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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 May 1914, p. 11

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ries ~the IRI EJLKIiROVE FAR TO0O COSTLY As a Resuit He Lost the Money Crboks Got and Also Sev- eral Days' Pay. TMhe adhime VfedAllen ls helti up and rohbed inl Chicago, the chances are he viii koop the niatier ta hlm- boit as tise requit 0ai1bis first exper- lenc u eDlropring an Incident of tis 4w4 do b. pqmcç. osnithe algMî-ý6r Aprii 6, nt 12:30 a. £W> Allen. vho b a' prmter lan<lie emplo>' of the Bail>' Sun, vas attack- eti ht a gang ai Chleago cracks Who rabhed hlm aifelght dollars. AIRon hâatenesj te.. police mtation anti reportea thie aCtai>' tethe author- lu. sa tirnltý 1le vs. aeked tus appear ai detective isedquarters the follcvlng dqy Al a conwan>' vlS ibro. or feus dtetveq vas requlrod ta weJk Up aeAId g difforoni strets aIl dc>' lang lài the hope <t ho veoulut lie sîlo ta recogaime snme ai <ho crock hO wla bd attacbeat hlm. Thi. prOgedure-s r.2Pe*edfer fîvo or six a9YS as a rosult of whlcb twaor, the Sag Oai uv.crookg vore placeat undes arMresi vln>tbà vern Ponteti outib lthe<local ma. Thon 1< came Urne for tlie mon ta £N VA E A& etMjft OUTIN* traot<onq.There le tNthligta cown pare-vus tise massive iauntainB, gleuRý rodwaad ta-gos, yevping cen anO4 >tévrlag wo8rialls -vih samW t isOwârfIn0titm- 4t tr.i* srvie hum aul points. For tiikq ao uRifpaRtlcUlarappl>' ta Wb.top I.-N.Z IM&â(QWkly FUI DAY, MAY,22.1914. T5~ san~s >ITENT fû *CgM Mon Who Gave, Him0eff Ui Here Returns to Detroit and Laugbsa-bout Crhiw. HE IS -AW'ULfl-OFOEàDER. Police QD otIu I~That Bennane Has Sered Two Terms in, Prison. When WitUa. emasa.appouet! dIn he office af Sherif Rimer Green and gavehilsswfup, omoneg*-e bavins, secUed $125 on a worthiens check, ho toda pitiful story, saylng Uat ever ain" th» theft whlch was bis frit, hIe onsience had a cooptent, bound- Ing Momesi1s whlich ite gould no longer esWe. go, ge that evoey pace ho wmt ho iaai4ýW 4at oallers ato resdp to arret kiwi, Ho wit returnil to Detriot by an~ afller frani that city. The Detroit TIse. la speaklng af the affAi laYI; tha Vite was fer f ront belng Ben- &ne$ flrst attmpt.t crime, 55 ho lt5o sen'edl two terme la prison. Here In wbat the Times as Of the case: "William R. Bonnee who gave bîntueif up to the dtutbaltiseof tt- kegea, .II, saylng thAt hi# cmIscionce- troubled hlm.-sinco è lad passed . wortble»n check for $126 on Thamas iqga sallionkeeper, at Sîxth a nd Abbott street.,. was brougbt back en Wedaeeday nlght by Deteetive Sichool. "Bennane la MMl by the. polic e t have served two tonernIn the Wlseon- sin penitentiary for smmuar offenses. Ho iaughed when Iock.d uP. and Raid thet Long was «O)y* "'Hle wss such a toit mark that lac cIe"e~d hi. wife and family cf aIl the mome, they had. te raiso the mono>' for my check." ho mid. regarding 1! as a huge joke. "«Benane used the name of hic hrnthor-ln.iaw, a friend of Long. to geL Into th. gond graces ai the sa l0ookeeper. After recelvng the mon- ey, Bonnane tenir