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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 May 1914, p. 1

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CouNT'Y INPU¶ENDENT . 1 WAUKEGAN -WELYSUN VQ.XXII1-NO. 36. TWECLVE PABf LIBERTY'VILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILL., 7RIAY, MAY 29, 1914. ONE TO EIGHT $1. 50 PER YEAR ïN A.DVANCh nu~uiw i 23 YEAR OLO POLE ATTACK$ MRS. PÈTRIK 0F LAKE FOREST AT 4. O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY ASSHE *AS RETURNINQ HOM-HUS- BAUD HEARD HER CRIES AND JOINED, A POSSE: *WHICH CAPTURED ýROB- BER IN RAVINE-HE SAYS HUNGER CAUSED HlM TO COMMIT ACT. "I wae hungry; i hsd nu Chanca (o gel work -aovery olace 1Iveau turned down ; 1 had nu uhoeu but thosa aid womn out things; I couid't beg--eo I just decided Id tako lier purse and try le get mwsy. I nover dld anything flics Ih bfare and 'm sorry,'" ststê. ment Of Sten nonayski, 23 yesr oid Polo. swested et Lake Foret [&Ie Wednosday after a senta- tional chas. in 1he deep ravine at the cash end Ofthelite ly sftor ho had hlU up, boston and robbed, Mrs. Pekarik, wife of a gardonar. 0t that place. The bokbuii, in Iroad dayllglit, cas the Most sensatîonal Ihat City lias ever bad. And, thee tlingclimaxI vas 8 thal the robuior vas captureS iy a impromptu pomme which chased hlmu lIe lieheravineaflter lie vomans sceantu baS calEed tien t 10the ,eee anS tiaI the- vomans huauhand -vas on. t flioso vlo led the Clase. birs. Pekarik liad been shopping 50w-n tovu sud vas nturning ah 4 c'clock 10 ber homte net fat front Deerlh avenun thIe east par-, cf lie cýty. She vas vai'king along pet Oo o f lie fine hontes about whicli a 11gb Stone fonce rina. As alie dmew- near, a m«n jumped out front behlnd a Ire., md a grabg for ber pur"o vich bung front a silver chalu anS. vbhlle the orntan fonglit deaperately. ha mnanageS le gel Il away front ber, heaking Ilie (baiIn lu Sing a. Cul* Mer Mond The vontan diS not gîte up wîthoul a Sesperate digbt. for, lier purse con- laineS 8 , vhlch meant muth bte he. She touglil the minuand ho, tuliy as Sesperatoiy, fougit ber aiso. lu theofight. lie vamau's baud vas cnt hadly au ho biroke te chaîn Io get the purso; he oe ler drem bladly as h. sioved lier about agaiust the vaîl, for, lie manageS ho pusi hem rigbî u p against Il and Ihus prevont ber run- DIng. Al Iis tinte she vas screan- lag for belp andS Sgbllag Uke a deinon. 1 Mon ta Mer Aid Hem uemans d n fIl on SesjI erb Her homevaw»fDot over e hait bleck away anS hem huaband vas ~workiiW In tle gardon.' "Wbat'sthat-do I ieem a voruan sereaung?" lho askeS , oocuinon verllng twfth ln. "u'Thats wh$ l is-snornbodycail-. lg help ' Vas the roply. «9tsgo te halia ber," shoutad Pelai-I, and, roppng is lice, ho rudad lh, ho streoit sud toenS vbere lie acunde camme tram. ., Other vorInin la Db-y yards heardtSheasereauns s '.eil and licy d15 Juat vhàt the tva mon tId- tbey sharted for the means tram vhlcb lie criée for help came. . Imagine PoIartWe'Surprise vben lei got thare o tdbis vite *buIiet col- Iaies. ie q"hcly (015 hlm vbat b.d bappeoianS h, ih theotolir mas uth lfor tha ravino viare mie madth le roîhar bad rua. Tbey chuseS p npsd Soya tis ravine and finiDy tenuS lie man bldlng Ilaa Udaet. Tbey grallad it anStha tollilier a. (ire vas In danger of,& terrible heating lut Polari finaliy telS bishifriands ho let the lav bondis bin anSthie folev, villi tie pures te is bonds, vas taien 1n lie 1*1. Farcst jIli vbere ho vas IodeS Up pendlag a bearing Tbureday. Actng State's Attorney Horvoy rCouloen vent to, Laite Foest Thur* Sday ah 4 o'clocl vliore lie prosecuted tha mmn haforo the local Justice. The ftcv ddS tç deny hie guilt, but, ln- '~frankly telS ail about IL. Slie vas lounS inte grand jury u 83000 bondff and la nov la lie "'y. son nlaAmreia lut tvo Yeaara" sld ha In Iroken tIngkigi,-"I POLICE SOUAD KEEPS CARS FROUdSPEEDING. Kenosha Mayor ta. Stop Grade Cross- Ing Accidenta on Etectric Lino Kenopeha. May 28.