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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 May 1914, p. 2

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~w.. LAKEO6u>rY ID DENT; PRIDÀY, BY 15, 1914 -paper of lionday hbat uhey are "going- ta te os into camp.' It eounds good _________ .~t~ ppefffl9 a~ but t remains to b. smen whether or not tbey eau make good. Le,,<iDrury'@s anitary barber ehop at Area ban juet openeti. Try if once anud Thie suit oi the. parents o!fie puiplii YOU'Il gel lie habit. lt - t~~~~~~~rm Frernont attending Libertyville li Wnda ofLk Fretad higi seai to compeilithe directors t m adf0o ae oet n eay ::: tub:Zn n aior Zncfortha Chao. Stockvell of Iicbigan, @peutTue. By T. F. SWAN recently enacteti Iaw waà heard betore day at Mmr. Towner'o. Correspondent and Agent AtrePoeapaefrthpli-a8 ek- r ties ad Eward forthedefendante liss Rcse Richinanu ofLake Zurich, IL (. Pynewaea Cicag viito Su th meut w@ avicrryforthe viiied ber cier, lirs. George Knigge gE. O. ante Cbw ona.hcao il defendante. Jotige, Whitney ruledt uat last week. lin ai lie. . . Ivin enertlnthe lase sas bath uninst andi uncon- Ratel Cran. ha.] a large crowdt of ity lir.andMm . L Irvng ntetai e titutionai aid susiainedtheti5 <irectore pepple Bnnday. the former'. parents Sunday. In thein stand that they boul no legalErnul. Ba.tt seas a Lake Zurich viitor MMn, . . . Glnn of Chicago, spent igit ta psy out any money on band for Soudey. 1 UundaY seAu bar @lot@;, lir. Set swai. this purpoee. M-reH. BarWltt @Peu atnrday and Flureac Stickland entrtsin.d ber One of our pnoeperons famneres eet oi Sunday in Wauk.gan. flenDd, Laina Striekland of Cbi-g, tosen Iha4 recently purchased a tive lire Toer aid lir.OGa. 'lehrke Sunday. paseagen Fond. Be isa owns a dag were Andioh vlitors Wedns.. that la Dot exciiy shat on might eau Bora ta lit. aid lira. Richard Deizs on amiable a @ a a Ensiler of protection The Ladi.* Aid sel Eet seth Mmre Uairi y. iy lti, a d&ffluer.ý ho moi..] ils dag âuiovern s4ie A.à OUeM. Thuréday ai ternootsliai il. S. J. Croplsy moved ita the Cameron garage There»s no doubt that as a Everos. inviust. alottffl on Laie Aves., saturday. repnessnuaiv. ai theit ibis mors e Ul b. lM-. Babab ai Chicago, *putnI as X. 0. Pak'né abasa mpofmulon 0aibhy effetive but gresi car. Jibnd b. e nt eitbitgLoseil the Ameaharassa .op aid &big dl&- exrcd dlet h. mkat. balaismon» W. D. L sl Idehi.tearni fcalta ta Pffâ *osai i '. oi.,Bl t eu»..iti .lgbtlaai nn tb. machine ln tbq dot Gorge Unbdsaaock. %b seul O"pSat" lb mssa a h a ase ta lIe mnnoyaucOfaithe ituIhi Waltar apadftaday at Wante- Me MM '55 rnt aUJI eldveIy. 9 I.L. Tripp m an mliy ota mutor trip ta Chicago ftniay.1 Mr&~ J. B. Aynslsy entertained ber1 Dsi", MmnS.evs a few days ibis week. MMs.£Vous who was formeriy ]i@ QI Bady Bskier ia enronts tram Atlanta, 6&O~, ta ber home lan deattie, Wash. * Wm. Joues, our BoLins agent, who sme kntobeusFrances Wilard ho.- piailaut week wîth what irs suppoeti *P ho bloand poloonag, bai praved an allama ta Chicago physicians. There1 bave heen meven doctors lu Co s ltation aud they have been unable t0 diagnose bisenxalay. The.patients condition bas einlod about the same since bho arrive.] St the hoepitai andi at luit report the baing natnre of bis aliment bas pre- lnd..] the poubiy of anything but 110perflai treatinent.1 Lea Drury, who for the past four years bas heen etoployeti in the Strang barber1 abop st Wankega, bh" openeti a $bop inE th PaYne building on Park street. iThe . uêtr af the. building bas been re. dscorated lu wht and makes a very attractive looking barber @bop. There sas no regular bail gane 1 sbeuitstii Snday, tbut tb. boys got a good Vont out neverthl... Net sunday the Waukffau K. C. teani wIll b.slit nsmaaad sesnota la a Waukegan STANI ICE ci There are few perhaps wi standard for ice cream ua op ti.rei.