ aOif- coai d bt 7. lMe vii sho *va tise close co.ouatm et Major uts. viso is h l ies ta Wauke- pn, la ceiamaudlng off ehe l.ap ileru c tise misSe. lsclMdg tise abukegsn batteries. Il le guwamll'feaittest CapI. Bal nias electiani b thes caaulvu abtenaénov lualev of the Ire >cbg tbat the bsttery may le otrel te .service ln tis§ e Munaityubie md thse désira te bahail &Uo1'55i15 tOas, tully o0f tired vimse nob là me arrives. Ankti-VnleArrives Thse tiitenoàm ocf tisa h isold sernu for the latter> arrivai twa7. tmr9ue itise muate aget <Coro rd Mollateln. pe- 1beP-. umadedperl et vater,à» as s e- ti, lt parus Alqpis oa *4 se <ata ishevelu'.34aM hie arrourue -à mmhfl quatiluet emv-M tour or nie minutes, ies aoit au lie aicoil 's fev duope et Car- bobo salA or eh ct ol9ves,ý la aaelsapalIu tise aoatb es nbgland lise fohotui»Ulla va "ig ead se d a vin e givec b> 1av.-bliot'A310 01 Agouy. «NM Mec' hdI" sueisisé U Rarlm. '"I neyer Wmw l iv* à@ Uevod My little bor 4fa ue, 5 clren agins vam YW Nduo reued bli tile bel, 'eé m aid! 1bave beau slgvli a351&' rot bus indtu mt Mm hm jm W.m fer isr.usa e a trisé vseMuK ;d 1#Pm "Tus bell Wbî. ;vUqe 00, PM dm servasî Inal lu W.urI7 Ah "-tU - ltg Sbe>a a d~ié bar lia ld USval eox Eider lias o .newnmi,*s'O>j ~ mapiesud a poor grade cf usscEm F l11 15 bW le moe rorits sep.The tees are Li , - rees lbut isouasII; lea ai W. rv C. W Dqgla PontsOUtlFaci er. v-hm yoeng au aoabecomaft ocWU tKnonP.ty Offlo« of ~VIue of Browt SRI y. lard maples nilice téb tiset %>W» j~Clapod BETTER NOW fHAN ~long lefore salabis aise.WuegsOid fiaMni ÉTLATER. î »ok up your watta aiow. i'ol -- a~ow onsté eu ueepeciuy abrube sdMl Ousn.ohef Nurseyman UrgEsThat By yUlib. aItisir ls adi o~d« <aaatB I ivlIba Paylg Atenion Cty's 111w just vIat 7011 wat n t e ielion viii wed v "~esr"lisetisaI pamg e W l Çep 8 orave.are off 10011 At tens, ow liie- ecf Mr t ismxai Becauce torale o btte auhor y alrula are oruauastal snd no en@ la olys ssont. Becusetieraisno ettr utiortlmoopm ticte sonue. It yen dont Tley a«Pent te raétuate Wanxofp lu Waukegsli sud vIciaitY on trees, wattei .iase muasnoci. blr, amail PMbau> teo»resv. a oseyoit abutls, etc., tisai C. W. Douglas, The ong es; t ntesM'sstie.Waltés,h9'beag IMPOMMe esma0 is r. Sun priants tise article baby prepare a àv ASe Plant vilii WOU grOv te 1a30Ult t74r. IWt. sa thlm *li hln nesnsld to readerWs oua7 oaseyou paysy 25for'.If jon caii't a,- îla 'Cha f *0 M4 et vListo etsivice » to bat muet lord large unes Se amlliOn«. f1Who areepPecteiui1e i& -ldons ta order te have tier yards *uroly sida te 119 value Of 170r P glne onatrd4jy fer *a" es5r. lbookIng attractiveaaid their aliruba intarela tiseChidrasud a ste lvielag atatisa. lfkeiy vli e eiers il rou eslie tY: fae of old WaukeSan;to .e.OMM, thosu. iltela oeetble (BT C. W. Douglas) 'le u a b l e te ont lescie et ab- No lathe tlme totland ottwist ,WWUàpbMl sa asust ofislt 4pto the Fou vant te plant nezt seion. arly e ego Ian s0al m M«acmHyrneseal star. iii iliat eveuct. niai7 In aipWrlg uhen treeq are bar.. those W4 tmsoset adbe usts l . aisd ira. élein viliitai. sa net fauillar wils tise dîfferent k"I u ~gg ~ ei p 'ta have lutile Ides&? isci i. le st 1%blbut YOM& yîl. wen le à ThesemOIpI.la vIti Ilua liteish vsen.la lest. ssIeboVatr% e