Pm.oe Two. flatr unde ti *sa proceedial Felay -W ibis1 - boys frm Vs WM but b"i Dy Y. F. SWAN short and. Oui Correspondent and Allent >eu. lntl enod a-Uent Fred Scewelr ad doter "eut sua- a.ou abril "aY ai Artlngton RetghtL aod work Mme F. C. Kntgp mcd eblid-enOf wveeoe mae, Ivanlioe. @pet on@sdayhast week Wth and liedtbev lire, . . Eramer. - isdmi*tbe .A ltutu deugbter We@ bore 1ti r. ani ttot 16bita "Il unr. HelonenKuhink ou Teeeday. bhihg. Other Nsy 12. of Torb Klux et a 47byRoui arte Eagteberry of Lbertlville, .uattt. vat armuage ed wlt b Rasie Aivord, ftDuday. *me.eicDdy. Ben Brodbecd retured tiesweek tenta inl a a vbtt vttb rettlva. ln Pultan. dwt ayaf na,. jyou nolieed our ad la the upper ~eap wtb ev *I1 hand corner of paO el Lae. rd batwtti Coty 1fatiogai Batk. t& «Ivawht Qmnity-Boyd'u 51d-Prie rlgt deemaed wth oes H. D. Boyd, Libertyvillte, bout mots 'a saab. owOng a Wtsconsin Farm. lites Irene Tyrrel of Brida Ve. (lagon, Wbo tg vtelttng t Waukegen eahe on frtende bers let week. Born, to Mr Mmre Geo. Rose and mon, wbo bave daughter ou lÉs. ,lelting st the J..H. Ayneiey home B . .Fanîti xeiuruad Tnesay 10 Chcbgo. known sa ti -Howard Tcrpalng @Pet a few daY' ar.,eieta teel wesk wth bis cousin, Barden Bouse. Ms hr Mire. P- M. Weaver of Duutb, wbo lier motber.M formerty reelded ber@sapent c day lu Our e. vtctahty lest week rsnewln aquaintanec wek with friendeanmd chootmatep. Born, tO Mr tirs. Wm. Deckmau and famiy 01 a daughter,M chiago, @peut tb. week-end bers. Carlton Au Eimsbtb Waglnfanld George Bradley Suuday fit 10 of! Lake Foreet, apent Suuday witb tbe Mr. adM lormer'. @teter, Mira. Tho. Rueeli. Waukegan vi George Gratte of Htghland Park, Mtee Du moved tbtm veek Intu tbe bouse reetiY Laroeenof Ei puicbesed be bies Fimer. wtb tbe fora Tbe S lino cre buildiug taetr aide- E. E.-liarsb. vclk on tbe Southbide of Park avenue md itt teunderetooci' that numarone otber trnprovemsnts vill te ronde On tbir prupery bore.hoG Lut Tbnarsdcy tbe Libertyviie juniors Tha Gur' nd we deéaaed on the local dlcmoud ty Slir'a tbe ahome asgregctOn'Of futur. grsatm. $tel& Voes Tb@ Scorsevas 15 10 D andithe Aea lMay 27tb. bos bcd"b"go retty much tber owa W&Y. A rturD gemmevsptyed ou te Ifldepelde tmi week Tumsay vben juewere revereed sMd won 16 t0 4. The thtrd gcme viiili ee teged bersd a eek. m»dc! remulted ia 100 o7 » borne tests. The K. C. Mkegan tred bard ail the àto b ltietffa l wtb the a )or old friand Dtck Felttd thee ttneop cad Put UP c ksecond, candKaPPIeoOur Ion, took cap of tbtngm ftsld boside doing tm"n vt thIe mUi. CbrlsMW Donnd'for the borne tecrn vWatore fananm vb- e @a s oyer but hie tack o! co- ina ebote lu nearty every er turse ver. tbe bitting C ad c mwett runnîIDRcatch 3e.. ecanot stete met rmente bave teen made for mli &ors buadopted a DOev stem vbeseli*97bsy ive cs yenr 10 cent purchas. A9 li bold ons bundred miampe1 cli wben fuit viii b. n.