~ge SixLAKE COUNTY INDEPE ENT. YRmÂDY. MAY 22, 1914. casethe employment of womea prin- DE cillais ln the larger schoola lo qute BOY WÀS BURL<14 ,fo1..aà frontMe1. an Innovation horseand It la deulred Toyour.lisctric Iight bil Iorlt I a. ufidou -ehr rnot it lagoîng TO Itu PAVE3MENT; for May iatce .1 I ~~to bc a aucceu before it la put Into SRJKC u o found the. plan dos cot work out sutIpactorily ater It bibi re good on pr.soetation foi NEnEYRW Smo t Icu p en edfo h e Sre n artd: nFront_ IliMEERWm I PlM i DfIIlIIITIf o te eal f heAutomobile. uuuuuu.au vauuuussauv WdIilitKthore wîîî ha any trouble'of thia klnd DRIVER, TRIED TO STOP. là the fim » p'@ymnmtfor au StSeaniiShwFne ' P IN Â Sfor the.plan of hiliWiPaB Xf Pilf *om lum E~m Iuuaftu'uopal hbas :en found to «mt iout SuoodOd i Pï o*rqit âictm nu ~ E ua I~IL~UForm- In Future. Edward ARen ropped as I4 To vry aatititarily la tue. Chicago City V/Mils From Passng (>ver UEiIl it ~~iII UVU IJI(By Dam Jenkli cipal lot moKiRley Sohoal a h1 ue'ltidn Body of the Boy? I s'______--IWaekegaii, May 18. By Iintnlmous Consent. aaid the. plan l.ate, ha merely an ex-- of W"hicwe ssa The Waukegan eity tonam won their perinent In Waukegan nad wblie b.e Waultefn. May 14. MRM.MARY WAGNER, NIECE 0F MRS. WURSTER, GIVES NN- lazul, iithehéChcago Beueeco- e - PRINCIPAL BUSH RESIONS. thiiuka 't w"it' ut well lbe dont The Misbea lali boy. îylv standrd types WDWSteraIna____ou___hescreo not wlah the. board ta ha tled up for brula.d and l beedlng under the front la k npie SIDE FACIS PERTAINING TO WEALTHY marcOtonS icr nay in a wlula ff t autotoile.score od 12 a 7 Fltte oe tme ub itchig scce m o Bth en re It la becomîng more aud More dîf- truck MM And knSe.d bhlm luthe. fw<>n$50 up to, pavement a few minutes before, DEATH TO THE DAILY SUN-SAYS HER JEWELS ARE for the vlstors wu& bit freelY. HO Named From Present Staff ficuit each year ta secure capable shoked sdetrbaa. vo vere near $135. T.,mo of ale SAF AD AV BEN ROGH HOE-XPAIS d for the Newark, N:. . tesa in lh .ie of Fumelle Teachers. maie principale at a aalary af $1,200 tbe lutersectio f Genesee anid Lake SUGHT COLD DEVELOPED INTO THE ILLNESS WHICH Bate-lonueaestyear. He had 5CMOOL D I,$ATIO>N. aa ndhite tî ml aettbhe frt de e £i h o wnSiul$10>dow' won bis tast three gameat. ut be vas ON TEACHERS. opportunîty ta go elsewhere viiere Crirkowaiy son 8 ofnr. etret. Mx BlneP nI PROVED lÉATAL-ASHES NOW IN CLINE HOME, CHI- easy for the locale, vbo sbowed tbey 1. Dy unaslmous contentlid- ttiey are offered a rieluen saiary. The driver of the car gave hl naineý CAGO-WOMAN'S DEATH IS RESUIT 0F HER FAIL.URE had corne bac'il a baltixig forin. Nied- ard Ryan la dropped ae principal These constant changea tend ta dis- as W. J. Schreck and la a fermer r.P b c myhli te vlsitlng batters belp- cf Iate McKinley scitool. rrp n cto yîm sesisding In LUbertyvilie îovnablp. Imo TOBAIE H A SROSYILL AND THUS NE- legs excetit in the sixili vien erras rRsgîîn f~ .