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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 May 1914, p. 9

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'iOM FWIL SVRALLENHESCITY Sil0CRED TO IBERTYYILLE MEN É i TAXE PLACE s0N SUNK BY STORM AT LEARN OF DEATil aT LIBRTYILLE FOX LAKE MONDAY OF PHILLIJP BRAND LA =0DRLEAGlJE>I Thrift Farmner Folks of Coun- SufeofteLkHaRsn Had Been Known He Was Ili, yWllaheatteInsull Fully Eight Inches Since the But No One Suspected His R E IK EP T0 1X 1 Farm on June 27. Hfeavy Storm This Week Condition Was So Bad. THE FARM ISAN IDEAL ONE. DAMAGE IS VERY HEAVY. WAS EARLY SETTLER HERE. DRY UNDER NEW RE Affair Promises tcOb Oire of Similar Damage Is Report from Masons Will Have Chareo t the i W fIt W ed Differnt Rsrts O ners Hapy fionRe stained the Services WhinesWil Be" BANPLACFM FMC.,Ft SmaesElecté ed - In the palmy days of the Pahhandle Several maunches were sunk, boat MyB utItral.waukegan, Niay 12. A LP O U T FLwEfreetLau °f Tex.. a -round..p- meant a gath- Piero, were wa.hed out and the sur. The death or Philip nlrand SrOFI N HRYFV ME ERL. ering of all the people ofcohsequeance face of Fox Lake has, bleen raised HAPPENED AT LAKE FOREST -.-düy afterr, n about tw,)thir v THE CITY OFZ N THRYFV ME EN L. fer miles around. Lake county Io to , fully .lIâht anche. as a result of th% o'clock look one o, the citysq eldegtFrtArs ic onWn have a -round-up"-not of lis. cow terrifnc storm of Mondey. rfisnsaid Accident Started When Engine and mont highly respected citizens Local Health Department De- Irstry ae SineOne nt Punchers, but of its thrifty farmer the damage to different resortn in UneXpectedly Buniped into Mr. Brand hiadt beenillt for the last cides This Is Way to Pre- r Whs nofe n k. a folks. Through the Farmers' luiti- the county will run Into thousands of Line of Freight Cars. seven or eight weeks being corifirned vent Spread of Small oxivsA thraDnk tute Associaion Samuel Insuli of I: b. olrs. te his bed a large part of the time. IE -IL TWS# eryilehsiniel h ares o The weather this year up to a few Wuea.My 3LBRYILETW1I daysagohasbee soplesanvtht13H.• On Monday afternoon hoattempted ALL PRECAUTIONS TAKEN. Local Inprovemient and Law- the county to spend a day un hisinany niotorboat ownershv ase <e(ap)Mtioe gd2,to ariase for a littlë vhl;e a% was hsEfreètLnu farm. their lauinches to be saenttoFo ae was seriously Injured th1is morning culatom but felt too fill to do so. A Waukegan, May 12. i The object of the iegue shaNl One of the mont beautIful natural and placed ln the water. Thesse boats whe ewskce nf ieb little Iater he became worse and died Asterutofanwceof odton f ff a grevez to e f ound anywhere ln the have bleen lying at anchor. When horse while employed at Lake For- about half an honr later. Whten i small pox having developed in ZMon uni and the people as a w#hol onoty la the DesPlaines river on the the storm broke suddenly on Monday et. Several ribs were broken and asenbscdil w gon, City without any report having beer\ trughtt he towwnshpto other Milwaukee avenue and directly there was no time to go out and tow i sfae emyhv enijr rlse i odto a rwn made, the hiealth authorities; of Wau- ertyville nas taI mtý acrssth radisa bauifllflf thm n.Soe f hemwee wap-eiternally, he forcae of te njw cican effort was made to get hie kegan have placed a ban upon all pro- 1 agree to puy the mumesatsr aceod, theidle a pring falg pur ed by the heavy seas which washed children to, his bedside hat by the ducts from Zion City and nones-of my name In four *qul pay#g waterlaacsblanthsetg over them, while others broke loose rendered him unconscious and t-limre they, arrived hie had nassed these products Including butter, milk, dec n the first pyment o be of.the cceswile amosteinviting f rom their moorIngs and were washed legs led tOe report which was away. eam. eggs or product of any kin de neand fthe n one. ~~~asore. Some were carried almot scattered boda vrtect o nArli r n r.BadwIl libe allowed to, be