LAXE COUKTY INDEX>ENDENT. FRIDÂY. MAY 1,in~ O IJR meats for roasting make FIRIM FRI7ENDS for us. They cook just right. Thuir SAVOIIY TASTE and TENDER QUALITY make theua SIMPLY DELICIOUS whers they conte hot from the oven to the table. Beef, lamb, pork, mnutton, etc., al cf tie CHOICEST CUTS at LOWER PRICES than anywhere else. Let usi PROVE this. TIGGS ÂYR jSuccscorcoL~J Phono 24 & 25 *OBBOOB~OOTAyBBBBOBBOB tw t the the We tio* eit v* out t4il i nen 's Fine Footwear .Iiîo't auîy sho.' looks4 good when you first ptt but it dloes flot taku' yoîî long to fiîîd out if is auythung back tif the' looks or not. Of v thie rt-ai sertice rei.ts with the' îîîaks--r-'tlie -ai and workmîxa»hîju he pubs irito them-aitd -oin inanufacture-sof estahlished reJ)utab ion we buy otir stock. NVe sqelI the. kind thaI lit anîd thpt gise u'ogfort to r wéar..r froni th i.fret véariug, and bemides that, "kind tuat wvriand hoid théir ahape &Il the.. ay. te havé thénu in auy stylé yen wish, vill u a exrep- tnaliy fluéeasrtment of the néw valkiug ehuce tn tmer black or tan. Vé havé a fév edde and endetai. v u are clositig iat unheard of pricce@ and von rnigIt find @orne- ig yen vaut, cheap. J. B. Morse.& Co. Everything for Meni UDERTYVUJ.E. ILL. Phua. 14 'lv 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* o 4* 4* o 4* 4* 4* o 4* o o 4* o 4* 4* 4* o o i 9' .1 Ifyou want to get up .....a in the, the wor1dany distance, you had better SEE US. SPECIAL thlrt week On Ladders Our Man tlung TWENTY 0F OUR IOWA OATE,5. You ean hèlp your cause by buying now. Libertyville Lumber Company I Down by the Oid Depot.. Phone 47 Been Haro 20 Years. E. A. BISHOP, ManagerI @cib6ertyvd/le fim xxx .xxxxxxxxx.'.: :.xx Tg inaure publication in the Indepen-' dont. copy must b. in theoffice nolater than Tuelday of each week. Adver- tisers. *cpecially are asked to tako partîcuior notice to this offect. (Additional Local News Pag~e 4 and 2) Jchn Weich bac béen on th..eîck libt the pas: wk. R. D. Cook otf ulmer, waa liere on bucines. Friday. Bakery cale at the Oas office Sariirda v, May 16. Oood sats. Leulle Bonner of Millîruru, v, a.r a Libertyville visitorthe pat a tek. The uew iade ttic ast urude the fo)l. rlowlng: Trigge &'l'.îir, J. B. Mlorse &Ce., E. W. Parktrur'i, T. A.. ReYnolde, Lakje Cpnnty National Biank, Firat Ns.- tiocal Blank of Liberit.iie, The Cititene Bank of Area, Bon..Lun.bnr Co., F. Bl. LoveiCe., Llbertyvîjît. Gara",. Orvîle 1-. Smith, momidth i.'iower & Vegelable tCo., lloyd Pboto tudio, H, D. Boyd, Areasiee Vies.. Co, lierrel'o park ]Pa- Villon. Memhcrs bfÜe village board wb&'.od1 under consileratiirn tire.rutoat cuitable llace ,for the location , f the ity &cale caine te au agreernerî witiî the repre- à fntativesofo!the StlkitPctduceri) Co. roperatîve aaociatir,n Iast aeek and l Robert Wrght ot Beloit. s. eolt!Wan. .ivvi.isv t4t t1,v. ' rinlufront oi Saturday and diiiday at tr'lir..the village puinping .tiriOn sprague sîreet,tlii.original r' irruwhutcbthe ".-W- lrristi f t.nttn irite, I ',board grantèled a itirin whenlte was boe on business Friday airi .iatr-c irmit tu, erectt hil' 'aie mas given. day. SomeoftbOenhers '.1 rite usottiatlon l'uni attention te railedtNI 10 l,Lî'ýljn rwauted a more iet'trit ilocation away Triggc' anuouîîî'-eîuent on liage ..igiof fr Inthemrilroad. and suzrî.geened thal Ibis; isios. the.@ceale b. platr'r-ir n,-c Nilwaukee Leo, Drurys saîijtary barbrer shop aven"ue, but the burari in ttlnd a Are ba me opnt'. T~' nire urbetter aite than th,, oru.-itid beause yeuha@gel t.. habi. Tyi uv n t was earedthattri, lia.. ie s"ae lu you'l g% th hait.tiie businea diëtriniLirrtuid cause a Mis@ Florene iierinan fl 'Iirago, ilockade of the str.