COUINTY. INDEPEN.DENT WAUKEGAN ';,&IEKLY SUN L N0 . p31. 'wi r mtlM.IVVo-V.r.W T f i ll-% 7 - -AXr- - %p. r't[&X45 DIA Y- 21 14 FUR P.AGE '50 PI±l YA~ I .D &UW r5 UEINSU" PCK FL.WERS A AI ~~LAKE BLUFF-SUBJECT RUSLFIS DE~LE WORKI3N; TO A FINE IN COURT NOW R4ÔADS IN VENON BOUSE UNFINISIEI> Veltors trom Waukegan and cise- IN FN _ O DT N RUSE UNFIM D ~were wbo have been ln the habit et I IEc»TO Immendy W alth Resdentseelngwild flowers ln the woods Immesely Weahy Rsid ner Lake Bluff were warned yester- Commissioners There With But of Libertyville May Abandon day that they viere liable te arrest Limnited Funds Have Wrought Work on Big Marison. urader an Ordinance whkh provides Big Improvements. for a fine Of fnt legs than $6 or more WORKMEN CALLED OFF. than 0100 for plcking fiowers. Biher- HE IS PLEASED AT SHOWING win Cody, chairman of the Lake, Bluff asIShw W atC B Refuses to Meut Their Terms Park commission, i..ued the earning.Sas tShw W at anB andSay I NeesaryHo He reported! that more than 20 specie. Done ln Road Building in WIliIPO.stpon the Work. of wlld fowers ,were extlnet through Other Patsof County. ruthiesa pfceklng, and liat orchide Wl ti doseip of wonknien waîtIng te, Ich as the ladY'. alpper and jack-in- Charles B. Russel. eounty superin- St àtrted te worir on thig - mmn* lPi are iaprng tendent of highwairs. teck an automo- lionvblii amue Inuli big thepulit daapearng.bile trip through Vernon township MO w 'c gmu n iml bead et en-ndi la orde, th"a ho might th oIOCtlh-Ctô ompanyonmad aymlt npcino h of Chicago plans building on is bigAmk ope. npcino i fam us sut o Lhetyllea j@or O UND T06RAND roads Ian that portion o h ony hq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ O CUM nie~ aont~~The rods as.hefound thm uwere tin c94 may r b e au ouIti eteried IKI ON LJAexcellent condition and lie lo more 1,doutes big plans for ereeîîug y- anplasd r 1.iulo en ti ot ot F I N l~ Ild peaking of the matter ie matif -1 gly romits le on u lotAv- fir- I N6 S 0T he ronde ln that town>îhip are ln an SUSa 1.1v... HaIt Day and Liberty. - uusually fine condition. There are * vilu.Mii. Isabelle Louritis Chanes no large townE In tiîat s-icinfty and It A~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tuhla ninlto oe i.DmenrTwr Bue afot possible for tie road commis- A tohalal nio labr pinebas Demaor owad loners to collect much for the main- bâti raie.d to limiwde the vork and fi Who. Weunded Her. tenance of the roads, but what they hb Sid the Ire of the eloctric mante bue beau raied and he mea mode tu have colledted tliey have used tu good poillie »run n asbsncetatblsDODES NOT ABSOLVE HlM.1sdvaiitage. aff11ect: '11i neyer pay tue tee they _____Many> of the ronds wbIch before amt If I nover finish the bouge,1 i iere ln a more or lems deplorable con- renirdont âe.dSit. g, Pas soit eoiag 'il Get YOU,' Sh. SaYS 10e dition have heen lmproved by the addl- te be toooSd ta do somethint whilel 1 Martin SaM d Sore Fhring lion of gravel whlch bas entod cbWOdoed unJuat and unrm >ble" the Shot at Her. down, makîng the roadbeds fr n The. tacts are thon: l e: Mr. level. Mr. RU88elI Baye tiat Vernon taIl bahd the. big fonadation pet la township pregents an exemple where fer the r.Udempe vblch la te MIsa a Waukegau, May' 19. flt much moîîey has been spent to sleit distance aput ofbi@spomet Cbarglng that