brought here to Carry out the &ave objean Ths am oprse bot250upon dry land by the force of the day to the effect that 1e hadbe lefrmZounil lthsoendee- ae........... g acres naarea ofmristhaot exen 5mnyton-kikedtodeth celerated their golden wedding an. mined tilat al]]dênger of the conta- A munt $ .............. soil conditions are likely to exist; the0 On Tuesday and today the owners Miltimore Who lsa.employed as, anvesr.Athttmaltefmgonsoe. morning will bie given over to field ex. of these boats were busy seeking to teamster by Willilm Tonigan of 3141 "Y were united for the first time In Thea vIctimu of the disease is The above shows the pledge eard curios;th afafagrinan crnrecover them.- Ina several Instances South Sheridan Road, was hauling ---------~Young man% named Oscar Benneweit which forma the basit for a1«1 elss wile alla iasite and metods the boats will have to be overhauled brick for the telephone company at livIng at 3011 Gilead avenue, ZMon formed Ir. Libertyville village onth ofld soll reatmevtitand opcltvton thoroughlyrau they ekedamaged to Lake Forest this imorning. His team City. pr7 May 7y f egI Uth f will1 be"xainetad bycompeCltten a en.' oth ýrOu8ee. In was tied and the wagon was baeked Up to ten days ago he held a cleri. township of IÀbert ie.rqày Mr.1 sle xl illaed a howitntmn o er cases It will be necesstry mere- against the car while he was 'on cal position In the offiee ofa local voted dry territory, shall remaWsdr4 his thruhrdsoki h a-tew teththe surface baie board, tossing the, brick lnto the wag manufacturing eBtablishment. At that lie o rdsi i iudre. docks alonghed htghway; he wllad.sohemaeryouto rof u . oWthe ot.• tm.e he felt Iiland stayed at home. The offleers elected at the moetbig beck muc heaed to have oter ptoig ck iafecyt therengiet is soethrIn Buddenly and without warnigg, an [Whether or not lhe knew hie wos uf- which was attended by forty regte. bredmcerseiitoand will poc- ttwill aet e e er asmin.Iangine backed Into a string of freight fering of the disease at the time he "oetative cte ng i s s 014W comodations for all who come. nome cames the boat& were sunk In cs oldn ihtecro hcwstknill o nw u ti Dr. A. H. Churchill Vice Prmdm The basket picnic at the nocenhOur wtrs de ht h wer a iltimore was workling. The j> lgown that hie became aware of It W. B. Docker, S-etsy. wil brng ll ogeher redyor t e r av esoepdifficuthn eoering ayhurled him againqt the side of the car pborty afterward and still rfglected Frank 8. KernTreasurer. pil rog o ehr e o the afenonb a e em. fiulyI ecv and injured his htp. The horses tfo make any report of It. Cmmittee to draft Constitution Ud tentra oillbehe t ;te .lecre ll esotonrso Lk rdwhIch are little botter than colts be. O0n Monday a young man na med . Fan H.Jus bea lrgey n te wotopesof oi asorn others oakes s aye a notcame frightened, broke loose, and GOtlieb Richert living at 3113 INf.. Bon Miller bad aniarglynhusbandry.pMezwoarercall autie when morte damage has started to run away. iel avenue, Zion City, also adt em- Paul MacGuffin. raddaa uthoriti e n thsesu- een doafUe byastore thantaw as e Milimore leaped out of the car and playe Of the same Office, appeared at calehe me tingwhch#a11f41g jecatas lbe rtesntdsuthem; casbeon ondyay. Whiethe fact that ran ater them. He managed to get the paymaster's office with a letter called to orduwur ," aet full h proram Lewi s eara aterteake sn on w eh inc hh Ighrn front of them and caught hold of fromt Benneweit's parents in which of the Miethodist churchot ate than usualn does anotr indacater thatatsl itegh nce bge their bits. For fully a hundred feet they gave an order for the salary due ville who acted au temporary'd atomblswilmea.tecapi tthnuiean oInticterveto Jhe was dragged before the horses him. Reichert was questioned and man. _Roy F. Wright was eléget at Libertyville and the trains at illustrate the efiect of the stormu. a cameto as fstop. They wranitr mln HiifBADS• dittedotaiat hs rens a sf Leithton; arrangements will