î91gai. Leo Duy's sanitary barber @hop st Dr. Goaiiosay aid famiiy aid Paul Area bae juat ap.ned. Try lt once and PRay and family ai Llbertyville. spent you'ii get tbe habit. ltBoSnd"j st G. M. Ray's. linOnOiabl service. seul b. helti at lthe TAYLOR GROVE Diamond lecheurcb Sunday afternaan, Ivauhoe and Area Viii asaistlu services. lir. anti Mr@. Natz and faniily of Waukegan, spent Suntiay at the homilOuests ai A. LoVll's Sontiay seere: of br sote. MP, 1. Rordn. Walter Moeter anti faiAl>., lils M. of br sste, lre, . [iarai.DoVns, lMr@. Doles, Louis ýSaniel. lMn. Roilo Siea bas returneti tu Waukegan Richardson, lir. Browning, Abert tu work after.lspending morne time ou Bofetter. Mies Auna and Henrietta the. fam. Loweeli, Mr. Richar-dson, Mr@. Baumbach lira. Sarab Sbea As lmproving lowly. andi 'ILI Lowecîl ai of Chicago. Tii. Jini Walebsh as a Waukegan caller Young people engeged inl a -Mexican Monda>.. cj " a ver>. pleasaut time seas enjoyeti Laura, Strahan andi lre. R. Crawford ya. were Zion callers lat week. PAREVE Mir. andilirs. Chas, Casitiore oi Watis-1 RH worth, speutSuda>. with ber parants. Mr. anti lra. E. A. Tripp of Elerringson, Mn@. T. D.*., Neweil anti daugbîer Kansas, are vIieting relatives bore. Laverie bas returnedtu t ber home an Chas. Eruelter 'Ai Waukeabau. was Sheridian roati alter spending sanie tîruehoevr udy withhermoter.E. M. Unibaci bas a nese Overlanti car us,, no tRi.e n. anti A. C. Richarde bas a KrIt. «1Whatever Part1IJii thiiîg yon Blanche Mitchell anti frieuti iran lova, even If It b, nature, ron m fini uean pu Stra adSn t somewbere n the tosen; and If yonu eaneetSaria.niSod> do not love anytblug ln particular. at the former@ bome. yon an. a pour creatora sehom notb, Mies ltohy Moline of Chicago, visited lng but the City cmi com1onLt"- at the. hon. Of ber uncle. W'i. Staucliff Chartes lfond Robinson. on Saturtia> anti Sonda>.. C. B. aton anti label Sebafler ai Derilld, were lthe guesta olfb.heManou famille@ the tirât of lhe week. Aima Krneger @peut Saturtiay anti Suntia> wit bher motber and Pister. DARlira. iirmai Albrlgbt ententaineti ber lir, anti lra. W"19îeSchan aid son /~i IV I pèni Sunda>. siti li re. Fred Baner at kEAM ýLong Grove. M. W. Knedlen and son Ted speat $un- day with Mn. anti lin. Wiil Bs>. ai îo kow tat tere s a a M. Umbach motore ta Napirville there ie for anything 1lait atnrday. else that cau be high or low ini value. The thang that fixes the standard in ice cream is the amount of cream used in the manufacture-the good rich cream that givett it that real "1good-% nema" that makes it the national refre@hment. We get our cream fresh from the bottling works at Giihner and our arrangements are such that it is alwiys the Rmre and we make it a point to nose the smre formula that we have proved to be the bust, no you wlll mid Area ice cream always of the smre degree of mellow richuesa That is why ornany discriminatlng people In- oint on Area le Crearn. AREA ICE CREAM COM'Y ' Let us do Vour BoGkkeeping for you IT COSTS YOU NOTIIING Oen a Checking Account TICITIZENS' BANK< ARrA. OILL p. -R. F. RoueIrving W. Vce Pt-osient. E. Payne, Cashien. àrs. Rd Ritzenthalr 1loft Tneslday for ber home in Mionneota. O. FrY ni Chcago, andi lr. Good-. man of Elgin, vioitet i athte S. E. Knetiiet homne one day last seset. 