* u ptla ge Soelnt îîdîîc lpe in matfr mediately foilowlng the accident. thePu lc 1TO REAtorUmnEt SHEt.Ths/AS 2 SERInOUSLof1.W. dritaver omofprnchal tcar. fe drvdropthtcaoien maâro Met et GLETEDTHECOL. iemyers tre apearncelu a auprincipal of the. Garfield achool ibis amount and te board lias de- Who 'as riper the acente<of the acci- 1grme tht v ear. ard lie wse t qute ceideied adcepnt lde it In came te experîment tat dent. ruslied la the elde of the ladSe vc Thie tee"' preaenzed berewit were'o OOô OO OO O tafr0tioah i0hd bebis a inAma ieteyr nd leta lie irled for ihree Munthes vorks and picking hlm ut piac.dblini luthe__ 000001up t en huhlehdth5ie Ms ayL uke are e td otstgfcotyta nftr hnautonmoile. wnthndivIa .g omplIany w~er ~oi~ ~ling treet~ 0FMAS.WIIRTERa game. Teriip waa the leadîng %log- a rniaa a maie principal draps oui lie will lie sped ta the office of a phyuician, buj ~ NRTIR CAK-age, a i or )dfm I urafer anid o Thteremains-flteli is 4er.i gi i helcls10 ar u Wonen principaleAare glv- replaced by a s'amat. witerq the party arrived eltflhe ome.1 _OF_____________________ vhym irgtemýer urroubxd- ce Alexiader Werter of Wauke- 0 th ittîrng. en but titre. menthe contracte, igit Schcol Teaciters. dli.Thehysceliedf depached for t lth- 4na ieth rodayofThe wiîeel 0 gf thsitmachimetver. LondonL_____________of_____plan._Th lag ib jc.Ui abz~d o Watea a r pan wee ri e4 luseLondon0 The est Ends do ta ifenosita next Pendnsceacffh ln I n. blecting te higl sciool teacli- thenlurned towards the Jane Mc- aic usav<l fm? elhy ies eiily uespril eas M 0is. o ,heu ihev wil bave a liard pateaceA wemen prinicipale In ers the board aunounced il s'ouidlie Aliherhospitai.a Uonty a ariaiait Y E0M N biWurstmaleequ.atedditoSmee asi- agSund a.ailtasitols m aut as mleFin uO r4IANSbyte eirmofPie Aie>mi vo xd ois'anrs SA.oe taitehabcremated ini or- 0 scrap ta wxn. tpî eie îî mi ra utdeafeylylt eie IPi h-h oysîinjauhri esxr adenalnd af ut% V:46c-a alaw&lem .hovever. oder te niake i esiier for iterO 0_______rtire cipel W. C. Knoelk. Tliey took thli[e alorxed taiieside aienr de nes quie coAide Witb the con- o relatives ta bring her body t10 5GOOIN Eintecorps of teachera In positionuthat lhe would lie able t c e- lrutixea sud a deep gih v.,r tii.Ii fMm- Ww-a.a Ster '.0I OWaukegan, [Il audden INSWAS AT HIS BEST. i. igit nd city @chtat tpros- complih etter resîxls if lie could sr.eNe the lad hldied iracousiy eucaped' G. M.-'î wbo. eMer deatit followed ato - I are recommended and - ther Injuries.le wsthen taken G. . Hmm cf e ondn 0 deveélopment of pneumoniuscon- O Ideal Dyana an rangsetle tenclîluz steafftai coîîd oiheocealr.lrrldr ee &libo.gh sie didnDm go ta Lnonaditbona wiich started whitle sIte a aynormous j ected. work I teareatest ieri ns' eo*"- aofDrmi theerwhr it ~ ~ ~ ~ l' t axirese stiiab ....d Gav eew MPCnn -cipal Knoelk recammeuded te puec-,tii-a reraoved ta bis hoe. wonuretve ia. Wuar itael edblg , vien liedied. but wnwith aa Park Asi osOpening The board of education Maty1 exil staff af teechers and liavac An e' ve wilnesu of te acudent. pova a-lre, ser ar liaI ah. feit St wino l0eii ond nAspcos - e ureg-r ice înnmul.states, Scitreck 'es drlvlng lts car b.a~ atci a iemauisoleuin vbich Opersonai friend, Mr. Rickarde elyD amu) ular adjourned aessiou on Thttrsday rGract d t eacersy.etaso rteIspe.he i Vas .ieted coller ber direction bere o0 fMiikevttwo h P yeriag> llr tr Wnter oiad been traveling iOroad. oWue0n ia iigiît and iook or> the mater af lect- lxr lctn ietacxr o he Incident occurred. The automobile ctilleul.avae itchlacn- 0 1 A jîactîed grandatand aud leacherq Ing te teaciers for te eusuing year. grade schools lie ar-hool board agsaum.