Jo. Martin. a former 1 maintain the roads. but where ever>' à»s country> borne, lie b.d concrete boarder, bail tireatened to "get" ber cent zpent lias been made te produce veEbue. members of the concret. and that Ibis remark was followeil by results. veiners' union, do the. for, ft lal the firlng of a shot obîci peuetrated hIy usIng wliat lIttle naoney they ai9 t Concrete. But. atter the loua- ber thlgh, Mrs. Isabelle l.ouritig or could raise ln a Judicious marnuer and doe.ainwuln,. .epesatong Ver.spreading it over quite a territor>' lie Ual. ti Mr. lnsiuU by n'en'l>rs or May street, appeared ln police court haee bet rdc says tlieybaebeabet rdc libe hlcklayera' union ln substance a& thla morning before Police Magie- better results than are showu In Bomne hlev* Tut. vben be bad the. cou- traie Walter Taylor and testificd places wlicre mucli larger munis have fle wevrri don. on the fonaia againat the ma bon'allie bas de- been speul b talied te bave a union brickinyer fendaid aIl the way through. Dom-- r. Rtusse'll Io makiug many of erg...e lhe laylng eftie concret».. ieetiatrul h onyad lit'Ibne dmidtha the m vnlio 1crLonrlis, iiusband of the voman vi rp truhteconyadl ~3t ne ,...l. t in% .much pleased wlth the Intercat that bI thie conc wret.vr union Cen- sud the, man vbo swore out the wat- la being dlsplayed. 'orb orbers. but, filthu L.nie oM Tout for tMe art-est 1of Marln because ________ a7 WralMed b>' the bu'lCklaesr, lias btered be vaos goire te leave tm M& ater If union concresworkmn w a AwTn'IEI<~i May the, Concrets viiere brick le later C PrentILat th ie wuln's >t t-o PLA.N TOv aTra .Nu te b. aesiton lhe job, a bricklayer tmno Para It. Upn i.vman's tes- MML overs.. (tie laying of tii. con- tmn'Mri a om vrbti LIME TO FOX LAKE grand jury ln bonds Of $600. M41M eeven tbough hoctMay' bave no I N kaewiedge of cocret. sorti. 'Thoi &flair ln question bappened N NEA F T R Ajbd biSus ths ws nt dnefiabout Ivo monthe ago. Martin vasa la iUdersioid the. brlcklayers vent to voaeaibishmle uritis oed C Mr. Insuil ad explaineil the statues Id aOn tweuritafe iedars ~on Gasoline LUne Wil of *a .situation, telllng hlm that W b .- Qeatror fe i a h*» they vould permit the brck lay- cot ont of bed and getUing read>' te go Soon Run From Sycamore es and otiier vorînien to roceed te vork, b. began te trauille a re- Through to Fox Lake. VU the. building. b.cimuet pair a ope. volver. About ibis time lMrs. Louri- etf fo, sà tebesevra budrdtiîs tepped Into hlm room. REORGANIZING ROAD NOW. doUaM.,Into' the brlcklayers' union as Just wiat happened afier Ibis ila____ a penalty for faillaz to have a brLc-rirter Indistinct for confllcting star- h"W Inspecter' on the~ conmtret. las are told. At an>' rate thie eapon As Soon as This Is Done It WiII Mr'. Insull la nRid te bave resenteri was diachargeil and the bullet struck Mean That New Line Will ver> keenly (b.he escnd et ue nio lire. Louritts. A physican vas am- Pass Through Here. âne pla>'infor»m eil ibât h. éson.d andl the.Inlureil voman was wcli net çauy the money demanddulremoved te the. bospital. At the time Complet. roorganization cf tie but vould boid baek on building, ex- abcvau fondl lî ber desclarations that Woodstock andl Sycamare Traction pjaiag tiât i.onpvlbas a Colra the aboottng vas an accident pure andl Company> and early resusnption of op- bs borne a hiait block north of wbere simple anif accordlng te the police erations la promlsed by' Attorney T. bo proposes building the nov bomne aOh evo enet no far as te <«%y that in E. Ryan o f St. Chartes. represeàiting Mad tiiat hoeaun get alona ver>' niSl cl'hO ilolied b did net visi an>' a large number of bonilholders, fol- vithomu1thie nev reaidence If the 'omm oMar'ge teb. preterred agalnst mar- lowîng a meeting of factions lu Chf- 4m't vent to vori. un.