- b50) cents tn trade or 85. Ir. and lIre. Wmn. tnyder, a SIdai Sib. uer boa prchamed the place the Wm. Kapple !arm of itat. LÂE OUNTY DOEPM4DENT, FMRDY. MAY 2,11 tir. Brant of Nobreeka, te vlmtting lia tsegbter UMn. Bld Drocmrnl. U.lir Rtile mpssttvevct daism cent- ly st Lye, Iias lire. oc ad daugltere .of Chicago, $peut S$«»"y at !sgem lire. flsguie and heotber Harly Dar- by oforcaih4e, ant Bundcy et lire. WDcrby'e- W. D. Leab m.d Fred ien. botb bave » mevw.eea15e ode. Pereyàaudeevi et Laie foreet, speat tadcy eA a. eu. Omnis Buise im b an ~tck of the John Baydss pettuunday ou a but- lua trtp 10 Fos Lobe. Tb@aIR. Brockman <ami .sntsrtained c number of bitende fmsse Gicao Bon- 1 i9morw asrices WU] ho eldstaithe cbnqbmdàa eemoosNeMy 24th et 2:80o. Tbl ,cnoe cnd Avec clires Wini aseot vlth *9 .progran. Evsr youe te tnvitod to attend. Parker Bartitt sud fcmiy of Liberty- vitle, svent Bnnday ct R. P. Barittt's. bd r. and lire. 1. T. Umac of Laie For- est, spet suuday ci G. M. ltcy's. Wcnkegcu viitoeseatnvdcy vere: Mr. cudMlra. R. Snyder, lire;. H. Kane sud les ed uSsevieve,ad lira. -Oeo. Thatcher and Roy and Prioeilla. Questa at Ueo. Mitbel'sBuDday vere: Ed Mitîchlltand vife and lits@ Cairn sud 7d of Libortyville, cailed on frieude from CbicSSo. MIrs. E. Cliard onc day la8t ,lira. Gerber aud dcuabtero @peut Sun- day et H. Welirenberg's at Ltbertyviilc. Mr. and lire. Fred VanZandt, Mises Elle and Gertrude Towner were , ay lO0h. Waukcgau iitor. TtursclaY. mes of Waukegafl, speut lMr@. E. Wetekopf visited at Mir@. ome. Hanse'@ et Loug Grave tait week. lira. E. 9. Faulkner were A. Loweisa entertained au auto party 'isitore Saturdai. from Chicago Suuday. Those preect orotby M arsb and Frances v ers Mr. aud lMrs. Weter sud Ada and ,an.ou, apent the week-end Adolph, Misses Mary Rarnes and Aman- rmer', parents, Mr. and lire. da Schumacber, lira. Mcry Vickerv and Harry, liaeter Joe Richiardson, and L. aud H. C. Brockturat. GUNRIVANHO~eE me W. C. T. U. viii bold c Louise and Emma Radke are visitiug ti Sailora' meeting wit Mra. ibeir broilier [Dau and famiiy in Chicago. me, Wedneeday aflermoon, 1h i-.dA. ht dent reader? BE ONE. apeut pari of test vesk ai home. Chan Sherman o! Chcago, a former Ivaulice boy, bai teen caliug ou otd frieuds the pait vesk. The Misa. Ada, Berthe. Eltatil and Emma Kuebker apeni tbe veek sud At borne. hoe lara. nAugnetoflriest aThre- daye for e.canamt ing!tzlu Cerne- tery fo tey. Thimeetn the baegrov tnoc soeutonoThio oeet iendeas ill mne a eu nd mmmfcthe ldie retti;y noeS h an Tee ototce r ve s-elc vitbyili.e xceptoo lr. B.ckvtb boh the eein vice rs eeldaut. b whaîni mo ie p raya e, e . t>bavaieted tubrar lae . AP.oS. tiflp wupe es ed fer acAbelt depcrted fr tai r hoes ate hknire. i deîrt cufober daugbotees for thetrMde- iigbtfut afteruoou. lirsa . C. Payne aud Mise Emma Cbamberlain vers Waukegan val10re BaStu &y. liMre. Crittendeanmd lira. L. Kfrtmtug- er &pet IMondainluGrayalake. Four eigbih grade pupili from tbie 'Sbooltiot the examninatton i Arue Thle impersonalion given by lir. Coutrra st tbe curcb Tusdy eveoIng vas good ad mid trly veli et- teZZdeZ WUllad cbwermau eet Saturday nid Suay bem. Mime.8e0à sad Emme Cook smet Saiurday md Suadey st their bome. AIg»Moyieer le vlsttng at ber hoape ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ j i. ad lgre. Barney Amen end Ut er iam peut entday vltb reltivee1 »ova iUL Do your own Baning, Your earmings get mnto the bank whether you put them there or not! If you spend