-r' a krrrî)d porrtion o! vas the sguctaofI lire. Chas H.Kaiser ite lime. Sunday and M onday. WÂNTS LUNEiMOTOR BOUQIII BY PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTION One of ou r lis ai lo ,rr ars tas ad. vaneed a sh'ne r , .r'oa t owl er Inugirtri 'anbe. pur, irased 1r t oit. u i 5 receiv..d froui.pui.ic eribecri ptut , the worki of raiging thei full arnriant ha woultl willlngiy u'nrtat. lTe phytl- clan deel[ared tha t r trhould flot b. a very bard muatte r tu rat" orn. hundred aud lventy-tive dollars. the cost of on@ of« the. luuginotor,if the. pu blic be tiioroughly f nforirted outhiei. ieed or one 0f the ltngmtor . The plan of the physcian je to secure Onough money the .ctizen@ of Llhett4vlle, h. delaring tbat quit. a catcher would b.. willing io cantribute aI leseAc ve dollar@ se.'it, aid thama ay more wonid giv.. rie and two dollar euine 10 ki..p ewpll trit, nd. tster a sufficieur amouat had been ,iubmcrubei, the. ktnguoo trrîid irje îurtitased and preweened to thile v ii i uth ir.'i utof a donation, th, cliltgi' t Iriar. t in the. bands of on.. tue . riali iri.t tri bk kept ready t a t a irrîa trotice, or have inattac'lio, titire ýtire ri"jrtirents equrpinent @ot îat tt amuit go out wil.b the. deîuritweni t iev,.ry eail. lu adrancing tir. idpa, lic . Churc'iîll, Whtor r.tiie. plirý i,, ait in question, eaid. 'Tieei..s nor rtit iv iy the citizene of tiisvillage tarinot rabord ta bave a g.îod lunguiotr' tr eir service wit..n occaion demiande onu. i propose to raise a suoin large eriotgit by popular enbscrîptiîîu to trurrt aa lunginotor ftîr the village so tîrat thé~ Hr. elen wol of te nttitîig WERE IUR ED IN CICAQO nmoment, notie..1Iau oee"noreabon. as the..homne of Nic. and Mrcs. P. L. Hatber rnan v ~able excuse wby w..ebaulil ie..cumoie.d for a coutpleuofveete. 5IVWSIVA, MAY t JET W rely où gettfng a niotor ber.. front Waukegan. wbîihint twelre tuiles away The %Wornan'm G(ild will ureet at the The trisnde af Mise.I rrit. XiLawrence'iand engalla a luns of ftr. irtry mintunes reoidenve of lire Chas. Herringsrin. u and Carence Coltry acre surprioed on touanboni', when the tiret thirty mnunte@ Tbnrsdlay afternoon, May 21. Tlîursday cf fasti vr'-lu trrltarn that the..lfa the ubos valuabi.. lu eaviug the lite of A numIrnueotf youug rpeuple fInit ler.. .oung couple bad giii,'tr ivitago to lie a pereon.' wenit tiu trayslake tant Frîday iîtgbt r. marrted. Lir. Churchill stated als t alt the attend a Nlay îrarry given by titi Ifinuet Tiie bride flte mt' Iariielitrer of lMr. vilag, board could deoignare and naine club. aud )Ars. Henry Laa'reuî' wbo reslde ont the place and keeper of the, lungrititr, TTiTrra<ia liter a iii serve a bot Newberry &vene. r.1waen boru lu Liii- and euggested tiat unt. of the drue ertyville and bs lairs mrade Ibis vil- stoîre wouid lie the iMuet iandy ftiare Puppe'r ini t..litreebyt.'rianr'iliurr-ii parlotes lage ber home, auidliras a large nunuber fîor keepinig it. the uiriigist turiei. front -- tir 'v ocloit nu Tiuretiat, of friende who visb lier rîrie-i bepiineme. I îioritngiiiy nsrructed iit awrt ri..e Mtay 21. The..groom in a soit oflira.A. Cotliy uhat in cam.. ail rf tht- local pur.. - rai.. Dr. Ciras. R. Gailowayanti faîily andl wiioalnc resldes titi Sets itrry avenue. baP1i..eri (lto be out on raliliea'ouldlire P'aul Rtay an.d fauiiiy e1ent Stiiday alIl' vas bomu lu thie',rliait... and a itb ready tri rush te iîror trite aid of the home' of lic. Raye Irarenre ts ttire exception Of te, titr etonttilit. strae nîufrru narteerti utt i'..An. liitiond Lake. lrand claim lu tbe Nveret. liras aiwavru titade ot..r go'i tla:i would ltu mtriinke î1a is remideuce ber.. fie 't a prrîuuîenr part ut the..lire deîtartitiete ui, itiratiun 'T'he Court of Boni.' aili gise a r ard Yoîung man and favrrllv knriwn lu tire case anyrine b.. iireroitie hy sîttitek