-Mayor M. J. Scholoy clamped lhe lid on'the Chi- cago & Milwaukee floctrie Raiiway yesterday and lnstructed the poiceý ot the clty tu erraitthe motormen 0f overy car mun Into Kenosha at £append eaceadins .1. rmies an b. An bon alter the order vas issu t e iofo 0the Company vithin the limita et the clty vas coverod by plain clothos men and the lime of every car checked. The drastic ordtar vas issued on account of alleged negligence on the bart cf mc- toffleftlinflot watehhig giade.emoes mnga PROF. IIOPKINS TO BIEUMAISPEAKER FOR ROIVUND..UP DAY Man Who Is Recognized as One of the Ablest, Soil Experts to Address the Farmers. FINE PROGRAMPLANNEO. Every. Farmer in Lake County WiII Welcome Opportunity to Visit Insui Farm. The cOmmittee of arrangements for the Fariners' Eloundup Day are great- ]y î'ieased and encouraged with the Interest that la being showu ln ail parts of the county. Wlnd and weath- er lieing favorable it viii undoubtedly lie th,,,largýest gatliering of fariner tolkthIat the countY ban ever vitueas- ed. At that time of year. June 27, the rush of the spriug work on the farmi% wlll be over and a day of relax- ation yull be velcomed by ail. The idPs et the field trips partlcularly aPileal lntii 5f; a large area efthIe InsulI femea as et on. tlune a great slough, pEirticuilarly valuelesa for crop Purtiones and flot cf much value for bay or Pature, thia bas ail bean dralned and ca aw ho ten undor croP. doterai carloeds of roeic pholi- phate bas been uêpd and the.field tripsawill givo ail an opffrt-ulty to Observe boy succesatul these opera- tdons bave been. The comnnitlee are rnuch pleaaed la lie able St thîs tint annourice thal Prof. C'. G. Hopkins of lhe State Ag- ricultural College vilE]lie the prin- ciPal speaker ut tho day. Mr. Hop- kins la recognized as one of the ableat soîl men In the country, lie bas a national ropittlon; in tact he la aI present En VIrginia and la metîîrniiig nt te Invitation of Mr. lusul for "Roundup day." Il la expected that Ini another week the fuEl last of speakers vilEliec aval- able and before the f ull prograni cf arrangements vIlElibe pubUishe d. En the meautime romiember the tinte. Baturday June 27. the place is Mr. Ina.IE's grove on Havtborr1e Ftrm. Et mlghl ha veil aloi to rW Inomber lbe girl, arrange wilh hem t0 Put Up a big ha*~t cf lunch, to drosa the chililmon la Uunday hast and ail coule to gat better1 acquainted and «»jY a cbat vlhb 1*1, County folîs. came front Milwaukee 1nfihad beau bungry, vithout & min aMy PoOket 1 oouldn't b.g for gmre. tUM lis t. mted 1 bd ne chance to got wosf-.»OrYbody "mned te bave SUl thIa b*thoy vualm Bo, S ein 1 vas uaihg mAlong. aury, ilsMW ibis vouait auSluat dacided rd grab ber gara. aMdd set avay. E tallod liat I ba" to bave oomneing toe st g> I Jmat idid t I ever 11<1 1 wthing 1110 Itl bere and nover viii &agate." nie ha. 1 Polnting tfhibi adiy vernshoes, the. taev'. erea tlleSil tastenuand rIt may he (bat ho vas tolilg ail the trutb. However bealbas a lied looking etaca and the auithoritlos are Wonder, elng Ilflho bas a moputatiou i amvhare for