- cago. He says that the reorgaiza- Machi of the. matertal for the . w Au a regut « ber statemeulag the tien has been entrusted te hlm. ý1cdce la on the. grouni el and police dil flt atrest Martin. The. tnt- According te tMr. Ryan. stock belfi abot f bas biabeautlfi.d mand ail t- i B lis ehualisnd bail a meeting In the. ralîromil la belng placed ln the, la je readinesa t. proceed vien the.a14 the borde ried t pa>' for the bande of bondiiolders raptai>'. Roor- uani tecinCality la adjusted. It la bospital and n'edlcal feus. A few days ganizratiors mili follov as on as nU tiiet over a bundred men are tis f ivai'd Iourtiisvoi-t ont a war- possible. Clasm wli be running b.- b.en'pVloyod on the. job and tii.>' are lviiiloor Martin claimini hie had know- tween Sycomore and Marengo the Mid snzklosy avalting mr ledg the. feflom vas pr.parlng to skip fore part of June. be believos. and tM matters have beau adjusted. Mr. ot of Vardan waa ocked up the ino will b extended te Wood- insuil, ft ia stalol, ihas declnodi futti- and bas bea e pt In lail ever @Ince. stock tbis year and on tirougi Mc- or p#rle>'miti the. men miio have de- fH14 bearing mas contlnuod ftrom time Henry' and tb Fox Lake as moun au aii bl pa>' the fine tbey have I, 1te iii, until fi becanie known for possible.* poghi on binermand tins all materg a certaint> tiiat ie victlira vas ging The reail ceasefi operating April 1, pstjuig (tuite completion of tteget volt or de. On Monday Mrs. whçn fit vort on the« rocks. A flght SugeR palace, vbieh, it le aid! mu Louriti. vas dischartred tront lhe boa- broke ont hetmeen the factions of tlia that of J. Ogilen Armour a few iaI as cured andi arrangements bondioldersiheailei by Mr. Ryan and M" tt. thi.est ofMilwauee m-ced, ver. n'aie et once te uv. Martin u tiie original pramoters of the. ruait, la gg a complet. standatlll vltli notii- li.Uin<. hilci bail benu bougbt out ln tre bigdnflnte 'as to mien it mai, Tii. autiioriti.. ver. somemiat sur- meanwhile by the Chicago, Waukegan jced, for, frieuds of Mr. mesuh de- Priser! dts mornlng miien Mr*.. Loirl- and ddFPodx le'ke line. as yet a rail- ,lie~ wi. ii nover vaver tram bis tit made the charge &gainât Martin. rond ou paper. Ryan's faction ciarg podit"n laviev of tiie tact that le As for the. latter hlieldlttleL 0 aYed thtte prmotr er. lng b@-W oreia . ieiug lmposeod wieplaced on the stand othe ies u h te wreck the. Wooilatock-Sycamore lie tat b ai iotbilig agalast fne andl toroclose on the. proporties Mitr. lourltis and that the mIioottig May 1. They argue« ttuat the, Mie Wlist nauhi have been a ver>' ber- vaas " aeelit. tu the Chicago, Waukegan andl Fox LogeIe autemobile accident occurred lun'Ti. police aie. net .xactly sattt'ii 1*1 lino vas net valld, statlng tiat = ilant Baturda>' mien J. and tas! Confident tint 'irnder the. sur- the. Ume sets o of ficers repr.sented ~ImAmnour's touring car coIlllded ce thbr. are tacts vbichhbay. 