y 22. 191t. F'OR.DW3 JfIK Moi-a jitloai fer overseer Volisa cf1ZMon City! Mria. Jmga Dvie vidov a! lb. laIe Dr. Devis. foaner o! Zion Ciyba&1 iffd a »Wb la circuit cout aofLaie oinu? aillasthbmcourt ta compel Vong&s. m ie e mon holding the, cs- taiseffl by Dvie. ta gve te ber ber vidova ioverInerestlnlathe vat Tic pp0rs veto led by, Warren IL WtlaamidW. A. Robinson. atter- aya for NI,&Dovie. ii'&ti Io tahUiccourt, the piitoaur Iccarisathal, oh Dowe's de@* i ah,-vmbils lavi ni vife; lbat b. tc<MaeliT..,us;that. uring efmDOwbWlm pfluflei cf Ibm e- tale e alose eituiloy later la tb. XXXiXXx4txxoxxxj~n'js~ s9m x 2ec 1, Itlitoh' x DEX£AXDS 0F 0V- x be mode a lien upon the estates x ERSEla VOIVA x itrat th e <U id lishe sali ruai propity m very ]p x l Ta the court, be- x '"d ýÙ@tan btouorrl x caulse voliva f ailed x hle neapIler Osud <urlber relie: x to do so, set "iide her x lic »reustud ema levwmorIn x widow's share (One- x x third) ini the entire x Miel importan Vol, x Zidn pr9perty. X it lma eiufhy eU4pa tishe c -Ta the court xh,,utfla*OOgipt " ronpelVoliva te xsuit ot his pýpqe bat hase basa " iake an accountin'g x 00*4v.ux w in 0*-luut e4" " of nl the carnings of x lie bée 104 »u Owwm'moeo. " the estate froni the x fowui -t» lb*m ef*ie a4 " timie he begau hand- x MA -I4ib-.4n-. km lig it, iîuludlng the x let *M 10- ** wbleu " rents, sale of prop- x " ertv. etc. x ttlêoI au gmepar à x 3-That the court x iàher ob aItN de x eonîpel Voliva toe à 19~b:a.iBl A x turn ov'er to té? Said x nothba% 1<$poet " third interest in the 'x bave »Mobiï ý eà4o ber "- -.wfitsnd <lthut çui;d X Y tIf h..e Om0Lfdivid T» beew cometim stuaIum liaI VOIT- x Itr autamtu - va j la M-saacvbq bhol the 0& x si be made a lien x to tate âlm*uugib tom Mt esrlheto x -againsit the Zion es- ,xa hm thécmoeeositn o being Dovte'ma x tate. a luÏbmctàat, Bbc rnerely Baya tht o "thic béf U. t W. . VlalisadXai 'd, for* NM tuie-»@* bhom etiecvu, XXX XXXX XXX XX XXX telk mas 140CNI p tirom caI;mç g!%Inheri-bu b- aaqI li Of 4 laOis.an4 t15thlb. l iterest vbicb. <b. dlaims, la <due bre@ an vhae I ty 1hiluam lg"t p- over go tbe vldov oftheb.man lu vhoue ts tui -M 't h4. t >Xiii r ol1tàtq.l. udname aIl IIapiopeity la, vbes be ta ecv#à* W M Iaefte your O-tt." ded IIflH-J.pbBtie UN i- volîva boa AulcaFor Parka Aima art vho30'ueêan&rfuiltea lay OUf uni .mpn uucb & dover lansaireMI Tt l, neretng te note 1ha05 uhe 5 entMç ç .r ,Ay pan4 Iberoofandti u .-moes edaim for les love, aoe la l cets ii uy o!fuMid Voliva te set Il the parka o!f5100 City, lielullogu =#16 i ftsa fraIe ber dover tu UaIl ça wk, BeulaiPark. BMil Mur 'pe ub. lni me tu dovahl. erminor gmbStrigao. TIcufl il n eftte uliove retwercita IrfalIu ta tum<*er te aliStu ai mmld ie cloa the viow's tiare of the e sate.Mm. DovIO Chaur - lois ta- (wbl*tg m thid te - e, hal sncb a Ufailalu"coslraryte te laie.ls m ttMlew' <Tien follover- equty ani gond co»daciae." i bpi vllioit »Y question, the long- BSTotilI Voiho&basftffl tea mamiE.m emt HMlof property deesrption ever ber ber tiare An theatae, lira. Dow-. s1 ieflt auy pupain A" a couiuly. le 5rays the court te aet amide ber foa It ensetM Sutfoty pague a typevrit- thini ýIntereat n hhuahaudu 'et- 4n toni nop. Vyltm aclomhi flgeer. tata, glving lber-ber uaI ohareo! ev- ThI eciuia eu csevry lot tu ery part o! the estaha, tIi MM< mit of ZMORA.