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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 May 1914, p. 7

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NONE RECEVED FORLESSB N 5CENTS' + 4 FOR SALE + ........ FOR SALE-10!18 uesrly Dow Rambler. 5 p-asser, ln good condition make ues auofer. Itvili go very chspj; 824 Just Iotor CO. FOR SALE - Cbqlmufflob 16 snd 25 cent& perdieué. Claa 8.Il. Mller, lîwaukse Av@. nad Rockland B»". Ubertrvoll. P-38.-2 FOR SALE-A quantity of cord wood anmd ponts. Wn. J. schnock, a. 1, Ub*rlVwlle. Pbon. 2674,-2. c-82-Ui W. bave a number of fine, houe« forà saleor refit. Dymoud & Austin, Llburty- ville. C.32-ti FOR SALK--Barred Hlock tLiblken and Pekîn bocks @Kg&' , Soermettins. Misr. B.P EThomas, Phioue 294- W-2. c8-tt ROSE COMB REOS-Egg% frous Chicago, ltacin, Aurora antd Waukatau witiierra. Rlitst irio d linre. Frtillty Ruarautepd Kliit Iteml shalyards. Librtyville, 111. r-1 FOR SALE OR RENT-i arra ua. mile casi rf fni .fîl dr1 t . rg P'aynetira. M1. e fi tf FUR SALE-Eigrttir r P cor trad- ng standard 1913nr, i futly anlnip[ced ti uo't ......++a....... + FOR RENT + STORE TO RENT-Brauch Bakery Store at llrayalake. Cali st Lîbertyvîlie Bakery. c-St-tf FOR RENT-a roovm fiat ail couveni. euoes on South Park Ave, luquire ut W.. BeiIiey's. c-84.tf 4 ý+ MMISCLLANEROUS+ tIoNEY TO LOAN-On Improved rosi setate. J. S. GRIIJLEY, FirOt National Bank. c-32-tf MARRY IF YOU ARE LONKLY-Tbs Rhlable Coulldentl j scomisul lub bas large Danuber ot wesltby lgiblemm.- bers of both sepe, wlsblng early marri- age. besription fies. Mrs. Wrnbel. 801 26, Oakland, Gal. p-331-2 Sorghumsede furnnlshd Ires ati oig 1Grove Got Mll any. day except Mon.- day.a sud Tussdayu closed. p 81.4 I+* WANTECD + WANTED--Bave purebasare for front 10i to 1NO acres larmes % rite stating ail PanrthrUIarw No agents. Adrets R. A., lidarîiindent oth. .C-32-ti WANIED-100 bliahela of grîud oato. iîrrpe210-R-I. Lilrrirtyville. p,14 1 WANTED AT ONCE-Girl tir Uairan a ,r... q22- ('iain tr i.et a tin vriIi-i e foc kiltobeavraikt Phone 2-î11R2our ril innu *ont Ave. J. W. Hart, t1,3t 2',1at Pine iroe 1e frta. ilfay, Mi. C 4-tf FOR SALE-Da* > a ooti "rt3e, hear. t-weu. u-r3.u t.' f REÂL ESTATE TRANSFERS ..........Furnshed by FARMS FOR SALE-12, airent ileur ut LAKE COUNTY TITLE& TRUST Co. Giltter IiL àr.,Li4mtAbstracts of litie. Titlea Guaranteed. kiiiacomoli. 1gond t nd uliâto Masonîc Temple Bldg. Waulregan. Sivtlîîig o! amiritite Mn P.l P ue. Star I. 5»14. f,,.W. Mittiltrt. ant ti4ftt2 N. lHermaiitagr Ave. it, cirgtt. ta 1fr-tnt E.A. NMchliîig. lot 9. blinis to-33 4 9, Originial SVatilegan. MW. D. $1. FOR SALE-i.>ou kà iailrjc Igauin!' Augi't liartiger, t-o E A.M--ulg fluecondtrot IrOtie22Wj î î 1 lut 9, bitici 9. OrIginal WVaukn-gaii . ville. 33Il2 CI 1.A. Nenvcomb. Jr. te %Vincent FOR biLE-19il2 ndiau nsuc inîu Grabhstttkiloltts 22 and 23. blet-k 8. raitlasm conrdition, new tirs, liglît sud lVashlurn Park, North Chicago.Itced. lau)da"M. S.J. frocpley. Arisa. rC-33-2 $9 FOR bALE-About 5 bu gRod larly Yellow Det Sead Core. F. EL iveimo, Llbertyville. C34-1 FOR SALE-9-M h. p. gsollue englua. fui- ly oquipped. 