1101ech i lîroad. A epirited meeting va8 W ete . Brewster. Bouli cars ver. vindOe its tact' whentheY tirâtt he bonuholders .lecteqr a constattee ba4y ianag.d but nou, 'or tie occu- leasasit6fth* e diotii'g. Tus cbarge te reprement thon'» npasamas lnjnred. The teodent bap- ag at& 18lla lu amait li a deoil- .Mr. iyan stated' tiat the road a~i t the.corner of (Ireeti Bay' 17-8meaon vth latent tu comit groat sieda Vinse avenue. badil> barra. (Cconuan.i on Paue Tv..) TWO,&VOWW CANDIDATEs FOR REPUBLICARN NOMINATION FOR COUNTY CLEEX 0F LAKE (Co. TRtEA3. C. P: -WffSTERFlELD- COUNTV CLERIC L. A^jI'ENDEE ('omiît v Treastireî Vî'stverfie1 'ls formnlai nuotiunec- mienît titat lie is a eandidaie l'or tile RIlcpiihlicaîi îîjqîîîiîîatinîî lor eoiît 'v (dtrk preipitaiesi a liot svrap ffur the îooili- nat ion at the' Eall prim~ai-Y as both meni are wid<'Iv kîîîîw iii the' eounty. CLAIMS f6OD MADE HlM IÈMMISSARY TO STOP MEXICAN 'WAR 'They Didn't Try Me-They Trîed God,' William Nubey Tells Deputy Sherif f. 15 FOUND TO BE INSANE., Man Who Was Arrested atý Highland Park Has Many Strange Hallucinations. Waulegan.' Mae ]!f The foregoitig ratiser atartlUng stete- Deeriondent and e growlng irci msent vas maie <lis maernlng teifDep- feeling ot living ani wth a stilI bleck- ni>' Stiriff <lion Green b>' William 'r future ebrrlng hlm lu tic face, Nuho> aler lie bai been edludgeil lu- epurredMait Leachi, a farm baud r. bane and mas bhoua led lied ta thceuigI îrmn vsî,t t cotil>' mil. Nuiley seeme i mmense- sdn nFeottwsit t 1>' iseasedin te link tliie bucort of- iensipt suicide at 5 30 loisday evenîn, fclals lid beens fooled" ns lie put b>' driu'dug a large quanuit>' Cf su, IL pluric ecld. Ticenmen la lu the "Tie>' dont know il. but 1 am aeî.e< e Court>' Sanitorlun'. on Grand epecial emmilssarv f rom Goei, sent bere avenue, near Waukegan, near deati to act as 1-ie special medilator lni and wltb hil meti andl tirent hor- stopising tie Mexic-an mer." ho sai. rihi>' hurned bý' Its contact witb tic "My namne isn't Nube>'. That'. tbe -ol8onouswf'u"i. name God gave ne se tîsat no0oee c ola5 er o g a ssouid know i was Ili,, special agent",, A.Fredericks a widow, ot Premont Nubey wee arresti lluHàhiand e mploi ou tic farm onined b>' Mrs. Parka fw dys go fte coplantstownsship. O! laie lie hai growisdils ied been maie b>' veveral momnen tiat pnetadlatfeunl xrse lie as nocingai tici dors nde desire fer death. Monda>' ferW'on lcig m a kuokiug t iretde a sdbliedl been ln a jovial frame of immd, loilgeilon e charge (if vagraise>'but pro l)alIinducci liy bietisoiglits that &fir tey iai liit iiii, o tlk ie mo as soon le leave lisa vri, l'lm the officers beane couviuccd w îî les parnlîbalîrw.t tint lie mac demcnted. ds-ke At about 5:2<)ocleeklnli the atter- He vent on at lengti te tell (hem neon lie vas soate(] ln thMicktion et hem Gosi liad sent in, n t this part et tic tarmn residence. fils nervous ac- the counIrtr en' Mexico t6 &et as tiens ttirected a Youisg lady efthle Hie mediator. On lies, grounds, he bouse and weN erbsuideul>' <1ev a takes the stand Uit inasmuch a be pilio! lîquîd trom bis poc'els ari vas an agent o! Col lIaIihi arr5est placcd <lie niutisofethle bottIn <o hil anditral vas egelmut tise Creator lips, the girl leaped and fstrmck Il rather than