<Aakafor Accauatiuig DI I ugil le dlueate t.iatth le mqboe 0f ieUffluhsaor pie oel iSa further amIs the comrl <at Vol suiv utiamw ci ta the POUL i va b.umode te mule ounmconting Tie am amdMUoiuptmthaande et lie renta, ImamMd prniptlao!fad --bail U vileM&. Davs bi h» estte u&M piopfty ouievery saut meamlim mul Ciaima taa Ornetu dtisret accreci aiscb e tc ctis c -" ~- i tNI u I 'amn a^Candfdâtè, for CffN M-N-CLERW Kt Andý I will ,thank theý voters of Lake-County- for their support Ciatf-P. WerftdRIýý > er ber thtrdlnbtilt lathet ri teproperty a« I mondanov. Tba Valis'a regait It as a nul crucwia poiirtaaCe vu la "ay vhea au effort wvoadae and -t MAT murI .Ah r vk nu" bold vi rber ing itter lto kk ta hlm about th is lliig o! tht Luit lt ho tiupectfniiy idcecibd te au th.enoIlci pemnony. "pretg havethe measae gften ho hlmse- et&ry." it thu u oldb. laieMtd lt lta4 la lie one action the oser- "r hou bea lpinsmcvi-Qo riue awi ci Ite11151ta vorry him ici before Iras oser. Hard Io Estime. it t mta eu»tew viaa Utisr r immmWM rse reuienti.Wb-a dnva pfltchage tois tise rocelvcr, à* istate vhlcis Dowie lefI, e poli km e a ommDoSdollar. au hi ,ea-& de la mm ita bave Imri aic avale ice lieu. But alsJuat Ihat mma a but&aIl la sien ttlii n.Dovic wm. rOelR4 repriaeita *33000UnMd eu <bat ah" la imklng a dam1 r the back profita liaI bave accruci Ice ber lboni'. duats. Waakegofl, Miy 19. The Brut smim-moulbiy meeting of 41e nowly orgagigolNorth 8110» 1.4. sagu À»xumoo* vaa lieula- lteé 1r boumtqtiar. Vauicua pollai uthe perfection of the organisatioun op th m aliodoption o! & co-uitttee 1 lok litalie dIfferent pinublenU. taten Up l i n e tafg. ~eque of thc cobWtemcn bohve ~apOinltQd. lavAi ILJachson, o! 4h~n Pari. preuidént o! lieaso-, the,. oppa04uImc1ta moine conaide- io-i ore lbey are déterminé&. It vag decieita holo the meetings ~esery Brut, anil third topdaya. ol hmanti. The CtY of Waukff ,doslsi the u ao! lie coucIl ta, the. oiociation for Ilucir kàA.t:icý next meetIig vhlch vill be 141the firut MoniaY la June, mtla Igbt that rnany problemnso! the ^té, coadim1the ! bdistrict vit preeented by thé members. Tkat acwage conditions o! Wisikcsa b. thorougbly zone loina vl-s bir a alatement of!Mof thli AN VO EXTEN O O LK (o LAsMI iTm FOXoL K il Jtd@ÏbmIley Today la ?1g4 est ,water Compafy. F. BAERELL IS IJEFENDAN T. Latte~ffheenty Seourd-,Tem- poaiq lnunotion to Fien Collecion of Rant. 'tt a aiv the ri cfbl à s. u18satl ,wç 'à"uf" "yof b tIcevw Ioulas ue ptep1 cmt115k ,WM plyaeI m.a1w i, ià*m~ esi tplsply bavêtotheo us ,1*paanz nUe nu lalthe rweaiytr tc Opthe liai. o! esen ont-cf et moa or de- lviegtm. lissaqhu probaW ilk ii.b. nuila bte molle. ,one Mail viii WaukeIafl, May ». 1budi NITUret thOe ufe ana the Au Intei'cmting casla beftt be«& ifft et tic' 50Won"0i betqp Circuit juige OalsWj "The erlis wyul bave to arrange ne! iii Wh" hthe LI riWte ibmtgaelffl but C05»55Y ta seeMini t ta uis e AN WTTlot taleID»& s.We ere, au lusotto bei vawu ecound muisa 8' ata'.tO Maf9Y IT. Dot tal tle tb Mgo by FIliey Bouirc4ma. la our'prmht quaters a moment Iloumoieseiet of lere rehat. a4. 