smilar.09[onma. Ratb Ravenouely SherlftGreen. bover, admit# that the teliow, aflar hali pacod la thie 1county Jail, atietmravonuaiy, la edlcatlng tiat vhatlhs Maid about ho. lng hungry, vas the. lrutb, M'heu capturod by tbe mon vbe 7chaud4 bli, the relier diS flot bave. eany firearmo and heoioffeed no smala tance vbatater, lanta ome,ot j o fatigueS, whlch added etrongh te 1hie 'lhunger storyP' VETERANSECTION ED BY "80 WOhIRS Only lhe Fact That Brawny Straw Boss Came te Asist- ance Saved His Lîfe. WAS BEATEN SEVERELY. Labore% Who Had- Worked But an Heur.Demanded Re- turn of Their $12. Wmpe au, lay 22. HelrnMn Kranz. 55 years old, a ve,- cran ectiom foreoan in tue omploy1 01 the CbIcago aud St. Paul raiiroad vas attIsckedanid beatoît almosl vithin an ln"b of lis lite hy elghtv enrageS section bande un Wednesday aftenoon. He was. saved eniv wbeu a .rwuy sIcaw bosas, a giant la sta- ture, came lu bis assistance ands ir. gle hanSed beal off the older mns assillantsi mach as a cow c-ould buh away guals. ThPîss .aul t obk place at Shermrerilie. m-I souîh of Deertieid. Krauz chu bas ceep. in -beeut- PlOYof tif lrIainl .ifor the it, Lw( -ity-ftire C !1. ad Jus gene to hie littie shanly tlu -ý 'be noon day meal when the gaîng ý,1 er.rsgod la- borera descended uit ,ihlm wlth ia rush, dencsndlng thta- ho returi to1 them the muney they cialmed lbey bad paid to the emiIoyment agency for their positlors. Krsnz bold tiîer ho '.uec uoluîîng ut the arrangemnt they had made lu securlng thoir jobs sud bad no naoaae- 10 give Ithe Thten lley liegan lu îîummoelhlm. loruuateiy lie gial tstrav ho, cas noar ai baud et lhe timte. Rush- lrW up lie began tu use his fliaIs vill pilieriver Yorce. Eeery timo ho otruck a utan wenl dowu. Grablhlg rîgit aud l'otl ho bogan to pull the assailanta front the eiderly forernan, houilng tient ta oeeaide as If they bad been pygnilea. Ho ordered lient te relumfi tu their car. Sulleuly they obeyod as lhey bad a certain respect tor bis horny fdata. An ixanlr.atiou showed Ibat Kranz's lininl had heen broben, bis lied was twîsted sud bis body fromn boead lu foot vaiq a mass' f culs anS bruîmes. Ho vas put hi lied and vilI ho unable o h houot for Ion daya. The etire gang cf serti on baude voro shiPped back to Chicago. t seenets lat the mon baS s3ecured Ibeir -positions tirougli au euwloy- mernt agency. Vacli one clalntod ho lied paiS $12 for a Joli, lie underultand lng halng tliey vomo lu have Ibis mney returnod alter tliey badstar.- ed ho vorl. They baS vorbed barely an boum atter tlir arrIvaI et 9Uiermervlhle vien they veut to the section fore- mn and demandeS thal lie retumu the meney te lient. This ho could nult do for ho had tliSthe tulli vien ho sald ho kuev uuthlng about lie arrangement. SALOOKIEPERS DEMODATS IN A sn FOR $»,,Q Waukegan. 2gay 21. FIt. Wakpmaàd iNorti hcagaf salconkaopM' 'oiena.m oe « d«Mt In a $10M000OMMmeuIon fIleS *> day b lâ~m'. Aia PShah as a (bar a"S tkow Walk, ail ecf vlam are under eigbtom en mrse ofa&e. 'The suit vas iMWoS y Attorneoy A. y. Smith Who Mthelb. ponear ln cses aet Ibis Min. The Seftudante ar-tAn. Smo Piun,.I.toIesIlI. john Wsln- -er, John ICum»an sd Joht% Krslis Mm. PaenIl Sacires liaI for soteral yem pait ber huelbend hast leon en>- ployed ea he110 ire Mill and drev a yosuriy vag. 0f $1,N0. lie says hiat lie s)alokoepor&m, ineS la ber cow- plaint knev liat be vas la lie habit ot becomlug lntoxlcated but vliolly lsmregarded tibis taCt anS sola hum liquor causing hlm lc hocome vrecked hodtly and fimnnlmIEr su Ihat he. la uo longer aile tu bontribute te hae support ot hie tamliy. 