- sas roundiug the corner onlo Gene- wii lte exception af a fes' changeasdrx axeaîfpeTe aurdd tie.The boy aîxparcuient Hoevan,stn anerChncagtthe, ltW unm-clu 11L1I là~ofevercousinWMiserEm la e ii talned ln an caken box about a a greeted _Mgr.NIicCaVrxuyesterday a i te sneoftepic-lthsaeattu.Tey8urdeSre.drc- besas~~~~~~~~~~~~~ obecoinMismmCie otaar diiterlcdOopeuing of the fixe uew Marion Si. iMade inî lie persne !Ih rn Mr. Titompson tai îiey wotxid saxnctr. a Iieila.iseipddrc A&Migh n li te ane who weuý0Wukgn Sna nx. hall park. Tie aniv marrtng features pl iesm ealeswi aeIon auy arovea le mightî make. as lia-v y Imb ls x. hI. Tte driver made ir- i. MSS CII'.Mler WaukegaSs nexltuli aiurutir reet er aIllti i tec0!acxx.e e aeeffectuai atiemîxsta staoi>lten'"I th e T a afler Mmr. Wurter's body as a. result o Me0 avlayreai afey were te absence of llayor iidlger, aul t e durand l thougiset yaflta a f h fy col vnmr of prearranged plana. lit moka as if lecared for by Mra. Riokards and aovia soceduled ta pilci tIhe tira et erce iatl it îgîaha.bcuse of'chine liefore lil strîxck tle)oy The Is te B t 'Ib ob a ere h at fri-ad were broughtt home with thle o:hall. and the ane-sideduesa aoft e fevwill idecline to sigxî the contal a uelargrnti-r lnvolved. te aa- IitIc lelios' vas ttrawsc eraiIe 4-5 W aiesin baf securedt , , hlielylallacof hecartathep-hmetndy and tesister thierefo'e ruay hael.oashes latSunday. ci aluit are returnable ity te Ilirtflethod sroxîîrnioaîataiotierrtahepvmtby A L wfong tunlier conclusions. o- ~ ~ oîoîgplirpa.dth, x; x-,aiait tiia r suved lt Osr e. nsxitti are timer ,Uch aXai raxxrt saad In substance: aSISTER 0F MAS. WURSTER ôO gent. tev ratlling off 1ilitealthy rp rnipal Rd 1ab. iixugrun o r psltdeahens'as emuarse s',oeexlaurfr u- d rec of "Ter as umthng et ail mYsier- 0O ýss'aia for saf titlaiof10 ruas. awie >peidn yeeua luuick action of te driv.er lu stop- owm Irame. o ta eueS mirtiruar case. ,lou. about Mm. "M sîterai yspdendse Goggins piItched une of bis air tîglit Surn, irixe seliuboad aoeicd nt lie WaLutomobiS~ le. N% î Lb.theta- IMdm- Whoeleair ren d.o Il uri nthe muoem 1r.Reed.a ivute e.l canmiot Imagine that e ex- . affaira.litolding trme enety et bay et plan of drapping Edward Rysu as (iewsbogtt tpteltl ail i principal of te NMciinley achool. Titi flllxljy s sas lyiug under the front axIe- prtas. .Wurater vas talten witb e0 oue!sda vîai t laI ier rasait t tmes. He reaîîy deserved a sit- 18 DIES SUDD N YOf A e t I t a erdta iolh AUFCUIGOTCA -coM .Sic hbought nxoting of il and o be cremiled. Il se«ma avfui O ouit but a mul? by Brunke of a little ea-ion v as lakeix by uenfaîous con- IU1L ~ have stirail s'asfeared tiat he îgaslie AUATRIOOTC tiny wnttc Indn.Whn bcsr 0tathnkofit 0, e toe s'ent aI ire fixard. A boy w-as pres- sastirown