hie sister4-in.aw and ber child te Wsconsin, to vsîtt ber od homo. lRe heara the police wr. looking for hlm sndfled. HW sairs a detective told hlm ta 'duck,1 es ho wsM wane.' lie went to Chi1 cage and. ho salat. recolved the amc 'tp' from another trtendly doective. "He itallIy wouadnitupIn Waukegan, I., without monoy, and i wthout s chane t get work as a switehasan, on bis union carat, unie». ho gave bis rosil came. Hoedecided totagive hlm golf up. WHITE WASH SITS $1.49, A zîew lot of them received this nîorîling; showing puain and ved i-l materiais, mtadle II)ini tihe new'v single tuinie cfeets; fiiîish- cd in front with buttoîts; reg- $2.JX) skirts for toinor- 14 row at,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..1.49 WHITE 8EIGE SKIRTS $295 This is a lot %ve've been saving fiwt ins great sale anîd jneiîdî-s a lot<of blaek anîd Mite serge; showing orîiy the new effeets of the si-ason, [il ail sizes. Yoîî su nuld ev sint t,. nai, 4iSfoi, d. Otu Igr :, The Trttth-in Advertising - Tomorrow We Begin A Groei -Price Cuuing in ailfDe atro-c-...f....-...o.2,.5 A sale -that will be marked by such rare value, no -woman, whether. she has bought her Sprn SIio Barains ment.-or not, canno affôrd to miss. GirIl' Single or Dw&blo Btap Ox- fards-lu a ftne, soft stiede or lIi ~~ ~ ., i , t u paent;ia r t*vihItýteSiS1ç049rseBoss h rlar$.75 and$2.013 h~,LoerGoeL k-ind for onlv ......1*98>oeioSrGoeEc Children'a Shoes and glipprs- This coîîsists of a verx- large fine p of our $1.00~ and $1.5Ô values; in al sizes. At this sale for79 I-k O ....................79 A -Lot of Low and High Heel ;r Pmps-I n flue qîîality satin, velvet, patent or suede; tlcy 're ~,ail this season 's ver'y iîw est ideas, and bought to ýeII for $3.00 and $350. For this sale oitly ad 2.45- Laad«en7td a nd Duil Baby SD With ankle strap; thîs is one of the most fashion- . able.de- signs of - the e- e onç-a -<beauty A9toulIy CF AaAi sese 701 Over 100 Coats $10 ad $2 Woi&5'u1 Coats; Forxnerly Values, at Only $U85 IUhed $15 and $16.50 The greatest voat for t1w iiiOVit'v that wc lîave ever of- fered; new short coa; ilu sel-ges, vrepes, mixtures, vte., belted hark and str'aiglit uine effeets; pletity of (Co- 1)elhagCll, black, navy, tait- go. On1sale atoll1 ripple and flaîi-efevîits; alsi -traight back, in-iisl iv~ brocaded. ciotis and w~eaves. Thes*e coats si ti1-gtlîi îîp to'$16.50. A sli(R(iialS s-ortrnent, $M195 EKceptional Suit Tomorrom rriliing al îof our lI $18,5( anid 4'20(K) iot-ed inî thec seaso fashioît and l ands( ed with milk; i)IRei or-s; soni1 siik sui lot; ail sizes. rru totnoirow at îtniv ee75- BALAMACAAN COATS This îîîighty po pular coat %o e had here in1 a uiri't *v of lhanitis(lffl patternis, liglît or dark-, showing styles siteh as vuii will find otily ini i1P >andi -'fJ2 eoats; here ini ail si zes at only ............................................................. 