ail, somebody else deposits your money i n the bank. -~3% INTEREST o n Savings THE CITIZENS9 BANK< '$5- R. Fi fBouse Irvng .Py. v..uim sse.n itante Neyer speat 6Uncdey tbber alier Rlda mm lLoba Groin. lin. and tire. R.D. Oook ent.rtalaed compeay ftro. Chimego Suaday. MesreditihFlower ccd Veeiehsts Co. QaUnne:-Bnlnae. teret.est Ooaiewvitle, Penn., dsmamd My gatng eesfo taibe neit 80 dfyeanid owing ta tbhe adil o!frMy vils, My feiy -vi eped 'the neat Ires moatbe et our entamerborna at Coatevllte, Pok. On ince bib, Ivtlt peronalti retenu to Idbertyvt, 0 aie op rny Sutit a Prasidest of ibis cornpeynymd yUl lie e candidate for diretor vitb thme viev o! MUlng-hsPresdency of-Our comy forth ot. nxiyear ci our élection on Joune 37ii. Mvr. C. W. Btoutivltensd t the dattea oftits office durlng mi absence. Youre reepeciuii. J. m. Meedthl, Pré@. Indépendant: mon resders th»auml *e , ty- veje obni Zeerf/e/d &-e . H. OByd, Lbentivlt. abol ovutng a Vimcouin Faru. Min Ehocuor Neyer vas te week.en guet of lmIta.mas isadie of Chcago gust of mtee Josephine Toer Rute lamai of Chicego, -né ibe vee end Ense of lie parente, Idr. and Mr, T. L. laaek. Mir, cad lire. L. 0. Brxikvey, lii clava layes, tirs, W. Wtlmoi of WobI gen, Mcd UMs. ophla Oteson of Chic"a woeguelet tbe bome of R. M. Vcl sundsy. Tme Dueeldteen, as d.fected Sa day lii Dighland Park itb a score 5 tu4. mieAua Petcreon euterfcind number of girl bliende at c picule -'pi lu the voodi saut of Deertild Baturde The Deerfletjunior tecm dafeated i Lihertyvttte teain wtb a score of 816 19, daturday. Mie Louise Embu eutertaiued t officere cud teschera o! thc Pr@sbytel cburch Frtdeyeveucug. Tuesdcy afternoon tte Worns Mismtouaàry soctety o! the Preebyteri ebureli wli meet witbire. Iteicbeit,1 Then viti e e juIe Acersemly Frïdey i et nootheMay 29. Dr. A riaday Wyeoop o!Mayi29goDr.iii the apeaker. Mima Amatida Ruai as gueat honor ai a iunuceoii gircu by Chicago frienda in Mdareball Fields' ' room Saturdcy aitemnoon. M. S. Baynes of Sprtugtleid, and & Helen Ftddiar of Chicago, were week- guees t di uppiedaie Farm. The Deerfld tire deppartmeuti nigliboras aved the Itechet, Jr., bc f rom destruction Friday evening wlic Ors bruoke ont on ttc roof. Thts la third tire wbtch bas beeu extinguiebe, îown atuce the chemical engnse bouglit by auhacription. reA Catol c heldbegiuueuH Sruda May 24 rer.Fber anin wiil ho mtaaiouary. Mesdames Fred ElorsutergerE Phttip Rommel attended a bîrtic parti at Shermervlle Sciurday honor of lMre. Bclrom. lir. J. C. Wolff sutertaiued n nu: of frieuda of Chicago, Tbureday. tir. sud Mrm. Elteumeler hed @ait Sunday guasisti r. »dMmdlr. Weberi chilcirsu of Chicago. Mm. Boofmstler of Chicago, vio frteudé bers Suuday. Mira. Mary Rouselmen of Chicago vtsittng relatives bars thia wesk. Mie. Mary Schvingle of Chicago, the guesi o!flirs. Wm. Sechiie test w Mr. and lir. Ed Uigtey of Cblh vere the week-end gueesa of lire. go Adams. PRAIRIE VIW Sec 1B. D. BoyS, Lttcertyville, s ownlng a Wisconatn Farm. Mr,. C. J. Mason and aon Barry @ several daya of last week withj tives at Deerfietd. lir. Emnme, Krueger and dau Cor& vere Chicago visitors Frtday 8aturday. part of lest veek et the home c grcadparsnts. anmd