3 spseda, 2 Iorward sud ou. ac.Price 120. Phclne 311-R. C,74-1 lr-terilnnatii an . ta r urlohina Sell- er, 10,scrri.u aouthtaast ont-toîîrih secton2. Vemnan townsilp. W.D. $600. G. H.Bornatandi site. au ai., t El la F. Taiboit. lot 20, blocks 1, Bur- netta addition tn Lake Villa. W. D. 1150. Sar. hort -.-.t, Aetide . Joes FORSAL-flusesudlo vitla s out eet, lot 10, Smithasaubtil- hiock of the ElectricanudscLbtade o. vmn lusection 12. West Antlosih tormerly kurawn as the Ccasuhite boue. ovuhî1 Q. C. si. Willi natfor -sels ur lutailmput plan-r"'t hiopeLakn Bargasu if taken at once S.L. Tii, ..ar1 sio1ant d 5.Grant _______________________________tinssstlp.Q. C. $1. FOR SALE-:r Berkshire broosoirs.. (Catimerne Norton and! husband bo due ta farrow lu July. T. C. Zemean, j. E. inoneOuaatras ans! 9 roda in Lftrrtyvilis. l'boue 29J-~J2. C-34-1f 1 iotbeaat quarter section 11, Grant FOR SALE-Houesun Fietatreeti Libertyvilie, Iormerly the houer of the lase Sarah Mc6Gavick. Ham 6 rrusn,i new, aewer and water conuectione, eleerkrlilght and ailmodern Improve1 meute. To coee estate. Pr"ca$2500.: Easy terme. J. E. cgeoswck, Executor,1 605 Uakwood Blvd, Chicago. 111. p-34-3 1 FOR SLE-;lmtby Hsy. Inquire of F. K. MeCormack. Phono 265.-2, Llb*rt.yville. P-33-2 FOR SALE-Beglisred Holseisn cows, bulle and bull csivse. Primai very re- souiable on aceout of Iack of barn room. N. E. Gatzert, Phono 46. c-88-tf FOR SALE-On, Mitchell anmd ouet Jackson ar. Llbertyvilse Garage. 0-88tt FOR SALE-256 ton* cholce baledE Colorado alflta hay. Bargain if1 taken at once. Appir Blatcbtord's Colt Meal Ftôry, Waukegaa. IIL( Photo 317. Wkiy 3t.2 NÂR IQ IL2B Win Haberman. Wauwatoosa ..24 Agnes MeCarthy, Mlwaukee ..24d Afred Mayns.rd. Zion Cty ...23 Orace Scharff,saine .............211 Julla Duport, cltY ............... 182 Victor Pacha, clty.... ........... 25 Charles Tobin, cty .............30 y Marths Kretsmer, saine......... 192 Clarence Davey, Chicago.......... 231 Haze! Giddings. samne............20 Harman Sascb. Highliand Park .... 21 0-Vera Duger, lame ...............20 A WLaurence rasted, Mlwaukee.21 Irena MclUughlilnsanie... ...... 19 Samuel Rappy, Pittaburg ...42t Martha Haka, saine.............. 25 Jene Johausen, Autloch .........251 Chritian Christenson, came ...26s township. W. D.- 1,000 (liitopher Larkiin anti ifq te J. E. Larkln. 63%u5 acrea lu sections 14 and 15, Grant townahip. Q. C. $1. May 2. 1914-Master Mu Chaucery, to J. G. Welduer, 76.45 aet-des lu souih i-2 section 33, Version townabip, dard, $7700. Sheriff of Lake Couniy to Ailea E. Baztain, tract o! lans! lu sections 24 jd 33, Vernon township deed, $1600. MalkEB. Batalu ans! huiband, tb J. G. Weidner, tract of lancti sec- tion 23, Vernon tovnship, q. t-. $1. C. E. Sit ans! vile to Martin Tomka ans! vite lots 41 ans! 42, blocks 6, Dreyer'a subdivision, North Chf- ttao, v. s. $350. Affie Fa . Greenslade ans! buebasis tb J. H. Taylor lot 3, Duffyta euhdlvl- sion Highland Park, . s. $3.000. MaY 4 1914.-Mattis DuBolesud huobaa'4 ta EngenO Sullivan, part lot 5, Butler's suidvision Lîhartyville. W. d. 12300. Auna M. Yeomaus ans! buaband to Cty of North Chicago, B 40 test, lot 3 block 8, Bord-du-Lat- Bluffs Norths Chicago, q. c, Il. E. A. Cupmbigs ans! vifs to R. W. Lavis lot 139. Cummings & Cots North avenuq addition Waukagan, w. d. $350. 