50 "Wfl RTI-Û41O" WAISTS Better get acquainted wmitlh this new and( novel wa ist idea. It gives %volt a BETTER waist and a 1 e-'- 1 c tiîuîî; eaý.tiful maaterials and ýver.Yîiituusîal desigtis..sk to Seo the "itior'ee iist at a ...................................... »MUAINS, Bay O*we wutI b. éIosed ail day Decera. t ion Day. tions Free ar0aresues Another line of new dresses just arriv- ~PtS ed from 0 New Yerk. T __________ Pretty s that' rineand - iggar- effects. Colors are 1 - navy, tan-.1 go, Copen- isui~hagen and Irts, black. . $9.2.50> val. at only Values, 8.75 files $5, Special Barg&ins jit j~- Ladies' Union Suits-A fine ib- n ' filliî-,t bcd sleeveless style; umibreila ;î)îlîîîIv îùll drawer; lace trninied; a 35e val- k aiîd col- tîe; for tonîorrow ouly its, il, tlîe at-------------------. 119 'l-Y ail go Ladies' Bleeveless Ribbed Vest4 -Our regular 19e line for9 tî.nnorrow ait only .....-2 Làadies' Black and Wlhite Silk Bout Hase-A v eryv fine quahitý witb double soie and heel. Reiti- forced top. An excellent 5flc .slfor tomorrowfo seller....*for *'*'39c Two Pair for .........., . Boys' Balbrlggan Union Suit- 8hoîrt sieves, knee Iengtiîs. X'erv- sixeial for this sale at 19 Ollly......................19 e~hak; spivdlieel dandto;- etreal bargain for tomor-2c Ianoiher dey.ruaiteti te@ h e lra l werre i-N RTIS t w L iit1 tor 7.000 and w!!! ho aval-of $500wil!!l e awarded the openltdg NOw ho bas been subpoenaed te uhdt h 1 ii eedi. O T IL a>lie for parties, darices, theatrlcals, eveniug for the best naine subinitteti appe Woore the grand jury la Chi-. en back by tangues irlamol whtch tV~ NE IR1Ie. A large stage 70x6O feet willl for this new building. <ugo tody anA tctliy ~ were rpéllag up the waîls me s tr- g5lL Y 5I4I~ race ou er<! of the building. The O criminel This caused hM ta h. ab- s ay was 50 illld"aIl, mik, tat elilire structure W iliIcover an area __________ sent from ishawork another day. tmy oLarge gil, hthr r otof >1,'xl2. iltee!and willI hP cofstruvt- Deflld InaIWUa bUgdt b wythe sterlethul been l>vrîxe4laway. .Sheefudto ium ld ABe-o. d along artistle and modern deRal À. tur y lots u n h a gouud lora.d hum is »wosk for nearly a weel andf rmtag~lsti>rse structed on SefedAe large force of workmen will he en- whom the publishers force ta lave la for ibis Urne bho received no remunera- wlndow. PaýWI nl for a few sec nue Near Beimont. vad aud the eompletion of lte work au attlc. lion. He mîgit ]la~ve foit somewliat coudhMise Ollbert r->cd the sasgh wiIl bc hurried aloug as rapidly as isOIllflea If ho bcd recauvered th lcglit and pao iocI the si::, drappeat te An elaborate ni-w audit'orium il, ta possible' a.Hbt o nuty daltr.etisat was lakea train bita but the ground. Portunatelý the ground bceorected ou Slieffîiedc avenueieuer Fred Lîiouge. formerly mnaeraoc, lu Fa fnce u tirc a tben daoi ln fal bsed ta laco i m jwaa not hegl athat particular Place ttelncont, work ;O lie Colinioenceîd with- 'for the -Arvadia, wtli hein charge aud _r.ofnRmpe are mucl more Indlus. tahePoile lantai b moren hilth.fand the fo0 he lril>!! a- )roa. n thse next thirty d(ls, S verythtug possible ta make the place trions than aton t[bey came ta Ual. tne poaice coa t helmmor e n.bclt- iThe geb*ý9uulag i5-ornisfeared ta The building wil