the Party anti (lance lu tie tou rail crniimtulity. niogorr ouid lis brituglit into service Tburaday, May 21. Bapkves orr teerca %I r. and Mr@. Coliî' r" rnrned tuo1[lb- w iîhtut auy luetif tinte. will furnisi the mueie. erryville iu thé sventnug aurd for the pres. Dr. Churchill states tiat lie expecis tu Mr@,. Loti.. leaver anti con of Dulîuthî, eut are slaytng at teihorue of the bridés' 'itart ou u lteenicription carupaigu tite Min ,trrmrl o Araleviirng airren ti.1 latter part of this we..k and boptii te then homer iofanirayaudmorbe, indeal raîse thie full antount lu a short lime. ln thta vicfnity thls vsek. LIBERTYVILLE SCIIOOL NOTES. i '1 W .N «... Howard Boyesuntlmcenîyeiup;oyed by Treptow & Taylor lu thel1, furnituré store, le nov loor saléomau in the Bode Furulinre Co*@ store lu Kènoaha. G.eorge E. Joues, an old reident af Lake couuty, passed away at bis home in Gilmer, Frlday rnomulng, May 8, 1914. Obibuary vilI apppar lu neit yackse Independent. ('arl C. Counîryman o! Budab, Ill., a rèpublWan candidate for Unted lStates. sènator. vas a viitor hère Tneeday and Wednesday. On Tueeday èveulng b.. gave an oens-air concert and dollvered a short speech te, a number of lisiènèrs. Tiie Bunday sehool councili of the Presbyterlan ebnrch vas entertalusd nt a seven o'clock dianer at the home of Mr. and Mm.. B. F. Wootrldge. Tueaday tnnof Iisvak. Tho ctira concli vau precent"and b.. oScason vas eertoduly enjoyed. Preparationa are belng made for Main- criai Day exerclmes whlch viilbe beld berne May 8tb. Atbough no detaili bave been announcod, wc bave beeu toid that quit. an elaborate publie pregram le beina planned. Furtber detallo viii le. pubiisbed Imater. Coming, Dr. Pierce, the Magie Worker and Ventrloquist with htievWHO, the wonderful Cartooniat give their marvel- ou@ enlertaInment la the igymnaeluin of the M. E. cbureh Tbursday evenlng, Mfay 21, under ausp)ices of thie Sunday sehool. Nothing ever given ber.. Mdost two boura of te greateet fun ever enjoyed. 15 and 25 cents. According to the Firat National Bank rain guage ittte itereeailg to note that the ain faIt so far tue month maites Up over one third of the total anfali tbla .eum, the guage recordtng a total raim. fail of 8.35 inches tMis year andi a total of » 0 lncbea tbls montii, 2.12 luches of malfali falling durtng 48 hours endîng May 12. The deficiency this year la 2 47 laches. Almond Broc. of Libertyville, shlpped 50 banded heffero te Chicago, at woek Tneeday wblch soiti for 88.50 per cwt., the top for hetteme that day. Tbey averged 695 Ibo. These baffera vers bought for then iat the Stocka Yards la Chicago' by Jay Farrell, Oct. 22 laut. TbeY vèigbed at thatUtims 880 pouade aud cot 05.60pèr cwt. Aumd DBro. bave a nme profit left af er their winterse feeding and the satisfaction of knewing flbey toppeti the market ln Chicago and that cattle eau be nisbed ln Lake cunty a. geod asre. any othcrcounty la tbe central or western tasa. Thèy let anotber orcler for More eattie te feed. Fîcet grade ha. been vorking ilu day ductng the past veek and have nmade saine very creditable birds nesta, com. piet.ily furnlged, even halîing egge lu tb.... The PUp)lismakeepinga ali'udar o the cleai'and ralay days tii month and il they have aDy kind ot luck at ail thé ralny days viii in. jLasi week Iird end forirth grade Pupils rei'ered lettari from the pupils cf th.. caine gradés laIltichuleld, Idahot. They enjoyed the lettera vèry mirtr and fouud tint a lot about Idaho, the country, écenerY, lifé, etc. Their teacher taughr the lifni gradc here lait ysar. Two pupîls eutered 1, B. S. laat week ira. thé Parker Hlgb iol o! Chicago. Tbey ara John and Leole Fry et Area. Sèvènth and thîrd gradec cmsmares of SItia and Oeorgla Lasgvorthy seul Ive Dice.bouquet@ lu