1Sue noyé «la ho squandered his money muid progmr. ty lu glonaconducted ly the Seteu. dents duingi 4 perlMet eti et tre years. Indopeaibet: Noie re"dartbae *0 oautr .~leoMZi FALLS FJYFEET FROM I OF SILO Albert Leablo. (ho 18 year oid sou et MWr. sud Mrs. Aathony Leahie, re- sldlng on a farm aier Taylor Grave, solE. is lying at bis home lu s criticai condition front a NaU vhlch he sua- talned thua mermi webiefeu front lte top ot a silo (Dlo4«i. ground-al- inoat 40 foot bel"v. The young man Wvaseslsling lu re- pairing the roof et Iba silo. A derrick was placed og the roof Sud s leana vas heing useS Ioi reletlie supplies tu the top The bc obftare fright- ened aud laiteS, tearing the derrick fromilis base on thé top of te struc- ture. Young Leehloatpped ouI ut the way ofthIle falunas derrick luti step- ped oe-r the odga cf th e roof sud bis hod.v wont hurtllag dowu the fuiE 40. 'fet lu the ground.. lie suatained no brcken houes,, but la lnjured luternally. $19500 SUIT 15s STARTED AEAINST ST. PAUL RAILROAD James F. Doyle Who Lives South of Rondout Files Case in Circuit Court Today. DITCH OVERFLOWS LAND. Complains That as a Resuit He Is Damaged by Railroad Following. Every Rain. A suit for damtages of 1,500 cas tlled lu circuit court )4onday s. im. lhe Utle heing JlamneasP. Doyle against the Chilcago.,\Milwaukee an siS. Paul ItalîrceS. M thle Eaeclpe ut the suit Ila fileS. tecbnlpl charge ot «"trealles on thie ce&W' hag entered liy Attorneys Cooko, Pope &and Pope for the pliIltt. Attorney Pope when saked about the case today declared tbat. Mr. Doyle esides on a fartoUth ut Rondont. Runràng noar bis proporîr la a large ditcliltaI draina the val- or froin lie St. Paul Iracks. Recontiy the Si. Paul changeS lie course of the dl*ch au thatl it vould taite a nov channel. t Ilatho con- tention nov Ibal wheuovem there la a beavy Min the nec chmi'.uo la snul largo enougli lu carry off lb. vster aud Il flova lack Imb ie ls 1chan- nel. Theme t barks up and over- flovs on Mm. EZoies farm. accordlug te thie charges made. Mr. Doyle la sa;d lu contonS that every Urne (bore 1'c an esPeclally liea- vy raiD & large portion ut bis lari Ia conaldorabiy lover Ihan the ratroad properjytg b nundaled and eps are rulned. This ho !m saiS ta contenil, ventS flot happan If the railroad Siteli vere constructed properly. He main- talais that ua aresîclt fBa vera vr- flv. fImm the 5dib hmis 10M and crops bave Ibsen damaged te the ex- lenit of $1,500 anSdlie vlahes the rail- meuS ccntpany lu n 'inurse hlme. Zion CIty Man Picked Up by Racine Polce in antIintoxi- catedCondition. 0. W. &Sckoy, a nevspabior man bailong tram Zion Cty, Mfl. a tevn nôttaS for ts £bliorance of a&U 4Me- le«blg Ilquors, vandered blut*(lie St. MU7Sy'îbpl tIis aflerno.Oocok- imly SranWs. -Ho saiS (t ha vasw iiifi. as h. undouhtedfiy va86 and vantaS cars..He oguIhlb.ca» romo the local police, who Pace 41~m ln the city lockup-Racino Jonuue, Sbockey has frequoniy cae»»to Waukefan on "spree.' The lai to ie vas la the clly ho cime to the Sun efiice aud trieS te, g«mt porter te vrlte a leIter te, bis damii- 1er a prominent roaldont of bhmn tll- lag ber* "Your ftîer, Mr. hochl ul bl Waukagan arS vili ho bc=latemor- rov." The reporter suggete tt httvrlte Il bimacîf anS ban~td hlm tho paperbut ho saiS! ho Siint vnt ber to e .t1hlu bis haudwti'fl. v O*er. he dnuaiigy tilt dovnansd .mm ed te ha vrlting a iengtbý y oa~ nully terlng Il Up and tbravg labi ateMta Ie liethevaste bashat. ne vL iejkd trom the office «eimw1U87 dis- 511.195 iti bis efforts. 