lire. G. Mice Lloyd Riteenthaler of Wcnkega Buaday a% bomne. The Vernon Ladis Cernaiery Aa Mion viii meet vltb lire. eetE Tburedcy cftarnoonlMay 28. lire. Wrn. SBeIBIOW la apeadinit dae vtb ber siaterata Cbtcago. Arthur Suber le sick itlthie me B. E. Kimedter ead fartty @pont day et Raviale L . niager mdImd nily rnotor Chicego SuudaV,. tir. Chai. Dock la yen mici. ire. B. E. Knedtey nd dcughtaz dte vers Cbtcago visiiorisTuesdey. Louia Hoitie of Cblcgo, leaopen( fev daby.seborne. M. W. Kuedier en smon 'ied @peul dey et the G. Bd. ay borne ai Die Lak. ADJUDICATIOA NOTICE Public notice tlalierobY gtver the Subscribor dmlnlotratorc estate of Lovera.Oibert de< viii attend the Conu Court Of County, et a teri tiereof 10 bc on at the Court Ifouse la Waui ta ald Cu~z n<. Ie oif Juty uext, 1914 vben and ail persona bavtag daIme again, esiale are notifled sand roquea presoent thoe cine tuaaid courtJ judication. JOHN ILE *Adaninr Waukegaa Ill., 'May 4, 1914. Wkly gay a 1 à Bd or go, Lni 'fl- of per the to the lan rtan Bir. L. be toi ber Tees and eine lie a the ed in wa q int Eloty neit Dan bol Ma and Mo day que mber bue me tbeir Iul and eve ung oited b.d of ro, late was wesk. th, ago, wi ýarah an Col tal bu @peut m aent E cela- h4 Lrfleld 0l a few t, ed 10, idng c it eun- lmond S that of the ,ceased fLake ie bold- akegan, P(ddlitinal / /ws of .Cz»ertyvil/eB j; The Lihertyville tee t'o. wae ornitted 1the list of uew ada on anther page. ilà the mile track a earlcad o! rae rae were recelred Mouday from [arion, Iowa, sud ou Tuesday three ire were ehtpped lu from Californie. T'ickets are on sale at both Liberty- le drurz store. for ttc Lincoln Chatau- an. promoted by a number of the local sines@ men, citizene and leadiug vwo- eu. Dates set for the, Chatauqua are tly 26 to 31, and ttc alternoon and vetng sutertaiumenta are te, te beld Dder c lcrge tout, the locaion of which a flot ce jet been detinitely settied pou. thkougl iut vili te near tb. cafter ftovu, poaaibly iu the park. The rekas program te rare In Its every nom- reand a treat aucli as Las neyer becn ,uchbaed Literlyvlliaua le iu atore for be week. Extended and detalled uotice vill appear lu the county papara hter, id lu the meentime itlela eli to mecure oure iicketa now ou sale. C. H. Avertit proaident of the organization Ibat le 'orottug thiasemries of entertaiumeuts kd withlm are thc professionai anS iutuesa men 0f the vity. Sometbîug )ver $900 bas teen pledged icy these cun 1 meure île succes. Ih vîli te nade permanent and eacb year havreatter la I propoeed ibat Libertyvilie @aal ave c veok of the ranovned Lincola tiautâuqua. OBITUART hia home near Gitmer Mcy Bib. [la bcd ena c ufferer frorn beart trouble for ecnty veive yeare. ne va, hors oser Elin September 2, 1850, sud hie boy. hood daya vare upent tn Brington cents?