agaluet I1,1, t rom hle baud, but net beuore heoiba To tic local officers he deCI&M 'diraul a large quantIt>' et IL.Tic bot. tint wbfte ho mas locI«-d lu thse oeil ttc mes etterwerds foutu te rontaitn et Highlandl Park heli ai lbeu vilUted sulphuric acd. Wlieiithe bottine mas b>' Goil mietoti iinithe Course ho kuocci fronilitssblandl, a quantit>' et mas pursuing met wiii, fils axproval. ît eplaltered onto lits clothlng, burt,- He says (bat if hlieldnet b... ar- Ing tirough thle texture tri, gevera. restei thet he lnlended te go toi Fort places. Sheridan and nosecIf he coutil put an Immedietel>' foliomhng tic incident end te (lie preperations for mai'. Drs. Taylor of Libertyvhlle and Albert Nube>' mas given a hearlnig lihe E. lBrown o! tuis clty mere calleil ta Count>' court tuis morising andl to tue the scteietoflte ettempt at suicide.ý Judge and Jury toli a rambling ator>'. Dm. Taylor errlvhug tiret ai the rosi- Tier. vas tnoquestion l lntei indà dence placci lhe man lu hifsmachin%, of the jury but <bel lie was Insane. and rused icim te f.ihortyville miiere We wap or-dereil committol 10 lie iio mas met b>' Dr. Brown wio psc Elgin state acyluns and mas talon iii lu biis car and blrouglit bin to ;é. tbere ai uoon tod>' b>' th.le li. Sanltorium aet tiis rit>'. mbere an ex- amir<atlou proved tInath<le mais moulil CAME HERE IN EARLY 409s. probabl>' île. The passisg of oie o! thecl>' o! beach lis esien a reaident eft(ils Wkau'îiegatV's pIoncer readents occur- count>' for mais>' ears. Mst et tîme red at 11:30 'cleck Tuesia>' mornnng merkIng on vairlins farine lu tuis dis- vicis deati came te Alex Broma, et trict. For a time he mas an itimate hi. home. 678 Marlon stret. For over of thbcocunt>' huer fer' aht Liberty- fift>' rers lie n'en was a resident Ville. of tue City. ln later yearq be vas knoma ho, many citizens ln hies lles one o! lhe mont IrteetIng relies as crasslng flagman for (ho Chicago acquirci recentl>'b>' the Laie Caluiit> Mid 'North Western reilma>' et the HEbtorîcel sochet>' s itineCidfashioneil Booth street crassini'. For over a vient creaie preseute b>' Mm. Oea. P. score of yeare lie mas employed b>' Renehan et Round La,alo.Tn.craille the city lu varlous capacities He vas vas usedb>' is fether Tr. 3. ieneliga 67 yenrs oh at lie tîme ofthie deatii. mio lsa tili living on the 01< bomne- Deati mas due ho e complication o! teai lu Aven township miieroe iian i*gepk~gs-r.siied continsiougl>' sie.1836. DRINKS SULPIIURIC ,CID IN ATTEM4PT TO END DIS LIFE Matt Leach, Farm Hand of Fremont Township, Brought Here ts Near Death. KNOCKED BOTTLE AWAY. Despondent Over Many Re- verses of His Lile-Physi- cans SayHe WiII Die. lister: 1eah passed emay tis DADY ADMRITS HE PROF. 1IOP[INS TO INTENDS TO ACT BE MIN SPEAME VS. TUE VIOLATORS FOR ROUNDIIUP DAY WiIl Ask Grand Jury to Indict Man Who Is Recognized ab Onu Offenders as Soon as He Se- of the Ablest Soil Experts te cures More Evidence. Address the Farmers. SECURED SOME ALREADY. FINE PROGRAM PLANNED. North Chicago Saloonkeepers Received Tip to This Effect, and Are Worrying. Every Farmer in Lake Ceunty WilI Weloome Oppertunity te Visit Insuil Farm. - States Atorney Dadyv whcu iiues- JThe conumttee of arrangements fur bloneil on Tueda>' Jusg ber-ors, is -the PInera' Doniiup Day are grest. deplarture on a llsbing trip down tbe l'y pleaneil