1 Sylvia Kenuedy ans! uboataus! Bertha B. Alllug, Sout 1 acre of lot 234, Lake Forent, w. 4. $1. hMay 5, 1914-J. A. Blomdahl and vife ta FrancaR V. Largon, S 1-2 lot 27, block 3, Wren's Add to Hgland Park. W. D. $10. J. A. Blomdahl and vife b H1- L Schueider N 1-2 loi 27, blk 3, Wreun'5 Add t0 Highland Park. W. D. $10. A. L. T. Bauerman ans! vite ta. P. Mt. Combes lot 47, Shaw'n euh lu sec- tion 35, W. Aptiocbtvp. W. a1 11800. C. P.' Waohnru and vite 1 in Mus M. Mac-Millan, lot 13, block 1, Batler- shaile Gu. rays Lake. W. D. $1. BIG AGRICULTURAL LINO OPENU TWEVEI \OtIF >ANI) Pl TY TRAtCTS o!fivearll ltellea, lte eg rn, i llîsrrwîitg otifil n tyThos aI AcrsfRtc!, Southern GeorgieLand ihe firbyaaj., elery. a ler. l tttitItowatr lo e tf.h l flt tI thiri fertile sectionu. ast'Il malreu aity)"itropltlfusa h-p itbe liou sra .iaribat 'j'lltrtiere g riwdI lsitar no t)pr 1ai or p etî , fît-ta itritif ,- ilg d rgit Ia nd The. beat aecurity on earth a.ith. earsla ,taelf, end lad is th ll ue.of ail weelth. Owers of pro beefiticg by the icrs.ing igh oal of living, whil. cethm eare ufernf roil . MN OPPORIOY10 S[coRffRICH PRO WiPIEF[9N19 1HO1 You wili hot ha requlred ta lirettr uc rartturrouud- luntts iilýerat.îiiida-d tipeirnîtu. msîrtf lunge uow. Ail vs ask ofthloitu wbtcni wr grant tracts le Northerti itai-itic aud other rrilrttrius sw thair tbey pant, or arrange tu, bavaetiantetl. a trop of>o» their laio suad we expect ta beirrlit il nif the abova-mautloued products witliui tree 3ears. afler th. ontr.rr tt fî i ii receiva the tracte. wblch we ailîl bave litaperalird (haàrçeanir ad raplantad> We a ltt aitpianned nu drae8 opwl for grautepa, lu couideratlon of 25 per rani, or! the net ha th-4IrLi-eluippedsmont ulî.trr-date.i profIte derived front the sale of!ltse Crope, therr-lcrY aiowlugr cial latin anlt i ochard la iexistence ht the grautee tu purmesbit or ber preseat o-cirtation ntitl 1 thousaoci rt re, sud wIlil ho nciuued in auch tîme se lbey determlue jigt vbit theii' ield o! their Who egîster sud necelve tracts wilfilti acres allouat@ t.î. Cueder what Oti tlrnaV lun Oba epernmebtanad ecleuilfie tbode un vore eourcoeo! nlun, Whou statistice sho" ihai the Yleld o! we are îs.raîrggtopreront Iovar-rirgietra On. acreo!fresler amouated tu $1 .268 45~. and that nns nImnsydi-pntrpu te sucb as occurrdi &ce@o! well.cedfoe paper soel pecane. ti n l eanlu. ng, u@e auuiîrted by ibolUnltued States <loy4 ahould net Ise ower s bîb sas $50000 par rear,&Ie amro rade. bv grauîlng tinoe Who regietef of thes opiuion titat alter 11. s proven by actulmurolte flumberocf tracts 1.0 hswranted, au inni obialned la opersting taeland that irbsy will neer ho fur- merci]fuanad orctasrdI aterprise, lu t theogn r, and wats no titue lu locating lit ibis land of *ay luterr lrate la oue o! our fnwu sit". plngWaasîorequiegrantes taoccnpyfile ilanud wlth- Esarintio. .1eh m yWilchlse-f ,,t.yer.or mitl it tu om@ ouaevIle will t.ccupy Il; sud the opeulug wf hh efd at Brwto, o1.herwle sreverts bhuit othe vntr. Qeurgia, ona of 9tins Mons o! tis A. B The land lslded lI.ilvelg locatird directly on whlchla located on Ibis property. sud w anmd adjolux $betinoAlato, Brmingbam sud Atfauuie Hall- mter tbe clonflug of regfualou. se &rra road shot twsaty-fve mile wet o!fllrun4ik a thr#v- ae Ing;to c lty o fSies. thouuaud, havlue dIreet eteamahlp eoe. Tb@ presence of thooo raistered will vice to New York snd Buaton. sud excellent railrosd tgaw.