iýi be a neatlng nopular a-it hlie csrrled out, A priai cauntry'. tic aalrwlti th bol Upmon.. il MW 1 Oliberta i-xample 5and Allen la nt at ail pleased wth the: Miss Edna Gilbert I'iaiMd ~Fl rusblng .lb" te the ialy she ____________________________ situation but ho hes chalked dowu teen Feet to Ground When . placea orne h and aver hicr eyflar iiN o t ie o H v a m t hie lames ta oxperlence sud bas se- Faotory Caught Fire. I dasetiSt'deel the moke nti famoh.Auditorium 1SOleI ta c&Ozuct biniseif a lttie dit- The WailWrigist brotixrrs préserveat 1ferently ln future. thpir premonce of mind sud lastlly me- ____________ STAIRWAY WAS ON FIRE. cured païl.at.wator a-hic! 1tey Pro ceedeti tae th vow o tti-Il.Tht. Increased the smonko lout by the tine W.S.Ï TUÀpp lNT* Her Companion Dashed Down the tire departm.ant arclx'ed the blaze the Plame and Smoke Filed was pradcicXy under controt. El SJ N N1T Stairway to Grouind. A IltUe Incident hapeni at the.. ... Waukegan xMay 2o. which delayed tho truck for neari>' WARS I ~IIpAUIJ1 Missnltdna Gtlhert, a yug I a mInute. A horai- be-aie filit Yon oal1eecd sund rein laiethe- horse of the emaloyed at the- ýValnwrlght fIl rfire apparatus. lu waq sot untla A Waultegsu mon fnta tp~lay en lm.- On NOnb CoUnt>' utreet rnear Franil pagPrby fran ne and u ralheti the -- piortant part lu the effort that is ho- ilun. lcaPed fr-i a second s5tory IV-RÉn. nmal's bIt and led filin taone nide lng made ta dlean up the carrupt oen-i doey ta the grouud, a distanceo . t hs h truck could proceed on lits ditiorfitisai exlst lu theo notoriono jleu Iflt.this morning shorU>' f 1r aay. fîrtt~~~~~ ~~ Padl hcg, it eaeleven o'clock wiuor% Iire broke out 1n kuown toda>' when it vms annauncod the factor>'. She was uuinjured. Au- that W. 0. Kelth, one.0 ahI lb. otii ther Youngi voman eomployedw with IHle of Illois,. County of [.aita, se: eutt prepert>' hlders la Waukegen, Miss (Gilbert on the second f oor hes Circuit Court aof Ae <ously, oc-.* but wbo aain a avotîng rosidence 1ltfited about Jumping frais the win- liber Terni, A. D.n li.Gere .StatPln Qutr Th bldigalacvr2015 M. atnCrai.frr>'f la Chicago, bas been appoInted ian dow and rushed down the fMme adn olsJnca da uG.euMlone Dollteart rePloans Dargte Te 0f vhS-h 150lfta ver taon ac- MrMarti"newCarkoll, asbaty o C i o t he o r. t e l na t a d el s u o e fi l ea n e r > . N e . 6 7 8 1 .i ludo tslwa'.Place snd Auditorium, Located quired b>' a 99 year ]Sase tramn the, roturned tramn Panama and Europe- <'leg. heapontnnuhon tieo The tire la believod ta have sartedi The requlsite Ifldavit bsvi'.g beeu on Sheffieldt Avenue, nea heirs of the PillpHîllinger embute; after heing awardoci the warlds gold b>' County .iudge Owenis. tram crogse electrlc vires. lty quick flied lunLise offce or the Cler<ý of said! Belmant. the remainder was purchased at aunmdal, as dancing praossor-wili ho A couple ai weeks alo a benili a. action ou the part of MIenars. Wain- I Court,'notice la tiserefore hereby glv ______'approximate cosu of $40.000, the chiotrlustructor, with au able throva Rta the ranka af