undoubt- A Waukega man who was at the 1oetyp etasi stll gea Iar. u several years. This was a Jiure of fri fsalp After the ledge cardes hd adal edly ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o" bemd0oso l o rislke eTedywtesdarte T eads of the plant at onAce re- among the persons prenant It wau atl the aetestatoailiSSqutera us iong Teaccide tAn spad- he effort to reassure him and as lhe did keen satisfaction and delight to Mr. Portedl the matter to the authorities found that thIrty-five persls b.A etthe far- aioasI a dlenarauing aoutdint. a nflatbot omedboatsoone of the horims ieked him. Bay.and a party composed of Commission- sIgned them, thug becoingi the datrnit.sgrn ru dupwhn ablau nh faproedtome oneHt da hrBsnerytote nhld . Badwa on tB rn-erCarl Atterbery of the publi eaulth Tnthe law erorcement le#v* The SaudayseJune 27, gnat ureill hen auterhimtoachd otns the grundsomte ltte distance. Fellow drkem Grayîugs 214 and safety department. Thomas Tyr- Thursday evening May 14th te t he bin rayne 7arra ad a gtheranhwoule d rnhim t dthown.takinge wrkmen whopi ed him up thought drkem emn, uut1,14.rll, assistant chief of police, Dr. Fre- up further business at 1rhich » ing luchone as haevran seen in justtieenwougoloo he owed ran- he was deadl and carried him Into a In the year of 1854, at the age of 14, mont C. Knight and City Physician members will be taken la and thelw tn he ontywilstae vabe nta of the tially oardtshole Thed ra te.nearby office. Three physician eeh mgae oti onr riigDD .C oe aeati oZo laws hi hte csites, a a4nr tpportunt itfora da of te t1b o warucksanobruc Teiofndthe aumoned, among them two from at Fort Dearborn in company with In an automobile. They visited the on. A board of directorà will ome combined with pleasure --a day when fellow was precipitated head! firsot Into k ea Ftoesdr atin efort Wau- his parents; lhe remained severalsBeineweaiomce whre the twouphy-ad ed oaMtnetherlst.e td whole family can have profittable the wath m ohe men ln the launch suec eeIn A r abl e ffor teydays on the site where the preWent Bnewet hoaca wedevelpdcae e ju t vant ese@ that tbe 1w and woesome enjoyment. Wordi was telphonied to Mr. Milti. great city of Chicago now flourishes, of 'the dingase. the twsi aevtdl. more's mother who Ilves in the Life at the trading point hadl not at- Ail possible precautions were at town prohibition and.oeiz1 élâe N GIINT RE T I Y (IN MA Ti1E -' - - aatme -tw-- tactonforth fail hoevr, ndonce taken to prevent any more Cas. Of attempts beh1 a made to ,* MUCH INTEREST ~~~corner of Genesee and Wkter otreets. they departedl northward with a es from breaking out In the boj1 ftheaetive members o h ai TO EN LIFESAME 'Sin°e'was to°ld'°"h'apoitineawtheoresen cit f Sh Plant. Four Zion City young men to, this paper, B Nf X I SE OE D-InJured that hie might not live to get ' ® h odpston nteofc ee FIROT ARREIT MAM,, home. The mother was almost pros. boygati. Wis., as their destination. On told to remain at home until the The first arrest made lnaIAberty- IN À TEST CAS WÀÎWIF T»R'DTO trated-..a the northward trip the family passedl danger la past Dr. Knight declared ville since the ton becameday ten Asoas possible the injured through Little Fort and the younger today that tomorrmw mornIng he in. ritory as a recuit of the eletie et .Young man was brought here on the Badat ocebcamne imbued with tend@ to vaccinaite seventy-five men p't, wasmad 8thyNk Supreme Court in Local Case South Side Man Gets into Bath street car and was taken to his home th osbltiso h raigps.icluding the Office employez and John Thrasher of Libertyville wasAh* Will Settle.a Matter Long Tub and Turns on Gas But Dr. antianat tddhian . at e aThe surface of the land whereon It° e * "° °s.bi.mi ahav b e de fendat sadesira troilkemeen a nCntvey.Attempt Is Frustrated. r°beand paaossa d thaerlr e e erestedap"esented a fr dfferen n .e ope in thl, ,ay we wil bote t actt te onbu MUST TUITION BE PAID? DOMESTIC TROUBLE CAUSE. to telwhea seemlted gma l t oband.Before