several f et s'len struck.WA K AI. LIOS -itiy M v e n tidon. be i r- 1d 0 ti 0 0 0 0I 0 0 populi p llled the beau..t n ou' In f ~stheoinidonerous tejuolieahe as b, ILI101 rivd imre a. otce tatbercod o Oi0O OO O0 or titis demeanor by gatheing ir eut aI the nmeetixng and presenlcd a HEluRT litL wnetopinionf lthespolice, lte -grve se»but not considcrlnglie pei. t Iu(fb svraSut ide seIIitUD ccietsa !UcsumtI Mm"eof mny apeciai consenquence, four Inty avais In four limies up ptlo ine e u Se_____driver could nul. totsne or îreve# auao liWyt 's elt ? ag three au people ki fxtMrRanbre Had Been in the Best of Heaith sud helieve that te boy aliouid have Yokon on. of tise MEi eailSbPa WILLL41 IE. YAKK, the. nose vitîe «Fnrrelb and Luter tained. This petitiuc w-es rccelved exercised more caution lu crosslug and Dlnaed returniaix home vth a ~~ <lv nd piaced oxn file. The boards5 rea- and Spirits Wtiert He Retir- te street. MANUFACTURER OF rNs.Itekrd. llE, 'ne iitisglaud itirloel oufo dopcofo.ryu wa c- e fr hThenh Tclittle lellas' la valkingabout Th istrspîtai OFlIeYso ordopE Mr ymws x d o teRih.taday and besides te aligitt Injuries coe ta Hosital OtaRL Of nefd".ulieilad noueuslite vorses SuforheMarble andGrnt -But, lie dyab aysta saait beri taIt. ,in lie svui.Mauuy flcv ulitianed i Tiiliealiayeonelgtheun lite rafot condition himigrovn vor nt.ad selBtaKing. Redding bit ta gh - tWi- oad beievig t t fr te test HhHDHAR RUL.iei experieuce.Mo u e s conoulted a doctor who edvised liatI. .. ANKR I>T ltms etting lie balilgelt traugith ie intpealaofItUim aciool syem. M________ ,asi go 10 lb. bospillfor attention-.i sn o trebss artr, Picpa uhRsge ishe did do. lHe lien tld ber la-îeter nSow Ta Mnyo fpd or ta Aasesm. RMankeT herein uo Princip isigal . 0.f Late However, He Had Been SUSTAINS INJURE eeeyWoko vr la thse day ti ber condition wsuPtto hw htMn fpopx i 0Alrm iai icrsgaino rnia .W villiseoncEenen isaIîî as -eteAcut hciH wsdropped Metz'a pop uS, IRcdding seoir.-Bush af tic Garfield aciuimo came as Feeling Better and Death Cmtr oko vr fei t aji co.cde at ad cldsud th ccuvoWhchHlOedl.Matn fzmxO& 5- FMllv ite a surprim-se la eeu thc membentaoflite Came as Complete Shock IES IN A 25 fOOT Description gel over It ThotI w»aiOn a TiniadaY, Are HeId in aukean. ' taîmlated score: asliool board. for il w-az, Dot pissent- -AplnI Ii that sibe veut 10 lie bospi- ANI.SONS AH R H PO A E cd unili aller te board bai eecced Wâaukagan. NMay 18. F L O NSESCrepnec olie Told End W aa& oir ASSETS AMOUNT TO $320. Martin, 3B ------- 1O I 2O I l hM for le en2 ng year. tr. Bush Wiiiamr Watts. 38 ye.ru id. pa3S- L D W ST M C r e p n nC SO I i d "I sio defUvagStra.MNlciois, 213- _. 4 0 0 2 3 0 preseuted lits resignatton ta Superin- cd avay quddenly nt iais home. 128 «Iî t s tonI er oior gSltudabe ......... 