-'IoBnowntow unou the oponlug day, unIe, orslufacillties tu ail points. The averaliaetesuperaturO und. for thora wllllieoa. favoritiplîn a for six naunnthe of the yaar lroui Apri 1 toltietohar. la 77 yl hIlleconntîcted by aitoblouniteefe )Ctet- dogisse; the climat@ la mont heaithful. dligaiand d sbto@e regaired vîlIl ie ofoiraIo! wh Iuvlgoratlug, aud ibena la au ample rainfali (Il 51 linche granted. tas onn as possible put r yor wfth te rce rtamauppultiihon of 18fr OUR A1M LS FOR MUTUALLY IBENEFICIAL RESULTS Crrupdu.c ire»Ie th the serai (ifLanda As va are extramply dreiroiis tif havîog tettirm ir buseOn ttdeo rd .er., ltCOIthlt1-1et 1,e ,uOrl, ibIs property, sud aai l teluusdýo)trrrnt.sud îbareby 11 i anirrri id content iea in bEa greaîly flurrsea Othevaille rîf urrotrnn catrîl îtttorveusittg w:ile t)(, t ltoe ral 1thse ho dSudtirelr i, property, which wP a fi hîtîriand tirtiert, tia beteaffe pieatoa-. ,l Oi asMua elit je titt li aloug the Atanta, liinenioelrain arl Atlantic t filr,,san sd ChSoCe ir-r-1n laur.dZ atii eaitrcuio ai thua ~ ~ ~ ~~~- t-liittIesrir seri-areratri-(jin10 rautlu e I.MaitPi1f1.ch.i fre iiaesrtrtirer ttrîr Ir. art. %bene tracts tir tbtcs ii wî reîrter with ns 1%,r ai.o bave 5Wauitairtuer-iosiaattiettoti lu mmndhfuamce.tinlr.il.n aplots.s l.î r1rue osili tuer Southeun Ceorgia Railroad Land Devel, lormn sai affrr thi- tjt t f wicgItt ri.tr a fire " t li nclodeai Colorado Building, Washington lu it. We bavr'"money-making efterwerd r'n iroioratioue hari.îîrc titi i ...S..ie. Ciy.. 4z', Str ti l . ....N.rr , AKt.....Narriie ie,., %%iid... Vrdowt ' , . . r i. N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f, atoa'i- O r. .ri c, -.ceregM f tdend tri i I r.riSi if riaiîrrt,. rrrreiitrari. r ar ii ra 'ir ae. wth.-ut î ti ricriter,cirrî.ir liirirr .9e1ricr ri. f t r'l icr. .e ii ra u i. Atnt. Brî .r rt*larr cr l f ri W EST SIDERS 60 NoO ns iVThwoecond opauad with a long J.Oi4N TO DEFEAT tIri-i ini-o the tenter gardon by Kein, Frigt gruried utTaylor BEFOREINVADERS "' -Oî 0e s.'Schubrt sRvmmpî a P.gth wý Pi) Ino ri tt-sorlng Up to Seventh Inning It Looked "ettIp Sc-hublert vas caught auteînpt- Inte p)urfoli the Second station, Lîke the Local Aggregation fallint- a aîtlm tb Catcher Voacri Would Win the Gamne. futsY arm. (Oaen tlew Out te Hook. One- run; nuthe local ba- rt uth f ramne.'Niurl)hv. dropped as ate irt.glr VISITORS RALLY IN 81-H. In the infleldi, teating out the throw. - -Ahlf<rrOm UP -as hit. King gainait Chilling Wind From the North fir-i when Kip hooted hie grOundar. Threw Considerable of a Mur.phy seored On the:error Vose Damper on Contest. on a tliders t-hait-e ot bieswai. AhIl Wankgan,'May11, stro)m acored wbrn Catcher Hart la SVknegau Mayil. ttamlutig ta catch hlm, napptug at tWitb t14a temperatura hovertng Iu the thîrd bug. tbrew wlld. Morris tacellar of the bulb, witb a f~~ a s bauotl ams hr ulsed cruvd Ot loyal fans dancing s thr