epanrtfabl o rvetan e s Intend mttio orhsopnon was injured internally on acebunt of lf h rd:g ot h od tetoltake every possible precaution." The complaint against big Was Many School Directors Have His Act'Recalls That His Wifethinamdcdionet. nry mined to return as soon as possible °Pmysii oner Aeber a nd eCe w , fth rie toEndHerLif Sae awm b e a couple of dam before aland he did. PyiinFoe edacofrneB. Davis; In default di gaywaýýlk8h Cotedo Pretsof h re oEdHLf ae will be known just how badly hie was after wtlch orders were Issued to, the went to the county jaft wherdbu is Chlden'MstPy t. Wa Ao• Ya *Ag. hurt.' Ater spending a year in assigting pollice department to, place a ban up. "boarding It out", having to rimaila The blow struck Miltisnöre On, the his father to sette on a torm in the on all Zion City product. A similar in jail eleven days. gl Much Interest will be manifestei n Waukegan, May 13. right side of is chient. The physi- north, the boy returned to Little Fort, han was placed severai weeks aâge wan drukan tmey*8d0 Iake county of the probable outcome A year or no ago a local young clan says that hiad it' landed on the and adl lved here ever, since. when several cases of the disease Ir\the court rouem, Thrasher naamm of the case of at. D. Cook va the board woman who hadt been married but a left aide hie probably would have been Was Once Aidernan appeared Irn Zion.. ed a defiant and indiferet atthnde of directors of school district No. 80 few months, tried to commit Suicide. kildnlot ntaty M.Brn aspomnn i hes-esredcnen R b Md wath of ak cunt wic wll om u Sh fildicial and civle life of thoe ty for over R EA LTY DATA IN. LAKE COUNTY prise, that haod ne and" bforAe cthe ureme ourt at Sring.. h flld ILLINOIS NO LONGER HARD Up fifty year. Fer that period he was hie didn't cars 1rhat= ewu belde net Octoer.e cae Hi be This morning her hushand tried to a member of the Waukegat) lodge of Below are i shown Interesting fIg- He added that hi got the liquor *111ek Of a test nature and will determine commit suicide. Springfield, Ill., May 1.'Oeil h api re.Frapeido rsfrtercre' ie n Wa'u' na ndshe hitboiat the validity or Illegality of the statute Ne failedl --Fer the fir4 Lime stince It took flye years hie was president of the kegan -for week ending May '8: at lemht omeMther mma a drir kafas, which provides that the board of di- go, they've both made a mess of charge of state affaire the present fiarmony Mannechor, an asociation Total number of Instruments Iled- his bottle slter reachtir bertyvil reeor o ascoo ditrct wtc amocratic administration today au- which in other days thrived as one of 110. He la said to haVe exclahned al he does not provide a hi[gh schol train- tesiiebsns n o tsr.nounced that It was out of the woodsWakgnsedngoca organisa. Tota1 number of loans-29. handse hiriengdrhekbttle Wr th ng for its students, shall.makre pro. ported they Intend restraining their Ainancially. State Auditor »ftdy re. 1tIons. He was alo one of the fo6und-1 Number of instruments other than dr town--reanid hava rb visions for the payment of the stu. lives as long as the Almighty permit& ported that approximatel $&,000,000ers of the Garman,*orkingmnan's as- trust deeds and mortgrages-81. with me. is friend didiso and IR 18 dents tution in attending the high them. had been received frin sny coi- sociation and a elatiter. member of Total ambounit o on-10498.reported that somebody Maw the Ine gehool of another township, If the It seeine that, this morning Shorty lectors as the aggregate foritheir th Wukgn-odsofRe et nwd eotdi ndtears boare of directore have the suffiient before seven o'clock, the yodUngman first payments. due Aprg. ý18 le x- extnct.1 Judge Whit4ey has entered a de. Odgials of the villageocori b am-n omoeonad, nppo.inquestion, went to the bath troo n de"r, Peoria, and Will eqgoties have During the years of 18M6 and1896 creeIn favor of, Stevens in the case Intend to abide by the LIJ 'Opio priated. got lnto the tub and turned 'on the utyet