4 0 1 1 2 bu0RlI, ------~ > tendent Thomason lv deys mgo. Norlt Park avenus' earîy ftay Thomas Kelly PlUnged D<iwni II6 G n seS ber conidition vas ver grave and tIsai vbo formerly realded In Waukegau Olsen, C------ . x paig flt atrtdytr onng ehtv- u aier i-Steps Leadirig to the Water dm se coociied beef ltalise fsact and *nd vîuo tasali t.se bv ecsAn-Buro. R PL - -M -4 (0 O 2 1 0Bush declarc>m tisaItâme aills- been case. Mr. Walia deatis ccurrcd Et Wue es nmade sarrangemnitsla lhe mat- frnm .my D.... o h lg& relc."yr.11 -M ed eesrrsdSre rde ter or aispollug oi ber affairasuilegs-ged l i rInaai o ia anYth----eO2 ntlt aii rito."M -- :5A M itnd ee upicdSre Big. _____________ oed tise isuerican consul iber l ime, bai filca petillon inRcdding.CF----------- --- 0latons vifitiste superalendaul and vbenthbey leamnci of btsemiath an bc.akgn d tioola intisebhaptai and on. of tise voluntary taakruptcy in tbe Uniled Marelen, Iý... .4 OO1 0 I tIsthe acwe thrities bave ieen PaisenUY hi dbeffl Inpracally Tewpearicgeu.bdyOfma>-n. i b e cremmieiedof lm-vas list Staies Court 1,ftp-OwiAt..MEL_ tarem Metz, ..........--4 OO 0 Zthse pIessanîcul."be Mi, 'but 1 bave 8-d îeaîtishpepc fabd tatn her tbody bc crainsted. iseattornecys, tiaynard end EnigII.-------- ----- -------bout ms-de up my Dtai th get out Recentiy i.'Watts suffered il t-ms ig nta he aonbig s-crss Ih1- 'Nt It vouid lx. muci les trouble for Hi IHabilitiez are given et $4.0f9 Total-... 6 1 6 24 13 4 cf achool wvan sd 1 deted thIat lia lacisof eppeoltis ibut physiciensviet arsre tabu-7clc* -~rice aliebrmaiebC lhaeso -i.Teptto, WAIUKEGAN AB R H F0 A E test vey t te eto miaae aler ine isealated ta operte because hlm beart Ibtccînt a ruîscd and' lleed- hosela case @lie died. If a. elle boyahw,116 bock accouains vitb differ- Kinglgr. .....- 4 1 1 2 0 0 vouid te Ilies vup m' position -askDnvntu be vak and fil wnlvas vnng a lro ied hn if ahie la i. tkber cntfirme. Thieneaccomits range Wiikiiian. R. P. . 3 <0>01 0 ber.. Ths-I das net mesn lis-t I fared lbe vout net bhaballe la stand in i tnhbtIrncd pedesîrln su u tUyai In ars offin . dth dedtri ily cents ta $1001 snd cover te Wllams, R. F-2....O2O0 0 O 0May ual. get itl csool vorlt agsin tbe %bock. He rnanagcd ta pull cniin tre eetin n h "Mrs. Rîciardas nwihblber al lie I isshow-n that Pari- bai been icev-- Luter, ..-------3 Z2 2i8O0I1yeant In one scisool vas ,nough any- saine 11111e lime be been feeling u- hely uio Int lt'eplge sutlion mus-n Urne aitheau#Inthe . tal and w-as erel vestin ln.éuring nem. AhîstreIn ... 5 O l 1 3 0 vey. 1have tveor lire. plans in usus-ly veir, atheugb n. neyer quite letlpoelttt oiesaim e -git ber vben the pamaed eaA. Thc majority of tbesF acounta are,- Bronke,2.....- 4 1 4 2 2 1 mmnd. but îhey are net aofanfflcleutly recover.d hiseellh folioving bis gan a eres f ici kling, reffleuls ad- 'lier Jevels are sIl sale, ber frieniduee trsl k 1k'Pulse, ... . *- 3 1 O 1 2 0t O - nauetfmietilu pbi irset taci<of appeudiclîls xa year xor vlsiuglte rushiug of au ambulance ta takilascharge aI IeM pendiag Mief dulas i sorsIn SukRdi. k jl.theuliafretamieItm ubi Coé. LM Ifne's Arrivai. furd, Stiliman Valley, flendola. îy- nrs,' 1 f<ei ii uecantu- a uvcl- v -o et. ýým . W rser adt- trine.tn, lgn, ins,-- - - - - an- - 1-. . . ell Ç .....4 1 O 1 2 < er or not i sîxaîl les-vo -teetctY. On Saturday nigitt, folosrg their W e h fte rie i on 1u.trlid teras. lsn.Rig. olom, >1-riePi ... 4 1I 2 21usuel montant, Mr. and flic. Watts .l----- . sitthe pooci twé - . - ..»