i iri.outIDa ecoing ather su qlewrmglu notefrt bod ndliay. Kahn wasI given a walk, but a utle wrmt Int thar bood ud as nallird vheRn be trted to stoal se. wltb many Incidents to mark the cond. Thrae rua. progresao!ftaetray, the Waukegan Moon opened the- thîrui hy !lylng tu Wes Ede.vea hmbes!hyth Morries. Taylor groundad, Murphy Coloniale from the Wludy City Sun- to Ahlotrom. K~t) bit iCi loft and day afiaruoon, wlth a score of 7 ta 4. I atour second. Oison went dovu vbau The combat vas fougbt vlth many Hook mufd hi. dir- ansoother but surprises and Rayerai dîsappolut- was cauglut attirnpiing to reach the manie, for the fans who had bravird second station by Cati-rer Vosa. No the cblling breazes tb vltuass the runas. TI, the local entd of the iuulug, gamae. Thse clash opaned witb air- Burge. Hook and Terlap vbltffd. igbt teaturas sand for the tirat neveu vWhlttesi hifted ail in a ,v tnnlige, vicory for the locale looked Taven5soeitomn u possible, but with the final raily ir luThe vltorb van retup voredue the algbth trame on the part of theID h orhwe atc akd invadars ,when they aboyas! tvaoremap it 1the Ibafuelti, Eurlght trot- recods verthamaier hamoeted tb first ou a filder's choit-o Hart recods ver he arkr th hoeshelug fort-ad ai tirat ou the play. 0f the tans vanlahs! l nio the passlng Shbr ruds n oru r breexes.Scuetguneou orm o Morrs* he surd mouudimanAblutroin. Owens drove ont a eon front luartyvlile opened theaeffair sigle Intsmle<t ield.adibe mapend for the locale but after heing humposi r9h mld vrte akr forsi ciel wllos n s m y gMOOn led tn Murphy. Two rune. forgs sI Iwau vallplu d ya gemaay .Murphy opess.ed iha Waukeganpor- mi n a vas roea rce y gontion o!ftsefourthb hat hydrivlng mailanaged Louc-a, rece's un« oui a clesu tva bagger ittuthe oft al of Manag e orivies vhof vas un-gars!ou. Ahletrom vas given a tro. vaders sand vas tout-b.d for riye eau n re utrto albtw clous drin th realnng olu. n-forces! ait Second on Kings grounder, clgofuthedrlg thoe.lhub iorK.emup tu KJP, lKing reaching tiret ulugiesof the ame Tivo r omsafely. Voqs uap fannird. Morris tlsv commenta tromt the bleacherg as ta:Ott bri .N ue aturdy hurler saemed tb he tlghtlr- luInhe firth Taylor graundad, KIp lng. aithougb good support lu bath vakes, i.Oson vaisit Intiret On s tha lu sud outleid Io aIl thai mayas! mutt of hlm groundar. Hrart bIt tu the big moundaman trom bavlug a loft, scorlng Klp sud OIson. Morris, mut-h largar numbar of bits recorded vsu thon rapiat-d on tbe mounsi by agaluet hlm. Locoboe. Kemp np 11ev to Voge. The vark o! Murphy, thea-ast ilte Pnlgt tanne!. Two rune. Kahn, second seker of tisa localsi vas oua up for tce locale struck ouI. Burgo of the 1ev luepirlng thîngs of the girOUnded 10 Taylor. Hook amhlod gama. fie splendid stick vors aIdes! tu tiret vhen Kemp ibrew after grestly Iuntae coring or the West lleldlugr hie grounder. Terlap snd End bond. Mui'Phy bath valked. Ahîstrosu Rip openred the- gante tor the vîrti- vblffed. NO rune. tors by groundir.goui b Murphy ai The aixt uarted wltb Shubert.. second. OIson took the same Mur- t-but to lat. Ovens tanne.d. Moon Pby route. Hart up vblffad. No rume, veut out te Burga in a fouI tly. Tay- Kahn vho lad off for