1 4*0 Vcntylm big WbÙ» ý.mVqU D9MW YCALLS À SPECIAL IIRAND JURY SESSION While He Will Not Admit It. He Does Not Deny North Chi- cago Cases Will Be Up. HAS SECURED__EVIDENCE. WiIf Ask Grand J.ury toi Return lndiotmnents for Violations of SundayOpening Law. LATER-Mr. Oady returned homo tOduy from a week*a outing and onnounced that ho ha& given Instructions for a speciai session of the grand jury te b. catled for Fridoy. May 29. He could fmot be fnduced to admit for what pur. pose ho.la cailing the session. "Do you-Intend te 51k that in- dictmente bha returned againat North Chicago saiconkeepers?" hoe wasa sked by a newspaper man. -I Cannmot gay," lie repiied wlth a $mile. The factfhat Mr. Oady declin- ed te deny it la for this purpose he intends to cali tih. special session leade te the belief liai this sn probabiy the soie purpose. Wsaukegan. Nlay 2 That States Attorney Raiph .1. Dady Inteuds t lu a aspecial aessi,n ot the I.aie Couuty grand jury on the liret %londay lu June isithe report that reaches the Sun froin serti-oH.i cil sources. -%r,,] what la umore to' lthe point Il is declar-d that clieyll appear before Ibis biody and ask that Indictrments blie rturued againsl the1 iuajorlly, perbapa ail, ut the saloon- keepets ln tbe city of North Chicagoi for aileged violation ut the Sundsy1 Cloalng iaw. That lie Inlended tuo take titis action was ruitored et the lime ho made it bis business tu lu,-1 vstigate conditions tliere .two orq lhree ceeka ago.1 Mr. Dady la out ufthIe clly at the preseut lCm , ut shortiy betore lie1 lefI wch iwasi about a veek egu.i ho admitted that ho la aecurlug evi-1 dence against violators ln North Chii-1 mcage sud lutended tt act as soon asi he has aecured suilicient ov idence. That ho bas lte uecessary lI-forma- tion lu bis bauds, at 'cIe Iresent time1 le Indicaled If the report la true thatt there viiiliehoa specilsession oft hei grand jury on the ilretet the muontb. His wordB vbenasked IL lie lutend-i ed lu, act against the saloon'ceeperi ot North Chilcagou cm-,-1 wEcii lakeo tthe malter b)eqore the grand jury aud1 si lndlcîmenla uf the .vIlatiuga-1 loonkeelpers just as soon as i secure. 1the euidence uecesaary to convict1 them.- Reports tha-t he saloons of Northi iChicago bave been violatlug the Sun- 1 day closlng iaw hiav.e beon clrcuialed for aorne littole ime. Since the s- ilone ut W'aukegan vere cioaed up tlgbt ou Suuday It la said the North Chicago saloonkeepors becante more blid. Il bas heen a conunon siglit, ItlaI said. hi ose automobiles stop1 lu front ut saloons and tie occupants Ile lu and gel vhat lîqolS refroali- monta they deaire. Constant cent- plaiq.s vere made 10 mtas Attorney Dady mand ho startad ont to msko an klIvestigation. About tve or tirea v weo &go, ha vont tu the City choit cr North Chicago and socured tha naines of thoproprietors and tb. bar- tenders lu mach et theo rhChicago1 salcons.d Whou thia tact becaine knovn bY the saloculeepers In.that City (bey at once liocatue convlnced. thati lt boded . ne good for thent and tbay ah once hagan te conduct themiesa e Ittie1 mocre la accordance vlth tbe lav.1 1h 1 ld lhey bave been tory vatcl. fui ln order that they miglit trustrato any efforts hIn socure evid«en IA casé the states attorney dld flot bave onougli aiready. Th viilo nt ho uecessary te draw a nev grand jury as the one wblch servod lier. teat Can ha iodleS on a tnmlauto's notice. Et la said that vhie the saloon malter laetmp loveraI otiir cases peiding betore the grand