30051 "isaWvobave te. » torm, Iole. Pope and Pqoi br«» T t la gobiffl eut Ibal it f oeJ ma- »utlng tic vter aompaay «I st.»pimnt wvl u oPutt anbdefor fur- 11wi# »M s fort ta gtt ceo thi~ s~ates. tutvWi b. iamove the injuaction on <tie grenaeunda uqdi"aItb Dow 00« e iy vagi thalT Ilta nt fair to the Intereste of bbit u?. Àcigbcm* ave fno% tic wa4r ço Day. yet ba sie d e mre a mat*1mes- 1 vai a lev monthsago5 that Mr. 018010r or the ccv buIldng but tbe DanIeil through bis attorneys appear- PdtStW« là*,alOfil"i 10 aCure ed la circuit court hors and ruide &aWI&ri bOul f itOOi&rI charges thet lhe rates of voter rsus charged by the Lake Foreut W"lc toompaa veodexorbitant 1He a the Cour*taeistoue a temioi*ry vvt IS~ M I> et InJuncioa reatralnint theime aes *4fruim *~ J from forcing hlm to pay thie rates ticî aked. The court aeqaieaced and the. wrt vas grantei.ACl CI Mr. Sorreil poted ouat thut thc rates chaugul.-vergrealy la «ese of vbaît <bey eboitid be àfrlte- guàkmu tA f1ý O iety: et vatq-blar wu s o j..t e ver biaier than rateq echargmi ln Céld other cie..At the limte It vau sal tbat 4be vccibY resident volSde bH<M ASISf S,'TO ,opinion$ of. bundredsOfo!otlier voter usera ln tbat lty aM It wvi hougbt that othere .M19Mccl hta »uc-eatm. SYan0e,#leqg lier vrllm but notblng bu becs doncu e eptM uB oU l about Il op 10 tbe priiet tmc ai rmpedheA Attorneys for Mr. Barrell point out - n tstI the nMm. reasous a vbj l u- WANTED -Gentleman. Amerlena. enced the courtt in grantin thie Itu- au" 37. hltiy, oa t Iproadoble juaction apul et the marne ime oui charaetorm voulN 111e te corresond thcy mccl ta privent Uic dissolution vith iaiy mtrlmanialîy lnclae& i. w of the vrit oci% thons grounis. lss Rbiso,360 W. Maillon 1f. Chicago, 111. 118 et AUT OITY CO lS The foregolng "ad" whlclippgr T(~11 êf<W this evelag vil' nov throw a thiS und i levise prove .a sIcav ta aj" of the older maiens wbo bave tel] - overboard fronia e good ahlp "morn Postnastr Grdy'SysAUA-elie" lointhUcmca of "sat obus rangements Have Been tulde "£CaW 10Chlg fftij T t alas ai ford.aeh"-o bs to hao im im ýobo avaplàyed-with the achemeé of "esid' muta t helitle Iwm te. ti b4 va be Il of to i le Vd wouli b. a merM p isauer mi mT MWi Objecet o Ib he ua tebmu asd» turucdInto the Chicog. W&& saaoiFox Lae empcuoe la tem 0 i no anCmot <the flmafdfl cf& roiltecioser sco' temltaiy, ~lob à" *ai m gakhid aa.- ý$OeOr0sg'ia Mr ,imt 1cithe e thlie reooSlndiislmd «M i vii ah yeaiore, Weeimbokami " ea - Tractium Pan,. lmNa viii Sfrozen oui, ho moi. 1oro aeoto i bave t ta e golakua'cl M vho reuse ta ura lta tbedr to* ho; id. At the mociasTouftlUp lie pf et thc linoan~tat t s thc boniholdera repreunbW hr mai vere endecvSbIg te 1.