tae locale vas l]orled 10 Terlap. No rume. Wau- givan a free jaunit tte Initial eut-k tegan hgan the hait vlib Kftg up, Ou vide nesbut vent outInb s dou. Who vslad but vas nalies! Iwbmn ho hIe play, Taylor to Oveus vhen Ire trie stetol eond. Vose irout out former pullas! Burgea n Inels! fly outtu10Owans lu a foui flY. Locobos vent ut the aimosPhereansd pushlug It Ont cm a grounder, Owense t titre un- Over ýO Ovons aIt iret tsutght him aginled. No rune. waauderiug svay tram the st-k. Hool In tae soenb KIp grOuded i Page Sevui un ioi,,DYMOND 6AUSTIN' Loan. IsuraceReal Estate and if. II,ti Fouse Rnig ii.rir.rîr, OffiCe in Kaiser Biock. e i-týri tir i 1.i1f -.r r .i .. , LIBERTYVILLE . ILLINOIS. riii Pi., *M i. tt rai irari>u r tir., . t f îci -rlI'rI ci U.rrfat,. iîtO, ELHANAN W, COLBY land. aereit t . t'r r, ,Attorney at-Law tih-eiîctti.a "î îif ti. , ., rriOffice in Triggs Buiilding. r ni ie atit ciircrfifrrrt.rreiittii LIBERTYVILLE, SIOI ,r to iifrr.e ,f Il gru,îefioLYELL IL MORRIS i Y l ý p l A i, t aI ifit ..f u tîr. il ire i-a lat i- r.ignerî toi art, A i .rit an ai iaa eu wtii Lierfyville Illinois wcilIllJ- litýK.,E 'Eb A D W A' " : thor th ir ltae e rai. thie of imitehtta OittheiltiaoMer tion, we wil av.idr. a"renreadelîiq ne" i otiemr lndOpen- Recti iroeaé.,tnti ...Trea.-a... ir . ertnaient and rail- i tax .... ........ &&m<'JIfod tica Opp. l180 Bt. Ewoti St., -ineeflorteRcdtO ourty Teaue.ihCîrit Pboue 848 le.Php 8* r iiaI-Iandfth ephtobe...............to preat ~ ~ Re ndii rî.Iet &Mournt C Paie. tOW fil ciecice2Mr4M NORtTU CRICAL.1LN~ he hope that tha>- Rie d aaO ya te atierrIdLINr1 R i l%]a . < cttd. .. . . DaBy . ..T. . ~ .iPAUL MAC GUFffl. 'r. ne r- ouuiv Fitlai mEXPEtOOII ANDrt, risWHAraPt Rntr . & A. Riiroad: E. XiESrg rORE*T .W vill o ccur sa . so u G o. ?eut. a e aer ...........;A M g jE Y A A W .Ol ougemleuta c eau Ii'M.C. Witt&- hiusnraY COunxalaaîoîer. 00 Jorre tellgrj A. .ice 105 J. S ealiela ,. te se ' U8 flot be npcesuary P. w. Kirenirr. aeUnret.....a t ethoy wimh to an- Car i iOrter. etertirt Iadre and eretiu, ihowmi antoue. hI J A Uer-..a........... uu.... ie-r.......... taD4 .FrB TTbIE . l t f o r t h e p u r p o eie . J o A aDSR ,i0 .. lP .in n e e r i . . . S hut tbeY bave beau E i Patrie. Moderrator- .......NÂ Y 810D0 F S au ditiirt.t.t .. ... 150 gounHhCeil oFuer. aditor ad efrtiosi jtdge 4 50 55h11AK? 5AIT ETUNIAMU. d oatra irl a Fasith'irltak..,it ...... 7 75 litiarfy s titi. h. Fraitink II .t. lova ek.......... 5640 a LbertyvlIls. llInls. o. -et.-ri1'-iga iIila u ÉIriîe t...to ...ai :er - 871T3r .00e tirday arre te M . Wcta tgttaîrrîîrtaoet 7 Tifrit 7 4- t ee psras te te 1a, ttîtirr. AlaJf. 1-00 (e l,e me148MEt, ,rh etu .r o l Sd ae itra l ite 'j"0 Dlrîfmil, bal. .. ttt-e irrit f mt -Yh etierpitffettriiri itr îteJM, onv~ rtlIl' Srritttet fIrriitIrta tlria A uc, j'>*ýe upuputBurau Ilt %Vi e ud r,,144 Eleswaod Ave., Wsuk.ga, hUai. I, .C.F r i t.l 8. Ica a triIrl-err Irirîf. i i.ritredate DR. Ia V. SMITHI , trfi ci., FI .tl-cu ,GENERAL PRACTICE iii tfarrr fithart, S2irrr""->r i'2 nt- 10oto a-rm. 2 tO4 ad 7 t. p.a A Oi t dI rtn a i .kie Sr(C i - - Dueovet Ray Psrrillure Store,. .......CMAL ATt-ENTIO7S TO TUE IEVE trîfli i-rrrtf t-c LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS f.irr~ Oc. tH tl'.W.r ru',1' titirOfficierearFrlereNatrons]îrRank Rttît.4t.. -.... naioa .... Hutitattg soapi-Itt - ::19I%,,Id to 4 M. Iisla.nt-cuBroadway. oppotste Park Liuerc) Vitr. le lira DR. GOLDING DENTIST Bouc, M ta 12 arn.