-- -y- - _h. s __s.- 13 u t u nturses ail tts cime asnthe, s- 1Junnli1on -i-n e iclIxon tarneouxeaal I-gý -tue..an.s'.. aut - -r as -i. pitl adeuh tituateiebest cal-e pos- ii .1erof ots.-org-cs-udju--Elect Two Women. temnThoasfewr gv ni gible sud Il vas donc for lier tai bistaw-ah.d.n.t3vu 10e1u4inrne coiahd he doue. Site reeltzed near tic men.. Pri"f' Wuiga uîî tas- 7 0 427 1Ilt Uîa ofii> rcmaxuendalloon ute-hm M.Wt.3-d6cbn Fn. enaea hoa ly. rfaedwe Md t'betait. couIddmott srvivc long fve o i a ir. At tle finielie Ts'o base hbiî:t Ialx.Ogii.ineiefa ctol hmpa h aug ile u oe -I i eni 3 utnaeulfsfc on sud lierefare s'as abletieluîekenewsas ire le acted as loas-iagent for wIOIi-. ", base its: O'i'alTell, King, boarsd f len eectei Mies Aima Dîeî ni 1 dc vtnli ied. -aard et the baot fet fite en,still heioe se cluco ite tyhe"le Vic ta-nxrescxpnyRdig.Soeibases: NMcNicbois, tey-r sud Miss Mary IL Burke as Shortly plIer anc o'clock bisîe l dxdcodtonIon le oc ques ltaI atcertain tliluga lieSttsEprs opayRdin.Soê e a bedonotccit h t(eakafe L0fro e it wîîahch e ftebferlid u itceonited. l0n.Redding. Wisyte. FIrst principals. Mise Dilinmeylia enwas âaaienexi.as mucli by a prcmu- 26fcontcti îl ltdroep. llrbi Taqiiy boa l MrzWnte' Wsitoln treet. Pari came te ou lieu. Off Metz, 4; pîucis eut: by t*inchluiç lime seventand eight grade nitios-m nyhung cIsc sud fouud ber H25 foot drop.edto hepo Itqli a behowstitahallMm.lindolr 'Vuea acmartv t .ue Ietz,. 6; b, Gogglns. 10. Wlld pIých fthe icColumbus acitooland la reca- huiand gaspixIX for brcath. At first M -slatl coe alt lett a wvîli whici sas dravn dame'but tliraîîgl big affable s-eys lie made \jetz. Hil lîy pitcher, By Melz, Pulse; slze4, as a tlioroxtsily efficient il- sie thouibl be vas anoring sud tlId lice station shr is evcewfa tlue cge. No douhl lier sîster, Mrs. nîany lriends lu a short lime and l i y Gogglns, Olacu. Left on basea; ti'lictor MIss Bui-ke IX dolng depari xt '.- htetunor. Whon h. dld net physicieniw-el-e employed and be was s-glrid.n lac bne eantherminle laie-laeRaid had nualhe li lgtest diffltlmly Ausous. 9: Waukegan. 7. 'lime oI mental vark ln lth sixtis.sevemih and rept h. turned on lte igbt snd lien gven attention. Besideas ustalulug 1111n1E Whbe diexia les'years ega. Her lu xcuriug ahal credit te vanici at gante. 2 bourg. cightm grades of tise Garfeld sciscol. Il =bered tisaI icwai dylug. severe bruises about lte body, liebai imces sud nephelnea iChicago w-i diltereul stores lli te ciy. 1 2 3 4 5 f6 7 9 9 Stegradxated froin D.Ks-lb normail is at iieitl' eldt -celved a nember of bel cuis about egm l fr Iemaiare i i sadas One day fil bacante auxiunced taI Ausons - 00x00 010 IO OI- I scho wif h ttheiigheal bonore ontofber broîber viso resided -vls Ilcin, tise face. Tic flest covcning lb. nose tira. w tersa i aulieou go<> e wasto lev ite clly.presurnaily Waukegan ....2 0 4 2 1 0 o 1 -10 s cls-ss aI 162. eskingim lteaiten te ber assistance -w-esiadly cnt sud ln his face wasaa Afhà RachChiago______________Inoe___ rcit -Miss Mary Polaliteer. principal cf bel befQre be conid reach tise adide saSi alniost 1w-oincites long. The