jury wiii ho dispoaed of 50 that the docket for theoOctober stessiou vilE flot lbc un ileavy. Drs. Fohey uf Wankegaa and Taylor ef Liîertyvilo are lad fi-cm their1 trip le Decalur. viiere they attendeS tihe lIat. Medîcal Society's meeting. ENGINE DRIVEN BY LOCAL ENGINEER LEAVES RAILS. Waukegan, Niay 25. NichohasSithli. , .304 touuty si. thIs city, enginer lunIlie empluy ot the E., J. & E Ry. vas hadiy shaben Up vlien the englue vhlcli le vas drivlug, leaped froin lie railis, near Ntuuger, s station about 20 miles. veat of Waulegar-, Tbursday even- lng. 1ht la statod thaltie englue No. 599 saelied to train NO. 9, due to arý rive l Intila clly aI miduiglil vas on- gagod lunlte vurk of swllchiug et Miunger. The englue vas passing ever a stretci ut aide lrack, vlien te raills spread and ailoved the er, gine îe drop lu Ithe gmunud. NUMEROUS TIIEFTS AT RONDOUT CAUSE REDOuUBLEII CARE St. Paul Road to Place Three Detectives There Instead of One as at Present. ROBBERIES ALMOSI DAILY. Detective Cowan Said Today That More Attention WilI Be Given to Thieves. HOLDUPS LLV TWO MEN CHARGED WITI- HAVING HELD UP AND ROBBED MAN At ROND- OUT AT POINT 0F SUN, LEAP FROM TRAIN GOIWIQ 35 MILES AN HOUR AND SEEK TO MAKE ÉSCAPE TI4ROUGH ITHE FIELDS,- -PURSUED AND CAPTUR- ED BY MEN IN AUTO- Atter a seusallunqal ueap fron thIe car ot a tralin movlng at lte speéd uX n5 mlîles an boum, le he roueS 30 root dovu au eibnknent. sud then la lie overtaker, 4ly police olftcers attel- a uîsd fliglit trum Justice toe]ho the lot ut l-'rank %IYsiolwieesud 'Ahex %MIck, who are nov lodged lu the cily Jlu, charged, along vith three ollieca, aise, ln cuslody, citli holding up a man ninaed liency Huoffinan, near lte Roitiout 4tation ai 4 a. mn. Thursday ntorning. Thte police belleve that the srrsts IncluSte a complote round-up of a ws cl orgaurlsed gang and theîr ar- raignînont may exîtîsin sorte et the ncany recent thleveries of the Norths As a Il f reeatd ca thffa The aa et Iite mou vas affecteS Asaresultu eebd a hfsbY Speciai Agent Charl es Moyers ut aI Ropde0ut. the St. Pautl Rafiloso the E. J. & E. Ry.. early Tbursday at- bas Seclded tu increase Its deleclivo eîtoon ou a complaint made lu hm force ln thal vinldltv tu lliree men. I ly iloffinan. The sensational atteuipt at lte iresent tUne Ibere fis but une'utofaescpe vamade by tie Ivu men, apecial ufficer there. Mn- tuyai, vben they lesped sinaultaneousiy liead detectite blnte Oltpley outhlit Irougli ear i ade Suer et a cay car St. Paul ruaS decusmred today Ihal lie attacheS tu a train Iliat vas brir«ing hait dtermned lu break up the ocr- Iliont tis City. They madeothe le. ut robheries there at sny cust..clash for liberty fruin the spEding train 'Wby l la gethîîg su tisene la S asutvspslglepattIb ear rokn oon nd obbd two or American Steel anS Wiro contpauy at llicee limes a veek," lie said. '"Ve tisi City. have placeS sevoralilihlevea undor ar- The mon vbo are lu custody ran 1g. rest lut liera a"m ont liePlenly more lu mgo front 18 te 22 jeara, anS aren to tale 1their placesIl requiresa ~folleys.: Cntinual vigilance ou our part lu F'RANK ItYSOLJWIEC, aieS 21. preveul evon mure rubbecles." ALEX MICK, aged 26.' Il le explalueS Ilial the reasor, en WMA. SCAEWPER, saed 19. mauy thefîs tale place la the Rond- IIAEL KEILLY, ageS 20. out yards la because trains enter JOSEPHZ SPUTT, aged 20. thoro front dtfereut directions anS Âccordlag t thie story of HoffmaiE ley Up for several Seys before lhey Fank Mli>ovieC ajlSoacehl hm las are evitched ont. Trmnps vho lie