-I to 5 pi. tovr irsrt National Bank Office Phonea 19-J. itea. Phone 157-J. Mlurpiti. Oison stngted. Hart tiew 10 Kaîhn ofr for the lot-aloi vas bit b> lrltchucr. Pfurge s.ralked. ifook also llurphy. Ketmp w hffed. No ruas. gai a treet- tukiç. Terlap ýannt-d. Kahnto nred on Toyiors ils! pit-h. .'ilrphty flers. out te Hart, foui fit. Ahîstrotu vas gis.en a fret- Jauni. King- grounded, Ont- mn. The eighhtarted i ath Enrights ts.su bag tow tu the tenter garden. St-h ubrtr flew b Ahblstrom. Owens iartll n,.at r% reRo t. N o u s v s -----., _ .sn>r-urs. .uaaOtlte ver Docker & a000-. Deug Store lPd Off for the locale by hltting te SUN INFORMS RELATIVES. 150stott tsle 3.7 o &iP. M. letf but w-as caught trying to reach ______attetion to B".. Bar NO"e"a Tiret ite'nd. coohoa auns! Kan antDeth Ocurrd n Cicgo GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED secnd Lcobe aned.Kan entDeth Occrrd n CicgOLibertyvilllo - - -illois 0dosen on Taytors tallura te grab i hrdyFe eaie htdîri warmar, Burge valises!d d Tusa - eaie taon forcaC.&ti .cond on Hooks blow. at the Funeral. DR. E. HL SMITH. No. ras.r DENTIST. luInthe ulnth Taylor grounded te Waukegas», May 9 .3755 Là&& O0UWlnàIÀYIOUL DAIM. Locohoe, Rip droppas! a sale ana Ir\ The romains o! tie lati îrs. Ger- oves--S te 12 a. m. and 1 te ôp. m -the intleld. Oison bIt ta rlght and irude Kellogg, vldov of William F t>AILT. -siole second. Kemp dent dowltion eilogg. fOrmerly o! Wauliagau, LlbortyvUllle.hhlsol t Teriapa yl tons of hie groucidar, wera brought front Chicago to Wall. Kip ouI OIson scores! on the error. kegan Frlday .ilay Sth for lutarmalMn PUBLIC AUCIIONEERINC Enright Rrai-k oui, Two mils. Ter.-ln the Kellogg lai ai Oakwood ct-ors- Cloeset attention pâldt te arraagl.hg lap began lte lnnlugs for taeaest tery. auctioui,, alemd beet nosults la insadî ends y touiii-Iug Boe. aldb oiiigout tb Oison. tatur- Strs. Kellogg yl ha nameriberes! AJilkiuds of horion, wagons and îîtiy grouniddte to hrt. Ahlstrom by many 0f the aider retutdents being borne@@ for MIle or exehlange aI alilmînes. vaiketl, Simmous battlng for ling tae daugbter of former mayor Henry flM[RY SINE tgroundird, cioiog the gania. C. Hutchînson for yeasr ont- et the phonme. 148 or 48 ZION CITY, lu, W auikegan AB R H SB PO) A FI prominent mon of tae cty. Mia. Kel -_________________ Kahn (' P ... rr2 0 0 080o() logg was a cousin of the Uptana. Ijurge 3H . f... .3O00 2 o 0 MrE. C. W. Upion, hsvlng 1at-n bar J. L. REDDING, D.V.M. tinSS - r 4 0 1 f 2 0 1mather'asîstar. VSTERINARY SUJRGEON Terlap L P .. 3 0 o o 1 o 1 rs. Kellogg vias 57 years o nid s! GroduaIs Chiîcago Votl.feig Niortîha- 2B & C 3 2 0 5 5 2 leavas tvo cblîdran. Anna staRdaufne. Office at Rosidemo. 176 = s i Ahitrm 1B ..... 11 00 1For nomea ilnioMrs.Kellagg bad Ave. Phono 1130-W. :- King C F ...... . 1 0 0o1o0o, 0beau uInlua Chicago bospital, aud. VosC ... 