~. la 1871 beocas marred go At. mc B. Kellogg of Barrington Ceater. lui the faiof 1874 tbey moveci ou c farta liai he ovaed near Gilmer. Tbnee chu. - Irea biessed tie ninto-Edi J. of Ares, ic" G. o! Jcae.vile, Vis., sud lire. Vfoie Helo! Qiler. [< 1898 e moved_ ci, Elgtn but returned ta the otS liome wbene esded up tthelb.Urneof bis stb. lMn. Jonea lbaves beatdaeshlm@vife tbe tbre. chidren and ibeir Ifailles. TPh.fanerai vas fied et the Sarin home MIay lotb, ena internent et Evergrewi carnelery, B&rungton, by the #ide of his motber et ber requset. GARD 0F 1 4ANKS W. vtaqb la tbla vcy t10extend onr bearttbenkàe 10 ur frieada, 0.1gb. bore and singera for kindueus yrnpetby itud belp sbova us dunlng Our récent bereaverna. Mire. George J oues anS Famlly. The creted reniaina of lire. Mary Wureter ajTlved inla uiegan lu an ara ou Saturday sand were placeS in the tsinly mausolou In lu akvooa cemalory Suaday atternoon et two oclocSl. Theo German Bcformjd tain- jeter proided. Friepduamin relative. froin Chie m ad Forest came boe to attend thé-services. Iadopoadcai reacmos &Il Puois ntl Lake Couaty. Do yoîî order your prixîting for ra'asons of personal friendshiîîý If so, Iet's be friîind-s. If liowever, youi waîit the bt l rtock and workrstaîsahip your money wilI huy, plus highly srtisfaîctory sa.rvicc', sceîit your orderi. to the Ind(epettd-iit'c. Job I)epartllen~ît. Regardie A c!premral c,neîdp.râalcccc r al .ll tif. Vccll lce-ause- r faclîîies are thé 4c.t. IInternational HarvesterI Manure SpreadersI for the following points in the anOure spreader you buy: i. Cor- rect. efficient, wel-tested design. 2. Guar- antee of first-clasa materiala 3. Reinforc- In of parts vbaro tras ussallio. 4. Strat o! parts h Ca wmo aonsstreiacota.. L.Woaxg qalitîa ctiprotection of drivng prt. Repu- tation of rnanfcotufu, tumuning efcnt repeir servic. Satîied Ameioearflhmte.s ials in Intwotmal -m ur preadsss Iutoruationsl ipreadere bave, besie, tany fel- Drus tbat gnv oi of long Rfid epoeiosmoeStudy tihe stasi coostrudon itfam ueels, smd driving machantat; tlisemaiy-nauovablo beti thebdilfer- ontin la r ules, luImé @yen preadina vhle onumlbq th lie M v om u en t;loy, b x a " m t a y o l l e i m a ds s hmgb and loy, edaeairvrete. rt o ttliutmted catalogues, and vhen voeeund lbem o vini toniyou vbero you may mau the preadeu .L5,mtoeCmmquA.o IwaukOMM DANCI .NUG 1IERTEL'S PARIK PAVILlON _________Haif -Day, IUI, on EVERY SATU RDAY ___ __NIGIIT A Good Time Asaured Summer Neckwear The maxiwho je par- ticular about hie pereon- ai appearance demande distinctivenese i n h i e neckwear. He choosse with an. eye to quality : as well as style and the resuit le a well.dreeeed mani. We have a lins of col- lare and tise to meet ev- ery domand. The celebrated Auaow BRÀÂND col- lare need no Introduction and our eximmer tise comprise aU of the lateet styles and shades. Bay of us and get the diecount. KNIGGE Ar@4 Mâcà Vc 8e 'm fil de Sin det .-a Cr r e yo tic efui S vi "Il tb go A2RE TOU A BOY? If so, yon nndoubtedly iateAd ta become a Suocessful Maen. Keep tii in miud--eveo meful man hao aonuvhers mado bis start to ave. Wliy don't yon make YOUR minit right nov? One dollar open@ an accouni in yournrameas e our Banik and vs psy yon 3%m Interest ou your deposits. Thon n laMW 1evyars frota nov wben you neoci mouey we wi11 be glad f0 loin iit to'yonjiltse B USe 5 oauosing a quarter of a million dollars tu succesiful mez vho wvon boym tike on a efew yesre &go. If yon ca't caUl in person romeinher you'oau batik with usi by mail. First National Bank Libertyville, MI. c s