UmMis 94In.ber broter Frankt andluli e etpioy of tic aamc expres3 A canapaigo la roi«a 1000»00 vas MeAisIter sehool; loba 8. Clarkse, Mr. Watts ba! puiet!ave!. fieuh eaas uruci ibock, exlxasex lie NW4 Rbearde reached Chicago Suin- compauy. He and hb igwfe lotIansd tegun Wednesday iy Ciicago Pieïby- principal Columbuss abool ad Mt@s tir. Watts luesa aif.e h ore boue cf bis non«t. dal ailes'embarkilg fron a bis liner have IraI been lere sface 80gorîasaterlanm ln connea-lien wvhuth. open- Ns-sel Sella, Uncoln sciscai, vcre ail lier mariage vas lorence 'White, Tiefc a PtisI>le an dii ual sus- t a Ww- -oei srl> Bs-lui-day mnrnlng. iselutovu. bus and dedication of the PrMbytei- re..iicted. MI" POlumttr i' pi-oiabI'sni Ivo cildren, Evelyn, agc 7. sud tain more serions Injuries ln bis wu ireference ta lie mysteiT romthliefartthlai lie sciedulea ian tome, ai 24Iait .Tvanti-utiih i iiretsluinntise sane scisoolas Julia,,aged . Eii'e b sîd-eyetlnts'da a ieIcnea beras a sdeati sud thc subseqeent debl n Bo meny dtereut »placea it pace. Ttc home la for tisaere of yl Miss Selîlae-ln 11Pibablit>. Mr. b. bad been enapiayei b>' lic Itxdla muc comment by people w-ho vitocis- statemStg o f ber #Jeter, Mm ra Rai-rt i elîeved lic muet51have lravelild aged vomen ')f the chuixoies of tic Clark. ruay ha trman.fared taeither Tee company. Fu'ecraiTuenflay tram ch isfaIt. SajWagner mYa: "I viali tcousiderable aller leavlng here. Fromt Chicago lresi, erY Il la plumai telte nntîtor south jscisooansd thse tbborne et tva e'ciocis. 'Mr. Kelly w-es unable lu expiain te 4Àe180aithe mystayI->mpression sîven the tacts titlbitsoeits are go anail secere te money beoe .thse Oa-ntwo vameliprincipala vili be ausaisuexi Mr'. Watts was bornslu Boston. reeson aI lis lali hiuseif, lie statci »Y Mm Harrcf isotacts la i me. iltainprobable Iliat bis credilors lu lIon of tsi) years, vbeii tiseles»on I l,,iIwota rmainlng achools. Mass., but for lt e Is-t Ivelve years that lic incident happenci se qulck- ;iiwaÎvus » ytry a alA Weukegan vilii fot recepre mucli cf thc preseni prepeni>' expires- One Talan on Trial. itad lire a n sd neer Wirtkcsan. 1>' uel he does't evea remettes' - - - VU te it wsat ajse issals he l.muai.>' hat la due thet. itundrexi tiîoîxand dollarsof tue Uo l usain0 tPiflI-subis 1 - i.~idiulrsu.le_________amaunt i la nh e voted te lhe boyiag idont Tharupson tise 1w-o oMen prin- Mn. ard tirs. E. lb. 111ind retürae Aller lie lnjury was gives- attenttion MoM WJ bvasthe ol lecokue ablepuildinad Ie$r100 l l - 11Icîpal> ver. îeadss'ed mreir hi-e te Ibis clty Salerdb>- cvelug ftra aet 1h. police station he wu ~rerneved Uot'URItim tb' te co he cte n ldependant ies-ai -l pointasa bidigc of000 ii a êOcnl-c4 isl a on ..ts. aond rtiheeosaer, ..en i tu rrw»lAkboCeuI>. voted ta endovnta. in-thia tats bei on e h«metevel;l oebnT obshome. than ls'I.. -isr Loe trength in thse hui yde hernles. And liseras m esatisfaction Ia coffee tisai lacksa afuil, rudt Savon. Yoe are choosing a bigis grae ou, but suta vuuiiira ton the grecifte Fmm Iem ylo.lbmlu.'Ibèts mola4umsbn. J= s cuti = leiuluI% jm Po= CU>E tiI IeCo0un-ty's bit weekly-InDE-1j PENDENT.