'I Mies [de Dnrham) of Kenilworth, Mise Jean Rate] of Wilmette and MisMariant Dougherty of Western Sprinîgs, were the gueste of Idiss Ruth Reichelt, Saturday. Mother'. Day was celebrated in the Preebyterian Chnreh witb appropriai., sermons and songe, Each mother recelived a whiite carnation. Next Suu- dey will hi obeerveti au the,*Worid'à peace Snnday." Miel. Glyneh @peut the week-end at The Deri th. Librty% of 12 to 3 lin, anti M i 3 t I d s I~ wA ~ ee the wee MNDA 1 chmnitz. M. andi lre. Gotifre>. aiChicago. @pont Mn. anti1 Bunday at the bains i li.aid lira. C. O.neeeo, wt E. J.ks. lr. anti Mr@. lire.Grame and danghten. Miss Btelle are apsnding the seset seîî relatives la ADJI BU. Louis. Publicno Miss Grecs Murphy seneineti frienda the Subace kom Rghlm Par, Badar.estate of! ira.HlgiendPar, fiada. slii attendt hu sNottia Murray ai Chicago, @pont Coat., eta Salurda> aid Bandar. qt hÏr bp m ins. t aihei MWla liuraY rrned taChicago Fridoa &&X- Con mitoreses'sonisdown the M---sslp t Jul>.nez ri e tapplng at Varions pile a iateristeong the se>.. Ob. as om ofe U ai sns a pati ai tht tombter@ of be Cicgo psatas oehoole seho 100k 'b. tip. Judlat ohe ilse Au»aEosainetscb.r oi Chinago, ial. vua tbe geset 0i Aies. Iva Tunubul aven Sennay. Wauiegan, lilal= aMurplijiofiSe. Louttoos Academy, Chicago, '4uiw.ibhrpwat lira Ra-ison entertaiisi lin. anti Theont Is W. B. llaumsortb antifa"n. i f hem te.8 Cicago, Sondar..Mi. P1araeeîb ne- knewn fi esalI>. ntunned fr0. Mexicon OIV wbere majusi»M ho halds Lb. psillon or gans tbrame ie<ons «M0 maiagsr fon theB mta lI erwad(3a. on the m Bey. T. J. Murphy etutaind Mr. anti Many4 lire Wagnr ai Chicago, Sund". und In[te lins.8. A. Fard, sebo spoal heliii etn -haro'5Pr la Chicago returnedt t bar home n Ouri Prt-5s u vFillagle sere ah. seill @veud theasumamen <151115the* montha. Itema shci Alin Kimbaflreturnnatihome Thure for v Wb<à day ater,,aPentilng a year n hiLoAnge The p rati Ce,., sehere h. seas empiayid la oie'ai la futurf the large depantinent stores ai ihai c'lty. omitted u, Buiness on the new railroati le that lhmyà Anreaing eâch monthI. 1àreparted Any aff -hbat 'pore frsehla h ehpw&i litaw»_- àýiàda tiuan Into aur atr îigsa herve or Palatine. Vning tie ps e . i. profit fror J. B. Pattenson C. ln ahg thInge for reeSîveti tourteen er i olad pl o. lamber. P.. fr,- Ar, anti lin. Er8kine os@anti famil>. Lata Coun 01 Chlcgo, sPout Sonda>. bere.. PENDENT. leldi Jlunioîrthall teen defeateti Fville bail t.am seiti a score W A.itnortvville saiordy. f rs. Eti Fisher nnd tiangiters Rose ant iMyrt le of Chicago, ek-end guet. of Mi@@ Rose M P@. Wiiiard liuneouio ftr- tbheweek-end guesîs of @. J. A1. Stryker. UICATION NOTICE ctice la b.rehy given tbat xiber admiatuator e!t the Leveru, Oihert dec.aa.d the Connty Court of Laie a terni th~reo beh.boiti- Court lions. la Wankegan, DutY, on the first liouday it 1914 seben and seheno having daim. againat sMid 1notifieti and requastedti t n saie to sali Court for ad- JOHN LBTIL Adunatrator. li., May. 4, 1914. Wkiy May. 8 16 22 NOTICES MY. thhm isle fiapsnt »Il le SPACE. kIIIle a lot that àa vmpefr boInfilout tlu 10lp Mmaivee-lit muo pe mie cf SPACE. em* pertahuinete slWau *nomcéegseul all"S» a àreuit ofthse aIverb ese colume fuisilks, ush MId and milbt lie Iol art ta 1IN& st le ami#-liv.ou re @»aneotnoile wlll b. nie.. notallen 'la maie are t. b. pald for'. fair sehore admission la nr promotrs nmr. a >m t, la ln the liait of ,whlch noties muet b.in -TF. ut>.'