- Iboabc lad ta 1ot, ducs v 04 oui IM@ George E. Blowisfg -Pg.Wu preuenî aetflue 0111<190, .,l. bat the cmpay-guloeclmiasm or types of rolns tometeo Ibm bI "taIhave bcq lig.m5ie, vlng mIlMa.cry er, O.5fiçb #bit~ ne and nialclm u, NOfrequemit smope. A llght<-r car sîll b. imre ucmful., &ud a type moi.et illirlon, 0h10, Putaaiter 9r.4yens lêday aftar- îo* b«Ugien ap hi$ atteipplata ou nom recelved thec ee Me tiilY ticin, taget rigbtvlith thc u) c trm the poslosle ebcatmentt vegUium n the lpve gaine. Wahington ta ov oe lotoUichev ewThat William icanahmîlcis via federul buildinglan Waubeaaa ai tic evideacci ly om of aO ISfiOdc egrlicatopvortunli. Thec oneuatoru repouic" ~belveca- hlm andti 4i sent we-i ta the postofflee de-"..Mn,*. prcedlng Uic Insertion or ai partuent thagthtii mcv hlldtlI ved I"viat' ,AA. 14e, -tate4 tae, oe tà be coipielci and roaé' for oceuvez" lelicrg of the fame of lb. temlnfty befere the fit of hune and tb. ba" wguîgan. os te beauty. grace ai, of the. departmest t O 0M0sent YIMd- d . ryo!f ornu, ond 1h01 lue v to lhc local poamater te bu ln redlni Mtaîr 1 !Ui iy ag ne"u taoe OOlt lsMMa I UUO s >iw- 1ter as his, Jile lffgupoum. Itable. He furtber utatedai h01le vsg titi la apcaking of the. malter today o! the lonemome gaine of vadil )osllater Grauly deolarci thMPrgw t : <o vIe*thoul a parluer '61 ttc&ai aIl rgaqgenueal5 have olrcu*ly 1hs4 the néeio! a beipinte toiam bea complow0tai oth le onlu bla lnlomatao the utray buttans ai tbisa liaI wUl bave tbeb.do»e viii beatlachlM <them ttobis mtrouset b 'tlio oartr ay.e. . ~ beonle .yerp aparcft duilnitlthe la «Th cutaeora bvedelard baý fo~i pat6 mor lbis- "haîotoi.- tbe building vii ho u nsaïle .fOi c- 2iulBaC by nomtqlria." . . Graiy. uald. "But It viii jOt l>e l readinem for me ta movO ln 61,1o908 rIe0j. wîuî h. Muçk ucu-biniandui dint tbhadonc., TINI AVIIiI te Oalt > toast two daym. It lepq.tbleh er »ay b. able w unOvO i.la b Tk#u"ieNI . or Vri4ty et .geg wvqe.,but v Iik w0_4 d ,Pnihivelp ,a 'W~ry WË hàve the fOlfrwinlg sW 2 ri r ia c ggiem at theee BàAGO1U Leadig svr~*isttreBSYeao,04ooe4 uie 1 fruits, ;U - ý,9MR lroot.d tnd4hriftY i 2 ......... . Grand veuli Phon ............ni "'e -J IIAf I~42 ACRUS WASI8 901r $ÔATq TAXES. TIM for ~Ion* ,Ex 1ru Trbott- ln EnthléCIty. WWOa,, May 19. Aooordifgtot a coutraet that haa bien 1104 fer reord itilithe LI 0Oeiny reoorder, R~lirI ady vbo te- aide, ou a farta on North Sheridan 9roai. bas purobheffl0f Wllam Su*- derfIn a 42«tor Ui of land lytu on scdcetï treet The coutract pritce 1011*00 vbh lu ca idul'i veimuwe e.uabfr thlx valuablw plieS tof property. Thlb , w»l aneoslit- by William Wright and Hany lHorn- Ina. The traet f ba i bch ile vltali vithîn the clty limite. la regarde4 se one of the »Wim- valàU l n the clit. For yoin Il bas becs knovn aa Sus- d@e'oUjtuc«a446 a prt of, 7Z t c c I s 7 Suerlia upoù dAeth of hie aller ~ 1;4 :; : sale lhe lix crti- »etsvrs - _purclisped by Chare, Heriecler eni Uic lime for redempt- ioeieon uins Uth oa Ibis7«'Y. Uic saleaie pffl we- ~ propàrtiylu CI**.$0 'for nmre v1il-ý i bê o pa4,ý40 >Q qm cl, it, mnec XW auything ln the vuy _« Improvtng tic 1< oncaf the1iprs4,i em eattI lise tha1 bas tkW If lcela Wouukcga lanmre ltUtlmch. ~louglam nursery st lthe veut linlts o! Wauueu. dwuNwta* Vt Aq b>a I~ Abebalct '«umntut ,à'çblg eam"~ tbe am U ioa«A ~the <if le cawup11~ p~t bu my,,- e&, 1r. 'psM e bae, thei aocts bliaidsua=&g1 teIt or lber um a ceIve a m o." thé -ý 4