and encourageil vlth the. Illinois River. admilted tîae he le internat tuat la belng siiovu In aIl busy coiiectlug evidence azqi"st the. saloonkeepers of! North Chiraszo fur parts of thse counfy. Wlnil andl meatb- keeping Iheir places open On Sunda>' er being favorable it vIll undoubtedl>' aril as serted that a8 avor. as hie le bo the largest gatieriag of fariner abi. to get the desdred Informanal, b fol that the count> bas ever vituies- will appear before the Grand Jury and nlA ittreo er ui 7 sl that ail vilators be Indic loi e tts m f er u 7 This admission t ton a' f lth e erush ut thespring vcrk on the sietes attorney corroborates anuni-rtfarmna milI lieover and e day ot relax- cie whlcb appeereil i-1 the Sun a fw ation willIlie velcomod b>' ail. Tii. evenings ago lu whi bh twa-ý iodetr- Idea of the field trips partlcularl>' cd liat North ('bîcage laIoonmeepers peltmaYalrgae oth were considerably worrled over litah e l ta «ma w';a agoeUeageti fact that the etates attorney' iad been lsl a' a toetm ra coliectung certaits evidence anid dta elougi, particularl>' vainelesa for cr0; wbîcb tbey teared ho wouid nUe purposes and not of much value for against then'. The.-,un learned upon fiay or pointure; ibis bas ait toe. gueil anîhurit>' that tic states atler- iralned anil- mu nov holennomier ney bail secureil the namoes o! every crop. 8overal carloadi of rock pboii «alnonkeeper and hartender ln North j hate bas beanufpd uid (the flEld Chicago. At that time the states ai.t-rips milI gice &Il an oppotenlty tu terney happened ta ho eut of lte cit>' observe boy succenssutnlems. opera- for the day and coula no ue asl<ed Yor tiens have been. a statenient. The commttee arem mc pleused te Now however, wben bbceatatemnent .bc able aithIis tîmo to annonoice tbat was put squarely,.%Ir. Dai>' aemlttoc Prof. C. G. Hopkins ofthle Stat. Ag- f lat lie lid socurcil tbe Information iutrlCle wlleth Pia for tic purpose o! talslng action and Icîpal speaker of the day. Kr. foP- ho dilil ot beaitate to state that the lins li recognized s one of the, abient nl>' reason lie bas not acteil already oil men lnthe country>, iie liàas la because li. bas flot securci ailthteu national roputation; la fact bie 18 et Information lie desire. lresent ln Virgula andl le returning Accordlng ta several vie dlaim et the Invitation of Mr. Jaunît for tiat the>' are not speaklng ftrain hear- "ltouilup day." sa>', tiere are ueveral e!tbe NorthIîtle expecteil thst li n Otier meel Chicago saloonsa vilcihave lbren the full liet of speakers vill ieb. Vail- reaplng a hau'vemt mince the Wauke- able aid befosee tii uIl peeguen 0 9"i h.s,. .e s.,1tahorotiai- arrangements@mI bho publithest cloacd on Sunda>'. lu lie meauttimo reiniier tl' ii q1 au luformiei on gond autiiorit>' tme, Sattirde> Jonc 27, the. Place in that fi la a common slght ta sos au. Mi'.1111111s8grave On ehfviorvns tomobiles drmu up ln front cf the, Pr'. It mightliet b. maite r.M saloons lu North Chicago ever>' inn- member the fgirlt arngo vîtb bler day vlth the occupants enterIng andl ta put, up a big baket of lunch, tu lcaviag tic places," Vommtaeione,. dress the children lu Sunda>' beet ami Carl Atterber>' declareil. "I tbink it aIl comte ta get botter acquainteil and or',y tair thet Northi Chicago saloon& enjo>' a chat iti Lake Comint>'tolila. shoulil be kept clonâi t! nStida>' go long as the restrictions are' put on SHELDON TO ERTERTAIN se0 lit ln Wau'egen.