. bfg wey-INDE- The afflersand Isaciers or the Presby- terian churcb Viiient wltb MissLanise Hlum, Friotwopeangu. The ToadisriaInf i es bas llnasha the etl-y 'of lb.Newe Testament. Ail passe. selh hlgb honore the examina. tAon on tba.Oli Tstament. isa éaimbl ssitat oi Hghlanid Part, vas tb.week-end gueet of ber Parente,.AMr. and lire. P. (;. Biedenstad. Leroy Johaton visite] at bis home lia Rfgers Part, Satundav andi Sundar. llnnday aitenoon the. Deeriield teamn wa- defeate4 by lie DePlalne tsani with a score ai 7 tu 5. Mir. lieynboi andi Rimer Grener oi Highland Park, viaiteti the Christian Endeavors oi the PreeLtyterian and Unitedi Evangelical churches. Mis@ Saule Galloway entertaineti a nuruber of ber friende ai dunuer Saturday eveaing. lir. anti lra. Rd Tripp oft Harrington, Kansas, were the week-end icure. at the borne of C. B. Eseton. W. Ui. Coi andi iamily bu,'- îunnved to Cbicago. The Woman's Mlleeunanry erncuety oi tb. Unitedi Evangeiical rhumAi hi-Id tunr monthlY meeinîg at tithe nîi- aof llrs. Wm. Witt. Tii. subje-t Ifor diecussion Vas "Thie it-untain Whnuces nITeunesee' and lirs. 1. R. Rebun of (hucego, took chargé of the., neetig. A vry intereet- ing prograiu w.. rendered l'y a nuunber oi reaiugs andi taiks by dilfferent mena- bers anti a duet by lieedanie I1. R. Rehn and Floyd Stanger. A delightui lunch wa@ serve. by ithe boeteen. C. B. Raston andi nue, \label Schlier are î-u.lting at thie hon,,, oOf Judaon Mason of Prairie View, ti week. A number of Deerielti fri-nds attendeti tbe funeral of John Siek, Wetineoday Who die.] at bis boum. in Wbeeling, 8untiay. Mise Florence .Iint ad as ber week-end guleste bdies Dora anti ?eartba Watrinan ai Chicago. The Evangelical A"Seoation cburch lave diiacontinued tbelr servi'.. for a year. hasuEs Ether Kelly of Lake Forest, ras tb. Baturtiay anti Sontay guest ai dis. Loretta Kress. lireBrman Peglow returneti Satur- day froin Detroit, ici., where abs .tanded tbe uerai oi ber cousin, Miré. Arduoue Tsau. Firat Convct--Hene it Baya At toot Darwein six yéars ta write his finit hoot." Second Convict-"Huh! that,à nothlng. Il la galng ta taire me ta« lemrsta finish ana sentence." AUCIONSALES AIl auction unles Publish.d ln the Ind4pandant are Charged for aitIthe rate of à cont, a lino sehon an arden for auction bis accompans the notice, otherset he regular raie of 10 Cents par lino wlll ha Chergod. To settie ith.e mtata ofi1. F. Riizen- thalr, desaed, the nndsnelgd sel, Deli ai public anction on Lbe J. p. Rilse. thaler lane, 1 mils nanth 0i Long Grave aid S mils. Vut of prairie Viese, on liONDAY, MAY 18, CÔoenchng et 1:00 O'Ciock P. iM. sharp the iollowhng propeni>.: 6 cases givinu mfik, 6 bores, hiactbhn s et1200, ha>y bots seot 1400, dan bey lmaresewt 1000, mars0aMd colt, set 1400;hbey colt -omine 8 yrs oid, biact colt 2 yrs aid, 15 @hasta, Wl &bous 125, about 200 c"àte$, Piano grain hînder, Deerlng car biadr, Deaning moseer, bar tedder, Dsenlng hane rate, 2 sulky enltàva*ore, pnlvei-issr, 8 handi culuiatore, baud plase, 2 8.sacton ban-ose, sulky plose, 2 muit wagons, bob mlelgb, 2 seagon boxeu, open buggy, nannose tire Wagon, 2 4-ione tkwagons, 2 hal rack, bay fort andi caps, canplanter, Boosls, seeder, 2 set double ben,», single bd-nn esating tait, 4 milt ma@s, coin sheller, 600 lb platform msales, buggy pi le aid n ct.yoke , set gravel plants, 2 coo sovk chiink stave, bard coa] tavýe, 52 latdere. 