reported ana4v*,jten ask.he held the officeqt41ldýerm of the of Carey ,w. teven, the notorousa latw itsll eseianed th0tw111 If devlops that two daughffters of gao. His wife discovered hi a dt o ur p hi ,imm then inirst ward 161;t snow ifthward ighland Park farm deal which has ltr ilb oeue oté i R. D. Cook of remont townsip ae yafrwards, almost dd *1m n. t o the City. been In court po long. Carey bas ask- cumfMAUo attebding th*e hWshool of IArty,4. me. Sbcled èW-"Megad the Jo aDolsaw 4Idot tIn. the eariy dass .be onodumtd a ed for an abglll, hence the end la not "éill, vasnhi t>~bsyvll.Ao,,.lp buod ;n b arbrop,8and she gibW.the yet in sight. It han proved one of Mb@flb a bVr* Wlil vithe bnoat animb AQ-, - ,a- ver tried1-- 1t9 dlle MMGetso of untow DIVIDE REAL ESTATE LATER Court Names Men Io Appraise The Two Valuable Pieces of Realty, WauhegahMai la. The estate of the late Mr@. bMallon,, the aged woman lsno died in the hon- pita a Couple or years ago after being there for two years suffering from a broken leg ls being distributed by Court officials now. Today the formal stepl of dividing the shares of the 40 heirs Iin her per- Munal property was iln progress and POrtionatly ln the $20 w lum'p which vent to make op the personal property:: Henry Dowst-1-14th of the sum, minse£va Dowst, sMe. Samuel Suman, 1.42nd of the *uni (hie five ssters share with him the seventh of the estate which came to hie family an & recuit of hie mother belng Mr@. imalon's slster.) .Kra. Henry Green 1-14th of sum. The aboya hoire are respectively Bloc«esuad nephews of the aged re. eiuse. Pix Reaity Lter 1dge Whitney Tuegliay named John Conrad J. L. Sawyer and Theodore H. Durst splmissro of the real estate loft by the waesÏag which Inluded: Valuable corner, north1west corner Utica and Washington streets, Old Woodbridg place across from Pr'es- byterian church North Chicago. Tlhe real estate le valued at about 11120,M0, making a total estte left by Mr. Mallon of $4",00. The -reatlsate will be dIvided ina the M@ proportion likely during the proeset spring, the appraiserà first having to mate estimates o11 the prop ort, thon order it sold and 9'e money thus derited, digtributed. Suit New Pending . lIai recalled that Samuel Dowst, On$ pf the nephews, now han a suit Pond ng in circuit court directed agaiis Henry Dowst asking that t-e coutmake him accourt for the Mal- lm propety which he handled while lookeda trberhi a se hannever come to trial yet but was started last year. Tt la not known just wht ~ffe editribution of the 0e~e -Mllbave dn that action but It ilnfeltt that It will not'interfere with t but that the Chicago man, Samuel Dowst, Vil] push his action saaist hie cou- Oin Henry and demaryd the accounting be asked for In hie bill. Kru. Mallion, Ilteisrecalled wasth.eq aged woman Who lived alone for year. In the old house, corner Utles and ffr blrfumn to perit rlatives .n lve wtb e . Althougn eelad' comforts of Iliès finlly broke Misr log whWillituinselusion ln her home, was tRken to the hospital and never was able to leave It as a result of her 11101r17not healing. 1Even *hile in the hospital, she 'woudnDot, it Te sid, prfide the iries shbe might bave enJoyed and WhIeli she could have af.- flored very easily. 1Now the forty boire, all of them dis- tanatly related to the aged woman, are sharing the estate ln- *mal por- 1 geons. I DRYS PLAN CAMPAIGN t ÏN STAÂTE NEXT FALL. .' Springfield, ll., ilfy 13-Trusteesd of the Iminois Anti-saloon league to. i day decided to takes an active part ln 1 the Illinois congressonal electionsd Délat:fall unless the SheppardMlbon hillise macted Into a law at the lire- I cent session of Congres. It was alo decided to enter legislative contesta*. am & deternined .fight wll be madee to Pas a Contr option bill next vin- I ter. A. . CappasfJacksovlle wua Mluted prou*%*ntiaudp. gnottMé- INDEPEN" DENT 'IJN WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN POUR PGE mmPi L50izf à vûî

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