- Otuser members of tuhe coucîel la THE RACINE MOTOR CLUB '" Bpealng of ticmraittor have express. nil themeives simîlarI>'. New how- Pu-avdlng the v.atber Ita ir Bat- ever, that Itlihq knomn tlise the sinisa urda>' aid Sunda>', May 30 andl 31. attorney le secking evidence ln orer mîlI ho big iays for the Racine mmu- ttsat lie me>' secure convictions ît la tar club. Tii. motoriste bave lie.. lu- probable that lie North Chiîcago sa- v tedt spenil forty-.lgt heure of loonkeepers mîll be more ,areful for supreme onjo>'ment on th. baudomie a vile aMId f the>' do seli on Sun- eiltat. of Arthur' Frederlck Siielion et day (bey vill do it lu sucha<sopen Area, met meut of Uhortyvill». mnier nastic>' are reportete un, Seeretar>' Water H. Rend. of lhe dolag nom.- Commercial club, bas lasueil 126 let- teme ta Racine euto owners and ft la holleveil tiat a large nuniber of lies. CELEBRA E TIIER 111 reond toth be pportuit>' Of CELEBR TE T m"golng back t. nature,» Decorationl GiOLDEN WEDDIN day and the de>'olwig Tii. moutil>' meeting of tiie Lae 6 Count>' Oddill010v' Association oc- Mr. anti Mm. A. M. Day ceiebrated curreil at Car.>' Monda>' evoning. Tmo ticir golden meddîug ait heur beauti- 'auto parties,, consistini of lthe olîov. f ut renlilence In Lake Forent Tuesday li; memiiers efthle ordor lis Ibis cit' May 19. Thielfour marrled iaugb-i attended:Rev. Fred Galîger, Juige tors more boernt New York ta taire Perr>' L. Perpons. S. A. Hatiiorne. 31, part. las the festIval andl a number et mer Hines, C. T. fleydecler, CuirI guietamere present. lu thi. evenits.,j Heydecker. Perry L. Austin, C. W. viep ah head on, except the Imme- Lutter, Dr. R. H. T. Neshut. Tii. Ob- iate famîiy anolthei.nt Intimate Joct of the. organisation I t. piante friaendu, a dinuer mas served lut a the enlargement of the. issebersiiip ,heart-shapeci Itie wating tw.nty- lint of the or-der tn the eouty. The tour daugliters et Mr. and Mire. Preliminar>' stepe, art, being takln Day are Mlesdames Londs Mitchell, for the, erection of a $70.000 reliesce 1 Edmard Yeoman. J. G. B-agorsansd on lieeDewey propeit>' mou*kof FIve Tiffany' Blake. fPointais l stand.e us the, oiM«i«déet thle rondl, Just a short distancé, muth Mais>'Weukcgan peoplo wio more of 15ve Points. Wbon comploes! Il at Arden Shore Sunda>' enjoyed the la sadl i it of lie fiamu Io- novelt'« et eeng tiie Haroli iCor-. -es along lie northialore.. Tb Dem- miick iydroaeroplane soaulng ont over e>'.. mio nomIlive la a prott>' SU7I> the, lakte ver>' close te Arden 'hiore. place on lie propert>', vill Um the. It mas a pretty siht ta see the mater prenant boue as a bcoat bomPeam air machine l lis b ligiits. It is sald lb.>' more lbiote te place. tbat Mr. McCormick tuait mais> gueste ont for a spin ovor the mater durlng Considerable exctemont va, 000e- thb.a uta>orfi the boat ghemed t10 be on sioneil ai Grayslake Tuemla>'&ailer' lhe fi>' most of the. aftermoopN It isomn en e large bain oaugbt tir&. seemeil te run close te a point oppo1- It mas extiniuuii.ed viin lie bars site Arden Shore, aid tien tura bacl vw" about hait cnaee. Thé dam.- ho Lake Forent. ago vill lie under ae hboaM d hUi& - w LAK-iE x.x I ..-£l ". 3. ý ir4nww£ "E w V. ILl- IMMAV XfAvý)9 ini'l VfTTID lm A àlii:l r