55 gallon gasaias ta.,50galo kerosene tank, about 250' boabels oat@. about 25 bush,1 seheai, about 20 bushel ban.>., about l0êbnbntv--aa.2-tons bey anti nhraticles too numerous ta nmentio>n. Usual tIr. Mn@. D. F. Rîtieuthaler. Prop. Wm. Peter&, Auctianeer. Gea. Quentin, Cient. D)o you order yoiîr priiîtinig for renaroAIs of ptirson>fal frieiidslip' If so, lt's be~ * frieîîds. If lîoweve-r, yoti waîit the htest ëtock aînd workmiansliip your mouvy wili * uy. plus liiglîly srtisfat'tory Fervie.-, m eîîd yotir orders to theIîejxd.t%* Job1)lDepartiîleAt * Regard iii. iof lî*sî,al î,îneideîra tirs wC l iatiefy yen beca.u- u r * Bell1 An System Intinate knowledge of market £conditions is a big advantage to the farmer in disposing of bis crops. The wîse farmer keeps in close touch with distant markets by obtain.ing quotations over the Long Distance Telephone at frequent intervals. Thus he. always knows the best time to seil, and is therefore able to get top-notch pri'ces. Chicago Telephone Company AX R. Andrese, Maaagc .Tdo.hsa.MI DANCI NG lIERTELPS PARK PAVILION, Haif Day, ID., on EV1ERY SATURDAY NIGIIT A Good Tinie Aaanred &&t. Trip ci Ar bu tb pi Lu Pli .Ch Ei I et go tice ta tii i ME bot k W. W. Ê ube air, i car Ou E oui tain s, tici got 11 JORN JACO«I AffTO Amerie&.' a tret iillionnlre. was a very fer silhtcd monn. lie left the lutile vil- lage 0 ut 1adort on the Rihine t0 conne to ihis country of wonderful opportulttieâ tu engaige In the business of aelling pianos, but lie san learned thnt there was more Profit ln the. fur bu vinons. In Foond lieus and lied years. ha .prospertid bécaues, undeïr aILcI rcumatances Aho wu a rigid economint and clou. traiter. By the, co.of the i.egbteenth century. hé w.. the richesttmna nthé.United Blates..Then. ou bie w.hltb continued tnuCrawl ho dld som.thliig whicbneariy «elerbodY tbought w«a toolilh. He boulet land on Manhattan Island, far bMaod thé devoAop.d section. whlch ta tl. ordinary violon wBS 1net Uk.iy tu0li OacOhed upon by th. theu itte Cty Dur, Hm YV ok musalih.wa«inviti ;99tiLg P Vait ama»ta nnpeoductlve ~ Mani fAnismant notblnd but taxes. But ueep n buylafg and. ln 1#48. h. died havAna aM estata Worth over $80.MOAO Laid ln New York made thw Astor Eutate what it l, today. R«,i eltate is tb. faundation of waalth. Tbotu are a few mon right ini Our OWn 00untY Who wili beomle wealthy by desiing in rosi etate. At th. prisent time tbey are sccumuiating A SURPLUS tIN OUR BAINK They wiil b. prepared for A "snaP" when Offered. Are you one of thern? W. pay three per cent on Savings. First National Bank Libertyville, Ill. W. E. Miller w". a Wnnt-egan vusîtor Wedneuday. The condition of (iordon Schnk, who b&@ been in the t 'reeb)yterlan bompltal, Chicago. the, pamt t., o we.-k@, le report( d oinc bobtter, andi up to Tbuodaày morn. lng an operation bad not been îwrfornned. J. W. Swanâbrough of Waukegan, on Tuestiay iirougbt eut bie four truck homses, beadei by Gambetta Prince, to the mile track. Mr. Swangbrough @pont Wednesday andi Tbureday at tAhe track to comiplote arrangementa. Réemure Only Omail ufit The active Azmb barbons requin on ly a pair of scissors, a pair of clAp- pers. aid a razor for their equipment Tbey erect their tempora-y *hop@ An the market-piaces by spresdIng nome mattng ovin a few polea. Araba have thoir hande shaved, kîeplng the bain short no that the white skiill cap over wMh heb fez la worn wlll fit cioseiy. rDMîT, FMAY, AY 159 1914

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