oerrupt pal- Wright, vitat mlgbt have heen a dis- enuta the sait! Ida .Jensen, defendant Ti ot iel ahaeacisma iwauioimwl otl tecrso allns itîian ad yrdbeeor On<hoai aserto hefacar> sd srmuudr7as aforegald tisai the ahove uamed sel1îîew auditorium. neighborhood of $250.000. tIrt yrdvbe I va anaucedreidceil. vas a ee enrosi.of <omplain n eeafor l tedulaion5the Mr. George W. Stewart. a proni- TRhestructure la ta ho absolutel>' Ho vii! lutroduce ail te nov thaft as a recuit af the carrupitonuen bukl auen s Wi smdr oa whlch in increasîa; Ir.sioasi ot grow- Thse damage lei mostly fron gamoîe ihaucery ai"e thoeof. sud that a hiretedNor tores anhierapo artinentO lu v he namelorab s whie ane@ Owns bterla tat ad tta mka eed vatr a(ifp).h> I!nt xsimu hruonIse u i lia the Shieridan Park and Wilson ave- glazed terra cottea with verdi green lu connectlon wih tho regular mu- Oveepng had siai-teau tacma e ac, ($110'ourt agalasi the ahove nameti defen ] nue districts, la behindti he project. trimini. siciaus, thero yl ho a band ai 30 swoplg ob-n vic vnlt ieIbe aas one of the Walnvrtght broth-' dent. returnable au theI-l Iday of Tebidnflt i seifrhls Tt okun<i ulIgvl e awallaus, as eniertainers, who vili muos fer reachlng that clty ever bas Pr" aho flirt detecteti the ador of te tera o hlelCircai tICourt f Lake parties, theatricais. chaurc fetvl.jga lhuiinxi0dasfunaaruasi»svolmal. kuokeganîunirniug LaoodCHothastonventitasmalte.The le se sd sale were m ade A prze of $600 w il ho offeiredt h Ie Judge Oweus actions flleweddis- an Investigation andtIlunithateiTh kga lami l.eCun.coieiitia ec ctyl apoi-trulth imoRbetPHlln pnigih frheesn u: crantutes that bundretis of iradulent sldpwalls of the stalrway were blaz ou thse firet MoIda of October A. 1). itey 7,000a. cî eisaproi-tr&ompate rn Rbeml.Hilig-oedur itrthe heat nisub- votes aroesen in tise Ill tWard at lng fiercel>'. lite rIre baci a gond tutr' 1914. asinI law evrquired, andi wbich Imtl 00 evory electicu resultng ln the .er- ai Ihat t1nùm and vas gairing grouud suit lesatil! Peuding. A pipe organ. eta et of $25,001 Thie legs! Part of the transaction A $250,000 Illinois corporation lias ilo aiundsirhbepaltilan. Tesorapdl>. he ove pas a tOe hll LEIS . IROCWAY 85ta be iustalled hy the W. W. Kîmbal as handietihy R. C. Fergusl, repro- taon formet andi a imail amouni ar ne amollano Company. seutlug G. W. Stewart aud Samuel tiIs stock ina>' hosolti. were votigl Ifrn ecrcsl Henuddteaauan hue %ukgaiMMy2tA1)194 Thbiding la dihaferentagp -ichPnttr luHePreouuded the alanof Pa anti haueformationî li. Ma' nce 4.1) lU 4 the smre warul and hat largo nain- for the gIrls an tho second loor to Agh bel V. Smith, ComplaînautsSa aui apeuiny and lrge fi-et lnabat-tseHllgrotl.above, cammunîcate wlth George W. blr of floaters are aun ln short!>' be- make tht-jr escape wîthout mare de-, Ilcîtor. j rdrc iozfFel nSeat58Ntoa f ulig tar oevolstos ay Th frs cr a '11r" iedfrz- 1Y*~ ~ ~111 ~12 100 teet South of Belmot ager - Phono Cqmtaial4936. 9 y akiLinai tham- This -.d. hirs I..&

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