aid bostonwed Y Tebie a iuepp 1>, 90'ort1î County itreet Itou syte.W isealmunIt o b*h em. . ly h rial.he~ep~e 'and sée.tise besutIful prunus, podus le v«an bonfggd out and buga s ~booiesper sud cs*ier eItithe 1 or Msv-dav tr" 3onecallcd becs'îse St ýMIt_!1M0f5 fttsa Bir t a- 51ofLs fOr monet Fe bu:, zsiPr- n Aeeupu. blaves out long befores"Y othesra ______________________________ti. tirs.o year it la ln full leaf and LORD 4QUITS THE WHItTE SOX as bet of '-wO white fragrant flowers ouera ail; flot thia yoir sica. but@ atIetChicago eausys Me. a, Bs auiy. thia s ast forur ver7 hast Ibuglr IWith Si@ Lasffs. Bli*dotew 5for isas or atret--a 10W Wsaatoa, May 14.-Marri Lord leaded tise wlth a wOnderfui &PrePud third lflan an sd captala of thse Chi.. of lUnches for 1li eliit. cagà Amican leatue club, Quît 'the! 31 ia perfectly hardy, grow9 as flat c.ù rband leit for i home Inasa a suafiower, can 4e grova and sold IPortland, lie. He lutorme4 "lp teu dîeap. Wl> uoa'î people plant it P tisa lie wuatirough wltis basghali for mort? 1 thinis it je because t lm not,1 90&d. 'grOwn or puahod btiste front. Both it lacsi medthet manager Caliahan theAilaliblian d Laurel Willow are inikitcf g fine on the vsterall for pull-fr ea ofm yteshtaeF mg a -'labe-eaded" play Tuesday sud frauAtfmsýtesta r iat tieI preclpltated flattera. Lord plated freel>, eomnebow people in told lisp lpaeball correspoudets hare genersi dont underatand or do't psY 'Alii tise Wiite Box tisat lie fait ýbiij- attention in wisat tbey plant. sBAZ sllppingsud proposed to quit le- At $10 you alao se. in perfection.' fore hoe vas sent to th. minore. Me thse Norway Maple, albo the red lent added *tisa le bad saved enuth onfO- varfety. the Japon Iree; lilan s1400 i ey- frota his basebal sarainci te re- liere 30 to 40 foottlu. Ail tisatar tire.cogdeming thse box eider as worthilesu I _________Mc oué te 910 County as on the IRE U est aide of lthe rosd are tise Box AI IE".NUIT der and direll oppoite are thse Chsicago. Ilsy. 4r--Tvo vWousnver. serteutly njureti,.s qqeremore sinteé né a a nlab Iehi' ldrea usrrovlY s- Capedloing en tu tedelS e95f -on lise mal 4 là otyiiI Leon, Whoe' tise, MbroIe tIbiougi is pe lnslaaefotta vievj .. ldy or Se.gey M«4sesierg. thé Vera Crus -lare, l@ vism Ilecli pelé i rlbiate. Pur nearly 'taitMsu liur tisepoIce baîtted ultis tie cro, flally rese- lin order afler tisa door. te tisehal limé been cloead- DUring tise P841 lira. bineum'eaeîleu, the Adi bjoy'. mfiei, faitcéaItd vas carrledj ouit of lise tbreng into eue of lh ise oMces, wisere.,sise vas liter revlved. Tishpal speneW reiPitaOd trOu asà aiready lue auïshu1 . eiiê lo- b"e of a picphO«Mer's sis"ligit. Tlie vaut tbraO W tiýMwrr lud b7 lie explosion suédvisat.vas an ulirIY trevé sudsaly becanie s rling o.9 Pickpoket. bisel llgis civ&l la tise crowde. Tbre. olferéd polIce- men purgueé oie tisreugl tise tilsst ot tlie écrov frt ofte«end. of lie isuiling te théobiir. Heo Onalby e.- cst5ed. 