1omofrvakaP~hemlnbashoeDR. VICTOR C. HOEFJ Morris P.....2 O 0 0 1 3 0 Irrational mant ofthtin ime. L.ocal 0S1-EOPATHIC P1.IvIcIAmri LýoOhOa p....2 0 0 0010 relatives bad kePt ln tout-b vfUtlber 215 M&&WISOU ai WUI*qpg% Acnderson 1, _ 00 () 0() 0o0condition but t.hey vara surprises! OMM. Boumu Lindquist ... 11 o0 0 0 0 te hear thatlîthad ondes! lu ber 912 A. X; 1.4 p L.; M7 F#I Simmous ... 1000 death..' oo or fDahSuaduys by Apptsa1ý b eu Total ....... 29 4 41 27 11 4 Iu factt ldavolopod tmie mamntng ________________ Colonfls ABRHI BBPO AE that nefhrMrs. . JGre.e a s KIpS S ......4 2 1 1 23 1 ter- n-laTnoirng M afcthe AUKbé Hart, C--------.4 0o1s(o 10 3 1 lagg hesi id !aud leaset af ail mnev French, Germon, Italien and Keamp 2B ...... S 2 2 1 5 2 1 uotlilng thai ber romains ve. pemilel Languffl Oifftn,.. Enrlgbtt L F . 5 1i1o0 1o0o0brOUght 10etae city lday for lunter- wlasnetkuswoamaàeulaome n Sbt-ubrt CP .. 4 0 2 0o0o0oioment. When the Sunas akes!one et JAMU LI'im. Oven& lB-...4 (0 1o07 1î othe relatives about tin, mattar titisu25wet "kS.~s MonR F ...-. 3 0 o 0 o o 0 marInD, surprise vag expresses! and ! Taylor P ...... 4î0 0 12 2 th rerk aemade tat thors -m ---ui hosome misaka mtat irs. A SN UUEm R T Total .......,39 7 9 F 27 11 6 Kellogg cauid not'he deas! or tey I)». N. W. Tvo hase bIts: Murpb>, Enrlght; vould have board about fil. So, for OSTEOPA doubla pay: Taylor te Oveffm its the moment the Sun thought s mi@.- W AOj,p.W of Taylor: 4 ln 9 Innlngs; aff Marries, taire bad beau madie. Hovaver, lui>.r OMsaMR. j Noop mPegisrd St., five lu fîva Innîngif; struck out b; ther lnqiry shoves! that aveu Ml. LlhOyvIl, 0s Tus.&sodPridey, Morrisa, 1; by Locoboe, 7; by Toy- Gurnee dis! net knov Mng. Kellog 'f«»M m s -b lar. 9: hase oin balls: off loi s, vas dirRîr naîther did she know lt«.. ________________ Rip: off Taylor. Kahn, 2; Burge, 2; she had beau hurles! horeslt'lday. Hook. Teriap. Murphy, Ahinltrom, Ans!. corrohomaOng the Information lIng: bit hy pitcher: by Taylor. AhI: tram Larsen and italiands' undor- strom. Kahn; laft 0an hases: Wauke taklng roaeIt vas found that the _GUT gan, 9; C hicago, 6; Ils l t -, Tay.- fat-leas ir t gi re u ou i er a correct lo;passe a l]'d se UmPir-Weîr _r elgg ddei Chic-ago o LADIES HAT& 0F ANY )(IMO. the th nd as brie lnWaukegan Detail of Wisoleuale prk«c ea; -block. UnrossonahîeMa on the StO. lng, Bieaching, Dyelng, af panama "Ton knav, my dear, monw» u St Ilaiso develapesi that but a very Hats; Asit for Catalogue ans! Pnices. Imposible. If I accopt Janku pr i w limmediate relatives came up CHICAGO RAÂT MAIJFACTUIJSNG Posai, ho vîlI expect mo to mam yhlm, trori Chicago te attend the service & BLit-ACING COMpANT, 12 Ori ans! if I refuse I ie ha vii asectla isud, bat-auenasueOf the relatives lin hgnAv. adBdgCisn b.e alloves! ta marry »eoonoes."W- Waukegau bas! beau madeawaare o! ihgn-v. or ig, he« Bystader.the tact that sleha bal 6W nat ane Independani: More readoge tian an - r .front hors atiandod te uneral. county waaklIes combisos!. RELATIVE BURIED IIERE; NONE 0f THE RELATIVES KNEW IT 1Burial of Mrs. William E. Kel- log, Daughter of H. C. Hut- chinson, Passes On. DR. A. H. CHURCHI r, e It k. -t I. La- - - -------- ý 1.

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