tb. faneraI. The Rev. E. S. Wite bhm vcry kludly ccmatd to givé oui baomalaraai ser- mon foruonlundacv.aing,11ay3l,ag the Episcopal chnreh. Pbyolcsclasa èzpcce 10 nlust udr teit bock thiqfevet aad htart the lael chapter ci experimtntal vork next vsek. Report carde Monday. Ouly once more Dow. Wanted, 450 péPple te buy ticket@ Io the annual rlass ulght entertaînguent given for the benefit of the claue o! '14 aMille Liierryvilie Auditortm, Tituce. day niglit, luire 4. Nise Hoag bas been absent severa days on aer'rriitofickueaa, hiles Huiler le aenIng us a éuietilute dnring lier absence. Cotuparung the wéathèr to a aconuanre mInd, as to trequency and sp..ed o! changé, a'e iasien te suggcet that thé oîd tible "weather-maun" hé dropped and 'veatber-wrruan" uîbstitutfd lunls place. Dont forget ta réad the Northt Amen-. iran Union "a(Il" nez$ weèk. I PIANO TUNGN Leavé orders at Rai'sFamalturg Store. Work doue y Mr. Aldca. c412-tf B. ou the look cnt for thé North Amnrlean Union "ad" »«t vek. il Whal In lime la the malter vith your fet, Jin? Even YOU? don tries t10 gel &avy f rom you. Reacusher Bark..r's Antlaepticeîce@ al Ibis troublé. F. B. Loveil Ce._________ 1 griud loQua, sharpon@W,aveseore, eatue, and do repairlg ou furulînre, and odd jobse. A. P. Raugbl, I'lrot Bîre. e.S0-tf Wé will receive 500 lb. of Pure Vermout Mapl SugarID lu&bout tva veeke. lu 10 Ibs poils. Leavo your erdér. its flué tus sgeason, . . WParhburat. -Il Rug sud carpet Weaving. J. A. Graves, Libertyvulle. C-33'tf -The N- SCLOTHING STORE Win be opaia a 1gw days. Our okdvoetiq i.gU b. «tut.. - Libemiyvile, 111. MAY l4th, 1914 T. A. REYNOLDS, Prop. CHAS. D. PROCTOR INSURANCE FIRE, TORNADO, LIFl PHONES 194-R AND> go UDERTYVULLE, ILUNIOS LOCAL LOANS- lii-itemn siiotîlle'of u'xceptioîîa Iinterest to VOL. It coîîupri8t's the Iargest portion of oui Joan accotint anîd is made up of the loanru ext(udd b Yo OLJand your neighborê.- It sihows the' rneanmi by which we help to de- vt'Iop and encourage the commercial and farming enterp)ristts ini this cornmunity. In view of the financial strength and character of the farîners and merchants of Libertyville and the surrounding te.rritory and te fact that we hayt two signer@ on inost o)f these notes we consider the 4oney exceptionally weIl inve8~ted. Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $95,000.00 %e hbav e a large stock of TILE, POSTS, SAND, BRICK, SEWER PIPE, CEMIENT _A N D B UILDI N G MRA GET OUR PRICIES Ec WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Ibome tomber Compaq, 0F LIBERTYVILLE Phone 50 Mammoth Sack Of Aristos floue~ J E Tro be Given AwayF E I, Wednesdagg June 24th, at 3 di1oc Core n end ramondiout ai about It. See north wimdow for diuplay. CORLETT r& FREDERICKS Phone 30. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. [I The Only REAL Bakery ini Town FINEST B3READ, CAKES AND PIES-made dean, baked olean, sold cean. Why not patroiz such a bake @hop as ours ?-light, au-y, eaîtit&ry. Wé would velone yotr as a onestomer. LIBERTYVILIIE BÂKEY FRED JOCHHUIX, Prop. Seasonable Suggestions for May IN OUR (IROCERY DEPT. South Store We have everythlng for llousecleanlng: Brooms, Brushes, rlops, Clothes. uines, Soaps, Washlng Powders. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables recelved daily. TRY GOLD MEDAL FLOUR m AY, our first real Spring înonth, calls for many new tlîings in light wearing ap- parel. Let us supply yrour sum- mer underwear, hosiery and shoes. Look over our stock of wash droits goods. We carry a niee lino of muslin underwear; ali s o ladies' and chlldzen's ready-made dresses, eilidre'à rompers, etc. W W CA.RROLL& SONS COMPANY North Store-Phone 29 2 STORES South Store-PI4q0 31, 1. k "Ah, Fine! It's Done Just Right!"p -- -------------- 'Il 1. leý i 1.