'Plascbtieap61-Molicme vte activaeilareprassing tise verk t.f ie "dipe' B averai a"ttta vota de. iEV. W1I.TE TO WORKHGUSE #ete t e, j elut Chureh serv a~j WhIla ils vorkbousefor IriI ~o ue. q" qs D. RSoteel- servcesla~U ds. lfloH. Wool", TepïàtIt* à ilu'i or social ievu3k jppup s tie ant ap a lisdl tise msatrfr, and anu r u~serfie£5 lhinge .oa *I t lgmy.aei prlisuth::~~~ f all mon aboulé bave bèmst lir1ed Ioui audprofan btise lics.o: OÈ eb* ad te -use ias 4 messa 0£ a4vomoni ym-urensd 701W vleua.tIr"beother éistmibes artSIre h p eise.tMlee u e. Fsvpe Ue& flneSIt. currqnc~apr1Iit *« apeste ot ftaib-It ,t»Ie p*tIbois),~ Ui tur.glat.&~l " n e .l "P' 'i. vos ~hIiA~ul ID pi'W Md ito lo# lim e w<um. . m me mint BI. ouse"ye.W«64& -s; nlqBl@i tb",hasalgu M41OW TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANT ADS. tauS. A.ddres 1-J. lMetcif, (rhs ORSALE-Horse 9 yearuoh? goo traveler. runabout land harsa. Ad-' Irees T. PL Baker, Lake Bluff. 111. Wkly Iti Waidla« à ait ai lieuuml m. eu waart e ie iraeuf buepM. e bas. Re cle o a , 05 pityaffue atise trsla la aatos u ne blini atattmm*edbue i Wade u asy' tssAs ta Waibeusa oae mu1r esteé l'% lis marriago . Tisemariffg e lanuarer cf 1105e visiclimuot se addoiltote eliii ublel 'Vere hutlaWaiMog mevlat as sa ruiat of tishe xlcan cytul.,for, visi te o1e esgmeait cf tise pees people b" adlebe u vai hafoaem» tluý il vas net %houai lieu pbume il morrlod n socs, Tise faelthant Idr; Redlin u iaueon "s10e.deti" for nue lime. bovave. mialtpeesi- bie tisat b.o11la11 t e tée rdlte "s«a deu»' ov asY day. Il% tcthle oiseneou ara good tisat b" ff11151 booked for earvlce la tise Mezlca uaterm in thse saruture sad pcesly tisaI'. viy the muarriageasa ere coItsumlated quiclcsiy vîlot thiai luti Minute. To Buy Coats, Suits, Skirts and Dresses, Etc. S EVERAL prominent manu- facturers ad'vised us that they would close out ail coats, Suits, Skirts, etc., at a big reduction, we've bought al we could possibly use of Umee and got them, for leu. than haif what they're wor&h PrettY Iucky for us and "mighty" lucky for you, because you' re the one that's going to get the- benefit. This Is Wkat Mr. Hein Sent Us This Morning ioo of the Finest $5 and $6 Skirts at,$2.98 in i tlemterials of bedford eords, Frenchi serges and novlte check loths. Thé styles in the single flare tunie style, now s0 popular, and finished in front with buttons.. The patterns are those that will be -worn extensively for Spring an4 Suxumer. These skirts in nearly ail sizes. Genuine $5 and $6 values. On sale Saturday for only LIZIZIZI store. LZZZZ3 MI Ebtj t. VOL f ALL LA Chanfes ville F DIES Was Cli to Rep tai la ladd iey, aged F idat of i, otf flteen onu a drn. skulilte eue ari Pened ais menu lg. Uites aftê'r ed cousci anuoncle Ilion Bull %Ir» Bu pair a le, tise Mlle of lise mi noTis i -faiied to t iseglnlng climbed n *deuiy 1the isefore lie hurtling t sideWalk isead strur Hi% dai Wisoisad t tise accldi iser tatisen sud rushi lie au. u Hastmly and tise ln tise bouse 2Taylor, tm sumnmoned tise Injure lHe ied I tise accldcf Mr. Blfl N. Y,,lu 8 Ilinois lu sprlng ef by waten yeur lu o' several b( acrosa thse brotisers 1 lu St. Clu H le made Califonnia returaied i! isad umade la 1893 Park aven 1905. Hie leavu aloitegs as Hortce, mi E.W.Du, sud Unr.i Mass uiter, WU* ifeed 1ery H surai ln F a day befl b rtrelle n la*' ans bote etci ten yeezs & -ed W es l 7a. coro day afleru ,4IOMe of t slié ove, Ob, olio towe dhe 11U tisailh bu firors 0 gulhind te, alent v 104 eI Juliii Geer A develc a10, lu a 0 hie nom - -7 -- ý-- ----