E. J. & M. MSetR«oSISU4 "beat'" thoir vay on these trains have showed a speciai officer badge anS Au- pienty of oqiportuuity lc commit roi- porsonaling an officer, shoved a guii%, bomba anS becaume liore are afev unudor hiii 0se ad dernndod ahI of dolectIves un the ground lliey du îpt tho monos on bis Person. thbneinl stand machi chance of Setoctlon. an-est if ho did net cemnply wvih lie Nov. liowver, as a result fIhe commnand. Hoffman cempled an" additiou 10 lie Setectîve force il la gave theo 'oflicer" 8$2.00. Juat as MY- expeclod that ltèse arten ut rothen- soUîtz vas pcketlng lie MoneY lie les viiilibe sopped aud perpetratora other four membera If the gai-g. s'al'i- lauglit lu alec a vide becth tiom oS up. Brandlshing tho gu, tho' Rendent. psuedo 'officon" asked lien ta thO> Special Officer Chaacles Iloyers wlio ,vere dolng ln lie yard* la employed jciully by the E., J. & - "We've juast gel off froma a tyi," - E. and the St. Panuslaestieuds one of lient replieS. muc i e t tmeat Rundeut anS has l'Weil clirnI on te l neateeand 1ahovu blmsef t lu le a lioroughly beal it eut et ber or l'Il Plncb 70e' officient oMcem as ho bas an-ostoS set- a yowel Wdr era ofthee tlevs.The "ufficer" tien oocerted Hofft- lu the course ut a fev inoahe ti-: _.a(0te ayard lignita, vbereaihai- rail-caS cempanles have had te maire atlkbi i . efotim. gond the loag of inndreds of dollars Hibmg kept match on the 5PÇý vorli of gonds anS itleis@MiS ley sagtmj- eelai telmoiota ala itlbu- have linaly Secîded It l nd le lecme ccariacai, at thoe"offees'- cheaper ho Increese their dohoctivo -ga s a ImVor«. Thrugie4>thelbi.. force thoeethan do tls. ho lept a close *ateb outh* '.V& ment# o et iagang, Md aite eafl"s INSURGENT WOODMEN non,vbheuhpelal001- MOYuWss TAKE FIGHT TO COURT. of he boidU i,, .4 p9v Rock Island, My 23.-Insurgent Noyers lmmedlateiy m'otmado b mmIbars laday MaSo good thfir-"08' ele Ibroat to attalupt le tii-avthe 14eS- frelgb(train levagRODut tfor (i ern Woodinen of Amorica erder lat e 011. stt b. lm., ce -4 -i the courts 1by Uai Uiroem eadaUMuaMI leRal oa e ec suite lu Circuit Court her omo o r- sp hobtuis .l asiou(AW " 01 ty pel lie beaUoil bers ho lsue ceMen- Iisi'0f5&a»" ts u eM. ha *'iqd *ti te Ilinoies, leva and Nelrauka of thicar ln vhÎch eWîvum Idr.-. iyutrgonit delegates t dhoe baS campInsome D£5m~rr mWMyresns3ek aM Toledo lu J une. There vIlEhîea fo.rmed a plas, a&M vIe. - SiJm hearlig next Wedne6dà,39,on - lie ne&red thc e Ui e 1>. a~s ll suts. at tbis city li# (biW5 tàÎWXivee tbrovgh lie 409pfy *rw, p .TkeI 0000 SMOWINO la MADE act vue notaS by OMM Me S 1ise 0 Rosi esîste Ifanbfars for veal enS- lie uteel tilla ai4 WP$e5M'briIf- lag May 23. 191,& oS troat ho Sooeray o e b&mPPer- Nuo. ut Trust Deeds anSda rh n mttslt&t osi Inortgages------------------2rand tben te lie mot he vire Mill Off- No. et Deods excopt TanS D. ficer etarIeS la permutA. éter the tait Mortgages------------------101 Myselita, vlio baS roldieSdcvii tbs Total numbor of pepers !lied 126 eiilanlmemit laid fer sovaral minsmet. Total ameulta of bans..-..867.850 apparealy unaîla te rme, lut be«V Olicer Nelsoni could ruacbn-]W ASmlrat,,Slr Charles Carter Dru r 'I> to hois foot ané IcLus labi died suddalily on Sunday et his estate "a"he eatdI bseu i 'Honevood," TenionS... intEng- tak landS. Newa of bis Seath vas recelved The fugitive tumba g tro le t. by bIs uephev, Henry 4tvater of etahelie_a' taae oft h*ie mIi m Highland Park, 11. .-.(ContInueS on Pm 8 ) -t Ir 0 . lo

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